Download - For Exchange, SAMOA SITUATION A BIO FURNITURE SHOW. F R · THIRTEENTH YBAfc NO. 7t. ASBURY- PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. ONE CENT For Exchange, An elegant residence prop-——for

Page 1: For Exchange, SAMOA SITUATION A BIO FURNITURE SHOW. F R · THIRTEENTH YBAfc NO. 7t. ASBURY- PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. ONE CENT For Exchange, An elegant residence prop-——for


For Exchange,

A n e le g a n t re s id e n ce p ro p -

—— for p ro p e rty in A sb u ry. rasa® I ' : l® ~H I

P a rk ^ a lso T w o w e ll lo c a te d lo ts a tB elm ar, N . J ., fo r e ith e r A s b u r y P a r k o r O c e a n

. G r o v e p ro p e rty . "

D. C. COVERT’SSeal Estate and

^ iRsuraBce Agency■7 U M a t t i s o n A v e n u e

A s b u r y P a r k '


{ H otel Brunswick,Railroad Dep6t alia 703 F ifth Avenue.

Principal Office 818 Cookman Av e n u e .Good^stored a t reasonable rates.

Telephone connection.’ P . O. Box 667, - - AflBUBY PABK.




I f yonr ayes trouble you we con S t them vritis glasses th a t wlU give you

perfect vision a t

645 Cookman Avenue.

FIVE DONTSDON'T think your coush or cold wtU

disappear until you have used Cough Balsam.”

UOJT® expect to have that pain In tbe sMeorbaofc rellevedror-tha-muBOlea ebegtj until you hare bathafl freely with “ Ham’s Bheumatlo Specific."

D O S’® hellava la all these t d r a i t M guaranteed cures, b a t try “ Ham - AnU- Hsadaohe Powders,” aud you wil be mSs- M —perfectly harmless.

D O N 1 you know th a t ‘fHam’s Floral 7 AmEmnSi2:In JffirtTtfco. thing. tlia tlan eaW t

to keep the hands soft, smooth and white !DON’T be afraid to asfefor-s-freeaampla

■af any of them. \

Prepared only by . . . . . . .

W. R. HAM,' l 6 7 - M a i ^ S t r « « t Y - - - '4 s b u t y ^ P a r k - ;

S to r e s itu a te N o . 16 6 a n d 1 68 M a in s tre e t, A s b u r y P a r k ;

c o n s is ts o f tw o flo ors w ith s p a c e 2 5 x 9 0 fe e t e ach . W i l l b e

r e n te d to d e s ira b le p a r ty fo r lo n g term . S to re is n o w o ccu ­

p ie d b y W illia m M . P a w le y C o m p a n y .

F o r p articu lars, a p p ly to

I FRANK APPLEBYCor. Main St. and M attison Ave.

Jskry Park aM Ocean GroveB A N K

Corfier Mattison Arenac and Haiif'street,- ASBURY P A R K , N . J .

Cor. Mato Al«. amd Pathway,'• " OCBAN OROVB.

Afioounts.ate wapeotfolly eoUclt^a, apA •wa cSei1 to .depositors eye.-? ftsolilty whloh ' their balanoee ana reeporasifiiUtjr warrant.

. ftomptooHsctJon*. Foreign (5mf to bought ^acSKiia. Sate depoelt lx»<ja to rent.

bowMfflAtrns S r a m a s ? o t OKS’c a m w L t , 1880.. I <5,100« K b . i , ja ,ioo wFeb.]! 1600.. 180,800 00 Feb. 1 ,10O6'..\811,0OO00 Feh.filGBl.. 174.800 00 Feb. 1 ,J808,, S6B.COOOO Fab.«1892., - J8*»3 00, Feb. 1.1897... 810,800 00 Feb. w io o o j F eb l, IfM-W.600 00

m b , 1,189#............... 9 4 5 0 ,0 0 OO.

. antm ? o , :w inbo® , Proideq*.'Q2K W , ^VASB, '.'Is*-?re*Weut

. KDM<J3J& E. DAVTON', Cuhler.


— G E R M A N Y - F E A R E D . ^ -

R affe l S a ils F r o m N ew Y o r k —P a s s e d

te r A K a ln B tC h a r a U e r s a n d O f lb o r n ; ^ n d T O a l ls A m p rle a n s I n H fs " t i t e jto ti^cL JE o o is.- ------ -

W aahlngton, M arch 31.—A fte r a con* ’erence be tw een -the-p rea lden t-and Sec* re ta ry of S ta te Hay, a cable m essage .was-sent-to->*«m lra‘l-S autZ i-a t-S a^noa^r asking fo r fu li* .nform ation of th e bom ­bardm ent th e re and an ex p lan a tio n of the s itu a tio n w hich united th a B ritiah ahd A m erican forces. A suggestion w as added th a t-Jn o d era tio n —w as-desired-fry-the p res iden t in a ll circum stanced.

The new s from Sam oa has n o t caused apprehension in ad m in is tra tio n clrclea pf aerlous re su lt8 w ith G erm any. T he conjunction of the B ritish a n d A m eri­ca* ' sh ips In defending th e ir cgnsulates fro Vr^Kntl'rt h trp roc lam ation of th e G erm an consul ’is accounted for on th e hypo thesis th a t he

Saa overru led a t the conference of a rch 11 called by A dm iral I£au tz on board the Philadelphia.T he fa c t th a t th e G erm an w arsh ip

took no p a rt In the proceedings is held to be significant. Conaul R ose in h is re ­bellious course p u t h im self beyond the pale of defense by his coun trym en . H is sum m ary pun ishm ent Is looked fo r a s s o o n .a s the G erm an g overnm en t can reach him . A lreadv a ssu ran ces have been given to the s ta te d ep artm en t a t W aahlngton of a conciliatory purpose on* the p a r t of G erm any, w ith a w ish added th a t th e p resen t good re la tio n s between the two coun tries shall n o t be In terrup ted .

K n i i tw - A c te r W if h l i r ln i t r in j tw m i;A dm iral K a u tz acted w ith in hla In-

itruetlons^—Jt-4s—believed- th a t- h e -d e ^ elded, t^fter consu ltation w ith C ap tain S turdee o f the Porpoise, the sen io r B rit­ish naval officer, and the U nited S ta te s and B ritish consuls, th a t a s ta te o f a n ­a rch y ex isted which called fo r action^ T he fa c t th a t th e ed ic ts of th e chief ju s tice w ere d isregarded a n d Ignored* a lthough susta ined by th e represiJn ta- tIves^qf^tw q p^ th e governm en ts , m ad e such a course Im perative. T here Is no doubt, In view of the facts now a t hand , th a t A dm jral K au tz will be su sta ined by th e U nited S ta te s governm ent.

T he G erm anSjm bassador h a s received no advices a n d n o ,in s tru c tio n s re la tiv e to the reported bom bardm ent, and there Is no evidence th u s fa r th a t G erm any w m p ro tes t or assum e a belligeren t tone. F rom the G erm an p o in t of view th e m ost serious hspeet is th a t the bom -

c—feeling on n i bo th sides of the w ater, lead ing to pop­u la r o u tb u rs ts w hich will overcom e th e efforts to secure a se ttlem en t.

by April 1 or sign a lease fo r another yefcr. The new Davis building, now In courpe of construction a t Cookman and Grand ave­nues, will not bo ready for occupancy Inside of 80 days a t least, work having been Inter­fered ^ fo .b y fa ff iw ra t^ ^ Ihii ri iimiiii ^ T nus^tfils enfcerprTaing young business m an waa confronted with a serious problem. Necessity compelled him to Invent a way out of the difficulty, and this he did. There were only tw o things for him to do, viz., subm it to extortion and pay a year’s ren t for the privilege of' rem aining in the old atore 80 days, or seek other tem porary quar­ters.

A bright idea dawned upon the of Mr. Davis. He had read of cycle shows, sportsmeh’s shows, horse shows, dog shows and various other kinds o f shows, and he asked himself this question: W hat is the m a tte r w ith a furn iture show In Asbury P ark f This seemed an excellent way out of his difficulty, and the Asbury Park audi- .tor;lnm_waa-thought-to. be-anexcellent place fo r such a demonstration.

_F oun d er£ rad le j^w as-a t-o n ce-co n 8ultedr and upon learning of the action of the Cam* den company, he readily assented to the use of his beach auditorium by Mr. Davis. As a result the old store will be vacated In ac­cordance w ith the notice.

For the next 30 days, therefore, the As* bury P ark auditorium will be turned in to a grand furn itu re palace, and th e finest line o f"fu raitu re’ever^strenTn this section oFtE e s ta te will be placed on exhibition. In ad­dition to the large stock now being removed from the old store, new goods are constantly arriving. Two carloads of new goods are now on the railroad siding, waiting to be unloaded, and several more carloads a re en route for Asbury P ark direct from the makers. ,

No admission will be charged to the fur*

RAFFEL GOES 'HOM E.C all* A m e r i c a n s I n S a m o a F o o ln .

B i t t e r A fcnlrm t C h a m b e r* .N ew York, M arch 31.—I t Is n o t g e n e r­

a lly know n th a t Dr. Jo an n es R affel, the G erm an ex -p restden t of A pia, passed th rough New York on Tuesday. -He h a s been accused by th e A m erican and E n g ­lish co n su ls 'n t Sam oa and Chief Ju s tic e


possible th a t muslo may be Introduced and other a ttractions added to m ake i t p leasant for all patrons. W atch the advertising col­umns of the Press for the opening day.

Mr. Davis expects to take possession of his handsome new store about May 1.

C O U R T IS S U E D O R D E R .

C ham bers ot b rlnglj^r on th e recen t troub les by o v e rz ea i^ s n e ss . F o r th is reason he m ade as little s t ir a s possible w hile passing th rough th e U nited S tates.

No new spaper except the S ta a ts Ze!- tu n g k n e w th a t he w as to leave on the K a ise r F ried rich , and Ju st before th a t vessel Balled on T uesday a r e p o r te r /o r

‘th e G erm an 'new sjm per found B r. Rafte! on deck. The docto r unbosom ed' h lm - gelf. and tliis-ts- t he subatgiice~of~tire~ln^ terv lew :

‘The Influence of London is re sp o n se ble fo r all. the trouble In Sam oa,”_sald D r. R affel. “The A m erican ch ief jua- tice, W illiam L. C ham bers, hopelessly d isgraced h im self qn Dec. 81 w hen Jje

w as k in g of Samoa.‘ He held th a t M ataafa , the opposition

cand idate , had m ade h im self Ineligible accord ing to the te rm s o f th e B erlin conference, a lthough a s la te as Oct. 5 ju s tic e C ham bers declared th a t If Ma­ta a fa w ere chosen k ing he m u s t be con­firm ed In th e (offlce. * W hen h is a t te n ­tio n w as called to th e con trad ic tion , Ju s tic e C ham bers sim ply sa id th a t th e ’d eclaration of Oct. 5 w as unofficial,

“E v en th e B ritish re s id en ts hold C ham bers to be a fool,” sa id D r. R affel, *'and M r. Osborn, th e A m erican consul, !s w holly unfit fo r his place. H e h a s no Idea of h is duties. >

“M ata a fa ’s p a r ty Is In th e m a jo rity am ong th e na tives,’* said D r. Raffel, “a n d th e pow ers m ust subm it to the w ill o f th e people and declare ^ fa ta a fa king. The na tives who a re now fo r I£a- ta a fa will In a few y ears dem and hia son fo r th e ir king. In m y opinion th e re w ill be a constan t recu rrence o f th e troublea in Samoa.'*

G ern in n y S u sp en d s Jn d frm e n t.London, M arch 31.—The B erlin c o rre ­

sponden t of The Tlmea say s: “Fend lpg fu r th e r In form ation from Sam oa, th e G erm an “ pr'eas re fra in s from com m ent ca lcu la te^ to em b itte r th e controvensy o r to Im peril th e pending negotla tlona. T he even ts th a t have occurred a re de­plored* m ain ly becauae th e y m a y Influ­ence pub lic opinion adverse ly to th e goVemment'B policy o f c u ltiv a tin g E n g lan d 's friendsh ip . I t Is fea re d they m a y g ive occasion to A susp icious and m is tru s tfu l aectlon of th e pu b lic to re - p roaoh th e governm ent w ith th e firs t fru its , o f Its rapp rochem en t w ith E n g ­lan d an d th e U nited S ta te s . O n th e o th ­e r hand , no Inclination ex ists to form, a p re m a tu re Ju d g m e n t on.-£he a c tio n pf A dm ira l K au tz ,and the . B ritish |anfl A m erican offlclahi,'*..

S p rin g J a c k e ts a n d C apes fo r W om en.Stylish, well made and cheap 'are the

ladles* spring Jackets and Capes shown this week. Hundreds of garments to choose froln and.every garment made right and prloed right.

T h e S te i n b a c h C om pany , Cookm an and Em ory. Cookman and Main.

189 0 W ^II P ap e r.Design and poloring highest grade. F ive

to 60 oents per ro ll Postal card fo r samples ahd prlefcs. E dgar Williamson, Bradley Beach, N. J .-A d v . TArS*

C ook’s M illinery .y,; Friday and Sat-

The best tonic and sprit M month’s Hypophosphitos.—Adv. 77 tf.

’ -Panels todays Great Atlantic - & Paalflo Tea Co.—Adv. 78’77-78.


A U D I T O R I U M .- —

W a l t e r W . p a v l s ^ W i l l V a c a te H is“ M a ln S c r e e t 8 io r% :ftpfl-O pen-G ~ra n <F j - F a r n l tn r a E x h ib i t Io n ,“ to* C o n tin u e

U S T irn is “N e w lG ra n d “A v e n u e S to re —I s C o m p le te d .-------------------- ------- ^— -

Necessity is said to be the m other o f In­vention,^and I t has proven tru e ~ln~the case of W alter W . Davis, tho Main s tre e t furnl- tunr-m erchan tr-'A s was an n o u n ce d 'iu ^ ^ terday’s Press, the Camden Building and Loan association, which owns the building now occupied by Mr. Davis, served a notice upon him to th e effect th a t he m uat va’cato

throughout the United States, aa the clos­ing of the branches, In m ost Instances, haa caused much inconvenience to the bank patrons. However, tbe com ptroller has so ruledr a n d ra 8 fc-re8ultp-aH~tratftraal““bankB~ including tho F irst National, bank of As­bu ry park , a re tem porarily discontinuing the ir business a t branch offices, pending and an tic ipating favorable legislation. Accord­ingly. the F irst National bank has decided todisoontlnue 4t«*ranoh-ittOceaTHJrovotttr~ day, March 81. 11

I t Is w ith extrem e reg re t th a t we take this action, inasm uch as our list of valued patrons in Ocean Grove haa constantly in­creased. especially this Iaatyear, evidencing the public’s appreciation of the stability of our Institution and tho uniformly courteous a tten tions received a t the hands of our ef­ficient m anager, Mr. T. A. Miller. W e are deeply appreciative of the patronage o fo u r Ocean Grove customers, and solicit a con­tinuation of the sam e a t the homo office in Asbury Park, where every convenience and consideration will be extended.

