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My Site ProposalAdvantages of lot: The lot has a beautiful view. It gets double access. One is private while

the other public. The lot has a view that goes almost 180

degrees. It is closed and open due to the amount of

trees that lye in front of it. Near library, library, close to freeway but not

to the point where the sound starts to bother .

Garage is secluded. The double access allows for intimacy with

surrounding buildings but at the same time reserved space for owner.

The back access gives the lot extra space

Disadvantages of lot: The lot lies on a busy street. It is on an inclined slope. View is obstructed by college in front.

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Final ProjectWhen I first found out that the task was to look for a lot , I was excited because that meant I got to choose the location of what I was going to design. I knew I had to make a list of the essential things my lot needed to have. My main concern was that the lot was the widest possible in that neighborhood and that it captured beautiful views that could be framed architecturally.

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The site chosen to my satisfaction was near the site I had chosen at first. It contains a beautiful view contradicted by its lovely sounds of cars speeding u or down the front street. The back of the site is hidden by a back street where all the neighbors meet at the most important parts of the day. Most likely in the early morning or in the evening. During our task of investigation at first I wanted to look into the different cultures that inhabited Sunnyside during the past years and how they shaped the community in commercially, but after researching and not finding enough information, I decided to go a different direction. The next thing that caught my frame of thought were the streets, how did they com about having those names and why? Was it simply due to money or because that a person contributed a lot of their time to the community?

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Where did these streets come form?Judson street: was named after the founder of the Judson Iron works, his name was Egbert Judson.Hearts street: was named after a Forty-Niner. His name was George Hearst and bought the San Francisco Examiner. He was also appointed a US Senator in 1886. Joost Ave : was named after Behrend Joost who built the electric streetcars which connected Glen Park the rest of San Francisco.Baden street: was named after a stop on San Francisco Railroad which some old timers called “the peanut special”. Near this station was the Baden dog-racing track.Flood avenue: was named after a guy called Flood that arrived in California during the Gold Rush and he, James Fair, John Mackay and William S. O’Brien became known ad the Bonanza Kings, as they all made their fortunes mining silver in Nevada.

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Where did these street names come form?

Congo street: probably names after the world’s second largest river basin and the second longest river in Africa. The name came form the Kongo people who inhabited central Africa.Phelan avenue: was named after James Phelan who became very wealthy during the Gold Rush as a trader, merchant, and banker. He was elected mayor of San Francisco and later served as Senator of the US.Gennessee street: names after the region in Upstate New York. The word originally means an Indian one which means “beautiful valley "in the Iroquoian language.

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How are these streets used?

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Were the most used streets given important names?

Phelan avenue, Judson street, Monterey boulevard, Foerster street and Gennessee street.All these streets except for two have very important names due to their contribution to the communities growth at that time. No direct connection stating the significance of the streets names to the actual growth of the Sunnyside district. The only street that had a direct connection was Phelan avenue because James Phelan who was mayor of San Francisco and later US senator. Therefore the names of the streets where not impacted by what was surrounding them.

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Types of Street Usage

There are mainly 5 types: -Car


- AirplaneThey all create different paths and different

characteristics around this district.

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Paths-Cars/ motorcycle take any street even the back alley streets. -Bicycles have barely any bike lanes-Buses-on the other hand have very specific routes. - Walking has the most paths.

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Question, thoughts all unanswered, waiting for a path to follow.Class questions:Why tri-levels?What is the logic behind the displacement?Create minorities: so there will be different levels of significance and won’t endup chaotic.As I got home I knew what I wanted to explore : motion. The motion of cars,

bikes, and buses. I looked at images, played with Photoshop to see if I was headed somewhere with this idea but it seemed like useless piece of information.

After this exploration I decided to just think of what I could approach next but nothing came to mind . The things I thought of had no connection with what I was doing or with the actual site. I started looking up birds but they had no connection to the site all they were to me was interesting. At this point I was just lost on what was expected from me to accomplish.

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ModelsFor some reason the idea of exploring this proposed healthier San Francisco

seemed key to my development. The proposed San Francisco looks a lot friendlier and less city life. The plantation of trees and plants around specific streets. It reminds me a lot of my home city Goiania in Brazil. Full of beautiful flowers all over , so every where you go you have an escape to nature. It calms your stresses. My goal is too include a sanctuary so that no matter where your location is you get a glimpse of nature.

During this time I was looking at including the idea of the perfectness in the imperfect by showing nature throughout the path in the house because to me that meant I was including a little bit of what Wabi-Sabi meant.

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ModelsLater I decided to look at crime rates because it thought it would lead me to a development in the streets. I thought I would add a layer to my language but it did not seem to help much .In these charts I was looking at how the crimes either stolen goods, traffic or even fights were related to streets. I took data of many years and added it into my language. I did that by having the intersections more visible between streets. So the transition from one street to another would be more noticeable. The top chart is talking about how much was mentioned good or bad about Sunnyside District. I wanted to see if there was a big transition from before until now but my studies did not lead me to a important data that would help me with my models.


