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Field Evaluation of Telazolr and Ketamine-Xylazine for Immobilizing Black BearsAuthor(s): Thomas H. White, Jr., Madan K. Oli, Bruce D. Leopold, Harry A. Jacobson, JohnW. KasbohmSource: Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 3, Predators (Autumn, 1996), pp. 521-527Published by: Allen PressStable URL: 04/08/2009 09:47

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Field evaluation of Telazol? and ketamine-

xylazine for immobilizing black bears

Thomas H. White, Jr., Madan K. Oli, Bruce D. Leopold, Harry A. Jacobson, and John W. Kasbohm

Abstract Telazol? and ketamine-xylazine have become the 2 most frequently used chemical immo- bilants for black bear (Ursus americanus). We compared effects of Telazol and ketamine- xylazine (KX) in 60 black bear immobilizations in relation to 5 response parameters during summers of 1992-1994 in southeastern Arkansas. Induction times did not differ (P = 0.99) between immobilants, and no induction-dosage relationship was observed with either Tela- zol (P = 0.52) or KX (P = 0.70). Heart rates did not differ (P = 0.28) between immobilants, and both induced mild tachycardia. With use of Telazol, respiration rate increased (r =

0.53, P = 0.06) with increasing body temperature. No correlation (r = -0.54, P = 0.34) be- tween respiration rate and body temperature was detected with use of KX. Compared to

Telazol, use of KX resulted in higher (P = 0.06) incidence of hyperthermia (i.e., body tem- perature >400C), with more than twice as many KX-treated bears becoming hyperthermic as Telazol-treated bears. Increased pulmonary ventilation may have been a factor in minimiz- ing heat stress in Telazol-immobilized bears. With use of KX, there were 4 episodes of sud- den spontaneous recovery by immobilized bears. Recovery of Telazol-immobilized bears was gradual and predictable, although restraint time was 2.5 times longer than with KX due to lack of an effective antagonist to Telazol. Based on our observations, we recommend use of Telazol over ketamine-xylazine as a safe and effective immobilant for black bears.

Key words black bear, chemical immobilization, hyperthermia, ketamine, rectal temperature, Tela- zol?, Ursus americanus, xylazine

During the last decade, Telazol? (1:1 mixture of tiletamine hydrochloride [HCL] and zolazepam HCL; Elkins-Sinn, Inc., Cherry Hill, NJ 08003) and ketamine HCL-xylazine HCL (2:1 mixture) have become the 2 principal drugs used for chemical immobilization of black bears (Ursus americanus; Cook 1984, Hellgren and Vaughan 1989, Jonkel 1993, McLaughlin 1993). Detailed pharmacological descriptions of these com-

pounds are reported in Cook (1984) and Massopust et al. (1973) for ketamine-xylazine (KX) and Telazol, respectively.

Previous reports on the physiological responses of immobilized black bears to KX (Addison and Kolenosky 1979, Cook 1984, Hellgren and Vaughan Captured black bear before immobilization.

Address for Thomas H. White, Jr., Madan K. Oli, Bruce D. Leopold, and Harry A. Jacobson: Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Mis- sissippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA. Address for John W. Kasbohm during this research: Department of Fish- eries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Current address for John W. Kasbohm: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Rt. 2, Box 3330, Folkston, GA 31537, USA.