We feel confident the friends of tho bank in Ocean Grove, appreciating tho necessity which requires , th is bank, with other natlonal"bankBr'to~withdrifW “ fempdraflIy this source of convenience to patrons, will

patronage.The law certainly seems an un just one,

and we believe th a t during tho coming year congress will so amend i t as to perm it national banks to m aintain branches wherever i t seems necessary to accommo­date their patrons.

GeqbqeJ !.. K robhl, President; Ma rtin V, Daoer , Cashier.

S n i t In v o lv e s A sb n ry P a r k ’s L ia b i l i ty , . f o r S h a re o f R o a d B o n d s.Supreme Court Justice Gilbert Collins \b-

suedtiod of Samuel A. Patterson, counsel for Neptund township, against the c ity o f As* bury Park, ordering the c ity to show cause w hy a m andamus should not Issue ou t of tho Supreme Court of New Jersey, directing the paym ent of $2,000 to the township of Neptune. '

The suit, whioh has been under prepara­tion fo r E^vemrmonths, Involves the llabll- ity of Asbury Park_fQr. lts .proportlonate. Bharo of a $30,000 Issue of road bonds In 1890, the proceeds of whloh were used for the con­struction of the macadam road from Deal lake to Shark river.

Asbury Park has paid its share of these bonds up to 1897, b u t sincM hat, tim e has re*

J M t ia ia i l e j tb i l l a n tL fn se d -te ^ ak e fu r th e r payment, v th e « $ » JM ^-com ple to ly . biding 4 t-frofanrlew .- • Inclaimed by the tofraship being alleged to be due for the years 1887 and 1898.

I t IB s ta ted th a t the city of Aabury ParR wlU contend th a t its incorporation as a oity absolved i t from the paym ent of any pre­existing obligations incurred by the tow n­ship in laying th e m acadam road. This contention, however, the township will re ­sist vigorously, as tbe am ount ultim ately involved in the su it will e iceed $20,000.

The case will be tried a t the June term of the supreme court, and tho outcome will be aw aited w ith considerable in terest by both the citizens of the oity and township.

P a r k e r ’s B u s te r O fferings.An extensive sale of ham and eggs is on

a t th e Parker grocery stores, Mr. Parker advertises 85,000 fresh eggs and five tons of hams, and special prices a re quoted on both articles In his b ig ad. on tho th ird page. E very to y Is barga in day a t the I’arkor sto red b u t tom orrow will solipse form er if- forts. The speoial sale of eggs fo r E aster will begin w ith th a opening of tha stares to­m orrow morning, and eggs will be sold to r 25 eents, b u t only a quarter's w orth will be sold to eaoh oustomer, so all m ay have a share in thiB g re a t sale of sggu, Thera are lota of good th ings needed In tha culinary departm ent of every household which can b e rO c a n x i a t tho P arker stores.

T o p io o f N e x t W e e k ’* B e b n te .Tho following qtieation has been deeded

upon aa th e subject fo r debate nex t W ed needay evening before th e local carpenters’ anion, in the Mikado bonding: “ Resolved, th a t a form al alliance between the U nited S ta tes a&4 G reat B ritain,.for th e advance­m ent o f .thelr common Interests, Is advis­able.” ta d le s a s well a s gentlemen are in­v ited to a tten d th e debate.

. C itizen .’ P tlm iu T ,' Notloe Is hereby given th a t a Citissei p rim ary m eeting o f the F ir ward, o ity of A sbnry B&rk, will t » hold at. f a r k be.ll S a t­u rday next, A pril 1. a t 7.80 m ~ for the ■ parpw o f homSnaUss- a oandldate to r mayor* a oouncilman-at-largo and one ooano'Sman, to be voted for a t tho ensuing eleotlon. , ‘

/ AlrBJSST B. CBAra, Chairman' la st Citizen’s prim ary,

—Adv. TO-8 . . . _ ■ ,, :

B tslobnoh*, T rim m ed M ill le s r j .We have Just what you want In trlrx-.aed

l&iBter ca.!» or bonneti. TS: > variety is nn- snrpasaed. asd the prices' will-brlDg about q u ickBtflllnn. • - ' j v ’

T ns BrKiNnxoa. Coju'ACT, Cookman and Kmoxs- ' ; Cookman and Ualnw

Ooofe1. i»tH!nerjr.c’ ‘^ «<gr^Thnift!ay, Frl4ay,-aadSat-


R u le T h a t N a tio n a l B a n k s C a n n o t M a in ta in B r a n c h Offices.

The officers of the Firbt National bank of -A8bury~Parir^have^f^iied^th'o~f611owlngr s tatem ent bearlngmpon a recent decision of the comptroller of tho currency, which will ■ije .of^ r aat^iutoiest^t^hulr-.-O c»an-"G^patrons:— ......... 1.......— - ....... .

To Oui? O c e a n G novR P a tr o n s6 : — U q- deiLaj-ecen t_ruling of. tho-comptrollerotthe- currency it has been decided that no na tlonal banks jcould Mnalntain any branch- office or branch banks. M is decision has caused considerable agitation among banks.

“ in g O a r L o c a l M e r c l ia u is .

Every rabbit ha^ his day, and the day the rabbit celebrates comos on apace. B u t the ra^it£L_and j th e „chicks andlegga and_ the pretty confections are for little folks. There aro other and greater things which" the grown folks associate with E aster day. Of Qpurfio E aster Is prim arily a religious fes- tiva l,-bu t-nex trto its7spIrituat^lgnIficSH(5r comes the na tu ra l desire of hum anity to take on newer and fresher habilim ent. E aster day gives the signal fo r the glorious change from the gloom of w inter to tho brilliancy of spring, and o u r . m erchants

^ r o ^ l l ^ e a d y ^ '^ n i c ip a t e T l f ^ r t r a n a r S ^fatlon. .,

hopper <t co.A t the store of this popular firm of men’s

outfitters, located on M attison avenue next to the pqatoffice, there Is now ready fo r In­spection a large stock of fashionablo up-to- date spring goods. Of oourso all our young' men expect to be prepared for E aste r Sun­day, in order th a t they m ay promenade the boardwalk, Asbury P ark ’s F ifth avenue, w ith the rest of the fashionables A v is it to Hopper & Co.’s store m ay therefore be profitable. They can supply neckw ear of all kinds, gloves* shirts, hats, In fac t every­thing to complete a m an’s E aster outfit. Their show window givoB an excellent Idea of the fine line of E aste r nnd spring goods to b a -fo u n d in sld o 'th o 's to fo :

C R E N E L L E P H A R M A C Y .

D o u b le d In S ize a n d E q u ip p e d W ith M o d e rn Im p ro v e m e n ts .

Numerous alterations and improvements have been made this spring In tho busfngss section of our city which add materially to

.rance a n d -stabilit y-of. Asbury

TuftTfer~fi> formation will be gained by consulting the ir -adverron thrsocond page of~the~pBES3~and by a visit to the ir store. '

steindacii company.The two establishm ents of tho Steinbach

company are now In full E aster regalia . In every departm ent new spring novelties a re on exhibition. A peerless showing Is m ade In the millinery departm ent of tho produc­tions of the most^famed P a ris r London" and American artists, w ith exclusive ideas from their own skilled designers. Beautiful women aro made more beautiful w ith the superb ha ts and bonnets turned ou t in this departm ent. O ther interesting displays may be seen in tho ladles’ su it departm ent, where a Bpeclal spring sale has been inaug­urated. In dry goods, clothing, carpets, furniture, house furnishing goods, men’s furnishings, ribbons, etc.i th e stock Is large

P ark’s m ercantile center. Among tho m ost noticeable of these Improvements are $hose a t Qrenelle’s Main s tre e t pharmacy, A grand transform ation scene has been enact­ed, and as fa r as appearances aro concenied, not a single thing remains, outside of the number, which would tend *o show where the old store was located. The work has not ye t been entirely completed, b u t enough has been done to dem onstrate th a t the,new home will be a credit to o ur city as well as to the proprietor.

The new store Is Just twice as large as the one was. The front la made up of two

large p late glass show windows, with a very p re tty entrance in the center, presenting a very inviting appearance.

The in terior of tho new store is certainly beautiful. The floor la of hard wood, and the celling and border are composed o f fancy pressed steel, decorated In the most a rtis tla m anner w ith variegated colors. The fixtures a re of cherry and 'o f 1 lie la test and m ost Improved style m anufactured by Fisher Bros., of New York city.

The rea r end of tho store will be used as a prescription departm ent. I t Is separated from the m ain rpom by a partition, in front of which comes a portion of the new flx-

the center is . a large plato glass m irror which reaches from floor to celling. On each side of this m irror a re three p re tty medicine cases, w ith sliding p late glass doors, tho center one being of oval shape.

The le ft hand side of the store, upon en­tering, Is given up to tho counters, show cases and shelving for the various medicine bottlea w hich go toward making up a first- class d rug storo. On tho opposite side is the pa ten t medicine cabinets and th e soda fountain, wlMch, by tho way, will add very m aterially to the beauty of the store.

’There will practically bo two separate fountains, b u t to the casual observer i t will appear as one. The two will bo connected w ith a beautiful m irro r and surm ounted by a handsome cfcerry canopy exquisitely carved .w A m irror will also appear on eaoh end of the fountain. Sower and w ater connections have been mad^ direct, so th a t th e soda business can be handled w ith ease.

Ail o f the fixtures are equipped w ith slid­ing p late g lass doors which run upon brass traefck A triangle shaped cashier’s desk will ocoupy a positron In the centre of the store. -

As a wholo tho new establishm ent will contain everything necessary for the equip­m ent of a firstolass drug store, and when the finishing touches are added I t will rank among th e finest business houses of a sim i­la r kind in the state.


E a s t e r F lo w e rs W a n te d .The decoration committee of the F irs t

Congregational church m ake a special re ­quest 6 f all the people of the congregation for plants, .palms, and flowers of a ll'k inds fo r E aste r decoration. They begin work a t 10.80 m. tomorrow, and wish $o have them by th a t tim e. If notice 1b given to Miss Chadwick or Miss French a t the p rayer m eeting tonight, the plants, etc., w ill be called for and returtied. t

G o o d C lo th in g fo r L i t t l e M o n ey ,O ur-specia l, sale of spring readym ade

c lothing will be appreciated by those who have lean pooketbooks. First-class g a r­m ents a t third-class prices Is the rule

T iie steinbach Company* Cookman antj Emory. Cookman and Main.

A W a r m J a c k e tOr w rap is a necessary article ' evqh

though the w arm days are near. Style and com fort in-this Une is our special pride.

Adv. 74 tf. Cook’s -Bek H iv e . , ,

C o o k a W I I in e r y . .^ ^ p e n lp ^ ^ jT jT h u r jjd a J , Friday and Sat-

JPahettr todays G reat A tlantic fePaclflo Tea;Co.—Adv. 76-77-78. •» —


“ P I M iS S A D V E n T rS E R S r

V ic in ity G aii S e o tire A t t r a c t iv e O u t ­fits for- E a s te r W e a r a n d A r t ic le s f o r p e r s o n a l A d o rn m e n t by V is it1

and complete. Their large advertisem ent on the fourth page will furnish detailed in­formation as to prices, goods, etc.

MRS. BAXDAUF.The large and complete-line of Easter ha ts

and bonnets for ladles which m ay be found a t Mrs. BaldauPs millinery parlors, 641 Mattison avenue, has a ttrac ted considerable attentlop . The various styles and shapes exhibited are the very la test, and the trim ­ming conforms to the most recent fashions.


Is • Immense, and tho Easter season has brought about a g rea t sale of stam ped goofls, ribbons, flowers, laces, belt buckles, ahlrt w aist pins, cuff buttons, etc. M anager T uttle styles Ills establishm ent “ the big fair,” and tho place does have, the appear­ance of a .f a i r In operation. N ot pn ly la there a speoial sale of the goods aboye nien* tltned now going on, b u t every departm ent lsjCfifiling thQ_imBUlse_Qf_low prlcea-and.



■Mayor— n r - B f o e c k r r .Goirttc iim aT ira ts ' ■ Ija r tf e /K e a to r , C o u n c i l m a n B ra d le y

a n d M em b e rs o f tb e B o a r d O f“E d - n c a t ! o n R e n o m l n a t e d - G , W . T r e a t N am ed Tor C o u n c il in S e c o n d W a rd .

As was predicted in the editorial colum of tho P ress a few days ago, the Republi- caiLcltyiconventlons whlch-were held In thetwo ward 3 last n ight were - very qu ie t a f­fairs. Thoro was practically no opposition to the ticket which had been slated fo r nomi­nation. In tho F irst ward the name o f E.Sdhmtzlor was presented as-n candidate for nomination as. councilman against Jam es A. Bradley. This contest w as easily dis­posed of. . The nomination was m ade by ac­clamation. Mr. Schnitfcler received b u t two votes. No otherjPggog.1[tlon j^ a s m a q 1 Jfe§,tedl

Dr. Bruce S. K eator, as ,ctiairman of tbe last prim ary, called the F irst ward m eeting to order In Park hall. Georgo C. Ormerod was elected chairman and Claude Guerin secretary. The following ticket was nam ed: Mayor, Frank L. Ten Broeck; councllman- at-large, Dr. Bruce S. K eator; councilman, Jam es A? Bradley; commissioners of appeal, W . D.-Ponnypacker, F. A. L eggett, Dr. J . A. W. Hetrick; school trustees, tw o years, A. C. Twining, Claude V. Guerin; one year, Dr. J . F. Ackerman.

Prior to adjournm ent a resolution w as of­fered by E. R. Tindall requesting Governor Voorhees to appoint a Republican as Judge of the new district court £o be established In th is city. The-reBolutlon-waa-nassedwithout any discussion, and will bo fo r­warded to Trentou. The governor, how-.ever, will probably uso his own discretion In the m atter.

