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Page 1: Five things about hip hop history that you must know

Five Things About Hip Hop History That You Must Know

Author: Luke Thomsen

In the words of KRS-One, "hip-hop is something you live, rap is something you do." For generations now, both have been representatives of culture. If you carefully listen to the hip hop rap

lyrics, you will note that it is the expression of thoughts. Perhaps, we can call it the voice of the young; an expression from time to time. Many of the singers and listeners look at hip hop lyrics as the platform to express desires and talk about the challenges that they face. The young often call it “A method to release frustrations and get on with life”.

Delving into history reveals that early hip-hop music began with R&B lyrics. “Rhythm and blues” are a popular genre of African-American music, which originated in the early 40s stemming from soul and funk music to become what we call the contemporary R&B, in the 1980s. Starting only as singing, hip-hop in its own has become a language, a culture – the “hip hop culture”; which influences all walks of life from clothing, to rapping, to dancing to expression of free thought. We shall now look at the FIVE things that you must know about Hip Hop music if you are a true fan!

1. The Dance2. The Sound effect3. Battling4. Break beats5. The star

Early Hip Hop music dates back to 1925, when something close to our current day rap was performed by Earl tucker (a.k.a. Snake Hips), where he invented the early dance styles. He began with floats and slides in his dance, which later refined into the popular form – break dancing. After dancing, came the transformation of simple music with emergence of technology. In 1940, Tom the great (a.k.a. Thomas Wong) used the booming sound effect for the first time and won the love of the listeners.

Page 2: Five things about hip hop history that you must know

Then in the 1950s, “battling” came into play. The first forms of rapping were seen as Coxsone Dodd’s “Downbeat” and Duke Reid’s “Trojan” started what is noted as the first ever DJ battling. Modern day rap has emerged form this “Battling” which is nothing but the most primitive form of rap. Further on in Hip Hop history, after the dancing, the sound effects and the lyrics came the essence of hip-hop – the Break Beats. You will be surprised to know that it all happened only in 1962! It was Clayton Fillyau, the drummer for James Brown’s song “Live at the Apollo”, who came up with the break beat. Even today if one hears the song, he would not hesitate in labeling it as “rocking” and alive; it leaves no doubt as to why the break beats inspired an entire “b-boy movement” of breakers in the many years that followed!

It is the culmination of all these aspects that led to the creation of this class of of superior music that we hear today. But no… it all din;t happen just like that! We still needed worldstar hip hop artists to give all these factors life and form! And the name first in the line was: Kool Herc. Named Clive Campbell, the Jamaican DJ migrated to the United States of America at the age of 11. His physical appearance encouraged peers to nickname him Hercules, which he later changed to “Kool Herc” once he became a star. It was his style that began the trend. He recited rhymes, he dejayed with intruments, wrote lively lyrics and along with other block party DJs, he passed on the art and message of contemporary music; creating zillions of admirers and followers of Hip-Hop and breaking all regional barriers.