Wildlife Society Bulletin 1996, 24(3):521-527 Peer refereed

522 Wildlife Society Bulletin 1996, 24(3):521-527

1989) and Telazol (Stewart et al. 1977, McLaughlin 1993) involved singular administration of either com- pound to black bears in populations in different re- gions or under dissimilar environmental conditions. Differences in reported response parameters may be attributed to geographic or temporal variations in en- vironmental conditions that affect physiological re- sponses of immobilized animals (Stewart et al. 1977, Hellgren and Vaughan 1989). For example, Hellgren and Vaughan (1989) reported rectal temperatures ranging from 35.5?C to 43.0?C for black bears snare- trapped and immobilized with KX in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia, while Addison and Kolenosky (1979) reported temperatures from 36.5?C to 41.0?C for black bears in central Ontario. Rectal tempera- tures of bears immobilized with Telazol in California have ranged from 36.9?C to 39.2?C (Stewart et al. 1977). Variations in induction times, as well as heart and respiration rates, also have been reported for both immobilants (Stewart et al. 1977, Addison and Kolenosky 1979, Cook 1984, Jonkel 1993, McLaugh- lin 1993). Because of the inherent danger to humans in handling black bears and the need to minimize cap- ture-related injuries and mortalities, selection of an ap- propriate immobilant is essential (Jonkel 1993). Se- lection should be based on a comparison of empirical data on immobilants administered to a given popula- tion under similar environmental conditions. Re- searchers and managers currently select an immobi- lant without knowledge of the comparative perfor- mance of the 2 drugs under given conditions. Therefore, our objectives were to: (1) compare re- sponses of black bears under similar field conditions in the same population to chemical immobilization by Telazol and KX, (2) evaluate reliability of measured parameters for detecting differences between Telazol and KX, and (3) provide recommendations for select- ing Telazol or KX for immobilizing black bears.

Methods Sixty black bears (29 males, 31 females) were cap-

tured with modified spring-activated cable snares (Johnson and Pelton 1980) during June through Au- gust 1992-1994 on the White River National Wildlife Refuge (WRNWR) and adjacent private lands in De- sha, Phillips, and Arkansas counties, Arkansas. Trap sites were checked every morning (>0700 hrs) and afternoon (>1600 hrs). Captured bears were immo- bilized with either a 2:1 mixture of KX (n = 33) at a concentration of 200 mg/cc ketamine: 100 mg/cc xy- lazine, or Telazol (n = 27) at concentrations ranging from 100 to 250 mg/cc. Dosages of KX ranged from 4:2 to 16:8 mg/kg (x = 8:4, SE = 0.4:0.2); and dosages

Female black bear being darted at White River National Wildlife Refuge.

of Telazol from 2.6 to 10.3 mg/kg body weight (x = 5.4, SE = 0.4). Ketamine-xylazine was administered to all bears captured during 1992. Telazol was ad- ministered during 1993 and alternated with KX dur- ing 1994. Dosage varied because of a tendency to overestimate weights of bears with thick pelage, and because of occasional animals that required sec- ondary injections. Drugs were administered intra- muscularly in the shoulder or rump by a jabstick or CO2-powered dart pistol and disposable darts (Pneu- Dart, Inc., Williamsport, Pa.). We recorded time of drug administration to the nearest minute.

Following drug administration, we observed bears from a distance of approximately 30 m until they were recumbent. We considered bears tractable when we observed no head-lifting response to audi- tory or tactile stimuli (Stewart et al. 1977, Addison and Kolenosky 1979, Jonkel 1993). Induction time was time from initial drug administration to tractabil- ity measured to the nearest minute.

Once tractable, bears were immediately positioned into shade and kept out of direct sunlight. We then sexed, weighed, and measured bears and took a rec- tal temperature to the nearest 0.05?C (0.1?F) using a standard digital medical thermometer. We separated adults (>4 yrs) from subadults (<4 yrs) by extracting an upper first premolar for aging (Willey 1974). Re- productive status (estrus or lactation) was recorded for all females. Heart and respiration rates were recorded for most bears beginning in 1993. Behav- ioral and other responses (e.g., staggering, vomiting, salivation, vocalization) were noted.

