

TEACHER: Juan Coronado Bautista

Aldui EstrellaLeonardo PupucheMontenegro ChachapoyasMontenegro NeyraReaño Carrasco


Reservation(Reserve) Deprived of the Chaparri (to [edit) In this reservation(reserve) is kept in captivity to the Kettle Albiblanca and to the Bear of Spectacles, animals that they find the vías of extinction, but that thanks to the support of the Rural Community of Chongoyape and the private company one is taking forward this project with very good results.

Chongoyape is the cradle of the famous yaravi " The Chongoyapana " composed by the teacher and poet don Arturo Schutt and Sack astonished at the beauty of the young woman Zoraida Leguía, who was a granddaughter of the ex-president Augusto B. Leguía. This happened in the year 1902.

The history of the kettle aliblanca is of Ripley. It was registered by the first time in 1877 and declared in extinction one century later. And, since(as,like) not to believe it, there did a " ghostly appearance " a few years ago, to establish itself(himself,herself) again in the last natural corner in the world where it(he,she) chose to live: the dry forest of the North-East of Peru (Lambayeque, Piura, Fall down and Cajamarca).

The fauna is constituted by the diversity of animals that live(inhabit) a certain region.Fish(Pitches): chalcoque, cascafe, life, catfish. Type of bream, tilapia. carachama or cashca. Crustaceans: camarón, crab Wild animals: fox, zorrillo, mouse of field, deer, serpents, ferrets, pulatos, sajinos, etc. Domestic animals: cattle, sheep, pig, beasts of load (donkey, mule) hen, ducks, turkeys, doves, cuyes, rabbits, sheeps, dogs, cats, parrots, bees, pavillas, ganzos. Others: huerequeque, turkey-buzzard of black head and red head, owl, hummingbird. Turtle-dove, putilla, rice grower, white big heron and girl, sparrow-hawk.

FLORA There is understood by flora to the set of vegetable(plant) species(kinds) that they populate a certain way.

NATURAL FLORA This flora mainly develops without the intervention of the man and is near rivers and irrigation ditches.

Willow: (Salix humboldtianas) Grows also in the zone yunga and in the Quechuan. Tree of robust trunk. Humid leaf(sheet), terminal thin and flexible branches. Of his(her,your) branches baskets, chairs of wood are done. Of the trunk it(he,she) is in use in carpentry, is excellent for the defense of the shores of the rivers. Stupid bird: (Texana integrifolia) shrub of very soft wood. Reed-grass: (Arundo donax) is a knotty and hollow cane is used in the manufacture of baskets and in the pyrotechnics. Brave cane: (Gynerium Sagittatum) is similar to the reed-grass but more compact and fort, is in use in the construction of housings. Cane guayaquil: It(She) is high, thick(bulky) and resistant than both previous ones. Tail of horse: knotty and thin Grass(Herb), of medicinal use (for the kidneys and wash of wounds.

FLORA CULTIVATED Unlike the previous one needs of taken care and the use of some substance chemistries for his(her,your) good development.

On a large scale the sugar cane and the maize(corn).

Sugar cane: (Sacharalis Officinarum) Is A Raw material(Commodity) for the diverse products as sugar, alcohol, dark brown sugar, of his(her,your) bagasse the paper(role) is made and, cartons, wood or it(he,she) is in use as fuel for generating energy.

Maize(Corn) (Zea mays) Graminea. Close to the sugar cane it(he,she) constitutes most sowed in the district, direct consumption for the man is the maize, grain (motto or field) and flour. In addition there is elaborated semola, cornflour, polenta, etc. For the animals it is elaborated balanced and compound, so much of grain of tusa as(like) of panca. Likewise there is prepared the traditional alcoholic maize drink, exquisite Peruvian drink. Also it is sowed: yam, yucca, lentil, Chilean, chick-pea, chili, gourd, carrot, turnip, lettuce, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, beet, onion of leaf(sheet), basil, gherkin, spinach, caigua, rabanito, paprika, etc.

FRUIT TREES Palto, lemon tree, orange tree, handle, banana, fig tree, grapevine, cucumber, mammee, quince, apple, melon, guanábana, watermelon, papaya tree, plum, grenade, tamarind, huabo, guava, maracuyá, pomarrosa, I fall down etc.

Lately it is harvested in great quantity and supplies to the markets of the region the watermelon and the lemon.

ORNAMENTAL Palms: the daliteras Exist and cocotera. The latter grows to enormous heights. Molle: It(He,She) is in use in the reforestation of parks and avenues. MEDICINAL Grass(Herb) luisa, good grass(herb), balm-gentle, rosemary, mint, rue, sábila, oregano, etc.