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Page 1: Five ways to Better Promote Your Restaurant on Social Media

Five ways to Better Promote Your Restaurant on Social Media

As traffic on Social Media increases day by day, people mostly spend their time on Social Media, so

that Social Media becomes the best place for Promotion. As Social Media has the wide range of

visitors, so it is easy to reach your business to so many people within less time.

We’re going to show you five ways to promote your restaurant on social media. We encourage you to

create a social media planning calendar so it becomes an integrated daily task.

It’s important to understand the relevant social media platforms for promoting your restaurants. Let’s

talk about the platforms and ways to promote your restaurant using them.

1 Create a Facebook Fan Page

You absolutely need a Facebook page for your restaurant. A recent study found that Facebook

continues to be the most popular social media platform.

When posting on Facebook, include either a video or image with your text. Images and video grab

their attention. Become familiar with the different options for posting. Feel free to create your posts

for the week using the schedule tool.

Most important for your restaurant on Facebook is consistency. Listen to what your users want. Be

careful with too much self-promotion. Give your fans useful information, share tips and offer discounts

and special promotions.

2 Create Account on Twitter

Twitter, the second most popular platform, is basically a micro-blogging site. You are limited to 140-

character tweets.

Twitter is great for short messages such as daily meal deals, promotions, last minute menu additions

and changes, fun facts and photos, and more. Include links to your website’s menu items.

Add hashtags to your posts; this is good to remember for other social media platforms, too. Here’s

an example of a hashtag: #restaurant.

Try promoted tweets. Choose your best tweets and pay to promote them to a targeted audience.

Promoted tweets can be effective especially if sent out around mealtime.

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3 Encourage Check INS: Foursquare

Foursquare is at its best as a mobile application that allows users to “check-in” to places on their

smart phones.

Claim your business listing on Foursquare so you can see in real time who is “checking in” at your

restaurant. Offer a special deal to people who check-in. Many restaurants reward these loyal diners

when they check in with coupons and other promotions.

4 Blog About It

It can be daunting to step into the world of blogging, but it has many great benefits for your restaurant.

Search engines like fresh website content, and your blog provides the perfect avenue for this. Blog

about anything that has to do with your restaurant. Share facts, recipes, photos, staff favorites and

more. Link your posts to all of your social media networks.

Consistency is key. Once you’ve established a routine, your blog visitors will come to expect it, so don’t

disappoint them.

5 Create your Google+ Page and YouTube Channel

Google’s integrated resources make it easy for diners to leave reviews, upload photos and browse the

latest hotspots. If you don’t have a Google+ page, claim your page today. As with Facebook, pay

attention to profile picture sizes and make sure they are high quality.

Posts work similar to Facebook, so you’ll find Google+ fairly easy. Be consistent and use a mix of

photos, videos, reviews, and other interesting content.

Create a YouTube channel for your business. Make sure you use the same branding for your header

photo so it matches your website and other social media.

Once you’ve posted your videos on YouTube, they’ll be visible on your Google+ Page. You’ll need to

post them on all of your other social media platforms. Post them anywhere you can including your

blog. This visual interaction is sure to increase your visibility.