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Page 1: Football Tab 2010




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Page 2: Football Tab 2010

BY BRIAN [email protected]

It’s that time of year which the prognosticators get paid for and plenty of crystal balls are in use for predicting the outcome of the upcoming NFL 2010 season. Everything is broken down, from every position, the NFL draft, free agent pickups or de-partures to the coaching staff. Division predictions, play-off predictions, players’ stat predictions, who’s the best, who’s the worst and the grand-est of them all — the Super

Bowl prediction. The breakdowns are all out there to try and back up those claims. But most of the evidence is based off of last year’s per-formances and track records — which is a precarious thing to base them off of. But as every season proves, predicting the NFL is next to near impossible. Injuries occur. Slumps hit

teams and the “bad” teams on a schedule suddenly become competitive. So many intangibles go into football, one of the more com-plex sports out there. So far, the media darling of the preseason thus far have been the Green Bay Packers. Usually, in the case of pre-season favorites, the focus is on the quarterback and in the case of the Packers, it’s legit. Aaron Rodgers has quick-ly transcended as one of the NFL’s best QB’s, running a very efficient offense the last two seasons.

Many have the Packers taking away the NFC North Division crown from the Min-nesota Vikings, in which they have had a two-year hold on. Rodgers has a good core of wide receivers in top 10-15 wide receiver Greg Jennings and some quality depth in Donald Driver, James Jones and Jordy Nelson. But his biggest weapon maybe the young tight end

sensation Jermichael Finley. He’s a beast running down the seams with the accurate Rodgers finding him in unfa-vorable linebacker coverage. Ryan Grant is a suitable rusher, running for over 1,000 yards the last two seasons. That’s the good news for this year’s darlings. But don’t crown the Pack-ers for anything just yet. This year’s Green Bay ver-sion reminds of the Vikings of years past under Dennis Green — a very potent offense with budding stars and an aer-ial attack second to none.

But with an u n s p e c t a c u -lar defense, a weekly shootout would occur, usually result-ing in the last team with the ball winning. That’s what the Packer de-fense is, un-spectacular and very susceptible

against an average passing offense and down right ugly against a top passing quarter-back. The Packer defense put up more than respectable num-bers last year, being ranked No. 2 overall in yards. But what that fails to show, is what that unit looked to-wards the end of last year, when it was exposed. Pittsburgh’s Ben Roethlis-

berger chewed up the Packer passing defense by the tune of 503 yards in a 37-36 win over Green Bay. A few weeks later, the Arizo-na Cardinals put up 45 points up on that same defense, the vast majority through the air. It’s not a fluke that a defense gives up that many points and a 500-yard passer in the same season if there were not holes in it. The unit has some good things going for it, mainly in the reigning NFL Defensive MVP Charles Woodson and second-year linebacker Clay Matthews. But there are some glaring losses, which have not been

addressed, such as the loss of cornerback Al Harris, de-fensive tackle Doug Jolly and safety Atari Bigsby. There basically were not any additions to the defense over the offseason, either. More than likely, the de-termining factor for the divi-sion championship will be the head-to-head games between the Vikes and Packers. It’s a two-team race, that’s a fairly strong prediction with Detroit still re- bui lding and Chicago in a tizzy of a mess with their hot-headed quar-terback and an aging defense.


Defense, not QB’s, will win the North


with Brian Wierima

“So far, the media darlings of the preseason thus far have

been the Green Bay Packers.”



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Page 3: Football Tab 2010


Brett Favre had a couple of sweet revenge games against his old team, throwing for

a combined 505 yards in two games and an impressive 7-to-0 touchdown to interception ratio. The Packers’ defense also lived off the turnover with 30 interceptions and 10 fumble recoveries. Much like everyone is say-ing Favre can’t reproduce a season like he had last year, the same can be said about a defense creating that many turnovers. It’s tough to generate 30 in-terceptions in one season, let alone two in a row. Age is also a factor in this rivalry, with Favre turning 41 this year. But Woodson — the heart and soul of the Packer defense — also turns 34, at a position where fresh legs are needed. Harris’ career could be over after his devastating knee in-jury, leaving a gaping hole op-posite of Woodson. A.J. Hawk has been average in the linebacking corp. and the defensive line produced an

average number of sacks at 37 (Vikings had 48). But the biggest reason for concern on the Packer de-fense are those last few games, where the passing defense was exposed over and over. Teams will abandoned the run altogether if they know they can have success against a defense which is gouged through the air, on a defense which had no significant addi-tions to help in that area. There is still concern on the offensive line for the Packers, but it’s not a glaring one, sim-ply because their offense will be very potent. It will be fun to watch the Viking and Packer games and the two quarterbacks dueling up and down the field, but the real game will be won on de-fense. Every team in the NFL has weaknesses, the key is finding them as an opponent and ex-posing them for what it is. Last year, it took teams a while to figure out the Packer newly-created 3-4 scheme, but once it was discovered, they went after it over and over. Did the Packers do enough to tighten up their defensive passing woes?

That answer can only be an-swered in the next 20 weeks. The one big advantage the Vikings do have will be con-sistency in the lineup, with now 20 starters (sans Sidney Rice) back from a 12-4 team which went to the NFC Cham-pionship game.

The Packers, on the other hand, may not want that type of consistency which was shown Wildcard weekend. With all that being said, there will be no certainty of which team will win the North, it’s too close to call. But when it is all said and

done, the team which finishes on top will have won that de-fensive battle in the Metro-dome and Lambeau Field — not with flashy quarterback play which everyone will play up.



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Page 4: Football Tab 2010

BY BRIAN [email protected]

The trenches for the Frazee football team will be manned by experience, skill and good size. That should offer Hornet running backs plenty of space to run and a good front line for the defense. Overall, the Hornets will be experienced throughout the lineup after a solid 6-2 season last year. “Each of the last three years we have improved from 4-4 to 5-3 and 6-2,” said Frazee head coach Jim Rader. “These kids are expecting to keep moving forward, too. They want to im-prove (the record) again.” Frazee will have a healthy rushing attack, with senior running back Mike Moltzan back in the mix. Moltzan rushed for 860 yards last year and was a top 10 back in the conference a year ago. “He runs hard and we feel we will be able to run the ball well,” Rader said. But it was the offensive line

which helped pace Frazee’s rushing attack and all five re-turn for this year’s campaign. All are seniors and all saw extensive time. Nate Sandberg is back at center and will be surround-ed by Matt Brower, Kyle Quittschreiber, Andrew Kunz and Devon Drewes. Sophomore Brett Gilder-sleeve will also see time on the line, as well. “These guys have been around for four years and their goal is to get onto the

next level,” Rader said. That will also pertain to the defensive line, in which all five will take on, as well. Drewes had a standout sea-son last year and the others are not far behind. Sophomore Baxter Bach-mann will take on the quarter-backing duties as a first-year starter. “Baxter is very athletic and can launch the ball,” Rader said. “He has both rushing and passing skills.” Senior tight end Brandon

VanWatermulen returns as the conference’s leading touchdown receiver and will be joined by senior wide re-ceiver Storm Green, juniors Rij Koehnen and Dan Janu. Athleticism will also be seen in the linebacking unit, as Moltzan returns, along with outside backers VanWa-termulen, Chris Burt and Rick Brandt. Koehnen and Green also will anchor the Hornet sec-ondary. “We do have higher expec-

tations this year, but we need to do it as a team,” Rader said. “And the older guys under-stand the ‘team’ concept. It’s never about ‘me’, but always about ‘us.’”


Plenty of experience back for Hornets











# name pos gRade1 Forrest Jackson ............................WR 123 Rick Brandt ...................................TE 115 Storm Green ................................WR 129 Baxter Bachmann ......................... QB 1012 Brandon VanWatermulen ...............TE 1215 Tyler Wacker .................................RB 1018 Wyatt Nelson ................................WR 1020 Zach Nelson .................................WR 1022 Cody Nordquist .............................RB 1024 Elijah Miosek ................................RB 1225 Tyler Sherman .............................WR 1227 Bruce Lemon .................................RB 1028 Erik Moltzan ..................................RB 1030 Mike Moltzan ................................RB 1231 Jared Sherman ..............................WR 1032 Rij Koehnen ..................................WR 1133 Chris Burt .....................................RB 1236 Tyler Olson ..................................WR 1040 Blake Bachmann ............................RB 1042 Max Woodard ................................RB 1045 Dakota Zick ...................................RB 1151 Evan Wendt .................................. OL 1054 Avery Golkowski .......................... OL 1059 Scott VonRuden ............................ OL 1060 Brett Gildersleeve ........................ OL 1061 Nathan Sandberg ......................... OL 1262 Martin Thorp ................................ OL 1064 Devon Drewes .............................. OL 1268 Kyle Quittschrieber ...................... OL 1271 Tyler Hansen ................................ OL 1172 Matt Brower .................................. OL 1277 Kasey Thronson ............................ OL 1078 Andrew Kunz ................................ OL 1279 Jesse Wallace ............................... OL 1081 Dan Janu .......................................WR 1182 Tyler Ziegler ................................WR 10

fRazee scHedule9/3 7:00 PM Fertile-Beltrami 9/10 7:00 PM @ Barnesville 9/17 7:00 PM @ Hawley 9/24 7:00 PM Bagley 10/1 7:00 PM @ Lake of the Woods H.S. 10/8 7:00 PM Walker-Hackensack-Akeley-Laporte10/15 7:00 PM @ Pine River-Backus 10/21 11:00 AM Red Lake County Rebels @ Fargo Dome

mike moltzan and senior o-lineSenior running back Mike Moltzan finished as a top 10 rusher in the conference in 2009. Expect bigger things and bigger numbers from the strong and shifty run-ning back, with not three, not four, but five seniors returning on the offensive line.

The five Hornet seniors who will make the Frazee front line one of the more talented ones in the area, include Nate Sandberg, Kyle Quittschreiber, Matt Brower, Andrew Kunz and Devon Drewes. Sophomore Brett Gildersleeve will also fill in when need.

The Hornet offense will be based in the trenches, with the return of the Frazee senior five.

The Frazee Hornet football team returns a bevy of experi-ence. (Far left) The varsity takes laps around the practice field during pre-season work-outs. (Right) Hornet players work on their vertical and conditioning during a sunny August morning in Frazee.

Page 5: Football Tab 2010



Row 1: Zach Nelson, Jared Sherman, Ryan Wokasch, Cory Wokasch, Grant Overland, Nate Starry, Ryan Brandt, Hunter Sorenson, Jesse Tristy, John Geis, McKalen Hedlund, Brandon DeGroat, Wyatt Nelson.

Row 2: John Sandberg, Chris Burt, Storm Green, Kody Sorenson, Bruce Lemon, Dakota Zick, Martin Thorp, Cody Nordquin, Evan Wendt, Baxter Bachmann, Blake Bachmann, Max Woodard, Steven Hasse, Clayton Klemm.

Row 3: Cody Piper, Kyle Quittschreiber, Devon Drewes, Andrew Kunz, Rij Koehnen, Rick Brandt Jr, Matt Brower, Dan Janu, Nathan Sandberg, Tyler Hanson, Tyler Ziegler, Jesse Miosek, Brandon VanWatermulen, Brett Gildersleeve, Mike Moltzan, Dylan Spenst.

Good Luck Hornets!




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Page 6: Football Tab 2010

BY BRIAN [email protected]

There has been a tradition of an extended season for the Hawley football team and the 2010 version isn’t about to break that tradition. The Nuggets are five-year Section 8-2A reigning champi-ons and despite losing a bevy of big-time producers from last year’s squad, they are fa-vorites to add on No. 6. A total of 16 seniors gradu-ated off of last year’s squad, which played to the Class 2A state quarterfinals in 2009, be-fore losing to Moose Lake/Wil-low River 41-35 in overtime. “There are high expec-tations here,” said Hawley head coach Peder Naatz. “We expect to win and we expect to be playing in the Section championship game. But ev-eryone understands that it just doesn’t happen. “Our seniors last year made three trips to the Metrodome during their careers. But it just doesn’t happen, these kids have to work for it.” The Nuggets lost a host of offensive producers, includ-ing 1,000-yard rusher Nate

Mattson and four of the play-ers who created those gaping holes for him on the offensive line. But, now, it will be senior running back Kevin Olson’s time to shine, after he split much of the rushing duties with Mattson the last two years. The three-year starter Ol-son missed part of the season last year due to an injury and he will still gain some help in the backfield from some younger backs, but the ver-satility of speed and power makes him the Nuggets’ most potent weapon. “He brings power and speed and it can take up to three to four guys to bring him down,” Naatz said. “He creates a lot of yards after contact.” But Olson will not be going at it alone, with up to six dif-ferent running backs touch-ing the ball throughout the season. “We have six capable run-ning backs, too,” Naatz added. Senior Jay Boyer will also get his chance of making an impact as Hawley’s quarter-back. There is a close competition at QB along with junior Ke-ifer Hinrichs and sophomore

Hunter Lawson, but Boyer does hold the edge in experi-ence. “Jay can play his way out of the job or he can play to keep it,” Naatz said. “I do have com-plete confidence in his ability, though.”

The offensive line will be the most affected by the loss of the 16 seniors, with four very good blockers graduating. The lone returner is senior

tackle Tyler Sparrow. “The past three to four years, we have been blessed with good size, but this year, we won’t be as big with line-men ranging between 190 to 210-pounds,” Naatz said. Juniors Cassidy Violet and

Tabor Formo will join Spar-row on the line, with the re-maining position still open. Three tight ends will see playing time in junior Alex

Schwendeman, seniors Luke VanHavermaet and Kyle Hall. “They all are good blocking tight ends, but can also sneak out for a pass if the defense is cheating,” Naatz said. The Nuggets won’t just be strictly running the ball, ei-ther, they’ll open it up some with wide receivers senior Joey Bryant-Sowka and junior Riley Burns supplying big-play ability on the outside. But where the biggest ques-tions will come is on defense. Last year, the Hawley de-fense was absolutely domi-nant, but there are many voids to start the 2010 campaign. The deepest position will be defensive end, where VanHav-ermaet, Violet, sophomore De-von Pekas and junior Isaac Kelly will man.

Sparrow, again will be the only returning defensive line-man with good experience at the tackle position. Naatz will have up to 14 dif-ferent players vying for play-ing time at linebacker, where good athleticism will be key. Olson will anchor the sec-ondary as a hard-hitting free safety with spectacular range, while other secondary players include junior Nick Bjorndahl and Brady Pekas.

