Download - Footloose Audition Packet - Treasure Coast H.S. · 1 Footloose – Audition Packet Director: Miss Emily



Footloose – Audition Packet

Director: Miss Emily Olson

Choreographer: Miss Amber Salo

(Contact: [email protected], Room 3-119)

Welcome! We’re very glad you are interested in auditioning for the musical,

Footloose! Please read through this packet carefully. It is a lot of information, but

it is very important. There will be an audition information meeting on Friday,

September 2nd in the Theatre Room (3-119) after school at 2:00 PM.

Audition Dates

Dates: Wednesday, September 7th – 2:00-4:00 (singing - individual time slots)

Thursday, September 8th – 2:00-4:00 (singing - individual time slots)

Friday, September 9th – 2:00-4:00 (dance – large group)

You will be required to sign up for an individual time slot for either Wednesday, September 7th

or Thursday, September 8th for the music/acting portion of the audition. All auditionees are

required to come to the dance audition on Friday, September 9th.

Auditions are closed which means that only students who are auditioning will be allowed in the

audition room.


Callback Audition Date: Monday, September 12th– 2:00-4:00

The callback audition is by invitation only. Students who are being asked to come to will be

notified by Sunday evening. There will also be a list posted by the drama room door. No other

students will be allowed in the callback auditions. If you are not called back it does not

necessarily mean that you are not cast in the production.


What to Prepare for Auditions

You will need to prepare and sing a memorized musical theatre song of your choice. You will be

limited to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Most songs are longer than that so make sure you prepare

and sing the part of the song that best shows us your vocal talent and abilities, even if you start

in the middle of the song. You will need to bring your own accompaniment (music to sing to).

There are many “karaoke style” tracks available for musical theatre songs on iTunes, Amazon,

YouTube, and other sites. You will need to have the song ready to play from a phone or iPod or

you may bring a CD. You will NOT be permitted to sing a cappella (with no music).

At this first audition we will not be doing any reading from the script. It is very important for

you to show us your acting skills through your song. We will be looking for strong characters

and emotional expression while you sing.

Try to familiarize yourself with the show as much as you can. This show is the Broadway musical

Footloose the Musical from 1998. It is based on the 1984 film, Footloose. There was also a

remake of Footloose released in 2011. Both film versions are excellent and a lot of fun. You may

choose to watch them in preparation and they will give you a general idea of the plot and

characters, and a feel for the fun energy of the show. However, you should keep in mind that

the musical is different. The musical features several familiar songs from the 1984 film but

there are also a lot of songs that were newly written for the musical that were not in either of

the film versions. Neither of the film versions are actually musicals.

Recommendation Forms

At the end of this packet you will find two recommendation forms. Please ask a different

teacher, coach, or administrator who knows you well to fill each one out for you and return it to

me. They should put the forms in my box, not return them to you. They are due by the end of

the day on Friday, September 9th. Do not wait until the last minute to ask your teachers!

What to Wear and Bring to the Audition

Wear nice but comfortable clothes and shoes. In many ways an audition is similar to a job

interview, so show us your “best self” in your clothing choices. It is highly recommended that

you bring a water bottle. Bring your audition form (filled out and signed) and the parent

permission form (filled out and signed) with you to the auditions.


For the dance auditions on Friday, please wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes

that will not inhibit your movement (yoga pants, sweats, athletic shorts, dance wear, etc.) Do

not wear jeans or khakis. You may wear tank tops, but no spaghetti straps. If you have any

specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

What to Expect at Auditions

When you come to your singing audition you will wait in the arts hallway until you are called

into the auditorium by one of the stage managers. Have your music and audition packet ready

to give to the stage manager(s).

You should be present in the area and ready to go at least 10 minutes before your assigned

time. Also, please be prepared to stay a bit longer in case we are running behind schedule. We

will do everything we can to stay on schedule, but we appreciate your flexibility just in case.

For the dance audition on Friday come to the auditorium in your dance clothes ready to go by

2:10. Everyone auditioning is required to come to the dance audition regardless of which role(s)

you are hoping to be cast in. Just give it your best shot and have fun!

How is Casting Determined?

As the director, my responsibility is to the production. I will cast the people that I think will be

the best performers for the production regardless of age, grade level, or performance

experience and based mostly on what I see at the auditions.

I am looking for strong actors, singers, and dancers. This show requires many “triple threats.”