A fa ir representation of tho voters of the Second ward assembled a t Educational hall a t 7.30, and for awhile* It looked as if the meeting would have to be held In the a n te ­room, with kerosene lanterns for Illum ina­tion. There evidently had been som e _mis- understandlng about the Hall, fo r the JanF tor had not been ordered to prepare fo r the meeting. Ho pu t in an appearance, how­ever, about 8 o’clock, and a few m om ents later [the meeting was moving along in a harmonious m anner.

Henry C. Wlnsor called the m eeting to order and was reelected chairm an. Howard Hulick was named as secretary. Tho nomi­nations were all made w ithout opposition. The candidates named were thfl_samfl hr

F o r R e n t

■ ~ O n e _ 'o f ^ h F ' ! W t f ^ r ‘d ^ i r a B l e

s t o r e s o n M a t t i s o n _ i v e n u e . ________

P rice r ig h t to d e sira b le t e n a n t

O u r fist o f y e a r ly h o u se s is

co m p lete . I f s e e k in g a h o u se

le t tis .g iye y o u p articu lars . I


208 M ain S tre e t

Monmouth Trust A N D '

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth B uild ing , Asbnry P a r s , N. J . .

C A P I T A L , $100.000.

S U R P L U S , $25,000.

Executes ail trusts known to the law.Xoans money on band and mortgage.Receives deposit? subject to check a n d a llo w t

in te rea to n da ily balances.Acta as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent. Pays coupons.M akes d em and an d tim e loans o n ap proved

co lla te ra l. ^Safe deposit vaults.

A. C. TWINING..President____G. B. M. HARVEY, Vice President. BRUCE S. KEATOR, Secretary.D. C. CORNK 1,1,, Treasurer.


those nominated in the F irst ward, w ith the exception of councilman. The nam e of George W. T reat was presented for this position, and his nomination w as unani­mous.

Dr. Henry Mitchell made a motion, which prevailed, to the effect th a t i t be the sense of the meeting th a t rigid economy bo prac­ticed by tho c ity officials during tho ensu­ing year and th a t our present floating debt bo not increased.

W hen tho motion was put everybody voted for It with both hands. Councilman

O. H. Brown, f. H. Buchanon,

D .C . Cornell,W. J . H arrison ,Col. G. B. M. Harvey, George P. Kroehl, Bruce S. Keator, M. D.,

Isaac C. Kennedy Henry Mitchell, M. D., John P O’Brien,Thos. P. Ryan,Milan Ro«s,A. C. Twining.H..H. Vreeland,

G. D. w. Vroom.

Manufacturer of and Dealer in High-Grade Fish­ing Tivck'e. Anglora’ ©very requirement con­stantly on hind. Rep ilriug of every description at anort nonice- A full lino of choice Imported and domestic cigars.

647J Co o k m a n A v e n u e .Opp. TenBroeck’s Market

quick movement of stock. Bead today’s ad.COOK’S dee h iv e .

The opening of Easter and spring milli­nery a t Cook’s busy Bee H ive storo is now a ttrac tin g tho a tten tion of hundreds of la­dles. A ll-that. perfection offers lli Frenchahd~Am/5rlcalf p a tte rn s orfia&Tand bonnets are now on "exhibition. The perfection of grace, style, finish and attractlyeness is achieved by Mr. Cook’s m illiners In a manner th a t has gained fo r them wide­spread patronage. Purchasers of m illinery will bo given p re tty souvenirs tom orrow.' Every-departm ent of the Cook store teems with goods for E aste r and spring, no m a tte r whether the articles are w anted fo r men, women or children. A visit to the Bee Hive is invited. " _______

O d d Fellow s* C lu b J ta n .A run of the N eptune W heelmen, No. 1,

L O. O. F., has been called for tom orrow (la tu rday) evening, w ith Arioch lodge room, Long Branch, as tho objective point. Tho run announced fo r Sea B righ t Tuesday last w as rendered impossible on account of the rain. W eather perm itting, the club will m ake their bow to the public tomorrow evening. All Odd Fellow bicyclists a re in­vited to join w ith Neptune’s club in m aking this fraternal run and to witness the work of Arioch’s degree team in conferring the initiatory ceremonies on seVeral candidates. The olub will naeet a t M ark Guy & Co.’s store, 548 ^ookman aveni^e, a t 7 o’clock, so as to insure an early s tart.

N ew H a r n e s s S t i r e .Thomas H. Dodd, son of Justice P. F.

Dodd, will In a few days open a store a t 71 Sodth Main street for the sale of harness and all kinds of horse goods. A repair de­partm ent will also be a fea tu re of th e young man’s business venture.

H e a d q u a r te r s f o r F in e C a n d ie s , E a s t- 'e r E g g s a n d T oy’s.

Jam es A. Barker, the popular M ain s tree t confectioner, has removed and located per? manOntly a t corner Cookman and Summer- field avenues. I f you w ant fine, fresh made candies and beautiful homemade E aster egga and toys a t low prices, call and ex­amine the stock. He has combined both the Main street and Ocean avenue stores in his new location, and will conduct a year round business in confeotlonery, cigars and to ­bacco. wholesale aqd re ta il. About M ay 1 ho will open to 1 the publlo a bealitlful Ice cream garden and will servo the finest Ice cream to be found In Asbury Park.—Adv. 76-77-78.

T o p S o il F o r B ale.5,000 loads of rich top soil fo r dale In

large or small quantities. Inquire a t Rals­ton’s greenboilses. Allenhurst,Cookmau avenue s to re .-61 t t -

ADploby and Mr. T reat both spoke in favor of the motion, and pledged themselves to assist in carrying op t its provisions.

Dr. E, B, lleed, F. A. Leggett and W . C. Burroughs were named as a comm ittee on vacancies, a fte r which the meeting was ad­journed.


S T Ich t H o p e o r R ev. C. T. C a r m a n 's R ec o v e ry .

Rev. C. T. Carman, the new pasto r of tho Bradley Beach Methodist church, Is a t pres­ent In, a critical condition. Ho was taken seriously 1U. last Tuesday evening, and Dr. J .-H , Bryan of -this- cHy* wus^nm~Otte£T‘'HS‘ saw a t ’onco.that his patient’s illness was of a serious naturo.

Mr. Carman’s system had been poisoned by eating somo canned beef and peaches, which caused an a tta ck of Indigestion and heart trouble. His chances for recovery a re considered more doubtful because, of his age, he being 09 years old.

A trained nurse is in charge o f th e pa­tient, and this morning Dr. Bryan held "a consultation w ith a New Y ork specialist. Tho sick man’s children have been sum ­moned by telegraph and one of his sons arrived this morning. Rev. Mr. C arm an came to Bradley Beach only last week, hav­ing been transferred from tho lower end of tho state. His present condition is th e cause of much anxiety and sorrow am ong the members of his new congregation, and will no doubt be similarly received by his for* m er flock.

L ast o f th e Series.The lecture to be delivered by [Dr. Newell

Dw ight HIllls, pasto r of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, In thb Asbury Park school build­ing, Tuesday, April 11, will be tho la s t o f th e series arrangod by tho c ity hoard of educa­tion for tho season of ’07 ’08. Tiokets sold for tho George'Kennan lecture on “Cuba” will be good for the lectuto by Dr. Hillis. The subject of the la tte r’s lecture w ill be an ­nounced In due time.

T h e W h e e lm e n 's D a n c e .Tho la st social event of the season under

tho auspices of the Anbury Park W heelmen took placo a t tho olubhouse W ednesday evening. I t was an informal dance, and, proved of a highly, enjoyable nature . Music w as furnished by Underwood’s orchestra, and tho young people danced u u t i r a fte r m idnight. Refreshments wer^Botvedby the cojnjnMtee during the evening.

C a m m e y e r S h o es a t B a r e f o o t P r ic e s .W e a re selling a $5,000 Invoice of genuine

Cam meyer shoes—saved from tho reoent fire—way below their value. Cam meyer shoes for men, boys, wom$n and misses all* this week.

THE BTKlNilACSi COMPANY, . Cookman and Em ory. Cookaiiii oad Main.

U p s ta i r s a t b o o k '*You will And the bast appointed and moat

_____ am plo tj clothlnur departm ent on tho Sen.N. J ., o r . coast. Men’si youthe’ and boyB’ svnry ra-

qulromajit- Wo ?anoy wa’va om itted noth- f jg .—Adv. 74 tf. ' .

C o o k ’s JH IIK aerj.Opsnlng Tlinredjiy,! F riday a ft1 S&t-

_____________ , urday .—Adv. 74-7 >■

Grosnhoaso grown mushrooms . t R al-! Th? oast tonio and spring asadlolno'a Ifin- - 1 ton’s, (KB C-ooimuD <ivenue.—Adv. 74 t f m o ith ’fl H ypophoephltea- Adv, 77 tf.

, C o o k ’.M U lln o r y ..0 peninir days, Thnrsjjay, Friday and S a t­

urday-;—Adv. 74-7 ■ • ____

T he 1899 Emerson Piano

w ith n ew sca les a n d m a n y im p ro v em e n ts is c e r ta in ly a n in s tru m e n t to be co n sid e red w h e n th e th o u g h t com es, “ I n e e d a P la n o ." T h e .E m e r­son p ia n o w ith Its g re a t v a ri­e ty of s ty lea g ives , th e best

^ i:n jo -fo r~ tbe~ in r!rrey - of”!inyin s tru m e n t m a n u fa c tu re d to ­d a y . A ll m a te r ia l a n d w o rk ­m a n s h ip is e q u a l to th e best k n o w n In th o trade .

D rop 0 9 a .p o s ta l ‘-afld w e ’w l If ’efx p la iii ou r e asy p a y ­m e n t m e th o d ,


Lock Box No. 614, Asbury l’ark, N, J.

Defective EyesDo not always mean defective

vision. I f you have frequent headaches, or aro unablo to con­tinue near work or reading with­out pain or fatigue your eyes are probably defective.

Glasses Scientifically FittedW ill Correct the Trouble

W e lit glasses scientifically, our Specialist, who Is a t



EVERY FRIDAY. Hours n to 4 .3 0Exam ination Free. Glasses when necessary

and fully guaranteed.

L E E C H , S T I L E S & C O .,

P h ilad e lp h ia E y e S p e c ia lis ts .

C apital, $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 S urp lus, $ 70 ,0 0 0

First National BankO F A SB U R Y P A R K

M attiso n A venue an d B ond S tree t.(Organised February, 1800.)

OFFICERSGeo. F. K r o b h l ,-President.

0 “H. Bbown, 1st Vice-President.M. L. Baumak, 2d Vloe-Preddent.

M. V. Daokb, Cashier. - \M, H. Sooit, Assistant Cashier.DIRECTORS . \

G.-F. Kroehl,. Mahlon It. Marge nun, Oliver H. Brown, William H. Beegle,. Bruce 8r Keator, 8 W. Klrkbride,D. O. Covert, • M. I*. Bamman,Itaac C. Kennedy, Charles A. Young,Milan' Ross, Albert C. Twining,bhennan B. Oviatt* Samuel Johnson,

William Hathaway. ' .

Comparative DepositsS ep tem ber 8 , 1 886 . . . , -i $ 17 3 ,7 9 4 .5 7

8 , 1888 4 6 8 , 104 .4-48 , 1 8 9 4 .................. 578.«49«»8 , 1 8 9 6 ................. 579.539 9*

<• !. 8 , 1 8 9 8 . .. . . . «31.594-3» .■ i "... * - *> :*. tit'

fa tto iu rihia'ji v raeelred for rare, keeping free of charge. .* •>*. -.

Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Colleo*ItlonsprtJinptiyacknowlodged. .

Your budnesa faron.reepeo fully solicited.

Page 2: For Exchange, SAMOA SITUATION A BIO FURNITURE SHOW. F R · THIRTEENTH YBAfc NO. 7t. ASBURY- PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. ONE CENT For Exchange, An elegant residence prop-——for

T H E A S B U R Y P A R K ^ j ^ L ^ . f j t i f i g S .

T he Daily Press.ESTABLISHED 1087




6 0 7 M a tt is o n A v e n u e , A sb u ry P a r k .

T E R M S O F S U B S C R I P T I O N :

Otie week. . Single copies.

.— 06

. .01

Ldve r t l s ln g R a te a o n A p p lic a tio n .

FR ID A Y , M ARCH 31, 1SR0.

-TllJE a rtic le in a n o th e r colum n o f tlie. P r e s s today anno u n cin g y ie closing of th e Ocean G rove b ran ch o f th e F irst N ational bank of A sbury P a rk , tf i l l bB

_raad_vvitli i egreLJby Lhfl. O cean G ro ve'

com patib le w ith good cru ising qu a li­ties, g rea t null us <»f :n th>n and to c a r ­ry thermos*! p m w ifu l o rdnance suited.

~ttFV,1IgTTe?fr-rTf -Thr>tr—cfrrys-attfi- fo-erwt—ex— elusive f ~*:m i ia me ii IT ftO'f ex'ceefli ng'TlV - 1‘ll.SOO eitc li." .

A fte r di.^-us.-ing Ihe c h a ra c te r 'o f the vessels au tn< .n /.etO rm rT rrrrriT C o to Ihe am o u n t appti.*i;ci»k-t»*«l fo r th** co n stru c ­tion . of. each ...the . board decided Vh a t j j S s ? Apply p lan s should )>e d raw n fo r. vessels (*1" avenue. Ocean Grov«. about„JJ,M)(> tons in s tead o f ab o u t 2.0U0 tons d isp lacem ent, w hich could be con­s tru c te d w ith in th e lim it of cost. The p lans, a s f a r a s agreed on, look to the co n stru c tio n of s ix sh ip s‘‘s im ila r to the M arblehead, b u t im provem ents on th a t

p a tro n s o f th e in s titu tio n . T h e law up on w hich th e p resen t co m p tro lle r o f th e cu rren cy b asash ls decision, in d ec la r in g th a t t n a tiona l banks can n o t m a in ta in

^ byaijph Q ffic^ .n eemg^to be o f th e m ost o iitrageous ch a rac te r, a n a shou ld be w iped o u tp f ex istence by th e n e x t co n ­gress. S u ch a law is contrt^ry to com m on sense and th e best in te re s ts o f th e public.

T he b ranch office in d o ean G rove, as in tpost o th g ^ p la c es^ w h e re s im ila r of­fices ex isted , w as s im ply a n accoram oda tio n to p a trons of th e bank*in p a rtic u la r a n d t h e pub lic in general. I t saved people the.trou.bte o f w a lk in g a m ile to g e t c liange o r o th e r favors such as a re accorded by a batik . All th e business p e rta in in g to th is office -was tran sac ted a t h ead q u a rte rs in th is c ity .

