Download - Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Page 1: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training
Page 2: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s Best Eggs: Part of a Fitness Routine Make Eggs Part of Your Fitness Routine While exercising, people need enough carbohydrates and protein for energy and muscle development. Adequate protein is especially needed for maintaining health before and after workouts. Eggland’s Best eggs offer the body a complete and natural source of high-quality protein, while replenishing essential amino acids in the body used during exercise. Additionally, oxidative damage, caused by free-radical production in the body as a result of exercise, can be offset by Vitamin E, Omega 3 and lutein intake, found in Eggland’s Best eggs. Foods That Help You Live Longer Eggs are on the list of incredible foods that help fight off the aging process. Eggs are rich in choline, protein, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help in memory retention as we age. Lutein, a carotenoid thought to help prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, may be found in even higher amounts in eggs than in green vegetables such as spinach, or even in dietary supplements. Even more good news, Eggland’s Best eggs have almost twice the amount of lutein as ordinary eggs. It’s a Balancing Act The decision to follow a cholesterol-conscious diet does not have to mean a big change in your life. To be successful, choose a balanced diet that includes foods that are low in fat and saturated fat and include plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains. A balanced diet should also include high biological value protein foods, such as Eggland’s Best eggs, low-fat dairy products, lean cuts of meat and poultry, and seafood. Following these guidelines may help to decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. Want to Look Younger? It is well known that Omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in heart and liver health, combat depression and improve macular degeneration. What researchers have recently discovered is that Omega 3 fatty acids (like the ones found in Eggland’s Best eggs) also have an important role in the health of skin cells. Omega 3s are necessary for the construction of the skin cell membrane. For more information and recipes, visit Burn More Calories—Even after Your Workout Ends The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training is an excellent way to help you body burn calories even after your workout is over. This metabolic benefit can last, up to 24 hours! By contrast, a steady-state aerobic workout only produces one hour of post-workout calorie burn. To maximize your "after burn" choose compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time and try interval training—short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by longer, easier recovery periods—instead of steady state aerobic exercise.

Page 3: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Don’t Let Your Kids Skip Breakfast We know that the morning rush will find many families sending their kids off without a good breakfast. A good protein-rich breakfast is important and with high quality protein sources like Eggland’s Best eggs, it can be quick and easy to prepare. Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast perform better in school and are at lower risk for obesity. Don’t let your kids skip breakfast, and don’t skip it yourself! A Healthy Lifestyle is about Balance Eating healthy foods and maintaining a regular exercise routine go hand-in-hand for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It's been said that you can't out-exercise a bad diet. That means that you can't trick your body into being healthy by exercising when most of your diet is made up of poor nutritional choices (like too many junk foods, sugary carbs or empty-calorie foods). But the inverse is also true. Even following a healthful diet does not mean that you don't need to exercise. Fitness provides a plethora of health benefits that you can't get from foods. Your best bet: Exercise moderately and follow a healthy diet for a balance life and even more protection against diseases. Getting More Power for Your Punch! When it comes to delivering a nice powerful punch in your kickboxing or boxing workouts, you need to use your entire core—not just your arms—to execute the punch. Be sure that when you throw any of your punches, the hip and shoulder of the lead (punch) arm rotate and follow through in the direction of your punch. This will not only deliver maximum power to your punch but also help prevent unnecessary injuries. One other tip to help prevent unnecessary injuries while punching is to never lock out your arms when throwing your punches. Aim for only 95% of full extension. Shock Your Body into Producing Great Results You can expect that after a few weeks of a particular exercise program (usually 4 to 6 weeks) your body will have adjusted to your program and need a new source of stimulation to keep the results coming. But that doesn’t mean you have to throw your existing program out entirely. Subtle changes such as adding just a couple of new exercises, changing the order you do them in, using a different piece of equipment, or even trying a new form of cardio, are all examples of ways to keep your body guessing and responding. Rest Longer to Get Stronger! When it comes to fitness, your rest days are just as important as your workout days. It is during rest that your body recovers and builds stronger, leaner muscles. But going way beyond its calorie burning benefits, rest days are when you regenerate new tissue cells, replenish your energy stores, rejuvenate your spirit, and restrict overtraining. Want even greater rest benefits? Try sleeping eight hours a night! And don't forget to include at least one rest day into your program. Water Your Workouts! Water is our most critical nutrient. It assists in muscle contraction, serves as a shock absorber, regulates body temperature, and much more. Did you know that having insufficient water in your body causes a reduction in blood volume? That means less oxygen gets to your working muscles and you’ll fatigue much sooner. So how much water should you drink to keep your body working optimally? Drink about 2 cups of water somewhere around two hours before exercising, then an additional ½ cup for every 15 to 20 minutes of activity. Your goal is to drink 10 cups a day in addition to your workout consumption.