Following handling procedures, bears immobilized with KX were administered yohimbine HCL intra-

Evaluation of bear immobilant * White et al. 523

Researchers check temperature of large male black bear.

venously at 0.8-6.0 (x = 2.0, SE = 0.2) cc/45 kg body weight as an antagonist to xylazine (Ramsay et al. 1985, Garshelis et al. 1987). Bears immobilized with Telazol were allowed to remain recumbent until ambulatory, as there is currently no antagonist to Telazol (Jonkel 1993). Restraint time was time from initial tractability to time of voluntary ambulation measured to the near- est minute. All trapping and handling procedures were conducted in accordance with Mississippi State Univer- sity Animal Care and Use Protocol No. 93-042.

Drug treatment (Telazol or KX) and sex were con- sidered as independent variables, with induction time, rectal temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and re- straint time as dependent variables. Respiration and heart rates were normalized by natural log transforma- tion and compared between drug treatments with t- tests (Sokal and Rohlf 1981:226). Induction times were normalized by square-root transformation and com- pared by 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA; Sokal and Rohlf 1981:321) with interaction with sex and drug as main effects. Telazol restraint times also were normal- ized by square-root transformation and compared be- tween sexes with t-tests. Rectal temperatures and nor- malized induction and restraint times were compared between lactating and nonlactating females with t-tests. Because yohimbine HCL was administered to KX-im- mobilized bears at the end of handling procedures, re- straint time for those bears was a function of handling time. Therefore, a statistical comparison with Telazol restraint time was not done. No transformations of body weight, ambient temperature, rectal temperature or dosage were performed because Shapiro-Wilk nor- mality statistics were high (>0.95) in relation to sample sizes. Body weights were compared between sexes with t-tests. Ambient temperatures during immobiliza- tions were recorded at the WRNWR weather station (Natl. Weather Serv. Stn. Index No. 03-6376-6) and compared between treatments by t-tests. Rectal tem-

perature was analyzed by 2-way ANOVA, with interac- tion with sex and drug as main effects. Because of the

potential influence of body weight on physiological re-

sponses to immobilization (Larsen 1971, Stewart et al.

1974, Cook 1984), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; Sokal and Rohlf 1981:509) was used to compare induc- tion times and rectal temperatures between drug treat- ments, using body weight as the covariate. Pearson

product-moment correlations and linear regressions were used to detect any significant positive relation-

ships between measured parameters. Because of the

biological importance of physiological parameters dur-

ing chemical immobilizations, we considered differ- ences significant at a = 0.10 to reduce Type II error (3) and maximize statistical power (1 - /) relative to ob- served sample sizes (Tacha et al. 1982, Taylor and Ger- rodette 1993, Conroy et al. 1995). When no difference was detected, power was calculated according to Co- hen (1977) to assess probability of Type II error.

Results and discussion Body weights

Although body weights of KX-treated bears did not differ between sexes, there was a difference by sex for bears immobilized with Telazol (Tables 1 and 2). Among sexes, males differed in weight between drug treatments (Table 2). Seventy-three percent of male bears captured during 1992 were subadult. Con-

versely, 56% of males captured during 1993-1994 were adult. Because Telazol was not used in the

study until 1993, a larger number of smaller males were immobilized with KX than with Telazol. How- ever, body weights of Telazol-treated bears (n = 18) that were < the largest KX-treated bear (125 kg) did not differ from bears in the KX sample (Table 2).

Induction time Mean overall induction time for KX (x = 17.7 min,

SE = 2.4) and Telazol (x = 16.5 min, SE = 2.0) did not differ (F = 0.01; 1, 56 df; P = 0.99; 1 - P = 0.79) and was not affected by body weight (F = 2.09; 1, 57 df; P = 0.17; 1 - /3 = 0.69). No differences in induction times for adults and subadults were observed with Telazol or KX (Table 2). Induction times of lactating females (i.e., with cubs) versus nonlactating females did not differ with Telazol or KX (Table 2). Appar- ently, presence of cubs did not act as a significant fac- tor affecting drug action in maternal females. There was no observed relationship between induction time and dosage for either Telazol (P = 0.52, r = 0.05, 1 - 3 = 0.11) or KX (P= 0.70, r= 0.10, 1 -3 = 0.12). Secondary injections to effect initial tractability were

required in 15 (44.1%) instances with KX and 7

524 Wildlife Society Bulletin 1996, 24(3):521-527

Table 1. Parameters measured on 60 black bears immobilized using Telazol? or ketamine-xylazine during June-August 1992-1994 in southeastern Arkansas.

