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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web


    Force Your Dreams into Reality. Copyright 2013 by Peter C. Asmus. Allrights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book

    may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writtenpermission from the author, except for the case of a brief quotations embodiedin book, critical articles and/or reviews.

    For Information address [email protected]


    Copyright 2013

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web$


    Through the years I have consistently been motivated to do more, and mywife Shannon has always been by my side. I want to thank her for all thesupport she has given me over the years. I love you so much!

    To my daughters Hailey, Madisen and Graicelynn, I am doing all of thisultimately for you! I know by the time you are 10 I will have many more booksout. I hope this book will be the one that I hope impacts you the most. Mygoal is to have quality time with you consistently!

    To my son Saige, who really inspired me to change. He showed me that, ifhe could stand up to cancer, I could stand up to anything. I look forward toyou reading this.

    I also want to thank all the people who read this and gave me their openinput. If it was not for their incredible and honest feedback this book wouldnot be what it is! I hope you find the truth, in the friends you choose to bearound.

    To ALL my editors, I love how you make the page bleed! I know I amgetting better every time I see red. I look forward to seeing your corrections

    because it helps me improve my skill set. I couldnt have done this withoutyou and had people enjoy reading it.

    I couldnt forget to thank the person responsible for getting me to actuallystart this project. Thank you Zaida Flores! You made the comment, Write abook and I just did it! I will forever be grateful.

    Thank You Justin Velthoen for making this book look as good as it does! Iam so grateful to have met you. You are the Cool Kid who is amazing atcomputers.

    To Ivan, I couldnt ask for better business partner. You are the ying to myyang! You keep me in line and support all my crazy ideas! I love you man!

    Finally, this is for all my friends and students Ive had over the years. Theones I wanted to help on a daily basis but couldnt. I know sometimes youare scared and unsure. This book is to showyou, I am always by your siderooting for you! Dont give up and use this book like a towel at a car wash! Imay not have been able to be there 24 hours a day beforebut now I can!!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web



    Get ready, get set, GO! This book is for anyone who is ready to take his orher life to the next level. It will show you the steps to take in order toaccomplish your wildest dreams. And will show you just how wild and vividyou can paint your picture!

    This book is like premium fuel for your car. You need fuel in your vehicleto drive anywhere. The other thing is, as you keep driving, eventually yourvehicle will demand, More Fuel Please! The same principle applies here. As

    you move through yourJourney to Success,you will need to keep refillingyour tank as well. Keep refueling by reading this book over and over.

    Every time you read it, you will realize something new. You will not beable to help it; it is just how we are wired. We look for solutions any time weare scared of the unknown or we are facing new challenges. This book willcontinue to help you conquer your fears and overcome your obstacles tilltheres nothing left but Success.

    Think about it. When you are learning something new, it isnt the fear ofWhat happens if I say no? Typically it is What do I do when I say YES?!? Do

    not be afraid of success. Do not be afraid of the word Yes.

    The biggest thing you need to realize is, the only person you needpermission from to succeed is YOU! You hold all the cards. You are theonly one who can implement the strategies in this book to make them effectivein your life. No one else can do that for you.

    So, the real question is:

    Are you going to give yourself permission to succeed?

    The Answer isYES

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web

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    You get up in the morning, youreyes open, 5 a.m. Your body isawake because of habit, but do youreally want to wake up? Ultimatelymany of the things we achieve inlife are because of a push, a drive

    that is in us, like a Rhinogoingfulltilt. We force ourselves to dosomething about these feelings,emotions, and thoughts. You

    don't just let something happen when you force it intoaction.

    Some choose to ignore these ideas, but others force them into action. Byreading this book, you know you are not merely living, you are not average andyou are not someone who just lets himself or herself wake up. You alreadyknow, if you do, success will never come! Youre going to have to forceyourself into a plan, a strategy, and Take Action!

    Success is like a Japanese Carp; it can only grow to the size of itsenvironment. Success is only limited by your Dreams, so create the biggestpossible environment for your Carp to grow.

