Download - FOE THE BEST TEA AID & JAPAN WARE, FHUIT ONB , Ac, TIN HOOI'JXO, li.iVES, TIlOtlOHS, ... facilities to

Page 1: FOE THE BEST TEA AID & JAPAN WARE, FHUIT ONB , Ac, TIN HOOI'JXO, li.iVES, TIlOtlOHS, ... facilities to

BWJ" ' . c. '<» w . « :r.-»'?ff^rj;i4i "-:

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The Dover Printing Company,



POUT ORAM, N. .T11 i u i u ^ **!' thu i^riiifipiil linos nf HtcdiT'»-«.(-<

' B l 1 - V rwi.i «..«• f M h lo Wrorpool «t LOWKBIi HTKS. AUn DWAl'TSOS QREA'}' lSiliTAIK

T K H - M S «'f s i i i i ' i i i " • •••••" j ANJJ HiKIAMJ. 18-1

<•>,.« you,!"-"'-"""- "*"-""- ' S2.MIJ.1IPOA SHYILLK MOTEL!

"wfmSta , -^ -" -" -" -~ -" - " " ! W M - VORTKAN, Frop'r.


iOE. | 1 WK. |'I" WiCl

i 7.u a T.i

A wtli ki.j.t hotel wi tbev?ryaccimi intitiri for limn borw. The bent h>[iiuii Bi^ni-s ut tint bur, und ^ymfurt ai

i .1(i|L,.j.t „ „ hund .

4 f>Dj Ir. r>« ft w i« -•• i -

in on! i s (in! nt itu, w

f ,t Aiij$ 4 nnisi f, 0(i:#)o

p V"1! * 1 '"/I l u >"/| i i "*J

i o mil i:s mi 21 mi' 3() <">

!::;,;si1 H. P. SANDEKSOK,

ESTABLISHED IN 1851.p U I l l S O l t l l U S a ' i ' l MKDIClM- ' . r t , l ' .MNTM,

Dr i lBRia l , o f ]) i ,vi-r . ah> i« rjj.fii 'nii HHN1»,\VH• f u r tlio Hfilu of ?[cr1ii:tiH'i iniiv f rmu [I to I D A .

M".,ant l f r t im 4 t o . t I ' . M, l-S-ly

J IHIW K . S I ' I C I C L K ,

Counsellor at LawAND

HA8TFJ1 IN Cn,Y!\(?rHY,KOC]vA\VAY. N..T.

MZZ.-^»i'DOVEH..N. ,7.

I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.Hmva null C u r r u ^ n l o [ , , t .






vrR m:rnr..OO permit, AD M

Counsellor at Law,AND MASTElt l.N OJUXCEKY,

Ufllco in Llip %tiuu;\l UiiUm 1'ait1; lmiMiuj:

3JAOFW.I . I , S i . , DOVEli , N. .1.

J O H N D I U I M U K I t ' S



SUSSEX STREET,(between lhi« MANSION' Fint'tfEmid Depot.)

DOVER, N. .T.Tlio place lta» been entirely n-littcd iit a urs>l


ml VAKNlrill,

JKA1>, ete. Piiiiit, Culorin^ ami Varnish

Ail ui tlm nlnrto H' <i"U from \\\- i,» kiKuni l>y piiuitciB. FIRST-CLASH!A(U{lAf>ii)inl 8I,F,K,H OltNAHENTK.

iiuviui' luuU lnr-t;c vxjwinm-v imimiK '.•i.rii.^,. l.uifdci, Iruiii n (lirrini-h knew]

iiSa » ' Hi.' liUKim-h* I Imvn Hilviintii(!t.h •)"!nvnLl-rcii'Hlfr.


HALL BUILDING,ISIiuUvull.Uint, Dm,-!-,

Hot Air Furnaces,

l.'OOi;, [".VKLOli, HKATINO






. F . A I I C T ' S . i i n a . i l l I J t ! [ ! R D l J n | j l i i i , K i n m y I J U O

AT, EX AN D Eli \v:

NEW MARBLE YARDX 2cr u o v :xa in.:

rniM:>-iilwrn«-i-!iSHniii.M-il H i..>w vr.rr! ,iKtr



Cor. Blftcltwell nmi Sussex St






nclns(-<l with frrjiniti1 Binl marbln |>OBIB. '\Vitlinig i-xpt-npiief mid vcaai'.iitttilf nrlccB I t i 'e t




s nun uliop in DOVIT in ficai'itig'COR\'i:il BLAf.'KWELLAND^N UTS., sml ii.viU' tlm

DOVEH, N. J. Horse Shoeing



I niinlir « specialtv of tbf bnsiutstt, and a trial1 * iflloYsBH i8rt!H]lfCtfllllT BollCliCIJ.


Wit B. WUIOIIT, Dover, N, J.Dock I ta CB. S-ll

EXTRA WIDTH MU.'Xir.S, BS, 40, i'i. 45,4M.M tu H'S inclimndu inpir.m bii'ifbctl.

!M, Id-t, n - 1 [iiTwllli'ilMiP-ctiiis* <if H;nni---'"

Fairbanks' Scales andTer-

willlger's Safes.




EMS S B!o M'i'l'I.V STili trs will* ill'- HKST

JiOfiUH HI Hi-


T l . " ',ii rt i . f l V i f i ' a ' ' . H U I I V is n:,t . '-l fur i'*[1L1>£IIS' t C A I l f i l A t l i : M A K K H S M l T . A f K - : ( i f n i | , IMVITJi l i M A K M i i . 1 l imi-i lc a " Umil*B M I T H S " C O S T K A f T O f i S A M I M i N - | ,,r F v i i M K i N I ' i S f i M n T . . <>r<ln !•> S U M I H I H !

BOOTS and SHOES!Having enlarged our store in. order to better

facilitate our increasing business, adding toit a work shop and leather and finding room,and having purchased the stook and bookaccounts of Heinl & Co., thereby consolidat-ing two stores in one; also adding an. im-mense amount oi1 Spring goods to our alreadylarge assortment, gives us, we think, owingto our excellent facilities for carrying on theboot, shoe and leather business, combinedwith our exceeding light expenses, advan-tages that no other establishment this sideof New York City possesses, to give our cus-tomers the best boots and shoes the marketaffords at the very lowest figures.

LEATHER and FINDINGS.Although we have always paid some attention to

this branch of our business, still we have never hadfacilities to carry it on successfully until this Spring,but now having a room devoted exclusively toLEATHER AND FINDINGS, including all kindsand prices of sole leather, wax upper kip, calfskins,sheepskins, blacksmith's aprons, shoemaker's tools.All kinds and prices of UPPERS, in fact everythingrequired by a shoemaker to start and carry on hisbusiness, and will sell everything at any of the New

rk price lists. A call is respectfully solicited.

Mnrch 30tli, 1B81.


. OHAPTBB OXCV.jtltlod " A D aot Ii[f r-iilrnaii oorpon

April FMund.foDU thouwiinl clfjbt buodi-adunclwvtQt^-lttree,.

ftuppiimwnt Io KU actaniton*! ilm fDromtion otion«. nod regulate the

it euaul&d Uytho Sunof tt'<* KWe of N

t i u r t b t t

ite mi .Qeuert_ l e n b U of tt'<* KWe of New Jtto aiUiHootiouortba MtGatHleii

t t H [ H | i ^ lnmohtuu tlionsa

ll b

u Iliaa

f New Jorm,tGatHleii *'Au

u u ratlruud corpur*eatau," *ppro*ed Apj-iliglit faundrod and lof-

b l l dmiiuiglit i.

--... , Jioll bflind UarsWliirauntladsotint tlie oaiil xeolmn (ih*lt read us follows:

S. AIK! be it eimuiud. That tber* ahull bo art) or ililricAn Jreoiur* ot werj corpora-tirm tutinid itnilur tUi» set to msnugs l ueffitd ; i<icL'|jt in ctH'i W1)BIB Ibe ri>Bil IT pro-poned roiil' is less tlMii ten miliii in bngtb,Iiiwblcb ctsu Ibcre ma; bo MITCO uf liildoftu, to itiiiniige. iU aPain ,KiilddlfOL-torii cl;s'l he obnaoQ snniMlly bj ft.mijorlty ol tlm T^tet of Ilia stookhnlJcrs«t

eh tlm'tmiiK, Inhoob nuiiior os oiajf U« p » -_ribi d lit ihe bj'-lii*iof Hie corporation, *na

Miuy inay und niwll continue to bo directors"III (jlfjEMuroQluetoJ ituhair plaeoB; in tin*cdfiii ohUrtclors ma\xitucVbolder slut)) \>eliloii to one Tite lor each sliarn or stook(1 by Iii in ; vafincioa mtbe board of diteo*^ nimll In1 lill if in sttcii ttiAUticrfiSfliisJJ b/v•nontcd by ilif-b?-hw» oi tbi> cor)W)atiou;

ill bi-opiiniQieilibv (be boiril of direct orn

An tot rsspeaLing tire-eieapd) or IUBMB Iin slid DtMjn buildines In oitiss or »a i


ii NIUII h,' a lUtpatnr unl<iicl;liui(lt<r, otrtiintf fltch _. ...m rifilir, ami q^pliflvd tu FOtfi foi

ttua ;'iioper*he uiisii be a

• ' i r in i l


. "tVipftotod Iiy the 8cn*te And GeneralLssomwj cl the 8Hto of N*w Jersey, Thatilie nommon oonnell, 'maril of »!3crniot» orithfa fipremfng body of nil dtlua or mouicijiailottiorttwDs In ihltHlntB, »ro twrebj sutlior-\toa,cfn\mjrct6d toil required to piHt. nrdalnind enloroe onlicsoo** and reeiiiitluca and

_ t b D buiitflnB. erection.

sii ber in illl t

peoaltiai,tlHoletit fl



a. A u J u ii

metidod so (liattbe

3(1. Aud be It

the boaitt&vAIra t)iblt>lti:il tol r U ' k

illiooiilieit.lied. Tbat tlie tlilrty-siitb

Raid not iball Us ami borebjr Is' .ltd Hccti<m»balln>&ilui

i Id vbflikiupow

ove « n ; nailgnblooroihory of tTtm which aneli. _ ....nip or bay ot WHIHI wiiiob Bncli

rnilruud may crona. putting in saoli viaduct aiiivnt dntA' vfith tiio openl'iBs, oecb of no lesswidth tbnu tlie wldeai openiUR ol Btij vUdaat

bridge now built over spy sucli rlvor,rcaai or bay at wsler t t vlglit B»((le» to tliealii tilinnueJ, located iv a pojnt confenleotri'nvigntlon, and stnod coDiptny sbntlatallHen, vtiva onitb rivur strcim or bar it HKVI-

••- "•• - - - ivifttltir. tbe




OUR P\f) CT, TEAt i e b u t l e r t l i tm so ld c l s n v l i e i f id Td PIH. O I I P Iriiil will i>rovi> rim f.icf, O u r liigli

g m d o ii«jw c i o y lettia, t*'ii-s-.Li Sfcli), r c l u t l o j «< 7 0 u t s . ( i t r Ib.

COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!noliultiic Eicli Oiil Mocha. Gnvcrunicnl, Tcvji, M:ir.icnibo, anntns, Rio nro [ill

loin: rmistnl. Ahv.ip

SOX.D A T COST.Tl,o mlmliitimU, nf Dover anil Monis Uouuly will 1)0 wull b,v pnrelii»lt,i;llinir

T H E DOVER LUMBER CO.iflure to buildbrb the best opportanitios iii tho piireliaso of LUMI3E11

if every grade und description including UJSY PRIOES nnd the grcot

dvantage of liaviDR

Eiumber Worked to Orderiy machinory at the placo whore it is purchased, greatly lessening the

cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Our

stock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsmd LUMBER of every description, and especial pains are taken

to give satisitiotioa in every particular.GKOIIOE KIOJIAIU39, Preaidont,

WH. 11 LIMBEBT, Seo'y and TroaiI . W. BBAKINO, Gen'I


ROGKAWAY AXE!US uiiU'il Injiil-mmle l i e linn U'lij; <<IIJI>VCO

ttui U - . k ' X ^ t ' t t i M L "viV^Vuv.Mit t ' f lvrIIMU,I .li^vmU l..r jmu-ltaM-fi. (,f larpu

All » i « laai.. l'.v nic'ar,. -!n,'-llv (••iinl.nia.l.'!Hi- Is:.-. tU.» Jiliii-A t.. I,M l . i i^nc*

Aci^cDitur^ J ui i) ^ nH'tii #< Si MIDI r* rtjjiE'Tn', i , , - __ ««« «• ^

*,. iw... on., <« ! Wm FlUPi I rW A t T E B A . WOOD'S Culokrat r f j " m' ^ilW> ll>

MOWEES and BEATEE3.DKO90E B. fOUIUiK**. JlNffl E. tp^R

karrlalotrn. Drc.lKUi.lSTr-.

.N, N. J .

McKinnon Bros. SI. \ . 15. SEARING,CARPENTER and BUILDER,

Axes and Edge T o o l s . L ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ; ^

nhili-lll iVnir'hlm «lrh * f i l l . ' For"lurtluTpar tk i ia t t lu.juir.. o ^ ^ pj^rn.

55-lf ! ! « U » I T , MnrrwCc.,. N .J .






Tl l r l l l t i I:l-KI1H.ITKU


ROOKAWAY, N. h.»ia» *» i rttvt'r.1 tku Ihit t,'^. .1*1.

ip.-, ni-i ii-iif ri*l» fniuuh

TtoofliiuII h,..«, I n ,<|V..!,,1 Iii.I Hi. . , ' * .« l • - . . . . . - - —


rMS'M>.ti.t nines.

D ktipt.a red llgtit at_ J lining, sod a wliilo Hfibl at

• sldu or hakl dmwi, wblolt «baU baHide of said lining, and a

••• kU|>i iUl.iL-.J umtiVvlislil,

>«n '«i'lbi)^ca|>as«riJgfcBi to

e oT all «l l

opunlkit;*aol* iritL

b.ep sticd Iwbt, .__t dniwdwlieu itcWB-arj', tlio inld uuttpnpynit fulfillt nud pav tbe inn of one fmailnilllnra,- (n nr iDOVCKtl wllb, Costs.: in »njrml liadngiarlwlleitou thoroot,bjr'w? fcr-iiii i>Li slintl ntiii fnr the mine[ iTlihlu six>ii!hn uficr thu tltne tit Biidi uvgloet t pro-li'il, tliut cot|ioinIluiiH fitrincJ uudm tins sotnil nut late ittty Inn J nmlor water bulimuld?thh Htnlc, uulil Iho conei-tit of. tbo rf|mrian


... .. .1 lo eoiiTny Ibo Mine en „tiK nitvli comjii'Dsatjitn HB tbor tonT fix;iiifil, nirttia, tlwt u« cotpomuon ot-gto-niKlCT t It Its am nhnll Ho amiiorijsccl tOtafce,or oecnp.v, by ODcittmnutlon, any lands

vi^ii^ing ID tlio Binto ur Nuv JciaeS, or linyVr(Htii)KC,lnin1soriouHtt;ilmulootanybriase;

mid, ciHutl, lurnyike ur otjicr curpuratlunrlcn-<l for tljo iJurpHseof Incllltatllig Intiaintiim, oxu-|)t fur tba parpue of croisiDKhmln or ron*o of salt] corporation. Akid

'pt I tic luadfl ot a anil otlicr <n>ri>on>tlotistJKoniwri' for iLc iiu!'|>nsca of tnelr rran-

nii.v )JU Iwnlud or ciioxtnietuil' undef ibis sotif unv

mil, nlih I >nf<or*tid not iitliurwisu ; and prnvlded tini niilrtuiil, under Iliis aul, stall cross inolboriluiail ut u lens nuulo tlian Iwonty dncrrhg ;

.oviduil. liowcvtr, lliil tbla BUiiplumoiiI aLa.lllinlv otilj1 to rntli'imcia already bniU aud uoviiiipoiiuioii ami ivliicb shall dosiro tocbmigDenisling iww enintinR.3. And be it tBtctt J, Tbat vliis actsUHtuiiD

tdoot iraaioiliutolr-AiiproTetl lliircb 26,19BI.

CHAFTEB CXCVT.Riipplt'iiH'iit loan wt ontitlcil "An sat fortin; Hcitk-mt-iit anil rcllut r\ il.c poor," [IU>

MOteil, n* i t wilts n t«wdllii|ioily etwiWu* more lb»u ilk

otora, laid (owuiliip w murd iliaJlinto electlou diflirioti, 'w> an not lo

• " - - • - ' inodrtd ro tw I w l«onlilii more ttntn six bucdrtsd r< -diftrlct.matlje mt.vur ftad common councilIn ibe moral cltfct snd tbe towmbip ennmit-e«lD Ibe Kreial towoiiUni we bereb; re-Ii4m4 n> *(*' off « i d dutiiotd on or beTon the

Jr§t flsy ut Au|tn«t neil, urn file t dpMrlpr~ot tba bomidaricB tlioreof, one. copy /o _ .-—-—dork's ufflce ftui oaeoopjlo tb*o!t/

,tul^ clurV»*>iIlcBf si Uisimwi may beDune any en or in msde in fixing Ibe

ryJJna. of »ny n o b election dlsiript,-_. ...:usbfp committee ol iinj townihlp grmayor «nd tximmoii council of may city m*j «t-.tij'limaip tlnlriU«ari»laa ' -—'

An «ot providing for public safety on rtllroadi.I, to it enwtod bytbeHuute »D4 Oeneral

iBnembiy or tbe Btate of NHV JCIBI% Tbstit B1>»U not be iuitat to HBQ, in tbs tranapur-ftUonctfpaH&ugenover toy rillrasil fu Ibis <

Btaie, aoy pusengur car or coaob lisviuelOroeu.buiurflranDgs leroia tbo windows;»nd tb»t wif person or corpora I lot! owning,ooDtroUlOR or oiwriUng toy railrositiwblcbknyptsMoger cur or WWJU iballin vioUWon of tbe prowaiaus of tb(tmo<.ibe nubfoot to • flag of twu bund red dollnro»cb uBcnsc, tu ha reoavered hy »n,T 1 nimbiof this fitslc win) inoj sue far lb« Miue, illcoart bs'Inu ongniBiuflo or tba ianio,iiuarier cf vsld fiuo to j,o la tbe parson n^.^.

ir iho (ame* nod tbi-ee-quartora thcreoi' toif HUtc. -2. Aud be Itnnantod, Tbtt liii* not abftll Uko

iffact from tied &fte>- tlie Ar*t da.v of Mty, In'•-* --oar Ooa tbouund eigbt hnndwa

t, ffiftlnteftimcema WnwsMspei, or means

elitl iettniir meansballs, aol

jlup.e ofprnf etH.

ction,or tmi


lor public baildlngfl, aknufaotorlu orpubUebnlldineiWUefuopuratlviiaiw —

a. And he,« «HKH<M, Xliat thfi iu—publln act, mil tate effect Iminedistely,

Approved Mtroh Ut L8HI.

.'"'; • , , 0HAP*rEB OCI.AD sit to enable ulmrch liddles to porfaot their

orqtfuwalion iral to teoure tad perfect titletn tea] uulkte,1. lio It ousoted by ths flonste BUU Oonersl

AM'inlily of tlio BUMs ol Mow Jersey, I b r t ii"aw j ib r • - - *•— '- • -••— •- —gnuiiaiaccorJilinrt)IL,|

lisa ttterwards porfocttd tbair titgftu(iait<moordiog to \tw by tbo lanje or eoy otlierwo IE «h«ll and may UeMmrnl, aod aucbIBIBCB or ibe survivors or survivor of thema M M I * liMisbj nulhorieed aud required to

convey' - r * " " ' •- l a i r .


nlomont, bo itnil tbo sam

. . . -.... -. c... .-.jfy.tlbiit^.tbe.trDHtt>n of finy Intetiilad ubgrub or-nation wbich baa' not been perfectedriJIng to i*w, ebill have taken title to atty

-ini efliite la tttelt own natDRg, or Iniifmo as trustees, nfBiioti intended

if and snob intended orRanltatlro

»twb«i)BTOr*.venty.fivofreeholders, rflBiJont* of u

Hcnlftr city it) any aanoty Itaving * aountfett^derbMlth, lUrlni tint anj• parUenkrplusfl or dJatrlot ID «aia d t r u in a end;!!,, .lelrimcniaJ to the paU\c h«»lih, by resnoo or

iHBtiffiolatit draittAge, ih&U Iw pTtnentod wmcb board of iieAltu, It shall ha the duly Dfvifhbcuri to fortliwith ippnfnt a timeaudplace, vrhop and wliere tliey will meot to ann-Ri^rHtidpolitloni at "bid, time and plucoMill board iliall so meet, and rtmll proceed to

le pliuo or dlitnot btalgaatttl (n stich pt-ti-OP, and oarefnilj inipeot aud eiamica I te

1 Aud bo Ii eth t hi

. Jini r?rtild norTeoti

- t l i a l l liarailiailJioreaf er fee tea ttwonling to taw

in* •tfcw<BU»tbntl

liara be%n perruoteil'bffictofiiraoriHor be perfect^ ()0«irdinR^o_laW,

originally Into:Umlspliill U '

— -intaniBaliuu ijemBhtely as tliooah tlie aaid or-

RaniBiHon bad berni orlginetllj perfected ao-uordfng to Uw. '

».' AM b* it eniicied, That tbii aot ilislllift effect tronii'diately.

"j »UB —y*™.;tvlri "J n*v, »*"•» BfcDft* toati

ona originally Intended, and that <*benMill tanaspball bsve been so cnuvcyed.iterfcoted ontaaistliao sliall bold tlie Bami

, inpiilcment lo an tut entitled "Ac act con-cumliig men," approted April fetirteuntb,one tliuuBtrid clum babdroamd fom-afx.

: 1, fie it enuctwl by lbs Sooate ncd QenewlAiisniltly or tlio Bute or N«« Jersey, Thaton or borore tliu first day or April, nnntnlly,li<i (lolteotot or othei oncer bnving tbe COHDOiou ol tiiea for aqy townihlp in tli

ltoot ei oncer bnving tbe COHDOol tiiea for aqy townihlp in tliU State

vbali make ont and Hie wltti' (be clerk ol iacho»Qnhiu,a statementiuwrltlug, Boiling'fartb

In detail tbanatue of can a pi'ra'Q aanosgedtbt U t

clerk clinch- cBO "

itue of canti piTBd- —--™v-— o r taxes ba \M» btieaunnl'le to col-'

ol from lb> person charged with each taj or,ii;e(-l)r re&eou of ramural, lasolvaaoy or'tonecus maoMinpnl; tbe vAiue ao<l kind ofroportr, tba amoant of tax and tbe enme ormtllltj ti> collect Mid tat , ID eocb case, Inf«per cotumna vrovulisd in a Viet &>r tbat

y tho mtb or affirmatloa of nth coHsctot orMinv oolleelinsr nffloor-: 3. And be It. (tmotni], Tbat ttiticommittee shall, within ten davsaftlo tea



d in thoprcoed-Bald etnomtnt,

ri-acttifcii ofay. b j rt»o-

ollet r

ug IOQIIOE, oitefullymdoD being la t 1"he iamo or of any pan moreor, maj.

lution, credit and rekato tbp said cnlli _... . .olbor eollceting officer Irura liabilitv, iniloul-lee I Ion oraoy or all tbe taxes BO ropnrtcd byhtm BI beinp m-collectoWc.

3. And be it onactej, Tbat tait act iball tike

Approved Mirth 20, 1881,

CUM'TKU CUIII.^ Hiil'ipli'inetit tu an atjt cntitlccl "An act io

riicviMion], atiprnvt^ April iittilli, tutu tli.ui-hund i'i(jbt liumlrt-il ami Bev«nly-flvc

ol dimI Uvtliu He nutlilulo tif NLW

H-IUI tor tlie r

mrerly or


iit I'll:2. An be U fnactrtd, Thai tlm M

B«TH <t r.uch cliiintalilui,p mi mmnal repftrt *u nn

iii trntilccnHliliMi.1rt ho«n11

inm frc<b3dl> tlllilC illBlltlltll.

2. Anil lie it iiiuidluit, ITIL ,ilijnry hiTinllur liutio to my iiropvri}' i>f »ni'lici'Fdii or Riirpuriiitoii, by lire conimiinicnleil

tJjiM H(utii,niiall lit- I'dnuiicuwuUud uneil tvithlii

tl, nml

JCII yi'ar fLirilieli unrjinrt

H'IHIIIUTB n« to tlio can

iiiili'm. tin1 lioari! or l i t10 tnilif-f'H |)f 111'.- fnlllllT*F!M »n;l art 'btrcbj mil lit i

dr(.-n«bal!Uc«immitU'(tliy*ii; Imnlt i t' • • • '• 1* ctitintv in tlilsHtate tu ant

In Ilila Htate or olso-

jKionm fienomiit»tif.p,S. And be tl cnaetml, Tbat tbii act iliall lake

CHAPTER C3CTII.Kapplframt loan act anliilN) "An act tapre-

rriit the •pr«il or Osnaaaihl«ll« "•PprofetlMarch tljrblli, otif thmiMiid »l»ht batwlm)

l ! V U raiHxt by IU Btut* to* (kntrilA»* or Hi* hUte of Hew J t m r , Tbaai>T JH tv.n orn-rwas «tm thall tnMrinib and

bl bk> ".nlaminf Canada tbtalS", ari tit tame, or anr (ttwi or irttii *thicb tns M«O4 <il c»s»Ia tknlla .

vt» skill ioowitmtr awlHtm are, tontiHT mm IMHson of UM !••& ao4 idsIH<>> and Ult.AHS i:ASTI,\t«f»,

FOKQING of nil DESORIPTlOKg III. Awl ba li «bael«d, t l u l !)<• JttatUna irfIbe Mpntn* «mi»t boUtoit th* oMewt «onrt •«

til) T.ITIIE



Bone !>«•!, (ittaasa





(¥0d March 2.1,1SH1.


