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1.2 Overview of Recruitment Process  1.3 Need and Scope of Study  1.4 Industrial profile  1.5 Company profile   2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN  2.1 Type of Research  2.2 Statement of Objective  2.3 Research Instrument  2.4 Questionnaire Design  2.5 Data Collection  2.6 Sampling Procedure   2.7 Period of Study  2.8 Sample Size  2.9 Pilot Survey  3.0 Limitations of the Study   3  









The study was made at HCL BPO on recruitment process for fresh candidates. The scope

of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the current recruitment system and to know

drawbacks of it. Also enable a proper recruitment strategy to be followed for candidates.


The objective of this study is to find out the sources of recruitment preferred by the

company and also find out the difficulties in recruiting candidates.


It also helps in finding out the requirements & sources needed to recruit the candidates

and even improve recruitment process.


The type of research design used is descriptive in nature and the required data is been

generated using a research instrument called the questionnaire, to a sample of 100

employees are convenience sampling and non-probability samplings. The period of study

is three months.


The collected data is been analyzed using various statistical tools named chi-square and

graphs, after analyzing the data general and statistical findings are soughed out through

interpretation, suggestions & recommendations and hence formulated summary of



This study reveals that overall recruitment process given by the organization is effective

and suitable for HCL BPO recruiting strategy.



Recruitment forms first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases

with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the

first being the manpower planning. Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number

and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization.

Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organization

vacancies. In other words, it is a ‘linking activity’ bringing together those with jobs and

those seeking jobs.

Companies are now looking out for new ways of giving themselves a competitive

advantage. New product, new image& new marketing idea are some of the ways this can

be achieved but enlightened and successful companies look towards their people to

provide the leading edge.

Herein lies the important of recruitment and staffing- “placing the right people for right

job”. People are the biggest assets in any organization and it becomes vitally important

that this asset is properly selected and placed in the right place at the right time. There

assets must be properly nurtured and their efforts to be harnessed so as to obtain

maximum productivity. Recruitment is an important aspect in their regard.


Thus, in this context it becomes important to make an empirical study on the

effectiveness of the recruitment process. Henceforth the process of recruitment is viewed

with utmost attention and a study in this aspect is carried out.





Recruitment forms the first stage in the process, which continuous with selection and

ends with the placement of the candidate. It follows the HR planning function. Recruiting

makes it possible to acquire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the

continued operation of an organization.

Recruitment is the art of discovering and procuring potential applicants for actual and

anticipated organizational vacancies.

Accordingly, the purpose of recruitment is to locate sources of manpower to meet job

requirements and job specifications.

Recruitment is considered as one of the most important function in an organization.

Unless the appropriate people are hired, even the best plans, organizational charts, and

control systems would not yield good results. Decisions regarding testing, work policies,

programmes, compensation, and corporate image all have an impact on recruiting.

Factors Affecting Recruitment:

All organizations, large are small, have to engage in recruitment. Some of them delegate

the job to HR Managers, while others involve the HR Managers directly on the job. The

element conditions in the community where the organization is located may be a factor

for attracting potential job applicants. Here, certain geographic factors and location

advantages play an important role.

The effect of past recruiting efforts, which show the organizations ability to locate and

keep good people, is another criterion. For example, if an organization follows the

promotional policy of recruiting from within, the employees will be motivated to

continue in such an organization. Also, the compensation and benefits package offered by

an organization influence and attract employees.


Organizations that are growing and expanding will always find it necessary to recruit and

organizations that are growing may not need any recruitment.

Recruitment Definition:

Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating

them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is often termed positive in that it

stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase the selection ratio. Selection on the

other hand tends to be negative because it rejects a good number of those, who

apply, leaving only the best to be hired.”


Recruiting is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill job

vacancies. Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to

replace those who leave or are promoted, to acquire new skills, and to permit

organizational growth. Recruiting is an even more important activity when

unemployment rates are low and economic growth is strong, as firms compete to

attract the qualified employees they need to succeed.

