Download - FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

Page 1: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


Page 2: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

l!ap f!OCII Jl'1lea •

BOl )0 . ( cont11'1118d)

Polder) . Joint U.S .-British llonthly Sta~nt on Sabo&rine Warfare -

1945. (000.?(3) s.c. )]

As above .

Page 3: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

• •

Page 4: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


Aleunder Cltee lie Forceo Already Thore Doopito New

U-Boat Drive Threat

Page 5: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

• •

"" 90J, 5 llarch L9L 5

Tne Hrst 1..0rc1 of the A<l:ldJ'! lty rlll be 'llfu<ino:; hi• cust<n&ry

will be necessary for him t.o ~· at. reference in gener.-1 ter:ca t.o

the hlst.ory of our au"l:loll<rine w&rf•re ln the pa•t. y~ .. r.

This rlll not. conflict in Glly ny ~Hh our monthly st.-.ternant.

I hav~ re&d It J~YS.l! ana It rlll not touch u""' any te•·nnlc.l e•cr,u

which woulc1 be useful to thu Japane•e .


Page 6: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

rr l 1;

jOJ, 5 olarc:ll 1/I.S

1. 7o the Pre•ldent ut llyoe P.r< u ""•-IJU1-~77 (OH~/,IJ~) . 2 . Copy to M1tllr~ f dwaros , ·'•V'I nt , for t..h~t r luro,..,.,.. l101 . ) . No •eLi on t. fCfl'n . .L.eport lill f!S maele oa 7 ~rch t.o p., rli• .. •cnt. ; t.hi!i

:te$ remo'lt'~a fro-, ,:,'IJ.'T\J.) h.! .. r\)h.T.

n~-1:. ,. : .,,,, : On..IGL•hl.: r .. -~r.w H...t.

000.7 (J)

Page 7: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

Page 8: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

9 Ap'I'U 194.S

.., .... 1'01.1

Dlrect.or, ornce or ... IAro ... uon. Dlrect.or of l'llbllo lelat.lona, Ia.,- Dept.

lef- rq -nac~ua of 7 April 194.S, t.ho

PreelcleS baa lnto....S t.ho P..S.. ll.ird.ater t.bat - .,._

to t.ho •'1:8ar1M etaW.ent u .w.itted by tbe Br1UIIh.

Ita Nl- lD ocoordallc• wit.h ..-.1 procoeclllro 1a tbe~

foro ..u.oriaed.

The follow1111r oorrecUon 11 to be ude, Qowe'ter,

botoro ita .-.1- '!'be -~~~~ oontaDCe lD tho atot .. nt baa bon oorrocted by tbe llriUIIh to road "bu •ndaQbt,odl;r

~· .to. lnatood of 0 ho<l ondaQbtodl;r d~•, etc.

III.Sllr Ball, Yloo Adlolral, u. s. L •

la'nll .U4N to Proeidellt.

Page 9: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

ilU'ector or l'labl.ic Rel&Uono, 11&.,- Dept.. OU.Ctor, Ott'lca of llal' IntoruUon.

Rrr .......... rq • ...,r......_ or 7 April 1945, tiM Preai~ bu 1AI'oi'MCI tlla Pn- that. .. qrea to tiM • aart• -t...ot. ae eulaUt..d b7 tile Br1Uah. n. rel- ill accord&Dce witll u~ proc.-z.e t. tile ..... tore -UiooriHcl.

'!be rollowioc correcUon 1e to ba JUde, -ver, before it.a rel-. 'l'lla -nd aentanca in the ... nt. bu be.. oo.......ud b;r tiM BriUah to r.acl •baa undaolbt.ecll;r clel.a7ecl0 eto. lnat.eacl or •b&cl undoubt.ecll;r dela.recl• ate.

IIILS)II BliOD, Vice Alilirel, U. 8. 11. , •...u. .Ucla to tile Preaiclant..

Page 10: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

&ICRif- fOf

ft'Car u. s. M111tu7 Atc.cbe, LOII4011, :lngland.

fO r tbl Prea14ent ot tbl United statea.

II' r P111Cl 091~51·

Private 8ecretu7 to Pr1me lol1n1ater to White Houae.

W1tll reftrence to Prea1dant•a NI.Dber .,a-. tJ-boat

atate.nt tor March 1 word •ba4• 1n aecond aentence should

.... "baa•. Bn'OI' I'ISI'IttiCI.


Page 11: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


IIIOD 7,.. IICUT AJID I'IUOJW. l'IDI '1'111 l'tt.SI:J)brf 1'01

'!Ill PIIIKI lallliTD.

