Download - Ferruccio Pastore Publications Annex to CV - Updated April ...- (with E. Roman), Migration Policies and Negative Extraversion. Making sense of Euro-African cooperation on migration

Page 1: Ferruccio Pastore Publications Annex to CV - Updated April ...- (with E. Roman), Migration Policies and Negative Extraversion. Making sense of Euro-African cooperation on migration


Ferruccio Pastore Publications Annex to CV - Updated April 2020 Articles in journals:

- Il tallone d’Achille delle migrazioni, Aspenia, No. 88, March 2020, pp. 114-123;

- (with E. Roman), Migration Policies and Negative Extraversion. Making sense of Euro-African cooperation on migration and its effects, Revue européenne des migrations internationales, forthcoming in vol. 36 n° 1 (2020);

- (with E. Roman), Framing migration in the southern Mediterranean: how do civil society actors evaluate EU migration policies? The case of Tunisia, Comparative Migration Studies CMS 8, 2 (2020) doi:10.1186/s40878-019-0160-4, published online: 16 January 2020, (special issue ‘Mediterranean Migration Research: variable focal length’ - Eds. R. Zapata-Barrero and L. Faustini);

- From Source to Corridor: Changing Geopolitical Narratives about Migration and EU-Western Balkans Relations, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, published online: 14 Nov. 2018,;

- Se l’Italia diventa stato cuscinetto, Limes, 6/2017 (special issue “Mediterranei”), pp. 61-67;

- Migration policy, beyond containment, Aspenia, Vol. 22, No. 76, 2017, special issue “Africa: lighting up the future”, pp. 71-81;

- Migrazioni, l’illusione dell’argine, Aspenia (Italian edition), Vol. 22, No. 77, 2017, pp. 171-181.

- (with M. Belloni), Donne rifugiate: non solo vittime, Aspenia, 75, Vol. 21, November 2016, pp. 180-190;

- Zombie policy. Politiche migratorie inefficienti tra inerzia politica e illegalità, Il Mulino, 4/2016, pp. 593-600;

- Migration and the future of EU-Africa relations, Aspenia 71-72 (special issue: “Wars in the Middle East: hot and cold”), May 2016, pp. 209-219;

- (with G. Henry) Explaining the Crisis of the European Migration and Asylum Regime, The International Spectator, 51:1, April 2016, 44-57, DOI:10.1080/03932729.2016.1118609;

- The Forced, the Voluntary and the Free. Migrants’ categorisation and the tormented evolution of the European migration and asylum regime, “Studi Emigrazione – International Journal of Migration Studies”, Vol. 52, No. 200, 2015, pp. 569-586;

- How the migration and asylum crisis is changing the EU: cleavages, risks and possible developments towards a stronger political union (with I. Ponzo), “Asyl/Asile” (Revue suisse pour la pratique et le droit d’asile), 4/2015, pp. 3-7;

- Introduction, in Pastore, F. The Governance of Migrant Labour Supply in Europe, Before and During the Crisis (Guest Editor), Special Issue of “Comparative Migration Studies”, 4/2014,; pp. 385-415;

- La piramide dei diritti. Diversificazione degli status e condizione giuridica dei migranti stranieri, “Quaderni Laici”, No. 3, ottobre 2014, pp. 53-76;

- (with E. Salis and C. Villosio), L’Italia e l’immigrazione low cost: fine di un ciclo?, in “Mondi Migranti”, 1/2013, special issue on “Immigrazione e crisi economica” (guest editors G. Fullin and E. Reyneri), pp. 151-171;

- L’impatto migratorio delle rivolte arabe. Quali scenari oltre le emergenze?, in “ItalianiEuropei”, 4/2011, April 2011, pp. 55-62,;

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- La frontiera più interna. La cittadinanza come strumento di politica migratoria, in “Amministrazione Civile”, 6/2008, pp. 42-51;

- with L. Trinchieri, La Libia nel sistema migratorio mediterraneo. Dinamiche di mobilità e risposte politiche, in “Mondi Migranti”, 2/2008, pp. 21-53;

- Europe, migration and development. Critical remarks on an emerging policy field, “Development”, vol. 50.4, 2007, pp. 56-62 (a longer version available online at page;

- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, “Schengen’s Soft Underbelly? Irregular Migration and Human Smuggling across Land and Sea Borders to Italy, “International Migration”, vol. 44 (4), 2006, pp. 95-119;

- “L’Europa di fronte alle migrazioni. Divergenze strutturali, convergenze settoriali”, Quaderni di Sociologia, Vol. L, No. 40, 2006, pp. 7-24;

