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Empty WorldChapter 1: Parents

Olive wakes up on her desk with notices that her laptop’s battery almost depleted. She just spent the entire day working on her art history report and have dosed off. Still feeling drowsy she looks up at the mounted clock on the wall. It’s almost 8:00, dinnertime. A black SUV arrives at the driveway, Olive’s mother exits from the driver’s seat with a bag of groceries. She hears her mother’s footsteps from across the hall, soft with a slight tap on each step like a mother’s touch. Footsteps can tell a lot about a person’s attitude, at least that’s what Olive believes.

She saves her report then dashes down the stairs and walks into the living room. She sits at a chair and waits for her mother to open the door. Feeling a bit nervous, she takes small breaths for few seconds till she calms down. Art History isn’t one of her strongest subjects because of the large amount of research the school makes her do. Let’s be honest, research isn’t for everybody but it’s still needed, sadly. English on the other hand is much more fun because she gets to write short stories and reads them in front of the class. Her teacher even encourages her to publish her stories as she thinks she is gifted and has a strong imagination. She even have a short story saved in her laptop. Olive wonders what’s for supper tonight, maybe a big fat juicy steak that’s rich with flavor. The door opens with the same creaking sound that you hear in horror movies. They should really get this fixed otherwise she will assume that a burglar is coming in to steal everything.

“Good eveeening”“Olive, you scare me sometimes when you talk like that”. “that’s what I was hoping”


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Her mother gives hers a paper bag with some frozen food in it. “Did you do the dead?” “You mean did I hide the body?” “Olive, you know what I mean” “Its almost done” Olive doesn’t like her studies and can’t see the point of Art History. It’s not like she is going to use it in the near future and besides she thinks art is supposed to be more expressive.

“Olive, you have to take it more seriously otherwise you will be held back in school and I don’t want to hear from your history teacher that you are falling behind.” Says her mother.

“I don’t think that Mister Joe even likes me, maybe we should find him and make him give me good grades, I have some photos of him in my drawer right now”

“watch your tone otherwise, ill mention it it him in the next parent teacher meeting, now come and help me with a grocery” She follows her mother to the kitchen. One by one they place food into the fridge which is huge that even Olive can fit in and there still be enough for a medium pizza. “Promise me, not to get mad” Olive opens a bag of Black olives and reaches for a piece and puts it into her mouth.“Why would I get mad?Her mother sighs and looks directly to her daughter“Promise me”“ok?”“Your father will be joining us for dinner tonight”


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Olives goes silent at the mere mention of his name like he is dead to her. Let’s just say that her father and her aren’t in speaking terms. He was known to beat his daughter and his wife when ever he is not happy even if it’s all his faulty . He almost tried to kill his wife but stopped after seeing his daughter crying and he stopped.His wife called 911 and the police arrested him for domestic violence.He had to spend 6 months in prison. This experience traumatized her and now she goes to therapy in a weekly basis and even takes some medications to calm her nerves. Luckily he spent most of his time in prison so there weren't any permanent damages to her mind.

“When will he arrive?” Her breath starts to shorten with every coming second. It’s like breathing too much oxygen “I will have to go back up and get my meds”

She goes back to her room and searches for her medication to help her get thru today without any melt down. The room starts too look like a dump with clothes and books scattered on the ground. No medicine bottles are found. She leaves her room and runs to the stairs summons enough strength to call her mom. “What is it?” her mom asks “Where are my medicine bottles?” she says while panicking “The bottle was empty so I threw it out” “You What!!” Olive bashes her head repeatedly trying to get a concussion. How will I able to get through today She goes down the stair case and sees her mom standing “Come here” Her mother opens her arms and puts it around Olive’s shoulder for a hug. It feels warm, like a jacket in a cold winter. Her hand touched her hair and she strokes it gently. They both sit on the stairs and wait for her father to arrive. Olive’s head rests on her mother’s chest while and they both stair at the door, waiting for her father to arrive.