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    This book is for driven people just like you. When you get started in RealEstate investing, you need drive you have it! But now what? Where do wego from there? When I started investing in real estate I was driven, but I waslost. I did not understand at that time, success is not taught. Success iscreated,and this book is the magic bullet.

    In this book, I will show you a different angle on how to use information,ideas and strategies to reach that success. All the information you need is outthere; the trick is finding it all and putting it together. For this reason I createda shorthand book for my students and friends. I wrote it in an easy to follow

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web


    and understand format. By the end of this book, you will learn the mosteffective steps, in order to reach your goals.

    I will show you how toeffectively create success,

    money, change and make it last!To really be successful,youneed to have lasting changes.If youre stuck, tired of being inthe same place, with the samethings, then you are ready to getstarted to move forward andcreate the real future you want.I dont mean draw it up, I meancreate a bold environment that will Force your Dreams into Reality!!

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    These steps will be an amazing resource for you to reach into. I will showyou how they affected me, and in turn can affect you too. You will understandhow to do more with less. You wont waste your time on meaningless or non-effective techniques.

    I know this book will impact you, as much as other books have affected me.Make sure you re-read this once a week. Repetitionis the key toretention. Infact, its necessary to read anybook more than once! When you readsomething 7 times, your retention spikes to over 60%!! If you want to change,you need to rememberwhat youre learning!

    Reading is like walking in another persons shoes. There is a certain type ofinformation that is only assimilated through reading. It allows you to learnfrom another persons experiences, without having to go through it yourself.

    Napoleon Hill, renowned author of Think and Grow Rich, showed us, we arethe average of the five people we choose to surround ourselves with for anygiven subject. You may not be able to spend time with Tony Robbins,Napoleon Hill, Warren Buffet, Sara Blakely or Richard Branson, but you couldread their books every day and have their influence on a consistent basis.

    Books are your secret advisory team, always willing and waiting to give youadvice. It has to do with the way we breakdown and understand knowledge,and the use of words that arent normally spoken to describe ideas and thetransference of information.

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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    Have you heard the phrase,Leaders are Readers? If you arereading this book, then you wantsomething bigger. Youre thetype of investor who wants to

    create a goal and then shatterit!You will need a team to fulfillthose goals, which will in turnmake you a leader. So be thebest one there is!!

    Life is Hierarchy; It has classes that are like Shelves people live on. If youcant reach the Shelf you want, stand on the books you are reading!

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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web


    Slinky was repurposed. There are countless success stories from makingmistakes, and you are the next one. But if you never try anything you wontever find your Post-It Note.

    If everything you needed to achieve your goals were all in your comfort

    zone... You'd already have it! You dont, so that means you need to getlaunched out of your comfort zone, and into a Millionaires comfort zone.Where nothing is comfortable and everything is Possible!

    Most people accept whatthey should be doing, insteadof taking the time to figureout what they want to bedoing. Joseph Campbell, amodern philosopher whostudied Greek mythology,

    said, Find your bliss If youfollow your bliss, you putyourself on a kind of trackthat has been there all thewhile, waiting for you and you begin to live the life you ought to be living.Bottom line, successful people force their reality to create their Life.

    Action Steps! I am committed to taking action NOW and Forcing my Reality Today!! I have to create my environment.! I am reading now and find it interesting!! I am Excited to get hurled out of my Comfort Zone!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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    Since we're talking about getting out of our comfort zone, let's talk aboutthe transformation of a dream. In order to transform the dreams you have andmaking them a reality, yes I'm afraid it's true; it's going to require hard workand passion. If youre looking for a You are here sign, youve found it. Thisis step one. When you first sit down to find your Passion, you must set asideobstacles, such as Time, Money and Obligation.