Therefore, the job of recruitment is based on the mating theory, where the success of both

the parties is critically dependant on timing. Unless the two searches synchronize,

conditions are not ripe for recruitment to succeed.


Purpose And Importance:

The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job

candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to:

1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction

with personnel- planning and job- analysis activities.

2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of

visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will

leave the organization only after a short period of time.

5. Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of

its workforce.

6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate


7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long


8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all

types of job applicants.

qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that

they will apply for the vacant positions.

Recruitment lends itself as a potential source of competitive advantage to a firm.

An effective approach to recruitment can help a company successfully compete for

limited human resources. The firm must choose a recruiting approach that produces the

best pool of candidates quickly and cost effectively. A recruiting programme helps the

firm in at least four ways:


Attract highly qualified and competent people. Ensure that the selected candidates stay longer with the company Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force.

The negative consequences of poor recruitment process speak volumes about its role in

an organization. The failure to generate an adequate number or reasonably qualified

applicants can prove costly in several ways. It can greatly complicate the selection

process and may result in lowering of selection standards. The poor quality of selection

means extra cost on training and supervision. Furthermore, when recruitment fails to

meet organizational needs for talent, a typical response is to raise entry-level pay scales.

This can distort traditional wage and salary relationships in the organization, resulting in

unavoidable consequences. Thus, the effectiveness of the recruitment process can play a

major role in determining the must be expended on other HR activities and their ultimate




Internal promotions


Advertisement in newspapers

Campus recruitment


Job fairs


A common method of recruitment is advertising. Advertising media can range from the

typical classified newspaper ad to very complex and glitzy campaign on radio or


television. Major approaches to advertising include newspapers, radio, television, direct

mail, magazines and directories.

Compilation of the Advertisement :

The advertisement should be designed to ensure that:

It attracts suitable candidates only;

It enhances the public image of the organization;

It reaches appropriate candidates as economically as possible.

It must be based on the facts detailed in the job description and the person specification.

A poor advertisement may attract the wrong type of candidate and distort the number of

applications received i.e. either too few or too many. The advertisement should be non-

discriminatory and should avoid any gender or culturally specific language. There are

certain exceptions to this where the legislation allows an employer to confine a job to a

man, or a woman, where sex is a genuine occupational qualification. The organization

should include in the advertisement its statement of commitment to equal opportunities.

The actual advertisement should be brief and written using a minimalist style as the cost

of advertising is extremely high. The detail about the job should be included in the

Further Particulars about the post issued to all potential applicants. Human Resources

will provide advice on the content of the advertisement, the collation of copy, the

placement of the advertisement and the associated administration.

Campus recruitment:

Campus recruitment becomes a critical source because it provides the management

personnel that will shape the future direction of the organization. These graduates will be

malleable and can be shaped to fit in with the company culture more easily than more

experienced people from organizations.

Some guidelines for improving campus recruitment process are given below:

Identify those institutions from where student who are suited to the organization’s

needs can be found and improve the relationship with such institutions.


Recruiters need to be carefully trained in planning and conducting effective

interviews for gauging the potential of the students rather than only judging mark

based performance.

Use resume databases to aid in the search for viable candidates. Candidates can be

short-listed on the basis of these databases and then called for further interviews.

Provide clear and detailed information about the job and organization so that the

student gets a realistic expectation about the job.


This is a good source but it is more expensive option especially for a company

that is into mass recruitment. The advantage is that the agency will take care of the initial

recruitment stage and this gives the HR department of the company more free time to

concentrate on other important matters. A disadvantage is that if the company has a

contract with many agencies, then there is more possibility of duplication.


The process can be separated into three components:

The process starts with job planning, which among other things involves

analysis of the present and future needs for personnel with different kinds of

competence and for different tasks. This first component of the process may

result in a decision to prepare for new jobs and announce job opportunities.

In the second step of the search process after a vacancy has been defined on

the basis of job planning, the employer has to make his choice between

alternate ways to spread and formulate information about the vacant position.

