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Educational Institution: Industrial technical School ´´Simona Duque``

Name of the project: Eco-diversión

Training program that responds to: Environment

Estimated time of execution of the project: six months

Companies or institutions that lake part in his formulation or financing: I.E.T.I.S.D


Key words of search: economize, fun, park, energies, welfare.

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STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECTApproaching the problem: How to build a prototype of an

amusement park operated alternative energy?

Justification of the project: This work is done in order to implement new except electrical energies to avoid future

problems like global warming. Work is considered of social and tchnological innovation because it leads to generate knowledge

and technological developments, ie apply existing building someting new.

General objetive: Build a prototype of an amusement park to use alternative energy in its attractions.

Specific objetive: ·Identify the different kinds of alternative energy.

·Finish the prototype without using direct alternative energy.·Identify how to adapt alternative energy to attractions

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Scope: Measure our ability to desing and build a device that doesn`t pollute, using recyclable material.

Beneficiaries of the project: We all benefit from the project as currently ecodiversión we are very hurt by pollution and this

would be a solution.

Impacts: Social: Had a positive impact because it would be a place where we would meet with the family to have a great time.

Economic: Is positive economic impact since most materials are recyclable.

Environmental: As the materials are recyclabled, the environmental impact is also good because it helps the

environment.Technological: Energies to try to implement modern facilities, so

it would be good technological impact.

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Restrictions or associated risks: There is almost no risk, the only possibility is that we use some disposibles and this not fulfill the

purpose of recycling. It would be an environmental risk.

Products or results of the project: The future we want to create a public space where families can go to enjoy a pleasant and

unforgetable time enjoying the park attractions.

Innovation/technological management:The project addresses

a need of the productive sector: Yes, because currently lanks marinilla entertaiment center.

The project improves the process/ product/ service exists?: Yes, for all the theme parks are the same and do not employ our

energies.The project involves the use of new techniques and process

technologies: Yes, it involves new mechanisms of movement for park facilities.

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The end products are susceptible to industrial protection and/ or copyright: Yes, because it can be a project that lakes the

attention of a large investor.The products obtained in the project can be positioned in the

market? : Everyone, including the lighting of the park.

Productive assessmentWith the development of the project can meet the need for a potential customer: Yes, because now the world needs saving

energy to avoid contamination and this may attract a potential customer.

Feasibility of project business plan: The project is viable because it is an innovation project that calls attention and can be used in

the near future

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Process stages Activities of the project

Results of learning Associate competition


Fundamentation: Brainstorming, LUP, assessment chart, concept maps.

Have ideas that allow us to discuss possible research projects or problems.

Develop our ability to think fast and efficient

Present the portfolio

formulation and conceptualizarían

Theorical framework, objetibes, justification

Have all the necesary information about what we are doing

Optimize our interest in the project

Present the theorical support and project sketches

Diagnostic surveys Have an idea of what people think about the project

Show others about the project

Presenting video interviews or written

Analysis and construction of the proposal

Build the device and perfect

Have already done so much theoretical as practical in perfect condition

Create and refine the project without help of an adult

Portfolio present day, the project also build

Final socialization and evaluation of de process of formation

Exhibit Transmit to peers in detail the project idea

Measure our ability to convery thoughts to others

Presenting billboard and artifact.