YOW' 917. h acr'M•

llel ... ecl lroa Ulo llhUo llouM IUp !10011 at 0816! U 1 April, 194'•

..... ~. II&Jo1', A.C.


Page 12: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

J) 1Hl': PiU.J

YArcb IIJ1t.i- su ..arln,. st :.r..:r.ent.

I lr,; •• :

1 . .t,n.'M! ;"S P. -9t7 , 7 tpr L$ . .,!lien ~s eeot. to Preal nt .at.

nbrm - pr1"6• as ..h-:JC7- J6l, 071_,)0'. . Co~ie. or f~ ;9)7 .. 1 .o sent to

U vy Dep.rt..1!•·nt. ti.nd v .. l ror co:u#ent. • • Preoid .t l"f,>lled !n ..r-I:l- lS.. to,,., ,. l ~•·o;:n (07l 6.'3Z) sl< til£!

"..til.-OUT- )64 p,roved subJect to ny c ""' lr. il> l an '· · "

J . Ad .ir;.l Cooke 1nforuod M:nir..l 2rown by t. lophon• -undo., .nomln,;,

~>r rl .&. ltL) , t..t t. \)oth l' ac v• I .~c...d ,.provt !>l t.c.!lenl .

J.. • .;.t.t,.. th*'d d.:::.1 1,.ch t~nt to Cn.urchill ... t. 03lcll..4 . Preai rlt. 1 '"ot od

11'1 !1!-00T-)?J, 0Sl7t7~, ~hich Otnted: nO,,{ Utld f,.<vy n '" concurJ·~• in

yo .... t-i),.N\ ... o. U-uo;..t. .,.t,.. "" nt. · n llt. Frl .e :;. brf'n :1ot l fhd

ta t he ac;rec . n

s. '• esa -> rro"!S the rlvt.t.c scc2• t.f ry t.o thl Prier .. kin I t f'r Ld

the t!Utu ilo~ , !1lec Oc)l0L5Z, corr ct a .. ,. >«>r 1.. th< .ut .t te­

''"nt . 0111 Md NoV"J i.:!or • .ed br -"-"" ·

OOJ.7 {3)

Page 13: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

lui'·"' ·RET

.lli....Q\IT-'J64 to 'born Sori.rygo {Q7l.JIOZ)

t !U}.J: Tnt. •l .. HifU.

10 Tl!h PRE:>Illi::IT

r,o 937, 7 SJ>R!L 1945

There follows for your concurrencp t he draft of the anti­

U-bot"t 'i'iarfc_re fit.E..temeat for lla.rch . I &m r.lso con!ult...i..n0 r .

J&ci<cn>i~ Kin& .

"Curi ng ..!&rch t!le U- boat effort con tinued t o ir.­ but fewer eucce:56es ••ere obtained against our

shippin.; tn&n in Fobru&.ry . C&su~ltlv5 L •fllctcc. o.J U- bo&ts

~er~ bgain severe ~nd the prolonged and extensi\e b~cbing

c.nd minelt..ying poll cy of the Al lie• llsd undoubtedly delayed

the Lntroc!uction of the ne>l type U-boot s . In r. titilt r

mnnner th~ cr.pture of Danzig ~/ the Sovi<t oms helps to

eut off the evil at its source . "

Rl'CD O?liOOZ.

Page 14: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

7 April 194~

Dti'Mt<~r, Office ot Jar Into..-Uon. Dir .. \<lr ot Publlc 1\elatlano, Havy t opart.llont.

Tho toll0111ll1 ..,.. .. uon tor tho llarch , 1945 , Sul:aarino 'oartare Stot-t. baa been ,....hocl !tva tho Prbo ll.lnloter t hio tiato. Tho Proetd.,t doa!Jooa ~ -t• JOU MJ' huo to -~• an t.hlo ot.ate­-t..

"llw-1nc llarob tho 0-boat ottort ..... unuod to ln­creaH but f-r 0\lC .. O .. O WON obt.&illed &&ainot 0\11' ahippillc \bAA l n hbNOJ'7. C&ou~ll .. illnlctocl on IJ..boet.o .. ,.. a.aaln • ..,.,. and t ho proloncocl and ex­t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod 11Ddollll\odl)' dol.a7od t.ho illt.roduction ot tho now t.TP• 11-boeto. In • o1aUa.r II&IIDOI' tho -.pture or Danug br tho SoYiot anoa holpo to cut ott tho o•ll at ito •ourco.•

'UL.:.()H 111>09 J , Vlco AOilral, U . ~.M .,

Hanl J.ldo to tho Proaldmt.