Page 4: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Beat Muscle Soreness with Active Recovery When you're sore from a new or particularly challenging workout, it's common to think that you should rest since your body hurts. Actually, the opposite is true! Provided that you're dealing with post-workout soreness (not injury), getting up and staying active is one of the most important ways you can speed muscle recovery, decrease soreness, and get back into your program. Muscle soreness is a normal part of a workout routine. Don't let it sideline you! Even some light activity like a leisurely walk can help combat soreness and stiffness, so resist the urge to take on muscle soreness lying down! Heart Smart! Did you know that the most important muscle in the body is the heart? A riveting statement considering more than 30 percent of our population is entirely sedentary. To keep your heart strong, the American College of Sports Medicine’s latest recommendation is that you need 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise at least three times a week. This is not enough for high level conditioning but it will help protect you from heart disease. To be sure that you are training at moderate intensity, subtract your age from 220 and multiply this number by .7 (beginners multiply by .6 and advanced exercisers by .8) Don’t Hold Your Breath! Proper breathing is very important to your fitness program. It supplies oxygen to your muscle cells which aids in muscle contraction, and prevents lightheadedness that can lead to injury. Proper breathing also helps bring energy to the muscles, which supports building them, too. When working out, it is important that you remember to breathe deeply and steadily, no matter what kind of workout you do. During strength training, try to exhale on the exertion of the movement. For example, breathe out when you lift a weight up for bicep curls and breathe out when you lift up for your abdominal crunches. Try to inhale during the "return" phase of the movement, when you are moving back to the starting position. Be sure that you do not hold your breath at any time during your muscle contraction. If you're not sure when to inhale or exhale during an exercise, don't worry. Breathing—and not holding your breath—is the most important thing. Don’t Skip Your Warm Up! When all the excitement seems to be in the middle of the workout routine, it’s so tempting to skip the warm up and get right to the good stuff. Whether you’re pressed for time or simply not in the mood, do yourself a favor and don’t skip the warm up. Yes, it might give you 5 or 10 minutes for other things, but you are risking much more. The warm-up phase of your workout progressively prepares specific muscles, including your heart and lungs, for greater loads or intricate movement patterns. It also makes the muscle fibers more pliable and responsive to the activity. Eliminating the warm up puts you at serious risk for injuries such as pulled muscles, stress fractures, and torn tendons. How to Warm Up Properly Now that you understand the importance of warming up, make sure you do it properly. Stretching is NOT the same thing as warming up, although it's common among exercisers to think they are one in the same. A good warm up should involve all your major muscle groups and start slowly, gradually progressing in intensity over several minutes until you are warm, breathing heavier, and ready to work out. For example, the perfect warm up for running would be, walking slowly, then walking briskly, then jogging lightly for a few minutes each before you run. Dynamic movements that move your body in similar ways to your upcoming workout are ideal. So when do you stretch? At the end of your workout is best since your muscles are warmest and stretching before a workout doesn't prevent injury anyway.

Page 5: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

10-Minute Recharge Do you ever find yourself super tired in the middle of the afternoon and wish you had the time to take a nap? Well now you can! According to an Australian research study on napping, a 10-minute power nap is all you need for great mid-day recharger. Conclusions showed that participants whose naps were shorter didn’t get any true benefit, while those who napped longer woke up feeling groggy. Those who napped 10 minutes showed improvements in alertness, mood, and performance because it wasn’t long enough to enter deeper sleep, which produces sleep inertia. Good Pain versus Bad Pain No matter how you slice it, getting and keeping fit is hard work. So it’s no wonder that at some point during your workout you let out a moan or groan. But you want to make sure that the pain you are experiencing is “good” pain and not “bad” pain. Good pain is that immediate muscle soreness, or light burn, caused by the buildup of lactic acid and metabolic wastes in the muscle. This is a harmless sign of a productive workout. This pain usually subsides as soon as the exercise is over. Any pain, however, that resembles a stabbing, stinging, tingling, or shooting sensation, is not normal, and you should stop exercising immediately. It could signify something more serious. If pain persists, see your doctor. Quantify Your Calories. Calculating the total calories you can consume daily and not gain weight is simple. First, you need to calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate which is the total calories you burn daily doing ordinary activities. This is easily done and there are a variety of formulas that can help... Make sure to keep your calorie consumption at a healthy level to support your weight-loss goals. Slow is the Way to Go Tempo is the speed at which you lift weight. By varying the tempo, you increase the time under tension and force the muscles to adapt to different stress levels. Slow lifting speeds help you develop muscle balance and control. They also build more strength overall, according to recent studies. Moderately slow speeds allow you to keep your muscles under tension longer, which can help assist in building mass. Fast speeds are riskier for the average exerciser, and often rely on momentum, not just muscle force. However, they can help develop speed and power when done correctly—a great tool for athletes. A few examples of how to change the tempo are slowing down the concentric (raising) phase and/or eccentric (lowering) phase of the movement and/or pause at the top or bottom of the movement. The Skinny on Fat By now you’ve probably already lowered the fat in your diet by trimming away visible fat from your meats, drinking low-fat dairy products (or low-fat substitutes), and steering clear of trans fats. You probably know it’s better to use olive oil, wine, lemon, herbs and spices in place of butter and have increased your intake of fish and nuts. These are all good things to do because our bodies need fat to function properly. But did you know that you should spread out your fat intake throughout the day? A little fat helps you absorb fat-soluble nutrients from vegetables and fruits.