-r Biinplcracnt lo tho me,>iTtk»R rallroBibi ami

Iv uf tlio Hiuto or N>

cansPtlby thowronpr.i

; t end


1 act, i

illc-1 "A»"fli.lVi

I'v'riiiii"i<l tlnir'r

ujlirio* I

.1. Ami ln> it <•. ti:il, Tuat itiinftctBl

['nrffi 20,1881.

CHAlTElt CCT.I In an «c[ intitk-il "Ati

any ordinance hotohj *ulboriE«d, tna; be pon-isbHi by Hue not oxcauding fiftr Jollir* tor*M0h day mid cioUtion •baircontlttuc.

8. And bo if eoact«J, Thai thin ai-1 shall boa public set, and «o into effect immediately,

Approved March 35,-1681.

n r v a t o f tt iuBtate, or under a legal dinaljiljtr,tbo idtuti being t i n t p*ld intu t i e cirouif??"fl. '?«!?.WIW» l7^au5 :^o party wpartim

flkjDerM, mlcinj; made, rcwivl*rrotl tbnrcbjr IwIbe rejinrt of Clio oo

8. Aud bo Jt

aly, tma tbc parly or partiae tbcKuiouutnuHMwd by Ibmuv up^u toudor theriiif

Him game trkbout bi-ini-l,js or bm apnenl Ifoni

mmimionatn.f tuit, Tint tills not eball

i h ll8. Aud bo Jt eaftf tuit, Tint tills n

tnkocfloot iramodiute'r, ami that all * l s ai«rts of »els, DilLor soticnvl or upreial, (ooouHiatcat wltli the proTlgfoue of tbiii act, or tin"ct to ffl.'inll Ihfs in n nopplomODt, tie Red Iii,&me ai« lurrbj repealt.J.Approved Sliroli 29,1HS1.

CHAWEB OCX.ii Aot for tbo improvement of Ilia caniUrF

condittuu uteountteB iu tltie Blato.1. Ita it enacted b.v tlie Jfeiiata a»d Goooni

Aiaambl; ol tlte State of Kow Jersey, Tbatwbtinuwr a potitiou, • fa tiny tbat any par lien-arpleoe or uistrioi daMribed by uietuu amiunndfl fu an; eoarty in tlii) Stttu In iu »litioD dutrilueutal to tlm public bealthiiROCd Iiy at least ono hundred froelioldere.ldenli of meb county ia ibis Stale, (the ar'ptetLUdtuid vilae of veliuto n-al esut

bo cortifled brtlif s S

cbarter (tnutod lij tboHie riglit and powersaid camp raecilitff tsmunit, aud upon any jiit-rnvutiid tbemwitli, ami leand williio tUfc UriitorjJimiE of one mil f m


'itbin <!"- i>r> iiimt s ofmile 18-IL euit-

„ . iud for-L i -fliilnn th»

iE of ne miBllPB, b j onitttu and io



jio'^d tfarrii 35,1081.

ffriptetLUdduid vilae of veliutosaliTooDUty ebillbo cortifled b ror otbor officers wbose dniy i t itproperlj lor tnxaUou to to m

iiiliplnun'nl to an »ct entitled "An act Tortbo improvement ol tt>e aanitary eondilofoltlos,11 appruvsd Uarcb bttrt«en(b,tboumod eight hundred and teveaty-uiai. Be n eodctod by tbo Boatto and Oaaaerobly of tba Stato of N Jorwv

isess BachX r*"* "rf -"•* •»»-»^«^v»- «.w »"J m—'fav ( l l f t t l GUI

mlliiun iloiiari), nuoh aiBeBUii valnatiua noiutitoda aby property described iu tbB afore•J 'lion, B1IA.I1 bu prufBPltd to tUe Juslio

npremti court or judicatolro ot uiLlidufj tbedrcuituourtlu Bdobcoaoty,ioe UIB; appoim a competent uWl un-uittkujikiisAuJ t.[>vQitit:&llauulur ibt

B n odctod by tbo Boattorobly of tba Stato of Now Jonopeof the act t b l l ll

Jorwv, Tiiatirbluli lliidi! u o p -Is Jwrubj sioeuded

Areport of Bootitbe epr*n

..jaotea, Xbal section five ofnet to which this ji a SQppJeiaeQt, be

«-adwl to read a* IOIIOWB: 'That lbs corporate autliorltloi of lUcb oltr.

i Cftua they tbsll deoide to do the wnrK, iballilvortlto for proposals Ilierelor, »• m cases or

other impFOfemeNU tamlo iindur tbe oparterofraoh o VpuntrselB t- . . .„_ „

or WflJcra, who will comply with t>\\^niromsnlo of nucb sutboritfes: pro-

Tldfld, however, tbat all bids may be rejratednd ib« work roidfortlsod If tbo publlo in tor-it ah&U tcqalrti,8. And 1M It enacted, Tbat section i n of

le aot to wliioh tbls Is a sonpleusnt, beamended to, .ead t l followi: \%nt thu oor-porito tauiortnei ot gnoli eft* shall bnve

itrer to hiaue oprtifioatea of indobtcdne^i orjproTimBnt oertiflcfttei to the contractors

for such works, ot to raise motwy Lo pis lorMid'worki, hy iisafnR and selling rwtisUmlor oonpon txmdii, pladgliift tbo credit andiropertyoftaob city for chu uaymont thsmof,mv9btein not less th&n two nor more titaniWBntjr yean from tbo date (hereof, at tliediscretion of sacn ally uatboritfosi with inter-9HI not oaoocuJuff pii nur CGDtnni |Wf unnnni \wblth bpadi sbsil beadmrtinedfor sale in tlielOlcial papsror papers ofsuob city, and saoli1 "" " "" * * ' t*ted by tbBoibor papers us mar be doBieo*t«d by

corporate lUthotltlei. and sbalt be' soli) tohigLesi bidder j provided,nomora bonds BI

• ' J "• ' - " *w neooissry to wor tho <ro"<» profiii lands OB may be pnr-tlifs aot oi iho sot lojnt, vber«on to locale

as (Hsuod tbao sliall. bo neooisitry toinfnctont money to p*v fo> tba trow* providednr in tbii not, and mob lands OB mav be ~~ •:liagod or tflkon nndet tir(bieh tali Is R sapptemem , __ „.ndpiaoeiaaii works; provided InrtUor, tbatJtliiUK in this sot or the act to which tills Issupplement shall authorise the inoorrlng of>y nondeo or other iudebtadnnsH of aunh oily i: HGess of ten psf cent, of tho averagemeflMHStslustion of property in euob olty forreyearsuettprecious lo the timonfioenr-ng MQob d«bt or making such imProvenent.ft. And be It enscted, Tbat It ahull be law.

nil for thB oiTli tnffiueer or engineers ap-pointed by tlm corporate author! Mas of anyiltyto mate nlsni and npoiaaatlitig lor tlto

ivcrs or other worku or structure* wntfonodIbe tblnl seution uf the act to vhioli tlna ig

DDpplemeut, bis or tliolr agents and sssiflt-a«, «r otbetaiu Uieir empicy, to enter Bnon1 Isnda or wnters wltliin tlm plnc« or district> requiring to Lo Jmined an arotenaM (lierc-i, for the pntrono of nploring. surveyiiiK.

. vcliaff and U/>nK oni tlio route A nd locatlJii>ranj aewer or Hewers, pumps, dysc», .lauii,Ido banki, or nuob otbei- work a na mn.V bo

nary to scuoro mfflcipnt aod properIBRB of Rioh plnce or dislrlct, dofns noceflBAry injury tn private or otlier p roper-

Ijrunil BLEE ttip rnntanr rnutei, or location

• locut ion* ot nuoh npccBBnry wnrlis or «triic-ires shall Imvo-bocn dptpniiincd upon, nud airvey of BIICII roiito or routew, In-ntinn nrcation* do|)niiitDil in tlie office of Hie Murk nficlielty. tlii'ii it Hlinll be luwfiilfor tlin cor-

• iiutliurixo l|ie cnr.niniction'of a aower ofwpre, mill tUo erwtwm ot pnmiw, dvtfiH,mm, liilis hinlis. and sm-b oilier worlig and

ifllciciit and proper drainfljjts of tbo pkco or

c/AmuJf H ciiai/lfil, ThVVt'sball bo hw-

•aintd, irnhji'd. to uticli compensttiocrtiDiftiT ilirii^tcil; provided, alwtLn payment, or the tcntlsr of tbe , ,; or nil damncm for tlio ocenpnnry or then throiiLjli <>r upon wlitoh wild pnnips,f, ilanis. tidtt bunks, ditches, drums,I-B amt n.icti ullit't nor\.B rn itruotiirei

may Im Hud [*nl nr lottaieil, b« mailu beiorotlifcorititriitc ftiillinntips of KIICL city, or any

«nn ntukr tboir direpiii>u, nr in their era-y, (.hull cntor njmn or \itnk ground fn thoiTii-i's rjtcpt fur tin; pnrnnso of survDyin?1 layinp out said O.vkOfi, dams, title laiiki,rprnnntl otlier wovki at rtrao'ciros, Bnlflfwi ci"[]»'-nt <>r tltc oittiur or owners or sach

. And be it, That it Hliall be law-fnl llieriirporuli' autbuiltius ot sucb city,

• iiwDrrw f>l itnj." IRIHI tlmt tnaf be requiredl-.r tbu pnriiORo or tbin act for tlio use »ndI>in ii)<«. tlicronr; ititd in enno ibny cannnt

ton of iho absfiift. or local Incapacity of

mstln, n piirlicnlur JP script HIM of UIPrtiitlirt'rt for llu< ciwlian and conttrooiinniiieli primim, nim^rtt, dykcii. tide lispka sudi-i^mltKftinl Mrii.-tnruH HIIHU bn RiTen intint', inid'T the oath or nfllrmnMon ol

nr )ir«ppr aRcnt of inch nllj


iT knrn lie »f

-..a of t_-and tboir naired, to any jnalic

Hfl lliu gilf h

ut df UiU

• i t tUcti (d*< > ounml line. . , u«w»»ary tor the nmtx-r tl-

tlm ot tbe bnnn'lsry llnt> < r«ud Slat".1. And ba It euactrl. Tliai any «cn*de by tba KtM oummlntniimi *h»tt L. ..

Lhi»[,aitdatimeu and wslcd Iiy the author» 0? Ibt HUt> ol X" York and tbo com

ut tbla etate. but tball noltw&lniKil ht

er Ib* HWU4 i

UU SUt, r, li olinll dire

lent ilian MIO wroh. and moreinmith;ninl In BDKI(;I) t particulariiJofv lur ilie nppointmont of thi

tser-i Ii-Tcniiftut uiiiulionod, p1

,-i Ati'l |ilm?c, upon Hati«r*o(oiT oriliim ut ilic ntrtitenrpiiblltatlono- iToivxiid, lio •lull appoint tbret

icil c««m>M»iontT», twrtot>]der» Otr, In a*«(«w I lie priiw or value ont'd all darmgo* auaUhied br thoT niiiatrnciion ;t «ucb iwrki, whichifrs il,*il \m Mrnrn or nffimM

to tsiania iho dntlas of said ap-t, unit iller Ilka nolleotoMid own

lime and p l t » at tnm^df fiTulto m . »hall a m i I

atidtiHf ibn partiei and efldeand (hareopon make sucb ded

m tai !*£"•• ToTben'ihsili »«taasuta?i»rt>Mr, ud wilbla t«n 4»rs tb«n-

aftcr tnmaiU tocb dedakta, report aod »Hb a drnnpuon of tb« wld lirx•«l llw quaUly lahm, In wnllo» "

- - . ! » , D r O * b

i id <

r i u to tbe n l M t l thB

.lltuvstruutfpn at pain|)., _,,—,ike, Hid oucli oibor wm-k* ana

ind«xe»rstliiffnp tuuy bo utceMii

ikrpisoe ai (iiitriot ruquireiTlo t9. Aud be il euaelod, Tint upon

£ltun anddamn, tit)*•uab Ufllnjf

aueb imrtio.ti ilraltiutl-•eoeiviug th<lod.Tii

TM (.'tiglnocr, muib jaattwj otourt holding IIJO oiroufl us afure-tily *iiat compnmialion i hki e H K i r I n t t l d t f

pLJd sDall ccrtily *i compnmialion in hlugmeut BUcii eHKinoer IN entitled to for bi

vices,wliiuli fttnuunl iliall bo paid by lus.rd ot ohaptin IresUoldera or tbo cuuuty in

iifcb. eaHl place or difltnol I* ooutainud.S. ADU be it euaotud, That upou rueon-iun

acb report (tie tald Justice of the pupifrnfuart boidio^ ducb druiilt dliall appoint ibroureuboldertoitUecounty,iuwbwb iiuab ptioer dlitnoc li toquired td t drtut 'd and fillaO

i p u t,-uuilorpkna o

..led oat,s. And be it enacted, Tbat the conmiUsiou-

ira appointed by tbejimtiuo or the BUpreniulourt n'orewlil ibell urn bit end (.Led to ticoHe

J otiDipcauatlou fcr tbuir totvlcoa, and tbaid oltrifeugiuver shall receive mieli ouraptm-

tio as Il a»td hoard ol utos^n Iiwbutdci'B

. fronifbapreabiitHtioiioiaN,i\A buftlil Df tro&uolAera snull advertitu) Tarroposata for dniiig acd eouitrnuiinit michorki in aacurdnnoe with n*fd ropord pintslO ipi'oiiloE!!"«(,, fuieli iball be plaoeti on

lie for pubilo inspection iu tbe offioti of saidbourd, and shall awtttxl tbe ooiitiaot or BOU-traoti to tlio lowest bidder or bidden tharefor,

I tba aatna matiaer n» tlwjy id.ieUs»e (or ptcs-Dtale and uward uontmois for oibet public itn-roTomauU lo »aid touuty. ' ,0. And bu it emiuii'd, That iucli omril of

liuWoM Bliali bare power - tu isiQQ eoniB-:soflnOcbtetluvsi or iuiprDvuinuut cerffl-IB iu tbo vuiilraQtor* for said works, ur too rtiKistered of coupon bonds or said

•unty, for tha purpose ul piovldiug fund* toly lor eatil inipruvoment, eaitl boudu UCIUKlyablc iu nut loan than twenty nor moro tiinumy yews, aud bearing Interval at tha tato oti iper eoiitain per a:inutu. .7. And be it eunelod, That bonds issued

' last preaodiiig HeatliD eliall not bu

s tbnu tliolr valne.B. And belt eminted, '1'bat tlie oosts and OK-anaesnfatioh til ling anil eieiUBtinE, «wl tholUKtruettou of BUBII BUWBC dr suwec*, unuinii,' i, dafflB. tidD bauds anil auob other w.trlu_uy be ncetned ueccBsary for tba public

lallb, shall ho RBgfnnotl upon the estate ra-coiiilly liouefittsil iliETBliy, i s proportion 16liebonllt rweived.V. AnJ IHJ it enacted, That when tlio arore-

iroremcut have boen oomfleted,luiBniotiflrR having charge oi llio enme,

lall tvpon that fact tu tlio juttiae of the sn-— iiuurt aloreeaid, who eball appoint and

cumpenstitlnu of thvee 'iittutvut [roe-i ut ntd county, wlioiti luoila' are not0 «»iee8meut tat special l.oncJltB Iiy01 said improvumeLl, to aot as oata-

ieiH <>I nsse««mcut for saTti improve-

10. And be It onuototl, Tbat BAld comral^aioi)'- tBjessment «bsli tUstrlbnto tho atnonut

aipDnsa of said improvemont fatwhioliipt-einllv Ueocfitted ebtili, In their ladft-le Hible, and when mid sBMUQi iit

„.. JO crnnpleted tt eliall ba filed vUh ih«lerk uf said board of cliuaen treebuldura, who

ill give notleu by adyeriiBing in two or moretepaserB printed and pnBltalied in said

umy, ol the lact that Mid report hai beenioj, and that said oommisaioners will meetl tne ofllce ur meeting mom of Raid board of

Jiosen ticoliolilors an a !oaatUlttj daj'a subsequent to the filing of said•jort, to hoar remooitraneoB Bcainft the

tl- ' ind bu it enacted,-That tao saW com-Baiouers of BKseasnientabali most attbe time

ui pluoo desl^Datotl, to hear remoiBtmnoes[aiUHt their rejrf>rt, and shall reriBS I lit) samenliull Hcom to Vhmii proper in flew ur snch

moualranuos, sft«r wbiob tha / eh ail flloeir report with the clerk of said board ofline a /rooliotdors ; and tUb BsaatHincnl aballnitiiiie liens upon the laud* so a n e m d for

'lS.'Ud'bB il'inaoled, That if.llwNuotaofBatfl l*ntli ao &a&Qs»cm I I . - r

>enofils, nhillno(jleot uf refuse to pay and «B-cssmont 'with interest, tor tbo period or one•oor, tho board ot ohoieu freeholders in aaoh

luty am hereby authorized and empnveredsell said lands Tor tbe .'east nnmber ol yeantt any peraon trill tabs the lasiB and pay thiicssment, with eoits and inlafeat tUeteon;

_d tho manner, time, •place, and notice to rea-lont and nou-rflaldont owners of meb Undio be soldi flliall be fixed ana dcBiRiutsd by tlieDBUaj ol the inprumo court coiainff tne oir>iuit court in tho oounty whero aucli laods are

13. And bo it emoted, That upon receiving1IA amount of said asaesunen t by saleai afore-laid, the board of ohuien treeholdors atiallfito tu tlio purchaser a cciriiScato of lalo oltau laud fit tba Venn for «Qicb. tbe sama »h»ll

sold, n»d tborenpun said purcliaBBs ahall belit, and thereupun aaid purobaetr (ball betitled lt> immediate poiUBiion or «»(4 Uud.

auO lo tnte tbflrenti, fnniiesaod profitatberdi);for the period or term oJoreaAid; provided.,bat the owner of tbe fee of Maid land shall ba

ititU-d to redeem the samo »t »ny timeitUlu the period lor which tlmy aball be Mid,r payment to tha purchaser at the tarn ot

j6 uuiuuDt glvbn fat mob aertificaie of H)O.Uei tUenfflouut teceU«dai lent ind profit asafuruiaid, with interest, aftnr tbe rate of tirnlvo

mm from tbe date of said

biudwjitiL..., , -my kind, or intosioaimj, _., _ . . . r..M...

- J S O I BnUutftuoesol my kind ivlmtuv i BIJilt alloeQBe fromnald boaiduf tnmteuB du

. . . llboritldii first had nud siptjrHuft nball fet ^aab ami fvafy of SJAU fiotuialilu to a pi lialty of twenty di'llais, tobu et

for la tbe name of laid board of Iru8ti?es dirtors, manamra. oaiunilirsiouer, nt citlier unj

&lllbi>ntitii, in sn action <?I dubt bel^._estice of the wace of the cuunty Iti whuli ?*act *bail he cooiiuiticd, or tiiy ,/jlica jos 1 l

._ or officer spitefully ouiuuiiaaiouiti, \nnntit- Lllog tUe powuraorsolicQ juHticeii upiiiimted orD 1)0 appoiDlcd lor auy such coriiomtiuu,

M'bioh 8aiU jQAtiuo mav trive juilifnjout for saiupexntlty atiu ociatv of suit, tLud ^KQU KXtou Vumor vulfeciton of tbs eei't pouilty to b» levied

JU any porcoual propuriy, owned hy sui.h per-J or PMBOOB ugalnit wUotn sudi juaijniLnt>T bu gMoiiioil, ilirvcled lu *Tl)* aoimuiile of.__,.> .... . ., - T j , t f t t f l i [fioBi-

_ illp*1 OpaeB, aaii in own Uu piHiiia uf Ibo deiiidatit shall he found wlitrcuf to uulio tlielid penalty and coda vt euii, (liua ihi. aaid

t may bu docketed iu tbo on art ofpicas, noil (.'locution fs»u<-<l lhaj

.i fu othur c*i»c>it,and in ftilJlljoo iberttu»k) jiiBilcfl or uRLuur j-oiulBringBUch jadijti

ihc couuly Jail lor & torni uui oxa^ai•lit?UayuforBUCII uBanoti';all pena.ltiQL__trea nuil uuUcctttii under this seciioa shall

.Br UuUuntiufi tlw vumi of pi'HHuentioD bo>ahl oYct by said corpomtiun tu the ov*irarer

t « UUUT Ml Ibe towua\tli> ur county ibe iuici act Blull bsva boon aommitted

iravided, tb&t ai to iuns, tHTcrna anil snlounait Uie time or tlio or«»Dlz*uoii of nuoh assoollion already oitAbiiBiied ana licensed, andituaie outflido or, niougli witlili) one mils ofJG said |ireuiidi;H, tbiu u t shall imt spplv•2. And fin H cunuud, XU&l wiltita itio hmlU

t llio Kuid pieraiie* tba mid bjunl ol trussesctur^i ttian LvcTt, com in iHBiomjrn ot othermrilu a ii tli unties ibuli havo power by air.nee or btbcrvme, to lognUteHD'l restrainruiiuing ol auy railroad train, looomoliTS;*rt _ujiun aoy railruad irnoi within slidUISCH. upon t ie Drat day of tlie week camiiy dslled Sunday, and if auy corporation,<on nr individual itmll, without thu nntUn

•oituunl ui ilia gaid tnisUwa, directors mat a>

en, mil, uperntB, or uauao to be run or oper:ed UVDI any rairoad traok nlthiii noid pruui.

uy railroad train, locomotive or tsraat opuiated by utcam, hoi-ao or other

niicin tbe flrsi daj' of tbo wutls camcaliwi BunUay, such corporation Indi

ij io tun BQitl trdsteeH, ditcttorn, Pnnafetra•nimisaiocers or oilier uorporata authontioBireaun and every vf aaid nuts, tbosuui ufflraadreii t lolUn tw lio tv«ov»reJ isivn sortssuit by thu said truuitoB, directom ruuui

ervocty tbu

ution ortresi|>iHiicit iho cage,tbB uiteim court ot vlie tiouiity in wbLh snettt «ta» tumniittcd i in aaid nutmu it eball beDluieut to denialo gtmuraliya atid Rife notice. dpeulal nutter^ aud et^cutigu ia»j IwaaMi-unt, mj in otbor oaioi, ouo-liaif of auy pou

dullooted ahall, ufier deductioff ootta;tuu, be" pud to tbe Qvoiuoar of the

J? th>& co^niy ov \i>wi ublp wbti'viti suchut wat* cuWtnUtiid; rruvided, t U t this wt

11 not pi'tjvopt tbe I*UQO!UIJ[ uf HOT railroadn, locomotive or cars tbrongb saldprmnito any otbor terminal point: and, pro tided

tnrthur, tbst uolhiug in thin act Iw countrued to present tfaa r^nnltij ofBUV railruad train, lacomottvo or cum at any

Buy railroad heretofore or hereafterodor located,

9. And be It enacted, That tbo laid trustees,directors, manaeers, oomcaiRgioti' m or otheraorpunte auUiamien, shall havo pon er by ur

IO or otlierwlsti, torognlata and rcatraiutho limltB onaid promlnoa,or upou aay

pier or iuudiujf plsco adjacont tlieruto thecarrying or auy purson by meaoB ur anv boatur vunttul of any Kind lo and from said prcmiecu, pittBor lindiog plat« upon tue lirei uu; ofllio neelt, omnmniilj called biinday^ad to rag

elthur publio or privato cunviyanoo 11 anytwin on tbe Brut day of the mi_k, cymmonlyUud bnnduy, oicapt on crrandb of im.rcy,

iokuese or death, aud to regulate and autismtbo uiauufaoturc aud aala uf tobicco iu any atits forms within said premises, and it anj imr-lon (bell, iritiiout thu written license of the

ild irusteoB, diront^ri, i

uluot per am

"lV And bolt cnaotol.Tbatlacaio Iho cost

aa are aenuieu neoewitrr iar me pani t id, aball eioeed tbe benoHta to laiallv beueflted thereby, aoob ezoasaoleipeiiict "hail be railed by general Ube *»sc*»4!(l, Ittwil and colieeted ID

I, toHnfl

mamicr aa uv>a for othw miuntr porpoiei areUMBiod iBviod and collected.

IS, Aud bo It onaoUf-l, Xbut trbeasrer boodaalmlt be ltsaed by auy buanl of chosen Uvo~huldera, and tUe pnipucOs applied for tlie puruose ol carrying out any men imprcveoieut, iitiall he the duty of «aitl board, 91 oboun ftw

" T« t« apply all moneys reosiTod In pay-,ot thsaswiwicm for said Improvpinea

to the floitl payment of scab buaaa, and for ncoihur narpo*e wh»ttfVur,

• AiidbBU*tueled,ffahtln0aHhth<UII>»up* lu pQMaanee of thepbitia lor said

-<nt.ui anc t pnmjmir other worksruqulrtti lo be D|)eratHl by •teamy ottier aruBeiat msanarequiruiit so

ultnro of nioDry u> operate th i,t t» Uw <LtUj at tttcU bu»ri of" -Hropriato a ia!B<Ht>ut

. . „.,_ operate inch pumpw I«inrw,or oihw world far tl«> parpose ufswnrini • propwr drainage uf thf piacv or a l t .tnct rnqniml to ba drimod.