    To start to change the direction of your life, you need to look inside yourselfand ask, What is it you really want? The answer to this question is going togive you the solution to what it will take to force your dreams into reality.Make sure the people who you are asking for advice are going to give you goodinput. So this step is all about digging deep and finding that Passion you have.

    Create two lists, one that iswhat you love to do, and theother what abilities you have.These lists will start to overlap,or create connections. You

    have it! You just need to breakapart what your biggest dreamsare and pick one. You have tofind and focus your Passion. Itis what will inspire you to dothings you never imagined

    possible. Passion will put in the long hours and be excited to do it. You arebuilding your dream, not someone elses. So ask yourself why are you doingit?

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    Passion is the Ignition switch. If you could do anything in the world rightnow, and money was no object, what would it be? (Sitting around doing nothingisnt an option). If youre not Passionate about the process, be Passionateabout the reason; your family, yourself, and your insatiable need to grow.

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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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    ! I will Create my lists and find my Passion.! I AM looking deep inside and finding my WHY today!! I am Creating my Goals to Shatter!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web


  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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    Heres the Key, if we knowit's all about perception thenwe just have to form beliefsthat bend reality around yoursituation. Live Life- like you

    want it to be! Successfulpeople have a pattern ofbelieving in themselves evenwhen no one else does.There will be times, for yourBeliefs to work effectively you

    will have to change what your focus is on!

    Think for a minute, have you ever bought a lottery ticket? When you do,what do you focus on? The odds are 1 in 1.5 million. This is the one time inyour life you focus on the ONE! Start focusing on the ONEin your daily life,

    not the 1.5 million.

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    A.N.T: Automatic Negative Thought. Many times when we start a new Idea,we will have Knee-jerk reactions, which is an immediate unthinking emotionalreaction. Many of our family and friends will have the same reaction. STOPIT!

    This reaction is either from a past experience, fear of the unknown or a NewChallenge you get to conquer. You will have 100s every day. When youchange your focus to positivity and show yourself why this will be great, yourbeliefs will be effective.

    Think for a minute about all the things that you have accomplished in yourpast. Knowing what you know now, could you have done better, faster, andmore efficient? When you think back on that event, what would have motivatedyou to act faster?

    The main reason you fail to act is you are afraid to fail. If you never miss,you arent stretching yourself enough to see what is possible. Sometimes, theonly way you can tell where the edge is located, is when you go too far.

    Decide right now, from this point forward, you cant fail anymore. Fromnow on, all you have are results and outcomes, not successes or failures.Everyone knows Thomas Edison tried over 10,000 times to create a light bulb.When asked how he felt about having failed 10,000 he replied, I never failed.I successfully found 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb.

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web


    In fact one of the ways he did itmade a small explosion, which hesaid would probably be helpful forthe military, he was right. TheSlinky, The Post it I can keep

    going with products that werecreated or found while attemptingto do something else.

    So remember, if you cant fail,all you can do is take steps to get closer to success. In order to get more outof your future, your vision and perception must make you uncomfortable atfirst. If everything you wanted was in your Comfort Zone You would have italready!

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    So to round out our foundation for success we need one more foothold. Atthe core of Forcing Your Realitythere are three basic foundation principles:

    1. Passion2. Belief3. Values

    From these blocks everything else can be leveraged, or built on, like ahouse. These are the corners of your foundation; after these three, everythingelse is more external and can be more easily manipulated, as long as thesethree principles are locked in.

    You have two inputs for how youtake in information, internal andexternal. Your building blocks willfocus on your internal inputs. Afterthese three it will be primarily externaland you have less control over those.External inputs have variables you cantcontrol. For example, time, weather,other people, chance, etc. Focus more

    energy on the internal inputs first, since you have more control over them. So,lets get into our final foundational building block Values.

    Action Steps! I have to believe in myself before anyone else CAN!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web



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    Values- what you hold important. So you've sat down and found somethingyou are passionate about, you've ensured that you believe you can do it. OK,lets look at your Values, these will keep changing as you grow; I know peoplewho want to:

    Spend all day with their family / Have quality alone time for growthRelax on the beach in the sand / Build something successful that will lastMillions of dollars in the bank / Give to charitiesNow these are all great values, but you can see they contradict each other.