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“Thank you”“It’s okay to feel afraid sometimes honey. Heck, I sometimes get scared”“Really?”“Of course”“Can you tell me what it is?” “Ok, but please promise me you wont laugh or tell anyone”They both lift there picky and crossed them together making a strong promise. “I am afraid of loosing you and a lot braver then me” “you wont loose me, trust me” “Are you sure you can” “What?” “Handle your father for tonight, I mean he has a few days off until ge can find” “Ill do my best”

A police car arrives at the street and inside it is a man with some dangerous scars on his face. He is escorted by two policemen wearing blue uniforms. The door rings and Olive ’s mother open leaves her daughter and opens the door. She sees her husband in cuffs and the two policemen. “Good evening Madam, my name is Jim and this is my partner Jeff” says policemen” “Is this really needed” “Of course, How else are we going to bring him in” “We can use the tranquilizer, Jim” said the second officer “Yes but that not fun and besides remember what happened with that hacker that we caught” says Jim “That was a dozy” “Lets go back to why were are here for”


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“Now as the judge agreed, he will be in your custody for about three days then it’s back to prison and if he tries to escape then just call us and we will restrain him” “isn’t that a bit excessive”“Madam, Please, I have been doing this for years. Unless you’re my chief officer then you can advice us” says the second police officer with a straight face.“Well, you both seem like a fine gentleman, now will you please give me my husband” Release him Jeff says the first police officer. He frees him but not before warning him if he tries something dangerous then he will be detained.“The father spat at one of the officer’s face and enters the house but before he could step in doors. The officer wipes the spit and punched him in the right eye. The husband has a black to keep.

Olive goes back up stairways to get ready for dinner with out single word as if she forgets the promise. Her didn’t mind her not talk as has some other things in his mind.

“Frank, your asshole, you like to get hit, don’t you” says his wife sarcastically while staring at his smug face “He was asking for it, Zoey. These two really enjoy making prisoners suffer. It one of the perks of being a cop”“It takes one to know one” Zoey Whispers from back “What was that Zoey?” “nothing” “Remember to behave” “What are you, my mother?” “I might as well be” “seriously, Jack, if you inflict anymore harm on our only daughter then Ill never forgive you.”“Alright, already”


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“Also, your crashing into the couch for the rest of your stay and no more questions” “fair enough woman” “Now, when do I get to see my daughter” “You mean that reason why I am still alive”“Its all in the pass, Zoey”“I never forget Frank” “Olive is treated badly in school after they found out that she is daughter of a criminal”

Olive comes down the stairs all dressed up and ready for dinner. She sees her father but doesn’t say a word to his face. She stands next to the stair case while her father goes to the next room. He crashes to the couch and turns on the tele. Zoey goes to the kitchen and picks up some very fancy white plates with flower decoration engraved on the center. She makes paints and draws for a leaving and even has her own art studio that’s in the basement. She even shares the room with her daughter for some inspiration. But her husband thinks that they are junk whenever he sees them. Wendy brings the plate to the dinning room and puts them on the table and Olive gets some silver wear on to the table. Eventually the entire table is filled with dinner. Olive sits first then her mother next to her and finally her father contrasting Wendy

“Well” says Wendy “Lets get started before the dinner gets cold” Olive’s father sits next to her and stares at her with unemotional eyes. Olive moves her body trying to avoid his watch. She feels like her entire soul is slowly being drain like he is killing her from the inside Her mother looks also uncomfortable. She wonders how he managed to get with such a great woman as her mother? She does get some money from her art studio.“So, Olive, how is school treating you”Olive’s eye contact shifts down to the table, too scared to even answer his question. Her mother sits next to her and says that it’s ok. Frank is a


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bit intimidated by his own wife for being with her. He tries again but kinder and a bit more thought.

“Kind daughter, how was school treating you”But she still isn't responding to his words. Zoey asks her daughter to talk to her father fearing that he might cause a seen in the first day he is back.“F….ne”She is to scared to even form a single word but is doesn't stop her stubborn father, shivering from the waste down. Her mother puts her arms in her shoulder for comfort. “Do it for me” she says and Olive stops shivering and speaks. “It was fine”“Was that hard now”“It was almost painful” she whispers behind her shoulder.“What was that ?”“I said it's almost painful” she shouted at his face, a bit of spit is shot, oh no, Olive is about get schooled by her own father. He gets up from chair and slaps his own daughter in her right cheek.“I hate you”Olive breaks into tears and left the kitchen, up to her room then slams the door with force that it can be heard from a mile away.

“Wendy, has the girl done her homework yet? The father asks, still refusing to speak to Olive directly. This guy just doesn’t understand the word nice apparently.” “I wont answer until you start speaking to your daughter, you’re becoming colder and colder each year”.

