Download - Few Odd Gun Laws in America


Few odd gun laws in America

Every state in the US is frequently changing their gun laws, making it effortless for individuals to get hold of guns, widening the places where guns are allowed, or giving gun owners more strong protections. This is because of the increasing violence in America, where the victims were helpless and unarmed. Here we discuss some odd gun laws that are prevailing in America.

Five states allow students to carry concealed guns on college campuses. A law passed by the Mississippi State Legislature in 2011 broadly extended the places where concealed weapons are allowed, including college campuses, secondary schools, etc.

Students can carry concealed weapon on college campus.

The Michigan Legislature approved a law that would permit concealed weapons in “gun-free” zones such as schools, day care centers, bars, churches, hospitals and stadiums. Gun owners are obliged to get eight hours of extra training before bringing guns into these places. Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia, Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Louisiana and Maine are some of the states which has approved this law.

Guns are allowed inside churches, daycare centers.

In some states, it’s no longer a crime for a drunk person to fire a gun, as long as they were acting in self-defense. Some states compelled minimum age limit to go below federal limits of 18 or 21 years of age.

A person does not have to be 18 or sober to own a gun.

Florida became the first state to pass a law forbidding any medical professional from asking patients whether they own guns or not. Some other states have also approved this law following Florida like Alabama and North Carolina, etc. Indiana passed a law permitting employees to sue a private or public employer for requiring disclosure of firearm ownership or use.

Its crime for doctors or employers ask about one’s gun.

25 states in the US has passed "Stand Your Ground" law. As per this law, individuals no longer have to retreat to avoid confrontation in any place he or she has a right to be.

‘Shoot first’ Law.

In some states, nonviolent felons have automatic restoration of their gun rights, while some other states allow felons convicted of violent crimes to regain their gun rights. Minnesota, Ohio, Washington, etc are some of the states which have this law.

Felons regaining their gun license.

If you are getting a gun, study about the laws in which you are staying about possessing guns. Sometimes getting the application, filling it and going to submit the application, all these works are very time consuming. EASYFOID.COM is an online portal where you can apply for a FOID card. Just click on the link to fill out the necessary information and the rest all works will be done here. You just have to wait for the fully filled form, when it comes sign it and mail it back. You will get the FOID card as soon as your application is approved.