There are also some roles that do not require a lot of dancing, but still require strong singing

and acting. I am looking for actors who can immerse themselves in portraying a character –

physically, vocally, and emotionally and who can make interesting and intelligent character

choices. I want actors who are creative, willing to take risks and try different things, and who

can work well in an ensemble. I need students who are dedicated, responsible, passionate, and


Miss Amber Salo, the dance teacher/director here at TCHS and the show’s choreographer will

be present at the auditions and leading the dance audition. She will be assisting with casting.

There will also be a few others present at the audition that are professionals in the performing

arts and have been asked to sit in. They will be providing feedback and thoughts to the director.


Special Note: You are not auditioning for a specific role. You are auditioning to be a part of

the production. By auditioning you are agreeing to be considered for any role. For example, if

you would not be ok with being in the ensemble, you should not audition. There is a place on

the audition form where you can indicate if there is a certain role for which you would like to

be considered and we will consider you for any part you write down, but you will also be in

consideration for other roles. Ultimately, if you are cast, we will put you where we feel is best

for the production.

Participation Fee

Theatre productions cost thousands of dollars to produce, and we do not receive funding from

the school or district. We are a self-sustaining program. In order to help put on the best musical

possible, each cast member will be required to pay a $40.00 participation fee. This money will

be used towards costumes, scenery, props, etc. In addition, each student will receive a

production t-shirt (It’s a dress-code approved shirt!). You may choose to pay the fee all at once,

or broken down into two payments of $20.00 each. The first installment of $20.00 is due by

Friday, September 16th. The second installment is due by September 30th. The fee is non-

refundable. Fees must be paid in cash.

In addition, students may also be asked to provide a few basic items for their own costume,

including shoes. They will be given specifics at rehearsal in a few weeks. These items will

typically be things that a student may already own or that would be easy to borrow or find

cheaply at a thrift store. Students will also be asked to provide their own basic make-up.

Anything needed beyond basics will be provided for them. Please contact me if you have any

concerns or questions.

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals and performances for this production will span a nine week period from September

13th – November 19th. Rehearsals will be held Mondays through Fridays from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

Most cast members will not be required to attend every rehearsal. Once the show is cast, a

rehearsal schedule will be set and distributed to the cast and crew. As we get closer to the

show dates, we may need to alter the schedule slightly or we may have a few long rehearsals

that go further into the evening and include a dinner break. The final 2 weeks of rehearsals

leading up to the performance dates (see below) should be kept as open as possible. Those

rehearsals are non-negotiable.


Please list all known or potential conflicts on your audition form. This includes, but is not

limited to: work, vacations, medical appointments, extra-curricular activities, sports practices

and games, etc. Be honest! I can work with conflicts if I know about them up front. Missing

rehearsal due to conflicts that you did not list on the audition form may result in your

dismissal from the show and you will be replaced. Cast members will receive a rehearsal

calendar during the first week of rehearsals. The first rehearsal for the entire cast and crew will

be held on Tuesday, September 13th.

A musical production is a major extra-curricular activity and, as such, is a huge time

commitment. Do not audition unless you know you are willing and able to put in the time


Important “Non-Negotiable” Dates

Monday, November 7th – Full Run Through

Tuesday, November 8th – Full Run Through

Wednesday, November 9th – Tech Rehearsal

Thursday, November 10th – Tech Rehearsal

Friday, November 11th (No School – Veteran’s Day) – Tech Rehearsal

Monday, November 14th – Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday, November 15th – Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday, November 16th – Final Dress Rehearsal

Thursday, November 17th – Performance @ 7:00 PM

Friday, November 18th – Performance @7:00 PM

Saturday, November 19th – Performance @ 7:00 PM – There is a mandatory set strike for ALL cast and

crew following this final performance. It may take up to several hours.


Rehearsal Policies and Expectations

Academic Performance

Students are expected to maintain good academic standing while participating in the

production. Students should plan ahead carefully and make sure that all academic work for all

classes is completed and turned in on time. Missing rehearsal to do homework is unacceptable.

Failing grades in one or more of your classes may result in your removal from the production.

Altering Appearances

Actors may not make any alterations to their physical appearance without permission from the

director from casting through the end of the show. This includes haircuts, hair dying, piercings,

tattoos, etc. Whatever it is, you can wait 9 weeks.

