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Page 1: Finalised analysis of magazines

Analysis Of front Covers.

Sam Clark

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Here is the header. This summarises the main bands or what the magazine will contain (main features). For example, this header states that the magazine will contain write ups about ‘reading and lees’ in 2009. As you can see the genre of the magazine is rock, so the magazine will contain music relate to the fans of rock.

Here is the masthead. KERRANG is clearly displayed at the top of the page and all most takes up the top quarter of the page. The font of the masthead is in a style where the writing appears to be cracked. This could be showing the readers rebelliousness which is often associated with rock.

Here is the main image; it is a medium shot of the waist upwards of the lead singer of the bang called Greenday. We know that it is the lead singer of Greenday as there is a caption placed just to the right of the image saying ‘GREEN DAY’. Also the mans appearance is rather messy, possibly showing that he doesn’t care or even rebellion which is stereotypically related to rock. Finally, he is shown playing music, probably in a concert, possibly the Reading and Leeds festival as show on the header.

Here is the main sell line, it anchors the main image of the lead singer of Greenday. The font is big and bold and really stands out to the readers.

The bar code, price and date are all of the key essentials needed on a magazine front cover. These are mainly placed in the bottom corner of the page in a small box.

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Here is the masthead. This masthead id in Bold bright letters at the top left hand corner of the page. It is in bright white writing to the side of Eminem's head, also creating the effect as though it is a spotlight shining down on him, connoting he is in the spotlight. This also works well as the main cover line is telling the readers about how Eminem’s comeback shocked the world.

Here is the barcode, once again displayed in the bottom right of the page, along with the price and the date, all essentials needed in the front cover.

Here is the main image, placed directly in the centre of the page. Also it appears to be taken from a low angle camera shot. Possibly hinting that Eminem now has the power in the music industry due to his recent comeback. Eminem is also looking rather astonished in the picture, possibly hinting that he is glad to be back in the music industry and on stage.

Here is the header, this is telling the readers what the magazine is mainly going to contain. Here it is telling us that it will contain ’20 tracks from the summers hottest bands’. It also sticking to the colour scheme of red/white/black colours. Also, highlighted in re, it says free new music, this would appeal to the average NME reader who is stereotypically young, and this may appeal to people who do not have a lot of money.

Here is the pull quote which is matching the main image. A pull quote attracts and influences the reader to buy the magazine and to turn the page. Here it says ‘The comeback that’s stunned the world’, this will influence fans of Eminem to buy the magazine and to read the story that follows.

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Here is a smaller image, this is used to advertise the other stories, and is also used along with a pull quote to draw the reader in. The pull quote here being, ‘Lush lads stripped’. This will appeal to the female audience and influence them into buying the magazine.

Here is the main image, it is of a boy band called The Wanted. The image is showing them in a bright light, and they are all wearing typical summer clothing which is quite revealing of the arms etc. This is used to try and attract the female audience who the magazine is mainly aimed at.

Here is the barcode/date/price. These are all key essential which the readers need to no about the magazine. It is displayed in a small white box at the bottom of the page. This is mainly so it doesn’t interfere with the whole bright colour scheme of the magazine.

Here is the main cover line. It says ‘OMG! it’s the Wanted! Who’s ready to date a fan?’. This will instantly attract the female audience, maybe the younger generation of females as well. It is in bright colours, being yellow and pink, these colours are used to catch the readers eye when looking at the magazine.

The colour scheme of the magazine is all in bright and light colours. This is used to give the magazine a bright and happy feeling, and to make the readers feel happy when they look at it.

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Analysis Of Contents Pages.

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The colour scheme of this magazine is sticking to the typical colour scheme of an NME magazine, using red, white and black colours. These colours make the page stand out and outline important pieces of information. Here is the use of a pull

quote. This is where text is used to attract the readers into further pages of the magazine.

Here is the main image of the contents page. It is of a member of the band ‘Oasis’. This image is placed in the centre of the page with the text wrapped around it.

Here is the main sell line to the contents page. This is because it is promoting the main image by saying’ Oasis kicked off their world tour’.

Here is the masthead of the contents page. It is placed on top of the page and above all of the other text. It is used in dark and bold fonts to stand out against the background.