He can, for example choose between different ways to formulate the

information about what experience and personal abilities of the potential

employee, etc.,

The third and final search decision confronting the employer is to determine

which one of the applicants to hire for the job opening.


Basically, employers’ decisions regarding the use of different search channels and

judgments regarding the suitability of job applicant relate to the problems of

asymmetric information; job applicants have more knowledge of their capabilities

than the prospective employers do. The interaction of productivity difference among

job applicants and employers’ uncertainty as regards the productive capabilities of

individuals may explain decisions taken by the employers both in steps two and three

of the recruitment process.

Hiring is a decision under uncertainty in the sense that the productivity of job

applicants in not directly observable. Therefore the employers are interested in

obtaining information that can serve as good statistic for applicant’s job capabilities

The probably that a job seeker and employer shall find each other and that an

agreement about employment shall be reached, depends on the behavior of both agent

and on their characteristics. In the traditional search theory regarding value of his/her

lifetime income, the reservation wage is important for the probability that a person

shall get a job within a given period of time and thereby for the expected length of the

unemployment spell.

The HR planning is the preliminary step of recruitment process. It is the process by

which an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired

manpower position. It may be viewed as for seeing the human resource requirements

of an organization an its feature supply making necessary adjustments between the

two organizational plans and also foreseeing the possibility of developing the supply

of human resources in order to match it with the requirements by introducing

necessary changes in the functions of HR.

Recruitment has always been a never-ending process in the organization scenario.

Significant transitions have been brought in the long run of recruitment but the major

concentration has always been engaging persons in employment and the initial setup

for this. Recruitment is followed in the all-different sector, be it manufacturing

concern or a service sector. Recruitment is not just confined to its sense it covers the

aspects from selection to training. Despite the usage of various terminologies


describing each step of the recruitment process, it is a chain link where the start is not


Recruitment involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified

candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. Recruitment system can be subdivided

into 4 major sub systems.

Finding out and developing sources

Developing techniques to attract candidates

Employing the techniques

Stimulating the candidates and making for apply for jobs.


The Figure presents an overview of the recruitment process from the perspectives of the

organization and the candidate. When a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives

authorization to fill it, the next step is a careful examination of the job and an

enumeration of the skills, abilities, and experience needed to perform the job

successfully. Existing job analysis documents can be very helpful in this regard. In

addition, the recruitment planner must consider other aspects of the job environment-for

example, the supervisor's management style, the opportunities for advancement, pay, and

geographic location-in deciding what type of candidate to search for and what search

methods to use. After carefully planning the recruiting effort, the recruiter uses one or

more methods to produce a pool of potentially qualified candidates.

A firm can generate candidates internally, from among its present employees who

desire promotion or transfer, or externally, from the labor market. The organization then

screens the candidates, evaluates some of them more thoroughly, and offers the best the

position. Throughout the recruitment process, the organization attempts to "sell" itself to

the more promising candidates-that is, to convince them that the organization is a good

place to work and that it offers what they want in the way of both tangible and intangible


In the recruitment and selection process, the organization's and the individual's

objectives may conflict. The organization is trying to evaluate the candidate's strengths


and weaknesses, but the candidate is trying to present only strengths. Conversely,

although the candidate is trying to ferret out both the good and the bad aspects of the

prospective job and employer, the organization may prefer to reveal only positive aspects.

In addition, each party's own objectives may conflict. The organization wants to treat the

candidate well to increase the probability of job-offer acceptance, yet the need to evaluate

the candidate may dictate the use of methods that may alienate the prospect, such as

background investigations or stress interviews. Analogously, the applicant wants to

appear polite and enthusiastic about the organization to improve the probability of

receiving an offer, but he or she may also want to ask penetrating questions about

compensation, advancement, and the company's financial health and future.



Strategy development



Evaluation and control.



The nature of a firm's recruiting activities should be matched to its strategy and values as

well as to other important features such as the state of the external labor market and the

firm's ability to pay or otherwise induce new employees to join.