- The policies for the management of international migrations from the XXth to the XXIst century. A tale of territorial sovereignties and people on the move, in “Genus”, LXI (No. 3-4), July-December 2005, pp. 347-367;

- A community out of balance: nationality law and migration politics in the history of post-unification Italy, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, vol. 9, No. 1, 2004, pp. 27-48;

- L’Europa della sicurezza interna. Sviluppi e problemi, in G. Vacca, “L’unità dell’Europa. Rapporto 2003 sull’integrazione europea”, Dedalo, Bari, 2003;

- With P. Martin and S. Martin, Best Practice Options: Albania, in Managing Emerging Migration Patterns, “International Migration”, vol. 4, special issue 1/2002, pp. 103-118;

- Integrazione europea e criminalità, Introduction to F. Pastore (ed.), Criminalità e lotta alla criminalità in Europa, special issue of “EuropaEurope”, 4/2001, pp. 71-78;

- La rotta di Enea. Relazioni euromediterranee e migrazioni, in “EuropaEurope”, 1/2001, pp. 165-179;

- La rivoluzione (incompiuta) della politica migratoria europea, in “EuropaEurope”, 6/2000, pp. 17-32;

- Italy Facing International Migration: Recent Policy Developments, in “The International Spectator”, vol. XXXV, n°2, April-June 2000, pp. 29-44.;

- La génèse du droit de l’immigration en Italie (1986-1998), in “Pôle Sud”, n° 11, novembre 1999, pp. 83-94;

- L’obbligo di riammissione in diritto internazionale: sviluppi recenti, in "Rivista di diritto internazionale", 4/1998, pp. 968-1021;

- Famiglie immigrate e diritti occidentali. Il diritto di famiglia musulmano in Francia ed in Italia, in "Rivista di diritto internazionale", 1/1993, pp. 73-117.

Chapters in edited books:

- Il triangolo media-migrazioni-politica: capire per non subire, prefazione a A. Pogliano, “Media, politica e migrazioni in Europa. Una prospettiva sociologica”, Carocci, Roma, 2019;

- From Source to Corridor: Changing Geopolitical Narratives about Migration and EU-Western Balkans Relations, in R. King and N. Oruc (eds.), “Migration in the Western Balkans: What do we know?”, Routledge, 2019;

- (with M. Belloni and C. Timmerman) Women in Mediterranean Asylum Flows: Current Scenario and Ways Forward, inTimmerman, C., Fonseca, M.L., Van Praag, L. & S. Pereira & (Eds), “Gender and Migration: A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Migration Dynamics". Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2018, pp. 217-241;

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- Capire le migrazioni nell’epoca dell’incertezza (with M. Carmagnani), in M. Carmagnani and F. Pastore (eds.), Migrazioni e integrazione in Italia, tra continuità e cambiamento, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Studi 56, Olschki, Firenze, 2018, pp. 1-9;

- La crise du régime migratoire européen, in De Wenden, C., C. Schmoll, E. Thiollet (eds.), “Migrations en Méditerranée. Permanences et mutations à l’heure des révolutions et des crises", Cnrs Editions, Paris, 2015, pp. 53-72 ;

- Un cantiere conflittuale. Il regime migratorio europeo e la posizione dell’Italia, in Aa.Vv., Atti del Convegno “Il governo delle migrazioni oltre la crisi. Sfide e risposte” (5 giugno 2014), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Atti dei Convegni Lincei 286, Scienze e Lettere, Rome, 2015, pp. 91-115;

- Città senza frontiere? Sei tesi su quartieri e integrazione possibile, in Colombo, M. (ed.), Immigrazione e contesti locali – Annuario CIRMIB 2014, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2014, pp. 165-173;

- (with C. Villosio) Italy, in H. Duncan, J. Nieuwenhuysen and S. Neerup (eds.), International Migration in Uncertain Times, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012, pp. 109-128;

- Europe, in H. Duncan, J. Nieuwenhuysen and S. Neerup (eds.), International Migration in Uncertain Times, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012, pp. 129-151;

- Emergenza Lampedusa, in R. Chiaberge (a cura di), Libro dell’anno 2011 - Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 2011,;

- Italy, J. Doomernik and M. Jandl (eds.), in “Modes of Migration Regulation and Control in Europe”, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008;

- Il vincolo interno. Immigrazione e relazioni esterne, in R. Gualtieri – F. Pastore (eds.), L’Unione europea e il governo della globalizzazione. Rapporto 2008 sull’integrazione europea, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 129-150;