    For instance, you can't have alone time while spending the day with your family.We all have these conflicting values, we want to see our family but we also haveto make money to feed and house our family. Because of this we end up in asituation where we start prioritizing our values, "Ok make money to survivefirst, second spend time with family, third

    Lets say you want to help peopleimpacted by hurricane Sandy in New

    Jersey. If I keep bringing you dealslocated in California or Indianapolis, nomatter how good the deal is you aregoing to fight it, because its nothelping the people affected byhurricane Sandy. So then it reallycomes down to, if you aren't assuccessful as you would like, you haven't made it clear about what is mostimportant to you. Do you really want to just help people in New Jersey or canyou make money on a great deal anywhere? In other words, you haven't shiftedfrom your current Value Priority System to one that is line with your direction.

    You must have Values that will change your focusto inspireyour new Goals,Life and Outcome! You may have a Value of always eating dinner with yourfamily at six p.m., great value, but that will prevent you from a lot ofopportunities at REIAs! So you may have to change it to allow newopportunities; so in the future you can have breakfast, lunch AND dinner withyour family every day.

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web



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    A strategy is nothing more than a solution to a problem. If you dont planwhere you want to go, you end up where you dont want to be. The morecreative the solution, the more circumstances it will work in. Using Creativitywhen problem solving, always produces a bigger and better tool. You can haveall the belief you want but if you don't have the right strategy, youre as goodas a coal with no fire.

    You only need one strategy to work. The problem is you never know whichstrategy is going to work in a given situation. The more strategies you haveknowledge of and access to the greater your chances for Gold. Tony Robbinssays, "If you want to see a sunset, you can have the belief that you want to seethe sunset, you can have the passion that you want to see the sunset; but if youkeep running east looking for a sunset, youre going to have a problem."

    If the strategy you want to usewont work in your market, thenchange strategies or changemarkets. For example, in Ventura,

    a flip market, anything under$300k is VERY competitive. Ifthere are investors/hedge fundswilling to take 8-10% profit andthat doesn't work for you, then youhave two options... Move to amarket that supports your strategy of a higher ROI, or switch strategies. Youcan't bend a market to your will; its a Huge Force that you want to move with,not against.

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    Find people implementing a successful system, then find out how you canhelp them. If people have a system that works, they understand they needothers to help them expand their system. If you want to get in deals or learnnew strategies that you dont have access to, find people that are doing it andoffer some type of value to learn the strategy.

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    Doing this will help you in multipleways: you will learn the strategy, youwill end up networking with people andpower team members doing the

    strategy or types of deals you want todo, and you will develop a closerelationship with mentors who canelevate your goals, life andopportunities. Learn to be the best,

    not just to learn. If you want to Master anything put yourself around thepeople that are Masters.

    If you are around your mentors all the time, you will see Exactly how theycome across deals. In the process you will see its all about network. Thegoal stays the same; its the strategy that is altered. Real Estate is about

    creating wealth, but there are multiple ways to do it. Your goals should be likethe Holes on a golf course, they dont move- you do!

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    Whats the difference between Successful people and Dreamers? Successfulpeople have big ideas with a strategy; Dreamers just have big ideas. Successshould have goals that are concrete, like a George Washington on the $1 bill,but a strategy should be as flexible as NEO in the Matrix.

    A friend of mine, Addiel, wanted to use bandit signs to attract buyers. Hisgoal was to get buyers and his belief was that a commercially made Bandit signwould be the most effective way to reach people. He soon found out thatcheap hand written Bandit signs were MORE effective than a professionallymade sign. He changed his strategy.

    You dont want to hold your beliefsso strong that they cripple your abilityto be flexible. When you golf, the holedoesnt moveyou do. The reasonthey have so many different clubs isbecause of the varying possibilities.Think of success like golf, the hole isyour goal, and your clubs are yourstrategies.