Hawley’s goal is still a long postseasonNuggets will reload, not rebuild

6 H





# NAmE PoS GrAdE2 Patrick Arens ......................................RB 114 Hunter Lawson ..................................... QB 105 Riley Burns ...........................................RB 1110 Joey Bryant-Sowka .............................WR 1211 Jay Boyer ............................................ QB 1212 Keifer Hinrichs ................................... QB 1114 Tanner Haugtvedt ..............................WR 1117 James Erickson ..................................WR 1118 Alex Schwendeman ............................TE 1119 Kyle Hall .............................................TE 1222 Alex Ames ..........................................RB 1025 Tanner Schultz ....................................RB 1226 Nick Bjorndahl ....................................RB 1127 Devon Pekas .......................................TE 1034 Kevin Olson ........................................RB 1242 Brady Pekas ........................................RB 1144 Isaac Kelly ..........................................RB 1151 Jayson Lee ......................................... OL 1154 Weston Giere ..................................... OL 1155 Cassidy Violet .................................... OL 1157 Tabor Formo ...................................... OL 1160 Nate Nelson ....................................... OL 1164 Dan Kelly ........................................... OL 1265 Aaron Bergee ..................................... OL 1169 Jacob Holleman ................................. OL 1271 Michael Breiter .................................. OL 1173 Tyler Sparrow .................................... OL 1274 Christian Erickson ............................. OL 1275 Logan Stoa ......................................... OL 1080 Luke VanHavermaet ............................TE 1283 Damian Dankert ..................................TE 1185 Even Scott ..........................................WR 1287 Adam Dauner .....................................DL 12

HAWLEY ScHEdULE9/3 7:00 PM @ Mahnomen 9/10 7:00 PM Walker-Hackensack-Akeley-Laporte 9/17 7:00 PM Frazee 9/24 7:00 PM @ Pine River-Backus10/1 7:00 PM @ Bagley 10/8 7:00 PM Barnesville 10/15 7:00 PM Red Lake County Rebels 10/20 5:00 PM @ Lake of the Woods H.S.

KEVIN oLSoNIt’s Kevin Olson’s show now. Olson will take over pri-mary rushing duties this season and his versatility out of the backfield will once again make the Nuggets a dangerous offense. His strength and speed is a perfect combo. Olson also is a hard-hitting safety on defense.

JAY BoYErThe first Nugget to touch the ball offensively will be Jay Boyer, who takes over at the quarterback position. His experience gives him the edge as Hawley’s signal caller.

The Hawley coaching staff includes (L to R) Jon Hinrichs, Lee Eklund, head coach Peder Naatz, Brett Schmidt, Josh Carlson and Tim Pederson.

“There are high expectations here.”Head coach Peder Naatz

Page 7: Football Tab 2010


Hawley Nuggets

Hawley Football team (left to right) Row 1: Tanner Schultz, Jay Boyer, Tyler Sparrow, Jacob Holleman, Luke VanHavermaet, Christian Erickson, Tayler Jensen, Kyle Hall, Kevin Olson and Even Scott. Row 2: Brady Pekas, Weston Giere, Riley Burns, Nate Nelson, Joey Bryant-Sowka, Dan Kelly, Dylan Moothart, Alex Schwendeman, Isaac Kelly, Tanner Hangtredt and Tabor Forma. Row 3: James Ericksen, Nick Bjorndahl, Cassidy Violet, Keifer Hinrichs, Pat Arens, Jayson Lee, Damian Dankent, Michael Breiter, Aaron Bergee and Devon Pekas. Row 4: Jordan Guida, Tucker Sorenson, Jeff Christianson, Brandon Sellin, Cody Curry, Logan Stoa, Zach Filler, Hunter Lawson, Alex Ames, Lane Alm and Nate Branden. Row 5: D.J. Abtin, Colin Sprunk, Jeremy Schenck, Alan Tellefson, Philip Teeples, Chris Ulschmid, Jordan Wieck and Dalton Leaf. Row 6: Blair Nelson, Chris Buttke, Trevor Olson, Wylie Knutson, James Russell, Cody Boucher, Gary Althoff and Kade Stanfill. Coaches (Left to right): Jon Hinrichs, Lee Eklund, Peder Naatz, Brett Schmidt, Josh Carlson and Tim Pederson.

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Page 8: Football Tab 2010


BY BRIAN [email protected]

The 2010 Lake Park-Audu-bon football team is not too concerned about past Raider accomplishments, but they did learn something from it — tradition. A winning tradition is be-ing built in LP-A after three years of successful season — including a trip to the Class 1A state semifinals two years ago — and this year’s team, despite being inexperienced, are determined to continue it. “I don’t if these kids relate to the past, because this year is their time,” said LP-A head coach Jed Swegarden. “But what it has taught them is what it takes to win and the work ethic needed.” Four seniors will anchor the Raiders this season, with three of them seeing extensive time on the field the last two years. The cupboards are a bit bare after graduating 14 seniors off of last year’s squad, but Swe-garden hopes for some of the younger players to break out this season. The three seniors who will be called upon to lead with their experience include Steve Oak, Jon Olson and Derek Braseth. Senior John Ailie is a first-year player, as well. “We’ll have a little different philosophy this year, since we will be inexperienced in some key positions,” the LP-A coach said. The focus will still be in the rushing attack, but more so this season with a first-year quarterback. Nelson will be the Raider’s primary ball carrier, along with Chase Zeller seeing car-ries. “Nelson has good feet and Chase has been waiting for his

opportunity,” Swegarden said. “Each brings something.” The quarterback position will be an open battle up to the first game and possibly be-yond. “There will be a rotation with some young guys and we’ll see,” Swegarden said. “We’ll have to focus on our running game, having our running backs and offensive line moving the ball.” With some good offseason workouts, the offensive line is stronger and should be more physical. Oak will be the leader on the line, with three of the five starters weighting between 280-300 pounds. “They are not huge, but they are strong and in shape,” Swegarden added. “They have

good feet and they can get off the ball well.” Oak will man a tackle posi-tion, while Jordan Lange will be a guard. The center position will have a smaller and quicker player in Bryce Bartunek. “If we are going to move the ball, the O-line will have to do it for us,” Swegarden said. “My only concern are defens-es stacking the box with nine

or 10 defenders, so we’ll have to loosen them up a bit by go-ing over the top some.” The Raider defense should be tough against the run, with Lange and Oak anchoring the line. Zeller will be a solid line-backer, while the secondary will be filled with first-year starters. Even though there are ques-tion marks, the outlook for the

Raiders remain positive. “Our expectations are still high, just because of our suc-cess,” Swegarden said. “We have kids we are confident.”

JON NELSONThe Raiders have established themselves as a top rushing team and senior Jon Nelson is up to the task to continue that tradition. Nelson brings size and the ability to run between the tackles, giving LP-A a chains-mover and goal line pounder.

STEVE OAKSenior Steve Oak will anchor an offensive line with some size. Oak is seasoned in the trenches and will be a key to the LP-A’s ability to run the ball.

Raiders looking to continue winning ways

(Left) The Raider skill players take off from the line of scrim-mage in a preseason practice. (Above) Time to warm up.

Senior exodus opens up opportunities for 2010 team










# NAmE POS GRADE0 Alex Tangen ................................WR 107 Mitch Knudsvig ............................ QB 1211 Wyatt Wixo ................................... QB 1114 Wes Jaster ....................................WR 1015 Drew Bacier .................................WR 1017 Cody Carlson ...............................WR 1222 Logan Gage .................................WR 1130 Jon Nelson .....................................RB 1231 Adrian Bailey ................................RB 1133 James Kohler ................................WR 1034 Nate Renner .................................WR 1038 Zach Tougas ..................................RB 1143 Chase Zeller .................................RB 1152 Steve Oak ..................................... OL 1255 Bryce Bartunek ............................ OL 1158 Derek Braseth ...............................RB 1258 Matt Pepper .................................WR 1063 John Engeseth ..............................WR 1065 Mike Hamre ................................. OL 1168 Greg Olson .................................. OL 1171 Jordan Lange ................................ OL 1175 Mike Quam .................................. OL 1176 Dylan Larson ................................WR 1080 Elijah Beaudine ............................WR 1184 Dylan Omvig ................................WR 1189 Isaac Svare ....................................TE 1190 Jordan Sherbrooke .......................WR 11






9/3 7:00 PM Barnesville9/10 7:00 PM @ Badger/GB-MR9/17 7:00 PM @ Fertile-Beltrami9/24 7:00 PM Cass Lake-Bena10/1 7:00 PM @ Warren-Alvarado-Oslo10/8 7:00 PM Mahnomen10/15 7:00 PM @ Blackduck

Page 9: Football Tab 2010


Row 1: Chance Kostreba, Tom Vohnoutka, Steven Wavra, Ma-son Swegarden, Dalton Kohler, Greg Vareberg, Isaiah Pearson, Mitchell Zerr.Row 2: Mike Hamre, Logan Gage, Dylan Larson, John Engeseth, James Kothler, Nate Renner, Tyler Molacek, Andrew Pickett, Jon Olson. Row 3: Andrew Erickson, Jordan Lange, Isaac Svare, Greg Olson, Wyatt Wixo, Elijah Beau-dine, Dylan Omvig, Chase Zeller, Bryce Bortunek, Zach Tougas.Row 3: Jon Nelson, Steve Oak, John Ailie, Derek Braseth.

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Page 10: Football Tab 2010


BY BRIAN [email protected]

The trainer’s table will be the biggest opponent of the Mahnomen Indians this season, with very solid first-string players, but young and inexperienced after that. The Indians’ skill players will be a key to the team’s suc-cess, with each of senior full-back Alex LaVoy and quarter-back Dylan Stevens returning. But the overall depth will be a concern, meaning inju-ries will need to be at a mini-mum throughout the season. “Health and conditioning will be keys, because a lot of our guys will be going both ways,” said Mahnomen head coach John Clark Jr. “We are going to develop some depth and let the younger kids play, but that’s a work in progress, too.” But while that depth is de-veloping, the top line players will make the Indians a tough squad week in and week out. LaVoy returns at the full-back position and brings more than just your normal pile-pushing runner. “He’s improved on his speed and we can move him around at fullback, wing or wide receiver,” Clark said. “We are banking on Alex to make plays.” The Indians will also have the seasoned Stevens at quar-terback, after a good year in 2009. “Dylan has better com-mand of the offense and he’ll have more freedom to change the plays at the line of scrim-mage this year,” Clark said. “He looks more comfortable at the position.” Stevens will also be a threat at rushing the ball after add-ing 15 pounds of muscle over the offseason. “We’ll be able to pass, as well, with more boot plays and waggles,” the Mahnomen coach said. “He’s an athletic quarterback.” Avery Fairbanks will also nab some carries in the back-field, as well as lining up out-side at the wing position. “He’s a freshman with speed,” Clark said of Fair-banks. The offensive line has al-

ready been nicked up, with some shuffling going on dur-ing the preseason practices. “Coming in, our offensive line was a strength, but we’ve had to patchwork it a little before the season has even started,” Clark said. “But we should be full strength by the end of the season.” The Indians return four of five offensive line starters, who will be entering as three-year starters. Kyle Robinson, Tyler Cole-man, Jake Hedstrom and Alex Green each will be key compo-nents on the offensive line. “They are strong and ag-ile and they’ve seen it all and good at making adjustments being three-year starters,” Clark included. At the wideout position, Cody Gieseke and Jake Pavek (6-foot-3) will provide Stevens with reliable targets. The defense will be an-chored by three returning linebackers in LaVoy, Robin-son and Fairbanks.

Nick Otto will also be in the linebacking rotation. “They are all athletic and love to hit,” Clark said. Andy Kresbach will fill the nose guard slot, while Hed-strom will bring a non-stop motor to the defensive tackle position. Green and Coleman will also see time on the D-line, with Luke Littlewolf and Jake Pavek playing defensive end. Stevens will be the field general at safety, with Mitch Kochmann and Garret Hoff-ner being the cornerbacks. “I think we can create enough pressure on the quar-terback to create some inter-ceptions and turn the ball over more this season,” Clark said.







# NAME POS GrADE0 Kole LeFevre ...............................WR 90 Jon Triplett ...................................WR 100 Patrick Porter ...............................WR 00 Trevor Krebsbach ......................... OL 90 Nathan Hanson ..............................TE 90 Bob Bjorge ....................................RB 90 Cole Bellanger ............................. OL 90 Austin Reitan .................................RB 90 Marty Hoseth ................................RB 90 Jon Francis ................................... OL 90 Tristan Bjerke ................................RB 90 Emil Hanks ....................................RB 90 Trevor Haugo ............................... QB 90 Kal Handyside .............................. OL 90 Preston Walz ................................. OL 90 Darrin Littlewolf ........................... OL 90 Austin Wang ................................. OL 90 Justin Bjerk ................................... OL 90 Victor Berglund ........................... OL 125 Lucas Littlewolf ............................ OL 117 Dylan Stevens .............................. QB 129 Garret Hoffner ............................. QB 1010 Jacob Pavek ................................. QB 1012 Mitch Kochmann .......................... QB 1113 Cody Gieseke ..............................WR 1221 Joe Starkey ....................................TE 1224 Avery Fairbanks ............................RB 1125 Bryce Penner ................................RB 1032 Andy Krebsbach .......................... OL 1234 Alex LaVoy ....................................RB 1242 Aaron Vipond ................................RB 1144 Nick Otto ...................................... OL 1046 Chad Guinn ..................................TE 1052 Jacob Hedstrom ...........................OG 1053 Kory Bellanger ............................. OL 1158 Dalton Benson .............................. OT 1162 Kyle Robinson .............................. OL 1264 Darin Geray ..................................TE 1067 Bronson Winkler .............................R 1172 Tyler Coleman ............................. OL 1277 Peter Refshaw .............................. OT 1079 Alex Greene ................................ OL 1280 Jason Schoenborn ........................WR 1081 Tim McArthur ................................TE 1283 Zach Polaschek ...............................R 11

The Mahnomen coaches include (L to R) bob Larson, head coach John Clark Jr., todd Johnson and Steve Mc-Mullen.

(Left) The Mahnomen of-fense works on its option plays during practice. (Right) Blocking drills have been important for the Mahnomen offensive line. Hard work is preached throughout practice.

MAHNOMEN ScHEDulE9/3 7:00 PM Hawley9/10 7:00 PM @ Cass Lake-Bena9/17 7:00 PM Warren-Alvarado-Oslo9/24 7:00 PM @ Fosston10/1 7:00 PM Fertile-Beltrami10/8 7:00 PM @ Lake Park-Audubon10/15 7:00 PM @ Badger/GB-MR10/20 7:00 PM Blackduck

AlEx lAvOyDefensive lines better get used to seeing senior fullback/running back Alex LaVoy plowing through the trenches. LaVoy possesses good strength, but with shifty moves and the ability to break one long with some solid break away speed.

