Download - flw-150316122902-conversion-gate01

  • 8/19/2019 flw-150316122902-conversion-gate01



    Frank Lloyd Wright(June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) a! anA"eri#an ar#hite#t, interior de!igner,riter, and edu#ator, ho de!igned"ore than 1,$$$ !tru#ture!, 5%& o'

    hi#h ere #o"pleted Wrightelie*ed in de!igning !tru#ture! thatere in har"ony ith hu"anity andit! en*iron"ent, a philo!ophy he#alled organi# ar#hite#ture

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    +n 19%, at the age o' 76, Wrighta! #o""i!!ioned to de!ign hata! then #alled the -olo"on ./uggenhei" "u!eu" #olle#tion o'0on23e#ti*e 4ainting, a "u!eu"

    to hou!e one o' the "o!t#o"prehen!i*e #olle#tion! o'"odern painting in the orldon!tru#tion o' the uilding did not!tart until 1956, and the/uggenhei" u!eu" re"ained

    unni!hed at Wright! death in

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     he !#he"e 'or the /uggenhei" u!eu" a! de*elWright !oon a'ter re#ei*ing the #o""i!!ion, ut none!ite! !ele#ted 'or #on!ideration y the #lient! pro*ide

    either they or Wright #on!idered an appropriate #ont

    +n 199, a'ter #on!iderale e;ort!, a !ite on Fi'th A*e!e#ured Wright no had the entire end o' a !tandard


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    Fir!t de!ign !#he"e 'or the /uggenhei""u!eu",ele*ation= the inard turning !piral get!

    !"aller a! it a!#end!

    -e#ond de!ign !#he"e 'or the /u"u!eu",4er!pe#ti*e, the gla!! he:agonal

    ithout groing !"aller or larger

    4hoto o' preli"inary "odel o' nal !#he"e, ithWri ht! en#il "odi#ation!> note the !la toer

     hird de!ign !#he"e, rendered a!right redpink "arle, the outa

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    DEVELOPMENTAL STAGEWright! !e?uen#e o' per!pdraing! 'or the "u!eu" i!reathtaking in it! 'or"al au

    #olor'ul o*er@oing ith eaen3oy"ent he r!t per!peele*ation o' the !e?uen#e !that gro! !"aller, "o*ing ri!e!, like a "an"ade "ou

     he #olor a! an a!toni!h"!urpri!e A right pinkred t!hon gli!tening a! i' it erena"eled A hite #on#rete*olu"e, e*eled at it! top a#ut! into the large !piral at #learly hou!e! the !tair, and

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    Wright! !e#oproaly reprthe per!pe#tihe:agonal gait! a?ualue out !lightly aea#h @oor y and o' gla!!hole #apped#on#rete top

    on a #on#rete!#he"e appanot in#orpora!piraling ra"line! do not #

    @oor line! do the "o*e ar

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    Wright! third per!pe#ti*e !#he"e pre!ent! the !pa#e that ould e 'ound

    "u!eu"! nal de!ign> a !piral that gro! larger, "o*ing outard!, a! it ro' gla!!tue glaing re#e!!ed in –eteen the !teppe! !e#tion! o' the !pi!#he"e the right pink red glo!!y #olor ha! returned

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    While Wright! /uggenhei" u!eu" i! uni?ue in "any intere!ting that other ar#hite#t! o' the period al!o tuned hen de!igning a "u!eu"Le oru!ier, ho u!ed a !?uare !piral plan in the de!ign

    "u!eu"!, #ho!e the !piral 'or it! openended ?uality +n o' the entieth entury he propo!ed a! #ontinuou!ly e:a !ea!hell, rapping ne gallerie! around the old

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    PLANWright de!igned a dri*etthat alloed #ar! to ente

    'ro" Fi'th A*enue, ete!piral gallery to the !outhC"onitor to the north, e:-treet hu! entry and "auto"oile!, pede!trian!penetrated in to the inter