Page 15: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


7 April l94S

D1renor of Public Reletioru, ~&"7 Deparuen~.

D1rea1.or, O!Cloe of War ll1!oru\1on .

!1M !ol.loodtlc ....,.auon tor 1.11• ltarch, 191.,, Suburine Jrarfare

Stat•eDt baa bMn reoelncl froa t.he PriM 111n1ahr l.hlo clat.e. The

Pr .. ldClt d01lrea llliJ Co.1WII'Ita :you IU7 have to IU~O 011 t hlo at ah­

.... t.

•liw'in& IIArcb !.he 0-boat effort continued to 1n­ but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 acalnat. our ahippina t.ban in Pebruer;y. Cuudt1oo lnflloted on

U-boato nro .. ain aonro and tho jlroloo&ocl and ex­tonahe ba.bln& aad llinelqin& pollc:y of tho Alll .. had

UDdoubhcll:y clela:yocl 1ntrod\lct1on o! tho new t71"

U-boato, ln a aiailar aanner t he capture of Danaic b7 tho Soviet araa helpa t o cut oft t ho evil •~ ita oourco.•

Wll.;.()ll BW•· , Vic.e Adalra.l. U • .,.. W.,

Navel Aide t o Pr .. i dont.

Page 16: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

v~,. . rzy Code 1\Qu~

:.:~rch Ant.i~:.Jt rinn .-.;nt.. .

1. To th• Prt. 1c£.~l "'t • r vpri~ •~ .... -... .... - .. ""' .. , O?~J~ .

~ · Co~il a to II vy G~p rt.. ... n~ h!ld OH for co_.,n~ . .

J . .lli- lu-l& fro ~h• Preoidr:nt to ~Cl;l>lr 1 l!rot.n (0716.8~) uLHr:d1

•..J-...(Xlf- 36L ap;r '"" eu! ject to any clwl;;, a by 01.1 .nd Nny. "

4 . Adlll.l ral Coo<e inforned Aa;Diral Bronl by telephone Sunday !DOmini!,

8 April 1945, Lhut both Navy and 0"! hnd ap, roved at...tetof:ll~ .

s. f!"'AJI.\ri41\'Dt 1 "'n• r .~·+ill or I .or ott tn Pl - - 7 L

~ 1 pr 1.5 . (03ll>htl . /) . Pr~ 11cnt inrorneol in F...ari:- 37J, 08171"/Z, ~hicn st. toe ; "Oill

z..:'\d :•av:' '1 \'e concurrt in your t.pj.iro\·Lol or l'lc U-bo~t at tc:oent. a.nd

the Pri~e "' s ~ en noll !'lea ~L- L 'tllor .t_;ree . "

? . A ':tOIUif' ·e rro.::l tho priv~t.e secret:ry t.o t:"'lfl Pri.iJ.; rll\.attl to

Lh• . .,hit.d House, filed 0910452 , c;>rructed OM M>rd l.n tno sub .~ te­

-::--,t . ~I attd •: vy i."lr';r::ec l'.i ~.


---------------011lGI iol. : P.~- -• - HU

000.7 (.:')

Page 17: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

F :& B H U A R Y

1 9 4 ~

Page 18: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

DU.ator, Ortiae or hr IAtor:ooUon. Director of Public Rel&Uone , Navy ~t.

""' f ollCMinc aub.&rl.De tor l'ebru.a1')', 191.5, hu bef!ll .,...... ... b7 the Preaicl-1. aocl the PriM oiJ..nbt.n for nleuo 6L t.lte ~u...

"WriD& t.1te -th ot Fobnaa17 a ...tnau nuaber ot .t.llled ....-.. naaelo tell 'fl.ot1a to 11- boat. sot.i'fitJ. Ho.n•r• Ute •U-aa.t.&.rine tore.•• • •,.. .ucc• aatul 1n cllltf'071A& ""'" .,«111 wburirlu tbia put """'th than 1n .~ ...... ..,..

•Deapit.e aatla!aot.orT re111lta now beina obtained 1n the war oa UDCieraea ro.1dna, our tor e .. auat :aai.nt.Ain W'lae&lin& rtpl&nco becau•• &n7 an«1Q' altll a larse n~aber ot auburlnaa ala171 poaoeuoa o pohntial tllreot, •

J ••• nhll, J &. , ~der, u.~. s ••

hat. ! awl A.ide t.o t.ho Pruic!tnl.

