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Traffic jams are the bane of any commuter. Many of us spend an hour or so stuck in

traffic every week. The growing population is partly to blame for our congested roads, but the

main problem is that we are not expanding our transportation systems fast enough to meet

ever increasing demands.

One solution is to create a new type of transportation that doesn't rely on roads, which

could one day make traffic jams a 20th century relic. To do this, we must look to the sky. In

the last century, airplanes and mass-produced cars have changed the way we live. Cars,

which became affordable for the general population, have allowed us to move farther away

from cities, and planes have cut travel time to faraway destinations considerably. At the

beginning of a new century, we may see the realization of a century-old dream -- the merging

of cars and planes into road able aircraft, or flying cars.

Our paper consists of future focus of flying cars and including its major advantages

and drawbacks. The top ten flying car models, that under way to outcome are given. This

paper includes the history details of flying car and its features.



1. Vision of flying cars

2. History of flying cars

3. Working of flying cars

4. Advantages of flying cars

5. Draw backs of flying cars

6. Future focus of flying cars

7. Conclusion


Actually cars are only slightly older than planes with the first cars appearing in

the late 19th century and the first recorded powered flight being made by the Wright Brothers

on December 17, 1903. Amazingly, cars and planes were closely linked from the start. Glenn

Curtiss was a successful motorcycle manufacturer who became interested in flying and went

on to become a successful early airplane manufacturer with his Curtiss Aero plane and Motor

Company. In 1917, a little more than a decade after the Wright Brothers first flight, Curtiss

designed built and flew the first flying car which he called an Auto plane. While technically

successful, the Auto plane was not a commercial success mainly due to the fact that, in trying

to be two things at once, it failed to function well as either a car or an airplane. A few years

later, automobile tycoon Henry Ford predicted that flying cars would be the wave of the

future. His Ford Motor Company produced both cars and airplanes during the early years of

the twentieth century. However, unlike Curtiss, Ford did not try to merge planes and cars into

a single product.

A flying car or road able aircraft is an automobile that can legally travel on roads and

can take off, fly, and land as an aircraft. In practice, the vehicle usually has to be converted

from a standard aero plane to an aero plane with sufficient roadworthiness.


In science fiction, the vision of a flying car is usually a practical air craft that the

average person can fly directly from any point to another (e.g. from home to work or to the

supermarket) without the requirement for roads, runways or other special prepared operating

areas, and they often start and land in a garage or on a parking lot.

History of flying cars:

The first flying car is tested by Waldo Watermen, on 1937, march27. It has taken 27

years to implement his ideas. Later he associated with Curtis who was a pioneer in San Diego


A half a century later, the actor Bob Cummings had a car that he was flying around

in and that was BEFORE Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Cummings' car and others

like his needed a runway like a regular airplane in order to become airborne so, despite its

ability to fly, that car was not a solution for escaping a traffic jam.


Working of flying cars:

The flying cars works under the basic principle of jet engines. The rotary jet engine

was used in different style for different models. The different companies with many scientist

have already tested and experienced the flying car models

To make the Skycar safe and available to the general public, it will be completely

controlled by computers using Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, which Moller calls

a fly-by-wire system. In case of an accident, the vehicle will release a parachute and airbags,

internally and externally, to cushion the impact of the crash.

MACRO Industries' SkyRider X2R will also use this fly-by-wire system to safely

transport passengers to their desired destinations. Drivers will simply get in, turn on the

power and enter the address or phone number of their destination. SkyRider will do the rest.

Moller models of flying car:

Paul Moller has spent 40 years and millions of dollars developing his Skycar. He is

now very close to developing the first mass-marketed flying car. In 1965, he demonstrated his

first attempt, the XM-2, which hovered off the ground but didn't go anywhere.

Photo courtesy Moller International


the M200X, the predecessor of the Skycar, flew for the first time in 1989 to a height of

50 feet.

MACRO Industries in Huntsville, Ala., is developing a flying car that it's

calling the SkyRider X2R. This aero car will be able to take off and land

vertically. SkyRider incorporates the interior design of a 2-seat sports car with

the mobility of a helicopter or airplane. The company said it is also developing

5 and 7-seat models of the SkyRider, and it should fit in most two-car garages.