    You can see why you want multiple strategies to reach the same goal; themore creative ways you can solve problems the more successful you will be.Addiel is now in multiple deals because of that strategy!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


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    Action Steps! A Strategy is a Solution to a Problem, have as many Solutions as

    possible!! My Support System has opportunities I will take advantage of!! My Goal shouldnt change, but my approach can!! My Strategies are Great! I will engage them NOW!! Use people as a Guide not a Goal!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

    Visit Coast to Coast REIA on the web



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    Any Hall of Fame athlete knows ALL about consistency; it isthe foundationof growth. EVERY great person has put in countless hours of practice. Everyday they get up and work towards their goal, not so you dont pass them,because in their mind youre not even in the competition. You are a Super Startoo, so what are you doing to make sure you are always on track? I have asaying Luck is preparation meeting opportunity, so Make your own luck!

    Im sure you think theres nothingfor you to practice. Really? Whatabout how you look when youretalking to investors. Do you lookdesperate or confident? Practice whatyou will say in a mirror or video to seewhat you look like. See how you comeacross and if you would believe you?Get dressed in clothes you would goand talk about your business in. How do you look? You want to be dressedthe same or better than the people you want to impact.

    People want to do business with people who impact them. You want to playto your audience, and the more you can relate to them, the quicker and moreeffectively you can impact them. The only way to get better at anything is topractice, consistently. You can learn anything, you just have to keep practicingand putting yourself around people you can model. The more you submerseyourself in that atmosphere, the more you attract what you want to become. Itwill take doing this over and over, getting better each time making headwaywith this style of mental fortitude.

    You only get better when you consistently do something, just like working

    out. The action of working the muscle, like working your network, is whatcreates the growth. The only way your muscles get stronger is to exercisethem on a consistent basis. We keep talking about all the mental things youcan do to create success. You also need to understand its about what you putin action too.

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    Energy is a big factor in success. The better you feed your body, meaningtype of food, amount of food, and times you eat, the more efficiently it will runand perform. At the end of the day, you want the best performance out of you!

    There are optimum times for everything, from when to get the most out of awork out, to when the best time for creativity to make a document. But thereare also types of food that will make you more alert and have better focus.There are types of food that will curb your appetite and food that will improveyour mood.

    If you are really serious abouttaking your life to the next level, thenyou have to look at what you areputting in your body Physically andMentally, and how you are taking careof it. You want to get the most outof all the building blocks you areputting towards success! Eat well,exercise and listen to the right people

    and books as well. Exercise is a huge factor in improving and stabilizing yourmental and physical health. You dont have to do much; anything more thenyou are doing now is an improvement.

    This book isnt about your health, but I want you to understand, its an

    important factor in success. The happier and healthieryou are, the morepeople want to follow you. They will want to find out what youre doing andhow to get involved!

    Think about it, when you are imagining, I want his or her life, do you say itabout someone who is angry all the time? Chances are, it is someone whoyou feel loves life so much, you cant help but want to be around them! Yourattitude will inspire people to move with you or against you. The best partisyoure in control of it!

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    Your mood is like the lights for a billboard at night. If the lights are off, noone can see your billboard. For example, when you're angry, no one wants tobe around you, no one wants to even see you! Your lights are off. Make sureyou have the best visibility possible. You already worked on insuring you lookand sound good, now make sure people can see it!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    You are a champion! You go for more than everyone else. Problems willarise if you only have the drive when youre in the right mood. And peopleonly want to be around you and listen to you when you are welcoming. If youhave a bad attitude, you might as well have leprosy. No one is going to wantto be around you, and we know if no one is around you, neither are the


    Someone with great opportunities, who is always very excited, is not goingto go up to someone who looks like hes been in the DMV all day. We knowfrom countless studies, people who show positive energy have a tendency totransfer their attitude. Its like the movie The Butterfly Effect. You dosomething nice for a lady at the corner, who in turn does something nice for aman at the store, etc. You want to impact people in a positive way. Whenpeople think of you, you want it to be good things.

