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Abraham Mehari Haile

Senior Lecturer and Researcher, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands; Co-chair International Spate Irrigation Network

Member: WG-ON Farm

The Government: Ministry of Water and


GIZ and IFAD: Donors and development organizations

Metameta: Private


UNESCO-IHE, Haramaya and

Mekele Universities:Research and

Capacity building centers

Spate Irrigation


Kowledge center

The team members age ranged from 25 to 55

The team members position ranged from MSc student to Director

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12 million estimated inhabitants - as many tropical

diseases are being brought under control, the population

is expected to grow significantly

Erratic and insufficient (<350 mm) rainfall and very

limited perennial water resources

Is probably most vulnerable region to food insecurity –

the 2011 drought is a living testimony

Endowed with numerous seasonal rivers

The use of: often unpredictable and occasional destructive

water supply

From: Interminent and seasonal, semi perrenial and even

perenial rivers


spate irrigation – direct diversion of flashy foods

Flood inundation and recession: rivers overflow their embankment and flood huge adjacent areas

Flood spreading weirs

For multiple use: Crop, rangeland and agro-forest production, domestic and livestock water supply, recharging groundwater

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Across the world: accounts for over 30 million ha

In Ethiopia: estimated at 740, 000 ha◦ 140, 000 ha – spate irrigation (Taye, 2008)

◦ 600,000 ha – Flood recession and inundation (Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project – Forest resources Ethiopia, 2012)

Support of agricultural production and livelihoods of marginalized populations in many arid regions.

By their nature - using flood water rather than perennial flows - they are quintessential adaptations to climate variability

Detailed observations and discussions in 13 flood-based farming systems in five regions: Afar, Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and SNNP?

Consultation with over 200 stakeholders: ◦ relevant government officials at regional, woreda

(district) and kebele (municipality) level, ◦ Pastoralists and agro-pastoralists◦ Staff of Semera, Arba-Minch and Haramaya

Universities.◦ Local and international development organizations

National workshop in December 2012 to discuss and enrich field research findings

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GIZ, Germany: main sponsor of this field research and plan to follow it through with a comprehensive development programme

IFAD: Co-sponsor of this field research: single most committed donor and development partner in flood based farming systems – supporting SpN activities in four countries including Ethiopia

NUFFIC, Dutch Embassy: Sponsored some training programmes in spate (flood based) farming; 3R and food security programme for the Horn of Africa

World Bank: supporting Pakistan Spate Irrigation Network

Several NGOs, including (SORDU, ADA): are already operating on the ground in the lowlands of Ethiopia

Each farmer has at least 0.25 ha in

areas designated with high,

medium and low probability of

receiving floodwater

While field bunds are common

in some other countries, they

are not practiced even in the

most promising spate

irrigation schemes in the

country including in Aba’ala,


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Pre flood cultivation, field bunds and land leveling

key to high production

Two irrigation turns: 4.2 ton/ha Maize yield

On-farm ponds: Source for high value high value horticultural

crops such as Papaya, Mango, Banana, Vegetables, Guguf,


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Flood-spreading weir (slide Heinz Bender)

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◦ Light machinery for field bund construction, land leveling, soil mulching, and soil moisture conservation

◦ Light machinery for field bund construction, land leveling, soil Mulching, and soil moisture conservation

Settling basin, Pakistan 300

to 600 USD; large difference

in level between adjacent


Stone Pitch, Yemen: 50 to

100 USD: Small difference

in level between adjacent


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Basic facts:

68 land holders (12 female), 210,beneficiaries, 310 ha cultivable area

Unique land distribution arrangement

Dry flood season: each household

is allocated 0.125 or 0.25 ha.

A land owner should share his/herirrigated fields in return for anequal piece of rainfed land

A land owner can refuse to share his/her land, but the WUA can deprive him or her of any spate flow

Main problem:

Spate flow coincides with rainfall period and as there are no ponds and other storage facilities, it is being wasted

Chairman of the WUA summarized the

development needs as follows:

We have water, labour; what we need is know-how and financial resources to construct on-farm ponds so as to harvest the large spate flow during the rainfall season that is passing by and joining Lake Shala.

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Basic facts:

800 households (one third female headed)

650 ha

Exemplary water sharing and conflict resolution

Upstream have no absolute right

Lottery decides who should irrigate first

Water Masters irrigated

Own legally recognized traditional court for settling conflicts

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Guguf farmers: Certificate awarding -

Regional workshop in Sudan

2008 estimate: 38,000 in Aba’ala wereda and 20,000 in Aba’ala plain

10,000 ha irrigable land, and probably about the same area unutilized

Silt loam soils: good infiltration and water holding

Two perennial - May-shugala and May Aba’ala - and two seasonal rivers, namely Murga and Liena - under utilized

Upland area average rainfall: 800 mm, lowland area: < 300 mm

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Complete utilization of diverted flood by gradually dissipating its energy through a series of distribution canals

The Agro-pastoralists have a well

defined copping pattern designed to adapt to different climatic conditions and increase the probability that there will be at least one harvest at

any given year:

April 1st to May 10: Sorghum

May 10 to June 10: Maize

June 10 to 30: Teff and barley

August 30 to sep. 15: special beans locally called Quaya or Sebere

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Rangeland development by retaining a portion of the river flows that is being lost at Megulele (only75 m wide) outlet - there is huge land laying ideal Pastoralists travel more than

12 hrs

Frequent conflicts among pastoralists and agro-pastorlaists

Organizing pastoralists

Named Miracle tree, spate irrigated, important contributor to rural livelihood in Yemen – underutilized in Awash, Afar

Resilient to drought: Grows wn areas with RF < 150 mm/year

Moderately tolerant to salinity; high regeneration capacity

Lifetime: 10 to 15 years; tree height: 3 to 5 m, length of thorns: 8 cm

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Flowers: loved by bees


Arguably the best

Cost: USD 30/liter in Yemen

Leaves and thorns

Best feed for goats

Rich in proteins

Effective in goat fattening

Stem - wood

Charcoal production:

Arguably the best

Lits quick and stay lit long

USD 5 per sack (about 20 kg)


Fluid extracted from charcoal

Cure for animal (goat, sheep, camel) skin diseases

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ObservedIn many of the lowland area prosopis juliflora has spread widely –probably upwards of 1 M ha (as in other arid lowlands in the last thirty years)

Degrading rangeland and invading/ distorting dry riverbeds

Some productive uses (charcoal) but limited

Experiences:Charcoal making in Afar in the end discouraged as it also triggered charcoal production from acacia

Intensive land use (agricultural, managed rangeland) and systematic protection works – but there is scale issue – better to focus on designated agro-pastoralist areas

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What is required is:Large co-ordinated initiative focussing on (1) productive use (2) selected conversion in high intensity areas using cost-effective and sustainable controlProsopis management and lowland agroforestry (there are many unused useful tree species) requires far more attention in mainstream education, research and policy

Thematic packages

Appropriate mechanizationDevelop and exchange command area development and agronomic practices Prosopis Juliflora management initiativePastoralist women empowering activities: Small scale irrigation for vegetable and fruit production; small ruminant fattening

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Thank you
