Download - FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Page 1: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

July 2016

Rev. Richard Weaver, Interim 601 North Sandusky Avenue Upper Sandusky Ohio 43351 419-294-3544

Page 2: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief


NA- Narcotics Anonymous

AA – Alcoholics Anonymous

*non First activity







TWL – 5 p.m.

*WyCares Bd Mtg 6 p.m





*Quilters 6



Outdoor service

W/ Holy Communion

Potluck Lunch

11 .



TWL – 5 p.m.







Children’s Sunday!

VBS Decorate 12:30-?

18 VBS

9- 1130

Ladies Night

6 p.m.


19 VBS

9- 1130

TWL – 5pm

Council 7 p.m.


VBS 9- 1130

21 VBS

9- 1130


22 VBS

9- 1130


Bishop Beaudain






*AA 6-9 26

TWL – 5pm

27 28 29 30

Page 3: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ, I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and the

very nice potluck celebrating my 34th Anniversary of Ordination. I would like to remind you that July 23 our Bishop Elect Daniel Beaudoin will be installed at St Mark Lutheran Church in Bowling Green. Our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth

Eaton will preside and preach. Babysitting will also be offered. On advice from Synod get there early the doors at the church will open at noon worship will be at 1:30pm. If

you have questions about our Synod you might wish to contact Darlene who serves on Synod Council. In your prayers please remember Bishop Lohrmann and family as

he retires. It is a joy and a privilege to serve as your interim pastor.

God bless you and bless our nation with love!

Pastor Richard Weaver

Page 4: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

June Council News Members Present: Lynn Burks, Sally Kirian, Joyce Kuezli, Tom Martin, Lisa Rife, Amanda Rowlinson, Linda Welker, Brenda Zeigler

Also present: Kristin Ealy

Excused: Mary Wright, Karen Magers and Chad Stoneburner

Opening Prayer: Joyce Kuenzli

Review of May Minutes: accepted as printed in newsletter

Action Items:

A: Salvation Army School Supply Drive: In conjunction with the Youth Commission Party in the Park, First has been asked if they would like to contribute to the Salvation Army School Supply Drive, where they will distribute supplies to local children at the Party in the Park on August 5th. Amanda Rowlinson motioned that First participate with Lynn Burks second, MC. Will publish list of most needed items for the July newsletter and make a distribution point at church until July 31st.

B: Youth Commission Party in the Park: It was brought to council’s attention that any of the local churches could set up at the Youth Commission’s annual Party in the Park. The event is August 5th and would require First to man a “booth” of their own. Thoughts on distributing snack bars and such and the possibility of activities at our booth were tossed around. Tom Martin motioned we do participate with Joyce Kuenzli second. MC

C: Internet/Phone: recently it has become impossible to gain access to internet with UData( due to a tree that has grown since installation. Line of sight access would always be a problem depending on the weather. Due to this finding Kristin Ealy, secretary of the church, explored other options for internet that may even include phone at a later time. Through Verizon she can get a plan around $40. Suggestions to check out a few other possibilities were given and noted. Joyce Kuenzli moved that Kristin find the best deal she can and do as she sees fit regarding the internet, all second. MC

Page 5: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief


A: Word from Call Committee: from Jean Gottfried, no word from Synod (they are in transition right now and may be quiet for a short while)

B: Synod Assembly Report: from Linda Welker and Tom Martin: both agreed on the wonderful feelings of representing the church at the assembly, seeing and hearing Bishop Eaton preach, the new Bishop election. Everyone should experience!

C: Pastor Weaver Ordination Anniversary: word from Pr. Weaver that he was very pleased and thankful for the gift and luncheon celebrating his anniversary.

Committee Reports:

Christian Ed – had meeting, discussed ideas for children’s parties. Sunday School party at Putt Putt was fun with about 25 participants.

Outreach – BBQ was a great success with at least $2000 in proceeds to spilt to area organizations. God’s Work, Our Hands will once again be at the museum in September.

Fellowship - Thanked all for the help with the potluck for Pr. Weaver’s Anniversary. Briefly touched on a few other activities, such as a birthday party for church, picture identification gatherings and a possible movie.

Worship & Music – held meeting and began planning for Outdoor service to be held on July 10th. Setting 3 in the hymnal is now being used for communion.

Facilities – Tom Martin mentioned the thought of having the banners hanging on the South overhang of the sanctuary cleaned. Brenda will look into the possibilities for that to happen.

Finance – seem to be okay. Brenda brought up the current fund being a bit large to leave in regular checking. Asked council if she could speak with Kurt Kimmel, treasurer on the idea of moving funds to make checking balance more manageable. Linda Welker motioned for this to happen, Amanda Rowlinson second. MC

Meeting was adjourned and all

held hands and prayed the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted: Kristin Ealy

Page 6: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

July Special Days

Addison Stoneburner 11th

Connie Gillen 12th

Duane Shock 17th

Steve Nye 17th

Loren Dillon 20th

Gannon Ritter 24th

Hayden Layne 25th

Judy Secoy 26th

Steve Bowman 27th

Korey Newell 27th

Lisa Reinschell 28th

Helen Wright 30th

Earl Kidwell 30th

Tracey Slater 30th

Larry & Judy Secoy 7/1

Dennis & Lynn Mack 7/8

Brian & Elaine Tschanen 7/19

Matt & Mindy Newell 7/19

Scott & Marla Ritter 7/30

Randy & Sherri Sorg 7/30

If you or someone you know were inadvertently left off the special days list, please notify the office!