Pointing his fork in Olive’s direction with rage. “Listen, you are reason why I am angry. You just had to be a girl instead of a boy”


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Chapter 2: World

Olive enters her room and slams the door so hard that it could be heard from miles away. She dives onto her bed and covers her face with a soft white pillow.” Why can’t he understand” she asks herself with her right hand on her forehead and looking up at her blue ceiling. “I am not a boy and I don’t want to become one just to make him happy” She then sits on her bed and covers her face again but this time with both her hands.” I want him to leave me alone, no, I want everyone to leave me alone.” She closes her eyes and empties her mind completely. “I want the world to just leave me alone” her Her tears spill onto the sheets. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Opens them to a dark beach; no sound exists only emptiness. It’s so empty that Olive’s thoughts and emotions echoes like in a large cave. We are in Olive’s happy place, in which she is the existence. Some picture happy thoughts such as a castle or happy family memories, but Olive prefers isolation. This place was made by Olive’s 8-year-old self. Olive is truly a creative person. This is also a place were Olive learns more about herself as her emotions can speak instead of just feel.

(Why does dad hate me so much) “I don’t know”was it my fault, that he was taken?Don’t say that, mom picked him for a reasonMaybe she didn’t know and just thought that he a nice man “When I asked mom what’s wrong with dad, she ignored me, like she was hiding something important”Could it be that Dad isn’t even our real dad but a stranger she met a long time ago?


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“If that’s the problem then he has something that mom wants, after all she did tell me once that the man she married was kind yeah until we find out that he killed many women”I will have to find out the truth“Its almost time for me to leave”But I wish I could stay here forever“Maybe if I die then”Yeah, maybe my father will be happy because he tried to kill mom

Olive takes a small pause and looks at the horizon with revetment.Maybe that’s the only way, maybe I don’t even deserve to be born She strips down to her underwear and does some stretches then takes a deep breath. “Well, it looks like ill have to see if it’s true” And what if it’s not“Then I will have to stay here for the rest of my life” It’s a promise

Zoey slowly takes a small peak at her daughter’s bed room and sees that olive is fast asleep. She sneaks into her room and kisses her on the fore head. She leave her room and head to her bed room. She felt happy to see her daughter and can’t wait for her to grow up. She does downstairs to check up on her criminal and what you know sitting on the couch thinking.

“Frank, what’s wrong with you?” she asks“I don’t know what your talking about?”“You shouldn’t have slapped her like that”“I wanted to get to know our daughter”“That’s fair, but you don’t have the rights to yell at her”Zoey breaks out in tears and hits Frank on his shoulder “Frank, it’s not fair. I wanted us to be a great family”“I know Zoey this is the only way we could be one before I leave, I am a bad man”


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“Why did you do it”“It’s funny, I forgot why, I guess serving 8 years in Jail can do that to you”Frank wipes out the tears from Zoey and hugs her, then looks at her with a straight face.“Listen, Ill do my best for our daughter with the time I have reaming”“ok, but you’re still sleeping in the couch”“Anything for my bride”

Chapter 3: School The school bell rings, time for first period and is dashing to the main hall. She sees her closest friend waiting for her next her locker. “Come Olive!!” Shouts her friend Mister Jackson wont let us in if where late again” “It not my fault” say Olive “My father joined us for dinner yesterday’’ “You need to stand up to your Dad, otherwise he will scare you for life”The second bell rings, it’s time for first period and the girls make just a second. It’s Art history class and everyone brings out their text books which weights like an anvil. Some of the weaker students had to ask others to help them.“Alright class “say Mr. Jackson “its time to hand in your homework and if any one doesn’t have” Mr. Jackson look at Olive for a second as he suspects that she hasn’t done her home. This wasn’t the first time he did it ether. Olive had a history of not returning her homework. “You will have to stay after school to work on it, alright” A couple of students looked a bit nervous as he pick’s their homework one by one. Olive kept a level because she did hers and even her friend. Mr. Jackson notices that her paper has words on them an and gave out a surprising tone. “Well, well, the little rebel has finally done it, never thought that you had it in you”