- Il ruolo delle città nella governance delle migrazioni internazionali e dei processi di integrazione. Il caso italiano nel contesto europeo, in F. Grandi, E. Tanzi, a cura di, La città meticcia. Riflessioni teoriche e analisi di alcuni casi europei per il governo locale delle migrazioni, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007, pp. 59-72;

- “L’anello debole del mercato comune. Migrazioni, modello sociale e processo di integrazione europea”, in F. Pastore - M. Zupi, eds., I dilemmi dell’integrazione, CeSPI-Istituto Gramsci Yearbook on European Integration, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006, pp. 125-147;

- “Demografia e migrazioni”, in Nomos & Khaos. Rapporto Nomisma 2005 sulle prospettive economico-strategiche, Nomisma, Roma, 2006, pp. 191-205;

- “Una governance globale delle migrazioni. Utopia o necessità?”, in D. Nelken (ed.), L’integrazione subita. Immigrazione, trasformazioni, mutamenti sociali, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2005, pp. 118-134;

- L’Unione europea e la lotta al terrorismo, in G. Vacca (ed.), Dalla Convenzione alla Costituzione, Rapporto 2005 della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci sull’integrazione europea, Dedalo, Bari, 2005, pp. 239-251;

- “Che fare di chi non dovrebbe essere qui? La gestione della presenza straniera irregolare in Europa, tra strategie nazionali e misure comuni”, in A. Colombo e G. Sciortino, I sommersi e i sanati. Le regolarizzazioni degli immigrati in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004, pp. 19-45;

- “Formation, Structure and Current Evolution of the EU Entry Control System”, in N. Walker, ed., Europe's Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, pp. 89-142;

- With G. Sciortino, “Immigration and European Immigration Policies: Myths and Realities”, in J. Apap (ed.), Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: Liberty and Security Issues after Enlargement, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2004, pp. 191-209;

- With A. Rotta, Le politiche dell’Unione europea, tra libertà di circolazione e nuove frontiere, in O. Forti, F. Pittau, A. Ricci, Europa. Allargamento a est e immigrazione, Centro Studi e Ricerche

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Immigrazione Dossier Statistico (IDOS), in co-operation with Caritas Italiana e Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro, Nuova Anterem, Rome, 2004, pp. 26-50;

- Lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia tra allargamento e costituzionalizzazione, in G. Vacca, ed., “Il dilemma euroatlantico. Rapporto 2004 della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci sull’integrazione europea”, Dedalo, Bari, 2004, pp. 195-212;

- L’Europa della sicurezza interna. Sviluppi e problemi, in G. Vacca, “L’unità dell’Europa. Rapporto 2003 sull’integrazione europea”, Dedalo, Bari, 2003, pp. 235-252;

- The Asymmetrical Fortress. The problem of relations between internal and external security policies in the European Union, in J. Apap and M. Anderson (eds.), “Police and Justice Co-operation and the New European Borders”, Kluwer, The Hague, 2002, pp. 59-80;

- Eneas’ Route. Euro-Mediterranean Relations and International Migration, in S. Lavenex and E. Uçarer (eds.), “Externalities of Integration: the Wider Impact of the Developing EU Migration Regime”, Lexington Books, Lanham - Boulder - New York – Oxford, 2002, pp. 105-123;

- Il fattore umano. Governance globale e migrazioni, in: P. Annunziato-A. Calabrò-L. Caracciolo (eds.), “Governance della globalizzazione”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 155-179;

- L’Italia e le migrazioni dall’est, in R. Balfour (ed.), “Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica. Annuario politico-economico 2001”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 107-118;

- La politica dell’immigrazione, in F. Bruni, N. Ronzitti (eds.), “L’Italia e la politica internazionale. Edizione 2001”, IAI-ISPI, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001;

- Nationality law and international migration: The Italian Case, in R. Hansen – P. Weil (eds.), “Towards a European Nationality”, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2001, pp. 95-117;

- La politica migratoria, in R. Aliboni, F. Bruni, A. Colombo, E. Greco (eds.), “L’Italia e la politica internazionale”, IAI-ISPI, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000, pp. 83-100;

- L’expérience italienne dans la mise en oeuvre de Schengen, in K. Hailbronner - P. Weil, “Von Schengen nach Amsterdam. Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Einwanderungs- und Asylrecht”, Bundesanzeiger, Köln, 1999, pp. 43-50;

- I diritti degli altri. Stranieri, immigrati e rifugiati in Europa, in CeSPI (ed.), “Diventare europei. Indicazioni di percorso per giovani cittadini”, Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, 1999, pp. 140-160;

- Droit de la nationalité et migrations internationales. Le cas italien, in P. Weil - R. Hansen, "Nationalité et citoyenneté en Europe", La Découverte, Paris, 1999, pp. 95-116;

- Migrazioni internazionali e ordinamento giuridico, in Luciano Violante (ed.), "Diritto e giustizia", Annali della Storia d’Italia, Einaudi, Torino, 1998, pp. 1031-1123.