Personnel Human Resource Planning

Developing Sources of Potential Employees

Personnel Research

Search for Potential Employees

Internal Sources



Job Posting

Evaluating for Selection

Promoting to Higher Responsibilities

Transferring to New Job

Upgrading in Same Position

Evaluating Recruiting Effectiveness

Placing New Employees on Job

Selecting Qualified Personnel

RecruitingNeeded Personnel

Employee Referrals

External Source


Recruitment Goals:

A good recruiting program needs to serve many and sometimes conflicting goals.

A commonly mentioned goal is to attract a large pool of applicants, but applicant pools

can be too large and thus costly to process. Recruiting must also attract a high proportion

of well-qualified candidates who are seriously interested in accepting a job offer. Post-

hiring goals also must be considered-the recruiting process must yield workers who are

good performers and who will stay with the organization for a reasonable length of time.

Further, all the preceding goals should be reached with the greatest speed and at the least

possible cost to the organization. Balancing these varied goals against one another should

be done with reference to the organization's overall strategy and values.


Internal promotions

Internal transfer


Advertisement in newspapers

Campus recruitment


Job fairs

Internal or External Sources -

Deciding whether the position is to be filled internally or externally is often an early task

in recruitment planning for a specific vacancy. In some cases, there is no decision to be

made. For instance, entry-level jobs must be filled externally, but for other positions, the

company's policy or union contract may require that internal sources be used first. Most

organizations use a mixture of internal and external sources-promoting from within when

qualified employees are available and recruiting' from external sources when new skills

are needed or growth is rapid. Each type of source has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Internal Recruiting -


When internal recruiting is used, a person of known ability fills the vacancy. Since the

emplo1yer has observed the employee in one position, there is less guesswork involved in

assessing his or her suitability for a second position. In contrast, assessments of external

recruits are based on less reliable sources, such as references, and on relatively brief

encounters, such as interviews. Another advantage of promoting from within is that doing

so motivates current employees. Skilled and Ambitious employees are less likely to quit

and more likely to become involved in developmental activities if they believe that

promotion is likely. Also, training and socialization time is reduced when openings are

filled internally because a current employee has less to learn about the organization and

its idiosyncratic procedures than a newcomer. Recruiting may also be faster and less

expensive if an internal candidate can be found. Finally, in times of impending

retrenchment, filling as many jobs as possible internally maximizes job security for

present employees.

Disadvantages of Internal Recruiting –

If the organization is expanding rapidly, there may be an insufficient internal

supply of qualified individuals above the entry level. This situation may result in people

promoted before they are ready or not being allowed to stay in a position long enough to

learn how to do a job well. Also, when one vacancy is filled internally, a second vacancy

is created-the position of the individual who was promoted or transferred to fill the first

vacancy. If this slot is also filled internally, then another vacancy occurs. This movement

of personnel is called the ripple effect. Another disadvantage of internal recruiting is that

some organizations' internal recruiting procedures are extremely cumbersome. Still

another disadvantage of internal recruiting is that an organization can become inbred and

lose flexibility if all its managers are homegrown. Finally, meeting affirmative action

goals usually can be accomplished only by aggressive external recruiting.

Advantages of External Recruiting -

External recruiting can bring in new ideas and viewpoints, avoid the confusion

that accompanies the ripple effect, meet affirmative action goals, and cope with the

demands of rapid growth without overusing inexperienced personnel. Another advantage


maybe savings in training costs. Hiring experienced workers away from other companies

may cut down on the need for a comprehensive training and development program in-

house. Finally, there may be instances that require a severe shakeup or turnaround.

Particularly at the upper-management level, an outsider with no prior commitment to

present employees or ongoing projects may be the only individual with enough

objectivity (and even ruthlessness) to bring about needed changes and enunciate a new

vision for the organization.