_T heJ)atL k.^oiU cIal^iuautr UlJALJlLex_ftte com pelled to close th e doors o f th e Ocean G rove b ra n ch , b u t a re forcedto do so u n d e r th e law as i t is in te r ­p re ted by th e co m p tro lle r, w ith the*sin- cere hope th a t i t is on ly a tem p o ra ry move. P a tro n s will receive ev ery con venience and co nsidera tion a t th e hom e office in th is c ity .

B O A R D R K O R G A N IZ K D .

P r e s id e n t R n in e a r a n ti C le rk V a n G H Iuw h R e e le c te d .

Tlie Neptune township board of education m et in their room in tlie High School build­

in g , Ocean Grove* last Monday night, and reorganized for the ensuing year.

Captain Lewis Raiuear, who has served faithfully several years'as president o f the board; was rceioeted--to - thuk- positiont and-Louis van Gilluwe, the efficient d istrict clerk, will continue to act in th a t capacity '

The standing committees were appointed as follows:

Finance—D. E . Havens, A. Allison W hite, Thomas AVy ncoop.

Education—L. van Gilluwe, William Lar- rabee, A. A. W hite.

Buildings—O. b . Clayton, Thomas Wyn- coop, Edward Tilton.

Hygiene—Isaac G arrabrant, L. van Gil- Juwe, D. E. Havens.

C O U N T Y A N D S T A T E .

IteA x so f In te re s t P r o m rfe a r a n d Din- la in P o in ts .

The D aughters of Liberty of Red Bank celebrated the fourth anniversary of theotv ganization of their lodge March 24.

The changes and extensions of tlie Pen h fylvania railroad in New .Brunswick have

-b een about ct?m ple ted;--nttd-t-lieriptti ‘-p rotrrised improvements to the station have been commenced. The in terior will bo remodeled and a tiled floor, fireplaces and o ther mod* e ra conveniences added.

“ The Sunshine of Paradise Alley,” Den man Thompson and George XV. Kyer’s la test success, now in tho th ird year of Its career, will have its iirst local production a t the Park Op?ra House, this city, tonight. In the company are IS players, the fam ous Boston Verdi Ladies’ quarte tte , and the Acme .Male trio. See adv.

“ The A ir Ship,” by Joseph II . Gaites,-frill' float in and anchor a t tho P a rk Opera House, this city, next Monday night. Tho piece is spoken of a? a “j»p-*ct.icular musical farce coined y.v It con tain's three .lets, throughout which various' >-»ngs, dances and o ther specialties are introduced.

B i r t h d a y O f f e r in g .The Jun io r Christian Kndeavor society of

tho F irst Baptist church held an enjoyable nnd profitable entertainm ent a t the home of W . C. Weeden, W est Summerfleld avenue,

/ la s t night- A very pleasing program was given and refreshm ents w ere served. A birthday offering was m ade by those pres­en t am ounting to 16.17.

T H E S IX N E W C R U ISER S..G e n e r n I T’lntiM A « ree« l t 'p o n l»y th e

B u n r i l o f C o u n t r u c t io n .W ash in g ii> n . M a rc h 31.—A t a m e e t­

in g o f th e b o a rd o n c o n s tru c t io n a t tho n a v y d e p a r tm e n t th e g e n e ra l p la n s of th e s ix pro t*‘i te d c ru i s e r s a u th o r iz e d b y . th e nav a l- a p p ro p r ia t io n a c t w e re a g re e d on , th u s m a rk in g th e b eg in n in g o f tfie m o s t e x te n s iv e n a v a l p ro g ra m m e ever, a t te m p te d b y th e U n ite d S ta te s . U n d e r th e te rm s ' o f t l ie ~ a r t th e s e v e s ­se ls a r e to be “ o f a b o u t 2,500 to n s t r i a l d is p la c e m e n t, to tie s h e a th e d a n d cop - ,pgp^d n n d *° h a v e th e h ig h e s t sp eed

W A N T E D .By com petent jvomair, work by the day. Wash

Ing taken homo. .Contracts taken for cleaning hotels and cottages. Address 77-8^* W C.. Press office.

c la s s . T h e m a in b a t te r y w a s a lso a g re e d o n . I t w ill c o n s is t o f te n 5 -in c h q u ic k Are r it le s . ' *

A lc x n f id r tn A n n r c b ls t* I n d i c t e d .A n co n a . I t a l y / \ l a r e h 31.—T h e eh am -

v e s f lg a tln K th e c a s e s o f ‘th e I t a l ia n a n - ' a r c h i s t s w h o w e re a r r e s te d a t A le x a n ­d r ia . K iiyp t, * 'hurged w ith p lo t tin g , a g a in s t K m p 'rn r W i ilia hi a t th e t im e 'o f h is r e r e n t v ir l t to th e H o ly L a n d , finds t h a t t h f i e .w as m> m n s p l r a r y a g a in s t th e em p i-r .o . I-ut th a t th** b o m b s fo u n d w. re jj« ntt«Tt*J to m at*- a b e lief t h a t a p lo t h iu l ln v n a rn iu g e d . T h e c o u r t , h o w ew r.* h a s r o m m itte d 13 a lle g e d a n ­a r c h i s t s fo r t r i a l by. th e c o n s u la r c o u r t a t A le x a n d ria on a r lu f rg e o f b e lo n g in g to n n Illega l Jissi^ciiitjon.

lie|H »i'U *r 1; !."•' .Hi V-l.-v ■ l1 ■ *11. i '.- .’

\ \ W.i: • 1th e tiu d l 'i- id •->!•.!.»« n .i i .iSrn-k-liT—S tm t ii v.: *; f.-ic i.l C.UI t ‘in I W.i- 1'•!:

I ’cir I 'o iite m p Y .M iirch 3 1 .- J u d g e

, mitt- p n -s id in g a t * t r i a l , lia s hundoi! is * t -us** nf Laimdon

:;>ity u f e o n trn ip t of <1 *;•" a n d in s ls , re - r ' n " jn 11' 'srrrrviTC cr ~ o t

li v

A d m i ~iK ii;-: t-

Am.'i.i* t i u ; i \ i a . ' o f th e u .i \vh ‘» w ■ t . an ions th ing fav o r .

ti Sn i ii. .N

l»*H MllVtMIICtllK.■ i . M:» r«'ll 31.—Till?

h ii li-it* fu r J .a ttitl i the exception

'X. T he sailors I d In the fight in*;

s asho re a re progivss-

>1. *|

D R U G S T O R E C H A T .

P r e s c r i p t i o n s m a d e w i t h D r u g s t h a t C u r e ’’ a c t q u i c k

Y o u m i g h t d o a g r e a t d e a l w o r s e - t h a n u s e C o r n S l a y e r o n y o u r c o r n s . C o s t s 1 5 c e n t s c u r e s 1 5 c o r n s .

T h i s is t h e p r o p e r s e a s o n f o r t h e u s e o f S a r s a p a r i l l a . A s a ■ b lo o d “ p D r t f t e i “ i t i s - n r r e q t i a l c d 7

R e m o v e s a l l h u m o r s a n d i m ­p u r i t i e s , c u r e s . e r u p t i o n s , r e g u i a t e s l i v e r , k i d n e y s a n d b o w e l s .

O u r o w n E x t r a c t S a r s a p a ­r i l l a i s g u a r a n t e e d e q u a l t o a n y u t h e n — o r r - t h e - r r r a r l c e t :— G u a ra n t e e d t o g i v e - s a t i s f a c t o r y r e ­s u l t s o r m o n e y r e t u r n e d . P r i c e 6 0 c e n t s f o r r e g u l a r d o l l a r s i z e . H o o U ’s - 9 0 c tM U s ; n o ^ j r i i a r ^ n . t e e !

M a t t i s o n A v e . P h a k m a o y . 1'

AclTertlsementa conuunibg doc more tban twenty-flve w ords'inserted under this beading for twenty-flve cents flrst Insertion nnd fifteen cents each.mibsoquent insertion.

w a n t e d .Three o r four furnlah^tf rooms;

terms. Address J . It., Pr:*8S office.~ Reasonable


W A N T E D .By ft'nnll family, six o r seven room house, by

the year Address, et.uing location and oHce, C. M., Press ofliee. 77 78*

W hite girl for pennrp.l housework and laun­dress. App’v from 0 to I t a . m. a t Deal Country Club. Deal, N: J.‘ •’ ' 1 77tf

T O L E T .vearly houses all imnrnye-y to Miss Neill, roal estate, Oh Math


S A F E W A N T K D .I Gooil second hand safe wanted a t once; m ust be low In price. Address ™ 81 ' ’ ' V L. S.,” Press office.

P O S IT IO N W A N T E D .Gentleman desires position as m anager or as­

sistant in hotel or boarding house; fatnhiat* with books, accounts, etc C«n give best of references. Address F.,,Press office.*, 76-81*

F O R R E N T C H E A P .A new, modern 10 room house on West r th Ave*

*n n'0r^^CnJ: mSTtroififiCeHT” V?tti -1 eiir—yfotJ7»pT**t Ida1 year. Apply to Chas.[J. Black, A^othecarv, op­posite. Post ofliee. , ’ . I70tf

SATURDAY, APRtL TW I T H E A S T E R c o m e s g l a d t i d i n g s o f s p r i n g , a n d w i t h

— o u r - ' s p r i n g - g r e e t i n g s ~ v v e ' v e n t u r e - a . —s u g g e s t i 6 n - r e -

g a r d i n g t h e d e s i r a b i l i t y o f n o v e l t i e s I n H a t s a n d

■ n i s h l n g s r - tQ i r r w l i i d

h a v e s o m e t h i n g n e w , s u c h a s

N eck w ea r—Fine silks, good-m akes, stylish and fashionable.N o th in g can add more to the neat appearance of the well dressed man than a beautiful and,tim ely necktie. W e have n o th in g b u t the newest, pat-, terns in all shapes and styles. B<$ and. SO o e n ts

G lo v es— . ~""In all grades and suitable for every fancy and use.

Shirts— 1 .O ur new arrivals this w eek o f colored shirts, bothW r g !ig '5 e ;;a r iC F ^ 'f f“ b o 5 C ^ ) a rS '-t-l,K :v c ry -~ ja ts 3 tr* 'p

F O R R E N T .A nine-ro«m liouse. by the y* ar, a t 706 Sum

merfleld avenue. Apply to \ \ . H. Smith. 224 Main street. 7fi-80*

H O S 8 E F O R 8 A i G .A good, horse for sale. A pply to

Thomas Williams, 74-79*. Uradley Bench.

D O N ’T PA Y R E N T .Own your own hc-mc. I have a nice 13 room

house. 0*4 Second avenue, bath and other im* nrovements. Will sell t heap on Instulhm m plan; »2,500 can remain on m ortgage'at '5 per c e n t, re- maiuder in pajm ei ts fo suit. 1 o t 50x159 fe tt.

AddressA. W. Lewis,,

74 80 Box 801, Asbury Park.

~C O T T A tB E " W B N T E D rA small furnished cottage wanted for July and

‘August, hi Asbury Park or suburban places* must 1«) Th‘iir ocean and low rent. S tate f«JJ particulars. Address,

S. B. IRISH,73-78* Poughkeepsie, N. Y,

P R O P E R T Y O W N E R SWho anticipate putting down stone walks or curbing this spring will prot t by seeing L. >1. Tnylor. as a sp ed 1 price v, hi be ciTered them.

B O A RD .Cottage board, 603 F irst avenue; all Improve-

monte. Mrs. W. H. Jewell.

T H E C R O W N ,145 Main avenue. Ocean Grove. Open all the

year. The qiost homelike boarding house in Ocean Grove. Steam beat, baths and all im­provements. TermB reasonable. 252tf

S T A N L E Y H O U SE;Daytonq, Fla.

Open November 15 to April 15. Located on Che . jrders of the Halifax river, one-half mile from the A tlantic. A delightful place to spend tnew inter amid sunshine i nd liowers. Terms mod­erate. - C. SEL'G* ICK HUNT, Mgr.

Summer season, Yorkshire. Asburv Park.

B O A R D E R S W A N T E D .The Hanlon, 321 Cookman avenue; open all the

year; termB low.

W H E N IN L A K E W O O DStop a t Thk Towkos, Main 8 treet opposite

Laurel House. Terms reasonable.‘ CHA8 . J . HUNT, Prop.

Summer season. At.lautlc House. Ocean Grove.

J. F , CAritN. .GiuiHitT C. Htonv.CAJPEN & H IG B Y

A rch itec ts |784 Broad S tree t, N ew ark. N. J.

C L A R E N C E D , W IL S O N , *

A r c h i t e c t ,186 B roadw ay L O N G B R A N C H

H A R V E Y K E N L EY,House cleaning and carpets cleaned. 'Will guar­antee satisfaction. Call o r address.

75-80 \901 ^econd Avenue, W est Park.

it n iA< n/ D e tr 'i i t . M ;tc

w a g e s u i 10 p*-r m a c h in e ry ir.

■ $2.50 a day o r ?•

s«‘il In ^fl«‘lit |ru n .1 ::l. —■ A n a d v a n c e in i?nt w ill i)e g iv e n u n io n i s of th is c i ty e a rn in g

tn t iw n c ln g M u y 1 .T he advjine* lm d l****-n d e m a n d e d by fche un io n , a n d a t a m*-*-ting o f rep resen ta^- tiv e s fr<>in a ^ m u jn ri ty o f th e local iron a n d St “el w nrRs ii w as g ra n te d .

N ew jM irt-U n b h jt D e a d .N e w p o rt, it . I.. M arch 21 .—R ev . D a v id

B a ru c h , for. th** p a s t s ix y e u rs r.abbl o f th e J e w is h s y n a g o g u e h e iv t 'ia d e a d a f t ­e r a n il ln e s s of s e v e ra l w eeks. ,1-Ie f o r ­m e r ly o/fioia Iri th e S p a n is h -P o r tu - g u e se sy n a g o g u e a t K in g s to n ’, J a m a ic a .

■ ■■>' lo w n S n o w b o u n d ,B u r lin g to n , 1^., M a rc h 31.—T h e w o rs t

anow’s to rm e v e r k n o \y n th i s t im e of y e a r is r a g in g a l l ’ o v e r th i s reg ion . ^Trains a n d s t r e e t c a r s a r e m u c h d e ­la te d . ; _ _______

STATE OF O n io , ClTr.OF TOLEpO,.fL ucas County-,' f •

f r a n k . J . Ch e n e y .m a k e s 'o a th t h a t he is th e sen lo f p a r tn e r of th e firm o f P., J . Ch k n k t & Co.. doincr business In th e C ity o f Toledo, C ounty and S ta te afo resa id , and th a t s a id .f i tm w ill pay th e sum o f ON.E H U N D R ED DOL'CARS fo r each an d ev e ry case of 'C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t h e c u re d by th e use of H all’s Ca’M.r rh C d r ^.

