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Lottie’s debut album, Lost In

The Music, is

out January


“Simon’s like my Dad but I think I remind him of Sinita!”

Young, fun and ready to take the music world by storm in 2013, Lottie speaks exclusively to Spotlight about her new found fame, new found fears and her boss’ little slip up!ottie! Welcome

to your firstLever magazine interview!Nervous?

Haha thank you, I am pretty

to finally be signed, and

Well don’t worry, you’re in safe hands with us! So let’s start bysaying congratulations on the the record deal with SyCo, how

does it feel to be signed?Well thank you very much! it feels absolutely amazing

nervous, if I'm being honest!

by such a

prestigious record company too! I love SyCo right now!

We obviously know Simon [Cowell] from XFactor, is he still Mr Nasty in real life?

The other day he accidentally’ called me Sinita! I told him exactly what I thought about that! He won’t be making that mistake again any time soon, that’s for sure!

Did it take a lot of hard work?You would not believe how many years I have been trying to get signed! I first started recording music when I studied GCSE Music and I sent my first covers off to so many record labels but with no luck! Then I realised the key is to write your own songs, and well I’m 19 now so three years of hard work definitely paid off!

What sort of advice would you give to any aspiring musicians then?

Definitely to get yourself out there. Try every means possible to get spotted. I set up my own YouTube channel where I recorded myself doing covers. I also did many gigs in small pubs and clubs in my local area with some of my mates, its goodto have support from the people who know you best. Send tracks off to as many companies as

possible, someone willeventually sign

you for sure.

Awww no, Simon’s lovely! As a boss he is so supportive, just like another dad. We have weekly chats on the phone to update each other about what’s going on. Even though he's so busy with XFactor USA, he still supports me.Would you have ever auditioned for Xfactor if you hadn’t been signed?

My family and friends always told me I should but I just felt I wouldn’t be ready to be thrown into the spotlight like that. I think I’d be fed up of doing covers too, I like performing my own music which I’ve worked so hard on over the years.

Do you feel you’re in control of your own music and career or is Mr Cowell?

Well I’m sure Simon would like to think he is but really I have the final say, and I’m not afraid to say no to him.

“I’m not afraid to say no to Simon!”

Wow you certainly told him! You seem quite a feisty character, but are you scared about some of the things which are going to get thrown your way soon?

Oh definitely! I don’t think anyone can really prepare you for all the media attention that comes with being a famous singer. I’m not really interested in the whole ‘celebrity’ lifestyle, its all about the music for me. Plus the paps freak me out!

What do you see yourself achieving in 2013?I’ve got so much planned! Releasing my album which was inspired by all the heartbreak I experienced as a teen, shooting my first music video and performing across the UK! 2013

is going to be a great year!