Download - Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Page 1: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Five Year Housing Land Supply

May 2016

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Contact Details

Forward Planning

Cotswold District Council

Trinity Road



Tel: 01285 623000

Email: [email protected]


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1. Introduction 4

2. How much housing is Cotswold District required to deliver? 4

3. Housing Land Supply 6

Sites with planning permission 6

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) sites 7

Windfall sites 7

Buffers 9

Lapse Rate 11

4. Five Year Supply Calculation 13

5. Schedule of Sites 14

Appendix 1

Large Site Deliverability Evidence

Appendix 2

Windfall Evidence

Appendix 3

Lapse Rate Evidence

Appendix 4

Large Site Completion Rate Evidence

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1. Introduction

This document identifies that Cotswold District is currently able to demonstrate a supply of

specific deliverable sites in excess of its housing requirement for the five year period 1st April 2016

to 31st March 2021. Taking account of a 5% buffer, the District can demonstrate 7.54 years‟ worth

of deliverable housing sites.

This document has been prepared in accordance with government advice set out in the National

Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG). The report

conforms with recent appeal decisions, case law and guidance from the Planning Advisory Service (PAS).

In accordance with paragraph 47 and footnote 11 of the NPPF, sites identified within the five year

supply must be deliverable. To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a

suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will

be delivered on the site within five years and, in particular, that development of the site is viable.

Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless

there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years.

2. How much housing is Cotswold District required to deliver?

Local authorities are required to significantly boost the supply of housing. They must use their

evidence base to ensure that local plans meet the full objectively assessed needs for market and

affordable housing in the housing market area, as far as is consistent with the policies set out in

the Framework, including identifying key sites that are critical to the delivery of the housing

strategy over the plan period (NPPF, paragraph 47).

National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), published in March 2014, states that: “Housing requirement figures in up-to-date adopted Local Plans should be used as the starting

point for calculating the five year supply. Considerable weight should be given to the housing

requirement figures in adopted Local Plans, which have successfully passed through the

examination process, unless significant new evidence comes to light. It should be borne in mind that

evidence which dates back several years, such as that drawn from revoked regional strategies, may

not adequately reflect current needs.” (Reference ID: 3-030-20140306)

It is accepted that the Council does not yet have an adopted up-to-date housing requirement that

has passed through examination. In these circumstances the NPPG (Reference ID: 3-030-

20140306) goes on to state that: “Where evidence in Local Plans has become outdated and policies in emerging plans are not yet

capable of carrying sufficient weight, information provided in the latest full assessment of housing

needs should be considered. But the weight given to these assessments should take account of the

fact they have not been tested or moderated against relevant constraints. Where there is no robust

recent assessment of full housing needs, the household projections published by the Department for

Communities and Local Government should be used as the starting point, but the weight given to

these should take account of the fact that they have not been tested (which could evidence a

different housing requirement to the projection, for example because past events that affect the

projection are unlikely to occur again or because of market signals) or moderated against relevant

constraints (for example environmental or infrastructure).”

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The appropriate starting point for the assessment of housing land supply has been discussed at

length during S.78 appeals and at the High Court. Of particular relevance are the following high

court judgements:

Hunston Properties Limited (1) Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government

and (2) St Albans City & District Council [2013] EWCH 2678 (admin); and

South Northamptonshire v Secretary of State for CLG and Barwood Homes Limited [2014] EWHC 570

In Hunston it was argued that the Inspector had erred in law by failing to identify the „full

objectively assessed needs‟ for housing in the area, opting instead for the adoption of the earlier

East of England Plan requirement, a figure which was constrained. Lord Justice Keene found that

the Inspector had erred by adopting such a figure since this did not represent the full objectively

assessed need as required by Paragraph 47 of the Framework.

The Barwood Homes Judgement provided further clarification in this regard. Justice Ouseley found

that while the revoked Regional Spatial Strategies are not expunged from history that it is the

OAN that should be used in absence of an up-to-date Local Plan, stating that:

“…. until the full, objectively assessed needs are qualified by the policies of an up to date Local

Plan, they are the needs which go into the balance against any NPPF policies”.

Cotswold District Council first published its assessment of objectively assessed need (OAN) for

housing in late 2014 in a document entitled, „The Objectively Assessed Housing Needs of Stroud, Forest

of Dean and Cotswold‟ (Neil McDonald and Christine Whitehead, October 2014). However, the

OAN has subsequently been updated by the report „An Updated Estimate of the Objectively Assessed

Housing Needs of Cotswold District‟ (Neil McDonald, March 2016). Both reports can be downloaded from the Council‟s website via the following link:


Cotswold District Council has participated in the development of a consistent methodology with

neighbouring local authorities (Forest of Dean District Council, Stroud District Council and the Joint

Core Strategy for Gloucester City Council, Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough

Council). Consequently, the methodology for calculating the OAN in Cotswold District is consistent

across Gloucestershire.

The update to the OAN has resulted in the housing requirement in Cotswold District rising from

7,600 dwellings (380 dwellings per year) to 8,400 dwellings (420 dwellings per year) for the twenty

year period from 2011-2031. The updated OAN figure has been used in this years‟ five year supply

calculation, which is consistent with recent case law, at time of publication.

3. Housing Land Supply

This report includes a full schedule of sites that are considered to be able to deliver housing in the

next five years. The housing land supply is derived from the following sources:

1. Sites with planning permission but not yet complete;

2. Sites that are not allocated, but are identified as being deliverable within five years in the

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA); and

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3. A windfall site allowance.

Although the District has an extremely large number of holiday homes, these are not included

within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not

form part of the permanent dwelling stock. In addition, the District does not currently have any

allocated sites, which may otherwise be considered for inclusion within the five year housing land


To be deliverable, sites must be:


Sites already in the planning system with planning permission, or allocated for housing, as

well as sites proposed by landowners through the SHELAA process that have been

assessed as being able to come forward quickly.


Sites without planning permission that are within the development boundaries of

Cirencester and the nine other Principal Settlements within Cotswold District. These sites

are in accordance with the saved policies of the Council‟s adopted Local Plan (2001-11).


The schedule includes sites with planning permission, SHELAA sites and allocations that are

considered to have a reasonable prospect of being delivered within five years. This includes

being economically viable.

Sites with planning permission This includes unimplemented planning permissions and sites under construction that create new

dwellings. The Council has also made an allowance that takes account of large and small site

planning permissions that lapse (referred to as a „lapse rate‟).

The Council‟s Residential Land Availability (RLA) report annually records the number of housing

commitments (dwellings with planning permission that are either under construction or not yet

started) as well as the number of housing completions. The latest RLA position from April 2016 is

used to inform this five year supply assessment, which shows that there are currently 3,367

commitments. The RLA (April 2016) report is available to download on the Council‟s website via

the following link:

Each planning permission has been assessed to ensure that only new dwellings that are realistically

deliverable within the next five years are counted within the five year housing land supply.

Furthermore, larger sites (10 or more dwellings) have undergone intense scrutiny against the

available, suitable and achievable criteria to ensure that only those dwellings that will be completed

in five years are included in the five year housing land supply. Appendix 1 provides evidence to

support the deliverability of each of these sites.

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

The Cotswold Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Report Consolidation Report

(SHELAA) (January 2016) has been produced in accordance with the requirements set out in the

National Planning Practice Guidance. As such, this document forms robust and credible evidence

to inform the preparation of the Local Plan. The SHELAA identifies and assesses sites for their

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potential to deliver housing in accordance with their availability, suitability and achievability. The

Council‟s SHELAA is available to download via the following link:

The Council has investigated the deliverability of each SHELAA site included within the five year

supply to ensure that only sites that are realistically able to deliver completed dwellings within five

years are included within the five year housing land supply. The evidence that demonstrates each

SHELAA sites‟ deliverability is also provided in Appendix 1. To avoid double counting, sites with

planning permission are shown within the commitments section of the housing trajectory table

(blue) and do not appear within the SHELAA sites section of the table (yellow).

Windfall Sites

Windfall sites are those that have not been specifically identified as available in the Local Plan

process. Cotswold District, being a large predominantly rural authority, has a historic trend of

consistently delivering a large number of windfall developments. In outlining whether windfalls can

be taken into account within the five years supply, paragraph 48 of the NPPF states that:

“Local Planning Authorities may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply if they

have compelling evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and

will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should be realistic having regard

to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, historic windfall delivery rates and expected

future trends, and should not include residential gardens”.

In order to provide evidence to support the inclusion of windfall sites, Cotswold District Council

has looked in detail at the housing completions for the last nine years. The Council has established

whether each housing completion has previously been identified within the SHELAA, was an

allocated site or whether the development was on a residential garden. Sites that did not meet

any of these criteria were identified as windfall sites. The annual results are as follows:

Year Windfall completions

2007/08 130

2008/09 176

2009/10 34

2010/11 95

2011/12 59

2012/13 104

2013/14 59

2014/15 92

2015/16 119

Average 80.2

The first two years‟ worth of data appear to be high and do not necessarily reflect a realistic

position as the SHELAA was in the early stages of development. The latter seven years provide

realistic evidence to show the district has delivered an average of 80.2 dwellings from windfall sites

each year. To be robust, the windfall allowance has been rounded down to 80 dwellings. A table

of evidence for each windfall development is available in Appendix 2.

To be robust, the Council has applied the windfall allowance from year 4 onwards only. This is

because planning permissions last for three years and some of the existing housing commitments

will already be windfall developments, which may lead to some double counting.

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There will be some windfall developments granted planning permission within the next three years

that are not accounted for within the this five year supply report. It should therefore be noted

that the actual housing supply calculation will include windfall developments that do not yet have

planning permission. Therefore, in reality, the housing supply would actually be higher than what is

being reported.

It should also be noted that the Council‟s existing planning policies do not rule out developments

on garden land and it is not envisaged that future policies will do so. However, the windfall

allowance does not take account of garden developments, which also makes the actual housing

projection over the next five years higher than what is reported.

Another factor likely to increase the number of windfalls is the amendments to the permitted

development rights. As of 30th May 2013, changes of use from B1 (office) to C3 (residential) can

occur without the need for planning permission. New legislation also came into effect on 15th April

2015, which allows redundant and empty agricultural buildings to be brought into use again, with

residential development being one such permitted use (certain restrictions apply, please see the

legislation and the Planning Portal‟s Planning Practice Guidance for further information). This

change is particularly relevant in Cotswold District because it is a predominantly rural authority

with a large number of disused agricultural buildings. Indeed, the change to permitted development

laws has already seen a noticeable increase to the number of windfalls delivered each year in

Cotswold District with last two years both recording above average numbers of windfalls. In

2015/16, three permitted development schemes yielded 30 completed dwellings, which accounted

for 25.2% of windfall developments. Analysis of the residential commitments shows the pattern

looks set to continue. In addition, the government propose further extensions to the permitted

development rights, allowing changes from B8 (storage and distribution) facilities to C3 uses.

Given that the windfall allowance is based on historical evidence, the Council has taken the robust

approach to take an average that is based on projecting back to when the Council‟s first SHLAA

was published in 2009/10. However, it should be noted that the actual number of windfalls is likely

to be significantly higher due to the recent introduction of permitted development rights and

proposed extensions to permitted development rights.

Notwithstanding the above, the District has maintained a high average delivery rate of windfalls

over the past seven years, even during a period where there was an unfavourable economic

climate. Taking into consideration all of the factors that may affect windfalls, the Council expects

the rate of windfalls to be maintained or increase in future years.


In determining whether a buffer should be applied to the five year supply calculation, paragraph 47

of the NPPF specifies that:

“to boost significantly the supply of housing, local planning authorities should identify and update

annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years worth of housing

against their housing requirements with an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later in the

plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. Where there has been a

record of persistent under delivery of housing, local planning authorities should increase the buffer

to 20% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to provide a realistic prospect of achieving

the planned supply”.

Whilst there is no specific guidance or policies that define the criteria for „persistent under

delivery of housing‟, the issue has been addressed by Inspectors in various appeal decisions and in

the High Court. In a Judicial Review between Cotswold District Council and Fay and Son Limited /

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Hannick Homes and Development Limited (Ref: [2013] EWHC 3719 (Admin), Highfield Farm,

Tetbury, Gloucestershire, 27th November 2013), the Judge, Mr Justice Lewis, considered the

methodology of projecting backwards five years to be appropriate. Mr Justice Lewis stated that:

“Persistent under delivery is not further defined in the Framework, or elsewhere. In an appeal

decision concerning Sellars Farm in Stroud, the Inspector held that completions over the past five

years were the most relevant to a consideration of the Council‟s delivery record. On the basis that

the Framework requires the assessment of future housing delivery to look forward five years,

looking back five years to assess the record of past delivery, seems to me a reasonable approach”.

Although the Judicial Review was determined in November 2013, the methodology is still of

material relevance.

However, more recently, when deciding whether to apply a 5% or 20% buffer, the Inspector of an

appeal in Mickleton considered a longer-term approach in determining whether there was a

record of persistent under delivery of housing in Cotswold District (Ref: Appeal Ref:

APP/F1610/A/14/2228762, Land to the east of Broad Marston Road, Mickleton, Gloucestershire,

GL55 6R9, 23rd September 2015). The Iinspector reasoned that the provision of housing comes in

„lumps‟ and it follows „cycles‟ so variations about the annual average requirement should be

expected. The Inspector stated in his decision that:

“In this case, the actual record of delivery over the period 1991-2014 set against the requirements

prevailing at the time (the adopted Structure Plan, the Local Plan and the current „objectively

assessed need‟) indicate that the years when a shortfall occurred are matched by the years when a

surplus was delivered (12 years to 11), a pattern that is only to be expected in comparing annual

observations against an annual average. Moreover, there have been several periods when the

cumulative delivery exceeded the cumulative requirement (during the 1990s and in the early 2000s),

demonstrating that any under-delivery has not always persisted. And, although currently there is a

cumulative shortfall against the cumulative requirements, it is very small (less than 2% in almost a

quarter of a century) and is being reduced by annual surpluses achieved for each of the last 4 years.

In my view, this situation cannot be described accurately as representing the „persistent under-

delivery‟ of the housing required. It is thus inappropriate to apply the 20% buffer now”.

Having regard to this decision it is considered that since the cumulative shortfall of housing

delivery against the cumulative requirements remains very small and is continuing to decrease

then, even if a longer term view is taken, the District Council would continue not to have a

record of persistent under delivery of housing.

Notwithstanding the „Mickleton decision‟, the issue of whether to apply a 5% or 20% buffer was

most recently considered at an appeal in Willersey (Appeal Ref: APP/F1610/W/15/3121622, Land

South of Collin Lane, Willersey, Gloucestershire, 23rd February 2016). In his appeal decision, the

Inspector stated that: “The „Mickleton decision‟ considered Cotswold was not persistently under-delivering and a 5%

buffer should be applied. I do not disagree with this long range assessment but in my view I see no

reason why the last four years (and soon to be five years) does not provide a reasonable basis to

assess delivery performance. It broadly correlates with the implementation of the NPPF and at time

when market conditions have been stable. In adding a 5% buffer in accordance with paragraph 47

of the NPPF the requirement increases to 1,995.”

This decision appears to give more credence to the methodology of projecting backwards five

years. As this approach was also considered to be reasonable in the High Court and by the

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Planning Inspectorate, it is considered appropriate to project backwards five years to determine

whether a 5% or 20% buffer should be applied to the May 2016 five year supply calculation.

The annualised residential completions for the previous five years are provided in the table below.

Projecting backwards from 1st April 2016, the District has had three years‟ of housing delivery

where completions are above the 420 dwelling housing requirement. The average number of

dwellings completed over the last five years equates to 477, which is well above the 420 dwellings

per annum requirement. In total, there have been 2,385 dwellings completed over the past five

years, which equates to a 285 dwelling surplus above the 2,100 requirement.

Net Annual Housing Completions

2011/12 528

2012/13 393

2013/14 399

2014/15 466

2015/16 599

Average 477

Given that the housing requirement has been met in the majority of the past five years, that the

average completion rate from the last five years is greater than the housing requirement and that a

surplus of 285 dwellings has been delivered in the past five years, it is considered that a 5% buffer should continue to be applied to the supply calculation. Nonetheless, for the reasons explained

above, it is considered that a 5% buffer can be justified irrespective of the approach taken.

Lapse Rate

There is also no guidance or policies to determine whether a lapse rate should be applied to the

five year supply. However, to provide a robust five year supply calculation, the Council have

incorporated an evidence-based allowance that takes account of lapsed planning permissions on

large and small sites.

As with the methodology used for calculating whether the authority has a record of persistent

under delivery of housing, the Council have used data from the previous five years to work out

the lapse rate. The table below shows that, on average, lapsed planning permissions comprise 15.4

dwellings each year. To be robust, the lapse rate has been rounded up to 16 dwellings. A table of

evidence for each lapsed planning permission is available at Appendix 3. The annual results are as


Year Net lapsed


2011/12 7

2012/13 21

2013/14 10

2014/15 12

2015/16 27

Average 15.4

Notwithstanding the above, the Council recognises that renewed planning permissions can

potentially distort the five year supply figure, as, although they have not lapsed, the permission may

not be delivered within five years. Equally, the number of dwellings committed on large sites can

rise or fall when Reserved Matters or Full planning permissions replace Outline permissions. To

address this issue and ensure the five year supply calculation is robust, the Council has undertaken

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further investigation into whether large sites with planning permission have been completed within

five years of the initial permission being granted.

Appendix 4 provides historical evidence of each large site (10 or more dwellings) that has been

granted planning permission between 1st April 2006 and 31st March 2016. There have been 28

large residential sites where Outline planning permissions have been fully superseded by Full or

Reserved Matters consents. On average, each of these sites has had an additional 8 dwellings

permitted when the Reserved Matters or Full consent has been granted.

Appendix 4 also demonstrates that historically, 3.3% of dwellings that are granted planning

permission on large sites in Cotswold District are not completed within five years. As already

discussed, Appendix 1 provides evidence that is gathered from developers, planning consultancies

and land agents to help form realistic and robust assumptions about when planning permissions on

large sites will be delivered. This information is fed into the housing trajectory, which provides a

year by year estimate of when sites will be delivered. Where there is uncertainty, the Council

always adopts a conservative approach to ensure that the supply calculation is robust. There are a

total of 3,366 dwellings with planning permissions in this years‟ housing trajectory, of which 5.59%

have been discounted. This demonstrates that the Council‟s cautious approach to discounting

large site planning permissions has the effect of discounting significantly more dwellings than the

historical average.

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4. Five Year Supply Calculation

Between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2016, 2,385 dwellings have been completed in Cotswold

District. Given that the housing requirement is 420 dwellings per year (or 2,100 over a five year

period) there is a surplus of 285 dwellings.

There are no policies or guidance at a national level that deal with how to factor a surplus number

of completed dwellings into the five year housing land supply requirement. However, the Planning

Advisory Service (PAS) published a technical advice note titled „Objectively Assessed Need and

Housing Targets‟ in July 2015, which does provide some advice. Paragraph 10.2 of the document sets out that:

“in setting targets the authority should also have regard to the impact of housing development on

its wider policy objectives and priorities. This is not explicitly mentioned in national policy and

guidance, perhaps because it is self-evident. What is clear from the NPPF is that an authority‟s

objectives or values cannot justify undersupplying the OAN. But there is no reason why the

authority cannot provide for housing development over and above the assessed need. The OAN is a

minimum target, subject to supply constraints. There is no suggestion that it is a maximum.”

Whilst PAS does not provide direct advice, it can be inferred that a surplus supply of dwellings

should not be deducted from the five year housing requirement, as this would reduce the housing requirement to a „minimum‟ level.

To ensure the supply position is completely robust, Craig Howell Williams QC from FTB

Chambers provided advice to the Council on 5th June 2016 on how the oversupply of housing

should be factored into the five year housing supply requirement. In his letter to the Council,

Craig Howell Williams QC stated that:

“the requirement in the NPPF is to boost significantly the supply of housing. It seems to me that this

must allow for completions over and above the OAN figure. An approach that simply absorbs all

surplus housing into the housing requirement for the plan period potentially undermines the

positive plan-led approach advocated by the NPPF. It potentially means that the housing

requirement for the latter plan period will be zero, which, while it is open to debate, does not seem

to me to be entirely consistent with the NPPF.”

Although there is a clear lack of policies or guidance at a national level or case law relating to

whether the supply surplus should be deducted from the housing requirement, the Council wish

to ensure that the five year supply position is completely robust. In light of the available guidance

and recent legal advice, surplus dwellings have not been deducted from the five year housing land

supply requirement. However, it should be noted that the five year housing land supply position

would be larger if the surplus completed dwellings were deducted from the five year housing land

supply requirement or, indeed, if the surplus dwellings were averaged over the Local Plan period

2011 and 2031.

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The table below sets out the five year supply calculation for the period 1st April 2016 to 31st

March 2021.

Five Year Supply Calculation


Requirement: 420 x 5 years

(420 dwellings per year between 1st

April 2011 to 31st March 2016)


B Net dwellings built to date (1st April

2011 to 31st March 2016) 2,385

C Supply surplus (B-A) 285

D 5 year requirement (420 x 5) 2,100

E 5% buffer on requirement (D x 0.05) 105

F Revised Requirement (E+F) 2,205


Deliverable Supply

Commitments 3,184

SHELAA sites 27

Windfalls (2 x 80) 160

Lapse rate (3 x -16) -48

Total supply over next 5 years 3,323


5 year land supply position (supply /

annual requirement) x 5

(G / F) x 5

7.54 years

I Supply as a percentage (G/F x 100) 150.7%

J Surplus (G - F) 1,118

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5. Schedule of Sites

0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Commitments at 31st March 2016

Ampney St Mary 4837.1 15/00558/FUL Hill Oak Farm, GL7 5SW 1 1

Ampney St Mary 7375 15/02761/FUL Manor Farmyard 3 3

Andoversford 1216 14/03514/OUT 30 Templefields 2 2

Andoversford 2381 13/03775/FUL Former Cattle Market, Station

Road 7 7

Ashley 3670.1 11/02839/FUL

Culkerton Station, (Former

Goods Building), Tetbury


1 1

Avening 0525 15/05604/FUL The Homestead, 2 Lawrence

Road 1 1

Avening 1806 15/03717/FUL Wingfield, 11 Hampton Hill,

GL8 8NS 1 1

Avening 2767 13/03106/FUL Land adjacent to 11 High

Street, GL8 8LU 1 1

Avening 2831.1 14/02675/FUL Land parcel at the Sunground 11 11

Avening 3190 14/02252/FUL Land adjacent 9 Pound Hill 1 1

Bagendon 2339 15/01047/FUL Lyncroft Farm Workshops,

Perrotts Brook 2 2

Barnsley 3575 14/04384/FUL Mower Shed and Wood

Store, Barnsley Park Estate 3 3

Barrington 0054 12/04562/FUL Inn For All Seasons 1 1

Batsford 4047.1 15/02701/OUT Land adjacent to Fosse Lodge,

Stratford Road 2 2

Batsford 4047.2 15/05550/OUT Land adjacent to Fosse Lodge,

Stratford Road, GL56 9NQ 1 1

Baunton 0351 13/05262/OUT Green Sleeves 1 1

Baunton 1440 14/02055/FUL Windrush House, The

Whiteway -1 2 1

Beverstone 3058.1 14/02756/FUL The Red Barn, Babdown Farm,

Babdown 1 1

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0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Bibury 1336 14/05653/FUL Four Winds, Ablington -1 1 0

Bibury 3472 14/05224/FUL Bibury Court Hotel, Church

Road 1 1

Bibury 3950 15/04489/FUL

The Old Coachouse, 5A The

Old Quarry, Arlington, GL7


1 1

Bibury 8338.2 14/01342/FUL Land adjacent to Barn House,

Hawkers Hill 1 1

Bibury 9443 14/03014/FUL Pudding Hill Farm, Arlington

Pike, Arlington, GL7 5DN 1 1

Bibury 9452 14/03724/FUL The Piggeries, land parcel east

of B4425, Kilkenny Farm Lane 1 1

Bledington 1070.2 15/04092/FUL Pebbly Hill Farm 1 1

Bledington 3350 13/04552/FUL The Old Forge adjacent to

Jasmine Cottage 1 1

Bledington 6600 14/00344/FUL Green Lane, Main Street -1 1 0

Bledington 6907 15/02068/FUL Bledington Grounds

Bungalow, Stow Road 1 1

Blockley 1513 13/00615/FUL Oddity House, Bell Lane 1 1

Blockley 2210.1 16/00479/FUL Brown House, Station Road 1 1

Blockley 2395 14/05276/FUL Land off School Lane, Lower

Farm House 1 1

Blockley 2581 15/01020/OUT Land off Draycott Road 11 12 23

Blockley 4446 14/02977/FUL Lower Brook House, Lower

Street 1 1

Blockley 6409 14/01454/FUL

Land parcel opposite

Cornerstone Cottage,


1 1

Blockley 6599 14/04655/FUL Northwick Mill Farm, Station

Road 1 1

Blockley 6678 14/05625/FUL Land at the Brambles, Pasture

Lane 1 1

Blockley 9430 14/01707/OPANOT Lower Ditchford Barn,

Ditchford Road, Todenham 1 1


Hill 2253 15/04637/FUL

The Forge, Rectory Lane,

GL56 9AF 1 1

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Hill 3871 14/05480/OUT Maple Bank 1 1


Water 0068 15/03446/FUL

Kevinscot, High Street, GL54

2AP 1 1


Water 0515 13/05036/FUL


Library 5 5


Water 1347.1 14/05620/FUL

Land at Moors Farm, Moor

Lane 1 1


Water 1472 14/05693/FUL

The Piece House, Moore

Road 2 2


Water 1898 14/05215/FUL 8 Victoria Street, GL54 2BT 1 1


Water 2230 14/05229/FUL Tagmoor Barn 1 1


Water 2729 14/00654/FUL

Salmonsbury House, Station

Road -1 -1


Water 2729.1 15/02071/FUL

The Rookery, Station Road,

GL54 2EP -1 -1


Water 3544 14/03208/FUL

Formerly Pulhams Coaches,

Station Road 20 20


Water 3646 14/02923/REM Land parcel off Station Road 31 31 31 93


Water 5101 13/01708/FUL

Ebley Tyre and Auto Services,

Lansdowne 5 5


Water 5848 15/01175/FUL

Combe House, Rissington

Road, GL54 2DT 1 1


Water 6513 15/03130/FUL

Gazeley, Moore Road, GL54

2AZ 1 1


Water 9334 13/00291/OUT

Land to the north of Roman

Way and to the east of

Bourton Industrial Park

42 50 13 105


Water 9334.1 15/00818/REM Land adjacent to Roman Way 25 8 33


Water 9455 15/00889/FUL 32 Springvale, GL54 2ES 1 1

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Brimpsfield 0921 15/01717/FUL

Yorke Building Services Ltd,

Ermin Way Works,

Cirencester Road, Birdlip

3 3

Brimpsfield 1464 15/04218/FUL Spring Cottage, Caudle Green -1 3 2

Broadwell 1362 15/04792/FUL Vintners Cottage, GL56 0UF -2 1 -1

Chedworth 3266.1 15/02761/FUL Land at Greenhill Farm,

Greenhill Lane -2 1 -1

Chedworth 3670 14/05373/FUL Buttres House, Queen Street,

GL54 4AG 1 1

Chedworth 9269 15/04011/FUL Highfield, Fields Road 2 2

Chedworth 9478 15/00900/FUL Newport Farm, The Airfield 1 1

Cherington 0496 15/00071/FUL 5 Aston Farm Cottages 1 1

Cherington 0841 12/03802/FUL The Gastons 1 1


Campden 0220 15/00201/FUL The Retreat, Conduit Hill 1 1


Campden 0516 15/03590/FUL Orchard House, Calf Lane, 1 1


Campden 1466.2 13/05276/FUL The Granary, Blind Lane 1 1


Campden 1560.1 14/02422/OUT

Chipping Campden School,

Cider Mill Lane, GL55 6HU -14 9 25 20


Campden 2917.1 14/05178/REM

Land at Berrington Mill

Nurseries, Station Road 13 13 26


Campden 4192 16/00049/OUT

Barrels Pitch, Aston Road,

GL55 6HR 1 1


Campden 4462 15/02187/OUT

Land parcel at the Hoo,

Backends 5 5


Campden 6836 15/00748/FUL

The Paddocks, Backends,

GL55 6AU 1 1


Campden 6894 14/04728/REM

Land adjacent to Badgers

Field, George Lane 8 8 16


Campden 7449 15/04211/FUL

Churchill, Aston Road, GL55

6HR 1 1


Campden 7736 15/03296/FUL

Little Hay, Westington, GL55

6EG 1 1

Chipping 8497.1 14/05582/FUL Land at The Leasows, The 1 1

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Campden Leasows


Campden 9044 15/00221/OUT

Cherry Trees, Aston Road,

GL55 6HR 1 1

Cirencester 0190 15/02761/FUL Gloucester House, 60 Dyer

Street 5 5

Cirencester 0241 15/01329/OUT

Chesterton Halt Adult

Training Centre, Meadow

Road, GL7 1YA

24 24

Cirencester 0489 15/01012/OPANOT

Longwood House, Claverton

House & Unit 3, Love Lane,


17 6 23

Cirencester 0588 15/03910/FUL 30-32 Dollar Street 3 3

Cirencester 0927.1 12/05201/FUL Land adjacent to 45 Bowling

Green Road 2 2

Cirencester 0927.2 15/00559/FUL Land adjacent to 47 Bowling

Green Road (Site 2) 1 1

Cirencester 1021 15/00254/FUL 4-6 Black Jack Street 7 7

Cirencester 1247 14/01436/FUL Land at the Folly, Gallows

Pound Lane, Stratton 1 1

Cirencester 1382 13/05371/FUL Land adjacent to 32 Cotswold

Avenue, 1 1

Cirencester 1787 14/05222/FUL T H White Ltd, Tetbury Road 34 34

Cirencester 2028 14/04600/FUL Fosseway Housing Association

Ltd, 13 Fosse Close 1 1

Cirencester 2654 12/02905/FUL Land adjacent to Stratton

Wold 1 1

Cirencester 2673 15/00154/FUL 6-8 Park Street 2 2

Cirencester 2698 14/03155/FUL Shepherd Smail & Co, North

Way House, North Way 2 2

Cirencester 2859 13/02500/FUL Land at West Way 9 9

Cirencester 2999 14/04599/FUL 43 St Michaels Road 1 1

Cirencester 3565 14/02115/FUL 47 Dyer Street 1 1

Cirencester 3651 15/03620/FUL Powells C of E School,

Gloucester Street, GL7 2DJ 2 2

Cirencester 3955.2 13/02942/OUT Kingshill Development,

London Road 22 44 34 100

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Cirencester 4203.1 15/03052/FUL Le Spa, 42 Gloucester Road,