The navigation system will be controlled almost entirely by GPS satellites and

cellular services.

In Israel, Dr. Rafi Yoeli of Urban Aeronautics is testing the CityHawk, a

prototype of a fly-by-wire car. He's also working on a project centered on the

X-Hawk, a rotorless Verticle-Take-Off and Landing vehicle (VTOL). Visit

this Web site for more information.

In 1990, Kenneth Wernicke formed Sky Technologies to develop a small-

winged flying car. His Aircar has flown at 200 to 400 mph (322 to 644 kph)

and driven at 65 mph (105 kph). It's also small enough to fit into an average

parking space.

Recently, Branko Sarh, a senior engineer at McDonnell Douglas Aerospace,

has attempted to develop a flying car, called the Sokol A400, or Advanced

Flying Automobile. Sarh designed a 4-passenger vehicle that would pop out

telescoping wings at the push of a button.

There is no lack of engineers taking on the challenge to design a new breed of

flying cars. While sleeker, more advanced cars have been developed in the last

decade, no one has come close to opening up a flying car dealership. Here are a

few of the individuals attempting to deliver a flying car:

Working of sky car M400:

Moller's latest design, the Skycar M400, is designed to take off and land vertically,

like a Harrier Jet, in small spaces. It can reach speeds of 400 mph (644 kph), but will cruise

at around 350 mph (563 kph), and it has a range of 900 miles (1449 km). Gasoline, diesel,

alcohol, kerosene and propane can be used to fuel the Skycar, and its fuel mileage will be


comparable to that of a medium-sized car, getting 20 miles (32.2 km) to the gallon. The

initial cost of a Skycar will be about $1 million, but once it begins to be mass produced that

price could come down to as low as $60,000.

The four-seat Skycar is powered by eight rotary engines that are housed inside four metal

housings, called nacelles, on the side of the vehicle. There are two engines in each nacelle so

that if one of the engines in one of the nacelle fails, the other engine can sustain flight. The

engines lift the craft with 720 horsepower, and then thrust the craft forward. The Wankel

engine replaces pistons of a conventional engine with a single triangular rotor spinning inside

an oval-shaped chamber, which creates compression and expansion as the rotor turns. There

are three combustion chambers in the Wankel, with a crankshaft between them.

Advantages and drawbacks of flying car:

Facing traffic jam problems may completely vanished

Better to have a flying car instead of having two A-classified cars

Maintenance is not much expensive when compared time saved

Lot of time saved, which is wasted in the traffic signals

Pollution controlled { where flying cars take help of electric device

In one word it can be said that flying car is said to be a middle class flight


The advanced technology of flying car can make big change in worlds society


Χ The only draw back that still faces the problem is landing and take off problems

Χ The second draw back is little bit of expensive when compared to normal car

Future focus of flying car:

The advanced technology is used in the researches to over come the draw backs behind the

invention of flying cars. The advanced technology is used in the FCS TM and SKY CAR II

and the research taken over in 2006, it is expected to be completed with in 2020.


The Terrafugia team is currently working on a personal air vehicle (known as the

"Transition") that pretty much looks like an SUV with retractable wings. The Transition

won't be able to whisk you off on a non-stop flight to any destination, but you will be able to

get as far as 500 miles in one "jump." And, amazingly, the designers hope it will do it on a

single tank of premium unleaded gas. Oh, and don't worry about having to rent a car once you

reach your getaway -- as hinted at in its name, the Transition gets decent mileage on the road,

too!(Planned vehicle specs: In flight, the Transition will fly up to 120 miles per hour and get

30 mpg. On the highway, it will get 40 mpg and around town, it will get 30 mpg.)

A full-size prototype is planned, but for now the designers are working with a one-fifth scale

model in the wind tunnel and relying on computer simulations for development.


The flying cars are more help full in saving times

They play a main role in the advanced technology world

They can save the time which is wasted in the traffic signals

The flying cars the one which is the only way to reduce the traffic related problems