Page 6: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Avoid Excess Pounds For every extra pound you carry, your hips and knees feel the effect of five extra pounds. If you’re ten pounds overweight, that means 50 extra pounds for your knees to carry around. This is why excess weight is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis and why losing even a little weight can help. Being overweight also results in more rapid progression of arthritis once it is present. Extra pounds also contribute to low back pain and low back conditions such as disc degeneration and disc herniation. So remember, less weight to carry means less stress and strain on those bones and joints—another reason to stick with a healthy lifestyle. Get on the Ball From gentle stretching to intense strengthening, the stability ball has a wide variety of physical benefits. For back strength, the ball strengthens the structures that are responsible for spinal health and injury prevention. For improved posture, balancing on the ball builds postural awareness and strength. For core strength, the ball works deep abdominal and spinal muscles, acting as a corset around the spine, to strengthen and help protect the organs. The ball also creates improved muscle balance by mastering various techniques on an unstable surface. And finally, ball work encourages flexibility and stress release through elongated mobility. Don't Forget Your Zzz's It’s during sleep that you maximize recovery and muscle repair from your workouts. Getting plenty of sleep is a vital part of keeping fit. Sleep deprivation can lead to circulatory problems, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances. It can even inhibit your ability to process carbohydrates and manage stress. Lack of sleep also increases the level of cortisol in your blood, which encourages insulin resistance. Interestingly enough, too much sleep, like over nine hours a day, is also detrimental to your health. Sleeping nine plus hours a day can actually break down your bone density and put you at greater potential risk for developing cancer and heart disease. So how much sleep should a person get? 6.5 to 8.5 hours per night. Isolation vs. Compound Exercises An isolation exercise is one where movement is restricted to one joint. For example, the leg extension is an isolation exercise for the quadriceps and the movement only occurs around the knee joint. A compound exercise works several muscle groups at once and the movement includes two or more joints. For example, the leg press movement occurs around the hip, knee and ankle joints. While this exercise primarily develops the quadriceps, it also involves the hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Each type of exercise has its uses and benefits. Compound exercises build basic strength to perform everyday pushing, pulling and lifting activities, while isolation exercises “round out” a program by directly targeting a muscle group that cannot be fully targeted through compound exercises. Carbs Don't have to be Complex—Or Do They? Complex carbohydrates are made up of many sugar units that are structurally more complex and take longer to be broken down and digested. Complex carbohydrate foods have been shown to enter the blood stream gradually and trigger only a moderate rise in insulin levels, which stabilizes appetite and results in fewer carbohydrates that are stored as fat. They also contain vitamins, minerals and fiber which promote health. So along with your healthy quality protein sources, don’t forget to include brown rice, boiled potatoes with skin, non-instant oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whole grain cereals, and whole grain bread.