Stratton, GL7 2LA 35 35

Cirencester 4372 13/04843/OPANOT Carpenters Buildings, The

Avenue, GL7 1EJ 3 3

Cirencester 4489 13/01043/OUT Earle & Ludlow ltd, 77 Victoria

Road 4 4

Cirencester 5127 13/03752/FUL 54 Somerford Road 1 1

Cirencester 5208 15/04050/FUL

Womens Farm & Garden

Association, 175 Gloucester


1 1

Cirencester 6841 12/05656/FUL 24 Queen Street 2 2

Cirencester 8843 14/02871/REM Land west of Siddington Road

and south of North Hill Road 22 13 35

Cirencester 9035 14/00730/FUL 26 Weavers Road 1 1

Cirencester 9098 14/05604/FUL 2 Weavers Road 1 1

Coates 6040 15/00860/FUL Land adjacent Glebe House,

Trewsbury Road 1 1

Coberley 6916.2 14/01134/OUT Honeyacre, Ullenwood Manor

Road -1 2 1

Coberley 6968 15/04556/FUL New Farm Bungalow, Upper

Coberley -1 1 0

Coberley 6991 14/05225/OUT Ullenwood Court, Ullenwood -4 0 10 10 16

Coberley 7059 13/04272/OPANOT

The Forge, Seven Springs

Cottages, Seven Springs, GL53


1 1

Coberley 7088 15/00949/FUL Close Farm Barns, Close Farm

Lane 1 1

Cold Aston 5458 14/03012/FUL The Ridge Fosseway -1 5 4

Colesbourne 0406 14/02393/FUL Land at the Walled Garden,

Colesbourne Park 1 1

Coln St Aldwyn 7479 15/00544/FUL Johnmans Barn, Moors Farm

Lane 1 1

Coln St Dennis 0613 14/05485/FUL Grubbed Wood Cottage 1 1

Coln St Dennis 1299 13/05269/FUL Glebe Farm, GL54 3JX 1 1

Coln St Dennis 7108 15/03349/FUL Barn off Fossecross Lane,

Coln Rogers, GL54 3LA 1 1

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Coln St Dennis 9237 14/05626/REM Black Barns, Fosscross Lane,

Winson 1 1

Compton Abdale 5176 14/03089/FUL Manor Farm 1 1

Compton Abdale 6049 13/03681/FUL Beechwood Farm 1 1

Cowley 6902.1 14/01714/FUL Old Neuk, Birdlip 1 1

Cowley 6902.2 15/05479/FUL Applegarth, Birdlip, GL4 8JH 1 1

Cowley 7071 14/03269/FUL Barn at Ivy Lodge, Stroud

Road 1 1

Cowley 7077 13/00738/FUL

Barn adjacent to Royal

George Hotel, Cirencester


1 1

Daglingworth 6139.2 15/02876/FUL Manor Farm Barn, Lower End 1 1

Didmarton 1489 15/03489/FUL Park Wood Farm,

Saddlewood, GL8 8UQ 1 1

Donnington 5165 15/03268/FUL Waterhead Barn, Upper Swell -1 -1

Dowdeswell 3065.2 13/02729/FUL Dowdeswell Court 1 1

Dowdeswell 3065.3 12/05152/FUL Dowdeswell Court 1 1

Down Ampney 6470 15/01567/OUT Land at Broadway Farm 22 22 44

Driffield 4417 14/05648/FUL Watershard 1 1


Abbotts 0085 09/04265/FUL Homefield 1 1


Abbotts 1145 15/04450/FUL Five Mile House 1 1

Eastleach 4509 06/03029/FUL 16 Eastleach -1 2 1

Ebrington 0060.1 15/05572/OUT Land parcel at Elm Grove, Elm

Grove 8 8 16

Ebrington 2012 13/01665/FUL Orchard Cottage,

Charingworth Grange 1 1

Ebrington 3171 15/02514/FUL Oakham Lodge Nashs Lane,

GL55 6NL 1 1

Ebrington 5591 13/01168/FUL The Barn, Hidcote Boyce,

GL55 6LX -1 2 1

Ebrington 9163 14/05646/FUL Stow Hill Barn Farm, Dog

Lane, Charingworth 1 1

Ebrington 9277 14/00553/FUL Oakham Farm, Nashs Lane 1 1

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Ebrington 9447 14/03210/FUL Field Barn, Hodcote Boyce 1 1

Elkstone 6303 15/01168/FUL Elkstone Farm 8 8

Evenlode 6009.1 14/03015/FUL Grange Farm Barn, Horn Lane 2 2

Evenlode 9234 15/02516/OPANOT Agricultural Building, Pebbly

Brook Farm 1 1

Fairford 0260 15/01938/FUL Police Station, London Street,

GL7 4AQ 1 1

Fairford 0311 15/04461/REM Land at London Road 25 50 45 120

Fairford 0772 14/04847/REM Land parcel to the south-west

of Saxon Way 15 7 22

Fairford 2181.1 15/02496/FUL Wayside, Totterdown Lane,

GL7 4DF 1 1

Fairford 2181.2 15/04568/FUL Wayside, Totterdown Lane,

GL7 4DF 1 1

Fairford 2605.2 12/02133/FUL Land west of Pips Field,

Cirencester Road 6 6

Fairford 2636 14/04179/FUL The Midcounties Co-

Operative, Convenience Store 1 1

Fairford 3246 14/01221/OUT Land at Waiten Hill Farm,

Coronation Street 4 4

Fairford 8091 14/05584/OUT Terminus Cottage, London

Road, GL7 4DS 1 1

Fairford 8988 15/02707/REM Land parcel south of Home

Farm 20 50 46 116

Fairford 9067 14/04583/FUL Fayrecourt, Milton Street 3 3

Fairford 9106 15/01441/FUL Tallet Barn, Waiten Hill Farm,

Coronation Street 1 1

Farmington 0339 12/01998/FUL Hill House 1 1

Farmington 0355 13/05254/FUL Foxbury Cottage -1 1 0

Farmington 1355.2 14/03667/FUL Farmington Lodge, GL54 3ND 1 1

Farmington 7380 13/05198/FUL Furzehill Farm 1 1

Great Rissington 6578 15/05360/FUL Ashspring House, Lane End,

GL54 2LH 1 1

Hazelton 8227 12/03153/FUL Red House, Salperton 1 1

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Hazelton 9485 15/01115/FUL

Barns to the north-east of

War Memorial, Salperton Park

Estate, Salperton Park, GL54


1 1

Icomb 8752.2 15/00638/FUL Lower Farm, GL54 1JG 2 2

Icomb 9494 15/01442/FUL Booths Barn 1 1

Kemble 4060 14/03638/REM Land at Top Farm, West Lane 15 22 13 50

Kemble 5055 15/00790/FUL 161 Church Road, GL7 6AA -2 1 -1

Kemble 5939 13/03599/FUL Bradley Cottage, Windmill

Road 1 1

Kemble 6843 15/04055/FUL Kemble Wick Farm, Kemble

Wick 1 1

Kemble 8545 13/01372/FUL Stanmore House, Main Street,

Ewen -1 1 0

Kemble 8877 11/01062/FUL Morning Dew, Kemble Road 1 1

Kemble 9015 14/05111/FUL Land west of 188 Station

Road, Station Road 1 1

Kemble 9051 14/02519/FUL Land south of Washpool

House, Washpool Lane 1 1

Kemble 9065 14/05277/FUL 10 Windmill Road 1 1

Kemble 9094 15/00825/FUL Land north of 190 Windmill

Road, GL7 6AL 1 1

Kempsford 3308 12/01469/FUL Land between the High Street

and Top Road 11 11

Kingscote 2450 15/01302/FUL Calcot Manor, Calcot, GL8

8YJ -1 -1

Kingscote 5318 12/03387/FUL St Bartholomews Church 1 1

Lechlade 1535 15/00087/OPANOT Thornhill Farm, London Road,

GL7 3DX 1 1

Lechlade 2830 15/05248/FUL

Land to rear of The Three

Horse Shoes, Fairford Road,


1 1

Lechlade 4582 15/03760/FUL 16 Thames Street, GL7 3AG 1 1

Lechlade 7552 14/04409/FUL Manor Farm, Burford Road 2 2

Lechlade 7615 14/04198/REM Old Station Site 40 21 61

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Lechlade 7857 14/05501/REM Land off Moorgate,

Downington 13 6 19

Little Rissington 6181 15/01024/FUL Hunters Mead, GL54 2ND 1 1

Long Newton 3347.1 15/04673/FUL Larkhill Bungalow 1 1

Long Newton 5240 15/05016/FUL Nursery Farm 1 1

Maugersbury 2673 14/00017/FUL Crescent Hill, The Crescent -1 1 0

Maugersbury 5286 15/02931/FUL Land parcel easting 420750

northing 225583, Oddington 1 1

Mickleton 0479 14/03884/FUL Granbrook Garage, 78

Granbrook Lane, GL55 6TF 8 8

Mickleton 1810 14/01578/REM Former Meon Hill Nurseries,

Canada Lane 29 41 70

Mickleton 1810.1 15/01357/FUL Meon Hill Nurseries, Canada

Lane 5 5

Mickleton 1810.2 15/01359/FUL Meon Hill Nurseries, Canada

Lane 2 2

Mickleton 2209.1 14/02685/OUT Cotsvale, Broadway Road 2 2

Mickleton 2288.1 14/04050/OUT Arbour House, Broadway

Road 1 1

Mickleton 2288.2 15/02137/FUL Arbour House, Broadway

Road 1 1

Mickleton 2288.3 15/02143/FUL Tops Nursery, Broadway

Road, GL55 6PT 1 1

Mickleton 2288.4 15/03926/FUL Harbourlow, Broadway Road,

GL55 6PT 1 1

Mickleton 2999 14/03019/REM Land adjacent to Arbour

Close and Cotswold Edge 45 22 67

Mickleton 4524 15/00815/FUL Granbrook Farm, High Street,

GL55 6SL 1 1

Mickleton 5306 15/02416/FUL Land to the Rear of Willan,

High Street 2 2

Mickleton 5599 14/04972/FUL Maple House, Broadway Road 1 1

Mickleton 5903.1 15/04931/REM Birchfield, Broad Marston

Road, GL55 6SF 1 1

Mickleton 5903.2 15/04930/REM Land adjacent to Birchfield,

Broad Marston Road 1 1

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Mickleton 6110.1 15/04975/FUL Finches Meadow Farm,

Stratford Road 1 1

Mickleton 9429 14/01708/OPANOT Agricultural Building, Broad

Marston Road 2 2

Mickleton 9438 14/02365/OUT Land parcel off Broad Marston

Road 41 49 90


Marsh 0231 15/03516/FUL

White House Surgery, High

Street, GL56 0AT 4 4


Marsh 1324 14/04552/FUL Sunlock, Evenlode Road 3 3


Marsh 1565 15/00784/FUL White House, Stow Road 1 1


Marsh 2178 15/03036/FUL Blue Cedar House, Stow Road -1 5 4


Marsh 2313 13/01379/FUL Stoneleigh, Todenham Road 1 1


Marsh 2574.3 15/01153/FUL

Mann Cottage, Oxford Street,

GL56 0LD -1 1 0


Marsh 2662 13/02901/FUL White Roses, Hospital Road 1 1


Marsh 3255 15/01917/FUL 10 London Road, GL56 3DR 1 1


Marsh 4858 12/02678/FUL

Former Moreton Bowls Club,

Hospital Road 34 34


Marsh 5410 14/03778/FUL 6 and 7 Davies Road 3 3


Marsh 5410.3 14/00169/FUL 6 Errington Road 1 1


Marsh 5410.4 14/01483/OUT

The Fire Service College,

London Road 42 50 50 50 50 8 250


Marsh 5410.5 15/01381/FUL 6 Errington Road, GL56 0HW -1 2 1


Marsh 5410.6 15/03612/FUL 5 Mosedale 1 1


Marsh 5926.1 14/01492/FUL

The Old Curiosity Shop, The

Workshop, Corders Lane 1 1

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Marsh 7579 14/02528/FUL Flower House, Hospital Road 1 1


Marsh 9227.1 14/03814/REM Land off Todenham Road 25 25


Marsh 9227.2 14/04503/REM Land off Todenham Road 105 105


Marsh 9463 14/05210/FUL 3 Mosedale 1 1

Naunton 4734.2 14/03133/FUL Summerhill Barn 1 1

Naunton 9305 15/04214/FUL Lavender Hill Farm, Lower

Swell Road, GL54 3AZ 1 1

North Cerney 1969 13/04199/FUL Scrubditch Farm 1 1

North Cerney 9136 16/00169/FUL The Methodist Chapel 1 1

Northleach with

Eastington 0757 14/03381/REM Chequers, West End 9 9

Northleach with

Eastington 1092 14/05583/FUL Foss Lodge, Fosseway 1 1

Northleach with

Eastington 1889 14/04274/OUT

Land parcel off Bassett Road

and East End Road, Bassett


25 15 40

Northleach with

Eastington 2676 13/05292/FUL

Cotteswold House and

Cottage, Market Place -1 -1

Northleach with

Eastington 5820 14/03364/FUL

Red Lion Inn, Market Place,

GL54 3EJ 1 1

Northleach with

Eastington 7735.1 13/02225/FUL

Outbuilding 1 To Rear Of

Tudor House, The Green 1 1

Oddington 4561.2 15/04464/FUL Banks Farm, Upper

Oddington, GL56 0XG 1 1

Pool Keynes 8772 16/00435/FUL Mary's Cottage, 100 Poole

Keynes -1 1 0

Poulton 0936 13/04550/FUL Bell Lane Farm 1 1

Poulton 1321 15/02895/FUL Land adjacent to Alberta, Bell

Lane, GL7 5JF 1 1

Poulton 4661 15/02897/FUL Land adjacent Bluebell

Cottage, Bell Lane 1 1

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Preston 1031.1 14/04516/OUT Land at Preston Mill Barn,

Swindon Road, GL7 6ET 6 6

Preston 1031.2 14/01606/OPANOT Preston Mill Barn, Swindon

Road, GL7 6ET 1 1

Preston 2189.1 14/05481/REM Land at Siddington Park Farm,

GL7 6ET 119 119

Preston 2189.2 15/02532/OUT Land at Siddington Park Farm,

GL7 6ET 16 17 33

Rendcomb 6156 14/05208/FUL Old House, GL7 7EY 1 1

Rodmarton 7153 15/00178/FUL Rodmarton Manor, GL7 6PF -3 1 -2

Rodmarton 7234 12/01150/FUL Jackaments Bottom Farm,

Tetbury Road 1 1

Sapperton 3366 13/02357/FUL The White Horse Inn, Stroud

Road, Frampton Mansell 4 4

Sapperton 5238 14/01048/FUL Puck Mill Barn, Frampton

Mansell 1 1

Sapperton 5238.1 15/03656/FUL Viaduct Barn, Frampton

Mansell 1 1

Sapperton 8197.1 15/04237/FUL Beacon Farm, Stroud Road,

Frampton Mansell 4 4

Sevenhampton 0609 14/02105/FUL Craven Arms Inn,

Brockhampton, GL54 5XQ 1 1

Sevenhampton 5105 15/05290/FUL Puckham Farmhouse -1 1 0

Sevenhampton 7691.1 15/00329/FUL Land at Benshill 1 1

Sherborne 6469 13/02222/FUL The Oranges -1 1 0

Shipton 2261 14/02138/FUL Birchwood (Formerley Eilian)

Shipton Oliffe 1 1

Shipton 3935 16/00251/FUL The Old School Room,

Shipton Oliffe, GL54 4JB 1 1

Shipton Moynes 8149 14/03184/FUL Fossway Complex, Estcourt 1 1

Siddington 2068.1 15/00058/OUT Land parcel behind Nursery

View - Plot 2 1 1

Siddington 2068.2 14/03036/FUL Land parcel behind Nursery

View - Plot 1 1 1

Siddington 3452 15/04480/OUT 7 Empire Villas, Ashton Road,

GL7 6HB 1 1

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Siddington 4868 13/02803/FUL 3 Nursery View -1 2 1


Keynes 9043 14/04347/FUL Land parcel off Mill Lane 1 1

South Cerney 0006.1 12/01556/REM Land at former Aggregate

Industries Site, The Mallards 28 7 35

South Cerney 0006.2 13/05325/REM Land at former Aggregate

Industries Site, The Mallards 5 3 8

South Cerney 0807 14//02161/FUL Carted Barn, High Street 2 2

South Cerney 1454.1 14/04636/FUL Land at Lake 7, Spine Road

East 1 1

South Cerney 2360 15/00504/FUL Land parcel to the South of

Ammonites, Silver Street 1 1

South Cerney 2443.1 14/02281/FUL 45 Berkeley Close 1 1

South Cerney 2509.1 14/01449/FUL Land to the rear of 22 School

Lane 1 1

South Cerney 2797.1 15/05149/FUL Haydonstone House, Silver

Street -1 1 0

South Cerney 3925 10/01319/FUL Fosse Barn, Cricklade Road 3 3

South Cerney 4065.1 14/05338/FUL Old Farm House, Butts Farm 1 1

South Cerney 4454 15/01415/FUL Quarry Farm, Cricklade Road,

GL7 5QE -1 2 1

South Cerney 4630 15/01207/FUL Challow School Lane, GL7

5TZ 1 1

South Cerney 4894 13/04831/FUL Barnside 1 1

South Cerney 5748.3 06/01201/FUL Revised scheme The Ferns,

Clarks Hay 1 1

South Cerney 8262 14/01910/FUL Dunromin and the adjoining

Coal Yard 1 1

South Cerney 8262.1 14/05513/FUL Land to the north of Merlins,

Silver Street 1 1

South Cerney 8631 15/03967/FUL Westdown Farm Buildings,

Cirencester Road 1 1

South Cerney 8950 15/00655/FUL Clay Meadow, Cirencester

Road, GL7 6HU 1 1

South Cerney 9059 15/05025/FUL Sisters Barn, Sisters Farm 1 1

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Southrop 0544 15/05517/FUL 1 Council House, Lechlade

Road, GL7 3PQ 1 1

Southrop 2078.2 15/03330/OPANOT Cotten Corner, GL7 3PJ 1 1

Southrop 3176.2 14/04688/FUL

Fraser Anderson & Partners

Ltd, Fraser House, Wadham


1 1

Southrop 7510 14/01579/FUL Bee Furlong Barn, Saltway 1 1


Wold 0070 13/05360/OUT Land north of Tesco 44 1 45


Wold 0427 15/00741/FUL

Y Bryn, The Square, GL54

1AF 2 2


Wold 1206 13/05018/FUL

North Cotswold Bookmakers,

Well Lane 1 1


Wold 1320.1 14/02444/FUL Ashton House, Union Street 20 20


Wold 1543.3 15/02361/FUL

Brocks Menswear, The Old

Forge, Church Street, GL54


2 2


Wold 1725 14/00763/FUL 84 King Georges Field -1 2 1


Wold 2195.2 14/03649/FUL Land at White Hart Lane 7 7


Wold 2306 14/01809/FUL

The Cottage Tea Rooms, 7

Sheep Street 1 1


Wold 3617 14/03235/FUL The Green, Talbot Square -1 1 0


Wold 3769 14/02777/FUL Manor House, The Square 3 3


Wold 3888 13/04911/FUL

2 Beech Croft, Oddington

Road 1 1


Wold 3888.1 15/03438/FUL

Land adjacent, 2 Beech Croft,

Oddington Road 1 1


Wold 4228 13/05031/OUT

Land adjacent to Bretton

House, Station Road 93 93


Wold 4550 15/04968/FUL Camp Gardens, GL54 1DQ 5 5

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0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name
























Wold 4583.1 15/00239/FUL

Land to the rear of Barclays

bank House, The Square 1 1


Wold 5287 15/00220/FUL Garwick 13 Park Street 1 1


Wold 6246.1 14/01987/FUL

Hartwells, Cottage, Digbeth

Street 1 1


Wold 8955 15/04940/FUL

Windy Ridge, Station Road,

GL54 1JU 1 1

Swell 2519 13/05316/FUL Pipers Hill, Moreton Road 1 1

Swell 7163 15/05013/FUL Flagstone Farm, Upper Swell,

GL54 1ER 1 1

Temple Guiting 9496 15/01527/FUL Lotts Barn 1 1

Tetbury 0811 14/05511/FUL Williams Textiles Ltd,

Chavenage Lane 1 4 5

Tetbury 1057.1 15/00922/REM The Dormers, Cirencester

Road 20 5 25

Tetbury 1057.2 15/03547/FUL The Dormers, Cirencester

Road 1 1

Tetbury 1057.3 15/05487/FUL The Dormers, Dormers

Close, GL8 8HJ -1 2 1

Tetbury 1191 14/04195/FUL The Barn, The Chipping 3 3

Tetbury 1197 15/03450/FUL 2 Longfurlong Lane 1 1

Tetbury 1264 12/00219/OUT Land parcel south of Berrells

Road and west of Bath Road 20 19 39

Tetbury 1998.1 13/03688/FUL Garden adjoining Lyndhurst,

Bath Road 1 1

Tetbury 1998.2 13/00282/FUL Garden adjoining Lyndhurst,

Bath Road 1 1

Tetbury 2111 15/04317/FUL 67 Northfield Close 1 1

Tetbury 2363 12/05030/OUT Wells Masonry Group Ltd.,

Ilsom Farm, Cirencester Road 18 18

Tetbury 3256 13/05306/FUL Land north of Cirencester

Road 114 114

Tetbury 3526 15/05319/FUL 6 Hampton Street 1 1

Tetbury 3543 13/01494/FUL 25 Long Street 1 1

Tetbury 3548 14/02418/OUT Southfield Farm, Bath Road 1 1

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0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Tetbury 3562 15/05319/FUL

Thomas Panton Wine

Merchants Ltd, The Wine

Warehouse, 4-6 Hampton


1 1

Tetbury 5698 14/05226/FUL Land to the rear of 36, 38 &

40 London Road 1 1

Tetbury 5864 14/03567/REM Land parcel at Quercus Park 37 4 41

Tetbury 6631 15/02235/OUT Old Forge, Wisteria Farm,

Hampton Street 1 1

Tetbury 7499 12/00180/FUL

Tetbury Youth and

Community Centre, Chipping


6 6

Tetbury 7540 13/02391/OUT Highfield Farm 20 52 52 52 52 22 250

Tetbury 7558 12/01792/OUT

Land parcel south of Quercus

Road, Quercus Road (Matbro


26 26 52

Tetbury 7558.2 15/03479/REM Land parcel south of Quercus

Road, Quercus Road 8 48 48 19 123

Tetbury 9025 15/00525/FUL Garage off Fox Hill 1 1

Tetbury Upton 2039 02/02877/FUL Manor Farm, Doughton 2 2

Upper Rissington 0787 14/01418/FUL The Firs, Avro Road 1 1

Upper Rissington 1564.1 15/05053/FUL Glebe Cottage, GL54 2NX -1 2 1

Upper Rissington 1580 12/03810/REM Land parcel at Upper

Rissington 48 48

Upper Rissington 8820 14/02582/FUL The Village Hall, Hawkers

Square 4 4

Upper Rissington 8828 14/02786/FUL Land off Smith Barry Circus,

Barry Smith Circus 1 1

Upper Rissington 9431 14/01403/OUT

Land parcel between Sandy

Lane Court and Southgate


6 20 26

Upper Slaughter 4258.1 13/01610/FUL Fir Farm, GL54 2JR 1 1

Westcote 4564 15/05283/OUT Church Farm Buildings,

Nether Westcote, OX7 6SD 1 1

Weston Subedge 0028 15/03297/FUL Hirons Piece, Top Farm Road,

GL55 6QU -1 2 1

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0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Weston Subedge 2595 15/02695/OUT Brymbo, Honeybourne Lane -1 2 1

Weston Subedge 3410 14/03466/FUL Manor Farm, Church Street, 1 1

Whittington 9498 15/02117/FUL 29 Whittington, GL54 4HD 1 1

Willersey 2043 14/01739/OUT Land parcel west of Field

House, Broadway Road 20 20

Willersey 2517 14/05636/OUT Land north of Collin Lane,

WR12 7PE 25 25 50

Willersey 4392 15/01732/FUL Rose Villa, Main Street, WR12

7PJ 1 1

Willersey 5093 15/02392/FUL Rex House, Main Street 1 1

Willersey 5602 13/05112/FUL 1 The Long House, Main

Street 1 1

Willersey 5797 13/03975/FUL Willersey Stores, Main Street 1 1

Willersey 6281 14/05592/FUL Homeleigh, Main Street,

WR12 7PJ 1 1

Windrush 0832.1 13/02463/OUT Filling Station on the A40, A40

Windrush Section 16 16

Windrush 0832.2 14/05122/FUL Former filling station on the

A40 (Windrush section) 4 4

Withington 6069 14/03951/FUL Silverdale 1 1

Total commitments at 31st March 2016 644 1,262 873 260 145 148 30 0 0 0

3,362 3,184 178

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0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Consolidation Report (January 2016) sites

Cirencester C_52 N/A 27/27A Dyer Street 9 9

Cirencester C_101A N/A Magistrates‟ Court 5 5


Wold S_8A N/A

Stow Agricultural Services,

Lower Swell Road 10 10

Tetbury T_51 N/A Northfield Garage 9 9 18

SHLAA Total 0 0 9 18 0 15 0 0 0 0

42 27 15

0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Windfall Allowance 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 560

Lapse rate 16 16 16 48

0-5 Years 6-10 Years

Parish Site Ref




Site Name























Total 628 1,246 866 358 225 243 110 80 80 80 3,916

3,323 593

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Five Year Housing Land Supply

May 2016

Appendix 1

Large Site Deliverability Evidence

Page 35: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Large Site Deliverability Evidence Local authorities are required to “identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing against

their housing requirements. To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable

with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with planning

permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years,

for example they will not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans” (NPPF, Para 47 & footnote 11).

To be robust, the Council has thoroughly scrutinised each of its larger planning permissions (10 or more dwellings) to ensure that the reported supply of

housing is actually deliverable within 5 years. In addition, checks have been made on all SHLAA sites included within the 5 year supply to ensure they are


The following table is a record of evidence gathered from developers, landowners and property agents to demonstrate that sites within the 5 year housing

land supply meet the NPPF criteria for being a deliverable site. In addition, the comments from Case Officers have also been included where relevant to

help identify any additional issues that would prevent a site from being delivered. This information was assembled during early May 2016.

Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

Commitments on large sites (10 or more dwellings) as of 31st March 2016

Avening, Land

parcel at the


2831.1 14/02675/FUL 11 0

E-mail correspondence with The Wilson Group on 12/04/2016

confirmed that the site is not viable due to the affordable housing


Blockley, Land

off Draycott


2581 15/01020/OUT 23 23

Telephone correspondence with Hunter Page Planning in May

2016 confirmed that Cala Homes will be developing the site.

Although it was as yet unknown when a reserved matter

application would be submitted, it is intended to complete

development of the site by the end of 2018. Email confirmation






3544 14/03208/FUL 20 20

The site is currently under construction. Email correspondence

with McCarthy and Stone on 20/05/2016 confirmed that

completion of development is expected in June 2017.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers


Station Road



Land parcel off

Station Road

3646 14/02923/REM 93 93

The site is currently under construction by Linden Homes.

Telephone correspondence with Linden Homes in May 2016

confirmed that development of the site would be completed by

the end of 2018. Email confirmation awaiting.