Telazol? (n = 27) ketamine-xylazine (n = 33)

Male Female Male Female

Parameter ix SE n i SE n i SE n x SE n

Weight (kg) 154.0 12.0 11 64.6 2.4 16 66.4 7.1 18 59.1 3.7 15 Induction time (min) 18.6 3.4 11 15.1 2.4 16 17.5 3.2 18 17.9 3.7 15 Rectal temperature (C) 38.8 0.4 11 39.7 0.2 16 39.9 0.3 12 39.6 0.4 12 Restraint time (min) 164.6 21.1 6 131.8 25.2 14 61.9 6.0 18 60.3 6.9 15 Heart rate1 (per min) (101.0 9.0 10) (88.8 4.3 4) Respiration' rate (per min) (41.0 7.4 13) (32.0 7.3 5)

t Pooled across sexes due to low sample size.

(25.9%) with Telazol; we examined induction-dosage relationships using only those bears that required a

single injection to effect tractability to avoid possible bias from multiple injections. Lack of response to ini- tial injection could have resulted from subcutaneous

injections, injections into nonvascularized adipose tissue, or different stress levels in captured animals

(Stewart et al. 1974, Addison and Kolenosky 1979, Stirling et al. 1985, Loughlin and Spraker 1989).

Rectal temperature Ambient temperatures during immobilizations

ranged from 27.8?C to 37.2?C, averaging 32.4?C with little variation (SE = 0.4?C; Natl. Oceanic and Atmos. Adm. 1992, 1993, 1994) and did not differ between treatments (Table 2). Rectal temperatures of bears administered Telazol (n = 27) ranged from 37.1?C to 41.3?C (x = 39.3?, SE = 0.37?) and of bears adminis- tered KX (n = 24) from 37.2?C to 41.9?C (x = 39.7?, SE = 0.42?) and did not differ (F = 0.13; 1, 48 df; P =

0.73; 1 - 3 = 0.58) between treatments, but showed some influence of body weight (F = 3.41; 1, 48 df; P = 0.08), with Telazol-treated males averaging lower

temperatures in conjunction with greater body weights (Table 1). Rectal temperatures of lactating and nonlactating females did not differ for KX or Tela- zol (Table 2). Temperatures above 40?C require cor- rective actions such as artificial cooling of the animal or premature reversal of the immobilant (Hellgren and Vaughan 1989), which may be impractical or un- desirable under some field conditions.

There are 2 probable and synergistic causes of the observed relationships. First, Telazol does not alter

thermoregulatory ability as xylazine does (Stirling et al. 1985, Jonkel 1993). Thus, bears immobilized with Telazol may be less prone to hyperthermia than those immobilized with KX. Secondly, because of greater

mass, larger bears may be less likely than smaller bears to experience sudden or drastic changes in body temperature. According to Hellgren and Vaughan (1989), black bears become hyperthermic when rectal temperatures reach 40?C. Temperatures above 40?C require corrective actions such as artifi- cial cooling of the animal or premature reversal of the

Table 2. Parameter comparisons based on t-tests for 60 black bears immobilized with Telazol? (TL) and ketamine-xylazine (KX) during June-August 1992-1994 in southeastern Arkansas.