Disadvantages of External Recruiting -

One disadvantage of external recruiting is the cost. Because the external labor

market is much larger and harder to reach than the internal one, recruiting externally

usually takes longer and costs more. With external recruiting, there is also the risk of

hiring a candidate who does not live up to the apparent high potential displayed during

the selection process. Finally, too much external recruitment is discouraging to current

employees because it reduces their chances to move up in the organization.

Informal Methods:

External recruiting methods are often grouped into two classes:

1 Informal

2 Formal.

Informal recruiting methods tap a narrower labor market than formal methods. Informal

methods include rehiring former employees or former cooperative education students,

hiring people referred by present employees, and hiring from among those who have

applied without being solicited. Formal recruiting methods search the labor market more

widely for candidates with no previous connection to the company.

Employee referral, also known as word-or-mouth advertising, is quick, effective, and

usually inexpensive. Because employees who refer their friends and acquaintances as

candidates have their own credibility on the line, they tend to refer people who are well

qualified and well motivated and then to mentor these individuals once they are hired. In


essence, the firm has as many recruiters as it has employee.

Formal Methods

Formal methods of external recruiting entail searching the labor market for candi-

dates who have no previous connection to the firm. These methods traditionally have

included newspaper advertising, use of employment agencies and executive search firms,

and campus recruiting. Posting job ads on the Internet, either on the company's own site

or a commercial job board has also become extremely popular in the last few years.

Historically, newspaper advertising has been the most commonly used method of

recruiting. On a scale from 1 (not effective) to 5 (extremely effective for producing high-

performing employees), it is clear that three methods were considered superior: employee

referrals, university recruiting, and executive search firms.

Internet Recruiting:

Internet recruiting has grown at a phenomenal rate over the past few years. Seventy-nine

percent of Fortune's Global 500 companies recruited on the Internet in 2000, and 100

percent were expected to do so by 2002. Entire new job titles-such as Internet Sources,

Internet Recruiting Specialist, and Internet Recruiting Manager-have come into being in

the past few years. Companies find that Internet recruiting is much less expensive and

much faster than traditional methods. It is by far the most economical way to reach a

nationwide or worldwide audience of job candidates. Further advantages of Web-based

recruiting, as seen by HR managers and search consultants, a drawback can sometimes be

the very large number of resumes that are submitted, many of which are not at all suited

to the positions listed.



Need For the Study:

  To know effectiveness of the company’s present recruitment strategy.


Manpower is the main resource of the company, therefore the company need

to know the critical areas where they can implement improvement so as to get

the right candidates at the right time at the right time at right place.

To identify the best source through which the company can recruit good

candidates at less cost.

Scope of the Study:

The study backed by a structured questionnaire, which was the main source of qualitative

data. Initially the study required relying more on secondary data. The study also covers

the tools to improve the recruitment strategy.


The aims of the recruitment and selection process are,


Recruit high quality staff with the right skills on the appropriate contracts to

deliver the key objectives of the position and organization;

Ensure that equality of opportunity is considered as an integral part of

recruitment practice, thus encouraging diversity;

Ensure that recruitment is effective as a key public relations exercise for all


Ensure that recruitment is fair, efficient and cost-effective.


Definition – BPO:

“Delegation of one or more business process to an external provider who, in turn,

owns, administers, and manages the selected process (e.g.) [together with the IT system

that support it], based upon defined and measurable performance”

- Gartner


BPO Industry in India

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a broad term referring to outsourcing in all

fields. A BPO differentiates itself by either putting in new technology or applying

existing technology in a new way to improve a process.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-

intensive business processes to an external provider that in turn owns administers and

manages the selected process based on defined and measurable performance criteria.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the fastest growing segments of the

Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry.

 Few of the motivation factors as to why BPO is gaining ground are:

Advantage Factor Cost

Economy of Scale

Business Risk Mitigation

Superior Competency

Utilization Improvement

Generally outsourcing can be defined as - An organization entering into a contract with

another organization to operate and manage one or more of its business processes.  


Different Types of Services Being Offered By BPO’s:

Customer Support Services :


Our customer service offerings create a virtual customer service center to manage

customer concerns and queries through multiple channels including voice, e-mail

and chat on a 24/7 and 365 days basis.