-1 -

Page 19: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

8 lfan:.'l 194~

Director o! P\lbl1c fiolatiooa, """1 o.,.rt.lHnt. Direc~or, O!!lco o! liar In!oraaUoo.

Tho toll olr1ng 11\lt..,.rine at.a~-~~ tor Fe!Jrw.ry, 191,~, hae been

approvod hy ~o Prce1do:lt wtd the Pria~ llinb~er lor reloooe at tho

"' ual ti:e:

•Uurin, the ~Ul ot Fobnlt.ry • IIOC!onto nwob<or oC .Ulled urchanl \esoela fell \IC~ia to U-~t ~octiYHy.

HOt·eyt;r, tho kDU-a-ul::morino torc:.•s te: 1e •uceeaoful 1..n

de• ""'"' cnc:J Lub;;:o.rin•~ llll• p.•l -.u. than in J &tl'l.U'7.

•O.•;>H• o:.tiat .. ctorr re • .UU ,.,. b< ocn...tneo 1n

tM 't':\r on undorse& n1c1arti, our torcae. lf.tJi t. MinUln ~~t~coaain& Yi(Uanca bocauao "117 Ollela}' IIi~ a lar,e nu.sbtor

or <lxa;ro poe•••••• a poteoli~ threat.. •

J. ~ TlhH, Jh. , ~der, U. v. u. ,

Aeet. N&'t&l Aide to the Preal~ont.

- l-

Page 20: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

• • I r

8 tl.orch 1~45

Tour 711. Text of rebN..ry ""tt U """t oUt..,...,t. I


hec' o 08132fJ.a:, 'j.)" ••••• l.

l r

Page 21: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


'ril.J The Yr.L~ ~inie~er TO i ne I resident ... uJJ-..L UI\Tl..

or Fl.W.. !~1) . 9o6, 8 W<rch 1145

'' •fi :JJU' hiJ(l\11 oal.B:tO~ VIrt ~trmyCodt'"rtoom

... l.,bJl:.CT : r ebrunry sub s tute:ncnt

·n~l'I<-N :

l. "n&wers i"u.-.-Pt.t ~r:zll1 :Z .. arch 121:1~ . 2. l o th e l'resio.ent via 1fiss Tully . J. :lavy and 0•1 not ifi ed; state..ocent releasee at uS'Ual u,., . 4 - No reply.

C•1~"l:o> ~· : DnTi' : H Llkl.cllv.l OF : OKIGLI•AL: PhL>-f:.t FI.J:.

000.? ( J) · ~

Page 22: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.



7 li•rch l#~

AJ.Ai_,,.., w .........

<.00'1'1:.. Durin• tho llll)lltll or r •bnu.ry • ..K>deret. nu...,t>er oi ..J.lied

'l!ereh~~n t veaaele fell viott'l! to U- bott Mt.lvity . Hor .. ver, llle •nli-

su~rlne forces .,..ere •uecesllitul in dealrosi.nv ':'DO!"~ etleiQ' .. ub:b in~~ t.bia

undersea r ... taer~ o·:r forces .:!! uncf'l!sinpt vi"ilwtce t,f<c:ust My

cne:IIY wHh a U.r~o nun:ber of aulD!.• ltl"· ya poe oto•e~

h.el•ued rro .. t.ho ~hUe House ..:...~ h.oo'l

r.t 07123}l -rcll lt45:

i • • Gt.;,.ill...,t1

Cnptatn , ,,oc.

- l -

Tu~-t:. ET

Page 23: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

The ~ re•io•nt 70 or ;. • ....._ • .

l. Proposed ot tem•nt ror Febrw ry prep•red by •·u>: J;ep~<rt ttent ; opprove<i by o .. I . ...Mt. t.o PresidFnt. ut. UJdd ~~ r i. a~ •tt-tXH-28~ (062l.J5~) .

2. rre.rl.oon• • >pro\ tO !.n &.,-I .. -156 (06<)JJ<.) • J . Proposed otat ....,nt aent to "nurcnill u r<<~--•. •711 , 7 liar 1.~ . J.. . !"..t approvrq in hla ,.too. ~ -ar 1;5 "' s. aov-J eJ•d V••l Oot.lfiec; l"'f"lea.~ to pr(l't.S 6\. US>Jftl tl-~ .

c ~-l:, 1 : viUur..,...,, ~1=-l"..l r !~t

000.7 (J)

Page 24: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.