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SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Sunday School will resume in August!

Thank you to the Sunday School staff for ALWAYS being great leaders for our children!

Remember Children’s Sunday is July 17th


Page 8: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief


Please consider signing up for an Opportunity to Serve your

Church! Our services depend on having our members help to

usher, read and do various jobs, ensuring all feel welcome and at


OLD MISSION CHURCH All services begin at 8 a.m.

July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist

July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist

July 17 – Chief Billy Friend, Oklahoma

July 24 – Pr. Jay Scott, Emmanuel UCC (Mud Church)

July 31 – Pr. Tim McGuire

August 7 – Fred Shaw, Shawnee Shaman

August 14 – Ken Wessler, First Presbyterian

August 21 - Steve Sturgeon, Hospice Chaplain

August 28 – Scott Moore, Liberty Family Center

Acolytes July 3 - Ross July 10 – none needed July 17 - Nicholas July 24 - Nate July 31 - MacKenzie August 7 - Nathaniel August 14 - Nicholas August 21 – Ross August 28 - MacKenzie

USHERS July _________________ August ___________________ Would YOU be available? Let

Kristin know as soon as possible

Scripture Readers July 3rd - ______________ July 10th – Lisa Rife July 17th - YOUTH July 24th - _______________

Altar Care Assignments July Communion – _______________ Paraments- ________________ August Communion – Mary Wright Paraments-Mary Wright

Flowers July 3 – Judy Secoy July 10 – Eleanor Stevenson July 17 – _________________ July 24-________________ July 31 – Juanita Zeigler August 7 – Donna Kimmel August 14 – Linda Welker August 21 – Madelon O’Neil August 28 – Dick Newell

Page 9: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Applications are available to pick up in Cross Hall or email the office and one will be

emailed to you.

Deadline to return will be August 31.

First Evangelical Lutheran Church Scholarship=Completed one year of study at a 2 or 4 year secondary education school

=Active Member of First Evangelical =Have not previously been awarded the First Evangelical Lutheran Scholarship

All eligible applicants will be awarded based on number of applicants and availability of funds.


July 10th – Outdoor Service and Potluck!

July 18-22 – Vacation Bible School

July 23rd @ 1 p.m. – St Mark’s in Bowling Green, Pastor Beaudoin will be installed as Bishop!

August 21st – Return to Sunday School and Blessing of Students and Teachers

Page 10: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Registration Forms available at the church or

online at

Page 11: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

CO-OP CORNER News from various shared ministries

We will need 3 workers every time we have desserts (every other week) and we will not be supplying a side dish as it will be part of the

entrée. For information or how you can help, please contact Betty Martin!

Corner Inn


July 5th – Desserts July 12th – Burks/Magers

July 19th – Desserts July 26th – Bennett/Walton

Page 12: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief


SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE We will be collecting school supplies during the month of July to donate to the Salvation Army! They will be distributing these school supplies at the Youth Commission’s Party in the Park on August 5th. We ask that you have your donations to the church by July 31st. Below you can see a list of usual needs for our local school children. Donations will be accepted

in Cross Hallway!

Glue sticks, Elmer’s Glue, #2 Pencils, Scissors, 24 Count Crayola Crayons, Erasers, Large Expo Dry Erase Markers(low odor)

Page 13: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Tina Newell would like to express her gratitude for

thoughts, prayers, cards and meals. She says it is

overwhelming and humbling to have so many

people care!

Nine Flags Pizza While at the Sunday School Putt Putt Party, Lynn Burks found this

little bit of information:

Order a REGULAR priced Pizza from Nine Flags

(phone 419.209.9999)

and tell them you are calling for First Evangelical Lutheran. When

100 PIZZAS are ordered and First is mentioned…then Nine Flags will

donate $1000 back to the church!

Easy, right? Ask Lynn Burks if you would like more information!

Page 14: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief
Page 15: FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH · 2019-11-04 · July 3 – Brian Arnold, John Stewart United Methodist July 10 – Rev. Soo-Hea Park, Harpster United Methodist July 17 – Chief

Weekly Readings July 3 Isaiah 66:10-14 Psalm 66:1-9 Galatians 6:[1-6] 7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

July 10 Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Psalm 25:1-10 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 July 17 Genesis 18:1-10a Psalm 15 Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42

July 24 Genesis 18:20-32 Psalm 138 Colossians 2:6-15 [16-19] Luke 11:1-13

July 31

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 Psalm 49:1-12 Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21

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