Test statistics

Comparisons t df P 1 -_ a

Weight KX? c 0.91 25 0.37 0.24 TL? 2 7.38 10 <0.001 KX-TL, 6.17 16 <0.001 KX-TL (<125 kg) 0.12 48 0.90 0.10

Induction time KX adult-subadult 0.95 25 0.35 0.25 TL adult-subadult 0.23 4 0.83 0.11 KX lactating-nonlactating 0.67 8 0.52 0.17 TL lactating-nonlactating 1.17 13 0.26 0.32

Ambient temperature KX-TL 0.51 37 0.61 0.13

Rectal temperature KX lactating-nonlactating 0.20 7 0.85 0.11 TL lactating-nonlactating 0.57 13 0.58 0.15

Heart rate KX-TL 1.14 11 0.28 0.28

Respiration rate KX-TL 0.43 11 0.68 0.18

Restraint time (TL only) '$- 1.07 15 0.30 0.28

Adult-subadult 0.81 1 0.57 0.16 Lactating-nonlactating 0.64 11 0.53 0.40

a Statistical power of test.

Evaluation of bear immobilant * White et al. 525

immobilant (Hellgren and Vaughan 1989), which

may be impractical or undesirable under some field conditions. A G-test (Sokal and Rohlf 1981:735) of in- dependence of immobilant and incidence of hyper- thermia detected a higher (G = 3.48, 1 df, P = 0.06) incidence of hyperthermia with KX immobilization. Of 18 bears immobilized with Telazol, 4 (22.2%) ex-

perienced rectal temperatures >40?C. However, of 24 bears immobilized with KX, 12 (50%) had rectal

temperatures >40?C. Because of the observed influ- ence of body weight on rectal temperature, only Telazol-treated bears weighing < the largest KX bear (125 kg) were compared with the KX sample. More than twice as many bears immobilized by KX became hyperthermic and, thus, in need of corrective actions than those immobilized by Telazol.

Heart and respiration rates Normal heart rate for black bears is 60-90 beats/

minute (bpm; Jonkel 1993), with adults tending to- ward the lower part of the range. Heart rates for Tela- zol-treated bears (n = 10) ranged from 72 to 172 bpm. For KX-treated bears, heart rates (n = 4) ranged from 80 to 100 bpm. Both immobilants induced mild tachycardia (Table 1), with no difference detected between drug treatments (Table 2), possibly due to low sample size.

Respiration rates for Telazol-treated bears (n = 13) ranged from 10 to 92/minute and for KX-treated bears (n = 5) ranged from 17 to 60/minute (Table 1) and did not differ between treatments (Table 2). With Telazol, respiration increased with increasing body temperatures (r = 0.53, P = 0.06); with KX, res- piration was not correlated with body temperature (r = -0.54, P = 0.34, 1 - /3 = 0.26). Other researchers have reported that KX causes respiratory depression in bears (Addison and Kolenosky 1979, Cook 1984, Jonkel 1993). However, Telazol does not alter respi- ratory function at anesthetic dosages (onkel 1993, McLaughlin 1993). Of the 6 cases of hyperthermia with Telazol, mean respiration rate (60/min) was higher (t = 3.24, 10 df, P = 0.009) than that of non- hyperthermic bears (25/min). Thus, the lower inci- dence of hyperthermia observed with Telazol may have been partially attributable to increased pul- monary ventilation in response to increasing body temperature (Stirling et al. 1985). Panting, indicative of acute heat stress in black bears at rectal tempera- tures >42.0?C (Hellgren and Vaughan 1989), was not observed. The highest rectal temperature recorded during this study was 41.9?C for a KX-immobilized fe- male. Our use of frozen "blue ice" packs applied to the inguinal area of bears as a prophylactic measure may have prevented excessive heat stress.