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Olive just simply smiled as he picks up her homework. “Well miss Olive, it looks like I wont be seeing after school this time, which is a shame because I think that we could have been the best of friends, but there is always next time.”“What ever makes you happy Mr. Jackson”The rest of homework were collected and only four students were told to stay after class. She dodged the bullet this time, if she didn’t hand in the homework then her mother will have to see the teacher again.“Alright class, reading time”The entire class are in grave danger; this is Mr. Jackson’s favorite pastime. He scours the entire class to look for the perfect victim. Two girls siting at front quickly hid underneath their desks. Another girl hid underneath her book. Mr. Jack makes a sniper gesture with his hands as if he is aiming for his next victim. He sees Olive again and shoots her with his imaginary bullet. She couldn’t evade this bullet as it was shot by a former marine.“Alright, he says and his hands on his desk hard “Question time, miss Olive”‘Ready when you are sir”“Cocky little girl are you?” “I have learned from the best sir”“Alright then, who painted the Mona Lisa”“Leonardo Decaprio” “wrong, that’s one hour of detention”“That’s not fair, sir”‘Its either that or you will give me 100 push ups at break, so which is it”Olive is starting to get pissed at his treatment but she has too suck up if she doesn’t want to get in trouble. And who actually hired this retired navel seal as an art teacher. He is better suited to teach the gym class instead of this art class Luckily her friend has got her back. She raises both her hands like she just doesn’t care. Mr. Jackson spots her from two seats away and calls her out.


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“Alright missy, you got some balls to raise your hands like that, I lost one mine in one of my mission”“Sir, please call me Alice, I may be a wee lass but I aint no missy”“Alright then”“Ill tell you what, ill make a deal with you”“what sort of a deal are we talking about?”“Think of it as a leap faith, if you manage to get one answer then I wont give your friend there any more detention but if you get it wrong then bother of you will get two days of detention, does that sound fair”“And if I refuse your kind offer” “Its not optional”“Alice,don't”“Olive,we have too look out for each other”“But I don't want you to sink in with me”“I would be happy to do that,we lasses have to watch out for each other”“It's your grave miss Alice”“Before I answer your question can I have a request if I get it right”“What would that be?”“You stop picking on little Olive”“Fine” Mister Jackson his desk and crosses both of his hands and releases a smirk as if he already knows the outcome.He takes half a minute to think of a question that even an A student will struggle with.Alice assumes a stance as she is getting ready for war.

“When was the first painting ever made and what was it about?”This question is a difficult but Alice is more than ready.She takes her time to think about the question.

When was the first painting ever made and what was it about?I know I have seen it before on the tele but when was it.She scratches her head,getting a bit nervous with this question.She tries to remember the


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channel that she seen in from before.maybe,it's the history channel but which one.“Time is ticking miss Alice you better hurry if you want to save your friend”`“I got it,it’s set during the prehistoric era,cavemen are first painters and they painted wild boars.”“Correct,it looks like you have saved your friend from certain demise” Olive and Alice high five each other and mister Jackson claps sarcastically at the sight.They got lucky just this one time but next time Mister Jackson won't be as easy going.“I won't pick on your friend any more which is a pity,This was my favorite pass time next to failing students on there assignments.”

Chapter 4: Friends The class ends with a homework request from the teacher and of course there will be some oohing from the students but not more then Olive.But before Alice and Olive leave the class Mister Jackson calls them in for a small chat. “I won't pick on your friend any more which is a pity,This was my favorite pass time next to failing students on there assignments”

“Sir,can yeah tell me why do you like picking on dear old Olive,if memory serves me,you use actually enjoy seeing her”“yes sir,what made you change your mind about me?”“I don't have the time to explain it all to you both,my next badge of victims are coming in.Unless you are looking for detention I'll be happy to give you one”Olive and Alice Curtsies in front of Mister Jack and he manages to smile in front of them.The bell rings and they leave the class and walk to the school’s busy Halls.Its time to go to the next class but Alice has a different idea and wants to share it with Olive.


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“Oly,We should leave ditch school”“I don't know Aly,won't we get in trouble with the principle”“That old fart won't even notice”“Isn't he your father”“yes,but he doesn't even know that I exist and all thank to me three brothers”“But the second class is English and I wanted to show her my short story,I am not done yet but I still want her to read it”“You can read it to her another day, stop being a wimp and come on”Olive is stuck between two choices either go too class like a goody too shoes or skips and join the more daring side with her closes friend.Each have their own risk and reward.She is confused by which one to pick till she remembers that her teacher is sick today so a substitute will be take the class.“Alright,let's leave this joint”“That's the spirit”The school hall is slowly getting smaller and smaller as seconds go by fast.The girls are waiting for it to be completely empty so that they don't draw any attention to any one.If a familiar face seen them then it detentions for the next few days.“It's time”“Let's do it” Sneakily tip toeing out of the school halls and out too the school gates.The weather is a warm sunshine with a few clouds hovering next too it.This seems to be an easy escape but will they go in undetected,only time will tell.As each second passes by they get closer and closer for the gate.Its an old one,yet the school didn't even bother replacing it due to budget restrains.This is good for our two escaped students as non of them have any experience in picking locks.Olive and Alive leaned towards the gate and on the count of three they both pushed the gate.Its emitted a screeching sound that could alert anyone of there location no one was close so they are safe.At last the gate is fully open time for them to leave the prison.


