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7/24/2019 FNS Question Bank 1/1

1. Define Nanoscience and Nanotechnology?

2. What are Nano-structured materials?

3. Give any four nanoparticles with their corresponding applications.

. What are !uantum dots?

". What are the various synthesis methods of Nanowires?

#. What are the techni$ues used in %ottom-up approach?

&. What are the o'(ectives of mechanical milling?

). What are the various classifications of Nanostructured materials?

*. What is si+e $uanti+ation effect of $uantum dots?

1,. Define template assisted synthesis of Nanowires.

11. What are the factors that contri'ute to enhanced hardness in multi-layered materials?

12. What is meant 'y rowan strengthening?

13. What is the procedure of top-down approach?

1. What is meant 'y co-precipitation?

1". What are the length scales involved in Nanoscience? /plain the si+e dependence of optical0

magnetic and thermal properties with e/amples?

1#. tate the preparation of nanoparticles using vapor phase deposition. tate the advantages and


1&. /plain in detail the factors that contri'ute to enhanced hardness in multilayered materials.

1). With neat setch0 e/plain the synthesis process of !uantum Dots.

1*. /plain in detail the following.

a. echanical properties.

 '. lectronic and ptical properties.

c. agnetic properties

d. 4hermal properties of Nano materials.

2,. /plain in 'rief a'out %ottom-up and 4op-Down approach

21. /plain in detail the following.

a. !uanti+ation of the electronic density of states with the advantages and limitations.

 '. ingle electron transition in $uantum dots.22. /plain in 'rief a'out precipitation and mechanical milling methods of preparing Nano-materials.