Land north of

Roman Way

9334 13/00291/OUT 105


The site is currently under construction by Bloor Homes. Email

correspondence with Hunter Page Planning on 12/04/2016

confirmed that, subject to sales, 25 dwellings will be completed in

2016, 50 in 2017 and the remaining dwellings in 2018. Bourton-on-


Land adj. to

Roman Way

9334.1 15/00818/REM 33



School, Cider

Mill Lane,

GL55 6HU

1560.1 14/02422/OUT 20 20

Email correspondence with Dawn Lodge Associates confirmed on

10/05/2016 that discussions with a developer are currently at an

advanced stage. It is expected that a reserved matters application

will be submitted in summer 2016 with commencement of

development in spring 2017. It is envisaged that the nine key

workers dwellings will be completed within twelve months of the

commencement of development and the open market being will

be completed within 18 months of commencement of




Berrington Mill


2917.1 14/05178/REM 26 26

The site is being developed by Spitfire. Email correspondence

from Spitfire on March 2016 confirmed that construction began in

March 2016. The development will be completed in late 2017.



Badgers Field

6894 14/04728/REM 16 16

The site is being developed by Spitfire. Email correspondence

from Spitfire on March 2016 confirmed that construction began in

March 2016. The development will be completed in late 2017 or

early 2018.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers



Halt Adult



Meadow Road,


0241 15/01329/OUT 24 24

Email correspondence with Gloucestershire County Council on

10/05/2016 confirmed that they are in the final stages of selling

the property. Although the Council were unable to say who the

buyer was, they confirmed that the buyer are already in the

process of preparing a reserved matters application in readiness

for when the sale is complete. The reserved matters application

will be for 24 units. The Council also informed us that the buyer

wish to commence development soon after gaining reserved

matters planning permission.





House & Unit

3, Love Lane,


0489 15/01012/OPANOT 22 23

Email correspondence with Mark James Homes on 10/05/2016

confirmed that they will be undertaking construction works at

Longwood House. This will be under a separate application,

which increases the number of flats in this building from 10 to 11

(ref: 16/00801/OPANOT). The internal works have already

commenced and an outstanding contamination issue close to

being resolved. The conversion is expected to be completed by

the end of 2016. Mark James homes will also be undertaking the

construction works for 6 flats at Longwood Court, which forms

part of the original planning permission (ref: 15/01012/OPANOT).

Claverton Court, which also formed part of the original

application to be converted into 6 flats, has been sold to

Corinium Homes, who are now at an advanced stage of the


Cirencester, T

H White Ltd,

Tetbury Road

1787 14/05222/FUL 34 34

The site is currently under construction. McCarthy & Stone

confirmed by email on 19/04/2016 that the site would be

completed by the end of 2017.




London Road

3955.2 15/03117/REM 100 100

Reserved matters planning permission was granted on 02/04/2016

for 100 dwellings (ref: 15/03117/REM). The site is being

developed by David Wilson Homes. Site clearance works have

already been undertaken. Email correspondence from David

Wilson Homes on 10/05/2016 confirmed that the first

completions will be in October 2016. Construction of the entire

Page 38: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

site is expected to be completed by December 2018.


Le Spa, 42


Road, Stratton

4203.1 15/03052/FUL 35 35

Telephone correspondence with the site's developer in May 2016

confirmed that site preparation works have already begun for the

application “Redevelopment to provide the erection of a 64 bed

care home, 8 care suites, 34 assisted living units, ancillary

accommodation and associated works” (ref: 15/03052/FUL).

Construction is likely to commence in August 2016 and it is

expected that the development will be completed within 18

months. Email confirmation awaiting.


Land west of



8843 14/02871/REM 35 35

The site is currently under construction. Conversations with the

site manager in April 2016 established that completion of the site

is expected by summer 2017.




6991 14/05225/OUT 16 16

Email correspondence with SF Planning on 09/05/2016 confirmed

that the preparation of details of the design of units and some

ecological and landscape management info still needs to be

completed before a reserved matters application will be

submitted. Although SF Planning were unable to confirm when a

reserved matters application will be submitted yet, they were able

to confirm that the site owner wishes to build some of the units

and some will be built by a separate house builder. It is envisaged

that the site will be built at 6-8 dwellings a year.


Ampney, Land

at Broadway


6470 15/01567/OUT 44 0

Email correspondence with Hourigan Connolly on 24/04/2016

confirmed that a reserved matters is likely to be submitted within

the next three years. They expect to begin work on site within

two years after the reserved matters application being granted.

Notwithstanding this, the site is likely to be sold this year and the

Page 39: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

delivery programme may change in the near future.


Land at Elm


0060.1 15/05572/OUT 16 16

Email correspondence with Hunter Page Planning confirmed on

10/05/2016 that a reserved matters application for 16 dwellings is

likely to be submitted before March 2017. Woverley Homes Ltd.

owns the site and will be developing it. They intend to start

construction as soon as possible after the reserved matters

application is permitted, aiming to complete the site by March


Fairford, Land

at London


0311 15/04461/REM 120 120

Email correspondence from Bovis Homes on 22/04/2016

confirmed that construction has already commenced. It is

envisaged that approximately 50 dwellings will be completed per


Fairford, Land

south-west of

Saxon Way

0772 14/04847/REM 22 22

The site is being developed by Spitfire. Email correspondence

from Spitfire on 11/05/2016 confirmed that construction began in

March 2016. The development will be completed in March or

April 2017.

Fairford, Land

south of Home


8988 15/02707/REM 116 116

The site is being developed by Bloor Homes, who have

commenced construction. The first completions have already

occurred. Email correspondence from Bloor on 19/05/2016

confirmed that the site would be developed at a rate of 60

dwellings in 2016/17 with the remaining dwelling completed in


Kemble, Land

at Top Farm,

West Lane

4060 14/03638/REM 50 50

The site is currently under construction. Email confirmation from

Bovis Homes confirmed on 04/01/2016 that 15 dwellings would

be completed in 2016, 22 in 2017 and 13 in 2018.


Land at Top


3308 12/01469/FUL 11 11

Email correspondence with a sales executive for The Willows on

21/04/2016 confirmed that construction on the site will be

complete in June 2016.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

Lechlade, Old

Station Site 7615 14/04198/REM 61 61

Email correspondence with Redrow Homes on 30/12/2016

confirmed that the foundations for nearly all units were installed

and the superstructures were proceeding at pace. The site will be

constructed with a build rate of at least 40 dwellings per year

with site completion targeted for early spring 2017.

Lechlade, Land

off Moorgate,


7857 14/05501/REM 19 19

Email confirmation from Lagan Homes on 04/01/2016 that

development had started with build programme aiming to deliver

13 dwellings in 2016 and 6 dwellings in 2017.


Former Meon

Hill Nurseries,

Canada Lane

1810 14/01578/REM 70 70

The site is being developed by Cala Homes, who have

commenced construction. The first completions have already

occurred. Telephone correspondence with the site manager in

May 2016 confirmed that the site would be completed by mid

2018. Email confirmation awaiting.


Land adjacent

to Arbour


2999 14/03019/REM 67 67

The site is currently being developed by Newland Homes. Email

correspondence with Newland confirmed on 10/05/2016

confirmed that the site will be completed in March/April 2017


Land off Broad

Marston Road

9438 14/02365/OUT 90 90

Email correspondence from Miller Homes on 28/04/2016

confirmed that a reserved matters application will be be

submitted on 16/05/2016. It is expected that works will begin in

November 2016 and the first completed dwelling will be in June

2017. It is expected that the site will be completed by 2019 with a

build rate of 49 units per year.


Marsh, Former


Bowls Club

4858 12/02678/FUL 34 34

The site is currently under construction by McCarthy and Stone.

A sales representative from McCarthy and Stone confirmed via

telephone correspondence on 09/05/2016 that the first

occupation of the completed development will be in November


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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers


Marsh, The

Fire Service


London Road

5410.4 14/01483/OUT 250 192

Email correspondence from Capita Property on 31/12/2016

confirmed that the site has been acquired by Bovis Homes. There

are no known major planning issues that need to be resolved

prior to commencement of development. A reserved matters

application has been submitted for development for 250

dwellings, which is currently pending consideration (ref:

16/00858/REM). The case officer believes that subject to the

affordable housing and drainage conditions being resolved, a

decision should be issued in June 2016. Bovis Homes confirmed

by email on 09/05/2016 that subject to the site being granted

permission in June 2016, construction would start in January 2017

with a build rate of 50 dwellings per annum with the first

completions on the site in June 2017.


Marsh, Land off



9227.1 14/03814/REM 25 25

The site is being developed by Cala Homes, who have

commenced construction. The first completions have already

occurred. Telephone correspondence with Cala Homes in May

2016 confirmed that the site will be delivered in phases with the

northern part of the site delivered by the end of 2016. The

southern part of the site will then be developed with the scheme

being completed by 2019. Email confirmation awaiting.


Marsh, Land off



9227.2 14/04503/REM 105 105

The site is being developed by Cala Homes, who have

commenced construction on the northern part of the site (ref:

14/03814/REM). The first completions have already occurred.

Telephone correspondence with Cala Homes in May 2016

confirmed that the site will be delivered in phases. The southern

part of the site will be completed by 2019. Email confirmation


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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers


Land Parcel off


1889 14/04274/OUT 40 40

The site is now owned by MF Freemam. In an email dated

19/05/2016, MF Freeman confirmed that they will submit a

reserved matters application in early June 2016 for 40 dwellings.

They plan to commence development in autumn 2016 with the

first completions in spring 2017. MF Freeman's build programme

will see 25 dwellings completed in Year 1 and 15 dwellings in

Year 2.

Preston, Land

at Siddington

Park Farm

2189.1 14/05481/REM 125 119

A new roundabout has already been installed on the A419 in

readiness for the site's development and ground preparation

works have already been completed. Email correspondence from

Rangeford Properties on 10/05/2016 confirmed that

commencement of development will begin in the next few

months. It is envisaged that the development will take 100 weeks

to complete. However, Rangeford explained that the reserved

matters application is for 62 apartments for over 55s and 57

assisted living apartments, which total 119 dwellings overall. A

separate application has been submitted for a further 6

apartments for the over 55’s for Block 13 (ref: 16/01264/FUL),

which is currently pending consideration. Consequently, the total

number of dwellings included in the five year housing land supply

has been reduced from 125 to 119.

Preston, Land

at Siddington

Park Farm

2189.2 15/02532/OUT 33 17

Email correspondence from Rangeford Properties on 10/05/2016

confirmed that they have an option on the plot of land for 32

apartments and a 45 bed care home. Construction of this site is

dependent on its viability. If found to be viable, they envisage that

a reserved matters application will be submitted within the next

eight weeks. The reserved matters application will be for 32

apartments and a 45 bed care home. It is expected that

construction will take 18 months to complete. Due to the

uncertainty over the delivery of this site, half of the site's capacity

has been deducted from the five year housing land supply.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

South Cerney,

The Mallards 0006.1 12/01556/REM 35 35

The site is currently under construction. Discussions with the site

manager in April 2016 established that the site would be

completed by the end of 2017.


Wold, Land

north of Tesco

0070 13/05360/OUT 45 45

The original outline planning application for 44 extra care

apartments and a care home was a hybrid application and ground

works have already been undertaken. A reserved matters

application for "the erection of 44 extra care apartments, green

open space, car parking and landscaping" is pending consideration

16/00139/REM). Without prejudice to the planning application,

discussions with the case officer confirmed that the application is

likely to go to planning committee in either June or July 2016,

subject to amendments. The site is owned by McCarthy and

Stone and will be developed by a sub contractor. Email

correspondence with The Planning Bureaux on 13/05/2016

confirmed that McCarthy and Stone intend to commence

development as soon as possible after gaining reserved matters



Wold, Ashton

House, Union


1320.1 14/02444/FUL 20 20

The site is being developed by Spitfire. Email correspondence

from Spitfire on March 2016 confirmed the development will be

completed in summer 2017. In addition, discussions with the site

manager in April 2016 corroberated this by saying that 12

dwellings would be completed in 2016 with the remaining

dwellings in 2017. A reserved matters application is awaited for

the care home element of the outline planning permission.


Wold, Land

adjacent to

Bretton House

4228 13/05031/OUT 93 93

The site is now owned by Places for People who will be

undertaking construction. Telephone correspondence with Places

for People in May 2016 confirmed that the site will be delivered

within five years. Email confirmation awaited.

Tetbury, The

Dormers 1057.1 15/00922/REM 25 25

The site is currently under construction by Cala Homes.

Discussions with the sales representative at Cala established that

the site will be completed by the end of 2017.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

Tetbury, Land

parcel south of

Berrells Road

and west of

Bath Road

1264 12/00219/OUT 39 39

Email confirmation from Hunter Page Planning on 14/04/2016 that

a reserved matters application will be submitted in

summer/autumn 2016. This will be for 39 dwellings. Hunter Page

are unable to say if a developer is on board yet or when

construction would commence. However, given that only 39

dwellings are proposed, it is envisaged that the site can be

completed by a single house builder in approximately 18 months.

Tetbury, Wells


Group Ltd.,

Ilsom Farm,



2363 12/05030/OUT 18 18

Email correspondence with Doric Developments (Bath) Limited

on 13/05/2016 confirmed that the site has been purchased by

Doric Developments (Bath) Limited who exclusively use their

own wholly owned group company – Ashford Homes (South

Western) Limited – to build out their residential schemes.

Ashford Homes (South Western) Limited are currently

assembling a pre-application to be submitted to Cotswold District

Council for a residential scheme of up to 18 properties. The site

will be vacant at the end of May/beginning of June 2016 awaiting

demolition and site remediation for the residential scheme to

commence. Subject to a satisfactory planning permission, Ashford

Homes (South Western) are seeking to commence the

development in August/September 2016 with a view to the whole

development being completed by March 2018.

Tetbury, Land

north of



3256 13/05306/FUL 114 114

Email correspondence from Pegasus Life on 09/09/2016

confirmed that demolition works have been completed.

Commencement of ground works is expected in May 2016 and

will finish in August/September 2016. Approximately 30 units will

be delivered by August 2017 and the site will be completed by

January 2018.

Tetbury, Land

parcel at

Quercus Park

5864 14/03567/REM 41 41

The site is currently under construction. Email confirmation from

Bovis Homes confirmed on 04/01/2016 that 37 houses would be

completed in 2016 with remaining housing in 2017.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers


Highfield Farm 7540 13/02391/OUT 250 228

Reserved matters planning permission was granted on 12/04/2016

for 250 dwellings (ref: 15/02517/REM). The construction team

moved onto site in early May 2016. The site will be developed by

one house builder (Miller Homes). Email correspondence with

Miller homes on 18/05/2016 confirmed that the first dwellings will

be completed in November 2016 and the site will be delivered at

a rate of one dwelling a week until the site is fully developed,

although they may be able to develop the site more quickly. Miller

expects the site to be fully completed by the end of 2021.

Tetbury, Land

parcel south of

Quercus Road

(Matbro SIAC)

7558 12/01792/OUT 52 26

Email correspondence with Calcago Holdings Ltd. on 19/05/2016

confirmed that the properties of the former SIAC group now

reside in a separate structure of which the holding company is

Calcago Holdings Ltd. They are in the process of finalising a deal

which result in a sale of lands intended for care homes, to a

company called Porthaven. Email confirmation from Porthaven on

19/05/2016 confirmed that the reserved matters application for

the care home will be submitted as soon as the sale agreement is

exchanged. Porthaven have already held pre-application meetings

with the Council. Porthaven will develop the care home and the

assisted living scheme will follow the care home. Construction of

the care home site commence at the end of the Judicial Review

Period following the granting of planning permission.

Construction of the care home is scheduled to take

approximately 14 months. Given the timescales involved, part of

the capacity of this site has been programmed outside the five

year time frame.

Tetbury, Land

parcel south of

Quercus Road

7558.2 15/03479/REM 123 123

The site is currently under construction by Bewley Homes. Email

correspondence from Bewley Homes on 11/05/2016 confirmed

that work the first units are scheduled to be completed in

February 2017. The build programme is then to deliver four units

per month until the site is completed.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers



former Air


1580 12/03810/REM 48 48

The site is currently in the final stage of construction by Linden

Homes and Bovis Homes. It is expected that construction will be

completed by the end of 2017.



Land parcel

between Sandy

Lane Court

and Southgate


9431 14/01403/OUT 26 26

Email correspondence with Newland Homes on 11/05/2016

confirmed that the site is close to being acquired by Newland.

Newland aim to have a reserved matters application submitted by

the end of August 2016. Working on the presumption that there

are no delays to permitting the application, work is scheduled to

start on site in early 2017 with the site being completed within 18



Land parcel

west of Field




2043 14/01739/OUT 20 20

A full application is currently pending consideration for the

"erection of 30 dwellings with access, landscaping and associated

infrastructure" (ref: 16/01572/FUL). The case officer envisages that

the application will be determined in July 2016 with s106

agreements signed in September 2016. Discussions with Hunter

Page Planning in May 2015 confirmed that a house builder on

board (Blue Cedar Homes Ltd.). Subject to planning permission

being granted for the full application for 30 dwellings, the

developer envisages work beginning on site in early 2017 and the

site would be complete within the same year. Email confirmation



Land north of

Collin Lane,

WR12 7PE

2517 14/05636/OUT 50 50

The site is now owned by Newland Homes. Email

correspondence from Newland on 28/04/2016 confirmed that a

reserved matters application will be submitted in May 2016. The

site is expected to be completed within two years.

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Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers


Filling Station

on the A40,

A40 Windrush


0832.1 13/02463/OUT 16 16

Email correspondence from Plan-A Planning on 05/01/2016

confirmed that the residential part of the planning permission (ref:

13/02463) only restricts occupation of more than 50% of the

apartment units until the details for the western half of the site

have been resolved. Consequently, works on the motel's

conversion can be scheduled to begin in the second quarter of

2016 with completion in the first or second quarter of 2017.

Furthermore, the proposal for a petrol filling station and cafe on

the western part of the site is no longer being developed. Instead,

a full planning application has been submitted, which was under

consideration as of 09/05/2016, for the "Erection of 12 no.

dwellings, Class A1 village shop unit and other associated ancillary

develop" (ref: 15/03385/FUL).

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Consolidation Report (January 2016) sites


27/27A Dyer


C_52 N/A 0 9

Email correspondence from the Pegasus Planning (land agent) on

13/05/2016 confirmed that the site is deliverable within a 0-5 year

timeframe. Phase 1 of the development is expected to include

approximately 10 dwellings above part of the retail planning

application, which is expected to be submitted later this year.

Although a start date for works has not yet been set, Pegasus

confirmed that construction is expected to take one year. Given

that the SHLAA's independent expert panel supported the notion

that 9 dwellings could be suitably accommodated on this site

within 0-5 years, the same number has been reported in the five

year housing land supply.




C_101A N/A 0 0

The site remains on the market and a buyer has yet to come

forward. Given the length of time that this site has been for sale

and that no firm proposals have come forward for the site's

development, it has been decided not to include this site within

Page 48: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Site name Site No







capacity for 5

year supply

Responses from engagement with developers

the five year housing land supply.


Wold, Stow



Lower Swell


S_8A 14/00188/FUL 10 0

The site is owned by McCarthy & Stone. A planning application

for the "Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 13 two-

bedroom apartments; provision of communal facilities,

landscaping and car parking at Stow Agricultural Services" was

refused on 13/11/2015 (ref: 14/00188/FUL). The refusal reasons

were for the scheme's landscape impact and the lack of a s106

agreement. An appeal has been made, which will be heard on

08/06/2016. Given the Council's position is currently to refuse

development, the site has not been included within the five year

housing land supply.




T_51 N/A 0 18

Tesco own the site. Email correspondence with Tesco on

12/05/2016 confirmed that a residential planning application is

likely to be submitted within the next 12 months. Tesco are in

talks with a number of developers but it is not known how many

dwellings will be applied for at this stage. In terms of any issues

that would constrain the site's development, Tesco report there

to be nothing insurmountable in relation to the condition of the

site. Tesco anticipate that the first dwellings will be complete

within 24 months and that development will take approximately 6

months to complete. Given that the SHLAA's independent expert

panel supported the notion that 18 dwellings could be suitably

accommodated on this site within 0-5 years, the same number

has been reported in the five year housing land supply.

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Five Year Housing Land Supply

May 2016

Appendix 2

Windfall Evidence

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'

Aldsworth Blackpitts farm Conversion of barns to domestic dwellings

04/02399/FUL No Yes 5148 GFCU 4

Ampney C Equestrian Centre, Ampney Knowle

1 two storey dwelling 03/02019/FUL No Yes 5187 GF 1

Ampney Crucis Sheephouse Farm Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling

04/02751/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Andoversford Land at Gloucester Rd

Erection of dwelling with parking/turning area

04/00116/FUL No Yes 5119 IN 1

Baunton 6 Downsway new dwelling and related works 06/00394/FUL No No 1578 GF 1


1&2 Manor Farm Cottages, Chipping Norton (2into1) revised scheme

Demolition of cottages. Erection of one dwelling

05/01927/FUL No Yes RR -1

Blockley The Old School, Aston Magna

Conversion and extension of the Old School to form one dwelling

05/00131/FUL No Yes 5077 CU 1

Blockley Bank Farm Cottages, Paxford

Erection of a new house with garage 05/00744/FUL No No 2190 GF 1

Blockley Land at Station Road, adj the Limes

Construction of 2 No. new dwellings 01/02746/FUL No No 2003 IN 1

Blockley North End House, Park Road

Erection of a dwelling and garage 02/01982/FUL No No 2206 IN 1


Land to the rear of the Coach and Horses, Stow Road (aka Meadow Way) adjacent Fosse Way

Erection of 74 dwellings, with associated landscaping, parking, garaging and new access

06/03287/FUL Yes B.18 No GFin 1


Clapton Row Alterations and refurbishment of existing dwellings to form three units and the erection of two new dwellings

06/00058/FUL No Yes 3RR/2in 3


Slaughter Pike Garage

Erection of 8 dwellings 06/01699/FUL No Yes 5226 OR 8


Gorse Cottage, Rissington Rd

Erection of a pair of semi-detached bungalows

05/02268/FUL No No 5310 IN 2


36 Rissington Road

Erection of one detached dwelling 07/00229/FUL No No 5312 In 1

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'


Land between 32 and 33 Rissington Rd

Erection of two pairs of semi detached houses

05/01924/FUL No No 5241 IN 4


Sunnycroft Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 5 No. detached dwellings

03/03205/FUL No Yes 5191 RR 4

Chedworth Denfurlong Farm, Fileds Road

Conversion of single storey barn into 3 No. domestic units

04/00045/FUL No Yes 5138 CU 3

Chipping Campden Land at Blind Lane, Top Farm

Two new dwellings and garages. Conversion of traditional agricultural building to dwelling

03/00692/FUL No Yes 5126 2IN/1CU 1

Chipping Campden Hollybush Barns, Broad Campden

Conversion of loose boxes into additional accommodation

03/01899/FUL No Yes 5115 CU 1

Cirencester stratton end, gloucester road (was stables)

Conversion of building, formerly stables and stores to form 2 bedroom dwelling

06/00701/FUL Yes C.118 Yes cu 1

Cirencester 97 Victoria Road Conversion of existing student accommodation to nine self-contained flats

05/02596/FUL No Yes 5320 CU 9

Cirencester 4B Coxwell Street Conversion to form 2 no. flats 05/02853/FUL No Yes 5325 CU 2

Cirencester Chantilly Baunton Lane

Erection of 14 no dwellings 04/00805/FUL No No 5046 IN 14

Cirencester Land at Stepstairs Lane

Residential development 03/00112/FUL No No 5066 IN 3

Cirencester Le Spa, Stratton Place

Erection of 4 dwellings and construction of entrance drive

02/01866/FUL Yes C.120 No 5252 IN 4

Cirencester Cotswold Fastners, 6-8 Siddington Road

Demolition of existing industrial premises and erection of 16 No. apartments and 2 No. houses

03/02993/FUL No Yes 5175 OR 1

Cirencester The Angel Cinema, Lewis lane

Conversion of existing garage/store tosingle two storey dwelling.

90.0121 No Yes 1604 OR 2

Cirencester 85-87 Cricklade Street, Cirencester

Change of Use from single flat to two separate flats

06/00793/FUL No Yes SD 1

Clapton Newbridge Farm 1

Erection of dwelling 04/01077/FUL No Yes 5190 GF 0

Coberley The Tallot, Upper Coberley Farm Barns

Refurbishment, alterations and small extension to agricultural buildings to form two new dwellings

02/02496/FUL No Yes 5169 GFAG 2

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'

Colesbourne Village Lane / Colesbourne Inn

Change of use from agricultural land for the construction of four dwellings

02/02612/FUL No Yes 1079/80 GF 1

Colesbourne Southbury Farm (Hillcot)

Conversion of agricultural barns into 4 no. residential units

05/02840/FUL No Yes 5329 GFAH 4

Compton Abdale Former Little Chef Change of use from A3 to residential 04/02726/FUL No Yes 5213 CU 1

Cowley Nothill Change of use of existing stone barn to dwelling

03/01955/FUL No Yes 5247 GFAG 1

Dowdeswell Dowdeswell Court Conversion & restoration of Dowdeswell Court to form 4 apartments

03/02486/FUL No Yes 5188 4CU2GF 2

Down Ampney Old Estate Yard 44 + 48

Erection of 8 dwellings 03/01554/FUL No No 5077 OR 1

Duntisbournes Land at Trustroms Mead

Construction of new dwelling 04/01837/FUL No No 1091 IN 1

Ebrington May Lane Erection of agricultural worker's dwelling (resubmission)

07/01201/REM No Yes 8972 GF 1

Evenlode School Bank Cottages

Demolition of two cottages and construction of single dwelling

05/02207/FUL No Yes 5308 RR 1

Fairford Bowls Club erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings

05/01181/FUL No No 1539 IN 2

Fairford Highgate, West End

Erection of three dwellings 02/02553/FUL No No 5258 IN 3

Great Rissington 34 The shelf Sub-division of single dwelling into two dwellings

06/02015/FUL No Yes SD 1

Icomb The Grange Church Farm

New house 03/00405/FUL No Yes 1438 GF 1

Kemble Clayfurlong Barns (05/00692)

Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings

05/00692/FUL No 5288 GFAG 2

Kemble land at Station Rd Erection of 24 dwellings 05/01575/REM No Yes 1103 GF 12

Kempsford Barn at Reevey Gates Farm

Conversion of barns to single dwelling

04/02725/FUL No Yes 1236 CU 1

Kempsford Land adj 1 Reevey Cottages

Erection of a new dwelling 04/02601/FUL No No 5218 IN 1

Kingscote Scrubbets Farm 1

Construction of dwellings 02/01215/FUL No Yes 2350 GF 0

Lechlade Land at Butlers Court

Conversion of barn to residential dwelling

0.02074 No Yes 1110 GF 8

Lechlade Land to rear of Swan Inn (revised)

Erection of detached single dwelling 06/00809/FUL No No 5234 IN 1

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'

Long Newton Great Larkhill Farm

Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to provide four dwellings

03/02854/FUL No Yes 5146 CU 4

Maugersbury Manor Farm Conversion, alteration and extension to barns to provide new dwelling

04/01934/FUL No Yes 1500 CU 1

Meysey Hampton Pond House, School Lane

Single dwelling and garage 04/01976/FUL No No 5196 IN 1

Mickleton Land at Broad Marston Rd

Erection of 24 houses 05/02757/REM No Yes 5206 GF 5

Moreton in Marsh 2 Oxford Street (loss of B1)

Change of use of first and second floor offices to form one residential unit

05/03084/FUL No Yes 5333 CU 1

Moreton-in-Marsh land south of Todenham Rd (Policy 20)

Erection of 44 dwellings 03/01002/FUL No No 5094 GF 1

Moreton-in-Marsh land to rear of Oakdene, Church Street

4-bedroom dwelling 04/01244/FUL No No 5215 IN 1

Moreton-in-Marsh land to the rear of the Barn, Stow Rd

erection of one dwelling 04/01223/FUL No No 5173 IN 1

Moreton-in-Marsh Brookfields, Primrose Court

Erection of 4 detached dwellings 01/01512/FUL No Yes 5057 RR 3

Moreton-in-Marsh Caerphilly Erection of four dwellings 04/01233/FUL No Yes 5050 RR 4

Naunton hatters cottage barn, naunton - updated

Change of use of store to a single dwelling

06/02279/FUL No Yes 5097 CU 1

Naunton Land adj Old Well Cottage - minor amend

Erection of a detached dwelling 06/02739/FUL No No 5262 GF 1

Naunton 1&2 Sunny Bank Erection of two storey extension to one single dwelling

05/01309/FUL No Yes 5279 IN 1

Oddington Banks Farm Conversion of traditional barns to 3 no. residential units

05/01674/FUL No Yes 5321 GFAG 3

Quenington Springfield, Coneygar Rd (was P) adjacent to left

Reserved Matters Application for the construction of 5 no. new dwellings (Outline CT.1429/P)

05/02788/REM Yes R.286 No 1118 OR 4

Sapperton Land at Sapperton House

Erection of a new house 03/00789/FUL No No 5230 Gfin 1

Shipton Chevely Hollow Stables

Change of use and conversion of adjoining stable block to residential use

05/00428/FUL No Yes 5101 CU 1

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'

Siddington The Twenties Erection of detached two-storey dwelling

05/01353/FUL No No 5319 IN 1

South Cerney Land at 63-80 Berkeley Close

Construction of 23 dwellings, 04/01903/FUL No Yes DV 10

South Cerney The Horse and Groom, Cricklade Rd

Conversion of existing hotel and public house to form 5 dwellings

03/02831/FUL No Yes 5171 CU 1

South Cerney Off Berkley Close Construction of 5 no. dwellings 05/02831/FUL No No in 5

Stow-on-the-Wold Land to the rear of the Pitts Barn, Moreton Road

Erection of dwelling with detached garage

06/01377/FUL No No in 1

Stow-on-the-Wold Norwood St Edwards Drive Stow on The Wold

Demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of 2 no. dwellings

06/00838/FUL No Yes RR 2

Stow-on-the-Wold Well View and Little Haven, Well Lane

Division of cottage into 2 no. dwellings.

