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Page 1: Film treatment draft 1

Film Treatment OTS (Draft 1)

Emma MarshallAnnamaria Noto

Bridget Cardenas Pazmino

Page 2: Film treatment draft 1


The opening sequence begins with an overhead shot of AMBER’S face with her eyes shut. She’s lying on the ground outdoors with an emotionless face. Her make-up is pretty simple (perhaps mascara and simple eyeliner), her skin tone is normal/pale.

After a flash or dissolve transition signifying a flashback/ traveling slightly back in time, there is a long shot of AMBER, FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 wondering down the lane/path. Their body language implies they’re bored and tired of doing nothing interesting.

Mid shot of AMBER, FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 continuing to walk down the path. The mid shot allows us to have a closer look at their bored facial expression.

Close up shot of AMBER’S face, still portraying bored-ness. Her eyes glance away off screen to look at a sign which is shown in the next shot.

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Cutaway to an insert shot of a sign which says ‘Graveyard’ on the wall. Eye-line match occurs.

Mid shot of the three friends who are now standing instead of walking. AMBER looks worried and nervous but FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 look excited and intrigued. FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 leave the shot excitedly implying they’re going to go towards graveyard.

Close up of AMBER’S face, she is left behind with a nervous look on her face suggesting she knows it’s a bad idea to go to the graveyard.

POV from AMBER’S perspective. Shows FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 in the distance already inside the graveyard. They seem to be find it exciting and are having fun.

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360 rotation around AMBER. She feels and looks lost and alone. This is portrayed through the worried and lost look on her face and her arms are stiff by her side.

Long shot from behind AMBER, showing her running down the remainder of the pathway to join FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 inside the graveyard.

POV(which is also long shot)from FRIEND 1’S perspective of AMBER coming towards them to join them in the graveyard.

Mid-long shot of FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 running/skipping joyfully around the graveyard; just generally having fun being there.

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Mid shot of AMBER standing alone once again. She looks lonely, bored and bit scared. She hears a sound which appears to come from behind her (sounds like a twig or stick snapping)her head turns around quickly in panic.

Close up of AMBER’S anxious but intrigued face, her eyes glancing towards where the sound has just come from.

Insert shot (also eye line match of what AMBER can see) of where the sound was from. The shot shows the back of the graveyard, with lots of dark trees.

POV from MYSTERY CREATURE’S perspective from inside the trees of AMBER turning back around to look back towards FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2.

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POV from AMBER’S perspective (with eye line match) showing FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 still having fun and laughing on their own. They seem to not care that AMBER isn’t with them.

Another POV from MYSTERY CREATURE’S perspective from inside the trees showing AMBER hesitating, but then deciding to leave FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 and start to walk towards where she thought the sound came from.

Mid shot of FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 still distracted, having fun by themselves, excited by the fact it’s a graveyard. Still oblivious to the fact AMBER has wondered off.

FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 hear a loud and ear-piercing scream and there is a close up shot of FRIEND 1 suddenly realising that AMBER is no longer with them. Her eyes have widened and her eye brows have risen to show the realisation and shock.

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Two shot of FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 looking around trying to see if they can spot/find her.

Slow reverse zoom into a long shot of FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 rushing about chaotically in an attempt to find AMBER.

Slow tilt of the camera from the long shot. The camera faces down onto the floor while FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 are still searching in the background. (As the tilt continues FRIEND 1 and FRIEND 2 disappear out of shot) AMBER is lying on the ground with her eyes shut. Her face is of a pale complexion (just like the beginning shot of the opening sequence).

Slow zoom into a close up of AMBER’S emotionless face. Her eyes suddenly open to reveal that they are a red/orange colour. Her eyes are extremely wide and look possessed.

It then cuts to and ends with a black screen.