F R A N K J . C H EISEY .S w orn to befo te m e a'lid subscribed in m y

presence, th is 6 tr* day of D ecem ber, A . D. 1890, • ; ‘ , >. — ^ , . A. W . Q L E A SQ N ,j SEAL j N o ta ry Publfo . •HalPs C atarrh Cure Is -taken in ternally and

‘ acta dlrefctly oh th e fclood an4 pmcoua snr> facea.of the System, Send for testimonials, free. ‘ F. J . CHENEY & Co:, Toledo, O.

» Sold by D ruggists, 75c, .r B all’s Fam ily Pilla a re the beat.—Adv.

? THE GREAT 'Atlantic and Pacific

T E A CO.6 2 6 G o o k m a n A v e n u e

W ill present to 'a l l purchasers of Teas, Coffees, Spices,.Baking Pow- 1 d er and E x trac ts “ T n e F a v o r H e ” (E aster Panel), commencing Satu r­day , March 2.Vand continuing until ' A pril 2. Don’t forget to ge t a copy.


SOMETHING NEWG aipels c leaned fig tn e tom Siisg process

The MonmoutliCarpel Cleaning Co.

is n o w read y to receive o rd e rs a n d fill th e m a fte r A p ril 1st W e e leau a ll k in d s o f c a rp e ts , ru g ’s, e tc ., w ith o u t any .

T E A R . ,WEAR,. ' SfE-AIK,

. BREAK,a n d g u a ra n te e a ll -work o r r e q u l r e .n o pay.

O u r m S n a g e r w tll g la d ly nil a n d e x p la in o u r process, i t y o u tr i l l k in d ly d ro p a p o s ta l c ard .

M o n m o u th C a r p e t C le a n in g Co,B o x 1Q02 •

D r e s s n t a K e r s

. MRS. J . F . B R A D L EY , D r e s a m a k l n e a n d J U a d ie s T a i lO r in i r ,

Main Street ana Lake Avenhe,McCabe Buildino, Abbuuv63-tf Formerfy with JTrs, Bennett. r

vrr Ydti can get floalarge frying and stewibg Oysters a t

P . E , BBNNETT'S 700 Cookman A venue

Inbafleinent, 75 77*

E . J . S T R O U D ,

* C o n tra c tin g . P a in te r .

C O N C E R N IN G P M N 6 s>I can beat them. I can bea t them, and when

the last word is gald I can still beat them —on prices, on piano knowledge and nssortnent. F irst, as to jp rice s : I bavejuo expenses; will sell you the cheap ‘‘thum p box,” if you w ant one for S100, the medium grade piano for 8200 am_ the high grade for f 300— tbe equal of any Weber ever turned out. Secondly, on piano knowledge: I am a tuner; what are the others f Horse jock­eys, tewing" machine agents, music teaeners; they never spent an hour In a factory .can’t make the simplest re'pidrs to a piano, have to depend on tuners, and yet presume to be judges of pianos. Thirdly, os to asso rtm ent; The hun­dreds of plnnosin the wan-roouis c t New York are a t my disposal; the lure Is a trjlle; if you want a piano and w ant It iugh t, I can nick out the best pim o in a Wareroom full. The fun of it all is that, the above is the awrful Taurn, and che other fellow can’t get around It. Next 1

W . C. DOHM,(Plano Tuner 15 years)

. 319 Cookman Avenue’

Hot Cross BunsA L U T H I S W E E K

L e a v e y o u r o rd e rs n o w .

A lso a fu ll lin e o f

Easter NoveltiesE g g s , B a s k e ts , e tc . j

W l N C K L E R ,

B aker an d C onfectioner,-

717 Mattlson Avenue


S t e r l i n g s , - $ 5 0 a n d $ 7 5

D a y t o n s , $ 5 0 , $ 6 0 a n d " $ 7 5

O r i e n t s , . , $ 3 $ , $ 5 0 a n d $ 6 5

S p a l d i n g s , - - - , $ 5 0 a n d $ 7 5

, 'Z im m y , - - - $ 4 0 a n d $ 5 0

| R o c h e s t e r s , $ 4 0 , $ 5 0 a n d ’ $ 6 0

C r a w f o r d s , $ 2 Jt $ 3 5 a n d $ 5 0

N v a c k s , > ■ $ 2 5 . $ 3 0 a n d $ 3 5

C h a i n l e s s , - - - - . - $ 7 $T h ese p rices canno t, ba lioaten ,wh(;h qna?

l t y Is consifleied G M ers p laced -bow w ill in su re p ro ta p t deliveries.

M. L. _


H a t s -

terns in stripes and plaids. Y o u will find a few samples of them in our window. T h e alw ays wearable w hite shirt can be had of us in all sizes and all sleeve lengths.

I f you want a stylish hat, w e have it. Som e peo­ple imagine their appearance is about the same no m atter what kind of hat th e y wear. In this they are mistaken, as not every kind of hat is suitable to every face. Our stock is made up o f the latest spring styjes, and we can suit you. D erbys and A lp in e hats from $1.00 to $4.00. Our hats are of the well knoAVn M elville and Stetson make.

l € &

H A T T E R S A N D M E N ’S O U T F I T T E R S

Next to Postoffice - S 0 6 M A T T ISO N A V EN U E

S B A G I R T F A R MSea. G irt, N , J .

Special Offering of Palms for Easter Decorating For Sale

or Rent

Thefte are some n otably p re tty • :all papers thistseason; and our stock has been selected w ith

great-eare-to-obfain—the-best,-m ost-stylish~ and ^effective designs. Prices:w ill surprise you b y

A t least do Snot m ake a selec-


t r d n b e f o r e ^ b 'o l a A g o V e t 'O U r l i n e : ' ' ' - -i-w -'-..

I t is s u r p r is in g w h a tb e a u t ifu le f fe c ts c a n b e obtained at triflihg expetise b y appropriate color

schem es. O ne rQOin can be. set o ff a ga in st. another through contrasts to great, advantage. G ood taste in the selection -of colors and con­trasts w ill result in richer effects, w ith In e x p e n f sive papers, than can be obtained th rou gh the indiscrim inate use o f - w all coverings o f highest

- cost. \ *_ .■■■-. • - •O ur prices vary from 12 to 30 cents a roll;

the average running from 15 to 25 cents. -T h e re

that are W onderfully clever. “ ",It will give us pleasure to show you ' our

entire line. *

WALTER W. DAVIS,144 and ,145 Haln Street, AStrar7 Park, H. J.

W . W . E M B L E Y & CO.Carriages, Bnsmess Wagons,Harness, HorseGoods,

E v e r y t h i n gf o r a H o rs e


C an fu rn is h th e m in a n y n u m b e r , la rg e o r s m a ll. C a ll o r w r ite for prices!

P . O. a d d re ss S B A . G I R T F A R M

S o x 1 1 7 S p r i n g C o k e , jV . J .

A m u s e m e n t s

Park Opera Housem W H. nO RRIS, M .n a* tr

F r i d a y , M A R C H 3 1A guaranteed ottractlon. Third y fa r of DEN­

MAN THOMPriON’S successful character drama,

Tbe Sunshine,,, -_TO f

Written fo r the people who erjoyed The Old ~ flo i a s i m

The B otton Verdi Ladles Quart e t TI»o Acme fla le Trio

Select Company of 18 PUyersBeautiful Special Stfenery. Among the scenes

shown is the G reat E a st Biver-Dock. Scene w ith theJniumlnated Fain ting o t the Brooklyn Bridge,

scene on the stage. Don’t fail to see it«PRICES, aa , 35, 5« «nd 7 5 Cent*

Beats now on sale a t Crenelle's Pharmacy.

Park Opera House* w ; H. MORRIS, Manager

M O N D A Y , A P R I L S



“ T H E A I R S H I P ”By Joa. M. S a f e ! , w ith the original great

NEW YORK CAST.Superb Scenery, Elaborate Costuming, and Splen­

did Company or

2 0 - A R T I S T S - 2 0

Including such aa Matle S tuart, Raymond Finlay, Max William* Ken Shieldb. Jam es T, Kelly,

Doherty Sisters and othej s.

W£ have been doing a GREAT RENTING BUSINESS, but have plenty of' desirable yearly houses left.

Consult us and get particulars.We have two parties who._want

to exchange Brooklyn for As­bury Park property.

■ArSS one. who will ’ exchange PffiraDfeLPBlA fpr ASBURY PARK property.- « . .

M O N M O U T H .R R A ^ T Y <(CO.

L. E. YAH SAHT, Manager !

R iom s 12 an d 13 , M o n m o u th B u ild ing

TWININfl & VAN SANT ', , In su rance A gents

F ire Insurance. Lowest Rates.-

7 14> M a t t i s o n A v e .


Flno Furn ltiirc M ad&fo O rdcraISpecl^Iiy|Carpets altered and reiaitl, M atta^wearenovatedi

Furniture repaired, and upholstered.



The “ 190CP Washer ,- ^ P r e v e n t s - tK a t - M te d r - F e e l i i i g A

The Lady Sits While Using; it.


Tho work Isslm pleand easy; thomachina is turned to tho rig h t and to tha left, back and forth , .about h a lf w ay a roaad oach time, for from 6 to 12 m inutes, accordingto the requirem ents of tho clothes you aits washing. Ten to tw elve m inutes washea tho w orst soiled garm ents perfectly clean, THITmachihe holds and washes - t ouo time, six sheets, or clothes to th a t am ount.

A s th e tu b is raTolTed bacS; and

rubbed and scrubbed in a whirlpool o f mov. iner w ater. The n ibb ing loosens th e d irt aud th e w a ter rinses and washes i t oufi ljy being -forced back and fp rth through the fibres of the clothes. M any w ashers have been m ade t h a t nibbed th e garm ents, and others th a t moved the w ater, b u t i t Is the combination ot both th a t makes a success­ful washer.

WRINGERS.W e have a g re a t variety , a t prices rang,

ing, according to the quality , from one dollar up, b u t in th is line, like apy other, th e best Is tbe cheapest. O ur high-grade B A L 31 -B E AI UN O W ringers are named af te r our W asher, “MOO."

SOAP.“ He who sells the best of its kind Hods

Ms m ost profitable advertisem ent in w hat he Bells." '

W h at you pay for an artic le Is im portant, b u t w hat you g e t in re tu rn for your money is m ore im portant.

W, M. Pawley GoFurniture,' Stoves and House

Furnishings1 6 6 - i 6 8 ly t /M J N S T R ^ I f e T



This is a, mixed coffee wnich-w« especially recommend ■ for the. excel­lence of ite flayorj -for- i ts ; '

. * strength. 3|i4,fQr its m’q^ferr ' ate price— only 30 cents

.. -percustdniersiwho, halve used th is? blend , for. years. If , you will try a pound we believe you.will become, a • steady,patroq. , • •

If you want. a cneaper grade we. haye.-a- very-fine ' coffee at 25 centsa polipd, V

. and a good blend- (in ih e bean) a t i jfcents. • ■■■*•

•,. HI R" G r o c e r i . ' •

a sb u r y park


Are tho result of actual experience and practical use in 1897 and 1898, and previous years of experimenting. '99 Models- v

~ Im prover at* m a n y p o ln tsr Ttielf^welgtit hfts-heotr i;eatrcea—without-sacrificing strength, and we are convinced that they, are tho beat adapted of all bicycles for use at any time, on any road, and under any conditions.

P R IC E 9 6 0 .0 0FOR SALE— Second Hand Wheels, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 each. ]

W e do a ll k in d s of B icycle R e p a irin g I_________ A nd c a rry a fu ll lin e o f S a q d rle a _________

A S B U R Y j y V R K



8 0 5 S U M M E R F 1E L D A V E .

-asburv park

Unrolling New Wall Papers

From England, from France, from all over slso world, come th a hew W A L iI j p a j p b h s .

For m ore th a n a m onth they have bees conttug. and now th ey a?s leavinK again. W e control so irsany p a tte rn s o f me nneet 'sort th a t th e people a re fa s t becoming awtuca of the fa c t th a t to "cee i t a i i ” they mnffe eom eJieiA i. . ■ . .•

I t doesn’t follow, th a t alofc cl: m oney must; be , d l c " . • • delightful and har­monious effect fa r a robin. I t ’s all in the- headWork-—th e blahWhg:^ ’ . •

Perhaps a v is it here w ill enlighten you. .

j k C Q ¥ p 0 L L , J r . —

S4r C O O K M A N A V E .store,

^ S B ^ R y - P A f e K . ;

F U N E f A L O l f t E ' G T O !

*klS’? Jteu Streets Asbury riOu-".}

A- fitacii*?. icswkeis i.on hand*, to selpet frosn. power deelgiiaia speaial-

1 TelepHone, 21-a., ResidencerilO Sefwall avenne.- rh ;.T : ■ ; ' ■!' < - 'T-.t--. . r

Get Your Heaters Fixed Now!

If iiiey -iieed repairs o r . ’'rL . . - b o h I* t ^ a - " t i m e , t o

te ' yonr Ean|& -or Cook ,-i ’^ to, is 'g tood 'oonditio^if H

no t, call apjop, SB. Prom pt a t ' tention, reliable work and Ww

.. j1;.-1.

■ - 6 4 0 ; M a t t l s o n - A w

J o h n N » B u r t i s , • »

1 t h * 1 \ y m m » ‘ ,

- svimif-kis A-wheD 2:^ t w a n i ‘i^eod ’joi"prUtlngj . . , . . . • furnished,ta order.* ; ■ ■ . ; v

Page 3: For Exchange, SAMOA SITUATION A BIO FURNITURE SHOW. F R · THIRTEENTH YBAfc NO. 7t. ASBURY- PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. ONE CENT For Exchange, An elegant residence prop-——for


Baking PoVvdeM a d e fro m p u re cre a m o f tartar*

Safeguards the food rr - against alain» : -Altim baking po wdm are greatestd eoaccrs to nealth of the prescnt day»


P R E S S O A U SN Q A R .