Rehearsal Attendance

Students are expected to arrive on time and prepared for every scheduled rehearsal. Failure to

attend rehearsal or excessive tardiness may result in removal from the production.

In the case of illness or other emergency, the student or their parent/guardian should contact

the stage manager and/or the director via phone or e-mail as soon as they know a rehearsal will

be missed.

Chronic absences, even in the case of illness, will result in removal from the play as it will

jeopardize the quality of the production and the experience of the rest of the cast and crew.

Any absence that is not an emergency and was not listed on the audition form is considered an

unexcused absence. Two or more unexcused absences will result in your removal from the play.

School Attendance

Students may not attend after school rehearsal or perform in an evening show if they did not

attend school that day. Therefore, regular school attendance is of the utmost importance. A

history of poor school attendance will affect a student’s chances of being cast in a production.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones, ipods, and other electronic devices are not allowed at rehearsals or performances,

except during breaks. Students will be expected to “park” their devices with the stage manager

when they arrive and may collect them again when leaving for the day. Parents will be provided

with the director’s phone number in order to get in touch with their child in an emergency.


The goal of the “no cell phone policy” is to help students be more engaged in the rehearsal

process, develop friendships with other cast and crew, and stay focused on the work they need

to do (developing character, memorizing lines, rehearsing songs and dances, etc.).

Under no circumstances may any unauthorized video or audio recordings or photographs be

taken of rehearsals. If it is discovered that a student has taken any unauthorized recordings or

photos, it may be grounds for dismissal from the production. Students are allowed and

encouraged to take pictures of themselves and their friends during breaks and before and after

the rehearsals and performances.


Students are required to completely memorize all lines, music, blocking, and choreography by

the required dates as written on the rehearsal schedule. Failure to do so may result in their

removal from the production.

Vocal and Physical Health

It is expected that all students cast will do their best to maintain good physical and vocal health.

A musical is very physically demanding so students should make sure to get plenty of sleep, eat

nutritious foods, drink lots of water, warm up before rehearsing, and refrain from screaming,

yelling, cheering, etc. which can cause damage to the vocal chords.

Rehearsal Changes or Cancellation

In the rare event that a rehearsal must be changed or cancelled, we will do our best to get the

word out as soon as possible. A school-wide announcement will be made and e-mails and/or

texts will be sent. In the event of school cancellation due to weather or other emergency,

rehearsal will also be cancelled.

Closed Rehearsals

All rehearsals are “closed” which means that people that are not in the cast or crew are not

allowed to be at any rehearsals. This includes friends and family. Cast and crew members

should only come to rehearsal when they are called.

General Behavior

Participating in a production is a privilege, not a right. It is expected that all cast and crew hold

themselves to the highest standards of conduct and behavior both in school and outside of

school. Represent our school and our production well.


TCHS Theatre Department Rehearsal Policies and Expectations

1. Come to every rehearsal on time and prepared.

2. Attend all scheduled rehearsals.

3. Bring your script and a pencil to every rehearsal (even after you are off book) and use it

to write your blocking and other notes.

4. Respectfully follow directions given to you from the Director, Stage Managers, and other


5. Leave all personal problems outside of rehearsal. Treat rehearsal like a job; be


6. Water bottles are encouraged. Please do not share water bottles.

7. Eat your snacks before rehearsal or during breaks, not during rehearsal. Chewing gum

during rehearsal is not appropriate.

8. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing, including closed toe shoes to rehearsal.

9. Memorize your lines and blocking by the assigned dates.

10. Keep all directorial comments to yourself. If you have a brilliant idea, share it with the

director and let her pass the information along.

11. Stay in the rehearsal area at all times during rehearsal. Do not leave campus.

12. Be respectful, courteous, and kind to all cast and crew members.

13. Do not touch, use, or move any set pieces, props, or costume pieces unless you are

specifically directed to do so.

14. Do not engage in horseplay or other unsafe behaviors.

15. Do not use your cell phone or other electronic devices during rehearsal.

16. Do not remove anything (props, costumes, etc.) from the theatre without permission

from the director.

17. Take proper care of your costumes and props.

18. Do your actor homework!

19. Do not make any alterations to your appearance without permission from the director.

20. Use rehearsal time wisely.

21. Keep the rehearsal and stage area clean and organized and help the stage managers

pick up the rehearsal area when rehearsals are over.