05/01852/FUL No Yes 5306 SD 1

Temple Guiting Chalk Hill Farm Erection of an equestrian worker's dwelling

07/02484/FUL No Yes 1994 GF 1


Policy 20? Former Criddle Billington Site, Ciren Rd, Tetbury

The demolition of redundant factory buildings and the construction of 29 residential units

06/02557/FUL Yes T.053 No 15

Tetbury Court House Development of 14 no. flats 03/01153/FUL No Yes 5227 RR 3

Tetbury Land at Springfields

Development of 7 houses with associated garages (Reserved matters application)

01/02740/REM Yes T.037 No in 1

Tetbury Land to rear of 3 Chavenage Lane

Detached dwelling 05/00393/REM No No 5231 IN 1

Tetbury 5 Oxleaze Road (was G/Out) RM

Erection of dwelling 06/02652/FUL No No 5334 IN 1

Upper Rissington 41 Hawker Square Subdivision of existing dwelling to create 2 no. dwellings

06/01223/FUL Yes UR.1 - R.355

No SD 1

Westonbirt Estate Yard Easton Grey Rd

Conversion of redundant buildings to 7 dwellings and formation of 2 new build units

03/03282/FUL No Yes 2187 CU 7

Winstone Land adjacent to 26 Fosse Field

residential development 97.0037 No No 1225 IN 1

Withington The Stables Change of use and conversion of stable to residential

05/02980/FUL No Yes 5328 CU 1

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Parish NAME Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA ref TYPE NET 'C'

Yanworth 21A Yanworth Conversion of existing outbuilding into one bedroom flat

02/01936/FUL No Yes 2549 CU 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Aldsworth Blackpitts farm Conversion of barns to domestic dwellings.

04/02399/FUL No Yes 5148 GFCU 1

Aldsworth Green Garden Proposed new dwelling and garage

07/01241/FUL No No 5285 IN 1

Aldsworth Wall Farm Conversion of agricultural barn into a single dwelling

04/00769/FUL No Yes 5149 GFCU 1

Andoversford 17 & 17A Templefields Change of Use from retail shop and conversion to self-contained flat

04/02485/FUL No Yes 5203 CU 1

Ashley Ashley Barn, Ashley Tetbury

Conversion of barn to form single dwelling

06/03231/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Avening Brook House and the Old Coach House, Hampton Hill

Change of Use from offices to domestic dwelling

05/00678/FUL No Yes 5267 CU 1

Bibury Quarry Hill Farm (08/01428comp)

Conversion of barns into two dwellings

05/01865/FUL No Yes 5322 GFAG 2

Bledington Orchard Croft (revision) Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of three dwellings

06/00280/FUL No Yes 5244 RR 2

Bledington Village Farm House, The Green

Conversion of barn to form 3 bed self contained accommodation

06/00380/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Blockley Pye Mill, Paxford Conversion of barns to one residential unit

06/02704/FUL No Yes 1516 CU 1

Blockley Rosedale Dovedale Sub division of property into two dwellings

06/01321/FUL No Yes SD 1

Blockley Tarpletts/Murrays The Square, Blockley, Moreton

Change from office to singel dwelling

07/00389/FUL No Yes cou 1

Blockley The Brown House, Station Road

Erection of a single dwelling 05/01430/FUL No No 5286 IN 1

Bourton on the Water

South Lawn Victoria Street

Sub-division of existing house to form three residential units

08/03425/COMPLY No Yes 2xCOU, 3xSD


Bourton On Water Cotswold Perfumery Victoria Street

Conversion of first and second floors to create two self contained flats

04/01088/FUL No Yes CU 2


Land to the rear of the Coach and Horses

Erection of 74 dwellings 06/03287/FUL Yes B.18 No GFin 25

Boxwell and Leighterton

Stones Farmhouse, 8 The Street

Conversion of barn into two bedroomed dwelling

05/00918/FUL No Yes 5304 CU 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Chedworth Land at Greenhill Farm Dwelling, garaging, flat, loose boxes and stores

05/01246/FUL No Yes 2250 GF 1

Chipping Campden Adjacent to Cross Cottage, Sheep Street

Demolish existing garage and store and erect detached house

01/00552/FUL Yes CC.005 No 2211 IN 1

Chipping Campden Land at Berrington Mill Nurseries

Erection of house and garage 02/00432/FUL Yes CC.024 No 1318 OR 1

Chipping Campden Singer House High Street Change of use to a single dwelling

06/01847/FUL Yes CC.032 No cu 1

Chipping Campden The Castle, Station Road Erection of new dwelling. 05/03068/FUL Yes CC.034 No 5327 IN 1

Chipping Campden The Old School House, High Street

Change of use to a single dwelling

06/01998/FUL Yes CC.035 No cu 1

Cirencester 25 Sheep Street, Cirencester

Sub-division to create two dwellings

07/00252/FUL No Yes SD 1

Cirencester 25-27 Querns Lane (in place of workshops/warehouse)

Erection of 5 no. cottages in place of warehouse/workshop buildings.

06/02994/FUL Yes C.009 No OR 5

Cirencester 3 Weavers Rd Change of use from single dwelling housing to 2no. self-contained one bed flats

06/01183/FUL No Yes SD 1

Cirencester 31 Vaisey Road

Erection of extensions and sub-division of existing bungalow to form a pair of semi-detached bungalows.

06/03123/FUL No Yes SD 1

Cirencester 35 Cricklade Street - ancillary retail to flat

Change of use of upper part of retail unit to self-contained separate residential occupation

06/02527/FUL No Yes COU 1

Cirencester 56 Dyer Street (bc - 14 Gloucester street06/00736)

Change of use from residential to dental practice

06/01762/FUL No No cu -1

Cirencester 78 Dyer Street from residential

Change of use of first, second and third floors to residential.

07/01718/FUL No Yes cou 1

Cirencester 82 Dyer Street Change of use from office to residential

03/02975/FUL No Yes 5061 CU 1

Cirencester 85 Lewis Lane Change of use from residential to office

06/02302/FUL No No cu -1

Cirencester Land adj 87 Chesterton Lane

Erection of 4 one bed flats and car parking (revised scheme)

05/01363/FUL No Yes 5204 IN 4

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Cirencester Land at Stratton (Newland) Mill

erection of 32 dwellings 06/00892/REM No Yes 5315 OR 32

Cirencester Rear of Little Acres, Quarry Close

Two storey house 07/01932/FUL Y C104 No 5211 IN 1

Cirencester The Garden House, Stonewalls, Chester Street

Erection of single storey detached dwelling

07/02007/FUL Y C.128 No in 1

Coates Field Barn, Tarlton Change of use from agricultural to residential.

90.00996 No Yes 2065 GFCU 1

Colesbourne Village Lane / Colesbourne Inn

Change of use from agriculture and construction of four houses

02/02613/FUL No Yes 1079/80 GF 2

Coln St Dennis (resub) Upper Farm Barn, Coln Rogers

Conversion of former farm buildings to single dwelling

06/00868/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Coln St Dennis South Hill Barn, Coln St Dennis, Cheltenham

Alterations to and conversion of barn into one dwelling

07/01849/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Cowley Stockwell Farm, Birdlip Conversion of redundant barns into fourdwellings.

93.01462 No Yes 1082 GFAG 2

Didmarton 44 The Street Division of house into two dwellings

03/00604/FUL No Yes 5020 SD 1

Edgeworth Barn and Stables, Lower Waverly Farm

Conversion of barn and stables into single dwelling

06/00007/FUL No Yes 5284 GFCU 1

Fairford College Cottage, Whalford

Conversion of existing group of traditional agricultural buildings to a single dwelling

04/00849/FUL No Yes 2095 GFCU 1

Fairford Faulkners Close Formation of three dwellings in a terrace with car parking and sheds

03/01137/FUL No No 5229 IN 3

Fairford Morgan Hall, London Road

Retrospective sub-division of dwelling into two independent units

07/01315/FUL Yes F.022 No SD 1

Hazleton Priory Farm Yard Conversion of traditional agricultural buildings to form five dwellings

04/02046/FUL No Yes 5135 CU 5

Jak Sevenhampton Manor, Cheltenham

Sub-division of dwelling to form two dwellings

06/02917/FUL No Yes SD 1

Kemble Clayfurlong Barns (05/00692) 2474/L

Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to residential use

05/00692/FUL No Yes 5288 GFAG 4

Kempsford The Grove, Kempsford (revision 2001 pp)

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and construction of 2 houses,2 flats and 1 bungalow

05/02597/FUL No Yes in 5

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Kingscote Binley Farm The conversion of redundant traditional agricultural buildings to three dwellings

0.02634 No Yes 2466 GFAG 2

Moreton Straun & The Beeches, Todenham Road

Demolition of two dwellings and the erection of seven new dwellings

07/02364/FUL Y M.030 No RR 5

Moreton in Marsh Alliston Todenham Rd

Change of use of dormer bungalow from ancillary accommodation to separate dwelling.

06/02320/FUL Y M.037 No SD 1

Moreton in Marsh Delabere House, New Road

Conversion and alteration of existing building to form two additional dwellings

05/01536/FUL No Yes 5290 CU 2

Moreton in Marsh Leeward & Shoreheat, Todenham Rd

Construction of nine dwellings 06/03247/REM Y M.041 No 5264 RR 9

Moreton in Marsh Roseville Oxford Street

Conversion of building into 4 two bedroom apartments and 1 one bed apartment and external alterations

06/01952/FUL No Yes cu 5

Moreton in Marsh Station Garage , Stattion Road -appartments

Erection of 41 apartments and associated infrastructure

06/01897/FUL No Yes in 41

Moreton in Marsh The Grey Cottage, East Street

Conversion of existing house into two dwellings

06/03259/FUL Yes M.047 No SD 1

Moreton in Marsh Units 10,11,14&15 Old Market Way, High Street

Change of use from B1 to two flats

08/00106/FUL Yes M.049 No COU 2

North Cerney Old Core Barn, Calmsden Conversion of a barn to a dwelling

95.00031 No Yes 1036 CU

Northleach 1 & 2 Tannery Corner, Tannery Lane

Proposed replacement and new dwelling

07/00517/FUL Yes N.006 Yes in 1

Northleach with Eastington

Mustoe and Sons Yard, High Street (was 4 3in/1cu)

Erection of 3 no. dwellings 06/01020/FUL Yes N.010 Yes 1375 OR 3

Northleach with Eastington

Providence Cottage, High St Northleach

Construction of new 4 bedroom house adjacent Providence Cottage

07/00110/FUL Yes N.009 No in 1

Oddington Banks Farm, Oddington part re-submission

Conversion of barns to two dwellings

07/00374/FUL No Yes GFCU 2

Oddington The Forge House Lower Oddington Moreton

Conversion of barn to dwelling 06/03167/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Poole Keynes Agri yard adjacent to Lower Farm Poole Keynes 'The Byre'

Proposed conversion of existing barn know as The Byre to form a new dwelling

07/01837/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Poole Keynes

Agri yard adjacent to Lower Farm Poole Keynes 'The Granary Barn'

Erection of dwelling 07/01182/FUL No No GFCU 1

Poole Keynes Lower Farm new dwelling Erection of dwelling 07/01182/FUL No No 5008 CU 1

Quenington Springfield, Coneygar Rd construction of 9 no. new dwellings

05/02789/REM No No 1118 OR 9

Quenington Land adjacent Jakemans, The Green, Quenington

Erection of a dwelling and garage

07/02482/FUL No No in 1

Rendcomb Rainbow Barn Conversion of barn to dwelling 05/01495/FUL No Yes 5212 GF 1

Rodmarton Hullasey Barn, Tarlton Conversion of barn to residential 03/02674/FUL No Yes 5056 CU 1

Rodmarton Irongate Farm Conversion of the traditional farm buildings into workshop, offices and 4 no. dwellings

05/02539/FUL No Yes 5318 GFAG 4

Rodmarton Land opposite Village Hall

Construction of 5 No. cottages 03/00572/FUL No No 1122 GF 2

Sapperton The Hollies, Frampton Mansell

Separation of property into 2 self-contained units

04/02434/FUL No Yes 5256 CU 1

Sevenhampton Elsdown Barn Gassons Farm Brockhampton

Conversion of barn and associated outbuildings to dwelling with home office space

06/01690/FUL No Yes GF 1

Shipton Perrotts Coach Yard - RM Erection of 2 No. 3 bed houses and 1 No. 2 bed house

05/00634/REM No Yes 5205 OR 3

Somerford Keynes Plot 1 The Nursery Erection of two storey dwelling 05/02143/FUL No No 5305 GF 1

South Cerney 22 Broadway Lane Erection of dwelling 07/00540/FUL Yes SC.002 No in 1

South Cerney The Brethren Chapel, High Street

Conversion and reconstruction of Brethren Chapel to form a dwelling

03/02828/FUL Yes SC.017 No 5303 CU 1

Southrop the Old Stables, Manor Farm Barns

Conversion and extension of Old Stables to form two dwellings

03/02406/FUL No Yes 5102 CU 2

Stow on the Wold Land adjacent Tall Trees Maugersbury Road

Erection of dwelling 07/02072/FUL Yes S.15 No in 1

Stow on the Wold Land to the Rear Dikler Cottage, Evesham Road, Stow

Erection of a dwelling with double garage

06/03227/FUL Yes S.26 No in 1

Stow on the Wold Newlands Evesham Road Erection of five sheltered retirement cottages

07/01816/FUL Yes S.33 No in 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number



Windfall HLA Ref TYPE Net


Stow on the Wold Mountsfield (see 06/00583)

Erection of detached dwelling 06/00583/FUL Yes S.30 No 5200 IN 1

Swell Rectory Farm, School Hill Demolition of farmyard and construction of seven houses

02/02529/FUL No No 1563 7GF3gfcu 2

Swell The Old Forge Change of use from Blacksmiths to residential

03/00146/FUL No Yes 5017 CU 1

Tetbury 1 Gumstool Hill Tetbury from Dental(D1) to dwelling

Change of use from Dental Practice (Class D1) to residential

07/03242/FUL No Yes COU 1

Tetbury 15B Northfield Road Change of use to dwelling 05/00145/FUL No Yes 5249 CU 1

Tetbury 2 Old Brewery Lane, Church Street

Change of use of ground floor offices to residential accommodation

04/00856/FUL Yes T.005 No 5150 CU 1

Tetbury Land at 11 Northfield Rd, Tetbury

Erection of one cottage and garage and new access

06/01353/FUL No No in 1

Tetbury Land at Springfields Development of 7 houses 01/02740/REM No Yes in 6

Tetbury Policy 20: Former Criddle Billington Site, Ciren Rd, Tetbury

The demolition of redundant factory buildings and the construction of 29 residential units

06/02557/FUL Yes T.053 No OR 14

Tetbury The Retreat, London Road (demolition of care home)

Demolition of care home and the construction of 19 two and three bed two-storey houses

07/01104/FUL Yes T.058 No OR 19

Tetbury 10/12 Long Street, Tetbury

Conversion of premises to 8 flats, 1 shop and extension, retention of bank

06/01945/FUL Yes T.060 No COU 8

Todenham Todthatch, 2 Todenham Erection of a new dwelling 03/01840/FUL No No 5003 IN 1

Upper Rissington Land adj 20 Southgate Court

Conversion of two garages and a large corner store into one new dwelling

05/00074/FUL No Yes CU 1

Westonbirt The Woodshed, Lasborough Manor

Alterations and extension to outbuilding to form single dwelling

04/02879/FUL No Yes 5277 CU 1

Willersley land to the rear of 9-14 Timms Green (RM)

Erection of 1 no. 6 bed and 3 no. 5 bed houses, 1 no. 3 bed bungalow

06/02234/REM No Yes 1419 OR 5

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number


SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref



Ampney Crucis Lost Elm Allotment Lane Sub-division of property known as Lost Elm to create two dwellings

08/03171/FUL No Yes SD 1

Avening 29 High Street Avening Sub-division of ancillary accommodation to form separate dwelling

07/01365/FUL No Yes SD 1

Blockley Cherry Orchard Erection of one house and ancillary works to shared access

03/01711/FUL No No 5114 IN 1

Bourton Hill view High Street Conversion of building into three two bedroom dwellings

06/02787/FUL Yes B_8 No COU 2


Land to the rear of the Coach and Horses

Erection of 74 dwellings 06/03287/FUL Yes B_18 No in 48


Land at 58 Melville Erection of a two storey dwelling 05/00219/FUL Yes B_43 No 5245 IN 1

*Chipping Campden

Circa Antiques The Square -

Change of use of first and second floors from residential

07/02570/FUL Yes CC_15 No cu -1

Chipping Campden

Maylems Delicatessen, High Street

Conversion of outbuildings to single dwelling,

05/02517/FUL Yes CC_27 No 5314 CU 1

Chipping Campden

The Firs High Street Change of use from offices (B1) to a single dwelling

08/01771/FUL No Yes COU 1

Chipping Campden

Berrington Hoo Lane (08/03321COMP)

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings

07/03590/FUL No Yes RR 1

Chipping Campden

Barn C, Briar Hill Farm, Broad Campden

Conversion of building to provide 2 no. agricultural workers' dwellings

06/01304/FUL No Yes GFCU 2

Cirencester 22 Kingshill (demolition of garage)

Three bedroom bungalow and demolition of flat roof garage

07/03361/FUL No No OR 1

Cirencester 95 Queen Elizabeth Road

Creation of an additional dwelling 07/01746/FUL Yes C_27 No in 1

Cirencester Elmbrook House, Baunton Lane

Extension of existing access drive and erection of single dwelling

07/00872/FUL Yes C_54 No in 1

Cirencester Land Between A419 And A417 Kingshill North

erection of 270 residential dwellings

07/03621/REM Yes C_87 No GFIN 23

Cirencester Querns School, Querns Lane

Sub-division of Unit 1 to create an additional dwelling

07/02037/FUL Yes C_103 No 5064 3CU/1IN 4

Cirencester 35 Bathurst Rd

Conversion and two storey extension to existing dwelling with sub-division to form three dwellings

08/00256/FUL No Yes SD 3

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number


SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref



Cirencester 56 Ashcroft Rd Change of use from residential to dental practice

08/01074/FUL No Yes COU -1

Cirencester The Gate House 65 Albion Street

Construction of three dwellings with new access from Roberts Close

08/00300/FUL Yes C_166 -

supercedeS_129 No IN 2

Cirencester 67 Kemble Drive Subdivision to create two dwellings 08/00679/FUL No Yes SD 1

Clapton on the Hill

Land between Hillside House & Wild Rose Cottage, Chelt

Erection of one dwelling associated garaging

07/03620/FUL No No in 1

Cowley Churnside Camp Replacement dwelling 08/00058/FUL No Yes 2089 OR 1

Didmarton Didmarton House, 39 The Street

Conversion of existing house into two units

07/03228/FUL No Yes SD 1

Didmarton House 39 The Street, Didmarton

Conversion of stables to dwelling 07/02245/FUL No Yes CU 1

Down Ampney Peasburge Barn Barn conversion to form 1no. dwelling

06/03173/FUL No Yes 5289 GFAG 1

Ebrington Ebrington Hill Farm (re-sub as would expire)

Conversion of existing barn into residential accommodation

08/03069/FUL No Yes 5089 GFCU 1

Fairford Unit 28, Horcott Industrial Estate

Change of use from B1 to mixed residential and B1 use

08/01613/FUL Yes (F_30) R_201 No 5299 COU 1

Fairford 33 Aldsworth Close Erection of dwelling adjoining no. 33 Aldsworth Close

07/01612/FUL Yes F_4 No in 1

Fairford Keble House, London Road

Construction of a new house to rear

07/00723/FUL Yes F_16 No in 1

Fairford Old Dairy Back Lane Change of use from residential to Class A1

07/02523/FUL No Yes COU -1

Guiting Power Castlett Lodge Grounds Erection of a detached dwelling 08/01863/FUL No No 5228 IN 1

Kemble land adj to Old Quarry Cottage (FUL)

Erection of a dwelling 07/00071/FUL No No 1102 IN 1

Kempsford Totterdown Farm Horcott Conversion of barns and outbuildings to create 2 no. dwellings

04/02135/FUL No Yes GFCU 2

Kempsford Millacre Farm, Whelford, Fairford

Conversion of existing dwelling into two

07/00993/FUL No Yes SD 1

Kingscote Land Between Kenelm House (formerly Jenners Barn) and Village Hall

Erection of one dwelling 07/00255/REM No No 1042 IN 1

Lechlade Butlers Court Barn, Off Fairford rd

Conversion of barn to residential dwelling

06/01341/FUL Yes L_6 No GF/CU 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number


SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref



Maugersbury Barn at Maugersbury Court/formerley Oxleaze House

Conversion of barn into dwelling 08/00649/FUL No Yes GFCU 1

Maugersbury Oxleaxe House/ Maugersbury Court

alterations to dwelling and store to facilitate sub-division to create no 2 dwellings

06/02852/FUL No Yes SD 1

Meysey Hampton

7 School Lane Change of use of Post Office/Shop to residential

08/01044/FUL No Yes COU 1

Moreton Crossing Cottage Todenham Rd

Change of use from offices to a single dwelling

08/01911/FUL No Yes COU 1

Naunton Chantrys Barn, Downs Farm, Stow Road

Conversion of redundant barn into single dwelling

04/01369/FUL No Yes 5096 CU 1

Quenington Springfield, Coneygar Rd Reserved Matters Application for the construction of 5 no. new dwellings

05/02788/REM No Yes 1118 OR 1

Rodmarton Land opposite Village Hall (update 09/03009com)

Construction of 5 No. cottages 03/00572/FUL No No 1122 GF 3

Siddington The Round House Refurbishment/alteration to building at risk to form a dwelling,

05/01860/FUL No Yes 5298 CU 1

South Cerney Hampton Villa, Cerney Wick

Approval of all reserved matters in relation to proposed dwelling within garden

07/00216/REM No No 1026 IN 1

South Cerney Old Post Office, High street (08/01156Com)

Conversion of existing buildings (The Old Post Office) into two cottages and erection of 4 dwellings

06/01239/FUL Yes SC_14 No 2Cou4IN 6

Stow Land at Rear of 12 Sterling Close

Erection of detached single storey dwelling

08/00898/FUL No No IN 1

Stow Land Adjoining 8 Sterling Close

Erection of a two storey 3 bed house

08/02067/FUL No No IN 1

Stow on the Wold

Land Adjoining South Hill House Fosseway

Erection of a new dwelling 07/01215/FUL No No in 1

Stow on the Wold

Land in Sterling Close, to rear of Clypeus, St Edward's Drive

New detatched two storey house 07/03394/FUL Yes S_25 No in 1

Stow on the Wold

Wells House

Demolish existing house, annexe and associated outbuildings and construct 8 new dwellings in two terraces

07/00093/FUL No Yes RR 8

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application Number


SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref




South Hill Farm / South Hill House

Erection of a new dwelling 07/01215/FUL No Yes 5311 OR 1


The Beeches T/A Stow Antiques, Fosse Lane

Change of use of ground and first floor to form residential accommodation

05/01905/FUL Yes S_42 No 5297 CU 1

Tetbury Berrels Road (Southfield) adj Longfurlong

Erection of a dwelling 05/02308/FUL No No 1024 IN 1

Tetbury Hampton Street Allotments (GF Allocation Tet.2)

Construction of 35 dwellings 06/02642/FUL Yes T_27 No GF 33

Tetbury Upton Manor Farm, Doughton Barn conversions 02/02877/FUL No Yes 1142.1 GFCU 2

Willersey Plot5 The Quinary Off Timms Green

Erection of detached bungalow i 08/00374/FUL No No in 1

Willersley rear of Jordans Farmhouse and Village Hal

Erection of three detached dwellings

03/02266/FUL No No 5004 IN 3

* The ‘Circa Antiques The Square’ site (ref: 6717.1) in Chipping Campden, which provided -1 dwellings in 2009/10, was a SHLAA site, therefore

disqualifying it as a windfall.

** The ‘Old Post Office’ site (ref: 06/01239/FUL) in South Cerney, which provided 6 dwellings in 2009/10, was a SHLAA site, therefore disqualifying it

as a windfall.

*** ‘29 High Street’ in (ref: 07/01365/FUL) in Avening, which provided 1 dwelling in 2009/10, was a windfall.

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application

Number SHLAA


Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of Site

Net Complete

* Ampney Crucis Land at Birch Farm Erection of dwelling and garage block 09/04210/FUL No No 2500 Greenfield 1

Avening 79 The Sunground Conversion of the existing house into two flats

10/01304/FUL No Yes 2831 Residential Redevelopment


Baunton Land at Downs Way Baunton

new dwelling 06/00394/FUL No No 6157 Infill 1

Bibury 33 Aldsworth Road Sub-division of dwelling and curtilage to form two dwellings

09/01573/FUL No Yes 1032 Residential Subdivision


Bibury Mill House & Elm Tree Cottage Ablington

Convert two cottages into one 09/01672/LBC No Yes 3484 Residential Subdivision


Bibury Hale Barn, Bibury Farm Conversion of barns to one residential 05/01541/FUL No Yes 5287 Greenfield Change of Use


Blockley Cedarwood Cottage Lower Street

Erection of a replacement dwelling and detached garage

10/00936/FUL No Yes 2777 Residential Redevelopment


Bourton on the Water

Old Gas Works, Gas Works Lane

Erection of 5 dwellings. 06/00382/FUL Yes B_42 No 1201 Other Redevelopment


Bourton on the Water

6 Melville Estate Subdivision of existing dwelling to form 2 dwellings

10/03540/FUL No Yes 4239 Residential Subdivision


Bourton on the Water

Stow Veterinary Surgeons Victoria Street

Change of use from veterinary surgery to residential

10/01395/FUL No Yes 4345 Change of Use 1

Bourton on the Water

2 Station Villas, Station Road

Sub-division of existing dwelling to create 2 dwellings.

05/01156/FUL Yes B_41 No 5272 Residential Subdivision


Bourton on the Water

31 Rissington Road Construction of a new dwelling house 06/01632/FUL Yes B_38 No 6006 Infill 1

Bourton on the Water

Lincroft House Clapton Row

Change of use of outbuilding to create a new dwelling.

08/03375/FUL No Yes 8476 Change of Use 1

Bourton on the Water

Land rear of 36 Rissington Road

Erection of one new detached dwelling 07/02612/FUL No No 8971 Infill 1

Boxwell with Leighterton

Stone Barn Conversion. 01/02194/FUL No Yes 2529 Greenfield Change of Use


Chedworth Land adj Winster House Erection of single dwelling and detached garage.

04/01538/FUL No No 5254 Greenfield 1

Chedworth Chedworth Roman Villa Chedworth

Change of use of ground floor and basement to provide office

10/02271/FUL No No 5808 Residential Subdivision


Chipping Campden

Westington Hill Farm Conversion of barns to form single dwelling 03/03147/FUL No Yes 5137 Greenfield Change of Use


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Parish Site Name Development Description Application

Number SHLAA


Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of Site

Net Complete

Chipping Campden

Land at Foxwood Grevel Lane

Erection of detached two storey house. 09/00361/REM Yes CC_20 No 5338 Infill 1

Cirencester 6 Abbey Way Erection of two detched dwellings in place of existing dwelling.

07/00600/FUL No Yes 0097 Residential Redevelopment


Cirencester 152 & 154 Stratton Heights Subdivision of dwelling to two dwellings 09/00363/FUL No Yes 0105 Residential Subdivision


Cirencester Barton Mill Cottage Barton Lane

Change of use of stable to residential accommodation

09/00541/FUL No Yes 1027 Change of Use 1

Cirencester Prabhat Lodge Land off Thessaly Gate

Construction of 4no detached houses 08/03722/FUL No No 1114 Infill 4

Cirencester The Leauses 101 Victoria Road

Change of use from Guest House annex to residential dwelling

09/03000/FUL No Yes 1765 Residential Subdivision


Cirencester 20 Whiteway View Stratton

Division of existing residential unit into two residential units and creation of vehicle access.

10/04845/FUL No Yes 3535 Residential Subdivision


Cirencester Land Between A419 And A417 Kingshill North

270 residential dwellings, Phase 1 plots 1-24 dwellings. Phase 2 plots 135-141. Addition of 4 dwellings

10/04879/FUL Yes C_87 No 3955 Greenfield 102

Cirencester Trinity Road Erection of a bungalow 07/00399/FUL Yes C_94 No 4858 Infill 1

Cirencester Land Adjoining 29 - 32 Lavender Lane

Erection of extension to provide two additional flats.