IT. Auii l>e tt tuactetl, Tbat MCh civil en-mnrr or tuglneura as may N« ajipotuUil by sviDremf tunrt (njue*, ana tacli 0o«miwionerii way b* appointed by-Bar (w*«Ir«bvf(ler ttndnr ihp pro^atini (

t, belur* cnttTtuit nVn ttm &**** ot tinirua« an oalb uwfw* a Jmttc* ot Uw w

UlbfaUyWi»r*Mmibedattcit0f itwir afflee,'a c»tnSc*t« «r wbicb t*ti ahaQ tw AteA wltbth« rl«th 6t Uw nmniy le <rhi«k **bX Uedt a t*

toy b inrOltHlHlHL IU IIIL'iJIW

1'onirnm tbe niaDlifmUin. nulo ortull <(u it, wineiy kind l irtuxl

liqnora. p^pnr«tiotiH or HIIUHII! _jy lUud wtiatuvcr, and tu mske nU m_ t

ruieu aud regui&tiuns taarcRr *nnl it a. iv pIOU tdiaJI wiiLln said prcminca *nd t> rr t >rj

' bJ lact ur^r ^L^l J*1 UurOlB Uf Date 11 q si

& prup^

iv ttmd p r c m i n

r m u u u l a c t u r rI flTDltJllteil lilJU

l b

the smiaalli

toB, dirotber



eing oet, inrein ir

whora «ball be t uWtwtt in«tft,*o makway In lill discretio

d i t

i OT ollict Oorpo*»6a sutliuritlej first obpouimit anyoffliu ncti m tins Bettloa

I, lie sliall torleit ami fat lo tbe uudG8. directors, managers < um mi sal oners,

ir othor corporate auiburiiie», H iicnalty ofIvo dollars for each anil evi'i> (ifftnen, ami for

cli ami every person ao ittml j or tuninJ, tncecavocodi With «usta ot vrostctUii/u m the

mo manner, aud by tho miniu)nrucBi(lings,aRire mentioned ind Joscribbd in tbo t int sao-.Ion of this aut,

4. Mia be it enacted, TbiJt nothing fn thuot oontalned Bball be construed KB iu any way

limiting or abridging any of ibo rights, ponoriand privlegea ooniurred by tliu *-U lo nbiobiblB is a atipplomsant, or auj otUur auts, uponiny bumd or truBiece, dlrocturs, commissioners•r uthw corporatu antboriUca ot any incorpo-rated camp meeting n»ft'iciasiDn or seaside

'0. And bo it enaoicd, That this sot ihall beieemed, a public aol, aud shall tabu effect im-aodifttely.Approved SIaroaM,1881.

i act in relation to asbeBemetits in tonuihipa.I, Be il enacted by the sonnto and Generalleniblj of tbe blato ot Nun Joreej, Tna,t

juLBvor tho oosts and eipcyseg ot grading,naseing or paving »ny itreet, or section Ot a

'Hug district, . . . — , . — have been ai-

aeased under and piiriuaut to the aet or »otiof tbe legislature of titU Bute autbon/inrsnob Rngiug, flagging or f »ving to tie done,kttd aa *B»e«*ment or the costs »Dd eipeoaeithereof cannot now be lawfully made there-imJet*, or If any so«li iSBC*amcnt shall havemen CDMIO and the UW ar lawa ia Yirtaft ot

which they were made shall hara been ttcliredby tha eoartu of thia Htate to be acounatltn-

it or vuil, it shall bo tbfi duty of tbs town-r oammaieo of m j stieli lownabip in wlil \

BUch polling dlitrlDl ma; he or nltn.ll Live be«a,7a majority ol aneh committee, imoiediatsiyrtcr tlie pailigo of this act to tucert&in tb.»bole amouut of tbe coata aud oxpensenor any

ansb improTctnenta. Including discount* uvdintereati on moots borrowed, or eipenieJ, in .mtkttifC •ucb, ioifiravciacnts, so BDUH as ctfb.Tomenentlj may be, thereafter, sccli com.mltteo flUall apply to the preilding iudro ofbe circuit coart in the coauty In which snch

JmprovoiBent was made, for me appointmentof oflnnnlBSiouera to niRhu an aBsuesaient oCof tba same; opon maklnp tbia auphcatunaaid Judge snail apuaim throe ]adtcmaa *wi<lUimoro»kd frtshofden residiUK in tbeconntrlit whiob such improTiraeni. was matte, nont ofwbcra Hhall b« tixpiyers in the toweahip

- ' *.o»aida»»tairacnt,aB(l n*

» "f tEatts ofl>y inch im-fh costs »ndiud interests

sirwt 1» Which Iho.._aoeh applleation ; when tueii •

1« f»ld «inimitsinm>» in mikt (ball assets upon all tlm !•

land and real estate hcnrfiiudprovcrof nt moll prtiportlim of s

, including discuuDtii, an wilV be tqvial to the , „, , „ .

beoonta tutuallv acquired bv said lanm andreal «t»ta from tocb impnifmenti, pr<ipor-toued eqnlublr to tlie tk-u«tlt iath of ioehon or tracts of r.nd and roil citato Hull ba

' to acquire, and lite balance of suchetMta, expenses, discountsanlintari'ste,rmtMun sniuHafA. wiUI Iw a Uebt nppaid l j »och innrnibip tnl the t h

. __ . . . . . . . — npan an !paid Iiy •nch tnwtmnip, ainl the township com-mittN of said township n horttiv auibunsed toraiM in "Q« anm or tot instalment* from timelo ttm», Ifl u i la be ume mmincr. »o<I attbs taoo time ibatOlbiT Uira in ilia town-ship ar^ Taiaod| moiK-ysniBniriii t> pav sttijr•orh balaiwa. M M tho iuUn-»t srem^t {her

S. AndUft^, Tbai all 0114101

iWfartwl p a t w w a ttom th« day tba raour> *

zs: M

Page 2: FOE THE BEST TEA AID & JAPAN WARE, FHUIT ONB , Ac, TIN HOOI'JXO, li.iVES, TIlOtlOHS, ... facilities to

THE IEON EEAThe Dover Printing Company

Saturday, MAY, 7th, 1881



Tbe tiree-span liri.tge. the wane ofmanj terrible easualtitfl ia this years tlira past, was again brought into notice IonSaturday evening hy (mother, which iitsrriUa details exoeotled ell tbe caberspreceded It llaryaad Lit; Wooieock, ng<21 and 10 yean reBpcBlivE-ly, daughtersMr. Win. Woolc ck, who fives on the robetween St. Mary's Churcb and 1'ort Or.)ware the victims. Tbnt eveuing the eld<alster concluded to go with tbu y< linger 01After tha cows, and a young mau in t!neighborhood aocamp.vt.ied them. Aitifiading'the cowa anil tbsm for Inthey were ia the neighborhood of tbe tliispan bridge and climbed tba high euibaulment to tbe tracks. There nra BOTOIStories BJ to how it occurred. One is ththe younger sister vaBfitnndingon thetr&c•nd that the elder went to catch horboth were struck by the fast-line. Anotheris tint they started from behind a weebound eonl train to orous tho enst boitraok,and Wore struck. A gentleman whiokiins to have wltnewetllhe whole ocourrenoifrom B little dbtanco eays thnt the >were standing upon tlm east boundapparently watching n coal train that wasoomfag west on the opposite track. Whilthus engaged the fust liue goiuff cast Kirunround tho sharp curve behind lliem. Thitrain was runufDg at ft high rate of speiaud the engineer, unable to atop iu Bitch•bort d-alanee, blew his whiffle, but tb.listers evidently Btippnupd it to be thiwhistle of the coal train, which WEB thenrery near. In another moment bothstruck by the exprefifi. Mar; was thrownbetwten the tradsi and Lily wns hurleddown tho bank, & distance of about twent;feet. The eipress Htopped as quickly a*possible a&a it- wu thei. found tlint tb,younger won Ifviug, and that Iho older hadbe«n instantly killnd. Roth wero broughlto the Dover depot, wlicra Dr. Dorry wacallerl. It Was found that Mary hnd one oher legs broken at the nnklo, her shoutdebroken, and two severe scalp WOUIKIS in thifront and buck of the bend, but the ukullvafl not fractured. Lily had one leg brokenat the thigh aud her nkull wan crushed bypuncture in the buck of her bend. Theinjuries of tho younger sister were BO Beveretbat aho could not lo removed, nudremained In tbe waiting room at the depotuntil two o'clock the next morning, whenaho died. Tbe news of the accident draw igreat many people to tbo depot tiuriug thievening. Judge Wood, noting AS Coroner,innde an imjulry Into Ibe particulars nnddecided tliat an inquest would bo uu uuiioc-esanry cxpcntlitnrc.

Both of the ulsters were grsally loved iitho community where they lived nnd n vcrsad feature of the unfortunate affair ia tUathe eldeBtof them was to hnvobeen mnrriedin a Torr short time. Tbo funeral nervliwere held on Monday afternoon and wereAttended by an immense concourse of p<pie. The remains were taken to tha PortOram M. E. Church, whore Rev. -I. P. Ma-oaulay prehched ths discourse, aftor whichIbe interment wat timdu iu the Oicbaistreet cemetery, Dover. The Fort OramSunday Bchool, of which theybers, attended Ia a body.

Port Oram Lodga of Good Templnin, ofwbioh Mary win* n ta ember, ntteudeil ibody, clad in their regnllux, ..mi tho fun.rite of tho order was performed at tbe grave.

No less than elx porsuns have boon killedat tbia fatal epot The first wnn JIiMitchell whoeo death oecnrred mnoy yenrsego. Theneit wns a tmnimfin whosecannot now bo recalled, Theu, a few ycarasince, Mr. Bedford, the father-in-law ofDaniel Wigginn, Esq., wan knocked froithe bridge and killed. The fourth vlctiivaa Mr Jan. Andersen, who, a year ago

y.} last winter wan atrnck by DIA font l ino-the•t- same train that killed the Wooloock sisters.

Of course the railroad company nro not inany way to blame. They ennnot guard tbslocality, and no one haa a right to wnlk npontheir tracks, j e t despite tho frequency ofthesa aocideota thera is a lnrge amount oftravel between Dorcr nod Fort Oram thisway, anil it is a wonder tbat more oro notkilled. Some Dave narrow escapes, but itdoen not deter them from continuing thepractice. Onr engineer says ho bus a num-ber oftitneg narrowly escaped killing oneparticular old mm, but ho continueslo walk it tha snme us ever. It into ba hoped tbftt this last terrible accident

Mine HiltMrs. Warren lung's bttr* boar the Dic't-

raon win,', was burned to the ground ooThunidar evening 38th ulL The fire U saidto have bef;n of incendiary origin, bat littlecredence U given ta tliin story. Tuo barn wasvalued at #81)0; insured for ftnoo.

Michael HagRerty, one of the oldest Ron-tinmen of this section, died en Friday «T*D-ing, 29th ull, About a week before bitdeath he Jell down stairs and this lit said tobaTe hnstoird bladi-nlh. He issaid to linvobeen blessed with s wnudt'rful memory ; re-membcrfng things v. Iiicb occurred iu "US j hewaa than ou!y four yenm old. He wanburied on Monday nioniiug from St. Mary'sCUircIi. A large coueoum1 of friends fol-

lowed the rciuftim to the grave.o doubt tho nwi, uutiwrty death of theak-Mk girla on Saturday night will colt

forth an artiule from our luamed editor, buttut [hey lived within my province, it will notbo ont of plaoo for me ta write a few aftar-tboii(jbtn. Four peraocB have met tbeir

at or about the same plaoo within thepast eight years. There is DO blame to be

eic-ept on those who were killed;tbey hnvo paid dearly for their folly,

wo olosa our UpH anil think thnt wulch weiliould Buy. Yes, we should say It, for as tha

past baa taught us there is no doubt aoinasue in our midst footlmrd euongh to walkthnt track again notwithstanding the death-waruiugn ho ban received. Xnd though WOhold up our bunds in horror and entreat ad-

sb and coudemu, still we find thatbrain is m dull He ever and that all our

efforts to sharpen it have bean f utila and " None o i us find it difficult to leantfrom experience, ta remember tbe lesson isthe difficulty." What is to bo do no In michan extremity ? Tbat 1B the question.

los if one Is found walking tho railroadik he is fined two pounds,» second offcnoi

dmibli-s tho flue nud a tbird offence triple" It

Morrii County Courts.The Spring term of Morris Cotuts opened

oa Tuesday, Justice Uagia presiding, MidJudgss Child, Wood and Deilloker on thebenob. The Omud Jury Ii computed of thefollowing raaiuben.:W. W. Mftrsh, Fcreiuan, Win, H. Lwnbort.

E. U Clero Vogt,John D. Budd,Itaao E Jolley,Oeo, E. Yoorhnes,Eoburt D. Pitnay,Henry C. Sbelley,Wu, B. St«|iheoB.Lemuel Corwin,Abnim Kitafmiis.,Aaron Drake,

grunted n* fullowa :

O. Smith,Win. C. JobonoD,Samuel Blowera.Wm, Jlcnnph.KoewellM. Hancock,Wm. O. Liimen,Gilbert D. Cmne,Abaer C. Green,John S. Able.Albert BiobardB,

Tovorn liceuxaa wor

WEEKLY IRON REPORTS.The Engineering god MJmiDB Jonrsal of

hut tUtarday aays iofbu»iw»w i s

Goo. F. Biobe, Mendhum ; Wm. Drown, Mt.Olive; Jenmiab Biker, Koibiiry; John K.Normnn, JHT^r-on; Jnhn Higffolt. Rocka-wnj; George Bilbj, Cheater; Alex. GilUad,Feqmiunoc; J imia I>uff< rd, Chester; Solo-uion How, WftAington ; Abratn A. Brown,

Wm. KinooBC, MoutWUe; JohnK. Dufford, Alt. Olive; Joseph Brooks, Jtiff-orsou; Cliarios S. Emm ms. Oh. ater; TQ<M.Bright, Jefferson; John H. Staala, Mt.Olive; Tbflo. F. Cox, Poqaaunoo; BBDJ, L.Brown, Chatham.

In additioa to the Ibt of canies pnbllahsdxt week nre tbe following appeali :Jmnes W, Doughty, appellant, nod Caro. i

line D. (Urduor, appellee ; Court.Kilas B. Cnndit, appellant, and Michael

Lootiey. appellee; Onurt.Juraes Ityman. appelbtut, and Silas H. Ar-

nold, nppelloa; Oonrt.Barney SIM. appellant,

Wright, >tptvllos; Cmirt.

nsenti has had iU weakening effect onprtos, Tbere t« n o great alarm Hho^D, nordo wa think there b rKrUflabi- WUBB forKay. Th« outlook foTOH a Tery large bmi.nen nbila foreign prodaota will act as aa preTin m agttiaat high pricea.

AMUITIX FIG.—Then is bat very littlebuiinsu doing ID pig-in a, and prices oreweak, A iew fiouunid tans forced noontbe mnrket wacld nit bring quoted price*

; by a dollar or tw»; v'lile a similar inquiry'to purchase would probably stiffen prices alittle, but would still ineet with favorableoffers. A large oocsimption and dein odson old eontnots p-svent any seiloai Alt-turbfttim. We quote No. 1 Fo i> dry at$21 and S25; No. S Foundry, «W ; i

F0TR6, $20.SCOTCH Pto.—It ia reported that EnglUb

Besaemer Iron can tie bought at fThis [a not flnooanifiing for oar maker*.Sflotct Pig is very quiet and without fea-ture. WeqiotoEgllntoQ at tU.&O ; Oi Itnew, m.SOand $24; Olengarnoak, t22.C0;nod Oartaherrie. $22.50 md $23.

RolUr 6k*tlflg-A Ha* Tork pbptolta at ptoffliuenoe

thai oriUdBU tha danBanms, awkward aodungainly practice of rolltr ikatlng, whichhu burime micb a oraee:

Notliigla raoraohatmlng to Ike eye Ihangmoefal isof emont in • woman. Be she«T« so handaome, if her carriago be-uwk-ward the effect U marred. With taaDy thisheauty*f motion ii naiuxul, in tha asm ofethers it moat b« arqnind. W# nil knowbow hard it is for tnptit people to keep thetoea tamed onLwnrd. For women thi«i* BFar more dimoult feat tbau for men, and


Tbi oold spring DM ITOKU out * largepert of Ibe wheat crop ia Warren county.

k r . yWend, OMBUt 5T twnt in on« d«y last week

The Fisii CommiHiouen are pluciagtboueandi of salmon trout io the upper Del-.w»re.Th» Presbyterian church at Hamburgh

will ba dedicate* on Sunday, May 18. itbeirg free from dobt.

The Reformed Oburoh of Franklin Fur-nace hat decided to extend a ontl to Uto

aud be is ntsr> imprlrionod fur one year.(Vint If s»:u a U>- were prnwid here. It

pear*!., mo i t would exactly supply ourmt. Every-day ppntons walk on the tracknn Pott Oram to Dover and all tho i'm

thoy are walking they are iu more or lewibgor of being kiltod Now if these people

at each cthem very long to loan

Now seal! this istbon

e it wouldn't taketho ro .d to Dover,

ughly practical and Ithrouybout, I mibmit it to

e judgmsnt of those who suould look afteris raatfpr, hoping thnt my feeble effort maj

not be without result; and though I uliouldmerely send tho hall of spfcuUtion rolling

l thin direction, my object, in a nieocure,'ill bo attained. YOUIC-E,

Old Time Doings-From old papers In our possession we no-

co a few pcoiiliur CBOIB that transpired in-Uii section iu the by-gouo past:

On tho Uth of March. 1823, tbe poople>f St ill witter, Sussex County, met at thelouse of Wm. Price nnd detormlued thitt'rcomAHonry was an iniquity tlmt ought too nbolit-bed. Tlio MnrriRtown Palladium ofliberty nt tlmt tinio was a Tloleut oppoueutif that institution.

At tho ficliooliij-'R JFonntiitu Academy inSa, pupils were taught and bonnled by H.

(Vliitfield Hunt, Jr., for $101) per year.Im Julia Ann Sccley itioluded I>1A!D sewingnong the acoompHslimeuts taught youufi(lien nt tho Cheater Acad»my tbe Bume

Tho editor of (he Jerseyinan ndvertiHed a?gro man for onle in 1827. Ho probably

l i•dunged to Bomcbody else, uulcasrere wealthier then thnn now.


insolvent debtors in the Slorris-n jail appealed for liberation Dec. 50th,

'omitain wan a. well patTon-ei Summer roflort ID 1827.ltockaway was ambitious to be a townrly aa 162T. when, on the 11th of Julywn lots were Bold at auction. The adver-

isement reads : " Aa bat few Buch opportu-IB will occur for speonlatlon on tho canal,.ntioipnte tbat the Lota will go at aa high

n t e as they didlu Dover." The canal waatig thing In those days.A Fourth of July collection in 1627 ia

lorrietown, when a ipecial effort was made,•d to £38.

Williitn'H- Sawnrd, appellant, and PaterP. Honry. nnpelloe; Court.

C. 0- Harrow, eppellant, »nd Silas M.Bome. ajipellee} Court

Joseph Hulbert, uppellant, and I u a eLewiri, nppellee i Court.

John f. Bunnell »nd r£>rrietBoaoell, ap-lolliiatg, aad Jolin B Omea aud Abner C.3r«cti, finuelleeK; Cuurf,

John J. BfushiSX, nppellnnt, Walter B .'lute, Bppplloe; Ouurt.

John Mrthor, et ale., oppellftnl, 'WalterlUitirflll, nppellee ; Court.

Tlio Ilahber Co. and Jowolrv Co., nppol-lntiU, Andrew Polhemus, appellee ; Court.

W. Furrow, appellant, ObarlewWills, flppcllee.

James II. Brasher, appellint, XhoamsSuuiraoiifl, appellee.

Immediately after the wltbdrnwal of thiGrand Jury. Mr. A. W. Culler In n few wellchosen remarks aunounoed the death of tholate A. W. Bell and raovtd'tbit tha Court,ont of respect to hia memory, adjoihalf-pout two o'clock in the afternoon andthat a meeting of the membersof tho bar beculled immediately to take suitable action intho matter. (

The motion was granted and the oonrt od<Jourued. The members of tbe bar then or-ganized by selecting his Honor Judgo Magiean obairtnnn, and George W. Jenbtnn, secre-

'orthetnaBiooDas they arrive in this coun-try, whioh will be about May lfitb. Pub-

's in different pnrU of tbe aonctry areig out this work, but as tba proofs ilu

net go through the bands of the Interna-tional Oommittoe there ia great danger of

laeonraoies, as the diaptaoeoient of even acomma will often pervert tbe meaning of anentire ientenee. The fiofo way will be to waittill Breeae ft Oo. offer tbe genuine editiontot sale. The pricea will be within thereach of all—from 20 cent* to $S.CO perloopy. _ ^ _ _ _ _

tary, pf Ilia nl d M

Measrs. A. W, Cutler,

will cause many to abandon this dangproutttouts for pedestrians.

BO0NTON.Gardening is all tbe rnge.

SToe ladies of the M. E. Ghuroh h&T<organized a Ladies' Aid Society.

We hope lhat Dover will have bettermcceas In getting a Bilk mill started tbanBoonlonhas hud.

Her. llr. Jobneon, recent pastor of tbeFaralpptny PreBbyterian Chnrob, preachedtwo excellent sermons iu tbe UefornnChurch on Sunday last,

The Sacrament of tbe Lord's Soppor WMcelebrated in tho Presbyteriun Church onBnnday.

Six persons united with tbe M. E. Ghurohon Sunday by certificate.

Charter election to-day (Saturday.)It is stated that tbe Powerrille mill will

be olemed early next Fall u r tlio manage-t of Mr. Leonard, who ia having mllli

built Bt New York.Marsha] Sherman had a lively foot race

~ one day last week. He went to arrest outHeath, fnr forgary, but being the pooretirunner of th» tw» did not catch him.

• A hone belonging to Crane Broa., whichw « itaBdingst tho depot, being frightened

' by the morning eipreu, Wednnday, ranhalf-way across tho railroad bridge, fallingtwo or three times. I t caused considerabletrouble to g»t It b u b ufely.

On Friday etonlug of last week, 'WilliamDteker, at Bockawiy Volley, WM in todrunk driving a young colt Manbal Shtoan went and attempted to tarn hi* horseud; Bend him home. Decker jumped outof the wagon and seized the Marshal, whothrew him, both rolling ia tho dirt. A mau•Unding tear came to the amistanoe of theofficer, who then placed hit nippers on

Decker and took hiato Mber up.

to tho station hon

BARTLEYV1LLE.In reading tha columua of. your intonat-

ing paper wa aea nothing from this plainand wfll endearor ta faralth yon with a fewitanu of Interest wtieo you will pleaaa printIf jon think them worthy of publication.

Uoct of the fanner* residing in thi, c<mimlty hm completed sowing their oaUand Kna* hare th*fr corn ground nearlyplowed. Borne fearad that WB were going tohave a backward Spring, bat wa jadga thatOTerjthJofl will come oat right lo tha end.

Wt laam that • little son ami daughter ofMr. E. a BktUengn, natdlog near thiiIdas*, BM lying danotmuslr ill and it iaftand thty wfll nol n w w .

Wtadilaa lhaM Tcnng acanipt of boyswho Motfls in la« DMtine of firing o«molt tnlo aiuMr lbs quiet and law abid-(DgpMpls of UtU ptoCf al tight to ba aIHtteaannd or th«r M ; fed ort what.

• to be in gr«al deB«a4 thissn. Truwstr A O»Th«rt bavs

diont tt Wtstera bor*** sinmtk«nud«M b-ul, *bl<4 tb«7

« * an wrry «e team tW llr. XhnmI s M k H k i l tke t»ptej«TV?»ASSM. i t e f H i fl«d My M A


WH1PPANY.The old houses and old residents of this

e are passing away an rapidly as time canoake them. There Ia a targe number of theild boiiBts or tbia vicinity winch If they bad

l repaired at the proper time would haveitlasted many of the reaently built ones.

lut in a few yean more nothing will be leftthen, probably not even the fonndatlnn.ia old house on TV. O. Freenmn's place

'here Washington and his wife once tookhas been torn down recently. The

ilehell mansion, however, where AnnaIichell, of revolutionary fume lived, endiloh was UBed an n small pox hospital at

one time during Ibe Revolutionary War, iastill standing nnd JB In oa good conditionprobnbly an when occupied by Anna and herfamily. It la now occupied by great, andgreat, great grandchildren of hen.

Wo lira onlled up^n to record tho death ofanother of Wbirpauj's old resident* thUweek, which makes fully a score who havedied during the past fear or two. JosephMount, aged 02 years and all months, diedat his reBideDoe here last Friday morningafter an illncns of a year or two, and havingbeen confined to bis bed for several months.Mr. Mount was tarn in this county and had

isldcd hero all bis life, never bavlug sleptout of the house where he died, in orer 8tyean. He wna ths fuller oi eight children,six of whom survive klm.

Constable AdamHou has been very busyserving sabpeeaaa in our Tilings the last dayor two, and aud the prospect is that nearlybalf of our Tillage will hnve to go before thspresent grand jury, 8. P. "W.

The Rolling Mills.The new " round about," or rotary

squeezers, which have been so long in oonreeof prepaition, were tried on Tuesday andgaie terft-ct satisfaction in their working.Tha ftnt ball upon which the tew processtrltd camB ont In capital shape. Thissqueezer takes n call from a furnace, works

md a revolving table and turns It outready for tbe roll* wUhoutbeing touched byhand. The iqneeiing fa ahio done BO mochbetUr that tho droM is completely extractedgiving the Iron a finer fibre and bettor 'ap-pearance.

Some farther improvement* of Importancewin al«o be made iu the future. Among:hfm are two new engines—one for eaohrain of rolls—to take tho place al tha single

engin* now In vnt. Ths engines are to bebuilt at the machlns "hops In this phefl, ana

ne of them is now ia course of eonsfcnio-on.