DylAN StEvENSThe second-year starter at QB Dylan Stevens brings valuable experience, as well as versatility, behind center.

Health to be key for thin Indians

Page 11: Football Tab 2010



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Row 1: Emil Hanks, Tyler R. Coleman, Joe Green, Dylan Stevens, Tim McArthur, Joe Starkey, Alex Lavoy, Cody Gieseke, Don Triplett.Row 2: Davin Geray, Nick Otto, Avery Fairbanks, Garret Hoffner, Luke Littlewolf, Jason Schoenborn, Peter Refshaw, Jake Pavek, Mitch Kochmann, Zach Polaschek, Aaron Vipond, Bronson Winkler, Jake Hedstrom, Kory Bellanger.Row 3: Justin Bjerk, Preston Walz, Darin Littlewolf, Cole Bellanger, Nathan Hanson, Trevor Hauge, Kole Lefebvre, Austin Reitan, Marty Hoseth, Kal Handyside, Trevor Krebsbach, Bryce Penner, Patrick Porter, John Francis, Chad Guinn, Tristan Bjerke, Bob Bjorge.

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Page 12: Football Tab 2010


BY BRIAN [email protected]

The 2010 season will be a coming of age party for the Ulen-Hitterdal football team. After a couple of seasons of playing young and inexpe-rienced players, the Spartans are now the exact opposite. The majority of the nine-man football team is back and plenty of them will be three-year starters at that. “We feel we are a deep team with good players returning,” said U-H head coach Dustin Flaten. “Our goal is to be play-ing in the section champion-ship game.” There will be a number of contributors the Spartans can rely on, including senior Dylan Stevens, who came just two yards shy of rushing for 1,000 yards with 998. “Dylan will get the bulk of the carries, but Adam Wibe will also see some,” Flaten said. “We’ll employ a running

back by committee, along with fullback Kelvin Oberg.” The Spartan’s offense will be led by first-year starter sophomore Landon Schultz at quarterback. Schultz is football savvy and can “think on his feet.” “He has a big arm and if the offensive line allows him time, we should be able to pass well,” Flaten said.

The offensive line will pos-sess good size and also solid experience. Dave Lien is back at cen-ter, as are Travis McCollum at guard and four-year starter Justin Carpenter. Each of Troy Peterson and Jacob Brooks are back as U-H’s tight end duo. Colby Anderson will see ac-tion split out at wide receiver,

with running back Nolan Bri-ard also seeing time out wide. “Our main focus on offense will be to have crisp and clear fundamentals,” Flaten said. “We also need to take care of the ball and grind it out.” The defense is in the same mold as the offense — experi-enced. Peterson will be the key component at middle line-backer and will supply more than plenty of tackles. “He’s a stud for us,” the U-H coach of Peterson. “Troy can get back into coverage well and is a hard hitter. He just works extremely hard.” Aaron Green is a returner, with Brooks manning a tackle

position. At defensive end, Carpen-ter is a four-year starter, with McCollum adding some speed from the edge. Briard and Jerell Green each will be solid defensive backs, as Wibe returns at safe-ty as a three-year starter.

Spartans build up for the 2010 season

The Spartans stretch before practice. Ulen-Hitterdal is a senior-laden squad, which should make them more than competitive throughout the season.


9/17 7:00 PM @ Ada-Borup 9/24 7:00 PM Rothsay10/1 7:00 PM @ Norman County West10/8 7:00 PM Waubun10/15 7:00 PM Ada-Borup10/20 7:00 PM @ Norman County East








# name PoS Grade2 Colby Anderson ...........................TE 124 Landon Schultz ............................. QB 107 Taylor Stumbo ...............................RB 1010 Austin Stall ....................................TE 1012 Andy Koczur ..................................TE 917 Matthew Hamernik ........................ FB 922 Calvin Oberg ................................RB 1126 Alan Gwin .....................................DB 927 Nolan Briard ..................................RB 1128 Adam Wibe ...................................RB 1231 Nathan Desjarlais ......................... OL 1034 Dillon Stevens ...............................RB 1240 Elijah Dillon .................................. FB 1242 Travis McCollum .......................... OL 1144 Jerell Green ...................................RB 1148 Aaron Holte .................................. OL 1150 Justin Carpenter ........................... OL 1253 Forrest Koczur ...............................RB 1154 Troy Peterson ................................TE 1156 Aaron Green ................................ OL 1176 David Lien .................................... OL 1277 Zach Schneidermann ................... OL 978 Andrew Ellefson ........................... OL 1085 Jacob Brooks .................................TE 1092 Wyatt Lien .................................... QB 1199 Brandon Ekholm .......................... OL 9

(Left and above) Members of the Ulen-Hitterdal Spar-tan varsity football team do warm-up drills.

duStin flatenHEAD COACH





Page 13: Football Tab 2010


juStin carPenterSenior Justin Carpen-ter has been a starter on the offensive line since his freshman year, who will combine with David Lien to make the O-line a reliable one.

kelVin oberGKelvin Oberg will be the third runner for the Spartans at fullback, making the backfield a three-headed Spartan mon-ster.

daVid lienDave Lien will anchor an experi-enced offensive line. His size and light feet will help create the holes for the U-H RB’s.

adam wibeAdam Wibe will be a nice complement in the backfield to Dylan Stevens as a change-up pace type of runner. Wibe does not lack the work ethic to grind out important yards.

dYlan SteVenSJust shy of a 1,000 yards last year with 998, Dylan Stevens enters the season as one of the confer-ence’s top returning backs.

troY PeterSonQuarterback Landon Schultz will have a reliable target in tight end Troy Peter-son, who will provide a good target down the seams.


Row 1: Austin Stall, Matthew Hamernik, Brandon Erkholm, Allan Gwin, Andy Kolzur, Taylor Stumbo, Corey Busby, Nathan Desjarlais. Row 2: Joe Iverson, Forrest Kolzur, Reece Heiland, Aaron Green, Elijah Dillon, Nolan Briard, Jerell Green, Calvin Oberg, Adam Wibe, Andrew Ellefson, Colby Anderson.Row 3: Zach Schneidermann, Aaron Holte, Justin Carpenter, Troy Peterson, David Lien, Travis McCollum, Wyatt Lien, Jacob Brooks, Dillon Stevens, Landon Schultz.

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Page 14: Football Tab 2010


BY BRIAN [email protected]

The 2009 trail for the Waubun football team ended on the artificial turf of the University of North Dakota’s Alerus Center. It’s a destination the Bomb-ers would like to revisit. But if the Bombers should make it back to the section championship game, they will be doing it a bit different than they have the last three years. There will be a bit more di-versity and versatility, which is created by some team speed, along with the usual physical game Waubun is used to play-ing. “One thing is for certain, we will be playing physical football,” said Waubun head coach Jason McCloskey. “The rest of it will be up to our play-makers.” The physical presence will be brought by several return-ers, including senior lineman Jon Brower, senior quarter-back/fullback Josh Syver-son and three-year starter at defensive end Tanner Voss, who will be the Bomber’s “big horse” at running back. Syverson will get the first opportunity to QB the Bomber offense, with Voss lining up behind him. “Josh can handle the quar-terbacking duties because of his experience, but sopho-more Nathan Kirsch has some promise, too,” McCloskey said. “Tanner Voss has the speed, along with his size (6-1, 235).” But it will be Brower and his offensive linemates to key the Bomber offense. The Bombers will have to take care of the ball better

after being plagued by turn-overs last year, but McClosk-ey is confident this group will be able to do just that. The defense also should be a strong unit, with Brower anchoring the defensive line, with sophomore Cody Kologi and Syverson keying the line-backer corp. “We may have a little bit of smaller linebackers, but they will be able to flow to the ball, along with speed to the outside to contain the edges,” McClos-key said. The defensive line will be tough up the middle with Brower leading the way, along with 6-6, 315-pound Alex Kent taking up lots of space. Seniors Ryan Frye and Jor-dan McArthur will also be manning tackle positions to help move the line into the op-ponents’ backfield. The ends have the skills to contain the outside runs, with Voss and junior Joe Teiken

providing speed and experi-ence. Two return in the sec-ondary in sophomore Devin Heisler and junior Sam Lerud — who will also see time at running back, as well. Overall, expectations are still high, which have been created with three top-notch seasons. “Our expectations is to get back to the Alerus Center, that’s what these kids have come to expect,” McCloskey added.

Bombers to be more physical in 2010

(Left) A Waubun quarterback hits the open man during a passing drill. (Top) The Waubun linemen go through blocking drills during an August practice.

Jason McCloskeyHEAD COACH








# naMe Pos GRaDe1 Jason Hanks .......................................WR 102 Treyton Anderson ................................ QB 93 Josh Syverson ...................................... QB 125 Levi Lauinger .......................................WR 128 Devin Heisler .......................................WR 1010 Nathan Kirsch .................................... QB 1011 Jed Hanson ..........................................TE 1112 Kyle Erickson ......................................RB 915 Cody Kologi ........................................RB 1020 Tanner Voss ........................................RB 1221 Sam Lerud ..........................................RB 1122 Ryan McArthur ...................................WR 1028 Joe Teiken ........................................... FB 1130 Ben Haugo .........................................WR 1040 Matt Fairbanks ....................................RB 944 Dallas Lanoue ...................................... C 952 Drake Kier .........................................OG 1056 Alex Kent ...........................................OG 1158 Allen Beaupre ...................................... C 1164 Brian Haverkamp ...............................OG 1265 Jon Brower .........................................OG 1266 Alexander Medina .............................OG 974 Jordan McArthur ................................OG 1277 Ryan Frye ............................................ C 1279 Tyson Makey-Dakota .........................OG 1080 Jon Belland ..........................................RB 9

WaUBUn sCheDUle9/2 7:00 PM Kittson County Central9/10 7:00 PM Ada-Borup9/17 7:00 PM @ Norman County West9/24 7:00 PM Norman County East 10/1 4:00 PM @ Rothsay10/8 7:00 PM @ Ulen-Hitterdal10/15 7:00 PM Norman County West10/20 7:00 PM @ Ada-Borup

saM leRUD, tanneR voss anD Jon BRoWeRThe Waubun trio of Sam Lerud, Tanner Voss and Jon Brower will make up the core of playmakers for the Waubun Bombers. Lerud will be handling the rushing duties, while Voss will be a big dis-ruptor at his defensive end position. Brower will be one of the top linemen in the area, with athleti-cism to go along with his size. His presence on the offensive line will help bull open holes, while stuffing runners as a defensive lineman.

Page 15: Football Tab 2010



Row 1: Levi Lavinger, Jordan McArthur, Jon Brower, Tanner Voss, Josh Syverson, Ryan Frye, Brian Haverkamp. Row 2: Jedidiah Hanson, Alex Kent, Sam Lerud, Joe Teiken. Row 3: Jason Hanks, Cody Kologi, Ben Haugo, Nathan Kirsch, Devin Heisler, Drakifer Kier, Ryan Mac. Row 4: Dallas Lanoue, Kyle Erickson, Matt Fairbanks, Jon Belland, Alexander Medina. Last Row - Coaches: Nick Lerud, Jason McClodes, DJ Stone.

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Page 16: Football Tab 2010


BY JEFF KOLPACKForum Communications Co.

FARGO, N.D. – The only scheduled North Dakota State intrasquad scrimmage in fall camp was on Saturday, and it was the usual test of offense vs. defense. It also served as a tryout of sorts for several true freshmen. Are they ready for prime time? It looks that way. Ryan Smith returned a kick-off 107 yards for a touchdown and later did the same thing with a punt from 74 yards, al-though it came against restrict-ed coverage. Offensive tackle Billy Turner and linebacker Grant Olson got accolades from the head coach afterward and a few other rookies got their share of opportunities. “We had to prove we knew what was going on, prove you know what you’re doing,” said Smith, a true freshman from Wahpeton, N.D., “and I think a lot of freshmen did that to-day.” Smith certainly did. The Bison are deep at running back, but he’s giving the coaching staff every reason to play him right away on special teams. Head coach Craig Bohl said the return game was specifically set up for success, meaning the coverages didn’t match the return schemes. Still, speed is speed and Smith showed it. “He’s a guy that we’ve looked at on our radar,” Bohl said. “He shows a great deal of maturity so we’re going to take a hard look at him as a return specialist.” Many of the regulars got limited duty, most notably starting running back D.J. McNorton, who did not get a rushing attempt. The leading rusher was sophomore Mike Sigers with 43 yards on six at-

tempts. “The coaches like to see the younger guys as much as they can to see what they got,” said senior fullback Lee Vandal. “There are a lot of talented guys this year.” The spotlight is still on the quarterback battle between sophomore Jose Mohler and redshirt freshman Brock Jensen, and it appears Mohler was the better of the two on Saturday. He was 10 of 12 for 86 yards and ran three times for an-other 24 yards. Jensen was 7 of 13 with one interception, but also tossed two touchdowns. Receiver Gary Williams had two touchdown catches and tight end Matt Veldman caught another. Bohl said he thought Mohler made more plays out of nothing than Jensen did. Overall, the defense looked a step ahead of the offense, which considering last year’s poor performance was a step in the right direc-tion. “The biggest part is getting off the field on third down,” said senior linebacker Matt Anderson. “We lost a lot of our games because of that. We would be on the field longer and wore down in the fourth quarter. It all adds up.” Freshmen defensive ends Mike Hardie and Ryan Drevlow each had a quarterback sack, as did linebacker Chad Willson. Linebacker Brandon Jemison suffered the only ap-parent injury with a shoulder “stinger” that Bohl said will only require a couple of days rest. “I’m good,” Jemison said. (Jeff Kolpack is a reporter at The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, which is owned by Forum Communications Co.)

BY WAYNE NELSONForum Communications Co.

