Download - Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

Page 1: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn
Page 2: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

This is where the goal and ambition begins. We look at someone we admire and before long we wish to be like them. After carrying out research, we believe that we can achieve success as they did and suddenly we are inspired. What this boils down to is always remembering these heroes when our inspirational energy levels drop. We must ask ourselves whether they would give up on their causes. We must ask ourselves whether they would leave any stone unturned or stick to the path.

We must remind ourselves repeatedly that to be like them we need to put in the time and effort that our desires require. If we can remember our admiration for them, then this is bound to inspire us to do more.

Page 3: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

Another energy source of inspiration is when we do things for the good of other people. These people represent our strength and positive energy. If we want to change their lives or make a difference in them for the better then they become our source of inspiration.

Their needs drive us to our end goals and fuel our ambition because we know that the results we would get can change lives. During a state of dankness this is a great source of inspiration.

Page 4: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

This means never taking our eyes off the prize. Once we have set out on a path we must ensure that regardless of what may happen there is a reason why we decided to embark on this mission. The pleasures of enjoying the prize at the end of our hard labor should give us the impetus to endure until completion. It is important to constantly remind ourselves of this prize and to think of what we shall do with it.

It is important to imagine the pleasures we shall get from it and the time of merriment we shall enjoy after enduring. This is an invaluable source of inspiration, especially when our tasks become overwhelming.

Page 5: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

We all have something within us that makes us different, unique and special. This is our gift. It is important that we challenge ourselves to put this gift to use. When we let it lie dormant and ineffective we are wasting what time we have with what we have been given. Our gifts can be a source of energy because we recognize that no one but us has this strength. Our gifts energize us positively when we receive compliments from others after using them.

If we let them lie dormant as we lose these compliments and our will to make a difference. During times of weakness these are a source of inspiration because we recognize in our gifts the magic wand that we can put to use to change things.

Page 6: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn

Faith in God is the ultimate source of inspiration. Even when all the other sources mentioned above have dried out this is the one source of inspiration that never fails.

Scripture galvanizes this strength by its teachings and if we believe the word and ask through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, then no matter how difficult it is we would succeed. With God on our side nothing is impossible. We can do anything we want with nothing as long as we have faith.

Page 7: Five Ways to Find Sources of Inspiration - Inshan Meahjohn