Download - FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense

Page 1: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Scott Sommer L.Ac. Master NRT

Holistic Healer

The Natural Living Health Institute

Page 2: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Page 3: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


1. your body electric -meridians and skin

2. how scars interfere -switching Sxs

3. finding scars defined

4. treating scars acutron/oils

5. clinical success stories

Page 4: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• One of the common symptoms of scars is inconsistent symptoms things come and go

• Symptoms seem very invasive with no common cause or reason no rhythm random

Page 5: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Are Your Scars Creating Interference to Your Health?

How could a scar or scars interfere with ones health ?

Think of your body electric like your house.So many circuits with a master breaker or power supply out side the circuit breakers.

Page 6: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Our bodies contain 80% of our electrical systems or nerves are on the outside of our body- namely our skin .

So any cut, burn , birth mark , surgery, and even trauma to our skin has the potential to create electrical blockages or shorts in our nervous system.

These electrical shorts can affect any organ, gland , tissue or cell in our bodies and create organ dysfunction. This would be likened to a thunder and lightening storm outside your house causing power surges inside your house such as flickering lights or out right loss of lights or power to your house

Page 7: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


How do you restore power to your house?

Reset the breakers outside the house.

Scars are no different.

They must be fully restored and reconnected

to the brain and body with proper therapy.

Page 8: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• "When a scar occurs, whether from surgery or from an injury, the electrical flow within your body’s nervous system is interrupted and an interference field develops. These fields seem to act similar to capacitors storing the electrical energy that has been diverted by the presence of a scar, although this is not exclusive to scars. These fields can also be caused by burns, bruises, injections, a bone fracture or even a whiplash injury. This destabilized region impedes the electromagnetic flow within the body along the nerve pathways, known as meridians."

Page 9: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• The release of stored up energy is caused by a phenomenon known as ‘switching.’ The nervous system actually gets switched around and, until this is identified and treated, the problem will continue to cause havoc as the system will continue to misfire. When this buildup can no longer be held, the electrical charge is released in a chaotic fashion. This is where it gets interesting; as this charge often flows violently within the body to areas where it was never intended, a variety of complications and symptoms develop. It is not unusual to find an interference field far from the area in the body that is experiencing symptoms.

Page 10: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• For example, an appendix scar from years ago might cause pain in the lower back. It is estimated that interference fields affect one-third of the population. Often times, the discovery isn’t until years later so you can imagine the impact this would have on the body as chronic symptoms would likely be present.

• Other examples are scars created during an episiotomy after the birth of a child or a C-Section. Unfortunately, allopathic medicine does not always recognize the true cause and medications are prescribed to mask the symptoms

Page 11: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Types of Typical external Scars

• External

• Surgical

• Moles

• Cuts

• Birth marks

• Burns

• Tattoos

Page 12: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Types of Internal Scars • Trauma

• Adhesions

• Appendix

• Thyroid

• Breast implants

• Sinuses

• Dental implants

• Pancreas

• C-sections

Page 13: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Testing for scars

• Wheat germ oil

• Chlorophyll

Page 14: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• Wheat germ oil: for external scars. Place the wheat germ oil on the belly button. Muscle test to see is the arm remains strong with the oil on the belly button. If the muscle remains weak with the oil in place, then there is no potential active scar.

• Chlorophyll: for internal scars. Place the chlorophyll on the belly button. Muscle test to see is the arm remains strong with the oil on the belly button. If the muscle remains weak with the oil in place, then there is no potential active scar.

Page 15: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• Is important to note that it is important not to treat a scar unless it is an active scar

• This will only create more problems in the long run if you treat something that doesn't need to be treated

• You can always apply oil though to prevent the scar from becoming active

Page 16: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• It is an evaluation system that can elicit a positive or negative response from any aspect of the body-mind.

• The strength or weakness of indicator muscles are used as the testing method.

• The skillful use of kinesiology allows a practitioner to ask any question to the body and get an accurate answer for diagnosis and to guide treatment.

