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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionUnit 4: Final Major Project Proposal Form

Liam BelchMedia Format (film, documentary, motion graphics, photography, animation, graphic design etc)

Surrealist and Fashion Photography in a more Artistic Style as opposed to Commercial.

Synopsis of Idea (content, narrative, genre)

I will be creating a slideshow of a series of images based off my perception of what is right and wrong with the world and society today. I will explore multiple subjects including Vanity, Sex, Power & control, Religion, corruption and other things in this kind of area. I want to stir up some trouble and cause a bit of controversy. I want my audience to think and challenge their perceptions of what they think is right, wrong and shocking. Music will most likely accompany the slideshow. Drawing my inspiration from various Musicians I aim to add a visual representation of the feeling and meanings that the artists portray. I plan to also use text throughout the slideshow of quotes and maybe a lyric or two. ‘’If you don’t Have any shadows you aren’t standing in the light’’

Target Audience? (demographic NOT age range)

I will be aiming this towards older teenagers and young adults both male and female, although it is aged at a younger adult range I believe adults of any age can also enjoy/hate what I have to offer. Most images will be unsuitable for a younger audience. The subject material will be confrontational and some may say vulgar to a degree. When you grow up you lose the innocence you had as a child so I think It’s important to protect that innocence for as long as possible before you throw a child into the cess pool that is the world

Target Audience Needs?

I want to assault my audience’s minds and eyes and break down the walls of perception and prejudice and allow creative ideas to flow, I believe that a breath of fresh air is needed for some people to open their minds a bit more and challenge their morals and idealistic fantasies. I want to poke fun at what is wrong with the world and hopefully shed some light on some people who are kept in the dark. My audience will enter with minds full of pre-conceived notions and I will aim to shatter these expectations through confrontation. When people think of a fashion photography exhibit or piece of work they will instantly assume that it will be full of models that are photo-shopped to hell with air brushes and magic weight loss but I intend to tear down the walls of this perfection and throw some real/surrealist views at them.

How will your project meet the needs of your target audience? (Make reference to

The images I will compose will be of a sensitive and offensive and perhaps somewhat dark nature. I will be frank brutal and straight to the point. I believe that today in society everyone seems to dodge around the point and care too much about being straight to the point. My medicine will be

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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionUnit 4: Final Major Project Proposal Form

Liam Belchcontent you think will appeal to your target audience)

bitter and will come with no sugar.

What production techniques will you use to realise your project?

Focusing more on content of each photograph and the design and layout as opposed to the editing and touching up, I will try to keep my images as real as possible to help further push along the bitter point instead of covering with perfection and lies. You can’t airbrush real life. Each photograph will be painstakingly laid out with many different props and people like a digital painting.