    "u!eu", #ar*ing into theuran lo#k he @oor pla'or the /uggenhei" u!e#on!i!tent de*elop"ent o#ir#ular *olu"e!, a larger!"aller "onitor, oth !etA*enue, a !tair and ele*aehind and eteen the"

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    We enter the /uggenhei" u!eu"eteen the !piral and the "onitor,under a horiontal !ingle!toreydeep#on#rete ar that run! the length o' the!treet 'ront A! in all o' Wright! ork!,

    thi! entran#e !pa#e i! oth lo anddark hi! lo, dark entran#e take! u!,to the "iddle o' the plan, here theoriginal open loggia, here #ar! #ouldenter and dropo; pa!!enger!, ha!!in#e een glae, and the originaldri*ethrough and !#ulpture gardenehind ha! een en#lo!ed to hou!e theook!tore A #ir#ular gla!! *e!tiulepro3e#t! 'ro" the right, opening to theloggiaand toard! the !idealk= e "o*eunder it! lo #eiling and out on to the

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    Dened y it! on a!t!piral geo"etry, it! "!upport i! not *i!ile u!ee"ing to gro up 'rground in one #ontinu he !piral e:pand! a! only produ#ing the larthe top ut #reating a e;e#t that "ake! the !ee" e*en taller than

    hindering our e;ort! tit! !tru#ture and di"e!kylight, #ir#ular in pladi*ided into tel*e !egthe idth o' the loe!

    alloing #opiou! light into the ! a#e 'ro" a

    he t el e thin #on#rete pier! !et in a radial pattern in pla

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    he tel*e thin #on#rete pier! !et in a radial pattern in pla!upport and !tru#ture the !piral in it! ri!e toard! the !kyl#are'ully retra#ted y Wright 'ro" the inner edge, !o that #an o*erlook the "ain !pa#e, and ithdra! the *erti#al !!upport! 'ro" the *ie upon entry, alloing u! to elie*e

    "o"ent that the #on#rete pier! a#t to 'ra"e the *ie o' thhung on the out!ide all, di*iding the #ontinuou! ra"p !proo"! dened on three !ide! and open to the "o*e"ent inner edge o' the ra"p on the 'ourth Wright produ#ed a ra

    a!toni!hing !erie! o'

    !hoing ho the!e *!pa#e! on the ra"p u!e 'or the di!play o-hoing the ra"ping!pa#e! 'ro" he ide!t !pa#e an

    nu"er o' artork!(

    Light i! introdu#ed into the !pa#e

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    Light i! introdu#ed into the !pa#eand on to the painting! in todi!tin#tly di;erent ay!, the "ain*olu"e, lit y the !kylight, i!ringed y the ra"pgallery, ho!e

    inner #ir#ulation one i! illu"inated'ro" the #entral !pa#e hile it!outer all, here the artork! arehung, i! lit y a #ontinuou! and o'horiontal #lere !torie! that

    !eparate ea#h le*el o' the ra"p'ro" the one ao*e it, oth in!ideand out he detail o' the#lere!torie! a! uilt a! !i"pliedto an angled @at !kylight out!ide,ith integral gutter at the top o'

    the #on#rete !piral all, !et o*er a

    h d @ h d ' i ' d

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     he ra"p and @oor, oth are "ade o' rein'or#ed #on#retni!hed ith a layer o' terrao#on#rete @ooring ith ainlaid ra!! #ir#le! he interior all! are ni!hed ith apla!ter and painted, hile Wright! original intention o' thin layer o' "arle to the e:terior a! aandoned in 'a

    gunned #on#rete !prayed again!t e:terior 'or"! ith a 4a! a ni!h

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     he /uggenhei" a!#o"pleted a'ter Wright!death, and "any like o' hi!later ork!, it !ee"! to e

    la#king hi! nal tou#h inthe detail!, produ#ing a!o"ehat *a#uou! ?ualityin the !pa#e!, an i"pre#i!e!en!e o' !#ale and anun#ertainty aout ho

    intentional !o"e o' the"ore di!turing e;e#t! arethat it ha! on it! o##upant! he ra"p all!, like theterra#e parapet all! at

    Falling ater, are !et !o lo

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