Technical Support Services :

Our technical support offerings include round-the-clock technical support and

problem resolution for OEM customers and computer hardware, software,

peripherals and Internet infrastructure manufacturing companies. These include

installation and product support, up & running support, troubleshooting and

Usage support.  

Telemarketing Services :

Our telesales and telemarketing outsourcing services target interaction with

potential customers for 'prospecting' like either for generating interest in products

and services, or to up-sell / promote and cross sell to an existing customer base or

to complete the sales process online.

Insurance Processing:

Our insurance processing services provide specialized solutions to the insurance

sector and support critical business processes applicable to the industry right from

new business acquisition to policy maintenance to claims processing.

Data Conversion Services :

o Conversion of data across various databases on different platforms

o Data Conversion via Input / Output for various media.


o Data Conversion for databases, word processors, spreadsheets, and many

other standard and custom-made software packages as per requirement.

o Conversion from Page maker to PDF format.

o Conversion from Ms-Word to HTML format

o formats.

Scanning, OCR with Editing & Indexing Services :

o High speed Image-Scanning and Data capture services

o High speed large volume scanning

o OCR Data From Scanned page / image

o Scan & OCR paper Book in to CD.

Book Keeping and Accounting Services:

o General Ledger

o Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable

o Financial Statements

o Bank Reconciliation

o Assets / Equipment Ledgers etc.

Form Processing Services :


o Insurance claim form

o Medical Form / Medical billing

o Online Form Processing

o Payroll Processing etc.

Internet / Online / Web Research :

o Internet Search, Product Research, Market Research, Survey, Analysis.

o Web and Mailing list research etc.

Challenges for a HR Professional in BPO:

Brand equity: People still consider BPO to be "low brow", thus making it

difficult to attract the best talent.

Standard pre-job training: Again, due to the wide variety of the jobs, lack of

general clarity on skill sets, etc, there is no standard curriculum, which could

be designed and followed.

Benchmarks: There are hardly any benchmarks for compensation and benefits,

performance or HR policies. Everyone is charting their own course.

Customer-companies tend to demand better results from outsourcing partners

than what they could actually expect from their own departments. "When the

job is being done 10,000 miles away, demands on parameters such as quality,

turn around timeliness, information security, business continuity and disaster

recovery, etc, are far higher than at home.


Lack of focused training and certifications

Key To Success

The key to success in ramping up talent in a BPO environment is a rapid training module.

The training component has to be seen as an important sub-process, requiring constant re-



HCL BPO is a division of HCL Technologies Limited, a Global Technology and IT

enterprise. HCL is a 31 year old enterprise, with US $ 4.1 Billion revenue, 47,100

professionals operating out of 17 countries. HCL BPO is one of the early players in

Business Process Outsourcing in the world. Having over 11,800 professionals operating

out of India and Northern Ireland, HCL BPO runs eleven centers in India, two centers in

UK and one center in Malaysia and supports Multi-lingual languages that include Eight

European Languages and Eight APAC languages.

HCL BPO’s focus verticals include Telecom, Retail, Banking and Financial Services,

Insurance and Hi-Tech and Manufacturing. This apart, the company services various

areas of operations that include Supply Chain Management, Order to Cash, Finance and

Accounting Services, Knowledge & Legal Services and Technical Support Services.

Vision Statement


“Together we create the enterprises of tomorrow”

Mission Statement :


“To provide world-class information technology solutions and services to enable our

customers to serve their customers better”

HCL- as India’s largest IT conglomerate-is actively involved with the growth of the India

ITES industry. As an experienced global software outsourcing enterprise, HCL has

extensive and understanding of the critical issues and concerns related to offshore

outsourcing. At a macro level these can be broadly categorized in to:

Risk Mitigation

Value Addition

Risk Mitigation:

The key components of Risk Mitigation are as follows:

Process Migration in the first phase of outsourcing, seamless and timely

Process Migration is critical for building first level comfort in the

outsourcing initiative.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

The infrastructure to effectively mitigate local and geographic

disaster scenarios.

