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FLOSS Manuals

quality documentation for free open source software

OpenMind lightning talks

Tampere, 30.09.09

Tomi Toivio, open source coordinator, m-cult

FLOSS Manuals is a documentation wiki for free and open source software.

FLOSS Manuals offers free manuals published under the GPL license.

The original version was in English, currently we also have Finnish, Farsi and Dutch localisations.

What is FLOSS Manuals?

Ideally the software documentation is written by people who are close to the skill level of the end-users.

Everything should be explained to a person who does not understand computer science.

FLOSS Manuals is building a bridge between the software and its potential users.

Need for documentation

It is not enough to just translate a manual, it has to be constantly updated, expanded and localised to fit the local culture.

We are going to create workshops with schools, citizen media centers, and various user communities.

The aim of this is to bring new users and writers to the FLOSS community.

Building a community of users and writers

Thank you!

Tomi Toivio

[email protected]