Download - First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the

Page 1: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved.


First Sunday of Advent Year C

Children’s RCIA Resource


Dismissal Session

The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from

worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may

gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week.

Catechetical Session

When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical

Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized

children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the

Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session

options that fit your time frame.


Sunday’s readings

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Doctrine correlations

The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient

expectation of the Messiah, and the faithful, ardent for the second

coming, share in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming

(CCC #524).

God’s People of the Old Covenant and the new People of God

expect the Messiah’s coming, but one awaits the return of the

Messiah that died and rose from the dead (CCC #840).

RCIA team notes

Catechistical instruction is adapted to the cycle of the Church’s year

(RCIA #16). Help the catechumens keep Advent vigilance instead of

prematurely beginning Christmas celebrations.

Children with special needs

Children with cognitive processing differences may have an aversion

to getting their hands messy in the paints. Provide paint brushes.

Page 2: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the


Items to prepare

check-in sheet and nametag materials

poster paper or white board, erasers, erasable markers

violet cloth on table or counter for prayer, percussion instrument

Bibles, one set to Luke 21, and prayer cards

Advent wreath, matches, Jesse tree, ornaments, dish of holy water,

evergreen branch

road map, liturgical calendar

recycled plastic tablecloths, finger paints or paints and brushes,

cleanup supplies, recycled newspaper, twine with clips (optional)

copies of “Faith at Home”

scratch paper, violet paper, scissors, pencils, pens

Gathering Prayer Ritual

Use a violet cloth. Place a Bible, Advent wreath, holy water in a dish,

cleaned evergreen branch, and Jesse tree. Referring to the Faith at Home

page, make a Jesse tree and ornaments for Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 9:15

-16, Genesis 15:4-5, Genesis 21:9-16, Genesis 27:16-18, and Genesis:28:2.

Print the sentences on cards numbered in order. Bring scissors, markers,

recycled Christmas cards and lanyards.

Singing option

Use music from your faith community resources. The suggestion is

available online at Bring songbooks or song

sheets and music in a player.

Building Community

Display a local road map and a liturgical calendar (available in Christ the

King session, Year A).

Snack option

Send a reminder to the sponsor providing the snack this week.

Engaging the Word

Bring recycled plastic table cloths, finger paints or paints and brushes,

bowls of water and paper towels for cleaning hands or brushes. Protect

an area with recycled newspaper for paintings to dry. Option: Secure

twine between two chairs and bring clips.

Crossing the Ages Activity option: Strength Heart Cheer Prayer

Bring scratch paper, violet paper, scissors, pencils, and pens. Prepare a

sample using the one in the session or your own.

Planning ahead

For the Celebration of the Word option next week, invite a presider and

members of the RCIA team and faith community. If needed, reserve a

worship space and prepare a reminder note and give it to the members.


Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year C 2

Page 3: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the



Catechumens, having heard the Sunday proclamation of the Word, are dismissed from the Mass. Greet

the catechumens as they arrive. Have everyone check in. Offer scissors, markers, recycled lanyards, for

everyone to design nametags with messages from recycled Christmas cards. Distribute prayer cards to

readers to prepare.


Chime a percussion instrument as a call to prayer. All stand around the prayer focal point. (†) Light one


The Jesse Tree is a special tree we decorate during Advent. The ornaments remind

us of the biblical people and events that happened while God’s faithful awaited the

Messiah. First we will bless the Jesse tree.

Sprinkle the tree with holy water using a clean evergreen branch.

We pray you, O God, bless this tree that we will decorate

as we await the celebration of the coming our Savior, Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Distribute the six ornaments as indicated below. Invite the readers and the ornament bearers to come

forward in order. One member holds up the ornament while the other reads the sentence. Then, the

ornament is placed on the tree.

Reader 1 (tree): God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Reader 2 (rainbow): The rainbow is the sign of the covenant between God and all creation.

Reader 3 (stars): God promised Abraham descendents as countless as the stars.

Reader 4 (boys’ faces): Sarah wanted Abraham’s heritage for her son, Isaac, not Hagar’s son, Ishmael.

Reader 5 (animal skin): Rebecca dressed Jacob in an animal skin to trick Isaac.

Reader 6 (ladder): Jacob dreamed about a ladder reaching heaven.

Invite everyone when you lift a hand to respond, “Make your ways known to me, O God.” Prayerfully say

the following verses inspired by Psalm 25.

Teach me your path,

and guide me in truth. (response)

For you are God my savior;

for you I wait all the day. (response)

God shows sinners the way

and guides the humble to justice. (response)

Song Suggestion: “When the Saints Go Marching In.”

Extinguish the candle flame.

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Page 4: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the


Invite everyone to sit in a circle. Introduce anyone new. Invite sharing about their experiences with the

“Faith at Home” pages from the previous session.


