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  • 8/6/2019 Final Hum3




    1858-The british government ruled india derictly with Qeen Victoria proclaimedas empress of india

    1876-Qeen Victoria adopted the title of empress of india and henceforth indiabecame known officially as the INDIAN IMPIRE with a VICEROY instead ofgovernor-general.

    WHITE MANS BURDEN- the primary goal of the british system of education the word of british PARLIAMENTARIAN THOMAS MACAULAY.


    Hindu and muslim recruited and trained alongside the british army.thecounter part soldiers CALLED SEPOYthe first Indians to resist their britishoppressor in the SEPOY MUTINY in may 10,1857

    The british enacted an anti -sedation law as the ROWLATT ACT OF 1919

    APRIL 13,1919-a huge crowd of Indians assembled in jallianwalla bagh,an enclosedsquare in Amritsar.

    GENERAL ,REGINALD DYER commanded 50 Indian soldiers to shoot at the crowd.outof 1,650 rounds fired,379 were killed and 1,137 injured.

    The reformist-lawyer CALLED MAHATMA OR GREAT SOUL.he advocatedSATYAGRAHA on the pronouncement he made:

    I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted

    on ones opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy.for what appears

    to be truth to the one may appear to be error to other.and patience means self the doctrine

    came to mean vindication of truth,not by infliction of suffering on the opponent,but on oneself.


    MAY 21,1930-more than 1,300 indian protestors inspired by Gandhis Satyagrahaprinciple marched to the Dharasana salt factory operated by the British governmentand were confronted by Indian policeman.

    The american journalist web miller who was on the actual scene, reportedthe incident which was published in internationalist news.according to millersreport,two Indians died and 320 injured. The filed eport described the incident:

    Not one of marchers even raised an arm to fend off blows.they went down like tenpins.from

    where i stood i heard the sickening whacks of the clubs on unprotected skulls.

    The waiting crowd of watchers groaned and sucked in their breaths in sympathetic pain at very

    blow.those struck down fell sprawling, unconscious or writhing in pain with fractured akulls or broken


  • 8/6/2019 Final Hum3


    In two or three minutes the ground was quilted with bodies.great patches of blood widened on

    their white clothes.the survivors without breaking ranks silently and doggedly marched on until struck


    Amid forign critism and international pressure,Britain conceded to negotiate forindias independence.since the reconciliation of Indian muslims and hindus under aunitary government was not possible and in order to avoid a civil war: mohammad AliJinnah-representing the muslims and Mohandas Gandhi representing the hinduscame to terms with the partition of india.

    AUGUST 14,1947- India was Partitioned with the inception of a new state of Pakistanfor the Muslim.AUGUST 15,1947-indian Independence was granted.both Jinnah and Gandhi becamethe FATHER of INDEPENDENCE for their respective nations.

    JANUARY 30,1948- Gandhi was assassinated by a fanatical hindu.


    1786- francis light established the first british colony of Georgetown inPenang,Malacca which is now Malaysia.on a nerby island,Thomas Stamford rafflesbecame the first European and british to have explored what is now the island ofSingapore in1819.raffles led to the commercial development of the island by promotingfree trade.