    I was at the gym last week, and

    as I walked in, two members werearguing about who fouled whom,to the point that they were kickedout by the manager. One ofthem was not done yet. Hejumped into his car, revved it up,and right as he started to show ushow powerful his Prius was,another car came around thecorner. Since he was having an apoplectic fit, he slammed on the gas, racedout of the spot all of five feet, where he slammed into the car coming around

    the corner. He was so bent on being angry; he didnt care at the time aboutany outcome. If you want to be successful, you have to care every time aboutyour outcome! Once you know what you stand for, it wont be about how orwhat to do anymore, but when to do it.

    Action Steps! I will Video myself to Ensure I look and sound effective!! Exercise and Good Food (Mental and Physical health) are a MUST!! I will always see the positive in a situation and draw people to ME!

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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    What are you going to do, what are your goals? You have to know thisinformation to be able to relay it to others. Practice a 1-2 min companydescription. You have to be ready at any moment to tell people what you do ina quick, smooth, intelligent way; like an elevator speech.

    An elevator speech is a quick monolog that you give about yourself if eversomeone asked what you do. This speech should be long enough to sayduring an elevator encounter. This mini ad should only be 40 words or less.By the end when the doors open, they should know what and who you are. Beprepared to ask something that will make them ask a follow up question, andnot, Can you stop talking.

    You have to payattention to cues andknow when to and whennot to bring up topics

    that are interesting toyour listener. You areyour own billboard!Make sure yourmarketing strategy forthis billboard is onPoint. If you paid$5,000 for a billboard,wouldnt you make sure it looked good and relayed the information youintended?

    What if you didnt really put the time in to create a great concept? Wouldyou get the desired results? You are spending the same amount of time andeven money with your life. Your life is that billboard, and you are currentlyadvertising. Most people just dont know what they are advertising. Invest inyourself like you would invest in your billboard.

    You need to get down to the core of who you want to be. Get it in controland figure out who you are. What will your branding be for you? Its not whoyou are now that is going to need a Wrecking Ball. When you take your life tothe next level, your sense of urgency needs to always be engaged. Ifopportunity is just a timing formula of right place - right time, you need to beprepared; not tomorrow, but right here, right now!

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    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    For most of you it will be an investment in your time, credit and or money inorder to get the knowledge and network. Even though the network is free, itsthe one thing people take most for granted. A network is where you are goingto make your connections. A network is like one of those old operatorswitchboards; it has a ton of connections, which in turn, need to be used to seeif they work. Unfortunately, unless you work at a switchboard, you dont knowwhat goes to what.

    You have to figure outwhere each connection goes.To find that out, you have toplug in each connection to seewhere it goes! You have tolearn with time andexperience. The same goes

    for life. When building yourconnections, there are somerules to building betterrelationships. One main ruleis you are going to have to bring value to the table.

    In real estate, this means money, credit, people you know, or time. Forexample, we had an event in New Jersey once and Edwin S, a member of oursfrom Boston, MA who was willing to do whatever it took; got on a train in themorning for a four to five hour train ride, to be at the event for three hours,only to get back on the train and go back home.

    Do you think anything is going to get in his way? He did it; would you?Now, I am willing to reach out and put him in touch with my network. Heshowed that even when his car didnt work, that major setback would not stophim. Edwin understands the biggest rule, when you meet people Face to Facethere is a trust factor.

    Most investors want to see the Property they invest in, same goes for the

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    people they invest their time and money with as well. That's also why wecreated Coast to Coast REIA; so you could find other investors, meet them inperson and feel comfortable investing around the country. You need a Varietyof people with different abilities to accomplish anything worthwhile.

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    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    Action Steps! I will Make strong Connections, not an address book.! I need people to achieve my goals.! Follow up to Success!

