Download - Financial Advisory to Strengthen Local Agricultural Enterprises


MEAS Symposium 2015

June 3

“Private Sector and Development Organizations' Approaches to

Extension Service Provision”

Financial advisory to strengthen local agricultural enterprises

Elizabeth Teague Sr. Associate for Environmental


Targeting the rural “missing middle”


Revenue $3.7M

Number of Producers 1,500

% Women Producers 30%

Land ownership/ farmer

~1.7 HA

Purchases per farmer $1,900

Average borrower profile

Training Credit

Improved Business Processes

and Growth“Better


Financial management training creates better business processes; mitigates lending risk by developing better borrowers; and with reliable access to credit, promotes better supply chain partners.

Why financial management training?

Accounting Systems

Standard accounting practices

Financial record-keeping

1 FinancialAnalysis

Financial statement generation and analysis

2 RiskManagement

Internal control systems Enterprise & industry-

level risk assessment Mitigation planning



Fixed and variable cost analysis

Contract negotiation

4 Financial Governance

Using financial statements for internal decision-making (board, management) and business communications

5 FinancialPlanning

Long-term planning and forecasting



Trainings focus on 6 “financial fundamentals”


This presentation was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development, USAID. The

contents are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.