GRAND FORKS, N.D. – At noon today, approximately 20 UND freshmen football play-ers will check into their cam-pus dorm rooms. A few hours later, they’ll meet in Gamble Hall for compliance meetings. Those two sessions signify the beginning of the 2010 UND football season, one that likely will be the most challenging in the history of the program. The 2010 season will be the fourth in UND’s five-year transition to full Division I FCS status. With each season in the transition, the stakes become higher for the UND program as the days of UND’s dominance as a Division II program begin to fade. For starters, the Sioux schedule is demanding as UND opens with back-to-back road games against Idaho at

Northern Illinois — FBS pro-grams that played in bowl games last season. The back end of the schedule has the Sioux playing at Montana and South Dakota State — teams that reached the FCS playoffs in 2009. “I’m looking forward to how we develop as a football team,” UND coach Chris Mussman said. “It’s a mixture of young kids with the older guys who now understand what this program is all about. We’re trying to meld that together.” The offseason didn’t result in many major surprises. All of UND’s spring commitments are expected to be in the team’s preseason camp today. The Sioux, however, won’t have their leading receiver, Ismael Bamba, from last sea-son, but they expect to have their leading rusher from two seasons ago in Josh Murray back in camp.

Bamba, a sophomore, was suspended in the spring and is not on the Sioux 2010 roster. Murray, meanwhile, is on pace to rejoin the team after he was academically ineligi-ble in 2009. “We expect Josh to be back,” said Mussman of the Sioux running back who rushed for 1,146 yards in 2008. “He makes us a much better football team. And I give him credit if he makes it back. He paid his own way for a year. “He wanted to get back and be a part of this.” Murray’s expected return will give the Sioux quality and depth at running back. Last season, freshman Mitch Sutton led the Sioux with 689 yards and was named to the all-Great West Conference team. “(Murray’s) return also makes Mitch a better player,” Mussman said. “Quite frank-

ly, we put too much on Mitch’s plate last year. We expected him to carry us when he was a freshman. He got beat up. It was just too many carries for the kid.” UND’s first practice is scheduled for Friday morning at Memorial Stadium. It’s then that the Sioux coaching staff will begin eval-uations for the upcoming sea-son. Going into camp, Mussman said there are a couple of wor-risome areas. “The kicking game is a con-cern,” Mussman said. Redshirt freshman Zeb Miller is No. 1 on the depth chart. “And we have a true freshman behind him,” Mussman said. “Early on, you won’t see the long field goals people have been accustomed to seeing over the years. “And Brett Cameron will be in his first full year as a

punter. He may do some kick-off work, too.” Another area of concern is the skill positions. A trait of UND’s 2010 re-cruiting class was speed and skill. Whether true freshmen will play at the skill positions this season remains to be seen. “We may have to pull the shirts off some kids,” Mussman said. “We’ll see how much they can handle. You’ll know with the first week whether they can handle it mentally and physically. “I’d like to say we can red-shirt everybody. But I don’t know if we have that luxury.” (Wayne Nelson is a report-er at the Grand Forks (N.D.) Herald, which is owned by Forum Communications Co.)

Dakota athletic conference Black hills state coach: Jay Long (2nd season) 2009 record: 6-4 returning starters: 14 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Wacey Coleman, Sr., DE (61 tackles, 9 sacks); Forest Sainsbury, Sr., LB (83 tackles); Tom Owsiany, Sr., OL; Richard Fairhead, Sr., LB (53 tackles, 4 sacks, 2 interceptions). schedule: Aug. 28–at Grand View, 1 p.m. Sept. 3–Wisconsin-Stout, 7 p.m. Sep. 18–at Jamestown College, 1 p.m. Sept. 25–at Mayville State, 1 p.m. Oct. 2–Dakota State, 2 p.m. Oct. 9–Valley City State, 2 p.m. Oct. 16–at Dickinson State, 2 p.m. Oct. 23–Minot State, 2 p.m. Oct. 30–at South Dakota Mines, 2 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. Dakota state coach: Josh Anderson (2nd season) 2009 record: 2-7 returning starters: not available. Players to watch (2009 statistics): Drea Allen, So., RB (85 carries, 339 yards, 3 TDs); Joe Whealy, Sr., LB (84 tackles, 7.5 tackles for a loss); Bryce Logan, Jr., DB (63 tackles, 1 intercep-tion); Paul Bagala, So., QB (139-for-284, 1,694 yards, 13 TDs). schedule: Aug. 28–Midland Luther College, 7 p.m. Sept. 11–at Wisconsin-Whitewater, noon. Sept. 18–at Dickinson State, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 25–South Dakota Mines, 6 p.m. Oct. 2–at Black Hills State, 2 p.m. Oct. 9–Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 16–at Valley City State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23–Jamestown College, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30–at Mayville State, 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. Dickinson state coach: Hank Biesiot (36th season) 2009 record: 7-4 returning starters: 14 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Cody Holland, Sr., QB (103-for-196, 1,705 yards, 19 TDs); Derion Williams, Sr., DB (39 tackles; 11 kick returns, 367 yards, 1 TD); Jason Kraft, Sr., LB (85 tackles, 6 tackles for a loss); Derek Pauley, Sr. TE (19 catches, 324 yards, 7 TDs); Jamie Walker, Sr., DL (60 tackles, 13 tackles for a loss, 6 sacks). schedule: Aug. 26–Rocky Mountain College, 8 p.m. Sept. 4–Concordia College, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 18–Dakota State, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 25–Jamestown College, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 2–at Valley City State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9–at Mayville State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 16–Black Hills State, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 23–at South Dakota Mines, 2 p.m. Oct. 30–at Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. Jamestown college coach: Bud Etzold (8th season) 2009 record: 5-5 returning starters: 20 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Mike Beehler, Sr., QB (190-for-299, 2,490 yards, 25 TDs); Max Boe, Jr., WR (32 catches, 615 yards, 11 TDs); Dustin Erbes, Sr., DB (95 tackles, 4 interceptions); Ryan Hunt, Sr., OL; Matt Wilson, So., WR (55 catches, 705 yards, 4 TDs); Nate Nygard, Jr., K (5-for-10 FGs, 36-for-36 PATs). schedule: Sept. 4–Peru State, 1 p.m. Sept. 11–at Wisconsin-Stout, 1 p.m. Sept. 18–Black Hills State, 1 p.m. Sept. 25–at Dickinson State, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 2–Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9–at South Dakota Mines, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 16–Mayville State, 1 p.m. Oct. 23–at Dakota State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30–Valley City State, 1 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. mayville state coach: Nathan Chin (2nd season) 2009 record: 1-9 returning starters: 14 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Joey Brown, Jr., OL; Mitch Ford, So., RB (59 carries, 286 yards, 3 TDs); Tanner Carpenter, Jr., QB (32-for-67, 345 yards, 2 TDs); Clifton Krotz, Sr., DB (74 tackles, 2 interceptions); William Drake, Sr., DL (43 tackles, 6 tackles for a loss); Gairachious Strozier, So., DB (30 tackles, 1 interception).

schedule: Sept. 2–at Minnesota-Crookston, 6 p.m. Sept. 11–at Trinity Bible College, 2 p.m. Sept. 18–at Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Sept. 25–Black Hills State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 2–at South Dakota Mines, 2 p.m. Oct. 9–Dickinson State, 2 p.m. Oct. 16–at Jame-stown College, 1 p.m. Oct. 23–Valley City State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30–Dakota State, 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. minot state coach: Paul Rudolph (4th season) 2009 record: 8-3 returning starters: 17 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Johnny Lester, Sr., WR (51 catches, 830 yards, 9 TDs); Gino Maxi, Sr., DL (32 tackles, 8.5 tackles for a loss); Nico Youngren, So., RB (156 carries, 736 yards, 7 TDs); Tommy Weidler, Sr., LB (52 tackles, 11.5 tackles for a loss). schedule: Aug. 26–Bemidji State, 7 p.m. Sept. 4–at Concordia-St. Paul, 1 p.m. Sept. 18–Mayville State, 1:30 p.m. Sept. 25–Valley City State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 2–at Jamestown College, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9–at Dakota State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 16–South Dakota Mines, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23–at Black Hills State, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 30–Dickinson State, 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. south Dakota mines coach: Dan Kratzer (6th season) 2009 record: 5-5 returning starters: 22 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Everett Brill, 83 tackles, 19.5 tackles for a loss, 5.5 sacks); Jamie Dale, Sr., RB (155 car-ries, 843 yards, 8 TDs); Andy Smith, Jr., PK (11-for-15 FGs, 32-for-32 PATs); Tony Ostheimer, Jr., WR (66 catches, 936 yards, 7 TDs); Nick Russell, Jr., QB (172-for-310, 1,890 yards, 15 TDs); Tom Lunzman, Sr., DB (86 tackles, 4 interceptions). schedule: Aug. 28–at Montana Tech, 7 p.m. Sept. 4–Colorado Mines, 7 p.m. Sept. 18–at Valley City State, 1:30 p.m. Sept. 25–at Dakota State, 6 p.m. Oct. 2–Mayville State, 2 p.m. Oct. 9–Jamestown College, 2 p.m. Oct. 16–at Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23–Dickinson State, 2 p.m. Oct. 30–Black Hills State, 2 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA. valley city state coach: Dennis McCulloch (14th season) 2009 record: 3-7 returning starters: 18 Players to watch (2009 statistics): Ronald Buck, Sr., DE (37 tackles, 8 sacks); Kevin Strang, Sr., LB (89 tackles, 9.5 tackles for a loss); Coty Beck, Sr., LB (86 tackles, 7 tackles for a loss); Trent Kosel, Sr., QB (129-for-241, 1,432 yards, 11 TDs); A.J. Pfeifer, Jr., WR (41 catches, 331 yards, 2 TDs). schedule: Aug. 28–Trinity Bible College, 6 p.m. Sept. 11–at Concordia College, 1 p.m. Sept. 18–South Dakota Mines, 1 p.m. Sept. 25–at Minot State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 2–Dickinson State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9–at Black Hills State, 2 p.m. Oct. 16–Dakota State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23–at Mayville State, 1:30 p.m. Oct. 30–at Jamestown College, 1 p.m. Nov. 7–DAC Bowl at Fargodome, TBA.

other small colleges nD state college of science coach: Chuck Parsons (4th season) 2009 record: 6-6 returning starters: 14 Players to watch: Jacob Fahrenkrug, So., OL; Matt Williams, So., OL; Cecil Doe, So., WR; Deunta Jennings, So., WR; C.J. Stevens, Fr., CB; Erik Rosenfeldt, Fr., DL; Cody Davies, So., QB; Darryl White, Fr., QB; Evan McCall, Fr., QB. schedule: Sept. 4–Joliet Junior College, 1 p.m. Sept. 11–at Grand Rapids CC, noon. Sept. 18–Harper College, 1 p.m. Sept. 25–at College of DuPage, 1 p.m. Oct. 2–Dakota College of Bot-tineau, 1 p.m. Oct. 7–Concordia College JV, 6 p.m. Oct. 16–at Iowa Western CC, 1 p.m. Oct. 23–Ellsworth CC, 1 p.m. Oct. 30–at Iowa Central CC, 1 p.m.

small collegefootBall caPsules

— Compiled by Eric Peterson, Forum Communcations Sports Reporter —

nDsu ready for 2010 prime time

unD will be ready for a bigger challenge

Page 17: Football Tab 2010


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(Right) Frazee football players go through stretch-ing drills under the morning August sun.

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head coach.

Page 18: Football Tab 2010


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Page 19: Football Tab 2010


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(Right) Lak-er line coach Vern Schna-

thorst gives ap-proval during

the Red and White game. (Right) A DL player sucks

down some water.

(Below) Joe Mollberg

throws a pass during the

Red and White game.

Page 20: Football Tab 2010


BY BRIAN [email protected]

After sporting an un-De-troit Lakes-like 3-5 record in 2009, the Laker football team rectified its regular season shortcomings with an impres-sive playoff run, which was cut short by inches to reach-ing the Section 8-4A champi-onship game. The young Lakers of 2009 also gained another important aspect, which could bear much fruit for this season — experi-ence. “We had a lot of people who played last year,” said DL head coach Flint Motschenbacher. “And we have a good senior class coming back.” Turnovers were an ear-mark for the inexperience the Lakers had last year, with a total of 23 turnovers for a -4 turnover ratio. That rate should improve in itself, simply due to experi-ence, with the return of DL’s top two rushers, quarterback and the No. 1 wide receiver all returning. Junior Joe Mollberg (6-3, 200) had a solid season as a first-year varsity quarterback in 2009, passing for 1,439 yards and 12 touchdowns. His completion percentage was at 43.3 percent (75-173) and had 11 interceptions for a QB rating of 69.5. “Joe learned a lot as a soph-omore quarterback last year,” Motschenbacher said. “He’s become more of a leader and he should be better in han-

dling the offense and reading defenses. “He still has a long ways to go, but he’ll be ready for the season.” Mollberg should have lots of familiarity with his targets, especially senior wideout Josh Stalberger (6-4, 195), who broke out last year with 28 receptions for 596 yards (21.3 yards per grab) and a team-

leading seven receiving touch-downs. Stalberger had a strong off-season and put on some more muscle, which will go well with his 6-4 frame. “Josh is bigger and stronger and he has the ability to do it all,” Motschenbacher added. Junior Rick Hutchinson (6-1, 175) will also be solid catch-ing the ball, along with senior

Tanner Twigg (6-0, 175), so sec-ondaries can’t just focus on Stalberger. The rushing attack may have a different look, with a slotback style of formation, which is different from the traditional veer offense the Lakers usually run.