Business nt tbe mill la now Tery brisk.Three car load* iron were on Thursday lareadiness for shipment, and savers! xnorawere to follow, flrdert for rivet* aw comingIn fsst, and that JepF.rto.eut promisee to beTery busy for v

y, p fl ,Alfred Mills and George T. Werta were ap-pointed to prepare suitable resolutions andreport on the morulug of the diy fullowlng,at wbioh time tbe committee submitted tbenbjoiu&d resolutions:Iu the Budduu denth and uueipftded death

Of AuguatuB W. Bell, the Bur of this countybus lost one of Its oldeat praotitianprs, one,who for a long aeries of years bad devotedhimself to the practice of his profeision, andhad secured nod attained for himself tbercpulntion or an attorney true lo tbe inter-e»lH of his clients—for he always made hisclients cause his personal cause.

K^tirinff in habit, he never stroTfl to takethat lendliiR ponition at the Bar Bt whioh hisnntuntl ability and long training entitled him' > aRDutnn and to hold.

A clone observer of oharaetar and a cleardlscerner of motives he woa a auooeaxfullnwyer, a ««fe and prudent counsellor and a j

mndenceof the business community, ^nd was largelyIdeatined with the city, iu interflete, and i udevelopment.

AH a Bar we ra<

The Reviitrl New Teiiament-The International Committee on tbe Re-

vision or the Bible hire awarded the print-ing of the Itevlsed New Testament to thefamous Oxford Publishing Company of Eng-land, the publisher! of the Oxford Bible,and tie work Is now in press. A» it pro-grama the proofsare read by the Committee,so that then it not i possibility of amietaks, even in a puaotaation mark. BreasoA Co., the Dover booksellers, already havean order in fora supply of these Testaments—

are the only authorized edition of theGommlttee-nud will recei

be to. In females tbe knees approaoh andthe feet uepoiate se as to form a triangle,having its base below. How difficult walk-ing witb the toes outward is, under themcircumstances, nverr one otn try for bim-•elf, and It is Ihia difBoulty that i* to baovercome by w^mun. Nine young; girls outof ten walk with the foot out straight, ordirected more or lens inwnrd, And It is onlyin later lif \ through teaching and pereeTanci, that lbs b ibit i* IT TCOIUO. It is oneof the many liilie refluatnsntfl of oiviliswtion

ythat disttuguUli Uroller skaiinz i

from the savage. Thatihe inward direo-i

of the toes will be apparent to any owho witcb*B Ihe rouveneuta of a young

isa as, like iiHolln lor, she Holies hlon^to school or on an errand, ber arms swing-ing about like a windn ill and ber head andbody bent forward, as though Khe momenta-rily expected to t. Ice A diva, or sprawl upon


Tbe larks' raft thnt ever navigated theDataware Rir»r want down last week.ODntainodI7T,DU0fjEt of hemlock and ma-ple lumber.

A sturgeon, measuring nearly four feet Inlength, i caught b? some parties, while

the pavement. Only ntly a famousParisian mortinte informed tbe world tbntAmerican WOUUD are mow round shoulder-ed Han any other, nnd ifroilor fdtatingtiuuMtJu fevoruiucli longer it will requirea'i iron bnioo to atn i^bten the rising ganer-

The New Bonnet-

urn his loss, aad as citizenswo rrgret hia early taking off.

RE80L7KD, That we nympathlze with hitson flt.d daughter in their affliction.

RUWLYBD, Tbatacopyol these resolutionsho sent to the eon and dmghter of the de-ceased, and that the resolution! be prfluntedto tbe Court with tho request that they beentered upon the minutes of tbe Court.

lion. A. W. Cutler, in presenting tbe res-olutions, paid an eloquent and jnsttribute totho memory of the deceased. M*,Hillaandother members of the Bar followed In a fewwell chosen remarks, after wbioh the reso-lutions were adopted and subsequentlyordered to be entered In the mlnites of the

The first case takenof Amos Cbamberlain vs. David Wallace.

up for trial was that

t time to comB. The ironisde at the mill mntlrraet to ha of the best

quality. * i m

A Nics Point.A olergyman and a school Uaoher living

The plaintiff Beeks to recover $2,000 damagesfrom tha defendant for tearing away thesupports that held up certain plpea nsed toconduct oidar from his mill to the fiUUhous?. Tbe defendant claims that the pipeswere laid on his land. Mr. Pitney for plain-tiff, and A. 0. Smith for defendant.

•' There are times wbsn friends must part,And tbe ties that bind them never ;

And (he links tbat chain them baart to heart,AJasI must break forever."When loot Saturday was flushed through

par quiet little village the word tbat Olar.ence, joangeet son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Staokhonao, hod been drowned, gloom andsadness seemed to hang as a pall over allthings, and sympathy went out from everyheart to the bereaved and sorrowing parenta.Death at all times seems ornel, but perhapsnever BO much so as when it snabmes fromour gaze those whom we love without tbeleast warning or admonition. Litite Clar-ence had in bjs ohildiab innecesoe endearedhiraielf to many a heart, and while to4ayhis vacant place and untouched toy willmuM tha tear to start ia loving parentaeyes, his sweet familiar faoe will ho miasedby-many a one who had learned tolova him.

His fanerU took pkoe Tueaday morningfrom the Freebytarlau Church, and waslargely attended. The Itet. Ur. Porteroondaoted tie serviaea, and at the conclusionof tbe opening prayer, which was offered byEflV Mr. Miller, d th i t f

The new Spring bonnet ia now aa objectf abeorbing interest with the gentlemei

generally, and with a few of the ladles. Todegoribo it fully and correctly one wouldhare to have an opportunity to examineclosely aad dieseot minutely the pretty littlething, and then, moreover, be would haveto possess a fine eye for oolorn, sizes andforms, and above all ran descriptive pow-ers. We could not ba eaeilv induced toventure upon euab fthazardoua undertaking.Ona of our Boston emhangei, however, baaattempted the arduous task, and with whatBocoew let our reader* depide. Head It. Itia made out of Borne kind of BtuQ Bort ofdelicate in texture, and of ratheroolor, kind of out away on the sidles, androlled buck on the top, and scooped out

•derneath, and trimmed with some eort ofribbon staff tbat looks nlea, and some kindof other sort of material that is handsome,and it is all flied ou in that kind of way

rhloh looks so much like BO ma thing that wecan't remember, and too whole effect Isvery exquiilte, reminding ns of a moBtbeautiful something or other, whosewe can't just at present call to mind.

Engineer and Fireman Killed-An acoident which road tod in the death-

of two met) oconred near Ri&gwood, on thaNew-York and Greenwood Lake SallwaySunday evening. An engine, with JohnSoollj engineer and John Mnskell Qreman,

u sent np the road from Jersey City tobring down Afaram S. H«wltt, one of the di-rectors, who was at Hlogwood. Aa the en-gine wag crossing «. wooden bridge over atributary of iho rwualo Hirer tha baamnguTe way with a crash, and ths engine withthe two men fell a dtstanae of over thbrryfeet loto the water. An soon as the aeoldant

* diteoveted a gang of workmen was setto wotk to remove Hoallv andMaskeU. Thslatter vasoaught beneath the orashei oadbroken cab of ths engine and waa badljenubed. HB lived only a few hours, Bonl-ly was badly out and walclod by tho escapingsteam. He was remDTod to bis home laMontokir, N. J. whera he dlsd the inight Both men were married, and hadobildnn.

Not True-One of our Partvippncy readers takes UB to

taak severely for an atticle In onr last re-flootins upon A farmer in that communitywho vma nlleged to hnve mcnuly treated iboy whom be had engaged to drive cattlifrom Newark. As indicated, onr article

?nndeo&iJ trom one of over a coin rankhed ia tie Ifeaiuou Joorn , wbioh

WIIM so poiiiiive i s to lead to Ihe belief thatit WIIM true. Bnt onr ooirespondeui, aliiorougbly reliable guntteninn, says that'•careful inquiry has entirely satisfied himthat tbo Statement U utterly nntrne—anunmitigated fahehood." We are glad tolenro that Rucb is tbe case, and pleased togive pri'tninetioe to the deninl. But anr

t looks nt Ibe matter ai aim-dqr hnrlud al tba community. We fail tosee it in that light, for we cannot under-stand bnw & whole community can be n-adoresponsible for (henatM of nuy individual.

The Silk Factory a Succeii.It Is with cotwidertiblo gmllfioatiim that

we are able to annonnee this week tbat tbeproject ta bring ft silk factory to thin pUotihot met with such Hiiuce s that tbe aompnoywill be organized in a few dnyn. All thoenpibd wtook ha> not quite been mtiuid, bntthd greater |>ropi>rliou being Bulwcrfbet), itis now be! in veil that Hie orgauisutiou. of thecompany is feaaible, and that trie, faatanonor the capital will bo secured by the time UU needed. WeoongraUilate tbe genllerrenrho bava worked BO hitrd to bring tha rer about, nod to whom tbe town

under considerable obligation. The townitself ia alao to be aongnitulatod Upon this

addition (o her induntrien. Let usnow, Rsa community, giva all tha supportand enooorngaracnt thot ie pcwslble.

RlEhti of Tenants.The following ia (jlven by an eiohtt"ge on

good litw ; nnd mnj interest those who havjust moved, nnd wish t ) mnk-i iomo itnprovcnifnts : "Whatever a tennntputs lulo

otflon tb« premixeB (or-hl-town comfort, he nmy remove at any timebefore the explmtlon of bit kvie. Ttiia In-

B atinh things as oupboirdt, xhalvet,con] binn, and even n stairway Is held to bewithin the nil". All trade flxlnras aad tern-poruryHtraaturen, whether frame or brio*,and without wgfuH to their Blue, may betaken down and carried offby tho tenant vuoereoled them. All the l»n<llord ma legiti-mately demand in to bnre his property re-stored to hia possession in as good order asit was received, by tha tenant, ordinary wear

fishing for sbad teat Wednesday in the Data-vwo, near FbiUfpsburg.

Tbe Hflokettatown Oreenbanicerfl clinrpadfifteen o»nb» admlmlon ta bear Gen Wearer,but tho Qpccral very aenRibly refnaed tospeek nntil tbe raooby was refondefl,

Mrs. Obadiah Fuller, of Fmnkford (own-BbJp, Sussex Gonnty, fell down a flight of

' alar.« last Saturday night, aud received in-juries whioh resulted in h«r death on Tues-day evening.

Peter Neenan, nn empl iy<<e of the Prank.Iron Co., was run o w b y the Franklin

loeal engine list week anil bad his right footRevered al tbe ankle. Ha Is a poor manritbalarne family.

The wife and three children of Mr, D. S.Koramore, of HackeUatnwn, and also thiservant girl, were poisoned b j eating cheesewhich wai highly colored. Medical attend.anco relieved them.

Baftmeu on the Delaware have had annueaal run this Spring, and a largo amount

uf lumber ha* been taken down tbe riverwithout aooldent. The freBhet was main-tained by the melting snows up tha river.

One night Just week n net was enst into(he Delaware at Harry Rich'sPhilHpsborg. In hauling It np tbey wereBtirpriied to find thai (bey had oAnght eight

which weighed eightThin is mild to be th.,

Tha Immigration to tbia country duringthe present year threatens to be enormous.The prosperous state of the nation, thecheep land offered to immigrants, aid thedisturbed oonditien of Europe, all conspireto odd to the numbers who wish to settlewithin the limits of Ibe United States.Nothing will stop half a million of foreignersfrom landing at our Benboerd cities, exceptFome sudden misfortune to us as a nation,

'or a general failure of crops during thiscoming Bummer. We could stand one, oreven two years of bud erope, far tha surplusIn tbe country Is very large. Bat for thenext four months the immigration will beunprecedented. Fortunntaly far themselvesand for the country, these foreigners do notBfop In the seaboard cities, but are immedi-ately transported to the Went, whore thereIs no surplus lubor, and where the virginearth " will laugh with the harvent. if tickled•ith the hoe."

, yand tear ezoepted."

o pEflV. Mr.

hr. Mr, Milter, and the einglnR of appro-uts hymna, preached with muoh feeling

j funeral Bermon, taking his text fromII Samuel, altiBKInp, XII, 23. His wordxto the bereaved family wrro vary apt andcomforting, nod most beautifully portrayedthat true Ohrie tian spirit, wbioh should be dis-played by all in the faoo of trkln and death.

We, too, would offer our words of nympa.thy lo the bereaved fnmily were we not fuar-ful of ruthlessly marring tbe beautiful pic-ture, so truthfully sketched by tha Rev.preaobei, and held up to tbolrgnze and con-templation Ia this their hour of saduc*s.Truly did he say tbat " aa the photographerwill In Tain, briog npou Iho lifeless parch-ment, tne features of those we love, uy ex-posing it to tbe beat and glow of the son. sotoo, we will fail to find a true picture of onraouli, if we bask contumely In tbs sunshine,of Joy and happiness." Yes, sorrow mustootno, and clouds must erOM life'a pathway,toteaobtbe soul its trne aim in life. Theawfol gloom and sadness o( Calvary, butlender still more perfect, bright and joyous,the honn which usher in the Slorioua Eaatermorn. Ths crown saraountathe oross, andbids the weeping hope.

Grieve not then for the loved one thusearly called away, Joy and happiness noware htft, more perfect than aught wbiohearth could give, and angel hands now guard

Otsxavn.fDrevennore'yoar darling boy.

rilhln few mdea of Dover, sometime ago got into a diBonaalouImmediate trauumladon of

open the

Heaven, the former taking the tf lnni t in,aadtsBlattarttisnvgaUve. TosubUantlatehii poritlon tha d*rgjmmn qnobd the prom-fee of tbe Bevfoor to the thief en the OKMS

knd J m a «*id unto him, Verily I sayunto thce. To-d*r aaall tbrni be with tot iap*rmdi«."-Bt. Uke, xxrn, « .

Tb* •DhoolnMsUr defended hb argaBitntby sayina that to* Bible traasUtor. badtnbplacedaMwma u d tbat th* saying ofUw Ebritmr s*icraM have ns41

V.r!l y I Par s&to °^ to^r* ' h t i t " "

• 7 *a mt t Utetmf with a gnU

II the MasiitMMUiV «of Itai


A Warren County Love AffairCourt wu made lively laat week by a trial

for breach of promise, in which PaulinaPray waa complainant and B«nJ. Weaverdefendant Two yean ago Wearer pleadedsos TOXT ooHTurDiRi to an indictment forfornication, and paid *U fine and ooata,npon a complaint entered by tbe same per-son who brought tha present rait, but fromthe lore letters read In Court ths jnrv be*Ueved that Wvaver Is quits a gay Lothario |and Paulina w ianooaat hard-workingcountry girl, and they n t n m d arardiet of»3, WO. *hich la •1,000 nor* than defend-

ant U worth. Tbe offoir will pwbaiily end1B the partlsa gatting narrleJ.

New Board of Freeholder!.This body will meet for o'rganftation on

Wednesday neit, Tbe following mombereoomprbe the Boaid:

fiooDton—Ghae, F. Hopkins, &.*Chatham—Wm, J . Brittin, R . 'Cbeiter-Ohas. Hatdin, D.Hanover—Geo. B. Smith. It.Jefferson—Benj, Boppei, S,Mendham—JMeph 0 . Leek, Jr . , D,Bit. Olive—IX H. Wolfe. D.Uoniti-Leander B, Ford, B.Hontville—-Cornelias TroeeUad, B.Pajmle—Theodore Smith, D.*PeqwDUoo—Henry W. Mutbur, H*Baunolpb-Jas. H, Ourrell, IL 'Boolaway—Sam uel Tippett, H.*Eoxburj—John A. Honuell. DTVrtabingtou—JOH. Antbony, I).Republicans, 0; Denoonita, fi; I

lemb«ra (maikod *) 0.

Complaints Against tha Oil Pips Line*Hach complaint is tnade along the route

of the Hepburn PJpo Lino which rune h* thevloinity of Kew FouudJand, this county.The pipe has bunt st larious points, andt*i« escaping oil ban raa into many springs,streams, and wislla, making the water uu-flt for use and killing the flab. In tha streams.A few daya ago there was a break in thepipe near Hugueaot, Orsuge County, andmany thousand* of gallons of oil ran into

the Nevei ink Kiv< , and still remains enthe surface of tho water, liable at any tlme t

beaauia oE the proximity of the forest fires,to Ignite and carry destruction to property•Ions the river. Tha pipea, it is eatd, con-atantly leak at the joints, tha oil soakinginto the ground for tome oUtanoa and kill-ing all vtgeUtion. ft Ifl claimed that manythousands of dollar*' worm of property hasbeen destroyed by tha escaping oil.

Blahop Poster Against Revivals.Bishop Foster, of Boston, who presided

over the Northern New Tork Conference oftheUethodletRpiaoopolOharoa ia Muionia Oswego, gave old-style Motbodism a gsl-Tsnic shock in Us address Monday to thacandidates for admission. The Methodistrevival 1B an institution u aid aa the Metho-dist Church, hut Biihop Foster admonishedthe candidates that "continued growth isbctier^banan kvalauobB or revivals.11 Healto deolored that "Getting up revivals 1B anodions phrase among at, and a dlngtiatlogfact." Ho declared himself tired of Chris-tUna who have to be coaxed, and said whileemotion is a tonohlng thing, "to •«• a nunsnivel and cry la foolishness," In respectto preaching, he said people wilt go any-where where they can get thought, and aman who baa nothing to say must nut expectto h a u oongrf gtUois.

In Mtmoriam.Wsiaua, The Supreme Ealtr of

v«res la Hia aU-whe prtrridnm hath aaeafit to remove from ow midst Bro. John V,Bpenesr, a mtmbtr of Anchor Lodge, No.PAK. ofP.iUMnfore, ,

ibal m an a lodg* leader o-rIt snapathy to tba bstsavsd

wife aod fsmiix ta tS*7tbeir dlstns*. wdihatwaatriratoMnlkH Me vbhw* wUlstsprtadiBg th* nat to of obtritj crvar UsSana.

Bamrts, Tbat a eopy of thna nsnla-tioDsbes^vflBlohlswifsi alas tfeal tbtj ba

A Birthday Piwant-Mr. Taa. Ford, of thta place, our oldest

waiahrdays ago tbtndphotof a very faaaduma CUM, from his grandson,Look Axurostw Boiwd. of Frovidenoe, a t ,whoimU HipnaMtfor hi*Bid birth-day. Tbeeanelaof naevood, htghr* ttol-kbed, with 1*017 handb aod finely chaaadgold nwonungi. Taa nan* and ago of onrvsttssjablafriasid MM atisraved In the bandIky It b« a wpport to Una tb*w many yemM b« wmlki lain Ibe offiot ot ths E u to oon-Uia* hia natse at tot k*ad of Us list ai IU

Statement of Iron OrePassing tbs Hoakettatotrn ia. M. k B.g , ia M. k B.It. R. to Penuylvanla, for lbs week endingThursday evening, Uav Sth, 1B81,

BTATIONBMorris town . . .

itain View,)kaway.,..,

TOKB. 0WT23 08

61101. 8,13413

PortOram 2,80617Choiter Ii. R. (florton s, Oorwls'a,

8aoc»sitnn*. Vaantta and Uhes*ter Junction Stations,} 1,1 M IB

Drake*ille . , . . ; , . 69 IB


917375 13

: Valiant Thief Takors.A restSeut of Pomptou Plains dfeoove*rBd

a barghr on Thursday night of last week inthshpnsoof . 0 4 . . Beam. He notia»d theneighboring fanners and in a few miautes aband of nine daring inan, thoroti^hly arm adand eqoippad, iarrouadad the bouse andcalled upon the burglar to surreader. Thethis) appeared at tha door and eaoh of thedrmy of nine called npon his assooUtas toshoot, Ko one obeyed, a&d meanwhile theburglar walked away and disappeared in thedarkness. The farmera were very Indignantat eaoh other for failing to capture thethief.

Fire on Mine Hill-A 8no new Wrn on Htn ei-tiio n[ \\m late

Warren King. Mine Hill, WHS dlttonv-red tobe on flr« h>itf-p.tat nine nVlnok onThnmilny eventii[{ rf Inst week. The flamenhail TTRfle nncb limdway thnt it was foanrtto be iinpotHiWe to H«ve a->v of the oontenta,wbioh incln'led- ubuut SI00 -v crth of buy,Htrnw a'td feed nnd twenty Tow's. A mow-ing mnehiiie belonging teS . B Brown wasalec d>'titroyed. No cans* am IM sunignedfor tho fire, and it is believed to be tfaowork or nn incendiary. The Ion is $1,200;Insnranoe, C00O.

Get a Dictionary.The Sussex Beg-later opens an editorial in

the following mannertThe astute "Bqnlbob," Impersonating the

immaculate critic r>f eipwding intellect, hasemerged from an unendurable solitude dis-playing tbB sophomorio emanations of biscerebellum in a trisyllabic communication,condescendingly appearing in the lo«t pnblication of that anthoriud promulgator ofDemoorntio pronunciamentos anmea^nrabljand gratniEously circulated throughout thnConnty of Sousel and elsewhere

shadapiechnnl ever made at that fiVhery.

Foreign despatches state tbe wife of thepresent Ozar received letters from the revo-lutionary committee threatening her withdeath of the most horrible descriptionehould Sophie Pieflbsky and Hessie Helf.mttnn, the two women implicated in the as-sassination, bn executed. Bbe made the

iost strenuous exertions to obtain theirpardon, and received a promise to thateffect. She did not dtsoovar the dnceptlvecharacter of this promise until after the exe-cution of PieffOBky, and the discovery threwhex Into a violent paroxysm. It Is Impoatl-blo to say to what ettent these cntzy Nihil-ist! may go, but let them harm personallythe young Emprem of Bnsda, who from allaccounts Is one of the most-kind hearted andloveable of women, and tbey will find thewhole civilized world calling for their exter-mination, and exterminated they will be, re*gardloBs of any Juatioe tbere may ba in their

blood by cleansing tho system of foul humorsand by giving Btreugth to tbo liver, kidneysand bowels to perform their regular filons. See displayed mlvertlEohicnt.


Bad hloDd alwayu can BOB trouble. It miy bea family flght or hoilH, pimples, itab, Utter,&a; bnt no matter, "Dr . Lindsay's DioodBearehtr'Ma tliD onro-all. 20-4

Aftor all, a gontio pnrgatWo in ho bestrnciD* of coring headaohe, liver complaint,

ISB, Ac. Use " Bollors1 Liver Pills.'

Holders of six per oeuL govemrnent bondsan very willing to have them extended atthree anil one bnll per cent, and roont ofI hem have already notified tha Tn insurer tothnteffeat. It is intimated that they willbe annlinnad and the fmrplus ravenne bo np-plied toward the payment of Lgnds bnnringa higbot rate of interact. Since April 12th,when thin onliny of the Secretary u-nn cti-

incnd, fnnr per O'.nta have ailvnucfd 28jper cent, and are now worth nearly 116making intercut to the inv^lor nbnut 3}.Monfly in w> plenty that EnpliHh bunds werosold at 101 81 on last SiUnr.lft.v, which inhigher than they have been sin OP 18M.Anyone with good coll it I e ml ncedti't pnj

ihaves now-n-d^js or hnnl very fur lor B^meonn anxinns in lend Mm.

T h « e is ftRoiieMl, (bonqh i.i Home Ah-iriotsvery sligbt. Hiibniiionce of the floods inthe West nnd NrTthwest. Tlio Minnesota

fallen wp-anr) Uppflr Miowuri rlveidly. In KIU«.LH City, Minsouri,

ntirrly Hiii'pondei!, nnd ovorG.000 people «w drivpn frmn lluir horaen.

irn^hiiiR into n bn]«nny en uliich bo ivnattflniling. Thn villnpn nr Oak Mills, in

Dauphin County, Kunuan, nerirly de-stroyad by tho flood, nnd at lown Point andBnrr Ttnttnm the d to tht•windows end CM on of mpitiy hn<

The ditective enrarra is a new photo-gmphfc feat It tnablua photogmphs to be

street, or nnywboro else, wilh-out tbe pom pbctogrrtpbodbeing awaro ortbe fact, and in calculated t" isplre n lively terror nmong that olnefi ofBlotiritiea who object to having their por-

traits taken. Externally it in mndo to looklik b k l! b

•Ilu latart BUUaUc* ahuw il,C78(OOo•ofaool Bhildraa to tha world, so far H UWoenatis UJton wer* enabled to asoartaln.Thaw have about 1,000,000 leachers. Firstin praportion to populfttloa Mimas tbeUnited Sutei, with 9,878,105 pupil* and271,141 tenohers, Buttt hen and in Fratto*ho BCbool ohUdraa fora one-Sftb of the

population. Prussia, with 4,007,775 pupilsand &7,S36 teMbera, takes the third place.Nest come England and Wato, where, at inPrussia, school chUdran are one-sixth of thepopulation. Austria.' then files into line. ZnJapan theie an 8,162,962 aohool ehtldren,

' bnt the total population is not knows.

It ia reported tbat Seorotary Wiudom ha*decided to mil tn and cancel all greenbooknotes below tbe denomination of five dol-lare,$uid perhaDs, in *lme, below the denom-ination of twtuty dollars. TbedeaEguis toforce the siamhrd silver dullwand si.-all goldcoins into drenlution.

Beady-mixed paints are nnlversaUj oon-demnod. AB toon aa it was discovered thatthey would not Jitand the test with whitelead Vought & Killgore refused1 to recom-mend them. In every case iUantio WhiteLead is better and cheaper. Bold at VevghtA Eillgores Corner Drug Store.

We are In position to supply painters and Idealers In Atlantic White Lead al 7a per 1b.Headquarters in Dover for points and oil*,varnishes and kalsoalning materials are atVought A Killgors'a Corner Drag Store.

—f. • « • » •Hoick and • • » .

Han; miserable ptople drag theusilvaswearily about Item day to day, not knowingwhat alls them, bat with failing strength andspirits, feeling »U tbe time that tneyare stead'lly sinking into their graves. If these lufltiierswould ouly use PARKSB'S G1NQEB TONIO,they would nnd a cure commencing from thefirst aoie, and vitality, strength and cheernjl-oeis quickly *ad surely coming bsck to tbem,with reitoratioo to perfect health. Bee adver-tising eolnmn,—TBIBDKE.