C o n d e n s e d I i i s t o f C o m i n g E v e n t ! f o r Q u i e t U e fe re n o e <

Saturday, A pril 1—Citizen’s prim ary of F irst ward, Asbury Park , a t Uark hail, 7.80 p. m., to nom inate candidates to bo voted for a t the c ity election A pril 11.

S atu rday , A pril I-t-1* M other Goose” enter­tain ment. by Jun io r Bpw orth League a t W est Grove M. E/churCb.

2 uUu i»jj ■Monday, A pril &—Reception of the Ocean

Grove board of trade in Association ha llMonday, A pril 8 —Boom session Corinthian

, Castle, No. 47, K . G. B., in Appleby . building. ■* *

Monday, A pril 3—“ The A ir Ship” a t P ark Opera House.

•Tuesday, W ednesday and Thursday, April 4, 5 a'nd 6 —F a ir in E ducational hail by ladles o f G rand Avenue Reformed church,

Wednesday* A pril 5—Ball of P ark City band and orchestra In beach auditorium .

W ednesday, April 5—M eeting of Neptune City borough council.

W ednesday, April 5 —Banquet of the Ocean Grove board of trade.

Thursday, April 6 —Concert by Ocean Grove auditorium c h o ir and Boloibtslu High school assembly-room

Friday, April f —Lawn p a rty by the young ladies of Ocean Grove In Association

h a ll----------------- ------------------- i-------Thursday nnd Friday, April 27 and 28—

M onmouth County W . C. T. U. conven tlon a t F irs t Presbyterian church, As bury Park.

Thursday, May 11—Banquet of the Spanish- Am erican W ar V eterans’ Association, Company A 1 New Jersoy VolunteerMn- fantry .

T h e W e a th e r.The governm ent w eather bulletin received

a t the P hess oflice a t noon today says: Showers this afternoon and in north por­

tion tonight. Fair Satu rday and probably Sunday. Colder tonight.

C im e t a b l e s


Tbe Standard Railroad of America.On and after October 4,1896.

TRAINS UUVX ABBTXHT PARK—TfU-DiTIfor New York and Newark, 7.15,9.10 a m, 21 ahd 6,87 p m.For Elisabeth, 9.10am, 2.35and 3.97 p m For Bahway, 9.10 a m, 5 and 6 p m.

. For Mala wan, 9.10 tn, 3.85 and S.S7 p m.For Long Branch, 7..0,9.10, 10.58 a m, 2.1a, 2.85,

6j87«fi.40r7.a7 p tn.For Bed Bank, 7.15, 9.10 a in, 2.85 tud 5.27 p m. For Philadelphia, Brood 8c., and Tran too, 7.29,

7.59 a.m, 12.50, and 4.J7 p m.For Camden via Trenton and Borden town. 7,2)

7.59 a m, 13J2Q and 4.07 p m.For Oamaea and Philadelphia, via To mi River

U lptQ , .For Toma Biter. Island Heights and IntarmodJ-f o r * P ^ tH n» a « n t rind-imarroodtalo ■ etaUo iu - i t a f l j t o o k . , .

“ “* — ~ — A brick g u tte r is being laid on the eastside of Kingsley street, between F irst and

11 Of am . 2.58, M3 pm .FOr New Brunswick, via Monmouth Jnnotlon,

7.59 a m , a n »4.07 o n ;rsuUKK uuvx nkw to ax roa ABBtmr park

From Weet Twenty-Third, Street at#tlon, 8.50 a m, 12,20,8.20 and 4.50 pm. *8andays, 9J30a m and 4 fiO.p m.

From Deabrossea and Cortlandt street ferries at 0,10a, rn, 18.50v 8.40and 5.}Q pm. Sundays,9.45 a m and 5.15 pm.

- On Boii'day will stop at Interlaken and Avon in place of North Aabury Park ani Asbury Park to 1st off. passengers.

tbaihs lkavp phizadklfeia (Broad Bt.) roaAUBTSRY H U

&t89^U<i4 a m ,8,80 and 4.02 pm. week*day»* __ Market Street wharf. vlaCamden and Tran , ton, 7,10, 10.80 a m. 8.80 and 8.80 p m. week*

days. Leave iMarkat Street Wharf via Jamas*burg; ?,J0 a m« 106 p m week-oays.

. ' tSAya BBOAD 8TBITT,' PHILADELPHIA.For Baltimore and Washington. 8 50, 7 20. 8 82.

1020,11 28 a m,12 09, *12 81, *1 12,8 12, 4 41,(*5 Z& Congressional Limited), 6 84,017, *C 55, *7 81 p m, and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays, 3 50, 720, 912,11 28 a m, 18 09, *119, 8 72, 4 41, (*5 2(5 Congressional Limited), 5 84, *6 55, *7 81 p m, and 12 05 night.

• For Baltimore, accommodation, 012 a m, 162 and 4 01 pm week-days, 5 08and 11 10 p m daily.

; Atlantic Coiat Line, ’Florida Special, 853 p t t , week-days. Express, 12 OOpn^aqd, 12 05 night,Southern Railway. Florida Limited, 2 28 p n

week-days. Expreca,584and0 55 pm daily. Chesapeake A Ohio Hallway, 7 81 p m dally. * • For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 a n . week-days, 11 10 p m dally. 'Leave MARKET STRBET WHARF as follows?

Express for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 80 pm week' •Aiidaya. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 8(

mweek-days.For Island Heights, 8 80 a m and 4 00 p m week-

•SSlngCar.•4 Time tables of another trains of the system may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations.

. „ ' . ‘J; K. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt,J . B, Hutchinson, Gen, Manager,


Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively, insar* inf Cleanliness and Comfort.,

Tftae table lb effect November 2a 1898 * iBAnrs Lxava abbobt paax:

For NaW-York, Newark and Elisabeth via all rafircratojrpao, 800am,1818,400,Q80 p m . Snn d a n » o » Interlaken station, 7 87 a m, 4 18 p m

• / For.PbUadelphia and Trenton via EUsabethport, • A* 3 **1 am , 18.18. 400 pm . Sundays from

In station, 7 57 a m, 418 pm .

For Eirtnti. Bethlehem, Allentown and Maoofc GhnolnOSO,800am. 1218,400 p m Sundays from Interlaken station. 418 d tn.

Foe WlfiHJarro and Soranton^S 00 a mA218 p mFor Bufftld and Chicago via D. L** w. B. B.,

8 CO a m,' 4 00 p m. Sundays, from Interlaken - station,4 IB pm.

BWUBNINO TO ASBOBY PABE.Leavo,Nsw York, foot of Liberty street, all rail

ronte,'4 W, B 60, 8 80.1180* a m, 418,-440; fl 15 p i m. Sundays to Interlaken stAtlpn, 900 a m, 400nm ! .

' LeaveiTwr York from South Ferry, Whitehall street028,1128a m ,865,4%,0 10 pm. Snn* days to Interlaken stAtionJJMam, 8 66p m.

rj.’H j , h . OLHAUSEN, Qen’l Bupt. H. P. Baldwin, den4 Fasa. AtCti


F u r n a c e W o r t o



V ein s o< In t« rc« t lo o S m all fo r a H oadllncS — IIaB lien ln B S Fcrm irihT »n(l o tbornv lee X i» t W ill H e lp to

’ M ak e th e H lfito rj o f A e b n rj P a rk . N epcand T ow nship a n d V ic in ity .“Sanshlna of P/irndioo Alley” tonight. Three or fonr furnished room B a re adver-

tlsed for toddy,You can obtain E aster egg dyes of Blook,

apothecary, opposite poatoflloo. .— A-wtilto-K lrl-can-Bocuraom pIoyroeiitby applying to the Deal country club. Bee ady." Some very flnS EtBter'musIo 'will bo ren- tlorcd ill the churches air A sbury nextSunday.

The Albemarle, Third"avenue, la.receiving a ooat o t pa in t which will g rea tly ImproveIts appearance.— ----- ----- -------

Miss Neill; real esta te agent, 98 M alnave- nue, Ocean Grove, haa houses to io n tb y the year. Bee a^ver. ■ ’ , ,

'Tlsn’t too early nor lolpertlnent to ask whether the WeBley lake brldp-eq will be free the coming summer. .

A new stone sidewalk is being laid on M ala s tree t in front of J . H. Cook’8 dry goodsistabllsbm ent.

j# c * p k J n X

Tj /ig S r e a t ^ j u t t t e S t o r e

7 / f a t t e s o n '

' U h e S r e a t j u t t l e S t o r e

9 7/ a t t / s o n j { v e .

New Line l O c e n t Stamped GoMs in Today. First Come GeTs the Pick

per Yard all Colors and Widths

For Trimming Hats, Worth 25 and 50c

Per Cluster)]

• > . . . . . , . Per'Yard . . . . .

Belts, Belt Buckles, Shirr Waist Pins, Cuff Buttons.Bradley Beach, fhb o th e r ,,a t N eptune City in the W hite building.

A ttention is directed today to the wall paper ta lk In tbe W alter W . Davis adver­tisement, second page.

Eyerybody hopes for nice w eather Sun- day-^-especIally tlie ladles who expect to w ear E aste r h a ts and gowns. -

Miea Lillie Hoagland has re tu rned f<om Philadelphia, a fte f having e r . j^ e d a very pleasant visit there among frletfda.

The Appleby agency offers for ren t the s to re a t 100 and j08 Maih s tree t now occu­pied by the W. &L Pawloy company.

Miss Agnes C. Bryan oC H artford , Conn., Is spondlrig the Easter holidays w ith her brother,- Dr. Bryan of Asbury avenue. 1

jVIem bers-of 'A sbury Councir'JTT'Or V .'~A.~ M. of this city, atteuded. the eighth nnnl* versary of the* Eatontown connr.H, heldMarch 23.

A competent woman w ants work by the day. Will also take washing home, and m ake contracts for cleaning hotels and cot­tages. See advor.

“DorI<‘" G rant has moved his tonsorlal establishment from 2p South Main street to tho building a t No. 19, a few doors east of his form er location.

The E aster and spring opening of neck­wear, gloves, shirts, hats,, etc., for mon takes place tomorrow a t tho store of Hop­per & Co., 005 Mattison avenue.

The choir of the First M. E. church, this city, will be augmented on E aster Sabbath bysevoral voices. Among others Miss Bryan, soprano, of H artford, will sing:

Charles B. Mann and wife and ex-Mayor StcwaFt-and-his-sister-of-Philadelpbiftrftrc a t the Mann cottage, on Seventh, avenue, tWs city, to remain during the Easter, holi­days. '

Dr. George B. W igh t wiil m ake the ad* dress a t the' passion week united services tonight In the First Presbyterian churph. Subject: “T h e‘Cross and the World’s Ite- dem pt’on."'

Tomorrow, April 1, is the d a te for open­ing of the tro u t eeason. As a result Dr. H. 8 . K lm nonth will enjoy a holiday. He m ay be found In his favorite spot on the banks of

Asbury avenues. I t is seven feet wide, and will be a big improvement to th a t section ofKingsley street. - ;

W illis Knowlton, the Cookman avenue photographer/ has been confined to his bed on account of sickness for the past few days, b u t will be able tOiattend to businessagain.on .Monday— . ................... ....

The W estm inster Presbyterian choir of this city held a rehearsal a t A. L. Selghort- ner’s Deal clubhouse a few n ights ago. A fter the rehearsal the members were en­tertained by their director, E. C. B urtls.

B R A D L E Y B E A C H C O U N C IL .

M W i i a w s i i

Did Not C onfirm Som e A p p o in tm en ts a t L ast Of cot In f .

Among the numerous item s of business transacted by the m ayor and council of Bradley Beach it the meeting held Monday fligh t waa the appointm ent by M ayor Rog­ers,of W illiam J . Faynter to be overseer of th e poor, and Samuel A. Pattergon as bor­ough counsel. Both the appolntm entsw ero continued by the council.

The nominations of tho m ayor for clerk and borough marshal did not fa re so well. He again named Sylvester Z. OSarl to r tho position of clerk, having appointed him a t tho first meeting of council, and I^ndo lph Bhutta wa9 mentioned aa the m ayor’s choice for m arshal. The council would no t con­firm Messrs. Earl and Shutts, and' the fo r­m er Incumbents, Clerk G ant and M arshal Maddox, will continue to serve u n til the ir successors havo been appointed and con­firmed.

The finance committee was changed by tha resignation of Charles A. B ennett, and the appointm ent of William Giffard to the place.

Counsel S. A, Patterson subm itted a code of rules to govern the meetings of th e board, and they were adopted as a whole. ’ •*

S o ld ie r C om m its Sufctde.Lester H. Ewing ot the S ixteenth Regu­

la r infantry, who killed himself a t Knox­ville, 'f e n n , Wednesday, formerly.lived a t Red Bank. He was 21 years old and w as a .wild, daring young fellow. L ast fall, wblle a t A tlantlo Highlands, he go t into some so rt of a sorapo, and left these p a rts before the day of the trial. ^HIb name w as Isaad, b u t he enlisted under the namo of Lester. W hen heard from last ha was a t Huntsville, Ala., and I t is supposed th a t he enlisted In the service there. Ho w as tho youngest of Uno children, and was the flftti to die-. .His ap the»Is nearly.70yoars.old.- Y oungE w lng

cam e from a fighting family. H is fa th e r fought In the olvll war, Ills g ran d fa th e r In the w ar of 1812, and his g re a tg ra n d fa th e r In tho re v o lu tio n a ry w ar. W hen In Red Bank he lived w ith his Bister,-Mrs. Sarah E. Iv ins,, and he was there lost In October. (Tile body; w llU je tro n eh t to B ed Bantf.

■ ,• • :i --------------- v -F i r s t A nn iversary .' »

•This evening,the llrs t anniversary of tho C hristian (a n i Mlsglonary A.lllanoo o ftA s‘ Ibtiry P a r^ ';wlU JA jf^ej]»w ted(at't^a F irst BajitlBb'.dMihsh., M isiltiy 'A gneW of 'New York, who Is oohneotgd w ith th e alliance' headauorj^S i will be the principal'speaker, p h f haa 6p6i;en,;njton several ‘fo rm er oooi-. alopabflfere-theilolialJbrtyohr.o.Mlaa'AsTia'w- lS ^ iilterestliiar, ta lker and mi exdellont singer.. All a re Invited to the anniversary exerolses th is evening. _




Pursuan t to a resolution adopted March 22,1890, the mayor and council will recei ve, a t tltelr meeting to be held on Wednesday evening, April 12,1899, a t 7.30 o’clock, Ren led proposals for the construction of a24 inch te rra co tta drain in 8 pcond avenue, from ■Ca'rneld'itventle'TtrSliaiTr 'River, atrAvon-' by-the*Sea; said drain to bo constructed wiili manholes,\inlets for*sJtonn water, etc.