Restraint time Because restraint times were not statistically com-

parable between treatments, ranges and means are reported for comparative purposes only. With use of KX, restraint time ranged from 21 to 145 minutes (x = 61.2, SE = 4.6), while with Telazol, restraint time ranged from 45 to 420 minutes (x = 150.5, SE = 18.6), with only 1 observation >236 minutes. Be- cause Telazol is metabolized and excreted primarily by the kidneys, preexistent renal pathology or im- pairment may result in increased restraint times (Stewart et al. 1977). For the Telazol treatment, no difference in restraint time between sexes was de- tected (Table 2). Restraint time for adults (137.6 min) and subadults (176.1 min) did not differ (Table 2). Restraint time for lactating (134.0 min) and non- lactating (112.0 min) females also did not differ (Table 2). There was no apparent relationship be- tween body weight (R = 0.1, P = 0.63, 1 - / = 0.14) or dosage (R = 0.09, P = 0.95, 1 - / = 0.13 ) and Tela- zol restraint times.

Behavioral responses Induction of both immobilants was characterized by

gradual loss of coordination in a posterior to anterior se- quence, followed by either lateral or sternal recum- bency. Swaying of the head preceded tractability in vir- tually all cases. Vocalizations (e.g., groans, sighs) oc- curred only with administration of KX. Mild salivation occurred with both immobilants and normal swallow- ing reflexes were not inhibited. One KX-immobilized female experienced convulsions soon after immobiliza- tion on 2 July 1992. Her rectal temperature was 41.9?C and yohimbine HCL was immediately administered. Recovery was rapid (<3 min) and the bear trotted off in circles. Because this animal was not radiocollared, her fate is unknown. Vomiting occurred in 1 Telazol-im- mobilized female during the recovery phase. Recovery phase of Telazol-immobilized bears was gradual and predictable, characterized by increasing coordination in an anterior to posterior sequence, coupled with head swaying and persistent licking of the tongue. Twitching of the facial musculature and pedal-reflex re- sponse characterized the early recovery phase of KX- immobilized bears following yohimbine HCL injection. With use of KX, there were 4 instances of sudden and violent recovery not attributable to antagonist adminis- tration. During these episodes, bears attempted to run away, stumbling into trees and other obstacles.

Statistical power and parameter reliability

Low statistical power, encountered in several com- parisons (Table 2), was primarily a function of large

526 Wildlife Society Bulletin 1996, 24(3):521-527

variability relative to the magnitude of differences be- tween means (Table 1). This was particularly evident for within-treatment comparisons due to reduced sample sizes. However, for between-treatment com- parisons (i.e., Telazol vs. KX), induction time and rec- tal temperature parameters yielded greater statistical power (>0.58) and reliability to detect actual differ- ences than other measured responses, given ob- served sample sizes. Heart and respiration rates, al- though yielding lower power and reliability in this study, are nonetheless important response parame- ters which may have been more statistically reliable had sample sizes for these parameters been compara- ble to those of rectal temperature and induction time (Table 1).

Recommendations Based on our observations, we believe that Telazol

has specific advantages over KX for immobilizing black bears. During hot, humid conditions the inci- dence of hyperthermia can be significantly reduced by use of Telazol, as suggested by Hellgren and Vaughan (1989). Because Telazol does not affect thermoregulatory ability, hypothermia may be avoided with use of Telazol during cold conditions (Stirling et al. 1985, Loughlin and Spraker 1989).

Telazol is available in free-base powdered form in 500-mg vials. It can be reconstituted in the field by adding 1-5 ml of sterile isotonic water, allowing for various concentrations of the immobilant. This flexi- bility allows for high dosages to be administered in small volumes and with single injections, a distinct advantage over the static concentration of liquid KX when immobilizing large bears. However, reconsti- tuted Telazol should be used within 4 days, or within 2 weeks if refrigerated (Jonkel 1993). When used in extremely cold weather, Kreeger et al. (1990) recom- mended reconstitution using a water and propylene glycol mixture to prevent freezing of the aqueous preparation in darts and needles.

Behavior of Telazol-immobilized bears is extremely predictable during recovery phase, although total re- straint time is lengthy compared to KX. We agree with Jonkel's (1993) recommendation for the use of Telazol over KX in situations where longer restraint time is desired (e.g., translocating bears, lengthy han- dling procedures). Further, we recommend Telazol for immobilization of large bears for safety reasons considering the episodes of sudden and explosive arousal of animals we experienced with use of KX.