Lakers ready to reclaim success

Laker wide receiver Josh Stalberger hauls in a pass during the Red and White game in August.



it la




# Name Pos Grade1 Steven Labine ..............................WR 112 Aaron Marsh ................................WR 113 Tanner Twigg ...............................WR 124 Rick Hutchinson ...........................WR 116 Brian Labat ....................................TE 117 Jordan Manning ............................WR 128 Connor Hedstrom ........................WR 129 Connor McLeod ...........................WR 1210 Jake Hoganson .............................WR 1111 Joshua Stalberger .........................WR 1212 Jon Gilson .....................................TE 1214 Joe Mollberg ................................ QB 1115 Luke Morgan ................................WR 1117 Nick Griffith ..................................RB 1120 Kirk McLeod ................................ QB 1021 Josh Mickelson .............................WR 1022 Nate Baker ....................................RB 1223 Art Gomez ....................................RB 1123 Kyle singer ...................................WR 1124 Logan Baker ..................................RB 1225 Taylor Magnuson ..........................RB 1026 Austin Dickinson ..........................WR 1027 Erik Larson ..................................WR 1228 Josh Eggebraaten ......................... OL 1231 Austin Eiter ..................................WR 1033 Nick Eckman .................................RB 1035 Nick Groth ................................... QB 1036 Casey Fonder ................................RB 1136 Brennon Benscoter ........................TE 1138 Louis Singer ................................. OL 1243 Alex Mason ...................................RB 1151 Casey Vanata ................................ OL 1152 Brady Wilberg .............................. OL 1154 Bryce Dutton ................................ OL 1256 Aaron Colby ................................. OL 1257 Nathan Bausman ...........................RB 1158 David Perry .................................. OL 1160 Levi Fairbanks ...............................DT 1263 Chris Nelson ................................ OL 1267 Nicholas Olson ............................. OL 1168 Brian Clark ................................... OL 1169 Isaac Pazdernik .............................TE 1271 Luke Hestdalen ............................ OL 1173 Ben Overvig ................................. OL 1174 Andrew Johnson ........................... OL 1275 Josh Olson .................................... OL 1179 Cole Pudwill ................................ OL 1181 Noah Kitzman ...............................WR 1082 Derek Long ..................................WR 1085 Reed Johnson ................................TE 10

detroit lakes schedule

9/3 7:00PM Shanley9/10 7:00PM @ Bismarck9/17 7:00PM Grand Rapids9/24 7:00PM Fargo Davies10/1 6:00PM @ Duluth Denfeld10/8 7:00PM @ Grand Forks Red River10/15 7:00PM Thief River Falls - Homecoming10/20 7:00PM Duluth East

FliNt motscheNbacher


rob NielseN


a.J. kNutsoN


Josh bettcher



mike labiNe




russ hackel




Page 21: Football Tab 2010

“We’ll be run-ning multiple formations , but we’ll be

running basical-ly the same plays,” Motschen-bacher said. “It may look dif-ferent, but it’s all the same.” But the switch fits the Lak-er running backs better, as DL does employ a versatile group of backs. The pounder of the group is 2009 team leading rusher junior Alex Mason (6-0, 200), who compiled 569 yards on 125 carries (4.6 per rush) and nine

touchdowns. Senior Jon Gilson (6-0, 195) will also fit the bill of the abil-ity to run between the tackles, while seniors Logan (6-0, 180) and Nathan Baker (5-9, 165) can run the slotback positions with their shiftiness. Also in the mix for carries will be junior Brian Labat (6-2, 200), seniors Connor Hed-strom (5-11, 175) and Connor McLeod (5-11, 165). Gilson and Labat will also lineup at tight end, provid-

ing top athleticism and good hands for Mollberg to hit. “We do lack the burning speed, but they are all good athletes,” Motschenbacher said. “We’ll be using a lot of different combos.” The offensive line returns just one in senior Bryce Dut-ton (6-1, 205), with each of se-nior Chris Nelson (6-1, 240), juniors David Perry (5-11, 220) and Josh Olson (5-9, 230) all in the mix for guard duty. Senior Josh Eggebraaten (5-11, 180) will also be in the running for playing time on

the offensive line. The defense does have some good seasoning, as well, with McLeod back in the secondary (two interceptions in 2009), Dutton and Labat at lineback-er and Eggebraaten and senior A.J. Johnson (5-10, 190) at the defensive end positions. Hedstrom and Gilson also return at the safety positions. Hutchinson also saw time at the free safety slot last year, as well. “We have a lot of guys com-

peting at defensive tackle,” Motschenbacher said. “We do have a little more experience back, but our biggest concern is our team speed.” The Lakers won’t have to be as much of road warriors as they have in the past. DL will have three road games this year, at Bismarck (N.D.) Sept. 10, at Duluth Oct. 1, and at Grand Forks Red Riv-er Oct. 8. The away game versus Far-go Davies has been switched to DL, since Davies still doesn’t have a home field this season. “It’s a very difficult sched-ule,” Motschenbacher said. “We play two North Dakota state champions (Bismarck and Shanley) and now Duluth (Denfeld and East) are Class 5A schools after one of their schools closed. “Thief River Falls is always a good game and Grand Rap-ids beat us last year.” The Lakers did make some noise in the playoffs last year, defeating No. 3 seed Sauk Rap-ids-Rice and pushing No. 2 Al-exandria to the brink, before losing on a fourth and inches call late in the game. “Hopefully our guys learned the mental preparation of the game and learned how to play physically on that level,” Motschenbacher added. “I think our schedule will help us get ready for the sections this year.”



from PAGE 20

brYce duttoNThe senior leader Bryce Dut-ton returns as an anchor on both the offensive and defen-sive lines.

Joe mollbergThe junior quarterback looks ot improve on his Laker debut last year. The strong-armed Joe Mollberg can fling the ball deep, but also is a dan-ger running the ball when the defense least expects it.

Josh stalberger The tall and fast receiver compiled seven receiving TD’s and 596 yards on 28 catches. Stalberger is also a perfect red zone target for quarterback Joe Mollberg.


Year Player Points1924 John Stewart ...................................................421925 Ross Ireland ....................................................151926 Charlie Hulett ..................................................341927 Charlie Hulett ..................................................981928 Jim Stewart .....................................................301929 Jim Stewart .....................................................201930 Jim Stewart .....................................................401931 Willard Burke ..................................................601932 Harry Peterson ................................................281933 Harry Peterson ................................................501934 Harry Peterson ................................................631935 Dick Blanding ................................................... 6 Bruce Borstad ................................................... 61936 Don Jacoby .....................................................311937 Bill Glaholt ......................................................301938 Bill Glaholt ......................................................361939 Willard Lund....................................................401940 Murray Swanson .............................................271941 Bill Peterson ...................................................401942 Gil Bellefeuille .................................................12 Norriss Johnson ..............................................121943 Keith Blake .....................................................481944 Pete Burtness .................................................391945 Wilbur Joy .......................................................131946 Dave Brown ....................................................321947 Dave Brown ....................................................361948 Lyle Anderson .................................................241949 Ron Noesen ....................................................241950 Les Peterson ...................................................351951 Rich Borstad ...................................................621952 Rich Borstad ...................................................901953 Rich Borstad ...................................................831954 John Kertscher ................................................391955 Dean Weimer ..................................................581956 Carl Grossman ................................................451957 Rollie Mann ....................................................391958 Gary Brekken ..................................................431959 Jack Lynch ......................................................25 Lowell Hanson ................................................251960 John Tollefson .................................................331961 Steve Taves ....................................................501962 Byron Larson ...................................................18 Lauren Kath ....................................................181963 Don Blanding ..................................................42 Eddy Larson ....................................................421964 Howie Anderson ..............................................371965 Howie Anderson ..............................................421966 Mike Gunderson ..............................................561967 Bill Brekken ....................................................241968 Dave Nelson ...................................................831969 Dave Nelson .................................................1181970 Rocky Chrastil .................................................551971 Greg Neitzke ...................................................461972 Tom Evans ......................................................541973 Jim Watson .....................................................201974 Mike Neitzke ...................................................941975 Darrell Engen ..................................................30 Greg Johnson ..................................................301976 Jon Dahl .........................................................501977 Kent Mollberg .................................................12 Robin Hoppert ................................................121978 Jon Ahles ........................................................361979 Scott Santwire ................................................831980 Greg Johnson ..................................................24 Todd Jorgenson ...............................................241981 Jim Piche ........................................................481982 Erik Brand .......................................................421983 Tom Johnson ...................................................18 Mark Leslie .....................................................181984 Mark Leslie .....................................................501985 Mark Leslie ...................................................1201986 Mike Buboltz ...................................................381987 Ron Schroeder ................................................681988 Chris Fossen .................................................1241989 Mike Gunderson ..............................................541990 Mike Gunderson ............................................102

1991 Toby Kommer ..................................................841992 Matt Horner ....................................................731993 Erik Gunderson .............................................1021994 Craig Fredrickson ............................................721995 Josh Keyes .....................................................1021996 Todd Steinmetz .............................................1381998 Corey Brogren .................................................781999 Ryan Manke ..................................................1502000 Brian Morrison .................................................962001 Garrett Raboin ..............................................1022002 Tim Serviss ...................................................1382003 Rory Manke ....................................................962004 Taylor Fuhs .....................................................502005 Mike Haggart ..................................................562006 Michael Griffin ................................................722007 Chris Gilson ....................................................1082008 Reed Oistad .....................................................782009 Alex Mason ......................................................54

YEARLY PASSINGYr. Quarterback P C Inc Int Yds TD1960 D. Raffenbeul 87 34 51 2 440 51961 Gary Harris 99 49 45 5 628 51962 Pete Irvine 104 50 44 10 682 51963 Pete Irvine 112 65 44 3 970 111964 Bob Lueben 84 29 50 5 405 51965 Bob Lueben 85 37 44 4 476 11966 Nick Mott 112 38 61 13 476 11967 Mark Mancell 52 15 32 5 158 01968 Mark Mancell 62 18 37 7 448 61969 Bruce Paskey 43 13 26 4 209 31970 Greg Neitzke 58 19 36 3 249 41971 Greg Neitzke 124 57 57 10 813 71972 K. Shipley 184 94 83 9 1684 141973 Gary Larson 122 45 66 11 420 21974 Jeff Johnson 129 61 61 7 741 71975 Jeff Hanson 136 55 71 10 858 71976 Jeff Hanson 134 69 57 8 1114 121977 Kent Mollberg 97 24 65 8 331 11978 Eric Ness 112 51 55 6 854 71979 S. Santwire 116 44 66 6 504 21980 Dan Douglas 204 82 104 18 1038 71981 Dan Douglas 212 113 81 18 1331 71982 C. Meyhoff 112 32 71 9 425 31983 S. Stensgard 131 60 57 14 617 61984 S. Stensgard 132 65 59 8 918 91985 J. Landsem 37 14 22 1 165 21986 J. Landsem 75 23 50 2 300 21987 Craig Thielen 65 21 35 9 390 21988 Craig Thielen 90 35 46 9 849 61989 M. Gunderson 133 45 72 15 861 91990 M. Gunderson 1110 43 67 6 757 31991 Jason Soyring 79 38 31 10 634 61992 Toby Steinmetz 121 65 53 3 966 101993 Toby Steinmetz 80 42 35 3 753 71994 W. Lewandowski 31 11 16 4 354 41995 Todd Steinmetz 102 53 41 8 964 111996 Todd Steinmetz 83 35 42 6 613 71997 Ryan Kotta 104 44 54 6 804 111998 Ben Kvidt 89 41 40 7 749 71999 Ryan Manke 116 50 58 8 836 72000 Reed Manke 170 84 76 10 1,572 182001 Reed Manke 237 120 106 11 1,844 162002 Rory Manke 148 77 67 4 1220 132003 Rory Manke 143 68 70 5 1160 102004 Taylor Fuhs 147 60 80 8 768 5

2005 Joe Schiller 147 62 78 7 825 62006 Chris Gilson 104 51 45 7 976 72007 Chris Gilson 100 48 46 6 905 92008 Reed Oistad 96 43 48 5 755 72009 Joe Mollberg 173 75 87 11 1439 12

YEARLY LEADING RUSHERYear Name .............................. Rushes Yds Avg1949 Lyle Anderson .......................105 690 6.571950 Les Peterson .........................121 427 3.531951 Rich Borstad ........................... 90 606 6.73

1952 Rich Borstad ........................... 99 663 6.701953 Rich Borstad .........................105 766 7.301954 John Kertscher ........................ 67 458 6.841955 Whitey Krump ......................... 59 598 7.291956 Carl Grossman ........................ 82 598 7.291957 Rollie Mann ............................ 88 642 7.301958 Gary Brekken ........................104 520 5.001959 Jack Lynch .............................. 70 392 5.601960 Steve Taves ............................ 84 452 5.381961 Steve Taves ..........................108 578 5.351962 Don Blanding .......................... 96 597 6.221963 Don Blanding ........................112 576 5.141964 Howie Anderson ....................126 696 5.521965 Howie Anderson ....................109 689 6.321966 Mike J. Gunderson ................162 661 4.081967 Mike J. Gunderson ................134 559 4.171968 Dave Nelson .........................125 652 5.221969 Dave Nelson .........................128 853 6.661970 Rocky Chrastil .......................134 584 4.361971 Rich Johnson .......................... 93 445 4.781972 Mike Davis .............................. 75 385 5.131973 Joe Chrastil ............................. 53 230 4.341974 Mike Neitzke .........................113 516 4.571975 Darrel Engen ........................... 59 322 5.461976 Greg Johnson .......................... 65 378 5.821977 Jon Ahles ................................ 87 259 2.991978 Jon Ahles ..............................184 830 4.511979 Neil Sonnenberg ...................119 400 3.361980 Jim Piche ................................ 91 306 3.361981 Jim Piche ..............................170 586 3.451982 Dennis Priem ........................137 390 2.831983 Mark Leslie ............................. 73 430 5.891984 Mark Leslie ...........................119 641 5.381985 Mark Leslie ...........................192 1427 7.451986 Ron Schroeder ......................143 719 5.031987 Chris Fossen .........................191 1123 5.841988 Chris Fossen .........................159 1340 8.431989 Pat Sims ...............................138 728 5.271990 Mike C. Gunderson ...............192 1126 5.861991 Wade Whitworth ....................114 747 6.51992 David Johnson ........................ 76 683 8.91993 David Johnson ........................ 85 1019 11.91994 Craig Fredrickson ..................155 1068 6.891995 Craig Fredrickson ..................210 1410 6.711996 Todd Steinmetz .....................203 1198 5.191997 Corey Brogren .......................235 1406 5.991998 Corey Brogren .......................233 1388 5.961999 Ryan Manke ..........................165 1143 6.922000 Brian Morrison .......................214 1144 5.352001 Tim Serviss ............................136 1223 8.92002 Garrett Raboin .......................157 1330 8.52003 Rory Manke...........................192 1096 5.72004 Shad Tappe ..........................181 969 5.42005 Mike Haggart ........................136 698 5.12006 Michael Griffin .......................169 870 5.152007 Dustin Rietsema .....................197 1057 5.42008 Dustin Rietsema .....................120 609 5.12009 Alex Mason ............................125 574 4.6

YEARLY PASS RECEIVINGYear Receiver .................................No. Yds TD1960 Duane Raffenbeul ..................... 9 91 21961 Byron Larson ........................... 17 224 11962 Lauren Kath ............................ 17 247 31963 Eddy Larson ............................ 37 529 71964 Howie Anderson ...................... 11 171 41965 Jeff Johnson ............................ 17 211 21966 Jeff Ohman ............................. 18 270 01967 Bill Brekken .............................. 9 109 01968 Dave Nelson ............................. 4 113 31969 Dave Nelson ............................. 5 154 21970 Gary Wood .............................. 11 139 11971 Dan Beadle ............................. 25 451 61972 Tom Evans .............................. 46 875 61973 Mike Neitzke ............................. 9 86 01974 Jim Watson ............................. 21 336 01975 Jon Dahl ................................. 26 579 31976 Jon Dahl ................................. 31 654 8

