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How to Get Rid of Flying Squirrels in Attic

To deal with the squirrels can be tricky business as they are small and can enter very small gaps and holes. If you want Flying Squirrel Removal from your home in Atlanta, GA, you can follow these steps to curb the situation.

You need to first inspect the parts of your home that can serve as breeding grounds for flying squirrels such as attics. The best way to identify their presence is through droppings, scent, tracks and of course spotting one in your home.

Now you need to find the entry/exit points from where they accessed your home. Most likely these points will be high up on the roof and can be a small entry point. You must inspect closely as there could also be several entry/exit points.

Removing flying squirrels is similar to the removal of other squirrels that lay siege inside your house. However, you may have to deal with a huge number that can be quite a hassle if you do not know how to handle this situation. The experts that help remove flying squirrel in Georgia suggest that in this case, it is better to repeat the trap than to use a single cage.

Page 2: Flying Squirrel Removal in Atlanta

When you have identified their infestation area and also found the points of access, the next step is very crucial. According to professionals for flying squirrel removal in Georgia, you need to set traps, the best in this case, to be mounted on to the exit point to enable the exit but block the entrance back into the house. Although there is also an option to use lethal snap traps but they are awfully cruel and must be avoided. Even the best flying squirrel service in Georgia will avoid its use.

Once you have successfully removed all the squirrels from your property, it is time to seal the entry holes. It is recommended to use steel so that they don’t chew their way back in.

After sealing the holes, it is time to clean the mess. You not only need to remove their droppings but must also decontaminate the area. You can use air fresheners to get rid of the odor.

The best way to determine the presence of flying squirrels in your property is by inexplicable scratching sound at all odd hours. Since the animals are nocturnal, the most obvious time of their activity is during the night. Since they are highly sociable, they generally live in colonies so expect large infestation. If you think that the situation is beyond your control, do not hesitate to call the flying squirrel removal service in Georgia to effectively remove them from your property and restore it back to its original self.

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