Download - Final Treatment



Caroline Hart, Shawn Telvi, Braden Thomas, and Yuan Fang The scene is a darkened room with the only light coming from a computer screen. The audience hears an automated voice saying, “upload now”. We see a dark shadowed figure clicking accept. A deep chuckle comes from the figure. We see Brian, who usually meets his best friend Jason downtown every Friday for a weekend celebration beer, approaching Jakes. This particular Friday Jason never shows. Brian thinks it’s a little strange but something must have come up. Instead he shares a beer with Tony, Jake’s owner and then goes home. When he gets home, he remembers that he is expecting an email from his Mom. He logs onto the IU website and instantly, his whole life changes. A look of complete disgust and confusion spreads across his face. We see the IU website, which usually illustrates its beautiful campus, instead displaying a heinous picture of Jason, hanging from the monumental clock in the arboretum. He grabs his phone instantly to call 911. We hear him sobbing into the phone trying to explain what is staring back at him on his computer screen. The cops try to calm him down but Brian is now hysterical. He slams down the phone and storms out of his room. We see Brian running out the doors of his dorm and down 10th street. There are numerous people around him but he sees no one. He finally enters the arboretum and as he approaches the big red clock, he sees nothing. It looks the same way it does every day when Brian walks past it on his way to go to class. We again see a look of confusion on his face as Brian turns around to head back to his dorm. He hopes this is all a dream. The next morning Brian wakes up and we see him walk over to his computer to check his email as he does every morning. He looks at the screen and is even more shocked to see another dead body plastered on the IU website. He cannot believe his eyes; the killer is at it again. Brian thinks to himself that he needs to make it his own personal mission to find this killer and take him down! As Brian stares at the awful image in front of him he sees that the slaying took place on the big hand architecture on Kirkwood Avenue. At once he abandons his dorm room to assess the crime scene.


We see Brian walking down Kirkwood and approaching the large hand. Consistent with his last encounter, it looks as if no crime has been committed. Almost everything is completely normal until Brian notices something familiar. He walks over to a wallet that he recognizes as Jason’s. Brian realizes that the killer must have dropped it when he was killing the other victim. Brian knows that the killer must be in the works of his next crime so he has to move quickly. The scene cuts to Brian sitting at Jake’s sorting through all of his thoughts and considering his next plan of action. Tony walks up to Brian to take his order. As usual, Brian orders a Miller on draft. Tony approaches the fountain but before Brian can return to his thoughts, he hears a crash on the floor. Brian looks down to see a digital camera smashed on the bar floor. Tony becomes flustered and tries to clean up the broken pieces as quickly as possible. Brian goes back to looking at the crime scene photos until he sees something odd. Under the counter where Tony swept up the camera pieces lay a bloody flannel shirt sticking out of the cabinet. Tony follows Brian’s gaze to the shirt and realizes Brian has seen what he has tried to hard to keep hidden. Instead of questioning what he has saw Brian leaves his full beer on the bar and leaves. Back at his dorm room Brian lies in his bed and attempts to put the pieces together. He realizes that the occurrences at the bar could not just be a coincidence. He quickly throws on a jacket and heads back to the bar. Tony works the late shift so he should be getting off work anytime now. Brian finds a dark place in the back of Jakes and waits patiently for Tony to close up. After a few minutes he sees Tony waving goodbye to the last customers as he walks out the back door. Brian watches his every move. Tony walks his car. He looks around to make sure no one is watching. To Brian’s surprise, Tony walks to the back of his car and pops the trunk. He pulls out a large figure, which Brian realizes to be a body. With a harder stare he recognizes the body to be his best friend Jason’s. This triggers a flood of emotions, which Brian cannot control. He runs out from behind a shed and attacks Tony. Startled, Tony falls to the ground. Brian, being much smaller then


Tony cannot fight of his grip. Tony throws Brian against the dumpster and knocks him our cold. In the final scene, Brian opens his eyes and realizes he is in a hospital bed with his arm in a cast and his head bandaged up. He sees his parents and two policemen standing in the corner of the room. He asks what happened and why he is in the hospital. His parents tell him he was badly beaten. The cops go on to say that after he passed out, Tony went to flee the scene but the police, who have been following Tony for two weeks for his numerous drug deals, had been waiting in the front of Jakes to arrest him that night. They heard commotion in the back and after taking Tony into custody saw Brian lying there. Tony confessed to the police that he killed Jason and the other young man because they owed him a large deal of money and posted it on the IU website because he wanted to scare his other clients into paying what they owe. Brian lay stunned in his hospital bed.