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Presentation: Dr Stewart Hase

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Current assessment

Higher education is great at teaching students how to write essays/reports

Focus tends to be on summative assessment

Ability to assess higher level Bloom’s Taxonomy is difficult/impossible in essays/reports

Testing ability to regurgitate facts is a waste of time in the 21st century environment

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Student competencies for the 21st Century

Cognitive agility Being able to research Sorting the wheat from the chaff Problem solving Analysis Experimenting Reflecting Applying

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Internet as the game changer

We no longer have to deliver content Provide the GPS coordinates Oversee rather than control Use content to deliver higher order

cognitive skills Flipped classrooms Flipped assessment

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Flipped assessment

Formative rather than summative assessment-do away with the final essay/report

Assess capacity to prepare for the flipped classroom

Assess performance in the flipped classroom

(Flipped assessment: RYAN, B.. Flipping Over: Student-Centred Learning and Assessment. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, North America, 1, dec. 2013.)

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Assess capacity to prepare for flipped classroom

Research ability Hypothesising Summarising Preparation Analysis Resilience

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Assess performance in the flipped classroom

Cooperative learning Problem solving Reflection Analysis Synthesis