"" For sale by Vought AKIIIgore.

Kldner Complalnulfalldcscriplfons are relieved at once, aiipesdily oarati br KUncy-Wort. It BMIntoaded by natnro for ttie core of all diiseBOfthekldnoyioanseri bj weakness and

I hare lo my oblige a | P | •* $il«&m too^auerooi to mention, wiilca look M if lost bya Pedlar. T'o ewaor win ban tbe sMnebyproflDX prtiiiertjr sad paytog expense*, elsethey w3l be «old to j»y Ute ami .

2I-lw JA8. P. EBLLEY, City tfarsbal.

WANTED!Aajluntiup wuited as fi rot -class engineer.

But references from prcveat emptayet,ADDSKH

C. J. VALKNXI8U,v , Belviilvre.N.J.

NOTICE.iutl elrcliitu for Direutu) • of Ibep<r MIIIIIIK Compsn* will b. hold atif JIK' vuuipunv »t M >i ll..:^- N l ' w

I iiONDAY. tho 'id dftv oi MAY,imi'lred and elgbty-one, »t twelvboil. The polls will remain ntum For

^ K.W. H. HlX,Now York, April 9Ad, 1881. Hocmtary.

NOTICE.The annual meeting-of tbe Stockboldenof

tbe Union Turnpike, will be ucUl uu

TUESDAY, MAY 10th, 1881,at 10 o'clock, A. H., at the bot^l at ThomaBright In Wuodport.



debiUty. 11B great tonic pui are espuciallvdirected to tho removal of

know or pertons that hafor thirty jears tbat have been permanentlylnrcd by taking KIDNKY-WOltT a shore time.

It i h l i dry.—SUN.OHT & K

y gTry It, either liquid o

FOB Svli.1 BT V

The Key to U»llU.[av*you found the hoy to perfect health

and strength? It is KIDNEY-WORT, thoremedy tbat ovoit ths kidneys

tho imnJ bavelo. It punflou tho


Wonderful BncccBsee like those of Stewart,ie Vinderbiltg, or the AiLors are scldi

reaohed by look or acoidoDt. I t ts tho ICBjf Bomethtng within that commands aucBen ;and It it only time thst p r o m them as inch.While new discoveries ire dally brought far-ward how fow remtln ai mouaniutitn of thoirworth. I t is the men! that iMts-ARTHUn'SELIXIR OF eULPHUll for coughs, colds,consumption, etc., first discovered o ifiln-

d aftor long years of study by • patientMassROhnHattsohumist, bat gradually pro vetitself a BUDcett from Maine to Oregon, amto-day no more enooessfnl preparation for tiecare of Throat and Lang complaints cnu b(Tonnd la tbe world.


A Rood set secQDd-haui£X $10: ^odRprinswaiiprine wagon, (75; act t

*eta>, |7;t^hreeieat

OQ. *20; p!atformam b&rncEin, (notcarriage, *40;bedecle crpet l

cbmplote,, , „„, .room Butt, | 2 1 ; 35 yds. brnsecla carpet, nearly

at a ba*gain. A two-sent »well bodyi i t a bargain tf nold im media to'y.

Inqniro orA, JDDB0N 0OE,

Bergen Bt., Dover.

CARRIAGESof every description mad? and sold at


BlnekwoU St , Dover.The beat material*, latcat desigot In ooa-.rncllua nail the IIIOH* ouiupelBnt workmen,•e tho specialties of the establishment.

Geo. HcCracken.)0Ter, K. J., April Btb, 1881.



Ilcnn nnd dwdlingn. Aloo Car-

w, Morris St., Dover.

Letters remaining unclaimedn tli© Post Office at Dover. N. J.

DOTKK. H. J.. May GIL. 1881.Mary Jnnn Kobn, Michael Qaffeny,"" "" Cnrl Jolinson,

Nettio Lopey.Onrrie E. Smith,

Thomas Giunnon,John Kelly.Jftmos 0. Poolo,SHnh M. Rwain,MM. Dywire.James Whit?kov<vRosellii Lovimon,

John Oliff,Annie Hi ___Lizzto Broith,Michael M









!• vf bui-r.'Bill'i-iiUupfc On', ta'ko plctnurs

:> Hid l!io fm['fit imltllty,fit Hill fully (Ictuoiialrate.

••ti l iort" IH cHiiui-iall)' atlttpted (or hot



ialo ana rotail dealer in PORTEIl,ALES, SAKSAPAKILLA AND MINERAL

T-O-Y-S.A n w anil ]»rKo stock uf

CHILDREN'S WOODEN TOYShaa juHt l>ocn received at



Children's Baby Carriages.WHEELBARHOWH, and mnny other artioleiin flood equallv cheap. A priaio lot of




PARASOI& coverc-,1 wini.silt I

Pa»»l« covered w ui iB r o r a MParaBoU li.,e<! win, «lu, ct- r«»WBlino«iWituftrodib

n o r colni-H. 1» A It A SOtrimmed with Simn^j, j

and plain fd^fs. I'mj,fiU;i'l iiiifi , iO s*Vitll ivi.rjaud Cvllulattraction!

| N « r a 6 l J | , |

" r , pi-mi, W o t i

"ntil^. S | , , c i t l |

£'* and i

blue , m o w n and green: tver'th ing n e w a n t t i i o r i i l i a j h 'or Inuitllex. il^«i |»lucc in Si)%mAUK to buy n Parasol or r * |lirella. S|M(i,.l b«iB,,iniFAA-CYSll.KSHt

75c. ami in p l a in colored KULJ

a t A S c n e r y u r d . i>Vv»in%im\« aljlen in Knee Idinglianis, Orgnudics,

Caiubrics, nnd other linu,Slimmer DrchH <iua<lH.


159 & l<il Market SI,

Newark, i\j , |


1HB0.Mnr. 13. To l.a'nu1HH1.Slur. r.. To A. K B ,

•» 1BT7,1S78,1879,1800,


je the thoroughbreds DougUa C34t North

AgricullurelAyrsbiro Bull, . _ „ ,American Ayrfihitc HoRiater, Birod b j thecelebrated Bart of Wiadbim 687, owned liytbe Japuutisa Quvvrutueut. B 1B dam LelUU1,457 gave twenty-four qanrts of milk Btfour jeaiH old. Service $1, payable tstricUjIn advance.

J. Andrew Casterline.April 2Int, 1881. 20-3w F. O.

- " B


To obtai rof t l i e


mail bot.been :ured by Hi if

Jobn Dilion vat arrested on Slotnlirreninsat Portnrlington, while on bin wn<

to Dublin. His speech at Tippemry w,lone of the bitterest anil mont uncnniproralaioK be hns tnnde. lie tidviiedthe peopletokup wilhinlhelAW.not beonuso bo reapeoled it or thought that Ihey respected itbnt for tho Bnhe of preservinp; their organi

n Ihey R

s close to tbe I.DI» their _JI possible.

The Secret Service DiviKinn hon lhala new connterffiit $10ts been detected. I t is rondo

gConnty of S

cl and

We had thought the Washington Btarwould ' ' take the cake" ia this line, but theRegister baa scoopod the whole bake shop.

Fine HarriettA great miny people have noticed with

•dtnintina the very handsome rnbbiT andgold mnnntod hmnes* worn by tbe team cfMr. Will R. George, whioh ia one of, tbefinest BpecimenB of the ham«M makei'ornfl ever ween in * Mction. W« aregUA to s*y that the work WM turned outat tbe shop of oar hone manafaotnren,M n m A. Taylor A. Son, where evtry partof It WM nwda. By reason of the rioharutsr of tbair work gnu t aactiribg ofden from all parti of the


of bBBometnl, bnt igold. I t r t tbe

pricclpnllypry henviljplnted wilhcid tot.0), nml h

cnt prelty docp before th« trns not ore of tbeocln is discovered. It is not nn heiw> m tbeKennine, nor hns it the "ring" cf golJ. Tintmany people bnvo misfftken it for trno gold.

are constantly chang-ing nnd the brunette bas now been ibelredfar the glorionx Rirl with tbe red hnir—notlemon oolor, nor tow, nor corn color, bat thigenuine red.lato fubion, and the

; months have also comei who <

r in connldorei] riflRj; anil

Tk. 0 b k U u U a k n m 4 m a U < l a di la am at Oa O m l r at Warn n .11W ai b aabao , Irrrf U IU lut

m»«MliMlabrat i>l


I * . London StiDtUninMMilo rmblUh> Npui of laa UBivanltf tporti bManw

MUM of tb* eomiaiHM «wa dlMOarteonR l«UunpotUr. WadalluM ihtsgiMUr IiAaarin. Tha nportw holdi hli peua»rll«»aaa»taa«ala« I h a i b b u d ipdliIba M B M of IIM vwalttM na ig .

" > t n r aillk walk U» tarn U tallag." Uiaa«rl«arab<Kdls'aoal«iponiT. Ia9(.«IMa IU aaanetar of nuohrit Iba mitt•al eeaMi ta flaaAal, It wmld U atn« la

Ika pai l a a w to •!! . wUb IU oowk

At tile nle of nnclaimed baemga al theCental Bailreaa depot in Hlubelh. Tlnm-dij of lait veek. a semation wa* orated hrUia annonnoement that a man who had p.r-eaaMeda IrnnK bad found S7.000 iu rnon.y inii BnbafqnenUy il wan found that themon«y waa OeotjnenlaloumneT, dated 177Rand 1770.

John McBrlde, of Bound Brook, has anort ntraordinary heifer, half Ajrahlre andhalf Quflmiey, tbrae fa*t three inokei high.nnlj twantj-three months old yet weighs600 Ib*. naver had a <*lf and yat htu gireanlortj»»o qnartaof mUk in nine eooaecntiTe

Bnm large glaM Jars containing infantsisdlstagH ord*nlopoai)t Tmfonodin

tOBUuBMt Hewark nrr^-nQlUrtvtak. prtrfDotd,

bat ibam WM no mtdraM of a criminality,a J U w a t B i h m v m f e f o t l U

FUNERALS!MYnviitemoramnlirmnts upprpcin

Quilily and worknianHtup of tho 1My thsnkn for liberal patroiniRc in thOruAri li^ tclc^ratpli mcoAfiticcr or tcl(

fttlcndcd to.JOHKJONEB. UndcrtaliL..

2-ly ItocLawav, N. J.

rP.nni'-SPENCEn-Tn Snce»i!nnD«, on tbeli t mat., at thi> M. E. PirdonnRD, bv IW.IBIHC Thomns, Stephen A. Bperrj BDJ JoxUA. 8poncer, bolb ot Chenter.

D 1 B D .

VAK BLARCOM—In Dover, Slay 2:1, M.rjE. VnnQlaroom, aged 19 yearn, 5 month*nnd C days,

TOTJNG—In Dorer, May 3d, ot the renidenoeof J. H. Person. MAST, -wit* nt Jurnmeft. Young, aged 38 yearn, 3 months nod1 day.

ROWE—In Morristown, on tbe 28th nit.EtntiOE TmrLE, willow of the Into Wm.Rowc, Bgod 88 years, C months and 11days.

WRDniXD— At Morris Plains, May aaJusinh Fairchild, In tbfl KM year cf hia age.

MILNER—At Brook Valloy, May 2A, MM.EIIIA J. Milner, aged 20 years.

OvurHtt-rsofroail for wotkUne of hotel, Ac, pulling

Suppor t of PoorE . I1 . Mott , .ABseasor, scr.-lc

E."p. BMICIII Town ClerkH.8. BasHOt, ft-ei on warrant

H.D.TutliE, po»tBRP,CoiDtnlituo siul Clerk,Balnuic on baud,

AnnAHAM KADFMAN.Collcclot!


8tft to«ndCouutj t»x,Road U i ,Poll tsx.Bpfidal Behool t n ,Dog Ux,


Btate and County, tOTM


mi I toil and droppoil a

fttnte ind County,llond tax.Foil tax,HpaoUl Bchool,I>off.

Dy roed taxes worked." cauli paid bounty Collector," creililcd to School District*," bill for collecting Ac. and eipe" oisli lo D.K.Htioklc, Town Tm


To balance on h&nil Mar. 3(1, I860,•• Knrplna Revenue," tlOU,0OU inpnipiistian,11 Buecinl Batiuul tax," aiuoiint appropriation,

By paid Dietricta ou orders

"~ ' ~ " E D W A R D V. B!

MiJ Gth, 1881.EDMDNU D. I




BEACH-At Rockaway,Mrs J a t B h d

n the ML in! Fun

C H A t Rockaway, onMrs. Janet Beach, nped B! jartj. FuneralMrviceii In tbe M. E. Church. Roofeaway,en Moc^«j. Mij Hth, st hair-pant twoo'clock. Relatives and frinidn are re-upMtfnily invited tr> meet nt her Intoresidenca at two o'clock.

VREELAND-In Dover, April 301h, GJM.T-. son of J. J. and Martha Treelaad,

aged 1 year, 1 mouth and 19 days

BIRD—At Tort Oram. May 1st, Edward P.eon of G"-orj{e 3. and Mary A. Bird, agedtwo mualhs.

fiEEUAN—In DoTer, April 30th, lloaesFreeman, nged G3 years and 7 months.

M1LL9-At Mt. Hope, April 3flth, FlorencoMill«, agad fi ytara.

Hope. M«y 2d, BTartba I., aged lfiyrnrn, fi rn'iDthsan.i lOdays.

NOTICE.Tba ktinttft] tneellnR of tbe Htfwkhoitlent

nf The Now Imtj Iron Mining OmpocTfor Ibn «kctlon of • nnw Bninl al Dirratoriwill bft held ftt lbs ef*ra|wnj'« offlop. !nD r c t , N. J., Hftj SMbp ie«l, *t 9 o'clock

M. Tl« Intirin l » l n »ill n s u mtkmi fnm Ibi !!k lo lb< a i b lo-i. ioolo.

SPRING BARGAIJfSlAD infipection of his Spring goods will Rniinfy buyers tbnt 1

are to bo bad at tbo store uf

WM.H.BAKEIwhere is now displayed o. fine and seasonable Btock of

DRESS QOOPS1embracing all new and desirable patterns in various kinds of

for Spring wear. This stock iB also supplemented bv ft full "n

Muslins, Cambrics, Ginghams,]and all other fabrics in tho -way of DOMESTIC D M GOODS. •

n largo Block of

LADIES' FANCY GOODS,including a full lino of HOSIERY. In

GROCERIES »>"i PROVISOire haTo all the staples, and a very carefullv selected ftSBortmea*J

IPITVE TABLE GOODS-A specialty of our bouse is always a complete lino of

which will bo found to meet even- want of the honeehold iu ^'Mticular. A careful inajiection will nhovr that in ovory dopw*111

hayfl endeavored to meot public vants at prices that will insnrf


Doror, K. X, April 27th, 1881. DOVEBi ?'\

Page 3: FOE THE BEST TEA AID & JAPAN WARE, FHUIT ONB , Ac, TIN HOOI'JXO, li.iVES, TIlOtlOHS, ... facilities to

THEMAY 7th, 1SB1,


Vigilant How mwting next Wednefldayevening.

Madison is distncted with rumors of firewedding*.

We will complete the publication of thelaws next week-

The new Common OonnoH willnext Monday erining.

Veunor pve&ioteA ft col* May.goincbodv kill blm off?

Tee ffus noticed in this vlolnlly last flab-bath morning, May l«t.

Chatham townnbip has a church to ererjseven hundred of population-

F"ur ReuiorM of l*rew Seminary bareentered the Troy Cunfnrfliiee.

Bnwiny Souring on WadnondfLy dined onradishfB mined iu LiH OWL garden.

Ten cur 1-sdfl of until wopt over the newtatittiiMi to TtnoUf way hst HuEtinUy.

Tlifi Qrst BiljbatL Sdiool in Mndisnn wasthe 1'rfcHliytfrili!!, nrgMiizcd ill 1817.

TbtKincMion urines, will there bo anob-dorvftiii'e of IVcotalion Day in Duvur?

linnntfin will bnld her elmrter eluciionto-tlay, utiil Morristown next -MOD ny.

A strong effort will l.o wailo to lwvo trainsruuuttiR on tlie new mlliodd nfit wwli.

TlJn ilireolorenf IUo I)-, I-.- A W. runil vis-ited KiiifiMimd on Moiidnj, whiob looks

A o>*jmn of fort; boondevolioa begins InSt. iJarj'N Cburilt to

btocks uro gulag up again D , L. & Wj ut 134 and N J. dental at 1» >£.

Hon. John Hi|) n i in town ou SnniJay HStbo guest of TiiDs- Hammond, Esq.

The Bread -Turf b*d not jet competedtheir labors at Ian report^ ynstsriUy.

Dame Nature Aw face thoroughlywashed and now v e m t


U M M BLnohtml, E«J-, qualifiedIthU«oek>w Justice ot thn Peace and Is uamrtfiAj tor'bnslneM.

Tbe towiwbipi of Boonton, Fegnannajd Montvitl* «ra still compelled to nito

bounty tM. __ -Tlie pulpits of tfee fioekuwity tod Pargtp*

pany Presbyterian and Boo&ton BaformedChureliM a n Taunt.

Pithar O'Srody baa a debt of Be-renty-fitethousand dollars «a bis Ko» BrntuwickOliurob, to look sfWr.

Mensm. . Vortman.ofand Wro. 8. Oreen, of DeUTille, tuve goneo Cftnflda on LustneHa.The Boontflu Praibyterlan Sabbath School

ibscrves its sflml-oeatennial anniTerdary onevcik from t j morrow.

Bit inches more water wan let intoMortis-cnnal Sunday, and Monduj (he boatsewail biking full loads,A skillful cnrrt-pliiyiT discftrdK A duooe and

rnw4 a HHR. A skillful ndyertiaer dboarddimo aud drnwH » tlullur.They «p«ct n Korl of guerrilla cloctioo

T Jfnyor mid othor otritiern in Buonton.-day. with evoiymanforhiiaitelf.Thy Hrfit of a Inruo fire wbioh rac

Quite n nuailicr of Morrisuo workiug in tint new ti

unty isnboiit Vlock

n Dove

nlert t'ltliu M. Iv Cli

QniiBniiiWl.vKiili.iiiK mi*T" l a r l ( y ri"1"11'our people-"

By Hie will of Mm. ncliornii V. F.firly, o

eoivrs $1,000.Biz wild dncliH iln.mi.-tl into (ho <1*'I»"

pond on Mntulitj, ouo of which vw idiot lijIt*. 8. II. Brccse.

Mr, Will. KnHPfPftrliiwBrcpplpdtliP r<*'tiem of mautRcr <>t Omm A HWIOO'H drjfHtoro, Bt Port Ornni.

Tlie (-hiprasntB of iron nro over tlie MounlITope R.iilrond nj-nin rottcheA ft lfti«« tolftiIn April --lS.aiH IOIIK.

Bev. Win. Trctliewny found ft poolwtbook contniiiinR a Rinnll sum nf money ontlio street tlio oilier day.

Thi) now residence or friend Artidt, thegrocer, p r w n l * i» very prrtty picture Tliepnintini,' is ospeoinUy nUrncfhe.

Tbe (irinnnd for Summer rtwlencen midhoard In Morrifitown, we aro informed, iRgreater tliau wns c?er krone hoforo.

llev. 3. W. Barrett, lato of Hibc-rnin. w««given n reepption upon his arrival nt Illscharge st Kingwood, HiinUirdon Oounty.

Michael Hager'y, one ot tlie oldest m«n toRandolph township, died at Mine Hill onFriday night of ]»t week Bt tbo ffreat nga or87.

A patent for a breech loading flro unn tinsbees toued to T o . E. Dad;!, of Oha-fatm,wh« assigns a half Interest to 3>m Bryce, of

The old Board of Freeholders will faoMtheir final meeting next Tuesday aud thenew Board will meet for organization onWednesday.

Rev. J. A. Trimnior, ft rpopnt grnAnntu nfDrew ThtoloEicnl Boniiaor.v, 1ms lig.ui in-stalled pantor of the Presbyterian Churchat Woodside.

A meeting to orBfttiiae nflro company wft«held in Mudison on Mondny evening. Thecoat of a linnk ani ladder truck is liningintuited lufo.

Lew in A. Young faun sold out his butcherburineus in Blftubopo to E. B. Blinp, whowill hereafter conduct it to the Bnlisrnetioiiot tho customero.

Mayor Brown unit Alderman Jtnyinldfl, ofLuxemburg, hava both boon under theweather for a short time, but wo ara gUd tonote nro improving.

Jacob N. Woolslon, former, living nciuRosevillo, dioil on Sunday lust of ("onRinnp-lion. He resided ia Sonlh Stnnhope tillabout two years URO-

A tunall party ot D.. L. A W. trnokmun inIhe vicinity of Morristown atruolt on Mondnymomitig for an ndvnnco of pny, tbeir prfiseutwages being SI per day.

Presidont ButtK, D D.,of DrewSeniirnry,is to pre»eh thn nrinun.1 wrninn hrforc OmYoung MMI'H ChriBlnin AHsocintion of Alli-chaoy Collogo, June 19th.

The Tresbytpry of Morris oiul OranprWill meet in llonistown next Monday toconsider uiattcn In relation lo (ho rhurcliat Orango and its pantor, Itiw. Dr. Slii.

A team contniuinf; a Itncfea^ny Rpntlrmnn

Btreet Jijst Hnmlny. Tho 1II.™-K wmi (]tiiloHevprly cut, Imt no otlifr injury wns do no.

John J. Fwr, nf Itookaway, on Mondaycaught fiis (Itio Unat in the ItnclinwuTrivpr. All wpro iiniiPiiftlly litrR" for UHHBpction, ond ouoliDntity wt]i^hi>dft pounclrniila quarter.

born comrileled. Prof. Jnn. Striiu;. R.T.I)..Of Drew Hrmiimry, Im- lifr-i x< (niiifil on theIntcrnntionFil Committro to rovhc tlio OldTcstaniflflt.

A. M. FoHFftrt. of Tort Jervk N. Y.. hwloaded thft Ptorfl rnom of X,. P. RcW.-irz,npit to S. H. Breed's, nnd in iilmut tw-'wcekB will open a first-oliwu grocpry nn.lliquor store.

Tho TrusteeH of tlio Ppor TTouin p.iiil nlisit of inupcctipn on Tnpfidny nml found*verjlhing in Roni] orilfr. fliiprrtntciiri'T)BkellenRer hni IIORTI liiid up fnr Bntne tir.:with rheumatism, but ia ReltiiiR about

The Ycunc People's Uninn nf (lie Prcsby-tornn Clorch will Kivn a ,-nrbr entrrlatn-mPiit (it tho renidenco of Dr, BeocliTureday evoninp. An nttrnoliTo progrntof lilcrnry and muRical selectiono will bo

4 ilihtinctly w

,.< riu^t-r ^r. K. ChmH-ill In: dutlirMt'Kl in hi

Martin W. HPITJ-'H liarn, at

»'(» r men nf Sussex an- display--,il Ion- to (ha my>videation ofml liit! cilitimtion of tmboily.di-11, of MiirrislDwn, hns talten

for prndiiifi tliP rnilrntd from-, Dm.vill.-, in Wnnwi oounty.• Tlioinns. of Siionnwunnft, will

Wm. OOIQ and Wm. L. Parliment wereKlgcd in tho Newton Jail on' Saturday last,(i a ohargo of oltUioiug goods under falxertitencru from Inaao Kiuniout, of Stnubope,Tho Ht. Bev. Dr. Michael Augimtiua Oor-

gnn. coadjutor tn Cardinal McOIofllcy. on'pdnenday celebrntod thP eiffht onniTpri

of IITR deration to tlie EpiKoapaoy as Bishopof Newark.

Th; Vmipff People's TJmt'n Entertainment; the resid cuco o ' Dr. 0. Bpnoh licit T««-iy ocoiiing, will begin nt fi o'clock. Onlylimited number of tiekuts can be rold.

They can bo had at Braqse'u ot nt Vouglit

Tlie Htand»rd Oil Oampany pipe line

,l.jtt'i-iftii Clmroti upKt Tii6--dity evening.I !»• Alkn Hrothcrs hare tfiken a oontrant

for Rnulm.jut I(inK«liuid, and Rome fpar tbatit in an evidence of the re ID aval of the oarshops.

Tho trtnl of ate sliirmontn for tbe monthrif April ov^r tho Hif;h Bridgfl Brnnob of theOuirn! Billroad van MJU tons And 12

" Aok." YonnRH, nf Hncfcettntown, donireRtn diKplny lilt oratoricul powers Itt tho KawJorRcy LfRinlature next winter, and given anmrly nolic^.

A trmpnmna« mnetfnR to bn adclrpfwnd hyRPVS. Snimno'i P-iraontt nod H. D. OprtykeWHH n>mmiim«<1 lo bit hrli In the First M. EOburcb last evening.

Sir. Snm, OodBhaa beonmoa publlo bene-factor by putting a new cucumber pump onBergen street fnr the benefit of tbe peopleof that neighborhood. . •

Our Voter Wldora say that tliera oremany bons'B Twltig erected by workinRtoen

firloas part* of thin loonllly, wblob IH oneof tbe bent evidences of tho prosperity of

hen ths oar iu nrcidtmtTy put off thotrack nowftd'iya, it Is nftl«l to ba "derailed "

prflsurna that when a man in accidentallyput off the oar, he may be antcl to t>a de-rided. Jd«tRO.