A disadvantage of Telazol is the often unnecessarily long restraint time. Consequently, we recommend KX for situations in which restraint time needs to be

minimized, such as when handling females with cubs. For all other situations, we recommend a Tela- zol dosage of 4.4-5.5 mg/kg body weight (200-250 mg/100 lbs) for safe and effective immobilizations. Although not yet commercially available, RO 15-1788 (an antagonist to zolazepam HCL) has been suggested as a potential antagonist to Telazol (Jonkel 1993); this may eliminate the disadvantage of lengthy restraint times with the use of Telazol. Dopram? (Doxapram HCL), a respiratory stimulant, has been used to counter the effect of Telazol in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis), but arousal was soon followed by relapse to a tractable state (Jonkel 1993).

Acknowledgments. We thank the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture Forest Service-Southern Forest Experiment Station, Boone and Crockett Club, Arkansas Nature Conservancy, Mississippi Depart- ment of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP), Na- tional Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc., and the U.S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service-National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for providing funding. Accom- modations, equipment, and field assistance were pro- vided by the WRNWR, Anderson-Tully Company, Montgomery Island Hunting Club, and the Norris Hunting Club. We thank B. Wade, S. Snowden, P. Hudson, and S. Kaplan for donating fish for trap bait. Special thanks are due N. Hunter and L. Smith for as- sistance with trapping activities at WRNWR and the many graduate students and others who have assisted in the field, especially D. A. Miller, T. H. Eason, C. C. Shropshire, V. Woshner, D. Miller, M. D. Weinstein, L. M. Connor, C. D. Lovell, D. C. Jackson, S. Couch, C. Fikes, W. McKinley, M. Staten, A. J. Dolan, Q. J. Kin- ler, and L. Wade. Discussions with C. R. McLaughlin, M. R. Vaughan, and R. M. Pace provided helpful in- sight. We thank T. K. Day, K. B. Swenson, F. J. Vilella, E. C. Hellgren, and 2 anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on improving the manu- script.

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logical data: Arkansas, annual summary. Natl. Climatic Data Cent., Asheville, N.C.


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Thomas (Tom) H. White, Jr. (photo) is a Ph.D. candidate in the De- partment of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State University. He received his B.S. in Natural Resources Management from the University of Tennessee at Martin and his M.S in Wildlife Manage- ment from Louisiana State University. From 1986 through 1992, Tom was employed with the Law Enforcement Division of the Ten- nessee Wildlife Resources Agency, where he worked several years as an undercover Wildlife Officer and later as Assistant Chief of Law Enforcement. His research interests include landscape ecological aspects of carnivore ecology, river floodplain ecosystems, tropical ecology, and human dimensions of resource management. Madan K. Oli, formerly a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State University, received his B.S in Zo- ology from Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal, and his M.S. in Ecology from the University of Edinburgh. His research in- terests include wildlife ethology and endangered species conserva- tion. Bruce D. Leopold is an Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State Uni- versity. He received his B.S. in Forest Science from Pennsylvania State University, his M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State Univer- sity, and his Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Ari- zona. His research interests include predator-prey ecology and in- teractions and habitat assessment and management. Harry A. Ja- cobson is a Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries at Mississippi State University. He received his B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from Michigan State Uni- versity and his M.S. in Wildlife Management and Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer- sity. His research interests encompass ecology and management of ungulates and harvest management strategies for cervids on private lands. John W. Kasbohm is an Ecosystem Ecologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in Folkston, Georgia. Formerly, he held a postdoctoral position at Vir- ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where he coordi- nated a taxonomy and genetics investigation of black bear popula- tions throughout the southeastern United States. He received his Ph.D. in Wildlife Sciences from Virginia Tech and his M.S. in Ento- mology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Associate Editor: Brennan