Page 7: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Fat Is Essential I know what you’re thinking—there’s no such thing as good fat. Well there is. Not the fat that constitutes love handles, but the kind found in Eggland’s Best Eggs (referring to Omega 3's and 6's), nuts, olives, organic peanut butter, avocados, Alaskan salmon, and flaxseed and olive oils. These foods contain essential fatty acids (EFAs), which support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to acquire optimum nutrition and get rid of harmful waste products. EFAs also contribute to brain health and muscle function. Bottom line… eat your EFAs! An Apple a Day You know the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, it turns out that it’s quite true. While an average-sized apple contains as little as 80 calories, it sure packs a nutritious punch. Did you know that an apple is full of antioxidant phytonutrients and even contain 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C? Studies have also shown that apple lovers have lower rates of lung cancer. What's the best way to eat your apple? The best bang for your buck is a red delicious in its natural state. But if that doesn’t work for you, then at least eat apple sauce before you reach for apple juice! A Few Things about Stretching Stretching makes the joints and muscles more pliable and less susceptible to everyday injuries, helps relieve everyday stress, and reduces muscle soreness after exercising. Before you stretch, you must warm up your muscles. Do a few minutes of some brisk walking, light jogging, or a few easy callisthenic exercises to warm up your overall body core temperature. After your workout is the best time to stretch. Stretch all major muscle groups to the point of their fullest reasonable extension for 30 seconds. Do not bounce when stretching. Bouncing initiates a stretch reflex, causing muscles to tighten rather than relax. It also increases the chance of injury to muscles and joints. Happy stretching! Bone Up on Bone Health Our bones are about four times stronger than steel and they can endure 24,000 pounds of pressure per square inch—if you take care of them, that is. Exercise—especially weight-baring, high-impact and strengthening movements—all have a positive impact on your bone health. Walking and running (especially uphill), strength training, and high-impact aerobics that involve jumping or hopping can all boost your bone health. But don't forget about calcium, vitamin D and magnesium, and an all around healthy diet. Getting the right nutrients—and the right amount of exercise—are both keys to long-term bone health.

Page 8: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Chef Meg's Deviled Eggs SUBMITTED BY: CHEF_MEG See All Videos and Recipes From Chef Meg Chef Meg lightened up a picnic and potluck favorite! Her secret ingredient (shh, don't tell!) is pickle juice. Use light mayonnaise if you prefer that, or swap sour cream for the mayo. Her serving size is two halves, which will make a satisfying afternoon snack! TIP: If you want to further lower the calories, only mash four of the egg yolks. You'll save 20 calories and a gram of fat.

5 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 6 large hardboiled Eggland's Best eggs 3 T fat free mayonnaise 1 t Dijon mustard 1/4 t black pepper 1 t dill pickle, chopped fine 1 t pickle juice 1 T celery, chopped fine 1 T parsley, chopped

Directions Cut each egg in half and remove yolks, placing them in a large bowl. Using a fork, mash the yolks until they are small, uniform, and granular. Then add the remaining ingredients. Stir to combine, and scoop or pipe with a piping bag back in to egg halves. Enjoy! Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user CHEF_MEG. Number of Servings: 6

Chef Meg's Cocoa Meringue Shells SUBMITTED BY: CHEF_MEG See All Videos and Recipes From Chef Meg These meringues are a fun treat when served with low-fat vanilla ice cream and fresh fruit. If you don't have parchment paper, try using a brown paper bag from the grocery store.

130 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 12 Eggland's Best egg whites, room temperature 1/2 t cream of tartar, 1 1/2 c granulated sugar 1/2 c dark cocoa powder (This does make them very richly cocoa flavored. If you prefer a lighter cocoa taste, reduce the cocoa to 1/3 c.) 1 piping bag 1 star tip

Directions Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Line three baking sheets with parchment paper. Wipe out a mixing bowl and beaters with vinegar to ensure there is no grease on them. Place the egg whites in the cleaned bowl, beat at high speed until stiff. This process with take almost 8 minutes. Add cream of tartar and continue to beat. Slowly add the sugar. Remove the beaters and fold in the cocoa powder using a rubber spatula. Using a piping bag fitted with a star tip, pipe circles onto the lined trays. Pipe one 8 inch circle, then outline the outer top of the circle to create a basket effect. Bake in the middle and lower section of the oven for one hour. Turn off oven, and DO NOT open the door. Allow the meringues to sit in the warmed oven for an additional hour. Remove from oven to cool. Store in an air-tight container. Number of Servings: 24

Page 9: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Eggs-And-Oats A delicious breakfast you can make either sweet or savory, that keeps you full all morning (at least)! 12 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients One whole Eggland's Best egg, two whites, 1/2 c. rolled oats (Quaker Oats), 2 oz skim milk (just more than a splash)


Add all ingredients to bowl, mix well. Spray non-stick spray (Pam, for example) in a skillet or frying pan. Add all ingredients; scramble as you would with ordinary eggs. When eggs-n-oats reach desired texture (just like scrambled eggs--wet, dry, somewhere in between), remove from heat, plate. There are lots of options for seasoning, which I'm sure people will add to below. I prefer some combination of cayenne, hot sauce, and a moroccan spice blend I have at home. Some people make it sweet with honey, berries, bananas, cinnamon, splenda, agave nevtar, truvia, etc. Everyone feel free to add your preferred eggs-n-oats prep below! Number of Servings: 1

