Download - Following Jesus


If anyone would

come after me,

they must deny

themselves and

take up their cross

and follow me

Matt 16v24

21st Century DiscipleshipIf you've become a Christian and are wondering what

that means. If you're disillusioned with the 21st century Church in

the western world. If your bored of Christian music, books and

holidays and your wondering whether there's something more than

the boring life that you’ve entered into then this booklet is for you.

The Christianity that you and I see around us most of the

time seems to be massively out of sync with the life of Jesus…. There are Christians who tell you that Jesus died for

your bank account and so all you need to do is claim the promises,

pray in faith and you'll be the healthiest and wealthiest champion in

the world! But then you look to the homeless, beaten and rejected

Jesus and figure they're probably not right.

There are Christians who say that if you believe all the

right things go to ten bible studies and prayer meetings a week

don't drink don't smoke don't swear and do your quiet times every

day then one day God will evacuate you from this earth into a

fluffy cloudy land of baby angels and harps. But then you look to

the Jesus who preached about the kingdom of heaven which was

NOW not just in the future and who's life speaks just as powerfully

as his words

Maybe there's another way,. The way of the cross, The

way of considering everything rubbish that you might gain Christ,

of daily giving up your own selfish dreams and ambitions to enter

into the rescue mission of God to bring his kingdom on earth and

restore a broken and lost creation to himself. This honey scroll

booklet will begin to explore what it might look like to follow Jesus

100%, unashamed and undivided COME ON!!!


The Call and the costCome, follow me...

LoveIs not

A victorymarch it’s a cold

And it’s a broken






When Christ calls a man he bids him

come die. The problem with most of

us is not that we don’t know what

Following Jesus looks like. Its that

we know exactly what it looks like

and we don't want to do it. As G.K

Chesterton said:

The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting

it has been found and left untried! Jesus never said that

following him would be easy. In fact he promised it

would be hard. The call of Jesus is to radical discipleship.

But what does that look like?????

Following hard after GodA man after Gods own heart

ithirstfor you

The word disciple derives from the same root word

that we get discipline from. Being a disciple means

you have to be disciplined. Theres no place for

laziness and indifference with those who follow

Christ. You have to grab hold of Gods call with both

hands and run with all you’ve got. But practically

what does it look like? It means praying with such a

longing for God and for his kingdom that were

reduced to tears and silence, it means forgiving the

annoying and the hateful person, it means going

wherever Jesus calls you to go, it means

Serving whenever you can, it means

Spending yourself on behalf of

The poor and the needy

And preaching the

Gospel at every


Washing feet

Everyone wants a revolution but no one wants to do the

dishes. Imagine living in the biggest palace in the world

having all the luxuries that life can offer. Then one day

you give up everything to move to the poorest part of

the world to serve, love and care for the most needy

people on earth. This is a dim reflection of what Jesus did

by leaving heaven to come and serve us by dying in our

place. Did you know that the original meaning of church

services was that you were meant to go and

serve the people around you. But today the

meaning has been changed so that you

go to a church service in order to get

served! Consumerism is killing

Discipleship. Because they are

opposites. Consumerism is

about taking and discipleship

Is about sacrificially giving of

your time,, Money, and efforts.

So lets learn to give and serve!

The son of man did not come to be served but to serve-Matt 20v28

The ripple effect

Where what you can do meets what needs to be

done. There lies our task and Gods challenge. The call

to be a disciple is about laying down our lives so that

the kingdom of God will advance in this world of

darkness. We are called to be salt and light. Which

means we are called to turn situations and lives or

despair in to stories of hope. But when we look at the

poverty, depression, anger and hate in the world we

can think-But what can I do?

Your called to be faithful day by day doing the

possible things and praying that God would use them

to do the impossible. Changing the world bit by bit

person by person is the best way to do it. One

encouraging word, one sacrificial giving, one random

act of kindness and service, one proclamation of the

gospel, one intercession for someone could have a

ripple effect of goodness and life that you will never

know about. So be faithful to God in the small things

and let him change them into huge world

transforming forces for his Glory!

Go into all the world baptising. & teaching them to obey everything I

have commanded

Further reading:For what it’s worth-Simon Guillebaud

The cost of discipleship-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The pursuit of God-A.W Tozer

Gentle breeze of Jesus – Mel Tari

Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like you have loved

meBreak my heart Break my heart Break my heart Break my heart for what breaks yours

Everything I am

for your kingdoms cause

As I walk from earth into eternity