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Page 1: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.
Page 2: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.
Page 3: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.
Page 4: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.
Page 5: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.

Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HMT-101)Branch : 1st. Semester Common

Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

Objective Questions (50 Marks)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it : [26 Marks]

One of the most widely spread of bad habits is the use of tobacco. Tobacco is

now smoked or chewed by men, women and even by children almost all over the world.

It was brought to Europe from America by Sir Walter Raleigh four centuries ago and

by now has spread everywhere. I very much doubt whether there is any good in the

habit even when tobacco is not used in excess and it is extremely difficult to get rid of

the habit once it has been formed.

Alcohol is taken in almost all cool and cold climates and to a very less extent in

hot ones. Thus it is taken by those people who live in the mountains, but not nearly

so much by those who live in the plains of India. Alcohol is not necessary in any way

to anybody. Millions of people are beginning to do without it entirely. In India it is not

required by the people at all and should be avoided by them altogether. The regular

use of alcohol even in small quantities tends to cause harm in many ways to various

organs of the body. It affects the liver, it weakens the mental powers and lessens the

general energy of the body.

A. a) In which area tobacco is used ?

i) America ii) Europe iii) All over the World iv) Hot climate area

b) What do you think, is the author’s opinion about use of tobacco ?

i) It is harmful even when taken in small quantity and also difficult to give up the habit.

ii) Nobody takes tobacco in excess but difficult to leave the habit.

iii) Not harmful when tobacco is taken in less.

iv) It is easy to avoid the use of tobacco.

c) Who usually consume alcohol ?

i) Only by the teenagers

ii) People living in cool and cold climates, also mostly by the people of the

mountaineous areas.

iii) People living only in hot climates

iv) People living in the plains of India

d) How is alcohol injurious to health ?

i) It gives energy to body.

ii) It badly affects a weak body.

iii) It affects the movement of our body.

iv) It damages the organs of the body as it affects the liver, weakens the mental

powers and lessens the general energy of the body.

e) “Millions of people are beginning to do without it entirely” - What facts does the author

want to stress? [2 x 5]

i) A lot of people have started consuming alcohol.

ii) People have understood the harmful affects of alcohol so millions of people

have given up the consumption of alcohol.

iii) Millions of people do not want to give up the consumption of alcohol.

iv) Millions of people are dying due to consumption of alcohol.

B) Make a note on the above passage. [ 5 ]

C) Make sentences using the following words on your own : [1 x 5]

a) Chew, habit, excess, avoid, regular.

b) Give the antonym (opposite in meaning) of the following words: [1 x 4]

i) mental ii) less iii) everywhere. iv) Cold

c) Find single word substitute for the following group of words: [1 x 2]

i) Get rid of ii) To do without

2. Who is the author of “The Legend Behind a Legend”. ? [2 Marks]

a) Khuswant Singh b) Hariharan Balakrishnan

c) Elizabeth Pinard d) Balakrishna Murthy

3. Who is Khairi ? [2 Marks]

a) A man of the Kharia Tribal of Similipal Forest

b) The name of the Tribe of Similipal Forest

c) The domesticated tigress in the Similipal forest of Odisha

c) The wild pet bear of Saroj Raj Chaudhury.

4. Who was the foster father of Khairi? [2 Marks]

a) Saroj Raj Chaudhury b) N. S. Ayyangar

c) Hariharan Balakrishnan d) Nihar

5. What kind of man did the author find Mr. Chaudhury to be? [2 Marks]

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [Cont........]

Page 6: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.

a) A gruff and rough man b) The most human beings

c) A rude and fanciful person d) A complicated man

6. How and when did Mr. Chaudhury come across Khairi? [2 Marks]

a) On 3rd October 1975, 10 Kharia tribals of Similipal brought Khairi to Mr.


b) On 25th October 1974, 13 Kharia tribals brought Khairi to Mr. Chaudhury.

c) On 4th October 1975, 12 Kharia tribals of Similipal brought Khairi to Mr.


d) On 5th October 1974, 12 Kharia tribals of Similipal brought Khairi as a two

month old tiger cub to Mr. Chaudhury.