1977 Mike Johnston ........................... 7 223 11978 Chris Engum ........................... 17 415 51979 Gerry Seim .............................. 14 215 01980 Todd Jorgenson ....................... 41 535 41981 Todd Jorgenson ....................... 38 630 31982 Erik Brand ............................... 26 483 51983 Dan Hanson ............................ 22 281 11984 Dan Hanson ............................ 22 422 61985 Mark Leslie ............................... 8 165 21986 Chris Mills ............................... 13 149 11987 Chris Mills ............................... 13 203 11988 Jim Wood ................................ 10 313 31989 Scott Blatchford ...................... 21 496 51990 Pat Sims ................................. 13 292 21991 Jason Weekley .......................... 6 197 31992 Jason Maneval ........................ 18 254 41993 Jason Ziegler ........................... 11 280 31994 Kregg Wolf ................................ 9 214 11995 Steve Skarie ........................... 12 393 61996 Mark Porter ............................. 13 192 21997 Nathan Pierson ....................... 14 366 31998 Ryan Whitworth ........................ 18 431 51999 Jerrick Chilton ........................... 10 312 32000 Derek Blackburn ...................... 31 743 82001 Rory Manke ............................. 34 687 62002 Matt Lill ................................... 25 331 32003 Matt Even ................................. 22 379 62004 Nick Schroeder ....................... 29 362 12005 Jed Harms .............................. 21 318 32006 Adam Thielen .......................... 25 435 42007 Adam Thielen ........................... 20 535 72008 Josh Stalberger......................... 11 204 22009 Josh Stalberger......................... 28 596 7

CAREER SCORING LEADERS (60 points minimum)

Player ......................................................................... TPTodd Steinmetz ........................................................ 278Rory Manke.............................................................. 240Rich Borstad ............................................................ 242Tim Serviss .............................................................. 234Dave Nelson ............................................................ 201Corey Brogren .......................................................... 196Chris Fossen ............................................................ 192Matt Horner ............................................................. 191Mark Leslie .............................................................. 188David Johnson ......................................................... 176Chris Gilson ............................................................. 168Garrett Raboin ......................................................... 164Toby Steinmetz ........................................................ 162Craig Fredrickson ..................................................... 162Mike C. Gunderson .................................................. 156Josh Keyes ............................................................... 156Erik Gunderson ........................................................ 150Ryan Manke ............................................................. 150Toby Kommer ........................................................... 146Harry Peterson ......................................................... 141Charlie Hulett ........................................................... 132Mike Haggart ........................................................... 128Pat Sims .................................................................. 126TJ Johnson ............................................................... 121Dustin Rietsema....................................................... 114Mike Neitzke ............................................................ 113Scott Santwire ......................................................... 110Lynn Parkel .............................................................. 106Steve Skarie ............................................................ 106Ron Schroeder ......................................................... 104Nick Hagedorn ............................................................95Reid Whitworth ............................................................92Jim Stewart .................................................................90Ben Magnuson ............................................................87Ross Ireland ................................................................89Rich Johnson ..............................................................84Jay Grasto ...................................................................84Steve Taves.................................................................81Howie Anderson .........................................................79Carl Grossman ............................................................79Reed Oistad ................................................................78

Michael Griffin ............................................................72Tom Evans ..................................................................72Shad Tappe ................................................................72Michael Griffin ............................................................72Adam Thielen ..............................................................72Dave Brown ................................................................68Mike Davis ..................................................................68Jon Dahl .....................................................................68Bill Glaholt ..................................................................66Ludvig Millfors .............................................................66Jim Piche ....................................................................66Wade Whitworth ..........................................................66Chad Rosell ................................................................66Mike J. Gunderson ......................................................64Willard Burke ..............................................................60Jim Watson .................................................................60

CAREER RUSHING LEADERS (at least 800 yards total)

Player ......................... Yrs. Ru Yds AvgCorey Brogren ............. 1996-98 404 3,933 4.05Mark Leslie ................. 1983-85 384 2948 6.51Todd Steinmetz ........... 1994-96 512 2,809 5.49Craig Fredrickson ........ 1993-95 384 2669 6.94Chris Fossen ............... 1986-88 345 2597 7.52Garrett Raboin ............ 2001-02 292 2,486 8.5Tim Serviss ................. 2001-02 271 2,424 8.9Rich Borstad ............... 1950-53 347 2278 6.56Rory Manke................. 2001-03 373 2015 5.4David Johnson ............ 1991-93 193 1998 10.35Dustin Rietsema.......... 2006-08 331 1746 5.3Pat Sims ..................... 1988-90 277 1587 5.65Mike Haggart .............. 2003-05 287 1533 5.34Dave Nelson ............... 1968-69 253 1505 5.95Josh Keyes .................. 1994-95 231 1457 6.31Erik Gunderson ........... 1991-93 164 1438 8.76M. C. Gunderson ......... 1988-90 317 1436 4.52Shad Tappe ................ 2002-04 245 1376 5.6H. Anderson ................ 1963-65 242 1311 5.42Ron Schroeder ............ 1985-87 276 1311 4.72Toby Kommer .............. 1990-91 256 1225 4.70M. J. Gunderson .......... 1965-67 298 1210 4.06Jay Grasto ................... 1987-88 166 1194 7.19Don Blanding .............. 1961-63 214 1189 5.56Brian Morrison ............ 1999-200 214 1144 5.35Carl Grossman ............ 1955-57 193 1105 5.73Mike Davis .................. 1970-72 247 1104 4.47Jon Ahles .................... 1977-78 271 1089 4.02Wade Whitworth .......... 1989-91 156 1055 6.70Chris Gilson ................ 2006-07 216 1136 5.3Jim Piche .................... 1979-81 299 1031 3.45Matt Carrier ................. 1989-91 153 1027 6.71Reid Whitworth ............ 1995-97 174 1,026 5.89Steve Taves................. 1960-61 182 1020 5.31Toby Steinmetz ........... 1991-93 249 985 3.95Lynn Parkel ................. 1951-53 94 956 10.17Rocky Chrastil ............. 1968-70 204 910 4.46Tom Day ..................... 1952-53 113 890 7.88Mike Neitzke ............... 1972-74 196 883 4.51Michael Griffin ............ 2006 169 870 5.15Dean Weimer .............. 1954-55 162 834 5.15Ron Noesen ................ 1949-50 156 827 5.30

“It’s a very difficult schedule.”

Page 22: Football Tab 2010



#1 Steve LabineGrade: 11 Position: K/DB

#1 Jackson LyngaasGrade: 9

#4 Rick HutchinsonGrade: 11 Position: WR/DB

#3 Tanner TwiggGrade: 12 Position: WR/DB

#7 Jordan ManningGrade: 11 Position: WR/DB

#6 Brian LabatGrade: 11 Position: RB/LB

#9 Connor McLeodGrade: 12 Position: RB/DB

#8 Conner HedstromGrade: 12 Position: RB/DB

#5 Micah CalderonGrade: 9

#6 Dennis HisgunGrade: 9

#7 Michael HerzogGrade: 9

#2 Aaron MarshGrade: 11 Position: WR/DB

Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137

TROPHY HOUSE“No Job Is Too Small - No Set-up Fee”

205 Washington Ave. • Detroit Lakes • 846-9442 Phone & FaxTROPHIES • PLAQUES • MEDALLIONS • RIBBONS • ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS •



• liFE• FinAnCiAl SErviCES

matt hedstrom847-5796

Jim hedstrom847-9004

1123 e. hwy. 10, suite 1

detroit Lakes, mN

Cy Field/Dan Paul — Master ElectriciansServing the Detroit Lakes, Waubun and Mahnomen area

Cell: 218-849-5564 Toll Free: 888-856-5676

Al Clark - Owner “Committed to Quality & Service”

MN LIC# BC-20460621ND LIC# 32002

Detroit Lakes, MN

Home (218) 846-0079Cell (218) 849-4489

• Post Frame Storage• Garages• Insulated Shops• Commercial/Office

Buildings• New Homes• Remodeling• Shigled Roofs• Steel Roofs• Doors & Windows• Decks & Siding

Thank you for your service!

844-682025807 County Hwy 22, • Detroit Lakes, MN

(just past Lakeview General Store)

“Voted Best

Burgers in Lakes


1245 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN


We’re raising the Standard

(218) 847-1383 • (800) 821-68791325 Hwy. 10 West, Detroit Lakes

Lakes Specialty Services• Bathtub repair/resurfacing• Whirlpool conversions• Remodeling • DecksRob Sims, Owner21920 NW Pickerel Lake Rd.Detroit Lakes218-850-9141 218-844-6507 email: [email protected]

Open 24 Hours7 days a week

310 East Frazee St.Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)



Page 23: Football Tab 2010


#15 Luke MorganGrade: 11 Position: WR/DE

#14 Joe MollbergGrade: 11 Position: QB/DB

#10 Jake HogansonGrade: 12 Position: WR/DE

#11 Josh StalbergerGrade: 12 Position: WR/DB

#12 Jon GilsonGrade: 12 Position: RB/DE

#9 Chase SaundersGrade: 9

#11 Dylan BremsethGrade: 9

#14 Reno HansonGrade: 9

#15 Dylon HansonGrade: 9

#17 Reiley OlsonGrade: 9

#17 Nick GriffithGrade: 11 Position: RB/DB

#20 Kirk McLeodGrade: 10 Position: QB/DB

Open 24 Hours7 days a week

310 East Frazee St.Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)



33503 State Hwy. 34Detroit Lakes, MN 56501— 847-3258 —GOOD LUCK!



We’re raising the Standard

(218) 847-1383 • (800) 821-68791325 Hwy. 10 West, Detroit Lakes

Kerry Jordan Insurance agency

Kerry Jordanowner, Insurance BroKer

218.532.28751.888.891.9981651.305.3890 (fax)

Lake Park, MN [email protected]

Lic. #21015

— Serving the Lakes Area —

Are You Ready for a Real Meal?

HWY 10 eaST Detroit Lakes

847-0472Summer Hours: M-S 6am - 10pm

Sunday 7am - 10pm

Highway 10 West Store

218-846-1700Walmart Store

218-847-1473Washington Ave. Store


1302 Washington Ave. Detroit Lakes


Open Daily at 11am

• Delivery • Carry-Out

• Dine-In

1050 Hwy 59 South Detroit Lakes • 847-9775


HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sat & Sun 8am-8pm

1361 Wenner Rd., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501North of Menards on Hwy 10 •

(218) 846-9981

Kevin McCullough & Pete Gebhart, Owners

219 West Front Street, Detroit Lakes 218-847-3101 • [email protected]


Page 24: Football Tab 2010


#22 Nate BakerGrade: 12 Position: RB/DB

#23 Kyle SingerGrade: 11 Position: WR/DB

#25 Taylor MagnusonGrade: 10 Position: RB/DB

#24 Logan BakerGrade: 12 Position: RB/DB

#26 Austin DickinsonGrade: 10 Position: WR/DB

#27 Erik LarsonGrade: 12 Position: RB/DB

#21 Luke EggebraatenGrade: 9

#22 Casey PaskeyGrade: 9

#23 Alex WebberGrade: 9

#25 Cole HeggGrade: 9

#26 Andy HarrisGrade: 9

#21 Josh MickelsonGrade: 10 Position:WR/DB


We’re raising the Standard

(218) 847-1383 • (800) 821-68791325 Hwy. 10 West, Detroit Lakes

SALES & INSTALLATION• Ceramic Tile • Quarry Tile • Marble • Slate• Residential • Commercial• New Construction • Remodeling

Lowell Baker218•375•2175

Cell1•888•849•9347“Family Business

for over 35 Years.”Baker Tile Co.

Hwy 59 South, Detroit Lakes Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-7pm • Fri.-Sat. 8am-6pm

800-279-2728 • 218-847-2601 •


Your Source For All Sports!• Fishing

• Hunting

• Golf

• Winter Sports

• Baseball

• Softball

• Shoes

• Boots

• Athletic Apparel

• Hockey

• Archery

930 Washington Avenue • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501218-847-2645

• Much, Much More!

Dr. Christopher L. Singer 847-7336

Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist CHIROPRACTOR

HWY 10 East • Detroit Lakes

1245 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN

General Dentistry - Digital Radiology - One Visit Crowns701 Hwy 10 E Detroit Lakes, MN

(Corner of Hwy 10 and Corbett Road)

Open 24 Hours7 days a week

310 East Frazee St.Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)

Highway 10 West Store

218-846-1700Walmart Store

218-847-1473Washington Ave. Store


1302 Washington Ave. Detroit Lakes


Open Daily at 11am

• Delivery • Carry-Out

• Dine-In

Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137



847-1215 OR 847-9898AFTER HOURS 847-3432

NAPA AutoCareCenter®

We Install Quality NAPA Parts


Al Clark - Owner “Committed to Quality & Service”

MN LIC# BC-20460621ND LIC# 32002

Detroit Lakes, MN

Home (218) 846-0079Cell (218) 849-4489

• Post Frame Storage• Garages• Insulated Shops• Commercial/Office

Buildings• New Homes• Remodeling• Shigled Roofs• Steel Roofs• Doors & Windows• Decks & Siding

Thank you for your service!


Page 25: Football Tab 2010


#28 Josh EggebraatenGrade: 12 Position: RB/DE

#33 Nick EckmanGrade: 10 Position: RB/LB

#31 Austin EiterGrade: 10 Position: WR/LB

#36 Brandon GilbertGrade: 10 Position: RB/DB

#35 Nick GrothGrade: 10 Position: QB/DB

#50 Andrew BrownGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#42 Isaac PazdernikGrade: 12 Position: DE

#43 Alex MasonGrade: 11 Position: RB/LB

#44 Casey FonderGrade: 11 Position: LB

#30 Isaac ClemGrade: 9

#36 Brandon DahringGrade: 9

#40 Jarett NosalGrade: 9

Al Clark - Owner “Committed to Quality & Service”

Thank you for your service!

33503 State Hwy. 34Detroit Lakes, MN 56501— 847-3258 —GOOD LUCK!


HDQ Landscaping & More, inc

coMMerciaL & residentiaLSod • ShrubS • Seeding • hydro Seeding

eroSion Control •deer Food PlotSLuke & Jennifer SpLonSkowSki


On The GoGas & Convenience Store

218.375.2104220 MAIN AvENUE, CALLAWAy, MN

We feature Delimax!