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Beginning ModelsMy initial models were all based on my initial investigation. I measured out the streets to their exact size in the map. Then I set up my model so that the streets would form my models shape. The displacement in circular motion was based off the movement of the sun from West to East. The sizes of each strand of line are all equal but the rest is dependent on the streets. I was looking at the idea of how the movement on the streets could shape the form of a building. I displaced each level by an equal amount each time so that time could be infused into my future building. The reason I stayed with the number three was because of the sun, since it faces West initially then South and finally East.

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ModelsLater I included in my models the idea of how different modes of transportation use the streets . So I began to look at how buses use the streets and which ones exactly. By doing this I thought I would increases my language in the sense that the shape would start to form. The form was still not precise but began to arise because there were some strands that were thicker while others were thin. By doing this I wanted to create higher levels and lower levels in my building. I wanted intersecting levels so that hierarchies could be made.

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Although I played with the length of the lines I did not create a difference betweens levels. There was no separation between levels other then the displacement.

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ModelsLater I looked at the bike routes and

how they affected the spaces around the neighborhoods. So in my model there are three lengths of lines depending on the most usage of the streets. The rotation stays with the same reason as before but the lengths change due to the usage. I felt this was important because I wanted movement to shape the required spaces: kitchen , living room, bedroom, etc.

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ModelsI decided to stay with the length of only

one level as my main structure. I kept the interlocking of walls because I felt that was a very strong part of my tectonic language. The reason I believe this is due to the openings they create and the projecting walls that can be used in the future not just architecturally but with a purpose. The walls on the inside also serve as an extension on creating private verses public spaces. The spaces were decided to be private if a complete view of the inside could be seem form the outside. Public were the space where 30% could be seen form the outside.

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ModelsNow here I was exploring the idea of

having exterior spaces on all three sides: South, West, and East. I wanted my homeowner to feel as if could experience outdoor living from the time of the day where the sun was very strong but also when it was going away. Another reason to why the exterior living was on the sides were so no much of the square footage was used. I wanted to create as much living space out of the small lot that was handed to us.

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ModelsI still had the same concept of exterior

spaces but with a more concrete purpose, that being exterior gardens. The fencing would be to block neighbors of complete sight of what happens on the exterior gardens. In the inside there was suppose to be one main circular stairs that would lead you to all three levels. I wanted key stairs to connect all space together, so unity would be emphasized during that moment when you are ascending or descending the staircase. My main focus was on creating exterior space out of the 5 foot set backs on each side so that no space would go to waste.

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ModelsAfter including the actual

measurement of the lot into my model, I noticed that it was impossible to keep with the entire form of before. So I started by massing the lot how I planned to use it. I decided to give my design a center courtyard in the middle so there would be a transition from public to private spaces. A purification from one space to another. I was focused on emphasizing the difference from one side of the lot to the other side.

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ModelsAfter taking into consideration the

courtyard I looked at how from on side of the lot there had to be a semi vision into the other side. I wanted communication between side and the only way to create that was to include openings facing the main courtyard. Both sides have an angle to them so they give the idea of movement , what I began with in the first models. I kept the interlocking but they are no longer serving the purpose I liked in the beginning. Now they do not seem like a whole piece but instead they appear to be each separate pieces that were glued together. They lack the character that I initially had.

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ModelsLater my major concern was the use of

stairs but only externally so the least amount of square footage inside would be used. I did not want to have big staircases occupying the space of any of the rooms. I wanted my stairs to allow the one that is ascending it or descending it to experience a breath of fresh air followed by a beautiful view. I want my staircases to frame views to the West and to the South. The major problem is that my client could be in dangerous safe conditions while traveling through the stairs and in order to solve that problem I included an over hanger on top of each stair so that if it rains he will be protected.

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ModelsAs I was investigating I came a cross

the important aspect of ambient lighting. I decided that all my roofs would allow light in so it would light up the spaces naturally but at the same time would not completely heat up the place. I do not want my client to burn himself while sitting on his sofa because the roof allows light to penetrate in. I also inclined my roof toward the back building so that fresh air can ventilate the space . I do not want

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ModelsDuring the final touches my major concern

was where and how light would transpire into the spaces. I wanted to take advantage of natural light the most possible. I decided later to open up the west facing side so that light could come in during the day, so if one would want to sit outside and read, have a barbecue or even just chat with their loved ones that would be possible. I included windows facing west because I wanted my client to be woken up by the sun and not some alarm clock. I tried to remove the box feeling I had before and I believe I achieved that by opening it up more to the outside. I allow light in but I also block it out by having projecting walls near the windows so depending on the angle of the sun it allows limited light through.

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