7. How did Mr. Chaudhury treat wild life in his young age ? [2 Marks]

a) In his young age, he took great care of the wild life.

b) He had lot many pets in his house during his young age.

c) In his young age, Mr. Chaudhury has shot wild life with abandon.

d) Mr. Chaudhury was in no way related to wild life in his young age.

8. How did he manage the hungry and confused cub ? [2 Marks]

a) As a veteran forester, he imitated the sounds of a mother - tigress.

b) He tactfully put the tiger cub into a cage.

c) He left the tiger cub in the forest.

d) He gave the tiger cub to the Kharia tribals.

9. What theory did Mr. Chaudhury prove wrong? [2 Marks]

a) That wild animal cannot co-exist unless they are together from infancy.

b) It is difficult to have wild animals as pets in our house.

c) Wild animal are really very harmful even when they are taken utmost care.

d) No one has experimented to have wild animals was pets.

10. What was his contribution to the tiger project ? [2 Marks]

a) As the Director of Project Tiger, Mr. Chaudhury only has a lot of pets in his


b) He has made no remarkable contribution to the Tiger Project.

c) As an Authority on the Tiger and Director of Project Tiger, he has introduced

Tiger Tracing Method of tiger census.

d) He had no interest on the tiger project.

11. What new experience did the author have in the Tiger Reserve area ? [2 Marks]

a) The author came to no about wild life in the deep forest.

b) The author for the first time experienced living on a tree - top house which he

described as a magnificent machan.

c) For the first time, the author experienced spending a night in the deep jungle

above a tree

d) The author spent a night inside a camp, deep in the jungle.

12. What kind of family did Mr. chaudhury have? [2 Marks]

a) Veritable joint family

b) Joint family

c) Peaceful life with Khairi

d) A restless family life

13. Mr. Chaudhury become a permanent patient of which disease ? [2 Marks]

a) Diabetes

b) Hypertension

c) High blood pressure

d) Hypo-glycaemia

Descriptive Questions (20 Marks) [2 x 10 = 20]

14. Write a paragraph on Professional Education. [10 Marks]

15. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on “Process of Opening a Bank Account”.

[10 Marks]


[ 3 ] [ 4 ]

Page 7: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.

Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)ENGG. MECHANICS (BET-103)

Branch : 1st.Semester (Mechanical)Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

A) Answer all the following questions 02 x 05=10

1. Define force. State its units.

2. State parallelogram law of forces.

3. State principle of resolution.

4. Define moment.

5. Define couple & its moment.

B) Answer all the following questions 05 x 04=20

1. The resultant of two forces when they act at right angles is 10N, where

as when they act at an angle of 60º the resultant is 148 . Determine

hte magnitude of the two forces.

2. Two forces act an angle of 120o, The bigger force is of 40N and the

resultant is perpendicular to the smaller one. Find the smaller force.

3. The forces 20N, 30N, 40N, 50N, 60N, are acting at one point of regular

hexagon towards the other five angular points taken in order. Find the

magnitude and direction of the resultant force.

4. Three forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral

triangle of side 100 mm taken in order. Find the magnitude and line of

action of the resultant force.

C) Answer all the following questions 10 x 04=40

1. Four horizontal wires are attached to a vertical telegraph and they exert

the following pulls on the post.

(i) 20 KN due North

(ii) 40 KN due south west

(iii) 30 KN due East

(iv) 50 Kn due North west.

Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant pull.

2. Forces of 20N, 30N, 40N, 50N, 60N and 70N are acting along the sides

of a regular hexagon as shown in figure. Find the magnitude and direction

of the resultant force.

3. Two forces one of which is double the other, has resultant of 260N. If the

directionof the larger force is reversed and the other remain unaltered,

the resultant reduces to 180N. Determine the magnitude of the forces

and the angle between them.

4. P & Q are two collinear forces. When they act in opposite directions,

their resultant is 34N. When they act at right angles to each other. Their

resultant is 50N. Find P & Q.


Page 8: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.

Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)COMP. APPLICATION (BET-104)

Branch : 1st.Semester (Civil, Comp. Sc. Elect & ETC)

Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

A) Answer all the following questions 02 x 05=10

1. What is cache memory?

2. Define the term DPI , CPS.

3. Name any calculating device developed before first generation computer.

4. State the feature of time sharing operating system.

5. What are the four basic functions of operating system?

B) Answer all the following questions 05 x 04=20

1. Discuss about different classes of digital computer.

2. What is memory hierarchy? Explain the main features of the various

types of memory present at different levels of this hierarchy.