• Post Frame Storage• Garages• Insulated Shops• Commercial/Office

Buildings• New Homes• Remodeling• Shigled Roofs• Steel Roofs• Doors & Windows• Decks & Siding

844-682025807 County Hwy 22, • Detroit Lakes, MN

(just past Lakeview General Store)

“Voted Best

Burgers in Lakes


844-682025807 County Hwy 22, • Detroit Lakes, MN

(just past Lakeview General Store)

“Voted Best

Burgers in Lakes




Are You Ready for a Real Meal?

HWY 10 eaST Detroit Lakes

847-0472Summer Hours: M-S 6am - 10pm

Sunday 7am - 10pm

Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137


218-847-8976 • 218-849-9942

SuSpended AcouSticAL

ceiLinG contrActor1378 egret Ave.

detroit Lakes, Mn

218-847-8976 • 218-849-9942


• liFE• FinAnCiAl SErviCES

matt hedstrom847-5796

Jim hedstrom847-9004

1123 e. hwy. 10, suite 1

detroit Lakes, mN

Dr. Christopher L. Singer 847-7336

Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist CHIROPRACTOR

HWY 10 East • Detroit Lakes


Page 26: Football Tab 2010


#52 Nate KrohneGrade: 12 Position: OL/DL

#51 Casey VanataGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#54 Bryce DuttonGrade: 12 Position: OL/LB

#53 Louis SingerGrade: 12 Position: OL/LB

#57 Nate BausmanGrade: 11 Position: K/DB

#56 Devin McDonaldGrade: 10 Position: OL/DE

#65 Jordan StalbergerGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#58 Brandon JohnsonGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#63 Chris NelsonGrade: 12 Position: OL/DL

#64 David PerryGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#59 Kirby SiewertGrade: 9

#63 Mikel RenteriaGrade: 9



847-1215 OR 847-9898AFTER HOURS 847-3432

NAPA AutoCareCenter®

We Install Quality NAPA Parts




STENERSON LUMBER555 North Highway 59 • Detroit Lakes


Fire-Water RestorationCarpets-upholstery

Commercial Services JanitorialHousecleaning

ServicemaSter of Detroit Lakes218-847-7755 • Fax: 218-847-5863 • P.O. Box 269 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56502

[email protected]

Residential/Commercial Cleaning Services

Dr. Christopher L. Singer 847-7336

Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist CHIROPRACTOR

HWY 10 East • Detroit Lakes

1245 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN

Highway 10 West Store

218-846-1700Walmart Store

218-847-1473Washington Ave. Store


1302 Washington Ave. Detroit Lakes


Open Daily at 11am

• Delivery • Carry-Out

• Dine-In

SALES & INSTALLATION• Ceramic Tile • Quarry Tile • Marble • Slate• Residential • Commercial• New Construction • Remodeling

Lowell Baker218•375•2175

Cell1•888•849•9347“Family Business

for over 35 Years.”Baker Tile Co.

501 Highway 10 East • Detroit Lakes

Ferrellgas is proud to support the Detroit Lakes Lakers


Commercial Refrigeration andAir Conditioning SPECIALISTS

24 Hour Emergency Service

Detroit Lakes • 218-847-7537 • 1-888-847-7537DAN TWEETON

Al Clark - Owner “Committed to Quality & Service”

Thank you for your service! • Post Frame Storage• Garages• Insulated Shops• Commercial/Office

Buildings• New Homes• Remodeling• Shigled Roofs• Steel Roofs• Doors & Windows• Decks & Siding


Page 27: Football Tab 2010


#66 Nick OlsonGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#67 Tyler GlanderGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#72 Nick EricksonGrade: 10 Position: OL/LB

#69 AJ MatterGrade: 10 Position: OL/DE

#71 Luke HestdalenGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#65 Tylor LibbyGrade: 9

#66 Hunter HedstromGrade: 9

#67 Chandler BriardGrade: 9

#68 Ben OrtizGrade: 9

#69 Nathan CarrabouGrade: 9

#69 Robert Welty-JohnsonGrade: 9

#70 Mitchel ThomGrade: 9


We’re raising the Standard

(218) 847-1383 • (800) 821-68791325 Hwy. 10 West, Detroit Lakes

Open 24 Hours7 days a week

310 East Frazee St.Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)


• liFE• FinAnCiAl SErviCES

matt hedstrom847-5796

Jim hedstrom847-9004

1123 e. hwy. 10, suite 1

detroit Lakes, mN

Audubon Auto Center“Your Biggest Little Hometown Dealer”


Used Cars

& Trucks

Financing (OAC)

218-439-6644Steve Walz • Scott OldsHwy. 10 W., Audubon, MN



1245 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN

HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sat & Sun 8am-8pm

1361 Wenner Rd., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501North of Menards on Hwy 10 •

(218) 846-9981

Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137

www.wellsfargo.comRemodelers • New Homes • Additions • Siding • Decks

Roofing • Garages • Windows/Doors

li builders inc.Licensed Contractor # 20587283

15675 Long Lake Road • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Josh Lessman

849.6140Kirk Ivankovich


Hwy 59 South, Detroit Lakes Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-7pm • Fri.-Sat. 8am-6pm

800-279-2728 • 218-847-2601 •


TROPHY HOUSE“No Job Is Too Small - No Set-up Fee”

205 Washington Ave. • Detroit Lakes • 846-9442 Phone & FaxTROPHIES • PLAQUES • MEDALLIONS • RIBBONS • ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS •


STENERSON LUMBER555 North Highway 59 • Detroit Lakes


Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137


Page 28: Football Tab 2010


#73 Ben OvervigGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#75 Josh OlsonGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#74 AJ JohnsonGrade: 12 Position: OL/DL

#76 Tyler GebhartGrade: 10 Position: OL/DE

#82 Derek LongGrade: 10 Position: WR/DB

#77 Logan MoeGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#78 Levi FairbanksGrade: 12 Position: OL/DL

#79 Cole PudwillGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#81 Noah KitzmanGrade: 10 Position: RB/DB

#72 Calvin NodsleGrade: 9

#75 Josh WeberGrade: 9

#77 Sam VozGrade: 9

Kerry Jordan Insurance agency

Kerry Jordanowner, Insurance BroKer

218.532.28751.888.891.9981651.305.3890 (fax)

Lake Park, MN [email protected]

Lic. #21015

— Serving the Lakes Area —

Kevin McCullough & Pete Gebhart, Owners

219 West Front Street, Detroit Lakes 218-847-3101 • [email protected]


Lakes• Radio dispatched truck for Fast, Efficient,

Dependable Service• Residential • Lake Home • Commercial • Farm • Reasonable Rates • Vacuum Pump Pressure• Power Back Flushing • 2500 Gallon Tank

Bus. 847-6876 (H) 439-693125291 230th Street • Detroit Lakes MN STATE CERTIFIED

Scott Walberg, Owner



Hwy. 34 E. & Barbara Ave.Detroit Lakes


MUCH MOREThan an Ordinary

Convenience Store! GoodLuck


844-682025807 County Hwy 22, • Detroit Lakes, MN

(just past Lakeview General Store)

“Voted Best

Burgers in Lakes


Remodelers • New Homes • Additions • Siding • Decks Roofing • Garages • Windows/Doors

li builders inc.Licensed Contractor # 20587283

15675 Long Lake Road • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Josh Lessman

849.6140Kirk Ivankovich


Fire-Water RestorationCarpets-upholstery

Commercial Services JanitorialHousecleaning

ServicemaSter of Detroit Lakes218-847-7755 • Fax: 218-847-5863 • P.O. Box 269 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56502

[email protected]

Residential/Commercial Cleaning Services Your Source For All Sports!• Fishing

• Hunting

• Golf

• Winter Sports

• Baseball

• Softball

• Shoes

• Boots

• Athletic Apparel

• Hockey

• Archery

930 Washington Avenue • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501218-847-2645

• Much, Much More!

501 Highway 10 East • Detroit Lakes

General Dentistry - Digital Radiology - One Visit Crowns701 Hwy 10 E Detroit Lakes, MN

(Corner of Hwy 10 and Corbett Road)

Chinese DragonMAI & HOA NGO

Find us in theWashington Square Mall

Don’t Forget Our 20 Course Sunday BuffetServing 11AM-8PM

(218) 847-2177

808 Washington Ave. • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501


Page 29: Football Tab 2010


#66 Nick OlsonGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#67 Tyler GlanderGrade: 10 Position: OL/DL

#72 Nick EricksonGrade: 10 Position: OL/LB

#69 AJ MatterGrade: 10 Position: OL/DE

#71 Luke HestdalenGrade: 11 Position: OL/DL

#65 Tylor LibbyGrade: 9

#66 Hunter HedstromGrade: 9

#67 Chandler BriardGrade: 9

#68 Ben OrtizGrade: 9

#69 Nathan CarrabouGrade: 9

#69 Robert Welty-JohnsonGrade: 9

#70 Mitchel ThomGrade: 9

of Minnesota

We’re raising the Standard

(218) 847-1383 • (800) 821-68791325 Hwy. 10 West, Detroit Lakes

Open 24 Hours7 days a week

310 East Frazee St.Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)


• liFE• FinAnCiAl SErviCES

matt hedstrom847-5796

Jim hedstrom847-9004

1123 e. hwy. 10, suite 1

detroit Lakes, mN

Audubon Auto Center“Your Biggest Little Hometown Dealer”


Used Cars

& Trucks

Financing (OAC)

218-439-6644Steve Walz • Scott OldsHwy. 10 W., Audubon, MN



1245 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN

HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sat & Sun 8am-8pm

1361 Wenner Rd., Detroit Lakes, MN 56501North of Menards on Hwy 10 •

(218) 846-9981

Detroit Lakes

© 2010 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A. Member FDIC

Main - 211 W. Holmes St • 847-1361Additional ATM at

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East847-2137

www.wellsfargo.comRemodelers • New Homes • Additions • Siding • Decks

Roofing • Garages • Windows/Doors

li builders inc.Licensed Contractor # 20587283

15675 Long Lake Road • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Josh Lessman

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Page 30: Football Tab 2010



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Page 31: Football Tab 2010

Bob [email protected]

Head Football Coach Mike Jordahl has some shoes to fill this year, both on his own and in his lineup.

Jordahl replaces Perham’s winningest coach in school history Howie Kangas and takes the helm after a year when Kangas’ offense set every passing record in school history.

“It’s not about me; it’s about the kids. Like most coaches, we love being in this industry and that’s why we’re here. Howie would feel the same way about this transition. It should be as low under the radar as possible. It’s about the program not the coaches. We’ll have a little bit of a different look and philosophy, but will also be fairly similar to what we’ve had in the past as a team,” Jordahl said.

Jordahl’s concern for his program runs both on and off the field.

“We want to make sure these guys are becoming good citizens with great problem solving skills,” he said. “On the field we want to work on mental and physical toughness.”

Perham will run a more balanced attack this year. According to Jordahl, he expects the running and passing game to drive the other.

Formations and offensive style will be similar to last year’s but plans are to add different twists.

Expect different looks on the defensive side of the ball, as well.

“We’re going to form a wall, play sound football and tackle well.”

Two players have a shot at starting quarterback duties. Gabe Pankonin has the early nod to take snaps. Pankonin has a year of experience on Jordan Hein, but both could see action at other positions.

“Both are doing an excellent job. It’s been a real friendly competition and we could change alternating series at any time. We have a special opportunity with great leaders and good athletes, both are going to have to get some time whether at quarterback, running back, slot back, or even wide receiver.”

Having two playmakers available at multiple positions can only help in trying to move the ball down the field.

At running back, Mike

Wiskow and Cyrus Bickell saw some time last year. Wiskow is fast, shifty and strong while Bickell is a rumbling,



9/3 7:00 PM @ Pelican Rapids9/10 7:00 PM Park Rapids Area9/17 7:00 PM Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton9/24 7:00 PM @ Crookston10/1 7:00 PM Pequot Lakes 10/8 7:00 PM @ Thief River Falls 10/15 7:00 PM Roseau 10/20 7:00 PM @ East Grand Forks

Yellowjackets look tocontinue winning tradition







# Name poS Grade1 Guajardo, Jesus ..............................K 122 Nordick, Josh ................................WR 103 Waldon, Andrew ...........................WR 124 Boedigheimer, Jaz ........................WR 107 Hein, Jordan ................................. QB 108 Sailer, Luke ...................................RB 109 Pankonin, Gabe ............................ QB 1110 Ruther, Chris ................................WR 1111 Shipman, Matt ..............................WR 1112 DeConcini, Alex ...........................WR 1213 Ramos, Jorge ................................WR 1215 Link, Mac ...................................... QB 1218 Moberg, Andrew ..........................WR 1120 Berry, Dalton .................................RB 1022 Sazama, Brady .............................. QB 1023 Duffy, Desmine ..............................RB 1225 Formanek, Matt ............................WR 1025 Wiskow, Mike ................................RB 1131 Bickell, Cyrus ................................ FB 1234 Hutmacher, Chris .......................... FB 1042 Haverland, Ty ................................ FB 1143 Still, Jacob .....................................RB 1144 Nash, Jesse ....................................RB 1045 Honer, Ethan .................................RB 1251 Sailer, Calvin ................................ OL 1052 Byer, Hilarion ...............................OG 1253 Trautman, Josh .............................. OL 1255 Hoffman, Richard .......................... OL 1257 Carlson, Matt ................................ OL 1061 Garcia, Giovanni .......................... OL 1062 Schoenberger, Alphonse .............. OL 1064 Pappenfus, Dylan ......................... OL 1065 Christopherson, Ryan ................... OL 1167 Satter, Ryan .................................. OL 1068 Laughlin, John .............................. OL 1069 Schleeter, Gene ........................... OL 1270 Botzet, Mike .................................. OL 1071 Biegler, Garrett ............................ OL 1173 Langlie, David .............................. OL 1274 Rutten, Isaac ................................. OL 1275 Wunderlich, Jesse ......................... OL 1076 Graham, Scott ............................... OL 1078 Hein, Jesse ..................................... C 1180 Andreen, Austin ...........................WR 1081 Brauch, Eric ..................................WR 1082 Babler, Sam ..................................WR 1289 Briard, Daniel ...............................WR 11

Head Coach Mike Jordahl speaks to his players at one of the final practices before regular season play begins.

PERHAMto page 31

Bob [email protected]

Head Coach Matt Radniecki returns to the New York Mills sidelines in his third stint and 15th year coaching looking to turn around a program that has seen its share of losses the past few years.

NY Mills looks to end a 26-game losing streak week one at home against Royalton, a team that finished second in the state in 2008 and stomped the Eagles 44-0 in last year’s opener.

