Download - Few Q's on Payloads

  • 7/31/2019 Few Q's on Payloads



    1. If the details of an aircraft from M to N are given below. No fuel is available at NDistance M to N 750nm

    Average TAS 380K

    Wind component M to N 30 K HW

    Average fuel flow 5700 kg/hr

    Fuel reserve (assume unused) 500 kg f

    Ac weight less fuel & pay load 52000 kg

    Max T/O weight at M 91000kg

    Max T/O weight at N 88000 kg

    Max Landing weight at N 77500 kg

    Max Landing weight at M 75000 kg


    a. Max pay load from M to Nb. Max pay load from N to M

    2. Max takeoff weight 45000 lbsMax landing weight 40000 lbs

    Flight fuel 4000 lbs

    Reserve fuel 800 lbs

    Empty weight 25000 lbs


    a. Pay loadb. Can you carry additional reserve fuel without affecting pay load, if so how mcy

  • 7/31/2019 Few Q's on Payloads


    3. From P to Q (where fuel is not available) & return to P maximum pay load is to be off loaded at Q &maximum pay load is to be uplifted from P. the data given is:

    Distance P to Q 610 nm

    (Weight no fuel) & payload 36500 kg

    Max landing weight 52400 kg

    Max takeoff weight 63000 kg

    Reserve fuel unused 4000 kg

    Additional fuel for each flight 500 kg

    (R/O circuit landing etc)

    Mean fuel consumption 1350 kg / hr

    Mean ground speed P to Q 240 k

    Mean ground speed Q to P 280 k


    a. Fuel to be up lifted at Pb. Maximum pay load P to Qc. Maximum pay load Q to P

    4. Maximum takeoff weight 82000 lbsMaximum landing weight 64500 lbs

    Basic operating weight 50000 lbs

    Flight fuel 16000 lbs

    Reserve fuel 1500 lbs

    Find the pay load that can be carried

  • 7/31/2019 Few Q's on Payloads


    5. An ac is to fly from A to BMax T/O weight 82000 lbs

    Max weight without fuel & pay load 50000 lbs

    Fuel requirements 64000 lbs

    a. For flight A to B 16000 lbsb. Reserve fuel 8000 lbs

    If the aircraft lands at B after having consumed 500 lbs of reserve fuel what is the maximum pay

    load that can be carried

    6. In aircraft to fly A to BMax permissible takeoff weight 82000 lbs

    Max weight without fuel and payload 50000 lbs

    Max permissible landing weight 69000 lbs

    Fuel required

    a. For flight from A to B 16000 lbsb. Reserve 3000 lbs

    What is the max payload that can be carried? Is it possible to carry additional reserve fuel without

    affecting the pay load?

    7. A flight is to be made from M to N and return to M carrying max. pay load in each direction. Fuel isnot available at N

    Given :

    Distance to M to N 80 NM

    Mean ground speed M to N 70 K

    Mean ground speed N to M 110 K

    Mean fuel consumption 410 kg / hr

    Max takeoff wt at M 6180 kg

  • 7/31/2019 Few Q's on Payloads


    Max landing wt at N 5740 kg

    Max take-off wt at N 5800 kg

    Max landing wt at M 5460 kg

    Max zero fuel wt 5180 kg

    Aircraft wt less fuel and pay loads 4400 kg

    Reserve fuel (assume not used) 250 kg


    a. Max pay load which can be carried from M to Nb. Max pay load which can be carried from N to M

    8. Max T/O weight 51.00 TonsRTOW 50.00 Tons

    Max Landing weight 43.25 Tons

    Max Zero fuel weight 39.10 Tons

    APS Weight 27.50 Tons

    Trip Fuel 4.2 Tons

    Reserve Fuel 1.00 Ton

    Find the pay load that can be carried

    9. Max takeoff weight 80000 lbsMaximum landing weight 60000 lbs

    Basic weight 48000 lbs

    TAS 200 K

    Track 350

    W/V 350/20

    Distance 1350 nm

    Fuel consumption 2500 lbs/hr

  • 7/31/2019 Few Q's on Payloads


    Reserve fuel 3500 lbs

    Find the pay load that can be carried

    10.Max T/O weight 55000 kgMax landing weight 52000 kg

    Max Zero fuel weight 38000 kg

    A/C weight without fuel & pay load 29000 kg

    Fuel cons 1600 kg/hr

    Distance 1500 nm

    Reserve fuel 2750 kg

    TAS 260 K


    a. max pay load in still airb. max pay load with a head wind of 90 K