Savory Egg Muffins Quick & easy egg muffins to make now and take later! 35 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 15 Large Eggland's Best Eggs 1 Green Bell Pepper 1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (low fat if possible) 1/4 Cup Feta Cheese (Optional) Garlic Seasoning to taste

Directions Preheat oven to 375 F. If using a silicone pan, spray with non-stick spray. If using a regular muffin pan, use 2 liners. Beat eggs in a bowl. Add diced veggies and cheese. Add garlic seasoning to taste. Pour into muffin tins filling 2/3 full. The muffins will rise. Bake 25-35 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set. Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. Microwave on high about 2 minutes to reheat. Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. Microwave on high about 2 minutes to reheat. Number of Servings: 12

Page 10: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Crustless Spinach, Onion and Feta Quiche Technically crustless but the addition of flour makes for a delicious crusty bottom and sides to this quiche. 45 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 1 medium onion, diced 6-oz fresh baby spinach 2 large Eggland's Best eggs 1/2 cup egg beaters (liquid substitute) 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt pinch cayenne pepper 1 1/3 cups non fat milk 1/2 cup feta cheese

Directions Preheat oven to 400F. Lightly grease a 10-inch quiche/tart pan (or a pie plate) In a medium frying pan, cook diced onion with a bit of vegetable oil (or cooking spray) over medium-high heat until translucent and tender. Add in fresh spinach and cook until just wilted. Set aside to cool for a few minutes In a large mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk in milk, then stir in spinach-onion mixture. Pour quiche base into prepared pan. Top with feta cheese. Bake for 25 minutes, or until center is set and the outside edge is golden brown. Let set for 5 minutes, then slice and serve. Number of Servings: 6

Ingredients Two portobello caps 4 slices Canadian Bacon 2 Eggland's Best eggs 12 leaves of basil 1 tsp olive oil 1 clove garlic salt and pepper to taste Dash crushed red papper (optional)

Directions This will servce two. Take the center stem out of the portobellos as well as the brown part, lightly salt and put in the oven at 350 Cook Canadian Bacon on a griddle or a frying pan until lightly browned Scramble one egg Pesto Sauce: Cut the basil as small as you can crush the garlic clove Add olive oil I like to add a little crushed red pepper Mix Once the portobellos are done, take out of the oven and I will put them on the same griddle that I cooked the bacon on in order to get rid of the moisture. Plate: mushroom cap, Canadian bacon, egg and top with pesto. Number of Servings: 1

Low CarbEggs Benedict

Page 11: Fitness and Nutrition Tips from Cathe Friedrich Eggland’s ... · The post-workout calorie burn is one of the best ways to burn body fat via an elevated metabolism. Weight training

Healthy LivingTuna & Egg Salad This salad may be used on a bed of lettuce or in a sandwich. 30 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 12 oz of tuna packed in water 4 hard boiled Eggland's Best eggs 3 tbs of light mayonnaise 2 tbs of prepared yellow mustard Dash of pepper Salt may be added but there should be enough salt in the canned tuna.

Directions Boil 4 eggs. Chop up hard boiled eggs into a mixing bowl. Mix eggs with all other ingredients. Use on a bed of lettuce or a sandwich. 1 serving = 1/4 cup (enough for a sandwich) Number of Servings: 8

Healthy Bacon, Egg, &Cheese Breakfast Muffin If you time it so that the egg and the muffin are done at the same time, the heat between them will perfectly melt the cheese for this drippy sandwich that easily rivals your fast food service. 10 Minutes to Prepare and Cook

Ingredients 1 strip Louis Rich Turkey Bacon Olive Oil Spray 1 Large Eggland's Best Egg White 1 Thomas' Whole Grain English Muffin 1 slice of Fat Free Cheddar Cheese

Directions Place a small nonstick skillet over medium high heat and add the bacon. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until crisp. Remove from the pan and cover to keep warm. Spray a 3.5 or 4 in. Diameter microwave safe bowl with olive oil spray and add the egg white. Microwave for 30 seconds. Continue microwaving in 15 second intervals until it is completely set. Assemble the sandwich by placing the bottom half English Muffin, inside up, on the plate. Top with cheese, the egg, then the bacon. Add the English Muffin top and serve of the warm Number of Servings: 1