Planning for the Destination: Display a local map. Invite volunteers to show a route to a

destination. Then say:

When we want to go someplace, a map helps us plan how to get to our destination.

Show the liturgical calendar.

Who remembers what this is called?

While explaining the following invite volunteers to point to the seasons.

The liturgical calendar also is a type of map. It shows how to celebrate throughout

the year to get ready for our final destination which is meeting Jesus at his Second

Coming. Last week we ended one church year (point). This week we begin a new

church year (point). During Advent (point) we prepare to celebrate Christmas

(point). More importantly, (point around the circle) we continually prepare for

Christ’s Second Coming.

Invite catechumens to read one another’s nametag messages.

What are all these messages about?

As we look forward to Christmas, we plan gift-giving and special celebrations, but

we have more important things to do. Our Bible readings during Advent direct us

in truly important preparations.


Have everyone sit with Bibles in a circle. Use the following as a guide. For information, refer to “Insight

for the Catechist” and the reflections on the “Faith at Home” page. Always affirm the catechumens’

responses and comment to add to their understandings.

Help the catechumens find Jeremiah 33:14-16. Explain:

The prophet Jeremiah gave a message of hope to the Jewish people held captive

after losing a terrible war. He told about God’s promise to send a great leader who

would restore them to their home in Jerusalem. David was their greatest king. The

promise of a “righteous Branch” means they would again have a great leader

ruling with justice.

What message of hope would you give to someone suffering from war?

What can we do to make things right and just for anyone suffering?

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Have the catechumens find 1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2. Ask:

What types of things can God increase and strengthen in us?

What types of things might we do to increase in love?

Have the catechumens find Luke 21:25-28.

What kinds of things are described?

What does Jesus teach followers to do when faced with such frightening


Ask everyone to look at verses 34-36.

What kinds of things should we do to prepare for Jesus’ second coming?

Affirm the members’ comments. Summarize:

During four weeks of Advent, we explore the meaning of Jesus coming to us and

prepare in a special way for Christ’s second coming. We strengthen our hearts

through prayer. We seek to do loving actions instead of doing things that cause

problems. Then, we will celebrate Christmas and be ready to stand before Jesus

Christ who will come again.


We offer prayers for all in need. When I lift my hand please respond, “God of

justice, hear our prayer.”

Give hope to those suffering from war, and guide leaders in peace. (Lift a hand

for the response.)

Strengthen all hearts to abound in love. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Be with us as we stand erect and raise our heads with hope in your redemption.

(Lift a hand for the response.)

Invite the members to contribute intercessions. Conclude:

God, who increases our love,

we ask for all things according to your will.

Send your Holy Spirit to make us vigilant as we pray

through Christ Jesus, who became Incarnate

so we might live for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Option: Break for a snack or social time. If the group disperses now and meets for catechesis later in the

week, collect nametags.

Page 6: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved.

The Catechetical Session follows the Dismissal Session either immediately or

at another time during the week. The catechetical session is designed for

catechumens and parents or sponsors to grow in faith together. The status of

the catechumens never is to be confused with that of baptized children

preparing for confirmation or Eucharist, who may join in this catechesis as

supportive companions (RCIA, Appendix III, #19).


Welcome the catechumens, parents, sponsors, and any baptized

children arriving from liturgy. If this Catechetical Session is not

following the Dismissal Session, allow an additional ten minutes and

begin with the Gathering segment in the Dismissal Session. Have those

arriving check in and put on or make nametags.

PRAYING Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Use the (†)

prayer from the Gathering Prayer Ritual in the Dismissal Session,

another prayer, or sing a gathering song from liturgy.


Have the members protect the tables with recycled plastic table

coverings. Distribute painting paper. Set out finger paints or paints,

brushes, and water containers. Have clean up supplies handy. Explain

that the members will listen to the gospel proclamation three times

while they dip their fingers or brushes and paint. Encourage them to

paint how they feel instead of trying to paint an exact scene. Assure

them that they will have a few moments to finish or re-smear finger

paints and make changes after the final reading. Proclaim Luke 21:25-

28, 34-36 three times.

As members finish painting, have them clean up and place their

artwork in a drying area. As everyone finishes cleaning up, they share

their works with one another.


With the whole group, ask:

What kinds of anxieties do some children have? Do

adults have?

What can we do when we have anxieties?

What can we do for others who have anxieties?




Jeremiah 33:14-16

Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Insight for the Catechist

The Evangelist Luke

addresses a Christian

community that has

witnessed the destruction of

the Temple, the fall of

Jerusalem, and the

persecution of disciples.

During this time of

destruction, a vivid

description introduces a

message of hope.

While those concerned about

the things of this world may

die of terror, believers stand

upright with faces raised to

greet Christ returning in

power and glory. Followers

who pray vigilantly and

avoid self-indulgences,

addictions, and things that

cause anxiety have nothing

to dread.