Books/Special issues:

- with M. Carmagnani (eds.), Migrazioni e integrazione in Italia, tra continuità e cambiamento, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Studi 56, Olschki, Firenze, 2018;

- Beyond the Migration and Asylum Crisis. Options and lessons for Europe, E-Book Series Aspen Italia Views, Treccani, 2017,;

- with A. Kraler and M. Hendow (guest editors), Multiplication and multiplicity: transformations of border control, “Journal of Borderland Studies”, vol. 31, No. 2, 2016;

- with I. Ponzo (eds.), Changing Neighbourhoods: Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities. IMISCOE Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016 (open access: available online at SpringerLink:;

- The Governance of Migrant Labour Supply in Europe, Before and During the Crisis (Guest Editor), Special Issue of “Comparative Migration Studies”, 4/2014,

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- with I. Ponzo (eds.), Concordia discors. Integrazione e conflitto nei quartieri di immigrazione, Carocci, Roma, 2012;

- with R. Gualtieri (eds.), L’Unione europea e il governo della globalizzazione. Rapporto 2008 sull’integrazione europea, Il Mulino, 2008;

- Dobbiamo temere le migrazioni?, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2004.

Working papers/Reports:

- Migration governance and complexity. A concept paper, Aspen Institute Italia, February 2020;

- Creating lawful opportunities for adult refugee labour market mobility - A conceptual framework for a VET, skills and qualifications-based complementary pathway to protection (with A. Kraler, M. Wagner et Al.), European Centre for the Development of Professional Training (CEDEFOP) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019,;

- Transnational Figurations of Displacement. Conceptualising protracted displacement and translocal connectivity through a process-oriented perspective (with B. Etzold, M. Belloni, R. King and A. Kraler), TRAFIG Working Paper No. 1, 5 June 2019,;

- Analysing migration policy frames of Tunisian civil society organisations: how do they evaluate EU migration policies? (with E. Roman) Medreset Project, WP7 Country Report on Tunisia, June 2018, (extended version, with annexes, available here:;

- Final report of the “Expert Group on Skills and Migration” of the Labour-Int Project (with E. Salis), November 2017,;

- Investigating Cognitive and Normative Frames of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Stakeholders on Migration and Mobility Issues, in Their Relations with the EU (with E. Roman, I. Ponzo, N. Harrami and M. Lahmidani), Medreset Project, Methodology and Concept Papers, no. 6/2017, September 2017,;

- Measuring Migration Costs of West African migrants to Italy (with P. Cingolani and E. Salis), Survey report prepared for the Thematic Working Group on Low-skilled Labour Migration, Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), July 2017;

- Beyond the European Migration and Asylum Crisis. Why, what now, what next?, paper prepared for Aspen Initiative for Europe prepared on the occasion of Aspen European Strategy Group “In search of security for European citizens: the rationale for a redesigned EU”, Rome, December 1-3, 2016;

- The Changing Dynamics of Cross-border Human Smuggling and Trafficking in the Mediterranean (with N. Abdel Aziz and P. Monzini), Report for the New-Med Research Network, Istituto di Affari Internazionali (IAI), October 2015,;

- (with E. Roman) Implementing Selective Protection. A Comparative Review of the Implementation of Asylum Policies at National Level Focusing on the Treatment of Mixed Migration Flows at EU’s Southern Maritime Borders, Working Paper FIERI (study carried out for the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration), October 2014,;

- (with G. Henry), The Governance of Migration, Mobility and Asylum in the EU: A Contentious Laboratory, Imagining Europe, Working Paper No. 5, April 2014, Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI),;

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- (with E. Salis), Managing Labour Migration in Times of Crisis – Recent Trends and Open Issues in Selected EU countries, in Hofmeister, W. et al (eds.), Migration and Integration. Common challenges and Responses from Europe and Asia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, EU-Asia Dialogue,, 2014, pp. 99-117;

- (with E. Salis and C. Villosio), L’Italia e l’immigrazione low cost: fine di un ciclo?, Working Papers FIERI, marzo 2013,;

