Download - Final Design Direction


Have something you only show to people who are close to you?

What if it were something you needed to carry with you?

Would you bring it with you if it was embarrassing or annoying to carry?

Katie has cancer. She needs oxygen at all times.

This is how she has to carry her tank. How else can we carry oxygen?

Katie needed to carry her medicine and she was embarrassed.

Current carrying devices for medical equipment need a redesign.

People need to carry medical equipment and avoid it.

Creating a holder that one loves will allow him or her to confidently carry the medicine they need to be healthy.

What other types of users are in need of carrying devices that may disguise their private items?

Discover a design that allows one to confidently carry medicine.

Explore what material and form is best for carrying a medical device.

Research carriers users desire for portability of medicine...

Research carriers users desire for portability of medicine... medicine carriers that allow people to live again.