Tim Pbillipsbiirg Pemwrst infnrian nxtbnt rpQiikr pitnipncer tnina urn to be n n

Ih-nigh Hi'dseTlrnnrb of tbo Oentrnl.

acroflx this

n fm11; thnyitl prolixly eo

fii.'. a litllx mnnlintip,

of .In«.

nil years n

Tlifcer, of Mud-r h»tfincr'"R In

Fred. Forf", on Fridny hi t . Forco refuflpqkill thn d«pf, im hn nhrnvfl n-> Bifini ofdropbobin and wns clninod at the limn.The wnrtirohn of the nmior editor of tho

Pefikrrtown Independent was inventoriedtho other <liy nml for tm mlitor found to con-tain nn nniiHunl number of Ruiti. Tliprewore jiiBt four—three of which were forlibel-

The ofili-mrr of tlio R<wnd M. B- Clmrchhnvo decidPii to cn-rt n boll in their church,mid Lavo njipointcd n connniltce to enouroHIP funds iifeeBfinry for tim pnrpopo. Thinlaitiliiblo effort is dcntrvinpt of tlio gruntustStll'CBfiS.

Thn Ccntml N w Jerpey Riiilronil oBiporsITO iHMH-d an order prohiliilinR l»a«ciiRn

B. H. Vogt, iate of the EBA, U In Florid*.The Senate ban conflnBed Bon. Win.

Walter Fbaips u Ulnittar tn AartrU.

Thi^ State contributed to tbe AmericanBible Sooivty the pant year »iOtBSfi.&3.

It is DOW lawful to take pickerel from anyof the waters of this Btah with hook andline.

Thure has bren a fuoflral l a or about lbsvidolty of Stanhope nearly every jay for thelast two weelu.

Tho Ute AvgaBioe W. Bd l had h k lifeiQBured Ja the Mutual Benefit JMt I u . pa. , .of Newark^ for $10,000.

A new and Improved powder boat to ron tbe Uorrlaoanalnu juatbaen oomplsUdfor tbe Mountain Vie t Powder Works."

Ex-Sewtvr Frederic A. Potto has anotherson dangerouely 111 ID P-irl*. Mr. and M r t ,Potto eailed for that d ty on WeduMday.' Bev. Xaaao Thoraaa will preach in tb«

King gchuol House, near the plokersonniinp, next Tharsday evening, at ?:B0o'olcwk.

Be?. Mr- Fritz, of Flnhkill, K- Y . willleotura in the Presbyterian Ohuroh a t Buooa-nnna on Tu<"Bii»y evenitiB next. Subject,'Talk rmd Talker*.-The K B V Jersey Editorial AtHoolBtlon has

abont dy

d to make the Oabkllt Monn-tains Ibe objeotiva point of their annualccnreion thie enmoier.A barglar entered the stcre of WilliamuuNOn, noar tbe Morris town depot, last

Saturday night, but was driven off by awatch dog before securing anything.

uipled house belonging to PeterHosher, neav the Waterloo mlns, was

iyod by fire on Monday night of lamik. fho fire was ou inoeuiliary origin.

auother saloon is town, vhloh v

maty has all been burled. Asaoon as tbe pumping station at Hew Foond-

cmnploled tb& pipiu will negated,

otherj'inp finy

Iptto ) pr

Irently Ulltinc of FI Fourth of .Inly coletirn-on In thin plnco. IVn linwonot lind n. roRii-ir rdplimtion fnr Hcvfrnl yenn anil ft (*nnti-in oli-prvnnoo of tlio day would (Iniibtlps-itlrncl Rront numlipr* of people hnro. I'nsh; forwnrd.

It tlm'Hn't'nhviiyf pjiy to r*'fiitn Mio ma-

f Dncbut it IIIRV 1>3 welt to noto O'nt tlio Kppabli-

i flfunrnon Connnil, in-

The condition of tho peaoh crupporied as follnwn! la to Crn^ford, ainp-tenllw dwd ; OW Miion. iwothirdfl dead ;Btninps, two-thirdo dead ; Prince Rareripes,one-tmlf dead; JforriH RaroripcR, one-thirddead; Smocks, lesatbnn ono-lbird dewl.

The Unioa Qn\t\ fiabbstb Sahool, in Jit.Olive Township, held itn aonivermiry last

. Fabba't, vjitli interenliui; cierciBeF by tliechildren nnd addrevei l>y Ec*. E. O. P .D yo and Her. Mr. Pogfi. Tlio BCIIOOI,under the suporintflndenco of Mr. J. HartleyKing, id very fmccc>.afal.

W« bavo fllwRjfl fenred t int Morris(OTTDconld Ont Eland thn fitnin of pajing teneontfl for a Rbave. AD eoUirpritfing barbir,wbofl«cmB to apprecMf) the nffdn of thepeople, has openod B five cent bnrbpr nhop.This n(ll enable tho people to Bare a fewniekeU for Barnum's show.

Boma of the neVRpapcra an presentingIbe clnimfl for prominence of Condnctora8«a1fl and Gardener, of the D., L A W.road, IVhilo tba well known temperanceprinciples of Conductor Gardener are aon-ceded, it ia Raid tbat eeveml places hnvo beenwiped ont of business broaase of him de-structive raids a pen their I on oh coanlen.

MudiiiK Miij. Thns. .1. ITnltifty, Moj Clina. P.

'I [i"l]t^ i'4ni-p(i (iio livProf s\n ln.lin.Tiaivoinnii tr> crnw fiitt 'oflio ppigi«trnni cnnH-itiR hf r ilf.nUi F.ndii-H fJHinot h*» tno enrofnlin K'tnnlin? n'.-fiinfit. micli n calnmity na Hits.When tiplit lin'inet ninst bo indnlRpd in, thefpiyii^lrinin ulinuM tin v<moved and looVedx\V in HIP biirenn ilrawpr tor fiftftty.

Tbo fflnlish. «i!l (iontiniifi to Rtifiw at fllPfl.WhPT, Town CommilWnun K. 0- Smith'!icM thFit |>(»-itinii Imtorr, Hie prnHBut lawrrMvicting (^mraittpprain waqnot in fnroe.and t!»o llppnWican Cotnmittsaof which bamw n 'ncmbcr never ran tho town in debt,an <],.> r^ncut T>cmnnrntl(> OommltteD did.

The Tl-pnMictni of Morri^town on 'Tnen-iiny rvonini! nnniinntRd tho folio win a tickettn lie *<i|i|i"rli<l at tho elmttor el^oiion n u tHominy: Bi'cntttar, Ool R. 'M . SHtfBjMrlcrmnn, fhns. \T. K-iiffht; Cnnncilmen,Wm. S. Efirto') awl Dr. E. B. Woodruff. I tin bcliovcd ttiat the Democrats will not offernuy oppoaition, :

Tim Wnrrr.n Bcmocrat, of Pbillipabnrg,iPB Ooctreesmnn Hnrrifi of mmally•icHnnn when be trnn Pmsecntor of thei. i e t it gave him an unconditional

mipport lflcl Fnll flcepite the knowledgewhich It claims to i*ofness. Poea tbe Demo-

at want it lo nppenr that it is aoanitoraedHnnpiirlin^ ro^ncH for ofnoe f

One tbouBftnd laborers ore now employedm tbe eitenaion of the D., L. & V , railroadaetwean BiOfihatsUm aud Buffalo. Tbsforce, It la eipactod, wilt be laoreised to,000 iit an early day. . -Morrlntown baa purobwed twelve nans of

ground near the oity limits* &n4 will plaoa »stone crnBher upon it and oraok iba atone,wbioh ii found in large qwftntitlea on tbeplace, for use on tlie highways.

The Central New Jersey railroad officersave fanufd an onler prohibiting bagtfHge-ta^tt rn^brakeaiea and other employos fromirryiDR any packagea, mcrohmdiBB, DSWR>ttera for tbe pros!, etc., unleu the same

are wayblUeil.

John Lee) whr> did all the contrtot workI tbe High JStidfta Bnnoa of the Oentrui,this oounty, died at aeton P a , on Thurs-

day, in his G7tbyeftr. He camo from Ire-laud in lBfiS, and Lad filled oontraota on all

lie leading roads of Ibe country.Under the now nvelem Of" d^trlbutlog the

itnte Hcbool fuuda, aooordiug to tho taxablerentth of the ountle*, inatend of the num

of fiohool ohiMren therein, this yearHuwe* Oonnt.V will resolve £4 60 for eauhchild i Warren * U 6 i Morris, $8.84.

A writer in Ibe Popular Science Monthlyombaia tlie popular notion tbat night air isljnrioui to Iieatth. Be dtttiuelly deotoreeint it in not; and ss night air is absolutely<]« only hiud of nir that there ia at night,in (insertion imM be regained upon thehole as viry coiufortiu/;,Governor Lndlow Iiai failed to approve of

veuty-xii laws, of moro or teen importance,hicli wero pftased by tha lafll Legislature. |

reusing tho compuiiKntiou of county clorkH) •*." per day, nnd also ono inoreQHing their

sding in Mnrrhlowii, wan ono of n fishingpririy from Mount f!lpnient«, Mioh., lost on j

,t« SI. Cluir laiit week. After sevuml IIHJM ilenrch wan instituted for them and tbe

body of Astcll rotd HIP boatwrro founJ, butno IrncPB of bin coinpmiionH.— Humor. !

MIL)' will Killer cold, with Bncw in some to-ualiticB. Very hot weather between th« 8thaud 1Mb, with thunder r*howers. Frostsnre probnbto on tho 2T.tb and 2Glh. June

nnd wet. Stor.ny nod wet,r>t!i and fith. Fronts, 71b. and 8th. Eachmonth of tlio yenr will benr fronts. — Vcnnor.

In tho publication of tbo renohttinnnreflecting tho iKfitb tt tho Into MnhtouMunBOii, tho uiiddlo lotler used should haveb' en loft out, AS it might bare led to themimpprelionfiiou that our rcbuat friend Mr.A [it lil ou O Munson, had doparted this life,which is not tlir cano, and we truBt may notho ffir mnny y -tira to coins,

Sinco an item elsewhere was in the form,we learn that the arming* monts for the]mse ot tlie store neit to Breflae'B. to Mr.Fo^mtrt, have f«Hen tbrovRh, and that Ur.John H, Stumpf baa rented the place. Hewill fit up tbe place thoroughly, furnish itin n linmlaoine amnnerandopcnituin flrat-oinss rextnuraiit and ice oream aalo^n.

Tbe new aystero of dletributlDg tba Blntothonl fund*, whfob gives to each oMH lo

*4.20 and to each child lit- Warren

1 be ((over <nt has grunted an appropri-a n of •.W.OI'O for tba Pioiotinny PuvdoxDepot, wLIch will bfl received about Inly1st, when work will be active again. Amongu w improvements \n a wagon road from8pioerto*n, tbe right of way for which baabacn BAonrua. Tbe Iron work for tba firatat tba o«r powder inagttlnei ii abont nadv

3iocono of Nortlipm New JerM? will b* heldn Ht. Mottlidw's Cburch, Jersey Uity, onrc^d"y, tbo 17th inst. The Conventioncill probnblj lant two iays, jinil tba sabjact>f missions in the outlying portions of the

will protinbly ho the most importanttopic ttint will enpigo Its attention.

Tho reception to Mr. and JIw. Wm. B.eorg*, at tlio residence of Riohnrd Oeorg*,

Esq., was Bttonded by aboat ISO jnastfl ofprominencs from ill pnrbi of this vleinjiy.nnd frcm abroad, and WM ODO of the moatbillliant and enjoyable ooc&sions ok the kind

tn this section. Say, ofHorriRtowD, furnished the collation, irhjeh

rns of the most axeeDeot charaotsr.

It is a dismal picture whioh the hoop ironmnntifactaren of thU oonntrr nave pre-

nolice of the Searetary of IbvTrenanry. WDa olowdl, onoratlvea starvingand uapltal idle becanse-foraign ptodnaersan ' allowed to nnderaell la onr boma mu>keta, for h^mo ooniumption, InnorbntiUBiaofoonmerrialDeod. In tlie spirit ofIbat Yital prtadpal ot a repobllo, protectionto borne tediwlry, wa atoaU hat* • tatUIraffid.nUy ttroD| to pretett tlili and ntrj

d r h I tod

*+.3G, may moan that the children o r thoseBounties are more in need of edwjution tbaa

of Morrifl, ta whom bat JS.84 e«>h i ibut it looks like an aoUIruenB Im

pd by some gsniun whose eduaation Inequity has been udly neglected.

Mr. Mnrtenin, of Pleasant OTOVB, In th's'nnty, met with a novere minfortann »t tbe

Hnckettfltown dcpotlart MondJiT. His team,vainablo on?, beenma frightenea, and ran

dircoilyin front of an- approaohlng sowhkh canRlit tbnm; One of the bonM hadthe pole of the wagon driven in Me shooand biafootrout off making It neocwirytokill him. l ieotbre[mm bnt flli«Ltly injured.

It reciains no argument to prove tbat Atown from which good roads radiate in thedirection of outlying neighborhoods willcommand a larger share of country t n d ethan one that it reached by journey* overb»d roads. In lh« formweafle public travelis facilitated and becomes a pleamra; In thaUtter it In> disagiseftble t u k that is i«owhen poeelble to do no. Viewed, than, as anutter of economy and profit, It pays tokeep our roads In good aondltlon.—Ex.

A Handiome New Tum Out.At HcOnwkeu'a carrkga Cwtory may be '

»u it superb new dolivary wagon for thebottling bnaintrsa of Alex, Kanouae, wban tho boy• say, "taknathe Oflis." I t oon.taiusapalrofbnndnme vlawa of the Xwatt •Water ftip and laka Oeorga by Die-trick, tha UndsBape painter, which a n veryfine, aud in every other appointment thetorn ont la ffrel-olam By the way ••Alas.'has Bocurodtho Bgoncy for thia •ection ofBJltnllaBer«moui keen , and with inch araptriorlMven^andsoob* handsome de-livery wagon, it looks u If lie intended toeatcfc a big tnpply of tha.krg* Snoameitrade of Uila seolton 1B bis line: "Alex.1

one good qnallty—h« daals in onlythe, beat, and bli guarantee b\a1wayi snffl-olest to latiBfy tha pnrobiiiMr that h§ haa•emind a goo4 artlclo in whatever he bnys

Immenst Sa in , >*We are infor ned dnriug* the * past n-onifa

IheaalcGofOiogt and roediolaos at J. A.OoodiiU'iU-d Front Drag Store lu a beendffubU that of aey pnviom inonfj, rihflflntiurtedbniuieaib Eover-31

PORT MORRIS.Ia pttrmauoe of tbe tivtloe published

from tbe pulpits on tlio pruoedlns tabb&tha meeting of the dtfeene of 6taahop« WMsaid it) Olark's Hall, Friday cveclng of lastwaek, for tbe "parpoae of oonddering theevoroaobmeats of toe liquor traffic ia Uwtown, and (aking'tnensumto oounteraot theaama." When I gof, tt-ere there wire justthirty-tbrco of tbe citizens present, loolad-isg ten ladies. Abr&m L- Olark, Esq., •ncminatad for Gbainnarj, bnt declined, iP . J, UcDeda waa oboaen in jnlafltead. A.B. Cope was elcoted Ueoretury. I t timedout that tho parties who were instrumentalin having the meeting called, were not thereto ttate about what they wanUd. Therewere auggeatlooa made by Mr. A, h. Olark,Mr. Oopa, Mr. MnWilHatns Bua the 01 'man, but nothing definite v u dona exoepto adjaura ontll next Friday evening, MsjCth^ttbeaamabaU.

It wius raid there wen four places in townwhere beer was sold which paid no lioeniat all, and tbe only authority tbev bad to*ell was a receipt from (lit TJuitad StatesGovernment for a oartaln amount of moneypaid to the Internal Revenue Collector, forthe privilege of dealing It out by the quart,ftiid then it unit not be drank on the pram-iees. But it was a notorious fact that it waadrank on tbe premises, that minors could gothere and buy It by the gla i or any otherway and drink it on tbe premises, andnobody took the trouble to punish tha par-,ties for the infringement of tbe law. Itwas also stated that tha Bherfff of Suuei

Fcr thsj hetr't notaiug quite ao pretty

an4 effective tn ihe new woAlng maUtitUt

County « a a distlllttr and there ilittle bone of getting a Grand Jury vbtohwould indict anybody for wiling liquor aslong aa he had tbe rtrawfag of the jurors,Mr. Clark and Sir. Eoldwiu went to Newtonwith a protest aguinst granting llnenae to

u the cotton IUUBOB. Tb*j f » « been utioned before w showing vary graceful pat-tams on plain dark groundi, but «acb neiinitnlmont seemt to be prettier than tbalast. The flower patterns, ebftded, or rathertinted, iti wblto H d pale geld witb pinkfloghes or cream •hading into yellowbrown, ara works of art. Vat btnr d«iguiAhow gold and bronsa fignra* on oream andIvory grounds aud remarkable effeoU laApt&eM dedgns wbieh quite Dover the

urfoas and blend picturesque element* Ia »sort of harmony.

Sleeves have taken a very new depaittire-Tbe latest are niggostionB or modJfiwUoiuof the anoient " leg-of-mutton" of wbioh

may be toe foreronnen. They » »moderately Infl from ths top of the arm tobalow tha elbow, where th«y a n ebaped «odgathered into • deep Ught falling cuff. Tb«futhaesB m*y be Jeft looeo or it may beabirred in turongk tba centre, forming abitted baud. Tbe vleevos of light muslin,iwn and cambric drearta are made alightiy

full and ihort; that; ia, thty only reaohthe elbow, where they are ihlrrecl or

set Into a oloae hand and fiplahsd with adouble ruffle of Inoe.

Vtfy fiffeotivB black cashmere eontnmMa made einoolh ovor the hips and broadly

belted with satin, wblob also forms t i estanding collar rolled over with a Blightspring. Tlie bwk h u satin let in a i plait*wndor_tbe coat basque and the front a drap-ing oat out ia teeth which are lined witlioatln. A oap« fao«d and a hood lined withblack Htlia aacoropaalad some of thesedreaaes, bnt they aw nompleto without thisaddition.

algoedby twenty-etglit aames. Tbe petition forIhdiisa was only signed by .en, and thoughre IIOTO a theory that tbe majority shouldule, tbe court spurned tbe protest and[ranted the Iloanae, saying they might bet-er grant license* and get MHQC rennne forbem than rcfuse to grunt then aud haibe pnrtieB sell, tinyw&y, on a Qovsrnmentotornnl It«venuo receipt.Tlie Cbairtnan satd be had not been bitten

Iy Ibe same kind of Hag (bat had bittenDine of the otber tcraper»no« folks, and

lhat It might be ft good thing to

Mr. Al. hi OoodaJe this week started onti the road with a new wagon equipped

from tho well-known drug bouse of hiirather, Mr. <Jai. A. Ooodalt, who haa detar.

toed to extend bii> bueineas In a wholesalewiy throughout U10 oonutry. The wagon Ishandsomely painted, tho dotigniboiag forest

1, and in oorered with tbe title* of thelopubtr proprietary medioIneB of this old ra-

lishcd bouse.

go to tha Mlowa that get drunk nnd trywhat could bo done by talking hem intobecotaiug eobor citizcax, or fliiJiug nininte-

nt fur the ohildrcn and youth of them apart from the saloons. A reading

room, for, lnatonoe, where thB oveningflcould be spent profitably. He nndorstpod

at Ur. Young had made the temperanceinjilo an oGf>r to fit up tbat room, wblob

crea te all this temptraaoa excitement for areading room and Furnish f out county papers

yenr if they would pny him $100 a veerTor it, Bav. George Miller tbouiiht tha rent

itty high and Mr. Glaik said he badoffered to furnish a reading-room fnr th*young people f Stanhope once, nnd whenhe thought they needed it IIM would do itagain, This ia a voty brief rncord of thiproceedings of a meeting that Insied nenrlyra hour* and.a half. Perhaps thie freeit«rohenge of viawa may leail to some

result nt the ueit meeting.

Little Olarenoe Staofehoniie, ton of WiH. Btookhouae, of Htanhope, fell Ia tbecanal near hi? fsthor'a store, on Saturday,and was drowned, Twice before he fell in

ie canal and was rescued, but this (Imo hewas In too Jong before It was known and

iBn he was taken out ha was past the aidof medical skill to bring him Lack to life.The sympathy of the community ia with thaparents In their e&A bereavement.

HOT. J. W, Porter ptonohed one of Ihemost eloquent finioral twrinons over Ihe rc-inivlus of the dead child (ha «AS 5 yaura and

lonlbs nnil eight dityi a\i) It h u evern my fortune to liutan to ; and maiy

LII eyo wna di .u ue<l with tonrt during ite dc-very. Rev. Geur({o Millar ot the M. E.hurch was ia the pal pit with him and.1 io priiyer.Jacob WoolBlon died at Lockwood on

Inmlny.MIKS Jiilin R. Cotlrell, only remniniiiR

Slighter of Mr. nnd Mrs. fi. J. Oottrefl,'mil at tho rosiJenco of her p;irenlH, intniiliopo, on Tuendny mcniirg. nliont 2dock.nttorrvii illncraof nboiit nioo d«y«.lisn GXirtll wna one of the most CBtiiunlileounglnaiefl of Stanhope, beloved itad rc-icctfiit by oil who hod tLo privilege of her•.piniutivuce, nnd nh« will bo mused—rvittly nUHs il—lint ouly by her bereaveditbcr nnd mother, but by the whole onm-muity of which nbo van such » useiuliombnr. She h«d been teacher in tho pri-lary (lepnrtment of tho public school formio time bofore her death, and it ia ibeeet loslimotiial to her worth that tbe littlebilJrou l'ireil her. I tnow a little 7 yearId boy who rame homo on tha Friday be->ro her death, crying, an though his henrt^ould break. When his nuxioui mamma

wliod him whaltbo matter wiw, ho (old her,hPtweeu hia sobs, that Homebody Raid "JIlw

ilia wan'deHd." It tamed ont that the re-port was premature but so higher, tribute

mid be paid to the worth of the now deadtencher tUan the tenn of tbat HUls boy.Her funeral wa» from thd . Presbjteriftu

irob ar A p, re. Thursday—tfo late furme to any anything of tha services this week.

In hunting around fnr ths w»sh bmtinFaduewlny morning, I toned the boys bid

Wi it bat doors witli wnter. in »11 ufght un<lthere waa ice on tlie wat.j a full sixtaentbof m Inch thiak. . . .

The cnal battiness -in rnsbtng now, yieiipp d more thuu 2 000 atrn from her<> lwt

Satanltiy. There ii mnre freight aud oreninuia'g over the roai now (ban aver bu-

, They are "Juubltng up" ttie oraWs (oit iiwAy, If you #BQt tu know what

doubling tip minii ton rillrndar jriit' asktUetn. I t wuold tdke ton rnaoh apioa lo

ipUIn It to oatside , barb.irlana in Ar .whloli has tha ojvettising

IoongritnUtQ Ooarley Biker, th'a genitaltowmhlp. IHn a gltl._ • •••'•:$, K

A Trout Flther Entraordlnary.•We 'lava heard of nil kinds of floblng. but

never nnytbinfr qnite aa entrnordiOM-y ONoltfJiting: Ut. O.S. King, of PUuden,» prtid wblch in plenlifullv Btdoked

with trout At tha outlet In a wh«tl forchurning power, aud tu tbe ddlrv Is locatedat the Other end the chura rods ore carriedacross oa (imberajiiat above the mrfnee ofthe wnter. Air. Efnff also owns a oat which

learned a neat trick in trout flnhlng. Shegoes ont on the timbers < and earefnllj dipstbetipofoneofberfore paws In the water.A trout, supposing It to be a fly, will risefor ft, when Kilty slens it and btars it toshore, wbere sha makea\ subaUntial mealoff the delnied fish. In ona day but weekshe was socn to enptnre three trout in thlimanner. Her owner boa given her the ap-propriate name of ••Fisher." •

The Charter ElectionThe Democrat* di l ni t have an; eleotian

on Monday, eonteqaently the Republicantbiiet wni elected without oppoiMon, re-esiving 139 votes. The new Common Oonn-ollwillbeoompoMd of ths foll6<riag gtlemea:

Uayor-Qeorge Blohards.Beoordar—Thoa. B. Oritunden.AMannsn—ColnmbosBiaeti, I^no Ennee.dommiw Oonndlmen—Julius

Wni. S. Gillard, Albridge 0. Bmilh, J .s , D.Lewis, H.,O.WfaItlock.

Hie only ohaoge h> Ut. Whttlock in planofUr.W.A.Vought.

New York Produce M&rket.F!oni doll; BO qnotationa Wheat—

WhiU>, »1.M; R«(<, $1.34}. Com, 65 aifla*. Oa'a, « } ard 53}, Beef nomiiinl»U.5rt Arrl $U. Fork, new, $17.80 a•18; old, $1S and •10.M. U r J . $11. CO.Batter Bnd obeast no flhangn ERRS, WW-Urn, 13c Tnl 'o* flrraat C^ond 0 9-l(Jo.

HaokattstewithuaUwyu for trexv 800


E. LINDSLEY& SOWIOn or before May lat we will open our new store in the BBIOK

BLOCK with a full and complete line of

Dry Goods,CS- roceies,



House Furnishing Goods.The stock will be carefully selected and

if those who contemplate buying will de-fer the same till our removal we will make

an object to them bothv?Jin thef qualifyand price of goods.


A n>.e I d of fUtifng poles at Berry's.

Hoy ynur G,mlen Sued-* at Vongh! &. Kill-

A Po "i H'W orRilfl fnr thirty-five cent^Berry's.For » fine Summer Robe or Hcaeo Shoal

lultA. Tij'lw *6oo's-A. Tavlor & Son bave the largcei assorl-

it of Hamew In Morris County.A. Taylor &• Son are selling team barnesm

>r t25 persat. Cull anil sss them.B.trb Wire, the bent nart chanpegt feno-

ng—Barry has It at his EUrdwurd Store.C.IUnd WD tlie JIG harooM nt A. T ^ -r . t S V a i best in the market ( all bandilo,A tine RUHortment of fly nttn, tvni blnnk*i, enr nets, n«'k conls aud wagoti mats atTiylr.r & Eon'«.•WLUfl 8' leotud Potiwb, On ti centra ted Lye,id P.itnBb Hulls at Vonght & Killgore'somer DniR Storw.aimplesoftha vnriona tints of JohnsonV

nine gWannwny at X. A. Ooodalo'aRedFroi t Ding Store.

