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Huntsville, AlabamaVol. 99, No. 267, 84 pagesContents © 2008, Huntsville Times

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By EVAN WOODBERYTimes Auburn Writer [email protected]

 AUBURN – Iowa State’s GeneChizik agreed Saturday to become

 Auburn’snew headfootballcoach inastunningconclusiontothesearchtoreplace Tommy Tuberville.

Officials from both schools con-firmed the newsSaturday night.

“Through my travels in coachingoverthe last23 years,there’sone place

that I’ve always wanted to return toand that is Auburn,” the 46-year-oldChiziksaid ina statement, which wasreleasedat 9 p.m.

“The tradition of theAuburnfoot-

 ballprogram,combined withthe pas-sionatefansandtheirloveforAuburn,

are second to none. Myfamily and IareAuburnthroughandthrough,andlook forward to being part of the

 Auburn family and community.” As word of Chizik’s hiring spread

Saturday,itappearedthatmanyin the Auburn family and community did-n’t feel thesame way.

ChizikwillreturntothePlainswithatwo-yearrecordof 5-19atIowaState

andcarryinga10-gamelosingstreak, which means his hiring could be a

tough sell to Tigers fans, many of  whomseemedangryor bewilderedby Saturday’s news.

PopularAuburnInternet message  boards were almost unanimously negative,blogs on al.comoverflowed

  with vitriolic comments, and somefansevencametothe airportto meet

  Athletic Director Jay Jacobs andschool President Jay Gogue and ex-

Some trusteesask about hiring,specific dutiesBy CHALLEN STEPHENSTimes Staff Writer [email protected]

Dr. Carl Marbury stays inthepresident’smansionatopthe hill at Alabama A&MUniversity. Down thehill, heclaimsanofficeand secretary across thehallfromthe uni-

 versity comptroller.But Marbury, technically 

speaking, is not an employ-ee of Alabama A&M.

Infact, onApril 26, Mar- bury gave an impassionedhalf-hour speech, askingtrustees notto hire him. Hecalledfor unity,withdrewhiscandidacy for interim pres-ident, and urged the boardto instead choose theprovost, Dr. Beverly Ed-mond.

The board did just that.Moments after Marbury’sspeech, the board namedEdmond as interim presi-dent.

Less than a month later,Edmondturnedaround,and

 without a vote of the board,

hired Marbury as a consult-ant, labelinghim“specialas-sistantto the president.”

Marbury, a former presi-dent at A&M, now earns$12,500 a month. (That

  works out to $150,000 a


asking what Marbury doestoearnthatmoney.Andthey 

  want to know why they  weren’t told about the hire,andwhyMarburyisusingthepresident’s mansion.

“To tellyouthetruth,” said

EX-PRESIDENTBACKONHILLQuestions arise overMarbury’s consulting agreement, residence, salary atA&M

AU picks Iowa State’s Chizik

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IN BUSINESS: Tips to prepare. C1

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 A year after police officerEricFreemanwas slain, hisfamily vividly remembers

 the shootingand its impacton their lives. ‘I knew it

 was bad,’ his sister says.

Michael Mercier/Huntsville Times

Hillcrest, the president’s residence on the Alabama A&M campus,is home to Carl Marbury when he is in town.

Carl Marbury BeverlyEdmond

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Ready for herdebut at theMet

It’s ‘very, very hard’for Freemans

InsideDavid Person explains

how he learned of Marbury’sdeal. A


Please see CHI

ZIK on A11

Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford wins the Heisman Trophy, B8

InsideBill Bryant says fans appear unhap-

py with Auburn hiring Chizik. B1