09/02223/FUL No Yes 4858.1 Infill 2

Cirencester 19 Park Street Change of use from A1 retail to residential dwelling

10/00394/FUL No Yes 5078 Change of Use 1

Cirencester Cotteswold House car park Erection of terrace of 5 houses 04/00243/FUL No Yes 5195 Other Redevelopment


Cirencester 23 Castle Street Change upper floors from office to two flats. 05/03104/FUL Yes C_6 No 5330 Change of Use 2

Cirencester 8 Dyer Street Convserion of 1st and 2nd floor offices to create 7 dwellings.

05/02978/FUL Yes C_32 No 5331 Change of Use 1

Cirencester The Gate House 65 Albion Street

Erection of 3 dwellings with access from Roberts Close.

08/00300/FUL Yes C_129 No 6011 Infill 1

Cirencester 8 Gloucester Street Cirencester

Proposed change of use of public house to two dwellings

10/00560/FUL No Yes 6582 Change of Use 2

**Cirencester Land at Kingshill South Phase 1 Reserved Matters details for 30 dwellings

08/01326/REM No Yes 6717.1 Greenfield 30

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application

Number SHLAA


Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of Site

Net Complete

Cirencester 12 Castle Street Redevelopment of the Post Office site to Post Office, shops, cafe and 9 flats.

08/01892/FUL No Yes 7201 Change of Use 9

Coberley Minotaur Barn Seven Springs

Conversion of agricultural barn into a dwelling house

09/02153/FUL No Yes 7045 Greenfield Change of Use


Coln St Dennis Outbuilding adj to The Barn House

Change of use to dwelling. 09/01236/FUL No Yes 1643 Change of Use 1

Cowley The Forge Conversion of former forge into dwelling 08/00337/FUL No Yes 2088 Change of Use 1

Cowley Partridge Builders Yard Birdlip

Construction of 22 dwellings and associated access road.

02/00076/FUL No Yes 7073 Other Redevelopment


Duntisbournes The Stable Flat Duntisbourne House

Use of the Stable Flat as a single dwelling unit.

09/03858/CLEUD No Yes 4502 Change of Use 1

Duntisbournes Dartley Farm Cottage Duntisbourne Rouse

Alterations and extensions to farm cottages to form a single dwelling

07/02097/FUL No Yes 8630 Residential Subdivision


Ebrington Charingworth Farm Charingworth Road

Conversion of barn to form one dwelling 10/02797/FUL No Yes 9119 Greenfield Change of Use


Elkstone Slutswell Elkstone Conersion on existing barn to single dwelling. 09/00523/FUL No Yes 4794 Greenfield Change of Use


Fairford Land adj Fairford Bowls club, East End

Infill development 05/01181/FUL No No 1539 Infill 2

Guiting Power The Flat The Post Office The Square

Change of use of first floor residential flat into a storage

09/03153/FUL No No 4562 Change of Use -1

Lechlade Hedley House St Johns Street

Sub-division of residential wing to provide a separate dwelling

09/01610/FUL No Yes 6079 Residential Subdivision


Little Rissington 16 Avro Road, Upper Rissington

Erection of new dwelling 05/00499/FUL No No 5283 Infill 1

Long Newton Little Larkhill Cottage Long Newton

Demolition of domestic building to form new dwelling

03/01290/FUL No No 4012 Infill 1

Long Newton Church Farm Long newton Conversion of agricultural buildings to B1 use and domestic dwelling

06/00254/FUL No Yes 1523 Greenfield Change of Use


Lower Slaughter Greenfingers Wyck Road Removal of Condition 2 (holiday let occupancy condition) to allow unrestricted residential use

10/01549/FUL No Yes 3669 Residential Subdivision


Lower Slaughter Land at Slaughter Pike Erection of 8 dwellings and amendments to access.

06/01699/FUL No Yes 6070 Other Redevelopment


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Parish Site Name Development Description Application

Number SHLAA


Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of Site

Net Complete

Maugersbury Lower Yard Sycamore House

Conversion of existing redundant farm buildings to form a dwelling

09/01787/FUL No Yes 0752 Greenfield Change of Use


Mickleton Cherry Orchard Back Lane

Change of use from doctor's surgery (D1) to single dwelling (C3)

10/01089/FUL Yes R_245 No 4508 Change of Use 1


Land adj 174 Fosseway Avenue

Erection of a single dwelling and parking 07/00631/FUL Yes M_8 No 1732 Infill 1


Townend Cottage High Street

Conversion of listed house into two dwellings, conversion of coach house to one dwelling, erection of two new dwellings

08/00772/FUL No Yes 2801 Infill 2


Gavel Cottage, High Street Change of use from to A3 with resi. 08/00737/FUL Yes M_40 No 5257 Change of Use 1


1 The Curfew Change of use of first floor from office use to living accommodation

06/02876/FUL Yes M_36 No 809 Change of Use 1


The Cottage High Street Change of use from office to single dwelling 08/01823/FUL No Yes 7020 Change of Use 1

Naunton Hill Barn Farm Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development for the use of converted barn as a dwelling house

10/03620/CLEUD No Yes 8546 Greenfield Change of Use


Northleach Burgage Cottage West End

Change of use from residential cottage to hotel use

10/04347/FUL No No 8150 Change of Use -1

Oddington Cottages 1 3 & 4 Rose Walk Back Lane

Conversion of former cottage to form holiday let (cottage 1) subdivision of existing terrace to form one additional cottage.

10/01273/FUL No Yes 6429 Residential Subdivision


Oddington New Rectory Farm Church Lane

Erection of replacement dwelling and ancillary outbuilding

09/03887/FUL No Yes 6692 Residential Redevelopment


South Cerney The Willows Broadway Lane

Erect one dwelling vehicular access and garage.

09/02778/FUL No No 2853 Infill 1

South Cerney Kewstoke High Street Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two dwellings and associated works.

10/05155/FUL No Yes 3147 Residential Redevelopment


Stow on the Wold

1 & 2 Chapel Street Erection of single dwelling and garage 10/00999/FUL No No 3558 Infill 1

Stow on the Wold

Two Ways Park Street Demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling

11/01899/FUL No No 3650 Infill 1

Stow on the Wold

3 Oddington Road Erection of dwelling 08/02521/REM Yes S_4 No 5103 Infill 1

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Parish Site Name Development Description Application

Number SHLAA


Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of Site

Net Complete

Stow on the Wold

The Meeting Room, Well Lane

Development of 7 dwellings (5 houses and 2 flats).

08/00997/REM No Yes 5269 Other Redevelopment


Temple Guiting Rooks Pool Farmhouse Taylors Lane Stow

Occupation of farmhouse 10/05407/FUL No Yes 5661 Change of Use 1

Tetbury Willow End London Road Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 3 terraced houses

08/02098/FUL No Yes 3025 Residential Redevelopment


Tetbury 32 Long Street Change of use from retail to residential 08/01780/FUL No Yes 4758 Change of Use 2

Tetbury Hampton Street Allotments Construction of 35 dwellings with parking 06/02642/FUL Yes T_27 No 6095 Greenfield 2

Tetbury 1 Berrells Road Demolition of existing single dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings

08/03637/FUL No Yes 8694 Residential Redevelopment


Tetbury Upton Lowfield Farm Change of use and conversion of barn to form a dwelling

08/02687/FUL No Yes 7451 Greenfield Change of Use


Todenham Deerhurst Todenham Erection of a replacement dwelling and the construction of a detached double garage.

10/01172/FUL No Yes 7640 Residential Redevelopment



Development to provide 4 No. live work units. Restoration of walls and Camellia House.

11/02201/FUL No Yes 1667 Other Redevelopment


Whittington Whittington Lodge Farm Erection of a replacement dwelling. 08/03671/FUL No Yes 6694 Residential Redevelopment


Willersey Willersey Garage Main Street

Change of use of upper floor of garage storage room to form first floor self contained flat

09/03299/FUL Yes R_370 No 1421 Change of Use 1

* The ‘Land at Birch Farm’ site (ref: 2500) in Ampney Crucis was built on a horse paddock, not a garden, therefore making it a windfall.

** The ‘Land at Kingshill South’ site (ref: 6717.1) in Cirencester for 30 dwellings, which was previously reported as a SHLAA site, has been amended

within this report as a windfall.

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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Ampney Crucis Ampney Cross Erection of replacement No Yes 2108.2 Residential Redevelopment


Andoversford Western Lodge, Station Road Demolition of 2 dwellings and erection of 13 dwellings.

No Yes 5271 Residential Redevelopment


*Andoversford T H White, Station Road Redevlopment of site for residential use - 39 dwellings

Yes R_30 No 5301 Other Redevelopment


*Andoversford T H White, Station Road Redevlopment of site for residential use - 39 dwellings

Yes R_30 No 5301 Other Redevelopment A


Avening Old Quarries Avening Conversion to form 3 one bed flats No Yes 1499 Change of Use 2

Avening 79 The Sunground Conversion of the existing house into two flats No Yes 2831 Residential Subdivision


Avening Avening House Sub-division of part of building to provide additional residential unit

No Yes 6480 Residential Redevelopment


Bagendon Tithe Barn (attached To Purlieu Cottage)

Change of use of existing barn from agricultural use to dwelling

No Yes 6733 Greenfield Change of Use


Bibury Mill House & Elm Tree Cottage, Ablington

Convert two cottages into one (create opening in party wall).

No Yes 3484 Residential Subdivision


Blockley Cedarwood Cottage, Lower Street

Erection of a replacement No Yes 2777 Residential Redevelopment


Bourton on the Water

1/3 Station Road Change of use of 3 Station Road from office to residential.

No No 3700 Change of Use 1

Bourton on the Water

Land Parcel Adj To Coach & Horses

Construction of 48 dwellings Yes B_18, B_47 No 5666 Greenfield 16

Bourton on the Water

Land Parcel Adj To Coach & Horses

Construction of 48 dwellings Yes B_18, B_47 No 5666 Greenfield 20

Chedworth Chedworth Roman Villa Change of use of ground floor and basement of Victorian Lodge to provide office accommodation

No No 5808 Residential Subdivision


Chipping Campden

Pine Cottage, Aston Road Demolition of an existing house and replacement No Yes 51 Residential Redevelopment


Chipping Campden

Clemette, Sheep Street Demolition of existing dwelling Yes CC_16 No 1974.1 Residential Redevelopment


Chipping Campden

The Foss Aston Road Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 4347 Residential Redevelopment


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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Chipping Campden

The Garden Cottage, Mill Park Road, Westington

Separation of Garden Cottage from Westington Mill to become a self-contained dwelling

No Yes 6102 Residential Subdivision


Cirencester Rosedale, Siddington Road erection of 8 residential units Yes C_159 No 824 Residential Redevelopment


Cirencester 34 Watermoor Road Change of use and conversion of public house to form 3 dwellings

No Yes 864 Change of Use 3

Cirencester The Woodbine Inn, 62-64 Chesterton Lane

Demolition of existing building and the erection of six new dwellings

No Yes 1299 Residential Redevelopment


Cirencester The Forge, Gloucester Road Erection of single dwelling No Yes 2598 Infill 1

Cirencester Statton Rectory 94, Gloucester Road

Construction of one two storey dwelling and one single storey dwelling

Yes C_122 No 2836 Infill 2

Cirencester 50 Querns Lane Conversion into four townhouses; demolition of extension and erection of one new dwelling.

Yes C_20 No 3268 Change of Use 4

Cirencester Land Between A419 And A417 Kingshill North

erection of 270 residential. Phase 1 plots 1-24 dwellings. Phase 2 plots 135-141. Addition of 4 dwellings between plots 85 and 86.

Yes C_87 No 3955 Greenfield 89

Cirencester Highfield Cottage, Somerford Road

Residential development comprising three dwellings

No No 4442 Infill 3

Cirencester 107 Cricklade Street Change of use of ground floor of the property to domestic use

No Yes 5861 Change of Use 1

Cirencester 24 Queen Street conversion of building to provide 9 no. flats Yes C_7 No 6841 Change of Use -1

Cirencester Land At Kingshill South Phases 2 3 and 4 Erection of 178 no. residential dwellings

Yes C_65 No 6717.2 Greenfield 137

Cirencester Land Parcel At North Home And Kingshill

Proposed Extra Care accommodation comprising 60 units 15 no flats

Yes C_65 No 6717.3 Greenfield 83

Cirencester Land At Kingshill South, Phases 5 6 & 7

Phases 5 6 7 for 103 dwellings Yes C_65 No 6717.4 Greenfield 35

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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Cirencester Adj 5&6 Meadow Court Chesterton Lane

Extension to existing block to provide 2 additional flats.

No No 7961 Infill 2


Erection of 7 dwellings on part of an allocated site. Remainder of site listed under HLA ref 2814.

Yes C_91 No 8424 Infill 7

Coln St Aldwyn Dean Farm Bungalow Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 1870 Residential Redevelopment


Cowley Partridge Builders Yard, Birdlip

Construction of 22 dwellings No Yes 7073 Other Redevelopment


Dowdeswell Cedar Haven, Castle Barn Farm, Upper Dowdeswell

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement dwelling.

No Yes 5389 Residential Redevelopment


Down Ampney Poulton Hill Farm Conversion of redundant agricultural barn to residential use.

No Yes 5293 Greenfield 1

Ebrington Land Adjacent To Elm Grove Erection of nine dwellings. Rural exception site. Yes R_168 No 60 Greenfield A 9

Ebrington Lodge Cottage. Blackdowns Farm

Erection of replacement dwelling and associated landscaping

No Yes 4826 Greenfield 0

Edgeworth Valley Farm Bungalow Demolition of existing bungalow and replacement No Yes 208 Residential Redevelopment


Edgeworth Land and Buildings at Waverley Farm

Erection of one dwelling No Yes 5025 Other Redevelopment


Evenlode Two Leys, Horn Lane Demolition of existing house and erection of replacement dwelling.

No Yes 2674 Residential Redevelopment


Fairford Keepers Cottage, Fairford Park

Change of use from residential to office use No Yes 515 Change of Use -1

Farmington 16-17 Farmington Subdivision of dwelling to create two dwellings No Yes 26 Residential Subdivision


Kemble Clayfurlong Barns Conversion of two redundant barns to provide single dwelling with annexe

No Yes 2474/E Greenfield 1

Kemble 7 & 8 Clayfurlong Barns Conversion of barns with addition of link extension to form one dwelling

No Yes 2474/V Greenfield Change of Use


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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Lechlade Butlers Court Farm Barn Change of use of agricultural building to residential.

No Yes 2950 Greenfield Change of Use


Lechlade First Floor, 3 Oak Street Change of use of first floor from office to three bedroom flat

No Yes 6281 Change of Use 1

Lechlade Meadow Barn Conversion of redundant barn to residential use Yes R_21 No 8474 Greenfield 1

Long Newton Cotswold View Certificate of Lawful existing use for the primary occupation of the owner/occupant

No Yes 3493 Greenfield Change of Use


Long Newton Hams Cottages, Oak Covert Estcourt

Erection of cottage to replace mobile home No Yes 7902 Other Redevelopment


Maugersbury The Retreat Removal of Conditions 1 (agricultural forestry or equestrian occupation

No Yes 6636 Greenfield Change of Use


Mickleton Lower Piece, Stratford Road Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 709 Residential Redevelopment


Moreton in Marsh London House, High Street Change of use of first and second floors to a single residential unit

No Yes 2020 Change of Use 1

Moreton in Marsh Townend Cottage, High Street

Conversion of listed house into two dwellings conversion of listed coach house into one dwelling erection of two new dwellings

No Yes 2801 Change of Use 1

Moreton in Marsh Townend Cottage, High Street

Conversion of listed house into two dwellings conversion of listed coach house into one dwelling erection of two new dwellings

No Yes 2801 Infill 2

Moreton in Marsh Townend Cottage, High Street

Conversion of listed house into two dwellings conversion of listed coach house into one dwelling erection of two new dwellings

No Yes 2801 Residential Subdivision


Moreton in Marsh Blandon, 1 London Road Erection of dwelling No No 3624 Infill 1

Moreton in Marsh Land At Fire Service College, London Road

Residential development Yes M_10 No 5410 Greenfield 35

Moreton in Marsh 6 St Peters Court Sub division of existing dwelling to form two dwellings

No Yes 6473 Residential Subdivision


Moreton in Marsh 18 Dulverton Place Erection of a detached dwelling. No No 8555 Greenfield 1

Naunton Tuppenny Barn Change of use of redundant agricultural barn to a single residential dwelling.

No Yes 9170 Greenfield Change of Use


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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Oddington New Rectory Farm, Church Lane

Demolition of existing dwelling and barn erection of replacement dwelling

No Yes 6692 Residential Redevelopment


Preston Norcote Workshop, Norcote Conversion of workshop/garage block to provide two flats and office accommodation

No Yes 348 Change of Use 2

Sevenhampton Lower Farm Bungalow Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 3924 Residential Redevelopment


Shipton Moynes Appledore, 7 The Street Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling.

No Yes 4826 Residential Redevelopment


Shipton Moynes Park End Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 6793 Residential Redevelopment


Siddington The Coach House Stables, Upper Siddington

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use for the erection of a building and the use of it as an independent dwellinghouse

No Yes 228 Greenfield Change of Use


Siddington Barton Farm, Siddington Conversion of detached barn to dwelling house. Conversion of stable coach house groom's accommodation to dwelling house.

No Yes 3939 Greenfield Change of Use


Somerford Keynes The Oak And Furrows Wildlife Rescue Centre, Elm View

The erection of a log cabin for the accommodation of an essential rural worker

No Yes 7815 Greenfield 1

South Cerney Rainbows End, Wildmoorway Lane

Removal of agricultural occupancy condition No Yes 1454 Residential Subdivision


South Cerney 4 Silver Street Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

No Yes 2797 Residential Redevelopment


South Cerney Kewstoke, High Street Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two dwellings

No Yes 3147 Residential Redevelopment


South Cerney Stream Cottage, Wildmoorway Lane

Removal of condition to allow annexe to be used an independent dwelling

No Yes 3429 Residential Subdivision


South Cerney Lacroft School Lane, South Cerney

Erection of replacement dwelling No Yes 8795 Residential Redevelopment


Southrop Haulage Yard, Lechlade Road Erection of 8 dwellings (including 3 affordable units)

No Yes 1561 Other Redevelopment


Stow on the Wold The Barn, Fox Lane Barn conversion change of use to dwelling No Yes 4583 Change of Use 1

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Parish Site Name Development description SHLAA Site SHLAA Ref Windfall HLA Ref Type of site Net


Stow on the Wold 3 Windrush Court, Sheep Street

Change of use of No.3 Windrush Court from A1 to C3 (dwelling)

No Yes 6573 Change of Use 1

Stow on the Wold Landgate Mews, Well Lane Erection of a detached dwelling Yes S_21 No 9056 Infill 1

Swell The Stables, South Hill Farmhouse, Station Road

Change of use from holiday let to dwellinghouse together with alterations and extensions

No Yes 5967 Change of Use 1

Swell Land At Sheep Wash Barn, Swell Buildings Farm, Lower Swell

Erection of an agricultural workers' dwelling No Yes 9153 Greenfield 1

Tetbury 9 Long Street Change of use of offices at first and second floor to form two residential flats

No Yes 702 Change of Use 2

Tetbury Love Lane Bungalow, Northfiel Road

Construction of a replacement dwelling and detached garage

No Yes 783 Residential Redevelopment


Tetbury Land Adjoining Cornwall Close, Hapton Street

Erection of nine dwellings with associated parking landscaping and external works

Yes T_27 No 2597 Greenfield 9

Tetbury 86 Hampton Street Erection of replacement dwelling and garage. Yes T_10 No 2637 Residential Redevelopment


Tetbury Willow End, London Road Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 3 terraced houses

No Yes 3025 Residential Redevelopment


Tetbury 46 London Road Change of use of existing bungalow from ancillary to an independent single dwelling

No Yes 5898 Residential Subdivision


Tetbury Upton Barley Court Doughton Change of use of dwelling to offices. No Yes 2153 Change of Use -1

Todenham Deerhurst Erection of a replacement dwelling No Yes 7640 Residential Redevelopment


Westcote Broadmere, Nether Westcote Erection of a replacement dwelling and garage No Yes 972 Residential Redevelopment


Weston Subedge Broad Close Farm Erection of a dwelling for an equine worker No Yes 5040 Greenfield 1

Willersey Sandbrook Nursery, Badsey Lane

Erection of two dwellings No No 5365 Greenfield 1

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* The ‘T H White, Station Road’ site (ref: 5301) in Andoversford, which provided 28 dwellings in 2011/12 was a SHLAA site, therefore disqualifying it

as a windfall.

* The ‘The Woodbine Inn, 62-64 Chesterton Lane’ site (ref: 1299) in Cirencester for 6 dwellings, which was previously reported as a SHLAA site,

has been amended within this report as a windfall.

* The ‘Forge, Gloucester Road’ site (ref: 2598) in Cirencester for 1 dwelling, which was previously reported as a SHLAA site, has been amended

within this report as a windfall.

* The ‘Retreat’ site (ref: 6636) in Maugersbury for 1 residential unit has been removed as it created a dwelling by removing an agricultural occupancy


* The ‘Rainbows End, Wildmoorway Lane’ site (ref: 1454) in South Cerney for 1 residential unit has been removed as it created a dwelling by

removing an agricultural occupancy condition.

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Aldsworth Blackpitts Farm Conversion of barns to domestic dwellings - - - Yes 3305 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Aldsworth New Green Farm

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the continual use of building as dwelling

- - - Yes 8507 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Ampney Crucis Crucis Park Farm, Barnsley Road

Demolition of existing house and garage block and erection of replacement dwelling

- - - Yes 302 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Ampney Crucis Ampney Cross Replacement cottage and garage and associated works including minor alteration to vehicular access

- - - Yes 2108.2 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Ampney Crucis Land to rear of 17 Park Corner

New cottage in land to rear of 19 Park Corner

Yes - - No 5121 Infill 1

Ampney St Mary Hill Oak Farm

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the continued use of the dwelling without complying with the agricultural/forestry occupancy condition (i) of planning permission CT.4837/F

- - - Yes 4837 Change of Use 1

Andoversford Western Lodge, Station Road

Demolition of 2 dwellings and erection of 13 dwellings

- - - Yes 3195 Residential

Redevelopment 12

Andoversford T H White, Station Road Redevlopment of site to create 39 dwellings - R_30 - No 5301 Other

Redevelopment 11

Avening 1 High Street Change of use from retail to residential - - - Yes 3573 Change of Use 1

Bibury 28 The Square Subdivision to form two dwellings and internal alterations including removal of walls and new stair arrangement.

- - - Yes 9264 Residential Subdivision



Larch House, Station Road

Erection of 4 detached dwellings. Yes - - No 1122 Infill 4


Marshmouth Farm, Marshmouth Lane

Permanent retention of use of part of stables as agricultural worker's dwelling

- - - Yes 2821 Greenfield

Change of Use 1


Barnfields Construction of new detached dwelling. - - - Yes 4808 Other

Redevelopment 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete


Land Parcel adj to Coach & Horses, Fossway

Construction of 48 (our system says 45 but planning application says 48) dwellings with associated garaging parking landscaping and access road.

- B_47 - No 5666 Greenfield 9


The Paragon Garage, Lansdown

Demolition and removal of service station and erection of three dwellings

- B_40 - No 6007 Other

Redevelopment 3


Plot 6 Meadow View, Gasworks Lane

Erection of a detached dwelling - - - Yes 6179 Greenfield 1


1 Cotswold Villas Erection of new detached dwelling and retrospective consent for alterations to existing vehicular access.

Yes - - No 9238 Greenfield 1

Brimpsfield Syde Park Farm, Caudle Green

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of first floor of stable building as two residential units

- - - Yes 7437 Greenfield

Change of Use 2

Brimpsfield Fir Tree Bungalow and Cranham Lodge Sawmill

Use of Fir Tree Lodge for residential purposes

- - - Yes 8937 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Cherington Aston Farm Conversion and alterations to barn to form farm office on ground floor and residential accommodation at first floor

- - - Yes 4334 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Chipping Campden

Pine Cottage, Aston Road Demolition of an existing two storey house and replacement with a new house

- - - Yes 51 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Chipping Campden

Land adj. Clemette, Sheep Street

Erection of a detached dwelling Yes CC_16 - No 1974 Infill 1

Chipping Campden

Campden Barn, Aston Road

Removal of Condition 7 (holiday occupation only) of permission 05/02873/FUL to allow use of building as unrestricted dwelling

- - - Yes 2837 Change of Use 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Chipping Campden

Former Cotswold Garage, Sheep Street

Redevelopment to form 20 Retirement Living apartments (Category II type) with communal facilities and associated car parking and landscaping

- CC_17 - No 3092 Other

Redevelopment 20

Chipping Campden

Little Glebe, Cider Mill Lane

Change of use from church ancillary meeting and administration rooms to a dwelling

- - - Yes 8110 Change of Use 1

Chipping Campden

Lower Kingcombe, Aston Road

Demolition of existing dwelling house and erection of two detached dwellings. * Separate application (11/04079/FUL) on same plot of land for erection of a single replacement dwelling. Make sure you record which application got built!

- - - Yes 9111 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Cirencester Former Arkenside Hotel, 44-46 Lewis Lane

Erection of nine houses associated parking cycle store and communal landscaped area

- C_65 Policy 20 No 12 Other

Redevelopment 9

Cirencester 129 Cheltenham Road, Stratton

Erection of a single detached dwelling Yes - - No 65 Greenfield 1

Cirencester Rosedale, Siddington Road

Erection of 7 dwellings formation of new access and associated works

- C_159 - No 824 Residential

Redevelopment 7

Cirencester 12 Kingshill Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of new bungalow

- - - Yes 1107 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Cirencester 18 Berry Hill Road Erection of a replacement dwelling - - - Yes 1590 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Cirencester 111 Cricklade Street Change of use of upper floor accommodation from residential (Class C3) to office (Class B1)

- - - Yes 1960 Change of Use -1

Cirencester Land Adj. 35 Countess Lilias Road

Erection of building providing 2 No. one bed flats (conversion of shop and flat to 2 self contained flats).

- - - Yes 2766.2 Change of Use 1

Cirencester Chesterton Post Office and Stores, 35 Countess Lilias Road

First floor extension over existing shop to provide self contained accommodation

- - - Yes 2766.3 Infill 1

Cirencester 50 Querns Lane

Conversion into four townhouses; demolition of extension and erection of one new dwelling. Extension to time period application 2010.

- C_20 - No 3268 Infill 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Cirencester Land Between A419 and A417 Kingshill North

Reserved matters for erection of 270 residential dwellings retail/commercial unit together with all associated infrastructure and landscaping. Phase 1 plots 1-24 dwellings. Phase 2 plots 135-141. Addition of 4 dwellings between plots 85 and 86.

- C_87 CIR.10 No 3955 Greenfield 57

Cirencester 1 Querns Lane Conversion of existing offices to form single dwelling

- - - Yes 5632 Change of Use 1

Cirencester Land at 27 Gloucester Road, Stratton

Erection of single dwelling and repositioning of existing highway access

Yes - - No 6551 Greenfield 1

Cirencester Land at Kingshill South

Reserved Matters application for Phases 2 3 and 4 of Outline permission 06/02991/OUT - Erection of 178 no. residential dwellings with associated roads parking and open spaces

- C_65 CIR.10/1 No 6717.2 Greenfield 41

Cirencester Land at Kingshill South Phases 5 6 & 7

Phases 5 6 7 for 103 dwellings within the residential development previously permitted under Outline Permission 06/02991/OUT. Also Erection of 31 dwellings (in addition to those approved under 06/02991/OUT).

CIR.10/1 6717.4 Greenfield 22

Cirencester Royal Oak, 102 Gloucester Street

Proposed change of use from commercial to residential use including alterations to kitchen/dining room/outside urinals.

- - - Yes 7425 Change of Use 1

Cirencester 6 Querns Road Erection of one pair of semi detached dwellings

Yes - - No 8824 Greenfield 2

Cirencester 2 St Johns Road Erection of a single dwelling and garage and alteration to existing access.

Yes - - No 8871 Infill 1

Cirencester 5 Donside, Stratton Erection of 2-bed dwelling Yes - - No 8898 Greenfield 1

Coates Thames Head Barn, Tetbury Road

Conversion of former agricultural barn to a single dwelling

- - - Yes 2834 Change of Use

Greenfield 1

Coberley Workshop at Hartley Farm Conversion of redundant farm building in to 2 no. dwellings

- - - Yes 7026 Greenfield 2

Coln St Aldwyn Dean Farm Bungalow Erection of a replacement dwelling - - - Yes 1870 Residential

Redevelopment 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Compton Abdale Wainway House

Conversion of barn to a single dwelling and the erection of a double garage with ancillary accommodation above (domestic outbuilding - not agricultural barn)

- - - Yes 5297 Change of Use 1

Condicote The Lodge

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the building as a self-contained dwellinghouse (use class C3)

- - - Yes 6976 Change of Use 1

Cowley The Studio

Erection of new dwelling and ancillary studio accommodation (on the site of former studio building) (revised scheme incorporating additional bedroom and shower room extensions)

- - - Yes 6053 Other

Redevelopment 1

Cowley Greenhatch Farm Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling and garage together with landscaping

- - - Yes 6946 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Daglingworth Highlands, Lower End Sub-division of an existing dwelling to form additional unit of accommodation (retrospective)

- - - Yes 4411 Residential Subdivision


Dowdeswell Cedar Haven, Castle Barn Farm, Upper Dowdeswell

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of replacement dwelling

- - - Yes 5389 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Duntisbourne Abbotts

Homefield Demolition of existing dwelling (Homefield) and erection of new dwelling and garage.