While wars and disasters

may paralyze others with

fear, people of courageous

faith respond to calamity

with prayer and depend on

the Spirit of wisdom for


This Advent prepare to stand

upright for the final face-to-

face encounter with Jesus.

Maintain pure hearts by

avoiding excesses and guard

against falling into anxiety’s

trap. Spend more time in



Page 7: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the


As the new People of God who believe in Christ, we have nothing to fear. We can

stand erect and raise our heads in the face of disaster. While God’s People of the

Old Covenant waited in expectation for the Messiah’s coming, we await the return

of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead.



Invite everyone to gather around the prayer focal point. Encourage them to offer insights from this

week’s session. Summarize:

During upcoming weeks we celebrate Advent and join the ancient people of God

who waited hundreds of years for the promised Messiah. We share in the

preparation for the Savior’s first coming as we desire the Second Coming.


Lead the following Advent movement prayer. Invite everyone to copy the motions.

Your redemption is at hand. (Point to someone.)

Stand upright, and raise your heads. (Stand with shoulders back, head raised.)

Strengthen your hearts. (Place both hands across heart.)

Prepare the way. (Extend arms outward.)

Our Savior comes bringing peace. (Exchange signs of peace.)

God is in our midst. (Form a circle, arms around one another’s shoulders.)

Shout for joy. (Jump and shout “Rejoice!”)

Go forth from this place with strengthened hearts

that await the Messiah’s second coming.

And may the ever-living God bless us,

(Make the Sign of the Cross on yourself as a model for everyone.)

protect us from all evil,

and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Distribute the “Faith at Home” page. Collect the nametags.

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Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year C 8

Crossing the Ages Activity

(Optional activity for children and adults together: 20 minutes)

Strengthen Heart Cheer Prayer (Activity for the church year adapted for age, RCIA #16, #252.)

Mention that many times people use cheers to encourage having strength in times of need. Invite the

members to make a heart-shaped reminder that now is the time to strengthen our hearts through prayer.

Distribute scratch paper, violet paper, scissors, pencils, and pens. Show how to fold the scratch paper in half

vertically and cut out a large heart-shape.

Assign pairs to help one another develop an Advent Cheer Prayer, practicing with pencil on scratch paper.

Show the sample but encourage creativity.

When members are satisfied with their cheers, they trace the practice heart onto violet paper, cut it out, and

copy the cheer prayer with pen. Encourage everyone to display the cheer prayer at home as a reminder to do

things that remove anxieties and strengthen hearts during Advent.

Strengthen our hearts.

Strengthen our hearts.

Strengthen our hearts, please!

Stand erect.

Raise your heads.



Page 9: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the

At a convenient time for the family, gather around a dining table or in the living room. Silence all

electronics. Place a Bible opened to Luke 21 in the center. Begin with a moment of quiet.


Jesus increases our love for one another. We conduct ourselves so as to be blameless before God

when Jesus returns in glory.

In what ways pleasing to God do we conduct ourselves?

REFLECTING ON LUKE 21:25-28, 34-36

Wars and disasters threaten the world, but Christians stand upright. Vigilant prayer guards our

hearts against anxiety as we prepare for Jesus’ coming at the end of time. We, also, prepare to

celebrate the first coming of Jesus at the manger.

In what ways do we help one another alleviate fears and anxiety?

How can we prepare so that holiday demands do not catch us as in a trap?


Buy gifts from organizations that create sustainable income and alleviate anxiety for the

vulnerable. Shop now so they avoid the last-minute shipping trap. Try and

Reserve time for everyone to stand erect with faces raised for daily prayer.


The prophet Jeremiah offered God’s assurance that the kingship of David, which seemed to be a dead

stump, would put forth a new shoot. This new leader would secure justice for the people.

The Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11:1 that proclaims God’s promise to send the Savior. To make a

Jesse tree: Secure a branch in a can with plaster of Paris. To make ornaments: With permanent

marker, draw images on recycled plastic lids. Coat the edges with white glue and sprinkle glitter.

Punch a top hole and loop some yarn.

Each day, beginning December 1, make and display an ornament that represents a person or event in

salvation history. Use the following list, or choose other Scripture stories.

By Janet Miller. Illustrations by Jim Burrows. Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce this handout for family home use.

Faith at Home First Sunday of Advent, Year C

Remember Sunday’s Word

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Page 10: First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIALuke 21:25 -28, 34 36 Doctrine correlations The celebration of the liturgy of Advent makes present the ancient expectation of the Messiah, and the

Jesse Tree

First Sunday of Advent, Year C

Garden of Eden



Great Flood






Sarah and Hagar







Genesis 28:2

Leah and Rachel
















Ruth 2:2


Ruth 4:8-9


1 Samuel



Isaiah 11:1


1 Samuel



1 Kings



1 Kings 5:5


1 Kings





John the Baptist

Mark 1:9





Luke 2:19


Luke 2:7