22. Plan ahead and stay on top of your school work. Keep your grades up!

23. Rehearsals are closed. Guests are not allowed to sit in rehearsals.

24. Recording or photographing the play in rehearsals is forbidden unless given express

permission by the director. It is illegal to do so during performances.

25. Be enthusiastic and positive when talking about the play to friends, relatives, and your

adoring public.

26. Strike is mandatory for all cast and crew members.


Footloose - Audition Form Name:__________________________________________________________________


Year (circle one): Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Please indicate any previous performance experience below. (If none, it’s ok! Don’t worry!)

Production Title (or choir, dance, etc.) Your Role Year Production Co/School

CONFLICTS: Rehearsals and performances for this production will span a 9 week period from

Sept. 13th

– Nov. 19th

. Generally, rehearsals will be held Monday through Friday from 2:00-

5:00 PM. Please list ALL known or potential conflicts below. Be very specific!




Is there a particular role for which you would like to be considered? Why? _________________


If you are not cast, would you like to work on the production as part of the crew? YES NO

CONTRACT: I have read and understand the audition packet, including the

rehearsal policies and expectations. I understand the discipline and level of

commitment of time and energy that is required to be a part of this production and

am willing and able to commit to this production. I agree to adhere to all TCHS

Theatre Arts Department policies and expectations. I understand that participating

in these auditions does not guarantee that I will receive a part. I am interested in

being a part of this production and will accept any role offered to me.

Signature: _______________________________________ Date:___________


Footloose – Parent Permission Form

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students must bring this signed parent permission form and turn it in to Ms. Olson (Room 3-119) by 4:00 PM on Friday, September 9th. Failure to turn in a permission slip with a parent signature by the deadline means that the student will not be considered for a role in the show. I give my child, _____________________________________, permission to audition for and accept a role in the TCHS Theatre Arts Department’s production of Footloose, if a role is offered. I understand that participating in these auditions does not guarantee that my student will receive a part. I have read and understand the audition information packet, including the rehearsal policies and expectations. I understand and agree to pay the participation fee by the proper deadlines. If my child is cast in the production, I give permission for his/her photo and name to appear in promotional materials for the play, including the department and school websites, local news outlets, posters, programs, etc. I understand the discipline and level of commitment of time and energy that is required to be a part of this production and will support my child’s commitment to this production. Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent Contact Information: Name: ______________________________ Phone #:_______________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________ Preferred method of contact: Text Call E-mail I am interested in volunteering to help with the production: Yes No

(If yes, we will contact you shortly with more information.


Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Graduation Year: ____________

TCHS Musical – Footloose – Recommendation Form

Students: Please fill in your name (top) and then give it to a teacher, coach, etc. of your choice.

To the recommender: Please take a few minutes fill out this form on behalf of the above named

student who is auditioning to be part of the fall musical, Footloose. When completed, please put

the form in Ms. Emily Olson’s box. Please do not return the form to the student. Thank you for

your assistance and your honest and thoughtful responses! Due on Friday, September 9th.

Ratings – Compared to other students, how do you rate this student in terms of:

Additional Information: How long have you known this student and in what context?


What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student?


Please feel free to write any additional comments on the back of this form or contact Ms. Olson

directly ([email protected] or x3944).

Name and job title (please print): __________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________

No basis Below Average Average Above average Excellent (top 10%)

Academic achievement


Disciplined work habits




Reaction to setback

Respect accorded by peers

Respect for others





Student’s Name: ______________________________________ Graduation Year: ____________

TCHS Musical – Footloose – Recommendation Form

Students: Please fill in your name (top) and then give it to a teacher, coach, etc. of your choice.

To the recommender: Please take a few minutes fill out this form on behalf of the above named

student who is auditioning to be part of the fall musical, Footloose. When completed, please put

the form in Ms. Emily Olson’s box. Please do not return the form to the student. Thank you for

your assistance and your honest and thoughtful responses! Due on Friday, September 9th.

Ratings – Compared to other students, how do you rate this student in terms of:

Additional Information: How long have you known this student and in what context?


What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student?


Please feel free to write any additional comments on the back of this form or contact Ms. Olson

directly ([email protected] or x3944).

Name and job title (please print): __________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________

No basis Below Average Average Above average Excellent (top 10%)

Academic achievement


Disciplined work habits




Reaction to setback

Respect accorded by peers

Respect for others


