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TheMerchant’s Mark May

Welcome to your new eNewsletter!Yes this is an interactive PDF file that can easily be updated and cheeply sent out to your customers via Facbook or Email. This would be the front page where you will probably be introducing yourselves and the newsletter. On the left is a menue that will have any selection of categories all of which would be of your choosing. This is your chance to get to talk to your customers on a down to earth level. Ultimatly this newslet-ter is a tool of many uses. It is a two way public relations vessel, it is a free advertisement, brand developer and an integrated promotion channel.

As a way to develop earlytrust capital during early stage development, an eNewsletter looks likea promising solution.

Hope you enjoy,

Pavel Blokhin

Wine & CheeseTuesdays

Thats right,come try delicious local cheeses and sample featured wines on Tuesday nights. If you missed Date Night or just in the mood for a small bite and a drink, its the perfect solution to boost traffic on a slow night. Check Specals for more info.

New Brunch

Menu This


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TheMerchant’s Mark May

The cheese and wine night promotion is simple. On a reservation basis, charge a flat rate per table head on a bottle of featured wine paired with a weekly assortment of locavour cheeses. Each additional glass of featured wine can be sold at discount. The promotion will take over as a primary main course option and will promote weekly themed combinations of locally sourced ingredients. Regular dinner items such as appetizers soups and salads would remain available. Wine and cheese night ingredients are inexpensive and can be easily sold with high markup. Popularity is expected to increase drastically as positive Buzz about the Merchant’s continued ability to present a unique dining experience in an informative manner. Featured wines will be successfully paired with weekly selections of cheeses. What the next weeks pairing will be is sure to draw a curiosity factor. This promotion can serve as an alternative option to Monday date nights for couples or draw out a new crowd entirely. Unique cheese sampling options are limited in the Madison area and it can be assumed that the Merchant would have a very unique and flavorful twist on the tradition. It could potentially make the merchants cheese night a staple among weekday dining options and be a “must try” among cheese and wine enthusiasts. Cheese and wine night would certainly boost wine sales which could balance out any slumps during a cocktail happy weekend period. As an added bonus the simplistic nature of the menu from a kitchen perspective would require no more than basic prep. This would let the staff keep their often needed slower night to catch up on weekly prep or sanitation. As a whole this promotion plays directly into the Merchants current “sophisticated yet laid back” image, and aligns itself perfectly to the dining experience found preferable to current and would-be Merchant customers. The promotion will not only showcase the Merchants assortment of Wines and Cheeses, but help cement the Merchant’s image as an originally packaged intellectual dining experience designed specifically for Madison’s growing population of young sophisticates looking for a unique and trendy place to feel at home.

This Month in April

Wine & Cheese TuesdaysBrunch MenuDj ProfileGrocery StockedA word from the Chef


This Months Feature:Wine & Cheese

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TheMerchant’s Mark May

May EventsSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 May 2011 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

PDF Calendar by

Make events clearly visable to yoru customers through a linkable calandar. Easier to update than the website and more effective since it will make devoted customers feel like they have a inside scoop on whats going on. You will also be able to update this in real time so people can always check the newsletter and

expect it to be updated.

DJ Vilas Park


Playing This Month

Dj Vilas Park SniperDJ Jeremy ThomasDJ Bruce BlaqDJ Real JaguarDJ Wes Martin


New Drinks

Event Guide

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TheMerchant’s Mark May

This will be the Owners and the Chefs chance to talk about food, the restaurant, or anything on their mind. They can also share ideas about future menues and just use it as a Public Relations tool to better connect with their cus-tomers.

Whats Cookin’

Favorites to cook


Chefs Corner

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TheMerchant’s Mark May

Late Night Photo Gallery

Monthly Pic Winners

Last Month’s


Best Of Late

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TheMerchant’s Mark May

This will be the Owners and the Chefs chance to talk about food, the restaurant, or anything on their mind. They can also share ideas about future menues and just use it as a Public Relations tool to better connect with their cus-tomers.

Whats Cookin’

Favorites to cook


Chefs Corner