Page 17: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


One of the philosophies that I have learned about alternative medicine is that unless you test it's a guess

How to test for treating scars

Page 18: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


1. Light therapy

2. Topical treatment for 30-90 days

• Sesame seed oil

• Wheat germ oil

• Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense and myrrh added


Page 19: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• Lemon and yellow I use often for lymphatic problems such as spleen issues and water retention

• Orange or use for metabolism issue such as thyroid to Pituitary and hypothalamus it is a warm color which helps to activate the metabolism is not as quite as active as red which I don't use very often

• Blue purple and Violet are good colors for insomnia. Test at Yintang

• Scarlet is very much related to hormones in the lower jiao of the body and does help greatly with hormone issues including infertility and libido

• Green, lemon and lime I use often for liver issues

Page 20: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


Frequencies advocated by Van Gelder for scar tx:

• 3 Hz – sclerosis, scar tissues

• 13 Hz Scar tissue, adhesions

• 174 / 288 Dermal fascia

• 58 / 0, 1, 2, 3 Fibrosis or scar tissue

Alan Berger scar protocol:

171 / 57, 120 Hz, 100 uA, 20 minute tx each time

Page 21: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense


• Once you find out what the scar is linked to symptomatic wise for the patient and the organ that it's connected to that it helps you to choose the color that way as well

• I once I have chosen the lenses of light therapy I placed them over the scar and double check with the muscle test to make sure they are the best choices of colors

• Sometimes it is Mono chromatic in color and sometimes it's dual color (see last webinar recording).

• Brain stem scar treatment can be very powerful for spinal and neuropathic issues

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• Internal Scar treatment on thyroid

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• It is also important to test for the amount of time necessary to completely resolve the scar and generally speaking it takes between 1 to 3 sessions spread out over a period of one months time to completely resolve the scar. The patient is also involved in the process by rubbing in oil usually we tend to use sesame seed oil and/or other oils such as an essential oil like frankincense which will help to seal the scar in place so it doesn't become active again.

• These oils are applied for 30 to 90 days vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes usually once today and typically at night.

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Case Histories

Page 25: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense

• A 45-year-old female executive type under lots of stress lives in two different locations as consistent problems any weight easily even though she exercises 45 minutes to an hour every day I need to truly organic diet

• I found a thyroid scar internal on her and used light therapy to fix her metabolism

Page 26: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense

• A 16-year-old autistic child with chronic cough allergies to food such as wheat allergies in general and periods of insomnia which are random

• I found tonsil stones on her tonsils and found that her tonsils were very inflamed and scarred from chronic allergies while using the Acutroncolors yellow and green I was able to resolve her cough and enhance her immune system and resolve her allergies quickly and easily .

• She continues to have issues with her tonsils typically she receives 2 to 3 sessions a month and we are making great progress

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• A 16-year-old girl who is a gymnast started to gain weight and head over the last three months and has inconsistent cycles

• I found a scar on her for head on the right side from the fall she had as a toddler something she was unaware of

• Or use the scarlet color both on her for head and her spleen at the same time which help to relieve her lymphatic drainage problem that she had causing her weight gain

• This helped to remove her tired and wired sensation which is what her chief complaint was besides weight gain

Page 28: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense

• 42-year-old female aesthetician has a scar on her scalp from a cyst that was removed they told her it was nothing she never felt right since the surgery and continued to experience dizziness and fatigue since the scar. This also help to regulate her cycle after the treatment so she all of a sudden became regular and feel better than she had in 5 to 10 years!

Page 29: FINDING AND TREATING EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SCARS · 2017. 6. 22. · Topical treatment for 30-90 days •Sesame seed oil •Wheat germ oil •Essential oils: Base oil avocado, frankincense

• A 62-year-old male experienced libido and lack of erection after his Vasectomy scar i treated the scar bilaterally this case using a red color this helped to restore circulation to the lower jiao which was the cause of the impotence .