- - - Yes 85 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Duntisbourne Abbotts

Highfield House Erection of a new dwelling and garaging - - - Yes 4055 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Duntisbourne Rouse

Land At Upper Rectory Farm

Reserved Matters application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling

- - - Yes 8283.1 Greenfield 1

Ebrington Cavebank Farm, Hidcote Boyce

Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use or Development under Section 192 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the property as a residential dwelling without occupancy restriction

- - - Yes 4736 Change of Use 1

Elkstone Trout Farm, Cockleford Farm

Change of use and conversion of fish farm shop to residential use with erection of pitched roof above existing flat roof extension

- - - Yes 6954 Change of Use 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Elkstone Barn opposite Oldbury Farm

Conversion of barn to form single dwelling - - - Yes 8931 Greenfield 1

Evenlode The Stables, Manor Farm, Church Lane

Re-construction of west bays re-covering of roof, alterations and conversion of stables to form single dwelling

- - - Yes 3805.2 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Evenlode Heath End Farm Erection of a replacement dwelling and garden store

- - - Yes 9151 Residential

Redevelopment 0

Fairford Vortex Inn, Cirencenster Road

Change of use to form four residential mews units

- - - Yes 2945 Change of Use 4

Farmington The Bungalow, Starvall Farm

Replacement dwelling - - - Yes 2175 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Hazelton New House, Manor Farm

Erection of a replacement farmhouse with associated outbuilding, change of use from agricultural storage yard and land to domestic garden land and former garden land to agricultural meadowland

- - - Yes 2800 Residential

Redevelopment 0

Icomb Icomb Pastures Reserved Matters application for the erection of a dwelling in connection with equestrian enterprise

- - - Yes 9142 Greenfield 1

Kemble Mill Farm Barn, Ewen Road

Conversion of barn, tallet building and cow byre to residential use to create two dwellings with erection of outbuildings and garage. Extension to Mill Farm House and alterations to cart shed.

- - - Yes 115.1 Greenfield

Change of Use 2

Kemble Bradley Lodge, Limes Road

Change of use of existing ancillary outbuilding to an independent residential dwelling (C3 Use)

- - - Yes 969 Change of Use 1

Kempsford Axe And Compass, High Street

Conversion of former public house to No.3 two storey houses and three bay garage block with new vehicular access and parking/turning area

- - - Yes 431 Change of Use 3

Kingscote 3 Windmill Cottages, Windmill Lane

Replacement dwelling at 3 Windmill Cottages

- - - Yes 5445 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Lechlade Bryworth Farm, Bryworth Lane

Extension and conversion of barn to form a dwelling

- - - Yes 269 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Lechlade Lechlade Marine and Hire Shop, Sherborne Street

Change of use of land from A1 to C3 (addition of first floor with front dormer window).

- - - Yes 1940 Change of Use 1

Lechlade Trouthouse, Warrens Cross

Conversion and extension of agricultural buildings to a dwelling. Erection of carport and garage/workshop buildings.

- - - Yes 3345 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Lechlade Rear of Dolphin Cottage, 9-10 Burford Street

Erection of dwelling with detached garage with access from Swan Close

Yes - - No 5270 Infill 1

Lechlade Church House, Wharf Lane

Conversion and extension of garage and stable block to provide a dwelling (revised scheme).

- - - Yes 8676 Change of Use 1

Long Newton The Straw Barn, Great Larkhill Farm

Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to provide two dwellings and erection of a new shed to house biomass boiler and a new garden store

- - - Yes 3347 Greenfield

Change of Use 2

Longborough Land opposite the Charlesway, Moreton Road

Erection of nine dwellings - R_229 - No 9109 Greenfield A 9

Lower Slaughter The Stables, Manor Farm Conversion of rural buildings to form a single dwelling house and associated works.

- R_235 - No 3433 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Maugersbury Oxleaze, Oxleaze Farm Lane

Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of a replacement dwelling (with annex) garage plant room tennis court enclosure 2.1m high and associated tennis shed.

- - - Yes 1911 Residential

Redevelopment 0

Mickleton Lower Piece, Stratford Road

Erection of a replacement dwelling - - - Yes 709 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Mickleton Finches Meadow Farm, Stratford Road

Removal of agricultural occupancy condition - - - Yes 6110 Greenfield

Change of Use 1


16 High Street Change of use of first floor from A3 (cafes and restaurants) to two flats in C3 use (residential)

- - - Yes 2387.1 Change of Use 2


Sheraton House, High Street

Change of use from retail and financial services to a dwelling

- - - Yes 3202 Change of Use 1

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Parish Site Name Development description Garden SHLAA site Site

allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete


Delabere House, New Road

Change of use of ground floor from retail (A1) to self catering accommodation (C3) for disabled persons and carers (retrospective)

- M_39 - No 4426.2 Change of Use 1


5 Manchester Court, Corders Lane

Change of use from D1 (day centre) to C3 (dwelling)

- - - Yes 4644.2 Change of Use

Brownfield 1


Land at Fire Service College, London Road

Residential development, open space, car parking and associated works - (Reserved Matters application for the appearance landscaping layout and scale of development approved under permission 09/04440/OUT)

- M_10 - No 5410 Greenfield 63


The Old Slaughterhouse Conversion and extension of former offices to form two dwellings.

- M_53 - No 5926 Change of Use 2


The Annexe, The Cottage, Oxford Street

Certificate of lawful existing use or development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the Annexe as an independent dwelling

- - - Yes 6263 Change of Use 1

Northleach with Eastington

Land rear of Union Cottage, East End

Erection of detached dwelling Yes - - No 3148 Greenfield 1

Northleach with Eastington

Orchard House, High Street

Change of use from ancillary accommodation to independent residential dwelling (including subdivision from Orchard House)

- - - Yes 6095 Residential Subdivision


Northleach with Eastington

Cats Abbey Farm Residential redevelopment - - - Yes 6929 Residential

Redevelopment 0

Northleach with Eastington

Black Hill Barn, Hill House Farm

Conversion of a barn into a single dwelling - - - Yes 9176 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Notgrove Manor Farm Conversion and extension of building to provide agricultural/equestrian worker's accommodation

- - - Yes 8685 Greenfield Change of Use


Oddington Oddington House Lodge, Lower Oddington

Demolition of existing lodge and construction of new lodge

- - - Yes 7621 Residential

Redevelopment -1

Poulton The Annexe, Tibbi Dell, Bell Lane

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the creation of an independent dwelling

- - - Yes 2954 Change of Use 1

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allocation Windfall? HLA Ref Type of site

Net complete

Rendcomb The Tallet, Aycote House Change of use of first floor ancillary accommodation to an independent dwelling

- - - Yes 4497 Change of Use 1

Rendcomb Aycote Lodge Cottage Change of use: Ancillary accommodation to seperate dwelling

- - - Yes 6419 Change of Use 1

Sevenhampton Lower Farm Bungalow Erection of a replacement dwelling - - - Yes 3924 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Sevenhampton Gassons Farm, The Quarry, Brockhampton

Erection of an agricultural worker's dwelling - - - Yes 7521 Greenfield 1

Shipton Moynes Street Farmhouse, The Street

Certificate of lawful existing use or development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the property without complying with condition 2 (occupied continuously for a period in excess of ten years by persons not engaged in agriculture or forestry) of the planning permission granted under the reference CT.2888/C.

- - - Yes 2888 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Shipton Moynes Appledore, 7 The Street Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling.

- - - Yes 4826 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Shipton Moynes Remo Farm

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the conversion of existing of agricultural building to self-contained dwelling and farm office

- - - Yes 4847 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Shipton Moynes Park End Erection of a replacement dwelling and change of use of land to residential curtilage.

- - - Yes 6793 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Siddington Mole End, Furzen Leaze Farm

Change of use from holiday let to dwelling house (C3)

- - - Yes 63 Change of Use 1

South Cerney Land at Former Aggregate Industries Site, The Mallards

Erection of 140 dwellings pursuant to Outline permission (10/03916/OUT)

- SC_10 - No 6 Other

Redevelopment 3

South Cerney Old Farm House, Butts Farm, Cricklade Road

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the property as a single dwelling house

- - - Yes 4065 Change of Use 1

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Net complete


Westcombe, Tewskesbury Road

Conversion of Westcombe to form 2 no. two-bedroom houses erection of a two- storey side extension to Westcombe and the construction of a pitched roof over the existing flat roof at The Limes.

- - - Yes 1536.2 Residential

Redevelopment 1


Newlands, Evesham Road Erection of five sheltered retirement cottages on former orchard site

- S_33 - No 1536.3 Infill 5


Newlands, Evesham Road Fifteen extra care apartments attached to Newlands Nursing Home

- - - Yes 1536.4 Infill 15


Huntington Antiques, Church Street

Change of use of first floor retail area to create a residential flat and the construction of an external staircase

- - - Yes 1543 Change of Use 1


Cedarwood, St Edwards Drive

Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of two detached dwellings including new accesses and car parking

- - - Yes 2693 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Tetbury Love Lane Bungalow, Northfield Road

Construction of a replacement dwelling and detached garage

- - - Yes 783 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Tetbury 30 London Road

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of property as a dwelling

- - - Yes 1827.2 Change of Use 1

Tetbury 86 Hampton Street Erection of replacement dwelling and garage.

- T_10 - No 2637 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Tetbury 5 London Road Conversion of first floor from retail to flat. - - - Yes 5563 Change of Use 1

Tetbury 18 Charlton Road Erection of a detached two storey dwelling and retention of an increase in the height of the front boundary wall to 1.4m

Yes T_46 - No 7485 Greenfield 1

Westcote Broadmere, Nether Westcote

Erection of a replacement dwelling and garage

- - - Yes 972 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Westcote Pitts Barn, Nether Westcote

Change of use of self-contained ancillary accommodation to separate dwelling

- - - Yes 5525 Change of Use 1

Westonbirt with Lasborough

Western Walled Garden

Amendments to previously approved scheme 03/03208/FUL to provide one dwelling by connecting plots 3 and 4 with a glazed link

Yes - - No 1667 Other

Redevelopment 1

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Net complete

Westonbirt with Lasborough

Roughgrounds, Home Farm

Erection of agricultural workers dwelling and garage

- - - Yes 8359 Greenfield 1

Whittington Whittington Lodge Farm Erection of a replacement dwelling. - - - Yes 6694 Residential

Redevelopment 1

Whittington Lodge Farm Conversion of barn to dwelling (amendment to extant consent CD.8768 to include internal and external alterations).

- - - Yes 8768 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

Winstone Ashgrove Farm, Jackbarrow Road

Certificate of lawful existing use or development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the property without complying with condition f (occupied by persons engaged in agriculture or in horse breeding and livery or in forestry) of the planning permission granted under the reference CT.0974/D (for a period in excess of ten years)

- - - Yes 974 Greenfield

Change of Use 1

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Adlestrop Hillside Farm

Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings; erection of new dwelling and outbuildings, landscaping and associated alterations

12/00838/FUL - - - Yes 0642 -1

Aldsworth The Barn at Tallet Cottage

Conversion of listed barn to dwelling 12/04906/FUL - - - Yes 5055 1

Ampney Crucis Crucis Park Farm, Barnsley Road

Demolition of existing house and garage block and erection of replacement dwelling

11/02509/FUL - - - Yes 0302 1

Andoversford Western Lodge, Station Road

Demolition of 2 dwellings and erection of 13 dwellings

08/01117/REM Yes - - No 3195 1

Avening Vale Farm, West End Conversion of barns to residential use 13/01944/FUL - - - Yes 7898 1

Barnsley Greyhound Farm House

Change of use of Farm House to a dwelling, change of use of Barn to rear of farm house to self contained holiday let, ancillary to the main house

13/00140/FUL - - - Yes 5757 1

Bibury Streetway House, Ready Token

Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated landscaping

13/03829/FUL - - - Yes 2795 -1

Bledington Pebbly Hill Farm Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

13/00428/FUL - - - Yes 1070.2 -1

Blockley Bath House, High Street Change of use from offices to a dwelling 12/05573/FUL - - - Yes 3057 1

Blockley The Old Pentecostal Chapel, Church Farm Lane

Conversion and extension of former chapel to create dwelling

10/05425/FUL - R_33 - No 5127 1

Blockley Troopers Lodge

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under S191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of Dovedale Cottage as an independent self contained dwelling

13/00587/CLEUD - - - Yes 5149 1

Blockley Neighbrook Manor, Neighbrook, Aston Magna

Change of use conversion and alteration of outbuilding to form staff accommodation

12/05059/FUL - - - Yes 9020 1


49 Lamberts Field Change of permitted use of extension as granny annexe to separate dwelling

10/01040/FUL - - - Yes 0087 1

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1 Sherborne Street Change of use of ground floor from retail and part residential to café

12/04485/FUL - - - Yes 2015 -1


75A Roman Way Sub-division of property to create one additional dwelling

13/03728/FUL - - - Yes 2240 1

Brimpsfield The Leverets Change of use of building from serviced accommodation with live/work unit to residential use

13/03851/FUL - - - Yes 4734.2 1

Cherington The Gastons Replacement dwelling 12/03802/FUL - - - Yes 0841 -1

Chipping Campden

Prior House, High Street New dwelling 12/05544/FUL 11/01387/FUL

Yes CC_4 - No 3696 1

Chipping Campden

Cross Cottage, Sheep Street

Erection of a single dwelling 12/03111/FUL Yes CC_19 - No 5734.2 1

Chipping Campden

The Wool Barn, Symes House, High Street

Conversion of building to provide self-contained short term let accommodation (Class C3)

12/03322/FUL - - - Yes 5752 1

Chipping Campden

8 Aston Road Erection of detached house 10/03226/FUL Yes - - No 6882 1

Chipping Campden

School House Antiques, High Street

Change of use from antique showrooms (A1) to a single dwelling (C3)

12/05347/FUL - CC_35 - No 7140.1 1

Chipping Campden

Garden Cottage, The Gables, High Street

Change of use of existing annex from ancillary accommodation to separate dwelling

13/02640/FUL - - - Yes 7609 1

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Chipping Campden

Land at The Leasows, The Leasows

Construction of a detached dwelling together with new access and associated works

11/04201/FUL Yes - - No 8497 1

Chipping Campden

Lower Kingcombe, Aston Road

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings

13/01567/FUL 13/01563/FUL 13/02037/FUL

- - - Yes 9111 1

Chipping Campden

Lower Kingcombe, Aston Road

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings

13/01567/FUL 13/01563/FUL 13/02037/FUL

- - - No 9111 1

Cirencester 18 Berry Hill Road Erection of a replacement dwelling 12/01309/FUL - - - Yes 1590 1

Cirencester 7 Fairfax Road Conversion of house into two flats 13/01228/FUL - - - Yes 2442 1

Cirencester Land adjacent to No 12 Siddington Road

Erection of a dwelling 12/02701/FUL Yes - - No 2716 1

Cirencester 80 Dyer Street Change of use from B1 (business) to C3 (residential) and external alterations

11/00920/FUL - - - Yes 3923 1

Cirencester Land between A419 and A417, Kingshill North

Reserved matters for erection of 270 residential dwellings retail/commercial unit together with all associated infrastructure and landscaping. Phase 1 plots 1-24 dwellings. Phase 2 plots 135-141. Addition of 4 dwellings between plots 85 and 86.

07/03621/REM - C_87 - No 3955.1 3

Cirencester 50 Somerford Road Construction of four houses with garages

13/02135/FUL Yes C_161 - No 4352 4

Cirencester Abbeymead Guest House, 39A Victoria Road

Change of use from Bed and Breakfast (Use Class C1) to family home (Use Class C3)

13/03944/FUL - - - Yes 6078 1

Cirencester 14 Black Jack Street Change of use of first and second floors to form three flats (C3) insertion of two gas boiler flues

09/04076/FUL - - - Yes 6231 2

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Cirencester Land at Kingshill South Phases 5 6 & 7

Phases 5, 6, 7 for 103 dwellings within the residential development previously permitted under Outline Permission 06/02991/OUT. Also, 31 dwellings in addition to those approved under 06/02991/OUT.

10/03034/REM 10/04185/FUL

- C_65 - No 6717.4 50

Cold Aston Long Brook Farm, Notgrove Road

Conversion and extension of a redundant agricultural building to form single dwelling

11/03172/FUL - - - Yes 7149 1

Cowley Greenhatch Farm Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling and garage, together with landscaping

12/00836/FUL - - - Yes 6946 1

Cowley The Cow Byre, Birdlip Farm

Conversion of existing stone cow byre to 2 bedroom dwelling and change of use of land to residential curtilage

08/02569/FUL - - - Yes 7112 1

Cowley Ivy Lodge Farm Retrospective planning application for the Change of Use of a former barn to form part of the existing residential unit

13/01183/FUL - - - Yes 8953 1

Eastleach Old School House, Eastleach Martin

Subdivision to create two independent dwellings

12/05463/FUL - - - Yes 4033 -1

Ebrington Orchard Rise, Charingworth Road, Charingworth

Residential redevelopment 12/04267/FUL - - - Yes 3314 -1

Ebrington Orchard Rise Charingworth Road Charingworth

Variation of Condition 3 (holiday let occupation) of permission 11/02760/FUL to allow the use of the unit by a person mainly or fully employed at Orchard Rise or by family members of the occupants of Orchard Rise

13/01666/FUL - - - Yes 9119.2 1

Edgeworth Stonewell Place, School Lane

Demolition of dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

14/00018/FUL - - - Yes 4263 -1

Fairford Unit 28, Horcott Residential development of 6 affordable 12/00592/FUL - F_30 - No 0704 6

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Industrial Estate houses

Fairford Pips Field Outline application for the erection of 18 affordable and 19 market dwellings (37 dwellings in total)

13/00792/REM - F_47, F_48

- No 2605.1 3

Fairford Land west of Pips Field, Cirencester Road

Erection of 124 dwellings (72 market & 52 Affordable Housing units) and public and private open space

12/02133/FUL - F_35 - No 2605.2 25

Fairford Tan House, Back Lane Conversion of existing property to garage, drive through, store and annexe and new build 2-bedroom bungalow

10/02095/FUL Yes F_29 - No 4644.1 1

Farmington Farmington Lodge

Internal alterations to convert two cottages within the stable block to a single dwelling and replacement of windows to the rear elevation

11/01918/LBC - - - Yes 1355 -2

Farmington The Bungalow, Starvall Farm

Replacement dwelling 12/03704/FUL - - - Yes 2175 1

Icomb Lower Farm, House Replacement Dwelling 13/04880/FUL - - - Yes 8752 -1

Kemble Prospect Farm, Jackaments

Subdivision of existing dwelling and annexe and associated works (part of link to be removed between the two dwellings).

10/05066/FUL - - - Yes 5845 1

Kemble 41 Clayfurlong Grove

Sub-division of property to create an additional dwelling. Retrospective permission for deviations made to extensions permitted under 11/03671/FUL

13/01158/FUL - - - Yes 8200.2 1

Lechlade Warrens Cross Barn

Conversion of barn to a residential dwelling amendments to previously approved scheme (planning consent 05/02820/FUL)

09/00319/FUL - L_27 - No 0040 1

Lechlade Land West of Wern, London Road

Development of one residential dwelling. 04/00800/FUL Yes L_4 - No 1316 1

Lechlade Royal Oak, Oak Street

Change of use conversion and extension of Public House to form two dwellings erection of two additional dwellings to the rear

12/02998/FUL - - - Yes 1858 2

Lechlade Royal Oak, Oak Street

Change of use conversion and extension of Public House to form two dwellings erection of two additional dwellings to the rear

12/02998/FUL Yes - - No 1858 2

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Little Rissington Church Farm

Certificate of Lawful existing use or development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the construction and retention of an unauthorised dwelling and its residential curtilage currently known as Church Farm

13/03164/CLEUD - - - Yes 8290 1

Long Newton Cotswold View Replacement dwelling and garage 11/03435/CLEUD - - - Yes 3493 -1

Longborough 6 Beanhill

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of existing building as a single family dwelling

13/01233/CLEUD - - - Yes 0329 1

Longborough The Gables, Ganborough Road

Erection of a replacement dwelling 10/04362/FUL - - - Yes 1546 -1

Lower Slaughter Bourton Vale Equine Clinic, Wyck Road

External alterations to clinic building change of use of first floor from dwelling (use class C3) to offices staff room and meeting room ancillary to equine clinic use (use class D1) and erection of new dwelling

13/03255/FUL - - - Yes 6451.2 -1

Maugersbury Upper Yard And Threashing Barn, Sycamore House

Internal and external alterations to agricultural stone barns to facilitate conversion to single dwelling

13/03020/FUL - - - Yes 0752.2 1


The Crossing Cottage, Todenham Road

Erection of two dwellings 10/03807/FUL Yes - - No 0500.1 1


Matcon Ltd, Matcon House, London Road

Demolition of commercial units and construction of 9 residential units

11/02191/FUL - - - Yes 1558 9


Office/ store rear of 16 High Street

Change of use of building from office and store to dwelling (use Class C3) alterations and insertion of two dormers

12/04516/FUL - - - Yes 2387.2 1

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Wellington Inn, London Road

Conversion and alteration of existing public house and outbuildings to form six dwellings and erection of one dwelling (amendment to design of permission 12/03669/FUL)

12/01073/FUL - - - Yes 4492 7


Land at Fire Service College, London Road

Residential development open space car parking and associated works - (Reserved Matters application for the appearance landscaping layout and scale of development approved under permission 09/04440/OUT)

11/00940/REM - M_10 - No 5410.1 147


Rear of 19 Dulverton Place

Erection of a detached dwelling 08/01143/FUL Yes - - No 7194 1


Gloucester Constabulary Police Station, High Street

Conversion of police station to provide two dwellings

12/04732/FUL - - - Yes 9345.1 2


Gloucester Constabulary Police Station, High Street

Erection of four dwellings 12/04730/FUL - - - Yes 9345.2 4

Northleach with Eastington

Mandel House, The Old Brewery, Guggle Lane

Change of Use from B1 Office to Residential Use C3 insertion of roof lights new door and 'barn doors'.

13/03546/FUL - - - Yes 0633 1

Northleach with Eastington

The Guggle, West End

Certificate of lawful existing use or development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of an annex known as The Bolt Hole as a separate dwelling from The Guggle

13/02019/CLEUD - - - Yes 8600 1

Northleach with Eastington

Church Farm, Market Place

Conversion of redundant farm buildings to five dwellings and the construction of one building to provide a further dwelling together with associated landscaping works

10/00848/FUL - N_11 - No 9235 1

Northleach with Eastington

Church Farm, Market Place

Conversion of redundant farm buildings to five dwellings and the construction of one building to provide a further dwelling together with associated landscaping works

10/00848/FUL - N_11 - No 9235 5

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Oddington Pasture Farm House, Upper Oddington

Alterations and conversion of barns to form dwelling with occupation limited to agricultural worker holiday let or ancillary living accommodation

08/03661/FUL - - - Yes 0237 1

Ozleworth Newark Park

Removal of condition 2 (holiday occupation) of application CT.7184/C (02/01736/FUL) to allow for the open market letting of apartment

13/03029/FUL - - - Yes 7184 1

Quenington Windrush, Welsh Way, Honeycombe Leaze

Erection of replacement dwelling 11/03743/FUL - - - Yes 3316 -1

Quenington Quenington Village Hall, Church Road

Change of use and extension to building to form two bedroom residential dwelling

12/00996/FUL - - - Yes 6229 1

Quenington Slait Barn, Coneygar Road

Conversion of farm buildings to single residential dwelling

11/05340/FUL - - - Yes 8842 1

Sherborne Upper Broadmoor Farm House

Conversion of barn to dwelling 12/01948/FUL - - - Yes 9322 1

Shipton Birchwood (Formerley Eilian), Shipton Oliffe

Erection of a replacement dwelling (as previously approved under reference 04/02621/FUL).

09/01923/FUL - - - Yes 2261 -1

Siddington Barton Farm

Conversion of detached barn to dwelling house. Conversion of stable coach, house groom’s accommodation to dwelling house. Compliance application - 2011

06/00891/FUL - SD_9A - No 3939 1

South Cerney Land at former Aggregate Industries Site, The Mallards

Erection of 140 dwellings pursuant to Outline permission (10/03916/OUT)

12/01556/REM - SC_10 - No 0006 40

South Cerney 4 Silver Street

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling and detached garage with accommodation above

11/04328/FUL - - - Yes 2797 1


36 The Park Two storey side extension to No.36 to form a new dwelling.

12/01766/FUL Yes S_16 - No 0728 1


Huntington Antiques, Sheep Street

Erection of a single dwelling on former car park

13/03451/FUL - - - Yes 1543.2 1

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Masters House, Sheep Street

Change of use from shop (A1) to single dwelling (C3)

13/01746/FUL - - - Yes 4886 1


Workshop/ store located between Union Street and Park Street

Erection of dwelling and storage shed in place of workshop / store

11/01716/FUL - - - Yes 5479 1


1 Digbeth Court, Digbeth Street

Extension of existing commercial building to include a new shop front and creation of a dwelling on the upper floors

12/04977/FUL - - - Yes 6246 1


76 King Georges Field Erection of two storey detached dwelling 12/00461/FUL Yes - - No 7111.1 1


76 King Georges Field Sub-division of house to form two dwellings and rear extension

12/03136/FUL - - - Yes 7111.2 1


1 Landgate Mews, Well Lane

Change of use from dwelling (Class C3) to serviced accommodation (Class C1)

12/03026/FUL - S_27 - No 9023.2 -1

Swell Pipers Hill, Moreton Road

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

12/05337/OUT - - - Yes 2519 -1

Temple Guiting Farmcote Wood Farm, Winchcombe

Erection of a replacement dwelling 11/02825/FUL - - - Yes 4325 -1

Tetbury Upton Manor Farm, Doughton Change of use from agricultural barns to 6 dwellings.

02/02877/FUL 08/02496/COMPLY

- - - Yes 2039 1

Todenham Land at Crossing Cottage

Erection of a building comprising of a mixed use of staff accommodation and self catering unit for short term holiday lettings

13/01741/FUL - - - Yes 5753 1

Upper Rissington

Land parcel at Upper Rissington

Reserved matters application for the erection of 368 dwellings (comprising 304 new-build dwellings and 64 dwellings provided within existing refurbished buildings) together with associated works garaging/parking provision of public open spaces and including details of layout scale external appearance of the buildings and landscaping of the site pursuant to Outline permission (ref. 08/03697/OUT)

12/03810/REM - UR_1 - No 1580 36

Upper Slaughter Apricot Cottage Formation of one dwelling from two cottages (Apricot Cottage and Suttons Cottage) erection of a single storey rear

13/05340/FUL - R_358 - No 9412 -1

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extension and installation of new windows

Westcote Cotswold View Guesthouse

Change of use of guesthouse and two associated self-contained holiday lets to provide 2 independent dwellings (The Granary having a self-contained annex) together with alterations and new site layout

13/03908/FUL - - - Yes 4723 2

Weston Subedge

Broad Close Farm Removal of Condition 3 (holiday occupancy) of 11/03592/FUL to allow the barn to be used as a single dwelling

13/03782/FUL - - - Yes 5040.2 1

Whittington Dancers Cottage Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

12/02351/FUL - - - Yes 6949 -1

Willersey Willersey Stores and Post Office, Church Street

Change of use of ground floor from retail (A1) to residential flat

11/02733/FUL - - - Yes 5548 1

Winstone Ashgrove Farm

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - for the construction and retention of an unauthorised dwelling and its residential curtilage currently known as Ashgrove Farm

13/04692/CLEUD - - - Yes 0974.2 1

Withington Thorndale Farm Permanent retention of 3 mobile homes to provide accommodation for equestrian workers

13/03739/FUL - - - Yes 5521 3

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Adlestrop Hillside Farm Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings; erection of new dwelling

12/00838/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Aldsworth 1 - 2 Blackpitts Farm Cottages

Proposed extensions and alterations to existing properties to form single dwelling

14/04108/FUL - - - Yes Conversion -1

Andoversford 5 Jubillee Mews Retrospective planning application for change of use from agricultural to residential

15/00068/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Andoversford Garrick Farm Garrick Head

Demolition of existing dwelling and derelict farm buildings and erection of one new dwelling

07/03017/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 0

Andoversford 10A Crossfields

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for use as a single dwelling

14/01340/CLEUD - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Ashley The Old Station House Culkerton

Demolition of dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling

12/02451/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment -1

Bagendon The Old School Change of use of former school to single dwelling

12/03538/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Barnsley Glebe Farm Barnsley Road

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the conversion and extension to barn to four residential units

14/01060/CLEUD - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 4

Bibury Jubilee Garage Change of use of existing garage/workshop site and the construction of one dwelling

11/03174/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Bledington Pebbly Hill Farm Change of use extension and conversion of agricultural buildings to create a dwelling

13/00433/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Bledington Pebbly Hill Farm Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

13/00428/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment -1

Bledington Micklands Hill Farm Stow Road"

Replacement dwelling 14/01416/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield -1


Moore Cottage Hospital

Change of use from hospital to community facility and two flats

14/00061/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 2


Cotswold Carp Farm Rissington Road

Conversion and alteration of outbuilding to form a one bedroom dwelling

13/04951/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Tetbury 62 Roman Way Retrospective change of use from ancillary accommodation to a single residential dwelling

14/03123/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1


Land adjacent to 2 Gorse Meadow

Erection of a detached dwelling 13/01866/FUL Yes B44 - No Greenfield 1


Flat 1 The Garage Station Road

Sub-division of existing first floor flat to form two single bedroom flats

14/01385/FUL - B6 - No Residential Subdivision



Halford House Station Road

Change of use from commercial B&B to residential use

14/01974/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1


Bourton Croft Victoria Street

Change of use from commercial offices and shop to residential and shop

14/00084/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1


12 Salmonsbury Cottages Station Road

Sub-division and extension of existing house to create additional self-contained one-bedroom dwelling

11/01410/FUL - - - Yes Residential Subdivision


Boxwell with Leighterton

Elmes Barn Back Lane Leighterton

Change from holiday accommodation to unrestricted

14/03362/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


residential use (Removal of Condition 6 attached to 09/01382/FUL)

Cherington The Gastons Proposed replacement dwelling 12/03802/FUL - - - Yes Residential

redevelopment -1

Chipping Campden

Top Farm Blind Lane Westington

Extensions and alterations to existing house conversion of barn to a separate residential unit the erection of a three-bay detached garage building

10/01736/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Chipping Campden

Land Between Fosse House & Evergreens Evergreens Station Road

Erection of house and garage (Renewal of planning permission Ref CD2917/1/L)

02/00432/FUL Yes CC_24 - No Greenfield 1

Chipping Campden

Green Dragon Backends

Change of use from commercial to residential alterations and conversion of vacant commercial premises to form two storey dwelling house.