3. Outline the key features of different generations of computer.

4. State the difference between high Level Language and machine Level

Language. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.

C) Answer all the following questions 10 x 04=40

1. State the Von Neumann architecture of computer with diagram. Explain

the function of different units?

2. What is classification of computer? Compare and contrast the features

of different classes of computers?

3. Explain the working principal of a digital computer with functions of various

functional units through suitable block diagram?

4. What is operating system? Explain features of Batch processing,

Multiprogramming and Time Sharing Operating System?


Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)COMP. APPLICATION (BET-104)

Branch : 1st.Semester (Civil, Comp. Sc. Elect & ETC)

Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

A) Answer all the following questions 02 x 05=10

1. What is cache memory?

2. Define the term DPI , CPS.

3. Name any calculating device developed before first generation computer.

4. State the feature of time sharing operating system.

5. What are the four basic functions of operating system?

B) Answer all the following questions 05 x 04=20

1. Discuss about different classes of digital computer.

2. What is memory hierarchy? Explain the main features of the various

types of memory present at different levels of this hierarchy.

3. Outline the key features of different generations of computer.

4. State the difference between high Level Language and machine Level

Language. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.

C) Answer all the following questions 10 x 04=40

1. State the Von Neumann architecture of computer with diagram. Explain

the function of different units?

2. What is classification of computer? Compare and contrast the features

of different classes of computers?

3. Explain the working principal of a digital computer with functions of various

functional units through suitable block diagram?

4. What is operating system? Explain features of Batch processing,

Multiprogramming and Time Sharing Operating System?


Page 9: forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order.

Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)BASIC ELECTRONICS (BET-102)

Branch : 1st. Semester (Civil, Comp. Sc, Elect & ETC)

Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

A) Answer all the following questions 02 x 05=10

1. What is Electron emission? Why it is used?

2. Name the different types of electron emissions used in electronics.

3. What do you mean by insulator and what is its resistivity?

4. Define doping & why it is required?

5. What is acceptor impurities & Donor impurities ?

B) Answer all the following questions 05 x 04=20

1. Describe conductor, semiconductor and insulator with respect to

energy band diagram.

2. What are the difference between vacuum tube and semiconductor?

3. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a P-N junction


4. What is zener breakdown & Explain the working principle of zener

diode with neat diagram.

C) Answer all the following questions 10 x 04=40

1. Define extrinsic semi conductor and explain how p-type & n-type

semi conductor formed with neat diogram.

2. Define Electron Emission . Explain different types of Electron

Emission, briefly.

3. What is biasing ? Explain forward biasing, reverse biasing & V-I

characteristics of P-N junction diode.

4. Explain tunneling effect & V-I characteristics of tunnel Diode.


Nilachal PolytechnicBhubaneswar

1st Mock Test Exam.2017(W)BASIC ELECTRONICS (BET-102)

Branch : 1st. Semester (Civil, Comp. Sc, Elect & ETC)

Time: 1Hour Full Mark: 70

A) Answer all the following questions 02 x 05=10

1. What is Electron emission? Why it is used?

2. Name the different types of electron emissions used in electronics.

3. What do you mean by insulator and what is its resistivity?

4. Define doping & why it is required?

5. What is acceptor impurities & Donor impurities ?

B) Answer all the following questions 05 x 04=20

1. Describe conductor, semiconductor and insulator with respect to

energy band diagram.

2. What are the difference between vacuum tube and semiconductor?

3. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a P-N junction


4. What is zener breakdown & Explain the working principle of zener

diode with neat diagram.

C) Answer all the following questions 10 x 04=40

1. Define extrinsic semi conductor and explain how p-type & n-type

semi conductor formed with neat diogram.

2. Define Electron Emission . Explain different types of Electron

Emission, briefly.

3. What is biasing ? Explain forward biasing, reverse biasing & V-I

characteristics of P-N junction diode.

4. Explain tunneling effect & V-I characteristics of tunnel Diode.