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“Freedoms” says Alice while looking at the bright sky “Let's a take a buss stop to the park” “How are we going to get to the park oh mighty leader” “One word, taxi” “Do you even have some pocket change for our journey”“Don you worry about a thing,I have enough money for the both of us”“Did you plan this ahead of time”“Maybe I did or maybe I didn't.Who cares”“You scare me sometimes”“Thank you” They stand in front of the road waiting for taxi.Traffic is not kind to them today.Cars pass by fast and taxi cabs are rarely seen in this area of the school.The girls are waving there hands when ever they a chance but not such luck,they manage to snag a black taxi cab that almost misses them by margin.The taxi driver is an old man with grey hairs that's sounded angry”“We're are you two going”says the old man while taking he sniffs his shoulders.“We are going to a wee park over at central”“Yeah,what she said”“I don't know,you girls are too young to be in the park and isn't it still a school day”“You don have the right to ask us anything,after all we have an education and you are just a cab driver”“Listen to me little girl,the only reason why I ask is because I have one of my own at home and I don't want to be responsible for what might happen to the both of you”“One minute Mr. Taxi driver while I talk to my friend here”“Are you mad”“No,I am Alice”“You know what I mean”


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“Listen,I don't care about being polite,I just say what ever comes into me head,unlike you who has to be nice to everyone because daddy almost killed you and your mum”The second Alice mentioned it to Olive she breaks down into tears again.Alice thought that she got over it but she was wrong.She gets closer to Olive and hugs her.Looking at her red tear driven face she felt bad for it”“Olive,I didn't meant to hurt you in anyway,you’re my best friend and I am sorry for hurting yeah,now here wipe yourself with my blouse”“But it will get messy”“It’s alright,an eye for an eye.I am really sorry for the trouble I caused,may you please forgive me”“Ok,little girl,I forgive yeah and I'll look the other way just this once”They enter the cab and sit on the black leathery seats.The matter starts of with 2.0 pounds but they didn't care.Olive stairs the the grey clouds and Alice cracking jokes and to pass the time.They pass many city building dumps sites which exist in every 10 cm.At last there destination has come to en End.Central Park,one of the largest park in New York City.The cab stops in front of park and the girls leave to taxi.

“That would be 15 bucks please”“Here and thank you”“Oly,why to serious?”“It’s polite to thank someone after they have helps us”“What ever makes ya happy,now come on”Alice walks dashes to the main entrance of the huge park.”Com on,oly”she shouted from a distance. “We don't have all day”Olive thanks the taxi driver one more time before catching up to her unique friend.The taxi driver sees Olive following her friend and he flips her off.“Kids these days,no respect for the lower class workers,I hope that they learn there lessons at some point”He drives away for his next customer.


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The park is huge,you get lost in it’s grassy terrain and huge tree but that didn't stop out girls.They may not be women just yet but they don't care.Though Olive has shown some concern of getting in trouble with her parents.Alice doesn't have any care in world for her.She is the only girl in her family and her father barley notice her existence as for her mother.Well she passes away due to an illness that too her by surprise.They sit down on the park bench that has a view of a clear blue river.The air is slowly getting colder but it doesn't effect the girl as they see the river. “So what now Alice” “I don't know,maybe would like to talk about your family,a little birdie told me that your father has served in sentence and now he is living at”“Sadly it’s true but mum says that it’s only temporary ”“Can you tell me why your father in jail in the first place”“I don't know if I should” “Come on” “Alright,It was about 2 years ago and my father had just came back from work.He looked a bit depressed like some thing happened to him.My mom went to see what’s wrong.He said the company wasn't making any more money so they had to lay off some employees and my father was one of them.So depressed for the news he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and started to drink.At the first day was fine but after a couple more bottle,it made him a bit violent.He started to beat my mom senselessly for a while until one night when I couldn't take it anymore so I called the police and they took him away.” “That was awful,my father doesn't know that I exist”The day went by really fast and people are leaving the park.In matter of hours the park slowly becomes with

More EditingChange the dialogueBe less deceptive and more


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Chapter 4 and 5 spelling errorsAdd a beginning Middle and End on everyday Chapter one and chapter two dialoged is flat


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