Download - First Term Activities

  • 1. Activities done during the first term of the school year


  • We introduce ourselves by e-mailL ingistic and Digital Competence

3. 4.

  • My name is Laura. Im a girl. Im 8 years old. I go in class 3 B of Primary School. My favourite food is pizza .My hobbies are watching television and playing with my game boy. I have a sister, her name is Eva she is 6 years old.

My name is Noelia .I am 7 years old .My favourite food is pizza. I have a brother his name is Enol he is 5 years old.My birthday is on the14 of November. My favourite colour is blue, red, and yellow. My hobbies are playing with my friends and watching television. Myname is Nestor . Im aboy. Im8 years old. I go in class 3 A of Primary School. My favourite food is pasta. My hobby is playing tag.Mi nombre es Nstor .Soy un nio Tengo 8 aos. Estoy en clase de 3A de primaria. Mi comida favorita es la pasta .Mi aficin es jugar al pilla-pilla. 5. 6.

  • We played who is who Some students describe their european friends and others had to guess who were them
      • Linguistic competence
      • Learning to learn


  • We introduce our schools and their routines
  • (pps introducing every schools page)


  • We also create a European Place in our schools
  • Cultural and artistic competence

9. 10. 11.

  • Christmas is here and we have sent our friends this cards we made!!!
  • We have also exchange christmas carols in our native languages
  • Cultural and artistic competence


  • We also got their Christmas cards!!!
  • Cultural and artistic competence