-TbOTibovework-mnst-be-completcd^rithirrSO- working days a fte r the date of signing the contract for the same; Plans and specifica­tions, with a d ra ft of the contract nnd bonds required to bo frtven, may be seen a t the of­flce of the c ity engineer, a t the city hall, Trenton, N. J ., or a t the oflice of tho bor­ough clerk, Leroy Sofleld, Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J.,’ on nnd after, March 29, 1899. Each proposal m ust lie made on a blank form, which will be furnished hy the engineer or borough clerk, and m ust be accompanied by a satisfactory bond, with a t least two sure­ties. in tbe sum of flve hundred dollars; conditioned th a t if tlie proposal be accepted tlie person or persons making it will execute the contract, required to be furnished within five days a fto r the acceptance of the pro­posal. The proposal,m ust be deliveretf bv the bidder or his agen t to thfe borough clerl a t the m eeting above mentioned, when the s m e shall be called for by the m ayor or president of council. The rt^ lit is reserved to reject any 'and all bids.'


Why. pay so mucTrfor Inferior Goods, when by Calling on , 1

PATTERSON, TAYLOR & CO.You can get the Newest and Best that ,the

Market of ’99 can produce.



MARCH 28,29,30T H E V £ R Y L A T E S t

In Styles and Shapes Now in Stock

Mrs. BALDAUF’S M illinery Parlors


BLACK'S EJflDLSIOH OF COD UYEfy OILIs good. I t Is the best th a t can be made of purq fresh oil. As palatable as milk to take. As a tonic there is nothing better, especially a f te r a cold o r grippe. I t will cure a cough quicker th an any cough syrup. You can ga in 3 pounds a week by taking I t faithfully, if you are w eak and debilitated.

Black’s EmulsionIs good, because It has tlie medicine in it. Cheap because i t Is 60 cents for a dollar size bottle. * Prepared only by

Chas; J . Black, Apothecary,O p p o s i t e P o s t o f f i o e .

Talk to Us- About any dental

• work you may have to den— that’,? out business. Become acquainted with the newest improvements for painless den- ' tistry—that’s your business.It'is unnecessary with the lat­est; appliances' of the dental

> profession, for a person to lose a tooth; providing, at the first signs'Qf ' decay, the dentist is consulted. Get our advice—

, it costs nothing.

BOSTON DENTISTSR ichard F. D oran , D.D.S.

W inckter Bid?. 715- 1^ Mattison Avenue

=TC 1 J A R L E S F . W O T 0 F F

Mixed PaintDeaUr



O ffice 7 0 0 M a in S t . 1 . c«r. s««*il A n .

j • Q p p o s Ito P o s to fflc o' : OCEAN GROVE

Mrr-Tailor-nijKie-iHtH)—if— tlw rlm ig-abotT lrgett i t i" a nuw unito r ovoreont, a p a ir o f trousers or a fancy vest, m ake your se lection w hile o n r lino of F o re ig n nn<l D om estic 'W oolens is com plete . O ur u ssp rtineu t of seasonable fab rics is hard .to m atcli.

W o are D o t t ry in g to g e t rid of any old g o ld s . Y ou will find no such stu ff in o u r sto re . H av ing tak en g re a t care in tho selection o f our stock , we are. to3ay offering to o n r p a tro n s tho finest and m ost exclusive liue o f M en ’s, B oys’ and C h ild ren ’s custom m ade and ready to w ear C lo th in g , I la t s , C aps and M e n ’ll F u rn ish in g s evei show n on' tlie N ew Je rsey coast. 1 .

O n r p r ic e 6 on th is S j,ring ’s new goods are as follow s:

M EN ’S S U IT S f r o m $ 2 .5 0 t o ......................................... . . . . * . .$ 1 8 . 0 0

MEN’S S P R IN G O V E R C O A T S f ro m $ 4 .4 0 to ......................1 8 .0 0

M EtS’S P A N T S f r o m 9 5 c e n ts t o * . ..........................................................5 .0 0

B O Y S ’ S U IT S , w a r r a n t e d a l l w o o l, f a s t c o lo rs , $ 1 .0 0 t o 1 0 .0 0


Y o u r M oney back if you want it.


________ A S B U R Y P A R K . IV . T .


.00 t o, 0 0 0 . 0 0

L o ts fo r S a le , no

q u ired .

m o n e y re-


R eal^Em ate and Insurance.

Diamonds Silverw are C u t Glass

- , f o b

Weddings and ; Birthday G ifts

A t t n o ^J e w e l r y S t o r e o f

A. W. Cornelius6 2 4

Cookm an A v e .

isbarj Park.


, are Plerco Wheels sp pdjiularf Look at >rd for ’08. We had no cones to replace on

any fierce Wheelwf ’08.. No forks, spokes or cranks' were brokent no frameB broken in any part. They are fftsttshowlDg they are easy, run­ners. "What more cap a'rider want?

P ierce , $ 40, $iV0 ' C hainless,,65 .. ' ,

B a r ite s , $5o , $ 6 5 1 C h a d le s s , $ 7 5 isgle, $3 5 , $3 5 t $SO, $60 .

or In s ta lm en ts . A ll guaranteed .

O , T . S A N F O R D ,

[ a t t I s o n A v e . , | A s b u r y P a rk ,


OK. iUSEPH H. BRYANSnooeesor to Dr. Bruce 8. Keator. 2 1 Aabury

avenue. Offlce hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone connection

0 k. F. F. COLEMANNorthwegt corner Fourth ave. and Kingsley gt. Office Hours; 9 to 10 a. m,, 1.80 to 8,80 p. m

7 to 8 p. m«Telephone 1 B.

DR. MARGARET Q. CURRIE,126 Main avenue, Ooean Grove* N. 3,

T/cQoe Hour* VS to G p. ro, i 17 tp ------910 p. m.

OR. ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM-80S Third Avenue, Aabury Park, N. J .

Office hours until to a. m„ 12 to 8 ,6 to 7.80 p. m. Telephone Call 891

H, S, KINM0NTH. M. B,710 Grand avenue, and a t Klnmonth A Qo.'i

Drug Store 724 Cookman avenue.Asbury Park, N. J.


(Graduate of University of Pennsylvania). Corner Cookman avenue aud Emory stree t, ovai

LeMalstre’s, oppoelt« post offlce. Entrance on Emory stree t. Ajibuiy Park.

Offlce hours from 9 a. m. to 5. p. m .' Telephone 931.

: d e o . L. p . TOM PKINS, D .D .S .DentlBt, 617 Mattison avenue (the Keator block,

near poatofllce), Aabury Park. Teeth e x t r a c ts palnlertsly without rendering the patient uncon­scious. Gas administered. Offlce hours 0 a . m. to 5 p. m.

if on v U l n o t oe m a a e unconsc ious, b n t > o u r to o th w ill be p a in le ss ly re* m oved 1/ Algine- ia need


DENTISTS!COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARKC o n su lta tio n a n d ex am in a tio n free. W e a d m in is te r fresh gas

S P B O I A l >



J. J. PARKER’SE v e r y d a y is b a r g a i n d a y a t o u r s t o r e s , b u t j u s t t o

m a k e S A T U R D A Y s p e c i a l l y i n t e r e s t i n g , w e o f f e r t h e s e s p e c i a l b a r g a i n s .

C a l i f o r n ia H a m s , 5 j £ c lb . K i n g a n ’s C e l e b r a t e d H a f n s ,

8 * ^ c lb . S k i n n e d B a c k H a m s , 8 ^ c lb .

z o c P a c k a g e B e s t P r e p a r e d B u c k w h e a t f o r 6 c

Please leave your orders early in the day. You will avoid th e rush_______ •----- ------ ------- ^aM lm m|.feC jde4lv:er.YJ--.

F in e Cream ery B u tte r . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 5 lbs for SI 00H e n k le ’s B aking P o w d e r ..................... • ................................... J lb can 6cF ine Mackerel . • .................. eachG rated Pinefippie, large c a n s .................................... • ...................7c «anCalifornia Prunes . . : ............................................................ 3 lbs for 25cHeSt N ew York S tate l l e a u s ..................................................... 5 q ts for 25cBest Green Peas ..................................................... i . 5c quartCorn S t a r c h ....................................................................... 7 Packages for 25cA Hoc Pull of'Jelly f o r ................................■ . 21c-'P rincess Collee . . . . . , ......................................................................25c lbGood Coffee .......................................... ■ i ■ 15c lbD airy Milk h a . no s u p e r io r ..............................................................8c canMoosehea,l M ilk ................................................... ................................. 7c can(food C arolina Hive (ielbliest O a tm e a l ...................................................................................2 lbs for 5cBean P o r k .............................. . 4Ae lb


F L O I T BW e a r e t h e o n l y d e a l e r s in th is v ic in i ty s e l l i n g N o b l e ’s

F l o u r s . D o n o t b e d e c e i v e d b y im i t a t i o n s .

N O B L E ’S S T A R F L O I I R , $ 4 . 1 9 B A R R E L

1 2 l b . S A C K O F F A M I L Y F L O U R F O R 2 3 c .


Other Stores : Long Branch, Manasquan,Little Falls.


_____ 604, 6 0 6 . 6 o 3 C ookm an A v e n u e .C or. L a k e A v en u e a n d M ain S tr e e t ,


Jfsb u rv ParK hotel* f lsb u ry ParK Hotels

F A M I L Y H O T E L ,G r a n d a n d S e w a l l A v e n u e b

-OPEN ALL TH E YEAR.Steam beat. Electric.lifrhta.

-A44-mmlenHmprove’nient6....... •—-Sun parlor. • Reasonable prlcos.

T h e W e ll in g t o nF iftee n th S eason .


T h e V ic to r ia1 h lrd and Ocean A venues

O P E N A P R I L 1. N in e te e n th season.

LaurelHdusTSecond A venue antf lCIniratey S tree t

OPEN JUNE 15, 1899.

T h e S ta ffo rdC orner F ilth A venue and Heck S tre e t Open All T he Year

New house; new ly furnished. Bteam heat, gas, electric lights, ba ths and all possible Im provem ents for th e comforv and enjoym ent of guests, Fine*! location for an all-the-ypar house in A sbury P a rk ; opposite Sunset lake; two blocks from beach sunparlor*; special accom m odations for bicycles.

F or term s pddress A. Li. GUY.

Grand Central Hotel Second nvomu}, nenr-the beaciu AOIV" 0 /M2JV

Special term s for the spring months.A. TKUHUNE, Proprietor.

St. Laurent 4(38 Seventh nyenu*f N ear Seventh avenue sun parlnry Open atl the year. Steam hent.'lmths, large and c.omfortahle rooms. Sppclul term s f«»r wii|tt*ran<l sprlnjr moniliK. • S FLYNN.

The Warwick Grand Avenue Hotel

>J0t Beventh Avenue. Now open. Largo, cheerful rooms thoroughly heated. Near Seventh Avenue Sun Parlor. Terms reas^na tK ’

Open nil the year. Knlnrged and im

f>roved. Electric lights am! gas. 81m par or*. Superior tnWc. L. SILL, proprietor

The OrangeCorner Grand ana Munroe arcuuei*. One block trom elecir^i cam five minutes irom beach or railroad station^/ Special rate* for families Superior table. Steam heated. Open all the vear.


The Philadelphia307 Sunset Avenue.

Two minutes’ walk from beach. Open entire yea. Steam heat. MocWn Improvements. Sunjjn*» rates, $8 to $15. Kail and w inter prices, |6 feo'SS, Families considered.

-(form erly St. James). Comer Cookman ave­nue and Webb street. Open all, the year. Com­manding full view of the sea. Brof d porches,

large, airy, comfortable rooms. Bteam heated throughout. Bervlce and cuisine excellent. Special term s for tne fall ahd winter months. E. VAN A KEN.

Commercial Hotel

O U R T E R M 8 A RE CA 8 H


Transacts general legal bualnesa. Acknowledg­ments taken for all states. -■

Eooms 9-JO Appleby Building.

W M . C. C O n R ELLa r c h it e c t .

,Plans and specifications furnished a t short nor vtioe. v Hotel work a specialty. 416 Lake Avenue.

Tbe Late Unpleasantnessof the w eather oaused m any poople to see the, advantages of family Washing a t i cents a pound. Goofl. m apy people have found It a good

- th in g In, any kind of'yeatber. W e’ll call anywhere, *

Kow'Nook Bands and New W ris t . / Bands p u t on Shirts free. •'

Snow F like Laundry,| 8 i« m a 818 ]

Cookman. Avenue., ■

Ocean Grove hotels Ocean 6 r m h o te ls

The Alaska3 and 5 Pitman aveuue, 4 anfl 6 McClintock street,

all 1 ‘ . Suh parlors and well heated rooms for the cool months._ The only hotel in Ocean Grove supplied with sea wateropen all the year. .baths. The location is of the best, looieet frpm boardwalk and close to auditorium aqd post oftcc. N. H. KILMHR, Proprietor.

Palo Alto 80 8outh Wain street. Ocean Grove. Table supplied with mlik.and vegetables from our own farm . All modern improvements. Tennf

, moderate. H. A TRUAX.:

T O L O A N . . . . .A t F iv e P e r C em t -

$1,500 2 , 0 0 0

5 t0 0 0 o r

1 , 0 0 0

3;0004.0006 . 0 0 0

A t B iz P .e r C e n t/

. J. W. Hetrick & Soi y * 6 2 6 M attlsor/ A v e .

K e ato r^B look .’


T h a t ca te rs-to ; »r .Y o u r w an ts is th e .

I M P E R I A LI f y o u w a n t d o m e stic finish,

s a y s o ; w e a re h e re to g i^ e satisfaction to dll. O ifr, w a g o trcall? e v e r y day. ;_______ »

N o w is the tim e o f th e y e a r to have_ y o u r • , ^

Lace Curtains "Laiin^erejOEFICE 8I4 C00KMAN flVEHUE.

