Download - Font's that work on SlideShare

  • 1.Have you ever put together what you thought was a great presentation, only to have the formatting all screwed up once you uploaded it?

2. Have you ever put together what you thought was a great presentation, only to have the formatting all screwed up once you uploaded it? Well I put together this SlideShare presentation, so you can quickly reference what fonts you can use. 3. Have you ever put together what you thought was a great presentation, only to have the formatting all screwed up once you uploaded it? Well I put together this SlideShare presentation, so you can quickly reference what fonts you can use. These fonts will hold their shape and size, and will not self adjust when uploaded. 4. Arial | Comic Sans | Georgia | Helvetica | Monotype Corsiva | Palatino Linotype | Times New Roman | This is what it should look like. Arial | Comic Sans | Georgia | Helvetica | Monotype Corsiva | Palatino Linotype | Times New Roman | This is what SlideShare shows. | These are normal fonts found on almost any computer, that work well with SlideShare. 5. Algerian | Architects | Daughter | Papyrus | Marker Felt| Trajan Pro | This is what it should look like.This is what SlideShare shows. | These are more unique fonts, that have been proven to work with Slide Share. 6. I hope you found this presentation usefully, please like this presentation, and follow me on all my social media. 7. I hope you found this presentation usefully, please like this presentation, and follow me on all my social media. Leave a comment and I will return the favor.