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Food Packaging Design Services in California

Food Packaging Design Services in California


Call: 858.336.8906

Product packaging, in the context of graphic designing is a multi-faceted industry and a brands success can largely be attributed to branding and designing. Here at Liendesign, we provide the best food packaging services in California that guarantee your products success with the target consumers. But of course, a lot goes into food packaging apart from just a good eye for design. We have highly experienced graphic designers who have successfully created various designs for well-known brands.

Clarity and Simplicity

Nothing sells better than simplicity. While picking up a food product, an average consumer will only spare 4 seconds in trying to figure out two things:

What is the product for?

What is the brand behind it?

The supermarket shelves are full of products with no clear brand name or what exactly they are. Sure, they may have a pretty packaging but the packaging itself fails to explain what is inside the box. And if the consumer cannot distinguish between toilet cleaner and kids juices, the product will never make it far. Keeping that in mind, we keep the message clear and simple. We do not sacrifice over information for the sake of creativity; rather seek to achieve a balance.


At the heart of a good brand are three things- authenticity, character and memorability. These three elements also form the basis of great packaging designs. The reason behind this is simple- the market is full of products trying to get consumers attention. The only way to get noticed is to be different i.e. be authentic. However, authenticity again is a matter of exploration and creativity and our team of designers is well acquainted with both. We know what will get your food product noticed without compromising on standards and originality. We like to do things differently and that is why we are so successful.

Shelf Impact

A shopper never sees a product alone or in great detail. As products are lined up in rows and columns, certain patterns are formed and unless your product can stand out from the pattern and catch the shoppers attention, our work isnt done. We create designs that compel people to take a closer look. You can trust our graphic designers to create a packaging that lends an enormous shelf impact to your product.

Contact Us

Lien Design

San Diego, CA 92101

Call: 858.336.8906

Fax: 858.605.4229
