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Flipped MeetingsDr. Jason Murray (@jasonmurray72)

Nicole Schomp (@nschomp)

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Something to think about…

▪ During meetings, professionals have admitted to

▪ Zoning/daydreaming - 91%

▪ Emailing/other work - 73%

▪ Sleeping - 39%

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▪ Flipped Meeting

▪ Definition

▪ Purpose

▪ Goals

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Comparison: Traditional vs. Flipped Learning

Gigaom Research

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Comparison: Traditional vs. Flipped Meetings

Gigaom Research

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Thoughts on Flipped Meetings

▪ Traditional meetings are structured to minimize disagreement and debate with the presenter doing most of the talking. But real progress can only be made if you structure meetings in a way that brings up points of disagreement as early in the meeting as possible—minimizing time to disagreement and maximizing time available for the collective to come to consensus. And that’s the promise of the flipped meeting.

▪ Expecting decisions to be made during the meeting—and dedicating the meeting time to discussion rather than presentation—encourages all attendees to stay engaged, adopt positions, make informed decisions, and keep projects moving.


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▪ Generate the best ideas to solve problems and create new strategies.

▪ Build capacity for leadership at all levels throughout the organization.

▪ Promote sharing of ideas and resources.

▪ Delegate with trust and confidence.

▪ Increase morale.

▪ Create a shared vision for the organization.

▪ Foster collaboration and shared ownership of decisions and tasks.

▪ Encourage investment in the success of the organization.

▪ Maximize efficiency and time management.

Flipped Consulting

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Amazon Example

▪ Jeff Bezos releases a 6 page narrative – communal reading to start meeting

1. Context or Question

2. Approaches to answer the question – by whom, method, conclusions

3. How is your attempt at answering the question different or the same from previous attempts

4. Now what?

▪ Co-working session

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LinkedIn Example

▪ Slide decks shared 24 hrs in advanced

▪ Practices

1. Define the meeting objective

2. Identify who is driving

3. Take time to define sematics

4. Assign someone to take notes

5. Summarize key actions, deliverables, and points of accountability

6. Ask what you can do better


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Cornwall-Lebanon Example

▪ Administrative Retreat

▪ Administrators were given “homework”

▪ Articles to read

▪ Questions to answers

▪ Topics to ponder

▪ Meeting isolated the administrator – LVC

▪ Working meeting – goal oriented

▪ Guided discussions

▪ Active participation

▪ All suggestions heard & considered

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▪ Faculty meetings

▪ Department meetings

▪ Curriculum meetings

▪ Cabinet meetings

▪ Administrative meetings

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▪ Voki

▪ Videos (screenr, screencast-o-matic,

▪ Blogs


▪ Surveys

▪ Padlet

▪ Voicethread

▪ Google Docs

▪ Twitter

▪ Livebinder

▪ Pinterest

▪ Backchanneling (Today’s Meet, Chatzy)

▪ PollEverywhere

▪ Kahoot!

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▪ No chairs

▪ QR codes

▪ Gamify

▪ Crowdsource

▪ Gather around one large circle or table

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Creative Announcements

▪ Flyers

▪ Emails

▪ Videos

▪ Go Animate

▪ Voki

▪ Animoto

▪ Panopto (Lecture Capture)

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▪ Define your goals

▪ Develop a “timed” agenda

▪ Don’t overcrowd the agenda

▪ Pre-align people if you anticipate opposition

▪ Send deliverables early

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▪ Share meeting material ahead of time

▪ Articles

▪ Videos

▪ Layout the rules for the actual meeting - agenda

▪ Staff must understand the process & expectations

▪ Communicate the timeline & process

▪ Share the goals & expected outcome of the meeting

▪ Survey participants’ needs

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Flipped Meeting Format

▪ Start with a short amount of time for review

▪ Establish protocol

▪ Assign someone to take notes

▪ Define the objective of the meeting

▪ Open the floor to discussion

▪ Close discussion

▪ Summarize key outcomes & decisions

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▪ Send a meeting summary from the notes

▪ Identify decisions & conclusions

▪ Recognize any remaining action items

▪ Attach any additional materials discussed or requested at the meeting

▪ Reassert any points of accountability to keep the project/goal moving forward

▪ Survey for understanding and feedback

▪ Recap video could be another alternative

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▪ Presentation –

▪ Twitter - @nschomp & @jasonmurray72