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Here is the masthead of the contents page. It is used in big and bold letters, this is so that it stands out at the top of the page. It is also separated into three lines, this is possibly used to appeal to the younger generation who will be reading this music magazine.

Here is the main image. The main image is placed in the centre of the magazine, and her body wraps around the text to her right. The woman used as the main image may have an article included in the magazine.

Here , above the main image and to the left of the main title, is a shape in the form of a V. This is used as it is the first letter of the magazines name ‘VIBE’. This may also be a trademark for all of there magazines?

The main colour scheme of the magazine are neutral and dark colours. Possibly meaning a relaxed atmosphere, hence why the woman used for the main image is lying down.

Here is the use of a subtitle , saying ‘Features’, this is used so the readers can find out what the magazine is going to contain.

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Here is the masthead of the contents page, it is wrote in big font to stand out at the top of the page. It is also in two colours which contrast well together, these colours are black and pink, and the pink makes the title stand out. It is also placed above the main image, this also draws you eyes to look at the image.

The main image is placed to the right of the of the page. This is as it allows the main text to run alongside it. Also the clothes that the girl is wearing (light and dark pink) match well with the theme of the page.

Here is the date, this is used to notify the readers and let them no that they are reading the most up to date magazine.

Here is the use of a lure. A lure is a technique used in media work to ‘lure’ the readers into the magazine. Also a key technique in selling a magazine.

Here, the magazine has used other images from the magazine to promote it, this one being from the front cover.

The whole colour scheme of the contents page is bright and attractive. This is so the readers feel comfortable when reading the magazine, and also so it has a welcoming and fun feeling.

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Analysis of Double page spreads.

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Here is the main image of the double page spread. It is showing the main band in a natural relaxed pose. In a quite cheerful and relaxed manor which reflects the nature of the article. The colour of the main image is rather bright, possibly to stand out against the rest of the magazine.

Here, on the side of the page, is a segment about ‘what everyone is talking about’, this is used to keep the readers interested in the magazine and have a different topic to read about.

Here, at the start of the main article, is the use of a larger letter ‘T’ in the Times New Roman font, takes up the first 3-4 lines of the article. This is used to bring the eye to the start of the article. A bordered pull quote.

The colour scheme of the double page spread varies. However, all of the colours used are bright and make it attractive and appealing for the readers.

The main article is placed in the middle of the double page spread. This is so it is surronuded by the images which are related to the article.

Cover line of the main article.

Here is the main cover line of the whole double page spread. The name of the featured band.

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Here is the main image of the double page spread. Place to the right of the text and the main article.

The colour scheme of the double paged spread appears to be rather dull, and has no vibrancy or energy. However this represents the genre of music which is being presented.

The double page spread also appears to have the structure and appearance of a newspaper, not a typical music magazine.

Here is the main article. It is placed directly below the pull quote. It is in small font and there is alot of text included.

Here is the use of a pull quote. This is used to how the readers what the main article is going to contain. It is used in big and bold fonts to stand out against the dull background. It is also in the font of newspaper letters, this is possibly used o stick to the main theme of a newspaper appearance.

Also, the main image appears to be in a lighter colour, which brings a hint of personality to a dull background. However, it does not ruin the effect of the magazine as the hair of the woman is also dark, along with her facial makeup.

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The colour scheme of the double page spread is very light, bright and attractive. This is used to appeal to the younger generation that will be reading this magazine. Also the use of yellow and pink which is used throughout this page will stereotypically appeal to the young female audience who will be reading the magazine.

Alot of the cover lines used appear to be in a different colour from the typical colour scheme of the rest of the page. This is so that they stand out from the background and are easy to read.

The masthead is placed at the top of the page running all the way from one corner to the next. It is used in bright colours such as pink, red and yellow. This is because it is eye catching and will stand out against the rest of the page.

Here is the main image. It is placed to the right of the double paged spread, and shows the band in a natural pose of the playing there instruments,

Here is another sequence of additional images used, with another article. This is used to attract the younger readers who like the band, as it is about there lead singer.

Here is another cover line of the double page spread, telling you what the article is (the camp rock report).

Here is the main article, it is placed on a white background, so it is easier to read against the several other colours used on the page.