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  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    too, it's in our nature. If you decide to watch TV all day, you'll eventually gettired of watching the same thing over and over- you are going to want to watchsomething different. Since growing into your success will keep you movingforward, hitting a Plateau in your constant forward movement is going tofrustrate you if you don't have a bigger purpose than yourself.

    So many successful people reacha point of nothing left to conquerand give up, sometimes even killthemselves for the lack of more!So now we have to think. Well, ifsucceeding for me is not going tocut it, what will? How aboutsomeone elses success? Movefrom a successful investor, to asignificant investor. Whats the

    difference? I like John Maxwells answer. He says, The difference betweensuccess and significance is Success is the focusing on your success,significance is when youre focused on the success of others.

    I found a way to give back doing what I love to do. I have taught people forover 5 years how to invest in Real Estate, network and improve their lives.Another thing I developed with my partner Ivan Oberon, for this exact reasonwas, Coast to Coast REIA. It allowed both our network and us, to mentor andgive back, which we already do on a daily basis anyway. If we could instill thesame value of giving back to all the people we work with, our network wouldgrow exponentially. When you give, most people would suggest that it's a

    taking away action. This myth is by far the opposite of how it works in yourlife. By giving, you receive. By looking towards others' needs, you are movingforward to your own significance. Just because youre giving back doesntmean you arent Moving Forward.

    Action Steps! I learn, then do, then teach so I know it better and am giving back.! I am finding a cause bigger than myself.! The more I Help others, the more Others will help me!

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    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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    around you; its with you too! The better you are able to communicate withyourself the more you will get out of you!

    This world is all about communication and influence. As we get older westop thinking like a child. As a child, when we want something, we arent

    afraid to ask. When someone was new to the playground, we didnt care wherehe came from or what he was wearing. We just made a connection and startedplaying. When we needed help, we asked and when we could help, we did. Aswe got older we eventually stopped using this method of communication.

    The John Wayne concept in business doesnt work. You arent a lone wolf!You have multiple mentors and people that care about your success. Ask themfor help to build a plan on how to create a new you! Tell yourself what youexpect! Create a new level of who you are and give yourself a wonderfulreputation to live up to!

    I was recently speakingwith an intern of mine lastweek. He was havingproblems feeling overwhelmedand asked for help. I toldhim about a strategy I usedwhen I stated, the Redlight/Green light process. Iwanted an easy strategy thatwould allow me to make quickdecisions. A lot of people

    cant deal with multiple options and will shut down when pressured. We aretaking the yellow light and all the multiple options out of your life. If all youhave is a Red light and a Green light it simplifies life. You simply ask yourself,Does this get me closer or further away from my ultimate goal? if closer,green light!


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    At the beginning of this book Iasked you, How close to yourDreams are you? I know youthought you were light yearsaway. Ill ask you again, How

    close to your Dreams are you?Albert Einstein said, The greatestoptical illusion is that ofseparation. If you close youreyes and I speak to you through aphone, it doesnt matter if Im right next to you or half way around the world.Your perception is your reality.

    Distance, when talking about where you are in relation to other things, isonly an optical illusion. Its not only what you see! Its in your perception.With success, if its half way around the world, its only because you want it

    there. I know this time when you close your eyes and think about it, theanswer is Im there!

    I have given you all the mental tools necessary to go out and force dreamsinto your environment. You can stop dreaming about your perfectenvironment and start living in it. Putting these steps into action will take somemajor adjustments and a huge amount of commitment. When you put thesesteps into action however, you will reach your destination. Success!

    Action Steps! Change isnt painful if I focus on my outcome.! The more effectively I communicate the faster I will get to where I

    want to be!! I need to reread this book weekly to keep the information at the front

    of my mind, this way I achieve the goals I Really want!

  • 8/13/2019 Force Your Dreams into Reality by Pete ASMUS


    Force Your Dreams into Reality by Peter C. Asmus | Copyright 2013

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