“They’re good and it’s not going to be an easy opener,” Radniecki said. “They had a good season last year with a really good running back in senior Zach Lanners. We’re not going to see many better athletes this year, but I think we can do some things to contain him.”

Radniecki has a history of success in NY Mills, coaching for ten seasons from 1989 to 1998. He returned in 2002 and coached until 2006 taking the team to the state tournament for the first time in school history.

J.J. Weller returns from last year’s coaching staff along with seasoned coach Brian Dunrud.

Last year’s 0-8 Prairie North Conference season left NY Mills the odd team out of the playoffs in the nine-team 6A section.

An area that needed improvement even before the season was getting numbers back up and enticing more kids to either join or return to the program.

Last year saw only 28 regulars suited up for the Eagles. Thanks to Radniecki and the coaching staff’s marketing of the program, this year’s squad has 39 regulars, including 13 seniors.

“We didn’t graduate as many seniors last year; that plays into it a little bit. We also have a few kids who came back, along with seniors playing this year that didn’t play last year.”

Key losses from last year’s squad are Jordan Novak, Jarrod Norton, Landyn Seawert and Ted Rohr.

Radniecki saw an opportunity to return to the program after taking a break to work on his team at home, his three children.

“Now that they have gotten older I saw this opportunity was there and took advantage of it. I just like football camaraderie.”

Radniecki does have some experience coming back in players that started last year. While this team did not see success in the win-loss column, they do have game experience.

“You can’t replace that.”Tanner Wegscheid will

start at quarterback and the coaching staff looks for him to do a lot of things offensively.

Wegscheid may see his level of offensive responsibility heightened early in the season after the team lost sophomore running back Shane Novak to a broken bone in his wrist. Chances are Novak will be able to play at his defensive cornerback position pending physician approval.

Building a successful program from square one falls heavily on the younger classes and Radniecki will play some freshman this year.

“We have a good freshman class this year. They’re confident, but might be a little young.”

The thing about these younger players is they are used to winning. Many of the freshman football players were part of highly successful baseball teams both in the spring school season and the summer Babe Ruth season.

Leadership will be up and down the sidelines as winning again becomes a tradition and translating that mindset from the baseball diamond to the gridiron could be something the freshman class is able to provide this year’s squad.

Offensively, Radniecki has plans to move away from the run-oriented veer offense to running a spread offense featuring a lot of motion and different looks for opposing teams.

The defense will run out of a basic 4-3 scheme but continue with the philosophy of showing different looks to keep opposing offenses off guard.

Radniecki’s philosophy on winning is simple.

“We need to get better, take it up a step and see how much better can we get. How much of the ladder can we climb?”

In the conference, Barnesville and Browerville look to have the early edge on the top spot. Browerville won the section and advanced to state last year.

“The attitude of the kids has been terrific, we’ve had very good attendance at practice and we’re looking to become a better football team and be more competitive getting better each week. Our ultimate goal is to play our best game at the end of the season. We want to peak at the end.”

NY Mills opens the season at home against Royalton on Thursday, September 2.

A familiar changing of the guard in NY Mills

New york mIllSSchedule

9/2 7:00 PM Royalton9/10 7:00 PM @ Ottertail Central Bulldogs 9/17 7:00 PM @ Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg 9/24 7:00 PM United North Central Warriors 10/1 7:00 PM @ Osakis10/8 7:00 PM @ Parkers Prairie 10/15 7:00 PM Browerville H.S. 10/20 7:00 PM Pillager

Page 32: Football Tab 2010



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stumbling t o u g h fullback.

Perham is pretty fresh on the line, both

offensively and defensively. Junior Jesse Hein will be anchoring both lines.

“He’s been playing since he

was an eighth grader and has seen time in the playoffs.”

Most of the secondary saw some good time on the field

last year and should be a strong part of the Yellowjacket defense.

While inexperience may prove a hurdle in some areas, the coaching staff notes team speed is up from last year’s club.

“Collectively we might be

faster. We’ve got more guys sub-five in the 40 this year,” Defensive coordinator Kyle Knutson said.

Getting younger players up to speed has been a job that has not fallen all on the coaching staff.

“We’re really proud of our kids and how hard they’re working,” Knutson said. “We have a lot of leaders and our kids are having a good time

and like to be together.”

“That’s probably the thing we’re most proud of,” said Jordahl. “We have some great kids.”

“They like to coach before we can say anything,” said Knutson. “That’s outstanding to see. We have a lot of stellar

assistant coaches in pads.”Pequot Lakes and Staples

look to be the teams that will provide stiff competition in the conference, while Thief River Falls will prove a tough opponent in sections. Perham opens the season at Pelican Rapids.

“Pelican has a very experienced offensive line. They’re going to be very solid and big and Pelican always has athletes in the skilled positions,” said Jordahl.

Jordahl expects to match up well with Pelican in the opener.

“We’ll have to get off the football to beat them. There’s no doubt about that. I told our guys all week long we need to

play smart, don’t do anything fancy and do things well. We’re going to rely on our defense to get the ball back to us in a timely fashion. I’d like to think we’re going to put some points on the board.”

The Yellowjackets do have momentum to build on from the past three seasons. Perham was 19-5 in the regular season and 9-3 in the playoffs in that time, including a state semifinal appearance in 2007.

Jordahl’s team of assistant coaches are: Defensive Coordinator Kyle Knutson; John McEachran; James Mulcahy; Howie Kangas and volunteers: Paul Sturdavent; Mike Nordby; Fred Sailer; Jim Deboer and Cory Solberg.

PERHAMfrom page 30

“Collectively, we might be faster.”

Page 33: Football Tab 2010

BY BRIAN [email protected]

The 2010 season for the Peli-can Rapids football team will be based on its offensive line, where all three of its senior captains reside. Each of Dan Wood, Cody Wahlstrom and Brady Mor-gan will anchor the Vikings’ strongest unit, which means good news for second-year junior quarterback Casey Bruggeman. “It’s a unique situation for us, because I’ve never had all my captains just on the offen-sive line,” said Pelican Rapids head coach Dave Haugen. “It should be a good comfort lev-el, because we are starting five seniors on the O-line.” Wood has established him-self as one of the top offensive linemen in the area, while Wahlstrom will man the cen-ter position, which will be his second year starting. Morgan is a converted full-back and has made the transi-tion well, Haugen said. “I’m pleased with Brady’s ability to switch positions,” Haugen added. “He has shown the willingness as a senior to do what’s best for the team.” Bruggeman has also shown improvement from his sopho-more to junior season as the Vikings’ signal caller. His improvement has shown in his passing ability,

which should make him a duel threat, along with his rushing talent. “Casey’s passing is now ad-equate enough, that defenses can’t ignore him as a thrower,” Haugen said. “He can keep the defense off balance.” The Vikings will have a running back by committee approach, with juniors Taylor Butke, fullback Jed Evenson and senior Chris Bakken tak-ing on the rushing duties. “They are a year older and can read their blocks better, along with being more pa-tient,” Haugen said of his run-ning backs. “They’re vision should overall be better.” The plan is to grind out drives, picking up first downs and wearing out a defense. The big play is potential, but longer, sustained drives will be the norm. “We can’t hurt ourselves with mistakes, like penalties and missed assignments,” the Viking head coach said. “More experience, should mean less turnovers.” The Vikings also will main-tain their size at wide receiv-er, with each of junior Luke

Halbakken, sophomore Tuck-er Forsgren and senior Andy Johnson ranging from the 6-2 to 6-4 height area. “All three are experienced and are more physical,” Haugen said. “Our receivers should be pretty good in their downfield blocking and are ag-gressive going after the ball.” The defensive line will be similar to that of the O-line, wherein experience and lead-ership will dominate. The Vikings are big in the middle with Wood and senior Joey Pederson filling in space at the tackle positions, while junior Anwar Sharmake will provide a non-stop motor. Seniors Connor Holt and Stephan Jacobson will con-tain the edges at the defensive end positions. The linebacking corp. is also senior laden, with Mor-gan and Wahlstrom anchor-ing those positions. Bruggeman is back at strong safety, who provides a physical presence and good in run support, while Johnson is a free safety/cornerback hy-brid. Others in the secondary include Butke, Bakken and se-nior James Cossette. Overall, with the experience coming back from last year, which included a first-round playoff win, the Vikings have more to be confident about in 2010.

“The playoff win helped out our confidence coming into this year,” Haugen said. “We are better and we’ll see if that translates into a better record with a tough schedule.”


Vikings will move the ball with O-line

A Viking receiver gets ready to haul in a pass during a preseason practice.

Pelican Rapids head coach Dave Haugen goes over an offensive line alignment during an August practice.




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# name Pos graDe1 Jesus Romero ................................RB 102 James Cossette ..............................RB 123 Tucker Forsgren ...........................WR 104 Devin Schell ................................. QB 105 Casey Bruggeman ........................ QB 117 Devon Hensch .............................. QB 1010 Jed Hanson ...................................WR 1111 Patrick Coleman ..........................WR 1016 Andy Johnson ...............................WR 1218 Cris Molina ..................................WR 1119 Luke Halbakken ...........................WR 1120 Carlos Gutierrez ...........................RB 1021 Taylor Budke .................................RB 1122 Patrick Sorum ...............................RB 1128 Cris Bakken ..................................RB 1229 Jordan Mohr ..................................RB 1133 Jed Evenson .................................. FB 1135 Nic Ramage ................................... FB 1041 Tanner Grahn ................................ FB 1050 Marshall Ohe ............................... OL 1051 Andrew Buck ................................ OL 1052 Brady Morgan .............................. OL 1253 Cody Hanson ............................... OL 1255 Cody Wahlstrom ........................... OL 1259 Felix Barragan .............................. OL 1060 David Backstrom .......................... OL 1061 Cody Anderson ............................ OL 1165 Kody Kuhlman .............................. OL 1167 Ryan Huseby ................................WR 1168 Dan Wood .................................... OL 1270 Connor Holt ................................. OL 1271 Anwar Sharmake .......................... OL 1172 Eric Gilbertson ............................ OL 1076 Ian Johnson .................................. OL 1077 Stephan Jacobson ......................... OL 1279 Joey Pederson .............................. OL 12

Pelican Rapids have higher expectations for 2010 season

PelICan raPIDssCHeDule

9/3 7:00 PM Perham9/10 7:00 PM @ Breckenridge9/17 7:00 PM @ Wadena-Deer Creek9/24 7:00 PM Warroad10/1 7:00 PM Staples-Motley10/8 7:00 PM @ East Grand Forks 10/15 7:00 PM West Central Area School10/21 8:00 PM @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton H.S.

Page 34: Football Tab 2010


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Row 1: Luke Halbakken, Casey Bruggeman, Dan Wood, Cody Wahlstrom, Stephan Jacobson, Cody Hanson, Jed Evenson, Taylor Butz, Cris Bakken. Row 2: Jordan Mohn, Jed Hanson, Andrew Buck, Tanner Grahn, Cris Molina, Devon Hensch, Andy Johnson, Brady Morgan, Joey Pederson, Marshall Ohe.Row 3: Ryan Huseby, Jim Cossette, Tommy Gaustad, Patrick Sorum, Devin Schell, Tyler Lynnes, Tucker Forsgren, Felix Barragan, Patrick Coleman, Jesus Romero, Ian

Johnson, Cody Anderson.

Dan WooD, CoDy WaHlstrom, Casey bruggeman, taylor butKe, luKe HalbaKKenThe Pelican Rapids has the advantage of having three captains on the offensive line. They include Dan Wood, Cody Wahlstrom and Brady Morgan (not pictured). The trio will make the Viking offensive line a consistent one, thus helping second-year quarterback Casey Bruggeman. The Viking QB will be more comfortable running the offense as a dual threat runner and passer. Taylor Butke will be a grind ‘em out kind of rusher, while Luke Halbakken will provide some reliable hands at the wideout positions, as well as good height as an effective red zone target for Bruggeman.

Page 35: Football Tab 2010


2009 Class A Results

2009 StAte FootbAll touRnAment ReSultS

2009 Class AAA Results

2009 Class AAAAA Results

2009 Class AAAA Results

2009 9-man Results

2009 Class AA Results

AdriAn HS

Glencoe-Silver lk

cretin-derHAm HS

SArtell-St. StepHen


minneotA HS

new london Spicer

eden prArie HS

totino-GrAce HS

nicollet HS


minneotA HS

new london Spicer

cretin-derHAm HS

totino-GrAce HS



AdriAn HS

Glencoe-Silver lk

cretin-derHAm HS

St. tHomAS AcAdemy


luverne HS

FoSSton HS

morA HS

BrAinerd HS

SArtell-St. StepHen


mooSe lAke/w. river

BloominG prAirie HS

kASSon mAntorville

moundS view HS

mAnkAto w.

nicollet HS


minneotA HS

new london Spicer

eden prArie HS

totino-GrAce HS


eden vAlley-wAtkinS

AdriAn HS

Glencoe-Silver lk

eAStview HS

St. tHomAS AcAdemy


luverne HS

score: 27-21 oT

score: 6-3 oT

score: 27-24

score: 20-15

score: 46-8

score: 27-0

score: 14-7

score: 28-0

score: 45-19

score: 31-29

score: 21-18

score: 27-21

score: 42-21

score: 28-21

score: 16-5

score: 45-7

score: 37-22

score: 33-22

score: 49-26

score: 34-14

score: 17-0

score: 35-0

score: 36-35

score: 21-20

score: 49-7

score: 31-14

score: 34-28

score: 27-6

score: 45-16

score: 41-35

score: 21-8

score: 46-14

score: 21-17

score: 31-20

score: 35-28

score: 20-13

score: 45-17

score: 28-8

score: 7-3

score: 56-14

score: 38-14

score: 41-7

SAint BernArd’S HS

delASAlle HS

cretin-derHAm HS

mAHtomedi HS

verndAle HS

GuStAvuS AdolpHuS

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morA HS

centenniAl HS

Bemidji HS

orr HS

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BloominG prAirie HS

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lAkeville n

nortHField HS

GrAnd meAdow HS

cAledoniA HS

new ulm cAtHed. HS


moundS view HS

mAnkAto w.

nicollet HS


FoSSton HS

pequot lAkeS HS

BrAinerd HS

SArtell-St. StepHen


HAwley HS

minneotA HS

minneApoliS n.

wAyzAtA HS

roGerS HS

cromwell HS

eden vAlley-wAtkinS

BArneSville HS

new london Spicer

eden prArie HS

totino-GrAce HS


St. cloud pierz HS

Page 36: Football Tab 2010


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Page 37: Football Tab 2010


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