Download - Food Therapy Dr. Megan Gonzales ND, EAMP. THE GUT so, lets talk about food therapy for the gut and what might work with regard to common illness you could.


Food TherapyDr. Megan Gonzales ND, EAMP


so, lets talk about food therapy for the gut and what might work with regard to common illness you could see there.

recall that many of the problems we talked about result in malabsorption

GERDthis is a common and concerning condition.

A treatment that is easy and can work is to ask the patient to take more time between eating and sleeping. Frequently, people may suffer gastroesophageal reflux because they eat and then head to bed. It’s the society we live in. It can also be related to quantity - a huge meal puts more pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter which then opens and allows food up rather than keeping it down

GERDother common causes of GERD relate to consumed foods - food intolerances, spicy, fatty, acidy foods are often the culprit. Tomatoes, fried foods, coffee, chocolate, meats, alcohol, wheat, dairy, soy. So find out what your patient has been eating, how much they have been eating, and how they cook it/have it cooked. If coffee is consumed there should be food with it.

Treatments include - smaller meals, waiting at least 30 minutes (though I would say an hour or when the feeling of fullness goes away) before lying down, avoidance of trigger foods if it’s related to intolerances. Drink a full glass of water to weight stomach.

digestive enzymes: papaya, bitters - including a small salad of bitter greens (arugula, mache, spices, raddicio), lemon juice in water

Supplements: GAIA Reflux Relief, DGL before meals,

Gastroenteritisbecause this is quite acute an illness with generally extreme symptoms the treatment focuses on treating the intestinal tract gently.

well cooked small meal: brown rice, applesauce, oatmeal, cooked/steamed carrots, potatoes, zucchini, carraway, parsley, fennel, dill, cumin

GastritisAcute: needs to be low impact due to acute nature of pathology/location. Increase fluids. Juice fast primarily vegetable.

Chronic: hypoallergenic diet/rotation diet, eat in a relaxed atmosphere and chew thoroughly, good digestive aids - carob powder, chamomile and licorice tea, papaya. Cooked carrots due to vitamin A content and other foods rich in vitamin A. Bland.

Supplements: bromelain - as an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid. Vitamin A, zinc, beneficial bacteria

Avoid foods with small seeds or leaves - broccoli, strawberries, sesame seeds, food intolerances, harsh foods.

Peptic Ulcer Disease

again - a bland diet. High fiber to slow gastric emptying, that would be psyllium powder mixed into applesauce (for instance), a mixture of flax + slippery elm + marshmallow + licorice and water (quite gelatinous) can also add glutamine powder. Sauerkraut or boil cabbage until partly cooked, remove from water, add sliced lemon, a little salt and honey and simmer until the lemon is cooked. Drink this “juice” for 15-20 days.

Vitamin A containing foods or as supplement, essential fatty acids, glutamine, Chamomile tea, Carminative tea

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

think about the possibility of food intolerances and have the patient do a food elimination diet.

acutely: easy to digest foods with soluble fiber - rice cereal, ground flax, psyllium powder, well cooked soups that are blended.

as getting better: oatmeal, soft boiled eggs, lentils, yogurt if not dairy intolerant.

Stabilization: eat cruciferous veg with carminatives (fennel, caraway, anise, dill, cumin)

Make sure patient is getting enough nutrition - nutrients and calories. Emphasize eating in a calm environment and thorough chewing, consider pre-meal bitters or lemon juice in water to increase digestion.

Supplements: Biogenesis - intestinal repair complex, DGL, essential fatty acids, peppermint oil

Crohn’s Diseasehypoallergenic diet, make sure proper nutrition, steamed/cooked vegetables only, simple and easy to digest meals. Foods high in essential fatty acids. Complex carbohydrates that are easy to digest. Do not consume anything that is extremely leafy, raw, irritating to the digestive tract (think about insoluble fiber)

Supplements focus on gut health and decreasing inflammation. Papaya, bromelain, Thorne - GI-Encap (has DGL, ulmus, althea, plantain), glutamine - check out biogenesis.

Ulcerative Colitisagain, the focus is on soothing the GI, repairing the colon, decreasing inflammation and providing a healthful and simple diet that does not irritate the system.

find food intolerances. Recommend easily digested foods, steamed and cooked vegetables, focus on soluble versus insoluble fiber.

Supplements: easy to digest/absorb multivitamin, magnesium, healthy fats, calcium, beneficial bacteria, quercetin.

Pancreatitisrecall the symptoms and causes of pancreatitis.

Acute: initially nothing is given orally. Give digestive enzymes at every meal - pancreatin. Simple meals with simple carbs, trace minerals and protein. Vitamins and B12.

Chronic focuses also on easy to digest - simple carbohydrates, digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids.

Supplements: multi-vitamin, magnesium, pancreatic enzymes, beneficial bacteria. Papain, bromelain. Thorne - BioGest

Diverticulitisincrease fluids acutely. Consider veg/fruit juice fast moving into well cooked foods. As recovery takes place - add in cooked grains and soft foods like tofu. Mashed potatoes, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash.

Chronic: look for food intolerances, unrefined carbs, high soluble fiber, add beneficial bacteria, vitamin A and B containing foods.

Avoid: small seeds/nuts, skins of fruits and vegetables.

HemorrhoidsFocus on complex carbohydrates and protein with less percentage of fats and high fiber.

Increase insoluble fiber versus soluble fiber. Simple carbs and processed foods can contribute to hemorrhoid development and size.

vitamin C and other bioflavonoids to provide vascular and cartilage support. Essential fatty acids.


These are topical applications: teas - dandelion root tea, potato or carrot poultice, black tea and black tea bag compress.

Eye Strain

Vitamin A supplements and containing foods, bioflavonoids especially bilberry, huckleberries

Supplement: Thorne - Vacimyr

Diet Diary

An example.

Include weekend day

Food Item

with amount

Time and Date



Diet History on Intake

Ask generalities: what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, to drink, how much/often...