Atlnnllo Lmd and Jrhoson's Eatsomltiesold wboleRile to dealers nt mnnuficturerfi

nt X A. Oiodide'a Bed Front Dragitore.All kinds of collars, light and heary bar

brunbefl, whips, saddles, bridles, bul<ta, sponges, chainolu, eta., at A, Taylor A

n'H.All tbe Inset powders Tor the destruction

bugn. ninths, ourmnt worais. Potatof ro sold at Vangltt A Killgore's, Oor

erDrog Store.

Call ill J. A. Gotxdile^ B»1 Front DragItoro and get a namplu mrJ of Harriion'n orivcrill Itmdy MiiB.1 Faint, which ii gwir

teed to hut louger than ibe bent while

Before you boy leas nnil ooffeei alwayn gow Turk and Obini Ten Company

ipposito tho biff brick block, and be couid tint yon otiii buy a pure article at tbf

'crj- bottom prices.Wj-eth'» Elixira, Squlbbo's Fluid Extractd Powers t WeiBhtmnn'n ahsiDloala areovru by pliysicinon to bo Hionwflt teliabkany ninda. Youglit & KillRdre always

3 tba ubove goods in tha propnrntion orresoripllons.

Mm. S. Trewnrtlm, on HuRsei Mrcot. IBifig a Hpoowlty ot children's toys andlier plaoa nllei with oipress wagons,

oils, ftnrriftfles nnil many other thinga toligbt (be hearts of the children during1 sensou. 0*11 end sse them.MiFw Nolan. Ihe milliner, nt her new

itore on Black well street, opposite Par deeOlatk'a, oppca n veiy bmidsotoe line of

pring bonnetfi, butfl nnd millinery goodn,bnt will nitmct and pleii^i nil ihe ladles olhis Bueilnu. Her e l lauded exparience In

han developed a taste nailg givoi her superior ndv.w'a^eflpnrehiwfng. Bend her ftdTerlisunient

T h e B vWd Nev TeMainent will be 1B.fd in tlir cunrwo of ft fcwdiiys, and willtmol fjencwl uttiiiitibn on the rnrt of nilhit dflniie tn BBC lo vbjit ruannat it differ->ui lb« old rditotts. Mr. E. A, S-impaotiagent for tbe ealtt of tbe work in Kan-

!ol(iti and Hook away townsblpn and tho«eho gift) liiin their ordeis will lie Nure toivetlieniitharfzed edlli.m of the internn-

ioiul eoHimittoe,

Sew In y and R^apfnc

When n yoong Udy tiemn bandberohiefKr a rich bacbelor, she eaw« that nbo tuav

reapi yfken Ktedi ot dlseaiie are plantedthrough over Indnlgeoeo, joo con pravtnt

nnderbiker from rtaiping the boueflt byoiJBUlUnB your physidan and having youi

prcaorlptiDns prepurctl wilb the beat maUrials nt,Yo'nglit 4 KilJgoreY


Watches! Watches! Watches!

How She gnved Honey.'For nearly nil yeiti my dau^blEr WAS 1

if tbo Lime an a ilck-bcd Iron lldnuv and[her olcoriJen pcoiiKar tn women. Wo bid

nned np orir fivlng* on doctor* tn<J preicrip-witliaut my bcnoDt, Oar dominio ad

rluednn to try PABCBIl'H QINGEIl TONIC,mil fonr bottles effeotcd a rairreloos curd

lia* IJMD our only medicine mace, and a dol-Ur*s worth bai kept our family woll over arear, we bava bwn ai>l« to lay hf a little money

fora ralnj day.'—A Poor M»o'i Wife,Tos SALS BT TOTOHI A SILLOOKX,


urn & Co.THIS

BooksellersEGINU 3 I J - 5 }



A Big Stockor



Compriaing all the aeu* doaigns in stifl' and soft liabFINE DEBBY low medium and liigli croivu iials iVou$1.50 to $3. Fiao soft fiir hats from $1.25 to tiJin,

Boys' and Children's HATS, verystylish, from 60 cts. to $1. I have allf my hats manufactured expressly:or me and guarantee them to givelerfeot satisfaction. Call and I willuit you with any style aud price

that you may desire. Wo old stock,iverything new and fashionable.


:areli;iOtli, 1881. DOVER, N. J.



•iii-wiinliti«,«f*ll sradoii anil (jiinlitiw, and i\n,p»S in i,ii..; fnini lliclowosillUCKI-'UKD WA1CII»"H. rPtn-cinllv nilnijit'il io JHIIII>III1 mill nil oilier tin•*

D^TMKNT IH KlirK^illiY. WALTHAM AND i itilN-•- Ct.O(Kfl CLOCKS! JEHlil.liy ol

,WUi])]Ka 111KOS, M-XJf-CHAlKH,•Eh.h KIKOS, mo. SlliVtlH-l'LATED WAHE in «r«al vm-itty mnl ilmic-e pntloi m. HUG-HS' BLLVJtfl EO11KH AflC KI'OOHH uod uiilcks Tor tablu uto at Iln- IUHIBI raaittl lirlro.


Bepairing of Fine Watches a Specialty and Warranted-


It affords mo plrMisoro to announce to mycustomers nnd tbe public tUat my utoclt ofSjiriiig nnd Bummer Goods Is now complete,and tbnt I am prepnred to make SUITS TOOltDElt (fit ami workmaaRliip Riiamntefld)at priLPS BO low Hint no room will bo left forcomplaint. Evflry piece of goods beforebeing put in Block in tboroughlj tested audshrunk, aud uo Karmi-nt will ba allowed toleave my Ktfire till thr cnsiomer in perfectlr

* lifid Enpeciol care will be taken to (hisI nd tbat uotbing HIIIIII hn loft undone to in-i nre R perfi ct fit and ever; esttiefaotion to allI bo fuvor mo with their custom. My uuo-

i nre eiperience, should be n sufficient guar-uUB iliat Ikuow tbe wnnte cf Ibe publiclid tbat every cuKtomcr will be fairlj dealt

LUHII Mil tlo uiu LUU i ivor to lente ilipir orders early ia order to necuremccssfirj to tailoring. With tunny tlauku for past favors andarlyeall I U B I I I K kocaa UssrECTTOtLT,


>rigiual and only legitimate Expanding Lpftdor iu the market.


Soi^ AGENTS Fon THE STATE OF NEW JEHBEY. Architects sijcciiyi buildora recommend it; all practical pluuibers, tinsmiths nndroof-a use it. This CONDDCTOR oxtonsivolv uaod throxighout tlie United

Stales has pained an unprecedonted and increasing 'popularity, made ofheet metid and so formed lhat it will yield to tbe expansive force of™ter that lioeonies therein ; it is thus prevented from bursting in win-'ir, thereby saving to jiropsrly owners the exponse of rciilasterinn andepapering damp waUs occasioned by the bursting and leaking of theirdinary round conductors.

Testimonials have been received from the following residents of ,ifewark, N. J., whore it iB in general use:



Fr iioni.1 Ift Voi ("Dlcdts0 TELL 9EtS INALL. Two knMit opi.buid lei, lunp

f»ncy top.u ihavm Inled iprlngi, meUl font*01 b ; welRbt 40O Ibl.

DI«.%- «L.Tdry .1711*11 [IM. UprlRUt bnllci . _

pUte., mllom f"r ino,lnR, fcr. Ueluht. 71 inch,, j .Triitli, 3( )uili«9 : IsuHtU, «fl! icbe.; welRbl. 40O Ibl.« u ITlto boied <tnllForrd on r.mlirr., .tool.b™*. mv.lo. nn|j- S O F J ' IT ESUHEQVALEDIUrti.n.. Church, t-h.p.l and P.Ttnr, (30 to H.tOO. 1 tn i!J .top.. Baby or^.a*. onl; ,15. BplnndlA tiov

orn.rB. i fall int. «.d.. fnr $M. Th. "Put ." nffered for ,9S, «miftnlficont lnBlrtlm.nL Other d .•Inhle nownylei now readr. PIARO8. Or.nd. Squire iud Upright. fl'JS tn ,l,aw. ^ . R E U l I b y

Tl VTSi XHIXJ B". B B A ' l ' T ^ t ,WASHINaTOH, W.

IT IS A VERY STYLISH CASE. Now ts your time to order.

'ctober 2«th, 1880. (4My)Agent,




JBa inre anil uk jrour tinner for AUSTIN'S PATENT Eapindtng GaWftnlrcd )>nOer.

[Extract from Nneark Morning Registm-.]•WATER LuADEns.—An Intoruatiiij; eiiisrlmnt in lw|n« Irled duringidler bv the BDmifQraBrothi-rB.pluin'ben.,No.84DBroad »t»et?to 'ml•tin s raloot EipjiiidiOR GaUaui^'J l,cail(ir «\«r tLe old-radiiouwl tlu*i 'I1 " M ' . rice** rf iosiW tevcil [not ID leoRth, cloned it one end. vrifjlit position. fillt-Owitb water, and mire Alloivca to TrvAte ROIIII Thefour fuclH H iii riiwucler nnd *ol.!oietl nt UIG ponma nud Joints, burst miniilotkonlriintodexpiwiinff leader Hood (ho teat wIlLont n crnck nrscrii In front of aanilRjrd firos', fltoro. Areliiteots reconimwul (lit I'xpaniliiiff In•Ir BpficifloBtiona. .Bnlklera and llie pablio sliuulil u l l nn.l uiaimiir tli!>m HA SI

iKU'l, are tlid sulo agaiili, *-.AllordtrarorlliDBboTBlon^r will rccevo nnimpt *tk-jitl(,u nn,l nhii.iK-d t»aiSiaio. Iiifurnrntion prompth larnidicd, Liljorol dincumit to (lie Irmit'

BANDFO1ID EltOfi., BROAD ANP CLAV 8TS.. SAHtiF.inii. (9-3ni) F. lto^ HAS

Ihe |

tin Iriirt l.vth


Sewing Machine.ThreCrqunrtci'K of nil (ho Kc«in? machines

sold throughout Ihe world are Siugcrs. 'I liisworld renowned iHiielilno is soil) cm inoiitlilypn.viiivntH of $:{ «t the compnny'N office,near (lie linilioiid. Wo chiirgc no fiiiir.yprice tor fancy wood cowra. A solid wal-nut cover with each miK'Iiino. Every uvu-iiino Ninger bus a gilt trade murk in tliostiiiid legol' each iiiacUinc. All ollicrs :wamere luiitutioiis. WE JIAVI3 ISKJlOY'JIlto Sew iSloro on nLACKWKIX St., StOXTTO WSI. II. HAKKlt'S STO1M5. Nc»illew.oils mill ercrythiiig pcrliiiuiiig lo liic ti'iulc.lli'pius'iug a specialty. Buy direct throtulitbe coiiiiMttyV olllco mid hiiv-e a resnonsiMewnrniniou. Wo furiiisli any iiiiicliine iuthe markot at lowest ilaurcN.

P. II. ItUItUBlJL. Sole A.taut,AT T U B KKW STAND,

('ovpr.N. J-, P^h. lotli. 1H81. HI.ACIOVI-1LI., rs r .



Colliers Wanted!Throe Co) Iierg wnntCtl on thoN»tii»a Ooopti

Tract, neir Oboiter. Apply t«JAH. B1\ZTJRE.

fur Liilta, Q..I. .ml OiMros >l


flrrlsCoilFSaraoBaiilM0NB7 TO LOAXtl


?oBft D. Btuim, ifeaianr

Page 4: FOE THE BEST TEA AID & JAPAN WARE, FHUIT ONB , Ac, TIN HOOI'JXO, li.iVES, TIlOtlOHS, ... facilities to


ami BUHU tueu sigL tb sHI '1 rtport tg the collectoaWp


same, HD<J deliverd id t

aWp.6. Ana be ibe it ernicl

d aud Jlrrthe aB.efnn;nt

bis act (lull bitnd* mulroal m-

t .... .of tairt


t»t<- i u ^ c d from?h"bit ire boea delivered to ttiu <c.! lee tottovjielup. ia tbe turn* aianavr and to ibeu m « extent tbat taxes i re now lieoa uponlot* or tntotf of land and m l e*Utn in aaidtownship.fl. AnSbelletnttMt, That if the owner or

(iwner»of »ny lot or tract of land and real(Btatb, H-bieh ibil! bs us-esitd Tor tnv toi-Itruvewciit aforesaid, shall desiru to pay tlionbole MMIsmoDt n-bicb etitili bo midu sudlovicdnodar the pronaione of this act np:«oMB ur tlielr Isiidi and m l estate, strtwiib-•lauding thu prtniiioin ol tbs secouil i*cend section ot tills »:i, tlie » id tnwniiblf€()!umi!t«f, or a majority of ilirin, are lit-! t-lyauthorized Dtid emp/nrt-ral, after 'lir rofwnsoil certificate i'i writing Biiull have ijueu An-Jivered to tbu cUleelur uf the d-wi'ilnf «>alua-iinid, to remit or iWuut from an^antnil asxeismccts n|iich ishiil be so JMMI a sunnot e*ce*nlinB fiftem i*r ecuiuui ol any sui-l

' ; provided 6U0U pay mm t is wadt•o uiootlin ufti>r eaiJ report amuliatl baTti boun in saiJ coilen-

tor's hordii, KiiJ a n ; melt dedneiiona iliallbo coBsidtffett an a portion of Hie Iisknoe toi e raised *<i aforesaid b r a n d tnwiwbip.

7. Amilie it enacted, that iliu calleelor of«ftidt[>n>nnhip shsl^as SOOQIS the tm\ reportrtall lt»VB been delivered lo liiin, proceed tuculleei Hit aKSfiriraeiiM nimed m »»td reporfond shall Eire notlco, in like manner a* is re-quired of wild cnnffiistrioi

lime and, whetwilt be m»Jo, togellit:

* * , andltii ci

once each WteU. torprcriou* to mull sal

four tvcekl ioceegii'rcriou* to mull sale.3. Aud be it fDieu-J, Tin t »acb l

tticri^bt, tide nud intiT'.-i*t t.f micbcities therein sball tie faulil in sqiar.ileparcels of tbe niaa dirocuasoiiB s i twere oiigiuall? osi09«od nad puby mcb c n j or cit iei; except iu cn&r46ieBimeDt» have been divided uuri B[i46ecd n

r to allow £t

r to

B B B Dorithtn

t leaetul

s, in nectioiu e&cn wuos

tlof Bireetcnniprmid ireijiiirirg tlio ownertfetid ami real estate«;trt lo p»; tlit' amo

«8<JB»ed ioanta ul Hid a e d li

meat, oenacted, Tliat if any amen*

r initalmmit or initial incuts tbercotnpnu flnvlttor tr«eiof land ond real esraltmade na'acrlhci.roTisi»nsoftliIs act «ballre

in unpaid aftorfhe expiration or th li d th d suctio o n l i n


iunpaid afto

tid in the secay pm

L l

iono.}, tin-e<) to IHII-'f thu lotsled tbo sail] ajuteiwiiients by 1

(i«*t«smenlH have IISPH imputed. nn<l rentaluiiiiaul, in the tame niium-i* anil t j the MUIIeiteat&u bndsaqd nml oslato nr» now aolfur utiOAid taxes In «f<t Unrofllnp, and ItpnrelinBer or purciiastTsal auy *ucti gale <gales, oiid bio rqirewntativi-H, aimhold Iami <-i»J «™ [ " J ^ ^ ' S ^ ' n l

ti or the deliwi

Bfts tbe tiBTicfllH "I ibii p:irty sn ii|!|se liiii-,'. cmi I«»MP lohi- fi'anxMi far tlirtl |)lii']i 1*1, lltriil ivlinmifntnill be 0 .ucl'l^tc 1 us 111 11H11

liv t lvtn! if Kthe OiiKilial "yp ftji1 'li'J cn*t

nil iu!cr«9! ii"sting again

hall no ailjonnit'd! tor not W<lor mure tbn.11 sis 1ale such lot ur lotsnt tiiildt-r tUerefi'Tniontit owing nn su

5. Ami lie It eiiiicti-d, 7b;


) to ys tlity


ahull sign,

» CntlVCVinB Hi

iicbiuchcitvtoils? 1

3*jii to l i« ifiiiu dc-Bcnlied, whi-,

, Hereof hatlag bctiilnlr pnivi'd, may ln< recorded In tbe offribectorkor roj,'i*tt'r of (he ooantv 1:1 vMich landK aro silaatni, (be fame as tiK-Ctli orooiitfvanc^, i*iilijfd. ijOForibelotfl tollio lien and UDPtimlirnnce thereuii of ellnd eicnm

yaimsseilt iBieon by 1

mpaid ifatripal poi

itloortltlcithailnol beetUfVL-rlhclesp, U11U uo ol

-H In siAl and convtv.d lit- it emu'tf'd.ThiUllO'liorliiT Kt'(oi:i] or OPIII

v'ed Miirdi23 fn ' l f iSl. * '

E. SIXiBZiRlaf reilne&d (lit- price lor pliiti painting tc

$1.90 PER DAY



iijn:i !'.• I MT at ttrniw. C iiitrur- talien foi

Frescoing Interiorsi>\ i-iinrulici ;IIII] r' nil nc ' s . B;)ccimciif uf ivlioli

irill I), .bf.jvii il dos i r td . S(y sturk uf

11 omoiii(I iccrii'*i'fit at I

imf, iviili dim "f ltd-

siix ntT cctf.itiMiuily, andpor aunniti, pnyo

mnde pnynblo at nny nmn uoi ^it imniKjresrnrmm their c!ato.timl>0in!1 not bo intiutetlnt n.rati-lGMjtliaHii:ir; and all as*monts Tcir Mid innm'VettMUits, nn<l a!i t.iraiacd tniufet tlm puriinn nf the r-o«tsexpftDBM Dfiscsucd to said twntdifn, «•paid, aliaUlwkcpr mwrt and usi-d twi.'i'fyPUT raid buniU nitli ihe miorpatH rli^n-

U binl l &l i hea bo ri

tle in

ikl'tRWfaraontB, fnr tlit-lr lull

11. Anil Uo It enacted, Thnl this act shall tnki


ict (c


regulate tlie cbnrctfl 1d l l i t person inran pert . . .

asylum* ol thin nniv.1. Bti it unactfil hy thti Son ate ai

AaBBtnblyot tln> Sum of Sen- JciFroiti and after tliu pasatiKC or thia Bbe liiivtiil tu chaise llio lU i t t i tlaw i>c,' wtbo"N(--w" T h e Sl-itrJBtoWQ.Nper am

t mni

f Iotek f

ii tbe

mug II

i.irJiut,' and ttito Lurmtic A

sylum tin ihu luse.'si'j," any yiupcy bii Heut to HHUIITP in l lo in mine

law rut hiit

* 2.C°AlDitJb"iTe'uncted, Tbat this att ihall tiefli;ot iramedmtci.v.

Approved Murcb 33, 1881.

CHAPTEll G05V.A furl lior supplement to an act en tilled "

net retpeoliug confcyaiioi 'March twenty-neTcutb, jne thundred ami asventj-rnur.

irtrustB I roal tmal to bo recorded l>7 nutburity of llio pient reoordiiiR law; tor remedy wlioruuf;1. Be iitsuicuil by tbe rtvtiaie and Gem

ABHCrably ot tlio State of SOT JUIBIIJ, TintwriliURft In-re to tore ramie ur burualifi lomatlL1, l i ilccinrti or tu direct aiiy u»o or trufnialcBlfttu, 01 which tlnuigli made or toaiDilo lur »OIUB olbf r parpost, are je t , by tliteurns of any recai'dablu decil. or *vlll «-li!c

- refer* tu twclt writiug, raiAn to ope ratan Mich a declaration or direction, may be noordudin thft nitua niiinner a* du 'oordeOic thcofflooonboclork ofIn iriilah mub real estalu is sitirod tbat such wiilinj! Klinll lie remotRto or (liu rcelrtiir or ilecilH kUio uflloe ol tbo clerk nf 'lio cubolb offices citBt in thu cumty 111real L-xtutti ie nitUDlo,

2. And'be tt enacted. That evorv xnuiwriliajt, bi'forc licint; roMrdccl.Bliall gupro<by the BiiliHcnbln^ wituop« therelo, ortiiowledged bv tlio graut'>r tborcoT, In Inmnner aidrctl^ orconveyaooe ur renl en)are now required to bo rchnovluilgedproved except as provided In HID ULXL 1

3. Ami be ft eiuutcd, Thnt irbeo any si•writing derives Its force as sucii a fk-i;!arator <1irui;tioii frnn\ unj rrcori!a.l>'i; ilocil nr <whicu

ill h nil Uanml r

acknowledged no r^qriifod In Gcinin ttvothin not, tban anon irrittug, e.i opurntin^such a declarntion iir dirooHon may bpcorded ag ufurcsaid. ti'.tivittutiio.iuiK thcenmaT not in* pnmed or noknnivl^ljjoi] ; pr»Tetl, tlml In miob cnui anlisfantory prool si:be mate before the circuit court of Hie cumin which tlio real OBtiito la sHnate, to bo rdeneed by tho cprtiflcilo nr tbs prealdijnd(jc! 01 BSifl court oudocsetl npun tUt» RwriLine.over iiii signature, Mini Hie wrilieo onVrod to bo recsidfil ia tlio id^niicU >viinft no rorcrrri] to in BOCU rei-urd<:i! ilroilwill, mid ten ilavs nnticior the appiicatioii ttaiilunnrtttbtll bpglri.ii, bv jianlicniion innewspaper puMMiwI in iliu tininn* wlierc 11land ii situate, vr wbon no ncivntiapcr It pallBbedin HUOII county, tbun 'liu noiicc uliabo pnblltUed ID a. liuffapap^r circuit ing 1

i. Anil be 'It onncted, Tbat the record 0IUCII writincH wtlb nurli ctrliflmio ihctoandcertiDBdOor»tBor such rotorJK shut)avrai-ncod in U e Pnire room,or cud in Icfl-e» Hi tlie reccnis ordeudn.

9. Andbeitftiacted,TbRtthiB act nbalideemed and taken tu bs a public a d , and iboltikaeffacHmmeillniely.

Approved Murch 35,1881.


An acttoantliorizfiolilDa to loll anil conveyBach tillea to land* w mar have been noqnlred by parchmms anch lands Tor tlie

1 of aisesracutB for improvo-

, __:eurote In many cities or Istnte public improvemeutrt were canue.tbe made by filling in, Rradinc, curblflnETRiiiR or pnriER itreeti , urbybnlliii*owers ttierttn, for which improcemontatandu itnpposed to bave been benefltted5iy suob imprortment or Impro-vemewcro awuaBod, and for non-payment at stiKBaeiimcnt or a • ten BID en In, mcli landB Inbeen advcrtlaed for sale for » torm ot yoaand for want of other pnrchaiurs »ncnland« bnve been pntebas«d for a term ofyeariaitforeHtld. fnr tlie benoflt of medly.or eiUen in which enob land• were rltia^e; aDil wbcwaa, by reatnn of the nee amilatton of Intercfll on inch amesfunAntH, nt4hn onniiral deprpctition In tbe values t.

. . t ottbgleitatc, inmanycaiiei tao owners of (hoIn Kaon lands BO ainsiieu and sold at

-osald b i » nealectcd and refmod to ro-

realciUtcinmanyifee In raon lands taforesaid b i » nealectcd and refosdeem inch lands for more than . „lfmltalbr law for redemption thereof aftertlie tald land* ware fold in ifareiiid, where-by tbe title of *neb oltlei for tbe term orterrai aforerald have become absolalo; anr1

whereas, sneb eltles hive so means olBtilltfnff the lands io pnrcbaiicd for Donpayment of asiewrnients; thcreforo,1. BolteDBCted by the Benite and QenPr«I

Aiaemblj of the State nf Naw Jersey, ThaiIn all casrfl nbeie anj city or cities In thh•tate bare or bold any land* by Tirtao ottparchase or pnrchases ondcr and aaloanob lands for the non-payment of arjv•essmtot or MtetamentBlhereon ftr ( r a p r o v o r o idadCg OT claim to hivo anyright, title or Interest of, inlands h* virtno cf nnrM rnreha

f henlohre nmd(

herstof ore

pnr-e lim-

oanacil, tnaroranii a1d*rmeD, or the corpnr-ftts aotbotltiei of mcb city, by whatersrname they may be called Jo detonate atime and place for sale, and to direct tho dtyelerkor/snca city to arlvartlie tnd xell at nab-llo vondao, to tbe blRbett bidder, all therlKbt, title and interest whlcb n e b city has or

'elalnii t« bare of, in and ta inch lands piir-chi»od for tbo non-paymant of msEiiraeataafunaald ; pronded, neTcrlbele.n, anob landaabail be imM aflbjeol to tb» lien and anoam-lirancn of all unpaid taxes at nay tlms liercto-fon (SfMMd and lefiod thereon by tbo lawfor jpncrai taxation for lUio. oonnty andmunicipal psrpoi**, and alto mbjoot to

^ald water n\m.


' JIIITKRENT DKSIONS. R(mm Occnip tn SOcctim per nmrom 40 CIM. to *3. I cannot bu 1


Ceiling Decorations,


Gold Mouldings, Hooks, Sc.

Siz™ for Ka!«m!iiniiii,', mixed lo order, ineviTy cotnr, by tlio fjunrt or gnllon.

E SIEBER,Cor, Bkcteell and Essex Sts.

April uu, 1881.. D o v e r , N . J.


Confectionery,THE 0H01UKST UPA.VDS nF SB;AIM, TiJE






At»i*«A, 31.