The ability to ensure rapid resumption of process delivery


Manpower Attrition and Cost Control

Establishing business presence in prime secondary locations.

Existence of management and infrastructure resources in the target



Value addition:

Strong financials to support large contracts

Strong balance sheet/nil debt company

Committed $ 40 M for Contact center and BPO businesses.

Experience of creating and managing large scale infrastructure and

resource base.

Demonstrated experience of managing large heterogeneous

hardware/software installation base.


Consistently deliver value to our stakeholders and innovate to continually

improve our services by review of processes, people and performance.


ISO 9001:2000

23 processes including Operations, Recruitment, Quality Assurance,

Voice & Accent training, Marketing, Legal, Procurement, Transportation and

Management documented and certified.

External evaluation and certification conducted by the British Standards

Institution against BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and certified as ISO compliant for BPO &

Contact Center Services. 

Purdue Benchmark:


HCL BPO Services is positioned in the upper right hand quadrant of

the Effectiveness-Efficiency grid and ranked 2nd in the Global Peer group. 


Major Observations:

Excellent SLA performance tracking, improvement and management

methodologies at all levels

Team Leader to Top Management

Very low rate of manpower attrition

Strong organizational capability to attain and maintain high levels of

manpower motivation.

Six Sigma:

HCL BPO Services Process Improvement Program is led by a Six Sigma

Master Black Belt. The Six Sigma methodology for continues improvement of its

processes and performance. Tools like Fishbone analysis, Design of Experiments,

Detailed Process mapping, Histograms, Pareto Charts, Control charts and many

others are effectively used for such analysis.

BS 7799 Certification:

Information is the lifeblood of all organizations and can exist in many forms. Recent

high-profile information security breaches and the value of information are

highlighting the ever-increasing need for organizations to protect their data

BS7799 is the British standard for the “protection of an organizations information

asset”. The road cannot be justified, but it can be quantified by the benefits to your


business. The certification is not a one-off task; it must be periodically, reviewed by

an external assessor.

The certification is an endorsement of the processes that the Chennai center

has in place to safeguard the security of data, and also as mechanism in place for issues

relating to business continuity and disaster recovery. The certification is valid for a

period of 3years.

HCL BPO Services, with a committed top-level management and dedicated

experienced employees made the certification possible within a short span of five


Recruitment and selection procedure at HCL BPO:

Requirement Generation:

Requirement to fill up a vacancy/generate new position would be raised by the concerned

department on the manpower requisition form (Annexure 1) and forwarded to the HR

team, keeping the lead times for filling up the vacancies in perspective.


The HR and Operations teams mutually decide on the date by which the requirement

needs to be closed. The HR team would fill the vacancies on or before the agreed date.


Selection process:

The selection process begins with the short-listing of the CV’s.

Every candidate whose CV has been short listed goes through:

Written test. (Optional-as per process requirement)

Group discussion. (If the candidates are in the large numbers/walk in through


Interview by the training Team for voice and Accent or

Interview by Operations team/Concerned manager, followed by the Final HR





‘Research’ means a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a

specific topic. Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for

new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research comprises defining and redefining

problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solution; collecting, organizing and

evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing

the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.


‘Methodology’ is defined a “the study of methods by which we gain knowledge, it deals

with cognitive processes imposed on research b the problems rising from the nature of its

subject matter”



Descriptive research has been used; it involves surveys and fact-findings enquirer of

different kinds the major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the state of

affairs, as it exists at present. The main characteristics of this method are that the

researcher has no control over the variable; can only report what had happened or what is

happening. The methods of research utilized in descriptive research are survey methods

of all kinds, including comparative and correlation methods.





To study about the recruitment process in HCL BPO



To study the basis of appointment

To study the attrition level and its linkage with recruitment techniques used.

