Download - Form2 Institutional Profile 5 Batch of SEA-TVET Student ... Batch SEA-TVET Student Exchange... · City of Airport: Surabaya How many hours by car/van from the recommended airport

Page 1: Form2 Institutional Profile 5 Batch of SEA-TVET Student ... Batch SEA-TVET Student Exchange... · City of Airport: Surabaya How many hours by car/van from the recommended airport


Form2_Institutional Profile 5th Batch of SEA-TVET Student Exchange Programme in 2020

(Deadline: 15 January 2020)

To confirm the participation in the 5th batch of SEA-TVET Student Exchange Programme, please submit the completed Institutional Profile Form in PDF or Word format to email: [email protected] before 15 January 2020. In addition, you can submit this form with “Profile Brochure/Leaflet (English language)” of your institution in PDF format. 1) Name of Your Institution

Name of College/Institution/University: Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Abbreviation UMPO

Country Indonesia

Website General Email Address [email protected] Top Management: Title: Mr

Full Name: Dr. H. Sulton, M.Si Position: Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

2) Your institution’s participation in the SEA-TVET Student Exchange Pogramme (Please check X)

( ) 1st Batch in January 2018

( ) 2nd Batch in August 2018

( ) 3rd Batch in January 2019

( ) 4th Batch in August- November 2019

(x) 5th Batch in 2020

3) Contact Details of Two (2) Main Coordinators Note: For the effective coordination, please ensure that the SEA-TVET Coordinator are active and responsive to the communication with partners and be the different person of the SEA-Teacher Programme.

Coordinator #1 (1st Priority): Title: Mr

Full Name: Adi Fajaryanto Cobantoro

Position: SEA-TVET Coordinator

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Email#1: [email protected]

Email#2 (Optional): ……….….………………………………………

Office Telephone Number: …………………………………………..

Mobile Number: (+62) 838 4550 4995

Please check X on the Chat Application you normally use: ( x ) Whatsapp Number: +62 838 4550 4995 ( ) LINE ID: ………………………………….…………………………

Coordinator #2 (2nd Priority): Title: Mr

Full Name: Veri Setiawan

Position: Adminstration Office of International Affairs

Email#1: [email protected]

Email#2 (Optional): ……….….………………………………………

Office Telephone Number: (+62 352) 481124

Mobile Number: +62 858 5511 0677

Please check X on the Chat Application you normally use: ( ) Whatsapp Number: +62 858 5511 0677 ( ) LINE ID: ………………………………….…………………………

4) Information about your Institutions

3.1) Established in year: 1960 3.2) Brief information of your institution (Max 5-8 lines): Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo was founded in 1960, We have 8 faculties, there are Islamic Religion, Social and Political Sciences, Teacher Training and Education, Economics, Engineering, Law, and Health Faculty. Islamic Education department is in Islamic Faculty. Faculty of Social and Political Science has two departments: Government Science and Communication Science. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education consists of four departments: Math Education, English Education, Civic Education, and Early Childhood Education. Law Science study program is under Faculty of Law. Faculty of Economics has three departments Management, Development Economics, and Accounting. Faculty of Engineering has three department: Information Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department and Machine Engineering Department. Nursing, and Midwifery Department are in Faculty of Health Science. 3.3) Strengths of programs / academic faculties/ courses offered at your institutions (in brief): Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo educate students in the field of academic, professions and vocations based on current technology and Islamic values. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo conducts qualified and competitive research and community services based on current technology and Islamic values.

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3.4) Total Number of Teachers/Lecturers: 217 lecturers 3.5) Total Number of Students: around six thousand students 3.6) Recommended Airport for Student to Arrive:

Airport Name: Juanda International Airport

City of Airport: Surabaya

How many hours by car/van from the recommended airport to your institutions: 3 hrs

3.7) Recommended Pocket Money for 1 Month

We suggest the student to bring at least Rp 4.000.000 (rupiah), or 300 USD to for meals, public transportation or other personnel expenses for 1 month.

3.8) Photos of Our Institutions: As a Receiving/Hosting Institution, we would like to share the photos of our institution as follows:

Photo 1: Administrative/Main Buildings

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Photo 2: Faculty/Department Building

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Photo 3: Library

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Photo 4: Canteen/Food Court Area

Photo 5: Student Common Areas

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Photo 6: Other areas

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3.9) Photos of Accommodation: We would like to share the photos of our dormitory/ hostel/ apartments where the inbound students will stay (The cost of accommodation, electricity, and water will be supported by our institution.)

If there is any condition/regulation of accommodation, please provide the information here:

• Students should ………....

• Studuents should ……….. Photo 1: Outside the Accommodation

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Photo 2: Common Areas

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Photo 3: Bedrooms

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Photo 4: Self-cooking Area

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Photo 5: Other Facilities/Common Areas

This is to certify that the above information was already approved by the authorized management of our institution. Submitted by Adi Fajaryanto Cobantoro Position SEA-TVET Coordinator Email [email protected] Date: 14 January 2020