MASONS and BUILDERD o v o r , 3ST. «T-


l Brick M'.irk. Pl.wo i-iR iJobbloy promptly uttcuiletl to. Ordernit W'm. H, n..tnr'H tlnre will n w h o airiml prompt uttoution.J. O. MILLS. (17-3m) FRANK GIEI


oUl and |]Ai><H(.'(t on coitimiEsiun.




Purllifular attention givon to llio


buyII In

il u

uy orIn Iliol




SUSSEX St. GROCER,ill uouliuuiu to keap a full auil fraKli:H to keen)


Iroccries nnd Provisions,


gn nml ['omnnlm<) Goods, miahnlii Ju hi* linnr« «*ill nlwiiys h

)ftln;h-'Ht (jmiti'l}'ic in ut lliu I.IOHI rcH!.nt willi tlit |ii!irefit, nenrllii! oorniOctobpr 17tli, 1S7H.

bent grndenmimilius of

gcqiiitl pnliiR 10

K p . UT of BlnckwcU, Dover.



Carpet Weaving, in nil widths, done inIQBB stylo at lowest rates. The boat

lud of warp only lined. New carpets onfor nnlt\ The liigbeet price paid f(or token ID eithnnRbf or carpet,IT I IES D V K O n i i d C lonned

iu goad s ty le .- . M a s 2Glli, lbBO.


A. TAYLOR & SON,it their new placo of bnBineBB over GeoTft

RichnrOa & Ca.'a »tnro, BLAOKWELl, ST.,DUVKlt, stiil continue the luud In llio

mauufacture of all kfiuh ur

HARNESS.1 to call 1



Special ntlimlloa Riven to the mnkinitFINE IUHNE8S to order. Hrnn|inr!,rHHOKslJ BLANKETS of all kind-, luclndArmy UUnkoi*. Hquarc Blankets,etc., etc.UUFrAI.O UOBISi, 1VOLP ROBES,


to bs found in a first-do sa ha[nil nont. H-U

ud nil el BO

MRS. M FARR1 the

llja refuli ot Port Oram ami vlnii of her NEff aTOCK.

Spring and Summer Millinery

irbieb emlirace* all l|io new and taBterulthlncn.'ml nnviUkH (it tliAsonxon. ALSO A COIFLETB LINE. OF

Ladies' Fancy Goods,OOMPRlfilNQ MANV USEFCL AND OltXA


RUG IS nlsn SOLE AGENT in PORT OIIAlor tliree iliflfrrcut firms, viz:

Statcn iNlaml Dv.1nK nnd Oletulns En\n\lislmpnt, of Ne^inh ; tlie Ikn-d Umial Optin.Onmiiiiiiy, Hew Sorli. nn.l Tor Jlnifl. Demorcst1KEr.lAlJLE PATTEttNH. Qlvt lioraenll.


1836. Spring 1881Wo (loitrt to inform tho rnmior* of Ih

paper I ha I wanrecorapiolme'dailja full J m n




Furniture•quBlloany sold ol«where. In low prioad

oodinm Rooila we sboiv a great rariety.Tho qnalil.v ia the BEST, FItIC£B REASON-ABLE. Onr narao is ms well imowu In SIind Snidci conn t in za !u oar own city. W<

nill fumiih your home* with eYerjlUloonr IU161 Including




\AX you to call on xm. It

'AY you to Bend goods to us for'

REPAIRS. It will PAT 700 to

PURCHASE of us and have goods

Bafelj delivered on our own "wag-

>ns or by railroad as may be agreed

ipon at time of sale.

John Jelliff & Co.

NEWARK, N.J.Mciruk, April 11th, USl .



Joseph York,

NOTICE.By virtue <>r an tinier or tho Onnrt of Chatr

etry ol Now Jersoy, ma Jo >Lurch 14 tb, 1881, inacnune tbRrcln ponding wherein Thomas E.Minor, IB caiiipltilM-ni, snd Tbn Hnlltrnrt1'urcu and MmluK Ctmnimi" IH defondnDt, (Itorcniltora of ani.l Tbn BvtUro^ Furco nnMining Coinpanj arudirected in present lo i"— -jvarot' Kiiil Oonipanj, and prove to i

ruction, tbuiroliiimn and (kmauOfia&ftlijnrpurotion.-witliin four m on thu from t

_ of Habl order or that they l>3 cialnrtTrom the benefit ofuncb dividonds an m,_

carter be in»(lo and doc la re J byaalil Cor.rl1 llio pro)CG<ls of tho cfl-ftyts nf «ai 'lion. FIIED. H.DEAOH, Ilccol'

D&tod March Ulb , 1881.Mnrrlstoin


The Central ExpressD l i J i DDelivers f-noJa in Dnv

in. HJP Central RiUruridfit Brnnoli,


PASSEVGERa nml hsRtjnRc cnrrlc.l t•romPtirlOnni to ennmat irilh nil traincooTe^Ml to nny of Hie aJjuining villagtdWDivnt romonable ralesle rales.

Stioot, In Ilenlicti Itowc'V. A, 8K UtIN'O, Accnt.


. . ' " . . DOVER, N. J .

OFFICE nSiuiolttg tlio Dover Lumber CmptmsVraill. OontraotH token, and patiflcittonstnd nialeriniB (if ovory Ifimlfced For btiiltlingi. Juhblni; a spec I a I ly.

SLATE .ROOFING.,t0 fiitntflliea from the bent qnnrrint 1»

tbe amdl quantity or oar load, and Inid. II do.Bired, nr experleneea workmen at lowrataj.

i S - i j • • • • • -


Sussex St. D0VEB, N. J,tarc tliorongbij- ftirntshcd and ^ffioicnlieqnlppea wflh three or GRIFFITH'S CELE-BRATED BILUABD and POOL TABLES;

Eliret'i, Pilmor. Mllwnu'ien. Toledo. Circin-n t t i . . St. LOOIB, Peter Doelger'a »nd l ionEreworj LiReri. Tho boat WIN

nd Clgirs a t the bar.

" '


TO SI! F U O K U '


o efcolMit UEOAItij; »lto « now \ ,



A very desirable wirtaenqfl on Morris KL,Sorer. A flue Jocatioo, large lot, trltb[ood frait and well and cUtem water. TheioaiA hut seven rooms, well arranRed, andhe wholo property Is R very eligible ono for

mtdonee. I t Is onlj eoU, on account of thob«»ILboiUiflpropri0Wr. Apply a t

*••» THIB 0ETI0X. <

a I'hj)r..*iP (Diiu huw Yoii \L

. . . . _ n t id-one ti w Wat«Gap, 8lrou tli burg, Bcmnion, Urcut tiamiilindhaintou, LIHI^. dUittbou, (JurUaii

Do*er1witiraCb*stc»'B. V , ut'Waturiou 'wi-riumwi B. Ji. fur LnilOVur,Sonrtuu umi nil eti ioui; at Dt'luwtro niiii IlUimlu^u l tr . ,derail ton, vjtli ^kmnifiburs Jliviniuii lor i'ittKm, Kingston, Wilkeslianii. lianvill/i, Nnrtli-muuDr.'aiitl, i ce , at JJiutfliaLuttfij witii UticiDivisi'iu for (itwuv, SonvieU. U

train rruiii New Ifiirk, I'utettiou auiloao fuiiuici at WutthUigum with... Eastou, iJntululier 'i p u j , a t u u

sbuiK auil uuiuLCIJIKII uiiil a u

itL UelvklttioDI. rui'LuiiibertTill-!, Tretitou HIAt 10AU A. M. Povor Acoont

At 1 :<M F. U. li'gliamtou LxprucCimtUcbeJ ruiia throuali to Wa

. . . . ahiutf 1jfk, Fntoraoti ictl bountop can uouutct at WintltDDK-ltlitrsiuNo. 4.LeuvfcNuiv York P. M (Ean(nn E'UHii) c<>uue<uing at \V»lti'lnn for A^IIOVLHH'tdRahd liraiiohviHc, and at I'biliu^LiiiiIEII Lobicit Valley Ha tiro id and Lciiiglt uimqutliuiina K. It. ior Bottileheiu, AlicitloiviMUUB ami Uurrisburp. AJ«<J with ili-1, l)vAt4iM«P. M.tUsi

pins in liilL-uni, Sun• IrftmvHuuiUll 3

_ tuu, il-iruBUma, MmItnukaivnyitncl DIIVUI. C


uia mi piiiiitijoad,) Oluitliii

L-ruutni>.l)in^lii!!iilu[i, Lislo, Mnni.l, Uumi.c, Hviiicit*c uii.l O»i\

t OinKUiiin 'on ivitli intiii lur tu torwjcii, Ulico, Ac. l'bin Irnin f< OttWi^n KiiinrJuy nif-hta.AtTM.Vl'.SI. riiitlips'-llfBH^i

t l l i i l m , AiWllllVVll,i'B. H-iili'iiit cliutif,(!.-, Il:i!.|(iiisriilf;<-, L

ll|.', I l i l l i t lu , JJfrkiilirv IlI ' i 1 l k l

DOVElt TIMIJ TAULH.ii* irrive anil donsirt from Dii* i

in Esp,*I. Muii

n Eajircs* a:00mt..iiEst',*2:l)iiII KXIHCHS GitJUM E p C i t U

!J ; I'liUlipab'g8pftO.l0:35







I ' .M,7.00(!.,Vj0.47

H IB6.800.20



Port OtamDover

EASTA . M .8.011.B.071

a. .2H.178.208.28


v«niil ' . JS.554.154.BO4.4U4.B05.111G.55


> THAIS* .





P. W.



New York,Philadolphla,Hich liridge,

Gorman VBIIOV,Nanelirigbt,Bsrtlov,Flanilera,Oary'.,Kenvlf,Port Or»m,


l 7 H 87^




HtatufnrMrlB.poryaH. 'The best ULADK CASHMEUE for firmness0 color

] r n i m l .Tim utiu&|iiu>t ALL WOOLBHUid ilcabtiiVifltb, va\m and UhicBtip<iri(jr lino of MUJIIKH, in cr-loJune la DBBHH D.IODH of nil kind

nil Ulnck.


Profitable Reading for Everybody:SntUaimcnMid women, tenehero, mechanics'

iin»ier), moihen, and all who .recnmtut Inland worry of you


taas• • ueh or bti cnM, you wit! fin.l <mi> relief in

upalion, anJ vaur system nceili LnviBfimine, oiif h i S t anl b h L l " nnr] your l U l

..w many oihcr ot the best mr ljcmca knthe Beit Heallh ind Strgnqlh Ro.larUietl, «nrt i» (or iiipcrior loltnltn, Et".inccr »nd oil'" Tnmn, m il n*j«r inloKiealeindcomliints llic li«t curative (iici*iii-5 ol nil.I t IlKI SATO* Hnndrr-iU of I.lrci J It Kaj

Buy • we bottle of youVdruraitl, «nd to »voi,,W)nt«rf«ts U .u« our .ignslur. » on ih. outlidawnppcr. IIucox * Co., Chemisli. N. V.

Ia the renewal of MoKXRGAN & Co.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially "StruckOil." Commencing business -with tlie first'introduction of Petroleum, by steady indus cryand strict attention to business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. McKIRGAN & Co.OILS are noted for their PI7BITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. - All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. Tliis being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vicinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknow whereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR "WATER WHITEbrands for illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric HgLticr illu-minating purposes.

' McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,!). ar.-rtm JST3E3 W - A - H 3BCa 3T. T

THE BEST PLACEofite kind for enjoy mo ut iu tbi i leotioB i i


TheIlot-'A' • Gas & Biisti-liurn- J

Ing Cooking Stove.

BEATTY'S ORGANS 14. STOPS ONLY $65.Hlleautilul Slops

CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R TIs The Creat Connecting Link between the East and the West 1

. . ._ i, . . . . . . ._ „ ,, - . . Oarnrortloeplnstpurpos*!, >mt Point*, tinat.lfiRtliroui'li .IOIIRI, O'.lnvrn, l.a Katie,eo. Mullnc, tbtcK iBlaml, Diivtiniirar. West

.Ibtrty, tawnCa},M*reiiRnIUro»hlyii,(Irl illicit,)esMuiuei(t)iocarlul oMuwrvLSLunrl, Allan-

.]c,»nil Avorn: with Unumtiel from llurcnuJunction in fcurlii; Wlltim Juiiitlon lu Miisrn-

Oentrevllle, Prlncoton, Trenton, cialtntln. U»m«-ron, Wiveiinorlli, Alctilson, nnd Karnas City;^.^ l,'!?y. i;.^ll |fa?^ i:r--y^aicUsa._OiiK

greiil i

nt Cltr.jns bell:

re yon can on Joy your "IlftTftDk™

Iron liriilncian>n theHleilwlppt

Leo venwort 11 oud Aitlitoon, coa-{mariBtn Union Depots.

IOUTB. With P., C. ABt.


SKPoEt wilbi*d"lLock lil 'if *" Peo-'itdiT,h me Davenport Dlvlilan

"ATwwVl.'in'iBTT, with t h . B. O, n. ft U l t B .AtGltlUKKLL. Wltf] CtlltCll ItJWB K.IU

. M IlKB MoiNWi.wHh I). M. A F. D. R. R.AtConnoiL liLorrs, wltb Union Faclflc R.R,At OMin t , with II. A Mo. R nn. (In Neb.)JHOTTCHWJL.wiUMJmrnllWk'lt. H.\ W..

St. I* * P M . . ond C . n. r— " " •••*-


Fool Tablesfrom tbft celebrated ram a fact or? or J . B


OKCEESTKIONa dlno Just bd willddifilit

Dvf luroithan D v ,baud of 60 piece*.

t lli^ r

inbinff niialo equtt lo & brat


LAGER BEERalwovi on dmagbt and the beit of


f iffayi provided for the patrons nf


Freeman Wood,FIRE



DOVEB.N.J.Legally >uihorlzud agent of tbo following Sist

ditBS ooinponlo—tbo boBt la the woild:


CILOBE, Capital 820,000,000.


Onpltel «10,00ri,000.


. * Capital 010,000,000.


Capital 85,000,000.

HUDSON OOTJNTi, Jeresy Oitj,

Capital 3300,000.

PEOPLE'S. Newark.800,000.


Tbe London ABSunnoa Corporation ofLondon, capital 96,500,000.

Bprlngfield Five Insurance Oo.,sotts, capital $1,500,000.

Westchenter Fire Iniramnoe Company offc Turk, capital (500,000.


E n Association of Piil'aABHKTfl, - - •



• 600,001

Freeman Wood,c» of tho Peace and Poliae Mf gi»trato,

T l l I E bent BLEACHED MDRLIN for 11)

[ill BWlncI Mmllra.S.Y.MIll i , Dt loi . IMk>r tlie Wont, Waraautla.Frail at Iho Loom 100.I'rnil ottliu Loom. Hill, Holmesvillt, Barlur,vitli mt)ii,TolhormakcRorinnBlin.

ANo HolmQsville light-gown cotton, eKtraHie Drill, nto., at




e carry a complete stnek of

Atch. & Neb^ >ni] C<n, Hr.At LKAYEXWOETK, withOencR. nils.


Tor the Wt»t

fBoe, adflrois,13. ST. JOHN,

Omni Tfcl't Hd Plwan « w tClUCAUftlLI.

Parker's Hair Balsam. ftSSSSStThe D M A Xoil Economical Hair Drcaila;

CaotaTning onl/ ingrtdltnti that are tienefiddto the hair and wilp. tho SALSAK will U foundlu man MtislKtory thmn any elhcr pnpantion.I t I n n Fall* to H«itoi(i Qraj or Faded Hairto 111* original TouihMcdoraiidb n i*t tb•IV

Morris County Surrogate's Offios•Pl i lL ISSli, ISfll,

n Hie imt l f r of PL(Ptralor «f CnlomSurrngBie'B otiUr l~N i i t

D. HL'ii.lcrKois P. Hiler,limit crcdm r

iti AOminifltiBinr Rico'public notiet {

in tiicir tlublo, demands ami clnim, t thd utiaw. uudor ,cnlb, wl tutnulumnthi rinm this Otte. t»,r lettinp up a enft

thin order, within twectv d*yi liorptiJter,!c nf tho must pa 1.1 It places in the Connty Litria Tor t<vo uiodtlis, mid »!so within Hie

lid twenty t laj i by ndrartiatait tho iani6 InI«1HDH EBA, one of ttio oew«D»pere of IIIIHato, for tbo «»mo apace of tltno (the Harritejnflfiiiic aay furtlier nnlice to 'nrju soil tt t u ; creditor ahull'

f bit or bar debt. aniTct ui9 or nor U9ot| ocEuaim. anu ciaiqiI U I D UIO Raid period of nloe raonlht.. jrafallcotioe being Rivsn na aforcMid, *ncli erodito'tail ba forover debarrci nf bit or k —licroforaftalanttiio uaidAdministrator.A Ira on f r m Ihe mtmit^nA Iras

0-10*Ihe mtmit^n.

B A. OlI^LEN, Sorrogato.

fihalst Shawls!




1 <:MJ ruutn..,,mi he |nu (iff i ....tnjj the *'.YMTE."


FOE, SALE!Lots on Firat.Secondi Third

Pourtli and Fifth Streets. Penn

Avenue. Cheap and terms easy.

Apply to

Wm. H. LAMBERT, Agt.

PHOSPHATE- II. H. Didcersbn, ror ft miiaber of years

n u conducted. the busineas or «UIng -

Lister's Phosptmie and Bone,

in lb» riolnfly, »nloo ko bra Bow Iran,erred to mei.Ai]d 1 am propnro ' tp T.irolHhlie H&tiis to fartnera mid gardeners ior tlieBpriog tradd, in Inrn or small qunntitlea litloweat prices. Appl v at tbe conl Tard of -

W»l W. H i L i .W i t to the nmbtr Mill, I lheki . l l BL,

19-lra . . , . Dover, H. j ,




HEHIIT W. MILLSB, Preside nt.

D. Buut , Trowiiw.' , - 1$M

Colliers Wanted!Three CulltoriwBiite&o.. thoKnttiinCoopei

Tract, neat- Chatter. Apply ia .JAB. 1JL.UUHE.

a «nd jDhlunn t t



M A R T I J V & B U C K ,

louse, % and Crnune&tal Painters,m.«KERS, GILDERS nnd PAPEB HANU-

llouras d.ecoratrd iu rrracue itylps. HavinDitlK>rot!£b kaowluilpe of IIOUBS anJ sign nnlnt-iiR, we letlcomjniioat.t't meft tlia iltinaii^nrall. Pmnt fchop over MIHBWIIIIO'B mlllliii






Dry CS-oods




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,t t§ best in the country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

. to tad from Europe,


AlhO, IL ubolce alack or

Hiirdware, On tlciy,31HHB, Wootlcu, Copper, I'Uin mid Jiipanut-f


Oil Clotbs, Carw-ti., I.HTDJIB, J'ntntit ntirl Oil-lircl C*nctt, FtntlitTB, l 'rait 'p AHlral Di! • noiiXploHivc.) Alec,


Itoolfrig, Plumbing andJoDi

Work j>r-)iii]>tJy atlumk-rt tr>.


valrl)Hiik'B SCHMM in Mnimfnctiirer's priree;

Old Irou, Copper, limn., Lcarl, liana sin

liltUKN A IJONNFLTj,,Also, manufacturcrK of HUNNKLL'S HEW-TIGIU'ENING WIRE S l 'HlNi ; HKD HO'J1

TOM.touknwir. Hun-Ill. 1878.



mHKundereienci l will Turnii-h IVm-h 1X hv the th'HiRaiul a! vciy U-n- mienitook being ihtibfsxt giown. "jlny ut ini-jgve nioufj. I'eacli moot giuim in MCountj. Also (li'un-r in

Standard Applo, Pear,

ipo Vit8hrnbi, KIBlock fi


Cherry and Quince Trees.d Hmftll Fruits, AmaraRiis,

nd Evt-i-srcous (or Ihiluuw.H. N. V. I over-ol my slork mul


Block fiuuitlioil tniiii Cititec Clio digging nmi jiRt-Hitcan warrant tlio vamu Hrn l i true Itiaine itid clitapLT than tlu- c l ien ts ) .

SoniQtliirag New in Strawberries,

will roeflivn prnnipt. k\-G. W.COWJJHEY,

Dooiiton, Morrm Co , N. J :0 ai


ClercmU Bhcplinrd 1 XWACHHEMT

unit uf Oleruiids Hlicp-nail chattch, riglita

A. Harbert.»^-OTICE iB faweb,| s i V (

laid (gainst tbiind ornititH. raootys nna effecta, itiidH"andencmnnta oi A-Herbert,anon-roaidont debt

fortlietnre of two hnndrod ami filtv dollai«rai iiBiied out of tho Cirouit Cnu'rt of tlOoiinU of Morris, on Iho 10th .lay of F t t rua . .A. D. IBSt, returnable and rot nr ted unlo millaoir tdulyoiMii te i i by tho Sheriff of JIiLJonatjOQ the SUi day nf Fphrn«tj,A. D 1691

MELVIN 8. CONDli', Clerk.


Iiocdvpd Drat pmmitini at N. J, Rtato Fnir,tVavcrlv, lubt fill. Over 100 sold by us lastyew. Bend Tor clrcnUr.



Agricultural lmp!ements,Seeds,

Fertil izers, etc.




iirhi-uiauM VOTK win ne inrncii out. All orileproinplly atti-u.lf d to, r i l l i r r in pcrnon ormail . I employ no acciitn to noil for me, n• a y n o i w r c c n t . io nn.v nno to K,>1I n n v o r . i

LOO 51 THLISant.-r.



t-zi-uud vaiiie). Orpnimn-ili IJO In

MesoaA II*m'lin Orgnns urn <vibent in thn wnrlii. l n v i ^ (alien lifKlif ,i itidit GTtry ouo of tLc Qrtit Wnrld'H Inri-simEsluhiiiuna ror moru thuu thirteen mrs . JDilier American OrfiaiiH linvinu hec " to (bum nt anv. IlliiHtnilt<l Ciiud cirtulnrs wit[t full pnrticulurB frte.

Mason & Hamlfn OrganCcJ


AND 110 VS.





Tredwell, Jarman &Slct|273, 275, 277 Broadway!




Hictottntovrn, Hay 37th, 1:

NOTIOB.Ji t ter protcotii.l*ra of mid dailn, norlitr. BIUnrcli 1Kb, IB

11)0 <ic;i, I, Ale

and oltier bevtrg^nn cntiiFUovor, Onuntvnt Morne««ty t do luwbv iiMfcin-,1lunu ofKaiduciliKTofltcil i

be Clerk cl tlie Coauty of Slurn of (joieHandboltlca, and ufmow, mark or marts Rtampedsroou, owned ami HUPII by mp i8IEP1IB an RfoiQBnid, wbich nail] iii ftiltowi : Btiu-R, TOwo.len, marlnila bTimprension, "A. Knm

llotlluH used in hutlliiiR

tlnn.llifip.a tluncriie uume '

r my sacidScritlt 11




A properly eomprMi,,, thlrtj.B,, « „ » ,a a ntOranetown,

wo milflsAom Tkrrtr on tha road leadineto ChssUr. O» tbe t>raut«0 Ii »


and ontfaanut. Aim i toiut house. Plentyof good fmit, earl; Mdiate, and « Yery Bui«pM« «t water scar tho bouse. Appl; to


on the premise

1881. Carpets! 1881.0ABPET8 fat SO ote,OARFETB Tor 10 ct i .


ERUBHBL8 OABPETR, chuicc puttcma. for 90. p e r yard, iha Wat qmlitici of Brns-Cirpetai Ciiina MAttinp, of all kinrts-


c«piifit» c

N " T ^ A

_.. ,_bol•, Dover, N,

. .—„ —.1 dealing iiT sntl miner*! water*, of tbo

[jmtH nnd half pints, mmrted,m-d, "A

D k lut Of Il

ilf pints,


Mid hair pints, aI m rolloCTn: Oivtr, N. J." OnUTt ID he mill,"


, DorerE U far tbi

tamped or iiompumiil oftb«tl by Bliil Alof anil d<

capacity irfcert, sta

11,0 otllR

Witneigm»liandthiB2(Jili 1<J*y of April, A. D. lsui. t

ALETANDEB KAJIOUHE..Filrd in tha offieo of the Glerk ot tho Conntj

of Horn , t h u aath day pf April, A. D. 1831 fiir H. 8. COND1T, Clerk,




»ro now entftbliihed ID their


e. CMUUAaES AND TV4OO.-'R ,,rpacnptlou mndw to.order in ihB lied, luclnilmp EinrcBH Bntl LufliriMaa. Vcliicloi or different kintls kept ouir itla A till Will ut iafr t int oorsihip li of tin b u t , no, d e . iC i i . t b .in ntirrnctB rcsoanstlo. It^viirine

I «»a Itimmln, done In Uu Unit m « -ao-u )

r t i i r n « i ! jbettor proteetlon ol

Sl«'rJliUl*itr|.."iBul°"'i:rlnili™ffiii,r' b«-.iami ,J™ILT iu Lttr, HIO dinl pi.rUT, coming

.! SO filfll i.1


arkut. . M.'S

o! m d It.i•"rn'tlic "iMj'then"/. i K i 'k-i.'

Itil n blllti cnlti'l I ) . Mullern itii n tr t'acii ripcil or imiirt-Ksi-i] "*• I)."M,iiJi'r, Tu. .^•ml imlniftl w i i l u blue culor. T l n ; i ^

ullciwinj; ut-ncripint lmtik-i ,

slrtr "V. Molle0(1 l"ttl-(

IIT side Iil,"i(i rjI»B of w

Slnlu of New Jer

viiiiin bottife in Hit'






They will ontUit BII common, ch

mewl then to til nho wish i »lo instnimont.

gents Wanted in this Vicin



Cambridgeport, Masi