To identify the sources of recruitment preferred by the company

To offer suggestions to strengthen the crucial area of Recruitment and Selection


To develop and maintain procedures which will assist in ensuring the appointment

of most suitable candidate.


The research instrument used in this study “structured questionnaire”. Structured

questionnaire are those questionnaire in which there are predetermined question relating

to the aspect for which the researcher collects data. The questions are presented with

exactly the same wording and in the same order to all the respondents.




The structured questionnaire for recruitment process with the following types of

questionnaires open ended, closed ended, multiple choice, types of questions.


Data refers to information or facts. It includes numerical figures, non –numerical figures,

descriptive facts, and qualitative information. The task of data collection begins after


research problem has been defined and research plan has been decided. The nature of the

data is both Primary and Secondary data.




The primary data are those that are collected through questionnaire and direct personal

interview. The questionnaire was framed in such a manner to obtain correct information,

graded suitably for the study.




The secondary data has been collected through oral communication. Secondary data

about the company profile and other details were collected from the company website.



Convenience sampling has been used in this study. Convenience sampling is used for

selection of homogeneous sample for the study. It refers to selection a sample of study.

It is a non-probability sampling. Thus research study may include study objects, which

are conveniently located. Research findings based on convenient sampling however,

cannot be generalized.



The study was under taken for a 3 months during MAR 5th to MAY 25th 2009. During the

period following steps are taken:


Objectives were set and questionnaire was finalized.

Data were collected and recorded

Data were analyzed and interpreted


Reports were generated



Due to time and resource constraint the sample size has been taken as 100 for survey. In

consultation with the company guide and the project guide.




A pilot survey with 5 samples from employees was conducted for testing the validity of

the questions. It was found that there was no need for changes in the questionnaire and

hence the same questionnaire was used for final survey also.


Need For the Study:

  To know effectiveness of the company’s present recruitment strategy.

Manpower is the main resource of the company, therefore the company need

to know the critical areas where they can implement improvement so as to get

the right candidates at the right time at the right time at right place.

To identify the best source through which the company can recruit good

candidates at less cost.

Scope of the Study:

The study backed by a structured questionnaire, which was the main source of qualitative

data. Initially the study required relying more on secondary data. The study also covers

the tools to improve the recruitment strategy.

The aims of the recruitment and selection process should be to



Recruit high quality staff with the right skills on the appropriate contracts to

deliver the key objectives of the position and organization;

Ensure that equality of opportunity is considered as an integral part of

recruitment practice, thus encouraging diversity;

Ensure that recruitment is effective as a key public relations exercise for all


Ensure that recruitment is fair, efficient and cost-effective.


Time was the main constraint. The project should be completed within stipulated

time limit (i.e. Mar 2nd – May 3rd)

Since the project is of qualitative nature there was the participant’s bias in some


Some information cannot be accessed due to its confidential nature.






The company should increase its intake of employees by recruiting from

Educational Institutes more vigorously.

The company should introduce a mobile recruitment team who can go from places

to places to select the candidates quickly and cost effectively.

To avoid the drain out of candidates because of less pay, company should give

incentives to the candidate based on the performance every month.

Company should give appraisal to the candidates in form of promotion or raise in

salary to enhance their performances and company should arrange further

workshops for least performing employees so as to increase their performance


Candidates with working experience in any other BPO shouldn’t be drained at all

instead should be hired and given training according to the requirement of the

company process.

Advertisement is the best source to grab maximum candidates, eventhough it is

expensive. This one time investment helps to reach maximum candidates. In

addition to this, employee references are the best source to get skilled candidates.


Jobsites and Online (Consultancies) are the best source to reduce the time and

save time to get candidates.


This study has focused on the recruitment process of HCL Technologies BPO Services

Ltd. The study has been conducted from the employees working for recruitment process


The company seems to be moving its right lines as far as its recruitment strategy is

concerned. However a few drawbacks were found and suggestions are recommended for


Since the company is at its early stages and since recruitment is carried out on a mass

scale it becomes important to concentrate on this aspect. With these objectives in mind

this study has been conducted.