Page 4: For Exchange, SAMOA SITUATION A BIO FURNITURE SHOW. F R · THIRTEENTH YBAfc NO. 7t. ASBURY- PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. ONE CENT For Exchange, An elegant residence prop-——for


Thursday, Friday, SaturdayOur Annual Spring Mi/tiriery

L L t h a t p e r f e c t i o n o f f e r s i n F r e n c h p a t t e r r t s H q . t s a n d

B o n n e t s w i l l b e o n d i s p l a y . A h a n d s o m e s o u v e n i r t o

e a c h p u r c H a s e r in r n T l l in e r y d e p a r t n i e f t t o n S a t u r e l a y :

M illin e r y" T h e p e r f e c t i o m o f g r a c e a n d f i n i s h i s a l w a y s o u r e n d e a v o r a r ( d

s u c c e s s . W e s u f f e r f r o m n o c o m p e t i t i o n in t h i s d e p a r t m e n t

a n d h o l d p r a c t i c a l s w a y o v e r t h e e n t i r e f i e l d . A l r e a d y s e l e c ­

t i o n s o f e n o r m o u s p r o p o r t i o n s h a v e b e e n m a d e a n d a r e n o w

a r r i v i n g . ’ T w o o f o u r h e a d w o r k e r s a r e n o w in t h e ’ c i ty

s t u d y i n g s t y l e a n d e f f e c t . I •

D r e s s G o o d sI n a l l w e a v e s a n d c o l o r i n g s a r e a l r e a d y b o u g h t a n d b e i n g

s h i p p e d . T h e d e m a n d f o r W a s h G o o d s w i l l b e s i m p l y e n o r ­

m o u s , a n d w e h a v e p r o v i d e d a c c o r d i n g l y . I n o u r

H o sie ry a n d N o tio n sD e p a r t m e n t w i l l b e f o u n d t h e f a v o r i t e t r i m m i n g l a c e s w h i c h

a r e s o n e c e s s a r y t o t h e f i n i s h o f t h e S u m m e r g o w n .

C o a t R eefers a n d J a c k e tsi

F o r S p T i n g s e T \ n S r i 7 e “ ^ b o 'u t " f e a 'd y ^ n t ) W ’f o r ^ s h i p p i h g ‘- a n d

-hav**— r fT r p f n l l y s e l e c t e d t o s u i t t h e w e l l k n o w n r e q u i r e -

m e n t s o f o u r p a t r o n s . » _ ;

O u r S h o e D e p a r tm e n tH a s t a k e n o n t h e , p o l i s h a n d p u s h f a r s p r i n g a n d i s r e p l e t e

w i t h , a l l t h a t f a s h i o n d i c t a t e s a s g o o d . T h e r e ’s n o t h i n g b u t

g o o d t h i n g s h e r e — a n i n s p e c t i o n w i l l d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t f a c t .

S H E R M A N WIITL N O T S E R V E . T h e P a r t i n g o f t h e W a y s .X e w Y o r k C o i« K r r< * > m n in n D e c l i n e * ia

- C i c i i v r n l A i » i » r |* i * e r w l t l i > .

■■'Washington, M arch 31.—R ep resen ta ­tive Sherm an of New Y ork h*as taker, the earlie st opp o rtu n ity a f te r th e re tu rn of P residen t M cKinley to decline tf»e appoin tm ent lit- h id received, and which had been cnnf'n iicd hy th e sena te , to be one of ihe board of j;rnerftl app ra ise rs . Mr. Rherm nn. h ad in tended to occuiiy ,th^«itn»:e to which he w aa appo in ted . Indeed, he. waa not nam ed until he had indicated h is \v<ll!ns'ne^n to accep t it, and not until a f te r th e .ad jo u rn m en t of congress* w as the repo rt heard th a t Mr. Sherm an i flight di-ciine to ^qualify for the-po^itlon,

Mr, Sh*rm an very fran k ly ;.in s ists th a t his decliantixii does ?mt th a t hewjH the »ext to be a4ianTlulaiiT-lut Wii.u!I03!.{tail'..!H is re la tions w ith Mr. I teed h ave a l­w ays bt-t*h T+r the m ost ooirdiaL.ileacrip-. .vi.QJli. I.t wa s only v,r.v recen tly th a t ho­rnet and ta lked w hh Him and asslircil him of tin- a b su rd ity of the rep o rts con­necting hia nam e ,w ith a proposed effort to be elet t t i tu ,i» ivsMe over the next house. ^

.Mr. S herm an’s■nwnrexp!anation of hia declination of “The otilt e -of -ap p ra ise r, w ith $7,00(1 a y e a r sa la ry , la th a t the people of tlie d is tr ic t th a t elected him to congress a sk him to continue to rep ­resen t them ra th e r th an to place him ­self in u cou rt from which he would not be likely lo he recalled a f te r he had been hidden in it for a y e a r o r two. Yielding to the w ish es 'o f his constltu -

4W.tjSU.Mil.JUi.1.Ji'.. . <1 gajre to run for speaker, S ir. STYcini'art w 111 STTinCTtJ’ ICIF" is la tio n * T V * suggestion h a s been heard here from a New Y ork rep re sen ta tiv e In ofllce th a t it is probuble th a t Mr. S her­m an h a s h eard an in tim a tio n th a t If he will continue in the house of rep re sen t­a tiv e s ,’a little longer he m ay be a d ­vanced to the sena te . .

-• 1*1 ;$•’?*< ru in V . "*London, M arch 31.—The M arquis, de

Corralbo; the chief a g en t of Dofl-Carlos, h a s gone to Venice, acco rd ing to a d is­p a tch from P pris , to re p o rt to th e p re ­ten d er and ttf receive h is final in s tru c ­tions. T he C arlls ts claim to h ave a b u n ­d a n t fu n d s and am m unition and to be confident of success th e^m o m en t Don C arlos g ives the sig n a l for th e over­throw of the A lfonsist d ynasty .

E a s t e r . . • The season ’twixt winter and spring—will be here i t leaa^than a week,' Eastertide markB

the parting o f the ways, for it is a ipmfnder that heavy olothing is to be la id aside and an assnranoe of tho approach of balmy days, when lighter wraps and gowns are to be donned.,

t h e s t e i n b a c h C o m p a n yas usual, has prepared'for the coming of the new season.* ’Twas not a hniried preparation, either, for onr buyers have spent several weeks in stocking the Ladies’ Snit Department with all the requisites for the ad- vent-of--Gentle-Spring.--These-now_gooda, Jho..piek_o£.Jhe_domeatio. markets, are now ready for inspection. Never before was the assortment larger, the Btyles more varied or the prices eo reasonable.

e~ Sni ts-bf~-eHtlle3B=pattern8-an<i--prioing8p=Separate: and imported materials, and- a bewildering_array_cf_

dainty Jackets in evory conceivable material’ Stylish Capes 'irfvatled shapes, "Tallor-m<vde~ ”Skirts of domesticSilk Shirt Waists, now so popular with the fair sex.

The Millinery Depttrtmont is likofl'teo r e p le te with TEastor showings.- Hero can bo found dainty headcoverings from Paris and- London, as well as all the natty styles originated on this side of the Atlantic; We employ skilled artists in this department and tako pride in the fact thi^ our millinery will compare favorably with the woik of the big establiahmenta in New York *nd Philadelphia. *

Cookman A venue and M ain s t r e e t .


E m o ry S tre e t .

- ... .......

O ’U R TW O E S T A B L IS H M E N T S are dressed th is week for E aster. I h

ever.v ,denartm ent—an d there are 20 o f th e m —can be found th e really new th ings In sp rin g e tte c ta . . T he w in ter goods have been ^ le g a te d to '

th e rear to m ake room for tlie new com ers. I n every d epartm en t a re show nTllU JeaturMibf thj i6B ni Be£ar<tojnt for tl>i8=speei«l nrfl. nAV<,lt|cg-Ti«ggr—h«fnmllftpln.yp<l|-JwhllBtha-o)dKfailrt bg’H .nra nrnttlcr .Timlrata in a to tv nnnnoivnh lo mn.foriR.l- KtvTiaTi a ’ r . x n - 1x-nu« * . : ’ 1cheaper th a n e v e r . ’ Y ou c a u s p T ih a a T a ird a y 'lo o k ln g f th iT B prlH ggooilr 'over'

a u d th e n n o tb e a b le to e n jo y a l l th e good-th lnga w e havfi prcparcd fo r you..

M i l I I N F R Y o t course yon In tend w earing a new h a t or bonnet for ’ — E aste r. O u r asso rtm en t th is sp rin g es com plete so far assty les go, ancLthe la te s t effects In trim m in g s are also show n. A rtlatic m illiners are em ployed to tu rn o u t “ d ream s” for those w ho in sis t on. I 'dream s,” or m ore Bedate sty les for thbBe w ho dress p lain ly . - • • • v - v - r .....

C L O T H I N G . O ur C lo th ing D epartm ent is chock-a-b’ock w ith hom e­m ade R eady-m ade S u ita an d Overcoats. A ll our stock

was m ade in A nbury P ark , of th e best m aterials, an d th e prices canno t be equaled by com petitors w ho hand le c lo th ing , m ade In sw ea tsh o p s I f you canno t be Butted in th e ready-m ade stock«we-ean m ake you a au lt or overcoat to order on sh o rt notice an d a t a p rice b u t s ligh tly In advance o f th e ready-m ade

Jd jad —-Jz— ------ .f-.. .. . . ' y . ' 7....' '


Tracks fo r moylng furniture, pianos and safes Tranks called for and delivered In yonr room foi |26 oesta. Wagons a t Asbury Park and Ocear Eat luxates Cheerfully Qrove and North Asbury Depots.

!BENi. ALBERTSON,C o n t r a c to r t a d B n l ld e r ,

O ffice , m o S u m m ^ rjle ld A v e n a e .Given.

910 LAKE

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.


C i v i l S e r v i c e B i l l a t A l b a n y .

A lbany, M arch 31.—T he civ il service b ilT pasaed tTrensBnatc b y a v o te of-2 ?~to^ 23, S en a to r 'D ouglas v o tin g w ith th e R epub licans in the affirm ative a n d Sen­a to r A m pler w ith th e D em o cra ts in th e n egative. T h is bill rep ea ls the B lacklavh __________________

B n r l i n t f t o n T r a i n W r e c k e d .P ark v llle , Mo., M arch 31. — South

bound B u rlin g to n p assen g er t r a in No. 20, from O m aha, w as d era iled n e a r th is c ity . Seven persons w ere m o re o r less seriously h u rt.

A u g u s t F lo w er.“ I t Is a surprising fact,” says Prof.

Houton, “ th a t In m y travels In all pa rts of tho world, Cor th e la s t ten years, I have m et m ore people having usefl Green’s A ugust F low er than any o ther remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation I flnd fo r tourlata and safegmonr-or^oi^pemnTifl filling ofifo Ions, w here headaches ana genei«. ««« feelings from Irregu lar habits exist, th a t Green’s A uguat Flower Is a g rand remedy. I t does no t in jure th e system by frequent use. and Is excellent fo r sour stomachs and Indigestion.” Sam ple bottle free a t Kin- m onth & Co.Ts d rug store.

Sold by dealers in a ll civilized countries.

O P E R A T O R S-T O .M A K& -

AIso girls wanted to examine N ightshirts.

A S B U R Y P A R K * N . J .

n R V n n n D S W e a& fam ous th e county over for Dress Goods. T h e * d isp lay th is w eek Includes a ll th e good new th ings In

Silks. W ash Goods, C ashm eres an d Serges. P re ttie r eflecta w ere never beforetu rn ed o u t of th e loom s, an d read y m oney enabled us to secure our large assort—

' low er th a np articu la rly

m en t a t figures w hich enable us to dispose o f th e sam e a t prices low er th a n • * * • ' 1rhlB j a .they were ever sold for since w e have been In business,

true of th e W ash GoodB.

C A R P E T S W e b o u g h t o u r C arpet stock before th e new ta r if f schedule* * torced th e m anufacturers to ju m p prices. W e bought heav­

ily of-the new est products, an& sinjie th e Speelal.Carpet.Sale began six . w eeks ago have sold hu'ndigds o tro lla . T h e stock Is y e t com plete so far as asunrtm ent- 1s concerned, an d anlSSpecU on w ill convince you th a t th e prices are m ore th a n righ t. M atting", too, in profusion—som e from C h ina an d som e from Ja p a n , Ideal flqor coverings for sum m er. i

F U R N I T U R E W e tn k e ju a t p r i J o ln .o u r ’F u rn ltu reX )6partm ent. "T h o '' * *“**V . « stock waB bought d irec t from th e m anufactu rers an d

uBe,_cottage or ofHce._„We_Inoludea every enaontlal for th o ho tc l,-board ing hni __________________can futnlBh y « i r ho te l o r cottage com plete from cellar to a ttic in very Bhort tim e an d a t prices w ay below those dem anded by rival establishm ents. W e devote a n en tire floor in each es tab lish m en t to th e show ing of F u rn itu re .

H O U S E F U R N I S H I N G S I n th is d epartm en t can be found anI I U U 3 L I endJefia variety of fu rn ish ings for th ek itc h e n ,'th e d in in g room an d , in fact, the en tire hom e. Crockery, Im ported and dom estic; T inw are, S ilverw are—sill ithe little th ings so essential to m ake hom e com fortable.

C E N T ’ S F U R N I S H I N G S . U p -10 d a te young m en te ll us th a t P 1 our H aberdashery D ep artm en t “ Alls

a long fe lt w a n t.” J u s t now w e a re show ing the n a tty effects in Shirts, H o ­siery, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves ppd Neckwear. T he Special S h irt Sale continues, and bargain h u n te rs are 'carry ing aw ay Bpeclalipriced fashionable sh ir ts by thp h und red s.

RIBBONS We toltt you ot thet .* - an d s o f y a rd s h av e been sold for dress trim m ings, b u t the

supp ly la far from ex h au s ted for our purchase am ounted to 91600. Such a ' ribbon Bale w as never in au g u ra ted In A sbury P ark , an d i t w ill be your ow n fault If you do n o t tak e advan tage o f it. ,

51 | S | E p M j a i m i s i a lfe g m iB ilsa f fa EnsfeMiaE t e l S

n i s S a I n i t e i O ETfeLipl E i @ B ts f^ H fa l tm y M B E ifc v ifg E f tS ^ i a B i K i f a E i k s ®

R E S U M P T I O N pf

R e g u la r D A IL Y a rid S U N D A Y T r ip s , B e g in n in g

M O N D A Y , A P R IL 3 , 1 8 9 9 .




Leave NEW YORK, foot of West 13th Street, “ “ Battery, ..


BHB' Last Corniecting Trolley Car leaves Corner Cookman Avenue and Main Street at 2.20 P.M.

m m

For information apply to H E N R Y W .' B U R K E ,■ ’ ; ' 1 ' . . ' : I " ' ■" " ■ v V " ■ 'v '- '' ■

Car Depot, Sewall Are. and Main St., AsbHry Park.