6 uaron 1945

MJ\-OUT- 285

.P'On TH! t'RI!lSlDENT Jl!0..1 AUIUkAL dh0\'11'< ,

The following ousseoted eubmarllle s tatement r or

rabruary nee been av~roved by the Navy Department and

Oi~. Your approval i s requested t o send t o the Prime


QUOTE. During t he month or February a moder ate

number or Allied merchant vosaele tell victim to U-boat

aot1Yity. However , t he anti- submarine roroea were

eucoeeetUl in destroying more eneoy submarines thi s

past month tnan i n January .

Despite sot1efeotory results now being obt ained i n

the war on undersea raiders our rorqea m11a~ IIIAintalo

unoeoeing vigi lance beoeuse any enemy with e large

number or submarines always possesses a potent ial

threat . UNQUOTK.

S!NT: 0621 )5Z


Page 25: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.


Wr l tt.: n By _ L::..t:_.:..J ohn=;..ll&rr=~h~---

ont .. ___ _;J-;..:;..5--'4;;.5 _____ _

Source _.:_ca~p::..;t:...:.R...:F....:.C.:..o=u=t=n:.:..• ____ _

Ch.are:d By Capt Colline, AdJI McCann, capt ftlmtpa t Ad& ldiifrde


Propoeed Joint-sub releaee:

o. K. For Rckasc --- ---=-­Oat .. of Rclcas, ,--------


•During the aonth of February a aodarate nu.ber of Allied

aercnant vessels fell victim to 0-Boat activity. However, the anti-

sub.arine force• ware suecesstul i n destroying aore eneliQ' auburinea

this past aonth than in Ja:auary.

•Despite satisfactory results now being obtAined in the

war on undersea raiders our forces auet aaintain unceasing vigilance

because an enll!Q' with a large number of subaarines always posseaaes

a potential tnreat.•


Page 26: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.



Wrllt• •n By __ ;:,Lt:...:.=:...::.:::;,.;_:::... _ _

Oat.. J-5-45

Sourct taptaip R l Co11ip•

Cl~u~d Br - --- - ----

0 . K. For R( --- -­

Cil l c f Rt.lcas.. r------

Propoood joint - oubMrine releaoe: ~~

•Du.ring tbe ao·nth or '•bnl.ar1 • "'r'?z 7 goa -.-uuaber or

A.ll.1ed aereh&D.t. veeaela f ell y-lct:W to U- Boat acUY1t1,. 'cht • B ~

_.c>-•b n' akll!! 1!1. CR ' at ' 8 ~~ h£wever, W t.O.-suece•• r4 oar

aore eno.-y

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tha tied ' t·••· aa:r4 tlte-~ Oeean. Deapite lklt i afaetory results

noe being obtainod in tbe war on \llldlroea raiders our torceo ~ aaiDtAin \lDCO&OlDC rlllC8DCO bocauae aD Oll81Q' witb & larie Duaber Of

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Page 27: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.



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ADVANCE RELEASE : To bo Bold in STR ICTEST CONJ'II>ENCB FOR OOM;>;Sl'IC ro!:LEASE n.nd 11ar TO :s8 t.Gi!l> by PRES.<; OR RADIO REl'ORE 6 :}0 P. ~!. , E\o'T, FridAy, February 9, 101,5 ,

Tho fcllov1n~ Joi nt AnaJ.o-AI:Jer1un e t a te...,t on euhl:arlne and ant1-oub­

a.rine operati on& ie i e euod under t he a ut hority or t he Presi dent and the Pri me


"ThroUGhout January t he ene"'Y' a U-boat a ct1vi t ;r el1sl!tly gt·eator

than in l>eceJDber, but loeeeo of ""'r c hent shi pping wo:·• not eubeto.nttally

different . The U· boate mkins use of t heir nd de•1cee renotrated further

into f ocal. araas of ab1pp1ng eloao 1n abore. Reeulta or our eoi.D'lter-...,aaurae

beva been eneourai;1ns."

J NI> OF ADVANCE RELr:A::! : To be Held i n STRICTESI' CONFIIlE!ICE FOR DOMESTIC R!IIL&ASS and !lor TO BE USSD by PRESS or RADIO BEFORE 6 :}0 P .~! . , II(!', Friday, February 9 , 194::; .

Page 29: FLASH - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · t.molft ba.b14& aAcl llillolarilla pollcr or t ho Ulloa hod ... but !fter •uc.c••••• ••re obt.a1nec1 aca lnat.