12/00364/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Chipping Campden

Old Bakehouse Lower High Street Chipping Camden

Erection of a single dwelling and external works

14/02151/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 1

Chipping Campden

1 The Old Grammar School High Street

Change of use to single dwelling

13/00542/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Chipping Campden

Site between 6 and 7 Sheep Street

Demolition of existing garage building & erection of a single dwelling

12/02809/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 1

Cirencester The Wool Market Car Park Dyer Street

Construction of three storey building to include four retail units and eight apartments

08/00557/FUL - C.052A CIR6 No Infill 8

Cirencester 17 Kingshill Demolition of timber bungalow and construction of two detached dwellings

13/04890/FUL Yes (1

dwelling) - -

Yes (-1 dwelling and 1


Residential Redevelopment &

Greenfield -1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Cirencester 6-20 Spitalgate Lane

Conversion of building from Class B1 offices to 4 flats

13/02153/FUL - C.152 - No Change of Use 4

Cirencester 60 Gloucester Road Stratton

Erection of two detached houses with single garages and alterations to existing access

13/04065/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 2

Cirencester 35 The Whiteway

Retrospective amendments to planning permission 13/00943/FUL to create a replacement dwelling

14/02352/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 0

Cirencester 24 Kingshill Erection of bungalow with garage and parking

13/03578/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield

Cirencester 25 Corinium Gate Change of use of part of existing dwelling to form an additional 2 bedroom dwelling

11/03033/FUL - - - Yes Residential Subdivision


Cirencester Oakley Hall Chapel Highfield Lane

Change of use and conversion of disused private chapel to residential use together with external alterations to include new windows door and lean-to extension to north elevation

12/05371/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Cirencester Akeman Court Cricklade Street

Erection of six houses and seven apartments.

10/01954/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 13

Cirencester Baldwins Bed Shop 103 Cricklade Street

Conversion of existing retail unit into six self contained residential flats

13/04935/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 6

Cirencester 51 Dollar Street

Change of use from hairdressers (Use Class A1) to 2 dwellings (Use Class C3) and external alterations

14/00825/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 2

Cirencester 62 Kemble Drive Erection of a dwelling and garage

13/01384/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 1

Cirencester Land at Kingshill South Phases 5 6 & 7

Phases 5 6 7 for 103 dwellings within the residential development previously permitted under Outline Permission 06/02991/OUT. Also Erection of 31 dwellings

10/03034/REM - C_65 - No Greenfield 27

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


(in addition to those approved under 06/02991/OUT).

Cirencester 24 Queen Street

Conversion extensions and alterations to existing building to form 2 dwellings erection of 4 dwellings to rear and provision of garaging and car parking (amended scheme in relation to previous permissions 05/03049/FUL 07/01199/FUL and 10/03172/FUL)

12/05656/FUL Yes (4

dwellings) C_17 - No

Greenfield/Change of Use


Clapton Craycombe Cottage

Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use or Development under Section 192 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for renewal of windows and the insertion of internal openings to facilitate the conversion of two dwellings into one

14/02143/CLOPUD - - - Yes Conversion -1

Colesbourne The Old Post Office

Change of use and conversion from B1 (office) to residential use and erection of a fence to rear

11/03914/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Coln St Aldwyn Akeman Barns Cockrup Farm Bibury Road

Change of use from B1 (offices) to C3 (residential) to form two dwellings together with associated alterations domestic curtilage and parking

13/03215/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 2

Coln St Dennis Upper Farm"

Alterations to combine two separate dwellings into a single dwelling, and single storey extension to south-east elevation and insertion of three dormer windows

14/03904/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment -2

Eastleach Old School House Eastleach Martin

Subdivision to create two independent dwellings

12/05463/FUL - - - Yes Residential Subdivision


Ebrington Orchard Rise Charingworth Road Charingworth

Residential redevelopment 12/04267/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Edgeworth Stonewell Place School Lane

Demolition of dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

13/02654/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Evenlode Bell Orchard Horn Lane

Replacement dwelling 12/02366/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 0

Evenlode Manor Farm Church Lane

Alterations to hay barn to form independent dwelling new roof and alterations to milking parlour for use in connection with Manor Farm formation of new drive and parking area for main house.

12/03920/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Evenlode The Stables Manor Farm

Reconstruction of west bays re-covering of roof formation of basement alterations and conversion of barn to dwelling

13/04281/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Fairford 2 High Street Conversion and extension of existing garages to form an independent dwelling

13/02558/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Fairford Pips Field

Reserved matters application for the erection of 18 affordable and 19 market dwellings (37 dwellings in total) with associated access and estate road, open space and parking pursuant to Outline permission (ref: 11/02517/OUT)

13/00792/REM - F_47 F_48

- No Greenfield 34

Fairford Land west of Pips Field Cirencester Road

Erection of 124 dwellings (72 market & 52 Affordable Housing units) and public and private open space

12/02133/FUL - F_35 - No Greenfield 52

Fairford Land at Back Lane Amendment to permission 05/00953/FUL for the conversion to one dwelling

10/05337/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Fairford The Gables Horcott Road

Reserved Matters application for landscaping and appearance pursuant to Outline planning permission ref. 13/02594/OUT for the development of a new dwelling and access

13/05307/REM Yes - - No Greenfield 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Farmington Hill House Erection of a replacement dwelling

12/01998/FUL - - - Yes Residential

redevelopment -1

Farmington Farmington Lodge

Internal alterations to convert two cottages within the stable block to a single dwelling and replacement of windows to the rear elevation

14/03667/FUL - - - Yes Conversion 1

Great Rissington

Hawks Rise Great Rissington

Change of use of ancillary residential accommodation to self contained letting accommodation

13/04917/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Guiting Power Yoicks Tally Ho Lane

Sub Division and alterations to detached dwelling to form 2no. semi detached dwellings including extensions to the front side and rear and formation of an additional vehicular access

13/00998/FUL - - - Yes Residential Subdivision


Guiting Power Pegmeister Cottage Piccadily Guiting Power

Formation of one dwelling from two cottages (Pegmeister Cottage and The Cottage), including two-storey and single storey rear extensions

14/00676/FUL" - - - Yes Other Redevelopment -2

Kemble Dutch Barn Mill Farm Main Street Ewen

Conversion of agricultural building known as the 'Dutch Barn' to a dwelling house

11/05872/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Kemble Morning Dew Kemble Road"

Replacement dwelling 14/03671/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment -1

Kingscote The Byre and Stable Barn Barnhill Court Farm

Conversion of redundant barns into residential use

05/01935/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 2

Kingscote 3 Windmill Cottages Windmill Lane

Replacement dwelling at 3 Windmill Cottages

12/00583/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Lechlade Downham Fields Fairford Road Downington

Erection of a replacement dwelling together with associated ancillary works

13/00262/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Lechlade Lechlade Methodist Chapel High Street

Change of use of Methodist Church and hall to a dwelling and erection of dwarf wall and railings

13/00557/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Long Newton Cotswold View Replacement dwelling and garage

11/03435/CLEUD _ - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Longborough The Gables Ganborough Road

Erection of a replacement dwelling

10/04362/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Lower Slaughter

Bourton Vale Equine Clinic Wyck Road

External alterations to clinic building change of use of first floor from dwelling (use class C3) to offices staff room and meeting room ancillary to equine clinic use (use class D1) and erection of new dwelling

13/03255/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 1

Maugersbury Willow Barn Barn At Maugersbury Court

Conversion of barn into dwelling

12/02839/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Mickleton Paddock adj. Glyde House Stratford Road

Erection of detached bungalow 12/01510/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 1


The Crossing Cottage Todenham Road

Erection of two dwellings 09/03026/FUL - - - Yes Infill 1


Electricity Sub Station London Road

Demolition of existing building and erection of two 3 storey town houses and associated works

13/03353/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 2


168 Fosseway Avenue

Erection of a dwelling 11/01765/FUL - - - Yes Infill 1


Sunlock Evenlode Road"

Demolition of existing house and garage and construction of 3 new dwellings

14/04552/FUL Yes (2

dwellings) - -

Yes (-1 dwellings & 1


Greenfield/Residential redevelopment



Glenesk High Street

Erection of a detached dwelling 13/01694/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 1


Laundercentre New Road

Extension to existing building to provide additional retail unit and two additional residential units including the demolition of a light garage construction

11/05518/FUL - M_48 - No Other Redevelopment 2

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


(Extension of time limit for implementation of permission 08/03352/FUL)


Land at Fire Service College London Road

Residential development open space car parking and associated works - (Reserved Matters application for the appearance landscaping layout and scale of development approved under permission 09/04440/OUT)

11/00940/REM - M_10 - No Other Redevelopment 44


Land At Moreton Park London Road

Erection of 36 dwellings and associated infrastructure

13/02936/FUL - M_59 - No Other Redevelopment 36


Post Office New Road

Conversion of existing Post Office and Sorting Office to provide two additional flats and offices and extension to form six additional flats

12/02967/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 8


Queenshead House High Street

Change of use from offices (A2) to single residential dwelling

09/00190/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Naunton Springfield

Demolition of existing dwelling garage gates and gate piers and erection of a replacement dwelling and garage together with swimming pool gates and gate piers

13/05291/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 0

Northleach with Eastington

Fortey House Fortey Road

Construction of 22 affordable dwellings associated access road car parking and landscaping. 13/05124/FUL Demolition of former eleven-bedsit elderly accommodation block

13/05124/FUL 14/00104/FUL

- N_8 - No Other Redevelopment -4

Northleach with Eastington

QLM Ltd. The Old Bakery The Green

Change of use conversion and alteration of office premises to create two dwellings

13/00651/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 2

Northleach with Eastington

Flat 1 & 3 The Glebe House Mill End

Change of Use from 2 flats to a single flat and alterations & improvements to windows on West & North elevations

11/04752/FUL - - - Yes #N/A -1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Northleach with Eastington

Land to the rear of Wheelwrights West End

Erection of six dwellings 11/05804/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 6

Oddington Brae Croft Upper Oddington

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - for the construction and retention of an unauthorised dwelling currently known as Brae Croft Upper Oddington

15/00434/CLUED - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Oddington The Manor Lower Oddington

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a swimming pool building with ancillary residential accommodation and installation of a tennis court with fencing

14/01581/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment -1

Oddington Oddington House Lodge Lower Oddington

Demolition of existing lodge and construction of new lodge together with repositioning of part of the adjoining historic entrance gates.

11/05796/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Oddington Latimer Farm Kitsbury Orchard

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under S191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of Latimer Barn as an independent self-contained dwelling

14/03354/CLEUD - - - Yes Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Quenington Windrush Welsh Way Honeycombe Leaze

Erection of replacement dwelling

11/03743/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 1

Shipton Moynes Hollywell 11 & 13 The Street"

Conversion of dwelling into two dwellings, formation of vehicular access and erection of single storey rear extension

14/01664/FUL - - - Yes Residential Subdivision


Siddington Barton Farm

Conversion of detached barn to dwelling house. Conversion of stable coach house groom's accommodation to dwelling house. Compliance application - 2011

08/01603/COMPLY - SD_9A - No Greenfield Change of

Use 1

Somerford Keynes

Land Adjoining Thameside House

Erection of dwelling (revised scheme to increase width of property by one metre)

13/02877/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


South Cerney

Land at former Aggregate Industries Site The Mallards

Erection of 140 dwellings pursuant to Outline permission (10/03916/OUT)for 150 dwellings.

13/05325/REM - SC_10 - No #N/A 51

South Cerney The Homestead Silver Street

Erection of 2 dwellings (amendments to permission 12/05093/FUL including landscaping rooflights and use of artificial roof tiles Plot 1: increase to size of single storey lean- to increase to height of garage with external staircase and rooflights. Plot 2: second floor windows in gable end and utility room)

12/05093/FUL - - - Yes Greenfield 2

South Cerney Kingfisher Station Road

Erection of a dwelling formation of shared access.

13/00546/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 1

South Cerney Old Farm House Butts Farm Cricklade Road

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of the property as a single dwelling house

12/05133/CLEUD - - - Yes Change of Use 1


Chantry House Sheep Street

Change of use of ground floor from retail (A1) to residential (C3)

14/00894/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1


Stuart House Digbeth Street

Change use of the dwelling into a guest house

14/00768/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use -1


Storage Building Lower Park Street

Demolition of storage building and erection of cottage (revisions of design approved under reference 13/05022/FUL)

CD.8986 - S_28 - No Other Redevelopment 1


1 Landgate Mews Well Lane

Change of use from dwelling (Class C3) to serviced accommodation (Class C1)

12/03026/FUL - S_27 - No Change of Use -1

Swell Buildings at the Bowl Farm Lower Swell

Convert stable block into two dwellings; convert traditional farm buildings into two dwellings; construct single storey link building and construction of garage/annexe

11/00606/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 4

Tetbury 55 Long Street

Change of use from B1 (office) to C3 (dwelling) alterations to rear garden walls and installation of timber gates

14/00110/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


Tetbury Peglers Garage 9 London Road

Demolition of existing structures and the erection of four residential units (Variation of condition 2 of permission 11/00859/FUL to include amendments to fenestration/dormers change to external door colour use of render to rear elevations precast stone-faced window heads to Plots 1 and 2 reduction of gap with No.7 and increase in height of lean-to roof at No.4)

11/00859/FUL - - - Yes Other Redevelopment 4

Tetbury Land adjacent to 24 Cirencester Road

Erection of a cottage 12/03027/FUL - T_29 - No Greenfield 1

Tetbury Police House Priory Way

Extension and alteration of existing dwelling. Erection of terrace of three dwellings

12/05077/FUL Yes - - No Greenfield 3

Upper Slaughter

Apricot Cottage

Formation of one dwelling from two cottages (Apricot Cottage and Suttons Cottage), erection of a single storey rear extension and installation of new windows

13/05340/FUL - R_358 R_359

- No Other redevelopment -2

Upper Rissington

Land parcel at Upper Rissington

Reserved matters application for the erection of 368 dwellings (comprising 304 new-build dwellings and 64 dwellings provided within existing refurbished buildings) together with associated works garaging/parking provision of public open spaces and including details of layout scale external appearance of the buildings and landscaping of the site pursuant to Outline permission (ref. 08/03697/OUT)

12/03810/REM - UR_1 - No Other Redevelopment 102

Weston Subedge

The Post Office Change of use and conversion of former Post Office to residential use

13/01840/FUL - - - Yes Change of Use 1

Whittington Sandywell Lodge Sandywell Park Whittington

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for use of building as a single

14/03292/CLEUD - - - Yes Change of Use 1

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Windfall? HLA ref Net


dwelling house

Willersey Willersey Fields Farm Badsey Lane

Demolition of existing dwelling barn and garage and erection of new dwelling

14/01880/FUL - - - Yes Residential

Redevelopment 0

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Aldsworth 1-2 Blackpitts Farm Cottages

Proposed extensions and alterations to existing properties to form single dwellinghouse, including extension of domestic curtilage

14/04108/FUL - - - Yes 3305.1 0

Aldsworth Land at Hitchings, The Approach

Erection of 4 dwellings to provide affordable housing

13/04294/FUL Yes - - No 4493 4

Ampney Crucis

Crucis Park, Barnsley Road

Conversion of stone barn, demolition of modern structure and erection of extension

14/00311/FUL - - - Yes 0302.2 1

Andoversford Former Cattle Market, Station Road

Erection of 17 dwellings, together with landscaping and creation of pond

13/02775/FUL - A_7 - No 2381 10

Andoversford New Barn Farm

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - for the construction and retention of an unauthorised dwelling and its residential curtilage currently known as New Barn Farm

15/02980/CLEUD - - - Yes 4620 1

Avening Avening Mill, Mill Lane

Conversion of former cart shed to one dwelling

15/02657/FUL - - - Yes 0064.1 1

Avening Avening Mill, Mill Lane

Change of use from workshop, commercial and office use to residential.

13/04186/OPANOT - - - Yes 0064.2 8

Avening Land adjacent to 23 Sandford Leaze

Proposed single detached dwelling and access

14/03079/FUL - - - Yes 2348 1

Baunton The Hollies, Baunton Lane, Stratton

Erection of a bungalow 13/05006/FUL Yes - - No 0727 1

Baunton Land at Cirencester Golf Club, Cheltenham Road

Demolition of buggy store and erection of two detached dwellings with reinstatement of previous access (revised submission)

13/04770/FUL - - - Yes 5330 2

Beverstone Babdown Farm, Babdown

Conversion of barns to seven residential units, erection of two detached garage buildings, restoration of

12/05146/FUL - - - Yes 3058 7

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Windfall? HLA Ref Net


farmhouse, new access and associated landscaping

Bibury Streetway House, Ready Token

Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated landscaping

13/03829/FUL - - - Yes 2795 1

Bibury Rosebank, Ablington

Conversion of redundant barn to residential use, including single-storey extension, alterations to garage and demolition of steel framed barn

14/02280/FUL - - - Yes 5313 1

Bibury Land adjacent to B4425, Arlington

New affordable housing development of 11 cottages, including provision of new access from the public highway and associated site works

13/01371/FUL - RES_1 - No 9366 11

Bledington Micklands Hill Farm, Stow Road

Replacement dwelling (proposed re-orientation of implemented planning permission CD.3099/E*)

15/03195/FUL - - - Yes 3099 1

Bledington Bledington Grounds Bungalow, Stow Road

Erection of replacement dwelling (revised scheme). CLOPUD submitted and permitted previously. This scheme is considered to be of equal size to the total volume of proposed extension and existing dwelling hence granted permission.

15/02068/FUL - - - Yes 6907 -1

Blockley Sheafhouse Farm, Draycott Road

Removal of Condition 3 (holiday occupancy) of permission 06/01238/FUL to enable accommodation to be occupied as two independent dwelling units

15/00574/FUL - BK_8 - No 2579 2


The Cafe, 77 Northwick Business Centre, Northwick Park, GL56 9RF

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the use of Unit 77 Northwick

15/05350/CLEUD - CC_28 - No 4099 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

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Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Park as a dwellinghouse

Blockley British Legion Building, Bell Lane

Change of use of ground floor to nursery school; change of use of first floor to 2 flats

13/00795/FUL - - - Yes 5716 2


Police Station, Moore Road

Extension of The Old Police Station to form two dwellings and erection of a dwelling in the rear garden

15/04439/FUL - B_48 - No 3048.1 2

- B_48 - No 3048.1 1


Police Station, Moore Road

Change of use from Police Station to residential

14/05495/FUL - B_48 - No 3048.2 1


Land parcel off Station Road

Residential development (up to 100 dwellings) including infrastructure, garaging, open space and landscaping; demolition of existing buildings and construction of a new vehicular access off Station Road

14/02923/REM - B_17 - No 3646 7


Cotswold Carp, Rissington Road

Erection of a dwelling house, associated fishermen's facilities & ancillary annexe/tourist accommodation (fishermen's lodge), alterations to vehicular access and amended parking layout

13/00818/FUL - - - Yes 4096 1


Land adjacent to Roman Way

Erection of 43 dwellings, associated infrastructure and the provision of open space (Phase 1) (Reserved Matters details relating to Appearance, Layout, Landscaping and Scale pursuant to outline planning permission reference 13/00291/OUT)

15/00818/REM - B_25 and

B_10 - No 9334.1 10

Boxwell with Leighterton

Resthaven, 11 Tetbury Lane, Leighterton, GL8 8UP

Removal of condition 6 re application 01/01571/FUL to allow occupation as a separate dwelling

15/04481/FUL - - - Yes 2581 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Brimpsfield Leverets Barn, Haregrove

Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 11/00985/FUL to allow use of building as an open market dwelling

15/04028/FUL - - - Yes 4734.3 1

Broadwell Sydenham Farm, Broadwell

Removal of condition 2 of planning permission CD.2932/J to allow occupation as a dwelling

15/04947/FUL - - - Yes 2932.1 1

Broadwell Sydenham Farm, Broadwell

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to establish the use of The Old Barn, The Old Stables and The Linney as three individual dwellinghouses

15/02579/CLEUD - - - Yes 2932.2 3

Broadwell The Old Cowshed, Chapel Street

Change of use of barn to dwelling and erection of single storey side extension

15/02896/FUL - - - Yes 9506 1

Chedworth Highfield, Fields Road

Demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings and erection of two dwellings with associated parking and gardens - revisions to previously approved scheme (Ref. 14/02926/FUL)

15/04011/FUL - - - Yes 9269 -1

Cherington 5 Aston Farm Cottages

Replacement of existing detached house with new dwelling

15/00071/FUL - - - Yes 0496 -1

Chipping Campden

The Retreat, Conduit Hill

Erection of a replacement dwelling

15/00201/FUL - - - Yes 0220 -1

Chipping Campden

Malt House, Broad Campden

Change of use from guest house (C1) to residential (C3)

15/03431/FUL - - - Yes 0672 1

Chipping Campden

Unit 2 London House High Street

Change of use of small shop from retail to residential

14/05246/FUL - - - Yes 4511 1

Cirencester 2 Watermoor Road Change of use from B1 (offices) to C3 (Dwelling house)

15/02554/FUL - - - Yes 1053 1

Cirencester 17 Kingshill Demolition of timber bungalow and construction of two

13/04890/FUL - - - Yes 1109 1

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Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


detached dwellings Yes - - No 1109 1

Cirencester 111 Cricklade Street Change of use from taxi firm (sui generis) to residential at ground floor

14/04829/FUL - - - Yes 1960.1 1

Cirencester Somerford Court, Somerford Road

Redevelopment to form 35 sheltered apartments for the elderly, including communal facilities (Category II type accommodation), access, car parking, and landscaping (resubmission of 13/05142/FUL)

14/02224/FUL - - - Yes 2145 35

Cirencester 21 West Way

Change of use of the first and second floors from office to residential use and the conversion to form a two bedroom flat on each floor

14/02037/FUL - - - Yes 4400 2

Cirencester 105 Cricklade Street Change of use from office use to 3 flats and erection of rear extension

14/03916/FUL - - - Yes 5335 3

Cirencester 12 Ashcroft Road

Partial change of use to create 3 nos. additional apartments, external alterations and partial demolition

14/02443/FUL - - - Yes 5373 3

Cirencester 24 Queen Street

Conversion, extensions and alterations to existing building to form 2 dwellings, erection of 4 dwellings to rear, and provision of garaging and car parking (amended scheme in relation to previous permissions 05/03049/FUL, 07/01199/FUL and 10/03172/FUL)

12/05656/FUL - C_7 - No 6841 2

Cirencester 34 Peters Road, GL7 1RG

The erection of a detached building to the rear of the property

15/01276/CLOPUD Yes - - No 8670 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net



Land west of Siddington Road and south of North Hill Road

Reserved Matters for the erection of up to 55 Dwellings, a new access to the highway, public open space and ancillary development on land west of Siddington Road pursuant to Outline permission granted under ref. 11/01774/OUT)

14/02871/REM - C_107A - No 8843 20

Coberley Seven Springs House Formerley Sandford School

Change of use from an educational institution (D1) to one residential unit (C3)

14/02559/FUL - - - Yes 6906 1

Coberley Sandford School

Change of use from educational institution (D1) to one residential unit (C3) with associated internal alterations, demolition of former classroom block and erection of new garage

14/02682/FUL - - - Yes 6906.1 1

Coberley The Coach House, Seven Springs

Change of use from educational institution (D1) to one residential unit (C3) and extension of existing outbuilding to provide new garage and wood store

15/02056/FUL - - - Yes 6906.2 1

Coberley Minotaur Barn, GL53 9NF

Change of use of lambing shed to form a dwelling

14/05642/FUL - - - Yes 7045.2 1

Coln St Aldwyn

Cockrup Farm, Bibury Road

Notification of proposed change of use of offices (Class B1(a)) to two dwellinghouses (Class C3)

13/04932/OPANOT - - - Yes 5867.1 2

Coln St Dennis

Grubbed Wood Cottage

Erection of replacement dwelling with landscape adjustment/re-grading and new hard landscaping as part of the works

14/05485/FUL - - - Yes 0613 -1

Coln St Dennis

Upper Farm

Alterations to combine two separate dwellings into a single dwelling, and single storey extension to south-east elevation and insertion of three dormer windows

14/03904/FUL - - - Yes 0721 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Cowley Manor House, GL53 9NJ

Change of use from ancillary accommodation to separate Class C3 Dwelling

15/00140/FUL - - - Yes 8171 1

Duntisbourne Rouse

Park View, Middle Duntisbourne

Proposed conversion of a detached outbuilding/garage to domestic dwelling

14/03188/FUL - - - Yes 7817 1

Ebrington Studio Barn, Hidcote Boyce

Proposed change of use from hostel (sui generis) to dwelling house (C3)

14/02909/FUL - - - Yes 3972 1

Ebrington The Washbrook Change use of existing garage to a separate residential dwellinghouse

14/01175/FUL - - - Yes 8880 1

Elkstone The Bungalow, Butlers Farm. Colesbourne

Replacement dwelling 14/01514/FUL - - - Yes 1453 0


The Stables, Evenlode, Grounds Farm, Adlestrop Road, GL56 0YS

Alterations to and conversion of building to dwelling (part retrospective)

15/01950/FUL - - - Yes 5372 1

Fairford Land west of Pips Field, Cirencester Road

Erection of 124 dwellings (72 market & 52 Affordable Housing units) and public and private open space

12/02133/FUL - F_35A and

F_36A - No 2605.2 62

Fairford The Old Post Office, Bridge Street

Chnage of use of dwelling to form three dwellings, including internal and external alterations

13/04992/FUL - - - Yes 2924 2

Fairford Land parcel south of Home Farm

Erection of up to 120 dwellings (all matters reserved other than means of access)

15/02707/REM - F_34 - No 8988 4

Guiting Power Pegmeister Cottage, Piccadily

Formation of one dwelling from two cottages (Pegmeister Cottage and The Cottage), including two-storey and single storey rear extensions

14/00676/FUL - - - Yes 6277 1

Icomb The Granary, Icomb Proper

Proposed conversion of agricultural building to residential dwelling. Demolition of grain silos and steel framed barn

14/03261/FUL - - - Yes 3438 1

Icomb Lower Farm House Revised scheme 12/05489/FUL, Replacement

13/04880/FUL - - - Yes 8752.1 1

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Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net



Icomb The Old Dairy, Lower Farm

Change of use of existing holiday let cottage to staff accommodation

13/04878/FUL - - - Yes 8752.3 1

Kempsford Land between the High Street and Top Road

Provision of sports ground with 42 space car park, including an accompanying social facilities building, the erection of eleven affordable dwellings and eighteen family homes together with associated highway, parking, access, garaging, screening and landscaping

12/01469/FUL - R_408 - No 3308 18

Lechlade The Old Methodist Church, High Street

Conversion of existing dwelling into two dwellings

14/05664/FUL - - - Yes 2379.1 1

Lechlade Waldron Villa, Oak Street

Erection of a 3-bed detached dwelling with garage

14/01463/FUL Yes - - No 4198 1

Long Newton Larkhill Bungalow Replacement of existing dwelling and garages with dwelling

15/04673/FUL - - - Yes 3347.1 -1

Mickleton Former Meon Hill Nurseries, Canada Lane

Construction of 77 dwellings, garages, associated road and access infrastructure (Reserved Matters; (Outline application) Demolition of packhouse building, No.1 and No.4 Canada Lane, store building and other structures, and erection of up to 80 dwellings (Class C3); up to 346 square metres Business Use (Use Class B1); together with access; surface attenuation pond; landscaping and all other associated works

14/01578/REM - MK_2A - No 1810 5

Mickleton Meon Hill Nurseries, Canada Lane

Demolition of No.'s 2 & 3 Canada Lane and erection of 2 no. replacement dwellings, 2 no. garages and all associated infrastructure works

15/01359/FUL - MK_2A - No 1810.2 -2

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Mickleton Land adjacent to Arbour Close and Cotswold Edge

Erection of up to 70 residential dwellings, GP Surgery and associated works (Reserved Matters application for Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale)

14/03019/REM - MK_8A and

MK_8B - No 2999 3


Land at Fire Service College, London Road

Residential development, open space, car parking and associated works - (Reserved Matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development approved under permission 09/04440/OUT)

11/00940/REM - M_10 - No 5410.1 54


Moreton Show Office, Oxford Street

Change of use from B1(a) office to single residential dwelling

14/05560/FUL - - - Yes 5463 1


Former Post Office, New Road

Change of use from office (B1) to a dwelling (C3)

14/02600/FUL - - - Yes 5711.1 1


Land off Todenham Road

Erection of 35 dwellings and creation of public park (Phase 1) (Reserved Matters details relating to Appearance, Layout, Landscaping and Scale of residential development approved under permission

14/03814/REM - M_14B - No 9227.1 10

Naunton Baptist Chapel

Conversion and alterations of existing chapel and meeting rooms to create a single dwelling (amendment to approvals 13/01425/FUL and 13/01426/LBC for conversion to two dwellings.

13/01425/FUL - - - Yes 9367 1

Northleach with Eastington

Chequers, West End

Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of nine dwellings (Reserved Matters details relating to Layout, Landscaping, Appearance and Scale of development granted under permission 14/01377/OUT )

14/03381/REM - - - Yes 0757 -1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Northleach with Eastington

Fortey House, Fortey Road

Construction of 22 affordable dwellings, associated access road, car parking and landscaping., 13/05124/FUL Demolition of former eleven-bedsit elderly accommodation block

14/00104/FUL - N_8 - No 0763.1 15

Northleach with Eastington

25 Macarthur Road Erection of a two bed dwelling attached to the side of existing property

12/01236/FUL Yes N_7 - No 0763.2 1

Northleach with Eastington

18 Macarthur Road Erection of a detached house and installation of car parking

13/02686/FUL Yes - - No 0763.3 1

Northleach with Eastington

Field Fair, West End Erection of a dwelling 13/02796/FUL Yes - - No 1095 1

Northleach with Eastington

The Old Grammar School, High Street

Change of use of one room from Use Class D1 (Non-residential institutions) to C3 residential use

14/01695/FUL - - - Yes 5902 1

Pool Keynes Netherwood Lakes, Oaksey Road

Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development under Section 191 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 for the continued use and occupation of existing chalet building in breach of conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission CT.0184/H

15/04850/CLEUD - - - Yes 0184 1

Poulton Marazion, Ashbrook Lane

Erection of replacement dwelling with garage

15/03125/FUL - - - Yes 1936 0


Preston Field Barn Cottages, Abbey Home Farm, Fosseway

Replacement of existing semi-detached cottages together with associated ancillary development

15/01733/FUL - - - Yes 0434 0

Rodmarton Jackaments Bottom Farm, Tetbury Road

Demolition of existing and erection of replacement dwelling

12/01150/FUL - - - Yes 7234 -1

Shipton Moynes

Hollywell, 11 & 13 The Street

Conversion of dwelling into two dwellings, formation of vehicular access and erection of single storey rear extension

14/01664/FUL - - - Yes 6688 2

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Siddington Land parcel to the east of School House, Parkway

Erection of a dwelling 14/01473/FUL Yes - - No 9038 1

South Cerney

Land at former Aggregate Industries Site, The Mallards

Erection of 140 dwellings pursuant to Outline permission (10/03916/OUT) for 150 dwellings.

12/01556/REM - SC_10 - No 0006.1 11

South Cerney

Land at former Aggregate Industries Site, The Mallards

Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline permission 10/03916/OUT (Residential development (up to 150 dwellings), including associated infrastructure, access details, landscaping and the creation of new areas of public open space, together with a community hall facility (Use Class D1)) comprising details for the erection of 9 dwellings

13/05325/REM - - - Yes 0006.2 1

South Cerney The Cottage, High Street

Conversion of workshops and car port into workshop/garage and self contained single bedroom living unit

14/00060/FUL - - - Yes 3377 1

South Cerney Land at Ham Cottage, Ham Lane

New dwelling to the rear of Ham Cottage

15/02757/FUL - - - Yes 7528 1

South Cerney Dunromin and the adjoining Coal Yard

Demolition of dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling

14/01910/FUL - SC_6 - No 8262 -1

Southrop Cottenborough Bungalow, Lechlade Road

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a replacement two storey dwelling

14/03394/FUL - - - Yes 2078.1 0

Southrop Wychwood House, Wadham Close

Proposed conversion from office use into a single private dwelling to include provision of new drive and garage, and infilling of car port with natural stone. New dry stone wall around the front boundary

14/01444/FUL - - - Yes 3176.1 1


Rear garden of Little Dormers

Erection of one dwelling 13/02758/FUL Yes S_36 - No 0540 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net



West Deyne, Lower Swell Road

Creation of additional residential unit (subdivision) and erection of single storey and full height extension

14/05672/FUL - - - Yes 1360 1

Temple Guiting

Farmcote Wood Farm, Winchcombe

Erection of a replacement dwelling

11/02825/FUL - - - Yes 4325 1

Tetbury Abbeyfields 1 London Road

Change of use from Care Home (Class C2 Use) to 8 single bedroom flats

14/05450/FUL - - - Yes 3370 8

Tetbury York House, 8 Silver Street

Conversion of existing dwelling and bed & breakfast which was originally two different buildings, back to two dwellings.

14/03663/FUL - - - Yes 3607 1

Tetbury Land rear of 19 Market Place

Erection of 7 residential dwellings and associated parking

14/00125/FUL - T_43 - No 3799 7

Tetbury Land parcel at Quercus Park

Residential development of 50 dwellings

14/03567/REM - T_67 - No 5864 9

Tetbury Land parcel south of Quercus Road

Reserved Matters application for the development of 38 Later Living apartments for older persons (pursuant to Outline planning permission ref. 12/01792/OUT)

13/04451/REM - T_24A - No 7558.1 38

Tetbury Former SIAC Office Building, London Road

Notification under Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for change of use of existing office building into 20 apartments (13 x 2 bed, 7 x 1 bed)

15/00905/OPANOT - T_36 - No 7680 20

Tetbury Police House, Priory Way

Subdivide an existing 4 bedroom dwelling into two units; a 3 bedroom dwelling and a one bedroom dwelling

14/05127/FUL - - - Yes 7883.1 1

Todenham Todthatch

Erection of a single dwelling (amendments to design of dwelling approved under permission, 03/01840/FUL)

14/02991/FUL Yes - - No 4063 1

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Parish Site Name Description of Development Application

Number Garden SHLAA site

Site allocation

Windfall? HLA Ref Net


Upper Rissington

Land parcel at Upper Rissington

Reserved matters application for the erection of 368 dwellings (comprising 304 new-build dwellings and 64 dwellings provided within existing refurbished buildings) together with associated works, garaging/parking, provision of public open spaces and including details of layout, scale, external appearance of the buildings and landscaping of the site pursuant to Outline permission (ref. 08/03697/OUT)

12/03810/REM - UR_1B - No 1580 146

Upper Slaughter

Apricot Cottage

Formation of one dwelling from two cottages (Apricot Cottage and Suttons Cottage), erection of a single storey rear extension and installation of new windows

13/05340/FUL - - - Yes 9412 1

Westcote Fow Hollow, Graemar, Nether Westcote

Change of use from holiday accommodation to residential dwelling (Use Class C3)

15/01836/FUL - - - Yes 0816 1

Whittington Dancers Cottage Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling

12/02351/FUL - - - Yes 6949 1

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Five Year Housing Land Supply

May 2016

Appendix 3

Lapse Rate Evidence

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Lapsed planning permissions from both large and small sites contribute to the overall lapse rate reported in the 5 year supply. This supports the Council’s justification in providing

an evidence-based lapse rate to large and small sites.

The table below provides each planning permission for a new dwelling that has lapsed in the previous five years.


Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Bourton on the Water 0605 07/00247/FUL Roof trees, Rissington


Erection of two dwellings with

associated gardens and parking



Bourton on the Water 6007 06/02777/FUL The Paragon Garage,


Demolition and removal of service

station and erection of three dwellings 3

Cirencester 5043 05/01788/FUL 8 Thomas Street Change of use from office to single

house. 1

Cowley 7077 04/02104/FUL Barn adjacent to the

Royal George Hotel

Conversion of redundant barn into

two storey 3-bed dwelling and

associated works


Total (2011/12) 7

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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Bagendon 4723 03/02092/FUL The Home Farm House

Conversion of redundant farm

buildings to form single family dwelling

and annexe


Clapton 5180 09/00315/FUL Oak Tree House Erection of a replacement dwelling 0

Coates 7591 09/02611/FUL Sheep Dip Barn Conversion of barn to residential use 1

Moreton-in-Marsh 5790 06/02119/FUL

Land adjacent to the

Royal British Legion

Club, Station Road

Erection of two town houses and two

1 bedroom flats (in the Post Office

court yard).


Sapperton 8385 09/00413/FUL Cranhill Barn Conversion of barn to dwelling and

alterations to lean-to garage 1

Tetbury 2124 09/00666/FUL 20 Hampton Street

Change of use from a newspaper shop

to a dwelling. Provision of new

window and opening at the rear first



Tetbury 3799 08/01108/FUL Rear of 19A Market


Variation of condition 23 on approved

application 02/01619/FUL

(Construction of 6 two bedroom and

5 one bedroom flats


Tetbury Upton 4075 06/01869/FUL Upton Grove Conversion of outbuildings to form 2

residential units 2

Total (2012/13) 21

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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Ampney Crucis 0980 11/00567/FUL Waterton Bungalow,

London Road

Extension of time of extant permission

08/00953/FUL for the erection of

replacement dwelling


Bagendon 4723 03/02092/FUL

08/03068/COMPLY The Home Farm House

Conversion of redundant farm

buildings to form single family dwelling

and annexe


Duntisbourne Abbotts 8820 10/04109/FUL Long Furlong Barn

Conversion of redundant farm

buildings to residential and ancillary

residential use


Ebrington 9277 11/00637/FUL Oakham Farm, Nashs


Conversion and extension of

redundant barn to form single dwelling. 1

Northleach with Eastington 3457 10/02479/FUL Land parcel opposite the

Maltings, West End

Erection of single storey 2 bedroom

dwelling with courtyard and parking 1

Sapperton 8197.1 10/04582/FUL Beacon Farm Stroud


Conversion of farm buildings to form

four dwellings with parking area and

formation of new vehicular access and

associated driveway


Tetbury Upton


4075 06/01869/FUL Upton Grove Conversion of outbuildings to form 2

residential units 2

Total (2013/14) 10

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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Avening 8105 11/01823/FUL The Boat House

Gatcombe Water

Change of use from boathouse to

single dwelling including, repair and

refurbishment, extension and



Shipton Moynes 1550 11/01973/CON The Rectory, Church


Demolition of existing house and

garage and erection of two new

dwellings and new vehical access.


Kemble 1838 12/00425/FUL Forge House, Limes


Conversion of north east wing from

offices and upper floor flat to a 4

bedroomed dwelling


Cirencester 3651 10/05462/FUL Powells C Of E School

Gloucester Street

Conversion of School House to create

4 apartments, retaining school use at

ground floor level. 5 parking spaces

and extension of the existing school

car parking area for 10 vehicles and bin

and bike enclosures (revised scheme)


Ebrington 367 10/02797/FUL Barns at Charingworth

Road, Charingworth

Conversion of barn to form one

dwelling (amendment to design of

permission 10/02000/FUL)


Longborough 4354 10/05301/FUL Upper Town House,

Moreton Road Erection of a replacement dwelling 0

Ampney Crusis 980 11/00567/FUL Waterloo Bungalow,

London Road Erection of replacement dwelling 0

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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Northleach with Eastington 6278 11/04752/FUL Flat 1 & 3 The Glebe

House Mill End

Change of Use from 2 flats to a single

flat, and alterations & improvements to

windows on West & North elevations


Ozzleworth 5269* 12/01582/FUL Bulkland Barn Conversion of agricultural barn to

domestic dwelling 1

Poulton 8284 11/01496/FUL Land at Poulton Gorse

Erection of country house and lodge

building with associated landscaping

(amended scheme)


South Cerney 5748.3 06/01201/FUL The Ferns, Clarks Hay Erection of detached bungalow and

garages (revised scheme) 1

Total (2014/15) 12

* Appeal (APP/F1610/C/13/2208243) on enforcement case for this application overturned on 22/04/2014. Existing barn no longer on site, therefore application 12/01582/FUL

considered no longer valid .

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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Ashley 3670.2 12/02451/FUL The Old Station House,


Demolition of dwelling and erection of

replacement dwelling 1

Bourton-on-the-Water 9342 12/04453/FUL 35 Rissington Road Erection of a single dwelling 1

Cirencester 1581 12/05413/FUL 53-61 Castle Street

Alterations to create one additional

flat and new shop front together with

the erection of replacement single

storey rear extension and new



Cirencester 2739 11/04607/FUL 105 Watermoor Road

Demolition of single storey store and

erection of Use Class A1 shop unit

with accommodation over and change

of use and conversion of premises to

provide 3 residential flats. Check when

developed to make sure if there are 5

separate flats.


Cirencester 8525 11/05030/OUT Southleigh, 48 Somerford


Outline application for the erection of

single detached dwelling (all matters

reserved except access and layout)


Daglingworth 6139.1 12/05190/FUL Manor Farm Barn, Lower


Change of use from offices/workshops

to 2 residential units, erection of

garages and alterations


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Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Duntisbourne Abbotts 5273 12/00650/FUL Newbold Farm

Conversion and extension of barn to

form residential accommodation and

erection of detached garage.


Fairford 3910 12/00520/FUL Rhymes Barn Farm,

Rhymes Lane

Conversion of barn and outbuildings to

form new dwelling 1

Kemble 2602 12/01261/FUL Grey Gables, School

Road Replacement dwelling 0

Ozleworth 5269 12/01582/FUL Bulkland Barn Conversion of agricultural barn to

domestic dwelling 1

Sapperton 8197.2 12/04390/FUL

Former Grain Store,

Beacon Farm, Stroud

Road, Frampton Mansell

Change of use and conversion of

former grain store to form one

dwelling with ancillary staff annex


South Cerney 2977 12/00138/FUL Fosse Dogotel And

Cattery, Cricklade Road

Conversion of kennel buildings into 2

dwellings 2

Stow-on-the-Wold 2195.1 11/03651/FUL Land adjacent to Well

Lane & White Hart Lane

Amendments to permission

CD.2195/C (for the erection of four

houses and three apartments) including

alterations to front elevations of Plots

1 to 4 and gable of Plot 1


Page 134: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)



Parish Site



application number Site Name Description of development



Stow-on-the-Wold 6939 12/01045/FUL Fayrefields, Lower Swell


Demolition and replacement of

existing dwelling and garage 0

Swell 5967.2 13/00508/FUL South Hill Farm House,

Station Road

Change of use from use Class C1

(hotel) to use class C3 (dwelling



Tetbury 3716 11/05457/FUL 18-22 Church Street

Alterations to 1st and 2nd floors to

form new 2nd floor flat and conversion

of bakery buildings at the rear to form

2 cottages - extension of time limit for

implementation of 08/02655/FUL


Total (2015/16) 27

Page 135: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

5 Year Housing Land Supply

May 2016

Appendix 4

Large Site Completion Rate Evidence

Page 136: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Table 1 – Larger sites (10 or more dwellings) granted planning permission between 1st April 2006 and 31st March 2016

<5 yrs = developments that could still be completed within 5 years of initial planning approval

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years

































Andoversford T H White,

Station Road 04/00657/OUT 24/10/2005 18 08/02976/REM 17/03/2009 39 21


2012/13 0



Lodge, Station


05/00757/OUT 30/06/2005 9 08/01117/REM 13/05/2009 13 4 Completed

2013/14 0


Former Cattle


Station Road

13/03775/FUL 17/09/2014 17 - - - 0

10 complete,

7 under


<5 yrs

Avening Avening Mill 08/02054/FUL 12/01/2011 14

13/03250/CLOPUD 20/03/2014 8

-5 Completed

2015/16 9

15/02657/FUL 07/09/2015 1

Avening Land parcel at

the Sunground 14/02675/FUL 24/12/2014 11 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


Land adjacent

to B4425


13/01371/FUL 12/12/2013 11 - - - - Completed

2015/16 11

Blockley Land off

Draycott Road 15/01020/OUT

Subject to



23 - - - - Not started <5 yrs



Land parcel

adjacent to

Coach and


10/01580/FUL 06/06/2011 45 - - - - Completed in

2012/13 45

Page 137: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years



































Land rear of

the Coach and


06/03287/FUL 18/10/2007 74 - - - - Completed

2009/10 74



Land parcel off

Station Road 12/03616/OUT 15/01/2014 100 14/02923/REM 29/12/14 100 0

72 not

started, 21



7 complete

<5 yrs



Land to the

north of

Roman Way

and to the east

of Bourton

Industrial Park

13/00291/OUT 13/02/2015 148

15/00818/REM 03/08/2015 43 -

26 not

started, 7



10 complete

<5 yrs

Awaiting second

reserved matters

application for

remaining housing

- - - Not started <5 yrs








14/03208/FUL 28/08/2015 20 - - -

20 under

construction <5 yrs





Garage, Sheep


10/03996/FUL 11/04/2011 20 - - - - Completed

2012/13 20





School, Cider

Mill Lane,

GL55 6HU

14/02422/OUT 30/04/2015 34 - - -

Not started <5 yrs

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Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years



































Land at

Berrington Mill


Station Road

13/02227/OUT 22/11/2013 26 14/05178/REM 20/08/2015 26 0 Not started <5 yrs



Land adjacent

to Badgers

Field, George


13/01538/OUT 12/11/2013 16 14/04728/REM 09/09/2015 16 0 Not started <5 yrs





03/01740/OUT 13/12/2005 12 06/00892/REM 10/07/2006 32 20 Completed

2008/09 32

Cirencester Kingshill

North 07/00748/OUT 04/09/2007 Undefined

07/03621/REM 09/06/2008 270 -




10/04879/FUL 17/01/2011 4 4






10/01954/FUL 07/03/2013 13 - - - 0 Completed

2014/15 13






14/02224/FUL 22/07/2014 35 - - - 0 Completed

2015/16 35

Cirencester Kingshill South 06/02991/OUT 27/01/2009 311

10/03034/REM 18/02/2011 103





10/04185/FUL 04/10/2011 31 31

08/01326/REM 14/04/2009 30 Completed

2010/11 30

09/01598/REM 19/11/2009 178 Completed

2012/13 178

09/01597/FUL 24/11/2009 83 Completed

2011/12 83

Page 139: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years


































Land west of


Road and

south of

North Hill


11/01774/OUT 19/09/2011 55 14/05184/REM 31/02/15 55 0

13 not

started, 22



20 complete

<5 yrs




London Road

13/02942/OUT 03/04/2014 100 15/03117/REM 02/04/2016 100 0




to publication

of RLA (April


<5 yrs



Halt Adult



Meadow Road,


15/01329/OUT 13/11/2015 24 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


T H White

Ltd, Tetbury


14/05222/FUL 23/09/2015 34 - - - 0 34 under

construction <5 yrs


Le Spa, 42


Road, Stratton,


15/03052/FUL 18/11/2015 35 - - - 0 Not started <5 yrs





14/05225/OUT 29/01/2016 27 - - - - Not started <5 yrs




Farm 13/01667/OUT 01/04/2014 22 15/01567/OUT 03/03/2016 44 22 Not started <5 yrs

Ebrington Land parcel at

Elm Grove 15/05572/OUT 02/03/2016 16 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Page 140: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years

































Fairford Pips Field

03/03107/OUT 26/02/2004 15

13/00792/REM 04/07/2013 37 22 Completed

2014/15 37 08/00468/REM 21/08/2008 15

10/02811/OUT 25/08/2010 Outline


Fairford Land west of

Pips Field 12/02133/FUL 08/03/2013 124 - - - 0


2015/16 124

Fairford Land at

London Road 13/03793/OUT 24/07/2014 120 15/04461/REM 23/03/2016 120 0 Not started <5 yrs

Fairford Land parcel to

the south-west

of Saxon Way

13/05181/OUT 09/10/2014 22 14/04847/REM 23/09/2015 22 0 Not started <5 yrs

Fairford Land parcel

south of

Home Farm

13/03097/OUT 22/09/2014 120 15/02707/REM 13/10/2015 120 0

96 not

started, 20



4 complete

<5 yrs

Kemble Top Farm 11/04236/OUT 09/01/2013 50 14/03638/REM 30/04/2015 50 0

20 not

started, 30



<5 yrs


Land between

the High

Street and Top


12/01469/FUL 29/04/2014 29 - - - 0

11 under


18 complete

<5 yrs

Lechlade Old Station

Site 04/01064/OUT 09/06/2005 37 14/04198/REM 19/06/2015 61 24

61 under

construction 0

Page 141: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years

































08/00473/FUL 28/03/2008 53

11/00114/FUL 01/03/2011 Outline


12/00528/OUT 28/06/2013 61


Land off



13/02642/OUT 18/09/2013 19 14/05501/REM 08/04/2015 19 0

1 not started,

18 under


<5 yrs


Former Meon

Hill Nurseries,

Canada Lane

13/03539/OUT 31/03/2014 78

14/01578/REM 12/08/2014 77


41 not

started, 29



7 complete

<5 yrs

15/01357/FUL 17/07/2015 5


Land adjacent

to Arbour

Close and



13/04237/OUT 31/03/2014 70 14/03019/REM 21/10/2014 70 0

25 not

started, 42



3 complete

<5 yrs


Land parcel off

Broad Marston


14/02365/OUT 23/09/2015 90 - - - - Not started <5 yrs





Station Road

06/01897/FUL 31/10/2006 41 - - - - Completed

2007/08 41



Land at Fire



London Road

09/04440/OUT 22/12/2010 313 11/00940/REM 17/06/2011 299 -14 Completed

2015/16 299

Page 142: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years



































Land at

Moreton Park,

London Road

13/02936/FUL 20/03/2014 36 - - - - Completed

2014/15 36





Bowls Club

Hospital Road

12/02678/FUL 26/03/2015 34 - - - -




<5 yrs



The Fire



London Road

14/01483/OUT 19/11/2014 250 - - - - Not started <5 yrs



Land off



14/00948/OUT 27/06/2014 140

14/03814/REM 13/03/2015 35


25 not

started, 10

complete <5 yrs

14/04503/REM 13/03/2015 105 105 not


Northleach Fortey House,

Forety Road 14/00104/FUL 26/08/2014 22 - - - 22


2015/16 22


Land parcel off

Bassett Road

and East End

Road, Bassett


14/04274/OUT 31/03/2015 40 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


Land at


Park Farm

11/05716/OUT 13/11/2012 114 14/05481/REM 09/10/2015 125 11 Not started <5 yrs


Land at


Park Farm

15/02532/OUT 11/03/2016 33 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Quenington Land at

Springfield, 04/02893/OUT 24/01/2005 11 05/02788/REM 10/07/2006 11 0


2009/10 11

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Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years

































Conegar Road

South Cerney

Land at former


Industries Site,

The Mallards

10/03916/OUT 19/03/2012 150

12/01556/REM 30/07/2012 140



complete, 22



13 not

started <5 yrs

13/05325/REM 27/05/2014 9

3 not started,

5 under


1 complete




Evesham Road 06/02759/FUL 21/02/2007 15 - - - -


2011/12 15



Land adjacent

to Well Lane

& White Hart


07/03159/FUL 13/03/2008 11 11/03651/FUL 30/01/2012 7 -4 Completed

2014/15 7



Land north of

Tesco 13/05360/OUT 01/08/2014 45 - - - - Not started <5 yrs



Ashton House,

Union Street 14/02444/FUL 08/11/2015 20 - - - 0

19 not

started, 1



<5 yrs



Land adjacent

to Bretton

House, Station


13/05031/OUT 13/03/2014 93 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Tetbury The Retreat,

London Road 07/01104/FUL 06/02/2008 19 - - - -


2008/09 19

Page 144: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years


































Land parcel

south of

Berrells Road

and west of

Bath Road

12/00219/OUT 14/02/2013 39 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Tetbury Highfield Farm 11/01591/OUT 14/02/2013 250 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


Land Parcel

South Of

Quercus Road,

Quercus Road

(Matbro SIAC)

12/01792/OUT 26/09/2013 225

13/04451/REM 07/02/2014 38 - Completed

2015/16 <5 yrs

15/03479/REM 16/03/2016 123 - Not started <5 yrs

Awaiting second

reserved matters

application for

remaining housing

- - - Not started <5 yrs

Tetbury Rear of 19A

Market Place 02/01619/FUL 06/02/2004 11 14/00125/FUL 27/03/2014 7 -4


2014/15 7




Billington Site

06/02557/FUL 12/01/2007 29 - - - - Completed

2008/09 29


Wells Masonry

Group Ltd.,

Ilsom Farm,



12/05030/OUT 04/07/2013 18 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Page 145: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years

































Tetbury The Dormers



13/02727/OUT 10/12/2014 25

15/00922/REM 30/06/2015 25


5 not started,

20 under


<5 yrs 15/03547/FUL 22/09/2015 1 1 under


15/05487/FUL 10/02/2016 1 Not started

Tetbury Land north of



13/05306/FUL 31/07/2014 114 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Tetbury Land parcel at

Quercus Park 13/03363/OUT 30/04/2014 50 14/03567/REM 11/02/2015 50 0

41 under


9 complete

<5 yrs



Land parcel at



08/03697/OUT 25/02/2010 368 12/03810/REM 23/01/2013 368 0


complete, 48






Land parcel

between Sandy

Lane Court

and Southgate




14/01403/OUT 23/02/2016 26 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


Land parcel

west of Field



14/01739/OUT 14/08/2014 20 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

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Parish Site

Initial Application Latest Application







in 5 years



































Land parcel

between Sandy

Lane Court

and Southgate



Subject to



50 - - - - Not started <5 yrs


Filling Station

on The A40

A40 Windrush


13/02463/OUT 03/06/2014 16 - - - - Not started <5 yrs

Page 147: Five Year Housing Land Supply May 2016 - Cotswold … · within the five year housing land supply as they have occupancy conditions that mean they do not ... The RLA (April 2016)

Table 2 provides details of each large site that has been granted planning permission between 1st April 2006 and 31st

March 2016 that is either complete or can no longer deliver residential units within five years of its initial planning

permission. Planning permissions that still have the potential to deliver housing units within 5 years of their initial

planning approval have been excluded. Table 2 demonstrates that of the 1,853 dwellings that meet the criteria for

inclusion, 1,792 have been completed within five years. This equates to a completion rate of 96.7%.

Table 2 – Dwellings completed within 5 years of initial application

Settlement Site

Year of





in initial





within 5 years of

initial permission


Andoversford T H White, Station Road 2005/06 18 0

Andoversford Western Lodge, Station Road 2005/06 9 0

Avening Avening Mill 2008/09 14 9

Bibury Land adjacent to B4425

Arlington 2013/14 11 11



Land parcel adjacent to Coach

and Horses 2006/07 45 45



Land rear of the Coach and

Horses 2007/08 74 74



Former Cotswold Garage,

Sheep Street 2011/12 20 20

Cirencester Countrywide Farmers, Stratton 2005/06 12 32

Cirencester Kingshill North 2007/08 2741 274

Cirencester Kingshill South 2008/09 311 398

Cirencester Akeman Court, Cricklade Street 2012/13 13 13

Fairford Pips Field 2004/05 15 0

Fairford Land west of Pips Field 2012/13 124 124

Lechlade Old Station Site 2005/06 37 0


Marsh Station Garage, Station Road 2006/07 41 41


Marsh Land at Fire Service 2010/11 313 299



Land at Moreton Park, London

Road 2013/14 36 36

Northeach Fortey House, Forety Road 2014/15 22 22

Quenington Land at Springfield, Conegar

Road 2004/05 11 11


Wold Newlands, Evesham Road 2006/07 15 15



Land adjacent to Well Lane &

White Hart Lane 2007/08 11 0

Tetbury The Retreat, London Road 2007/08 19 19

Tetbury Rear of 19A Market Place 2003/04 11 0

Tetbury Former Criddle Billington Site 2006/07 29 29


Rissington Land parcel at Upper Rissington 2009/10 368 320

Total . 1,853 1,792

1 Outline application did not specify the initial number of dwellings committed. Figure has been taken from the later

Reserved Matters application.