- (with T. Caponio), Spunti comparativi e un abbozzo di tipologia delle politiche, in T. Caponio (ed.), Dall’ammissione all’inclusione: verso un approccio integrato? Un percorso di approfondimento comparativo a partire da alcune recenti esperienze europee, FIERI Research Report for the Italian National Economy and Labour Council (CNEL) and Ministry of Labour, 2012,;

- Immigrazione e lavoro. Perché spostare lo sguardo sulle imprese, Introduction to: FIERI-Turin Chamber of Commerce, Non solo braccia. Un’indagine sull’impiego di lavoro immigrato nelle imprese del torinese, Research Report, 2012,;

- (with T. Caponio, R. Ricucci and V. Premazzi), Amministrare l’immigrazione. La difficile simbiosi tra burocrazia e cittadini stranieri, Rapporti di ricerca FIERI, settembre 2012,;

- (with C. Villosio), Nevertheless attracting… Italy and Immigration in Times of Crisis, FIERI Working Papers, February 2011,;

- (with E. Paoletti), Sharing the dirty job on the southern front? Italian–Libyan relations on migration and their impact on the European Union, IMI Working Papers, No. 29, December 2010, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford,;

- Chapter on Italy in ‘Migration and the Economic Crisis: Implications for Policy in the European Union’, International Organization for Migration, 2010,, pp. 121-137;

- Managing Migration Through the Crisis. Evolving Patterns in European Policies on Labour Migration and Mobility, FIERI Working Papers, November 2010,;

- (with J. Rijpma) Review of Current International Approaches with Regard to Regularization and Disincentives for the Employment of Irregular Migrant Workers, in Regularization and Employers’ Sanctions as Means towards the Effective Governance of Labour Migration. Russian Federation and International Experience, International Labour Organization (ILO), Moscow, 2009, pp. 46-106,;

- So strict, so open… A long-term perspective on Italian immigration policies, Paper for CentreForum, May 2009 (a revised version is available at page;

- The Crumbling Bridge. Can Migration be turned again into an Asset for Euro-Mediterranean Relations?, in The Euro-Mediterranean dialogue: prospects for an area of prosperity and security, A Report by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies and the Fondazione Italianieuropei, 2009,, pp. 63-70;

- The Italian migratory laboratory: Promises, failures and lessons for Europe, background paper for the seminar on “Migration and European labour market transformations”, Policy Network, Paris, July 3 2008, ;;

- Circular Migration, Background paper for the Meeting of Experts on Legal Migration jointly organised by the Moroccan and Italian governments (Rabat, 3-4 March 2008),;

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- Studiare il transnazionalismo politico in Italia, Introduction to P. Boccagni, “Votare per noi era un giorno di festa”. Un’indagine esplorativa sul transnazionalismo politico tra gli immigrati ecuadoriani in Italia, CeSPI Working Papers 35/2007, April 2007,;

- Libya’s Entry into the Migration Great Game. Recent Developments and Critical Issues, background paper for the project “Managing Migration in the Neighbourhood of the EU and the US”, carried out by CeSPI with support from the German Marshall Fund of the United States, October 2007,;

- Transnational threats and the outsourcing of law enforcement: Current trends and the potential role of the European Union. Preliminary considerations focusing on the new EU’s Instrument for Stability, Concept note CeSPI, March 2007,;

- Welfare transnazionale: un ambito strategico di intervento per la cooperazione decentrata? (with F. Piperno), Discussion paper produced in the framework of the project “Development & Migration Circuits. Research, networking and public initiatives to enhance synergies between migration management and development cooperation” for International Organization for Migration (IOM), February 2006, available at page;

- How to assess the first stage of the EU’s asylum policy”, in S. Bertozzi and F. Pastore, Towards a Common European Asylum Policy, EPC Issue Paper No.49, October 2006, European Policy Centre, Brussels;

- “Is there a European strategy against terrorism? A brief assessment of supra-national and national responses” (ed.), CeSPI Working Papers, N° 12/2005, available at page;

- “Supranational Counter-Terrorism A test under duress for EU principles and institutions” (ed.), CeSPI Working Papers, N° 22/2005, available at page;

- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, Human Smuggling to/through Italy, Report of the research project on “The Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Migrants: Types, Origins and Dynamics in a Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective”, promoted by the European Science Foundation with the support of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, April 2004, ;

- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, L'Italia promessa. Geopolitica e dinamiche organizzative del traffico di migranti verso l'Italia, CeSPI Working Paper 9/2004,;

- Quote e gestione degli ingressi per motivi economici. Primi elementi per una valutazione dell’esperienza italiana (1998-2003), in AA.VV., “Regolazione dei flussi migratori: tra programmazione e precarietà degli interventi”, Atti del seminario di studio organizzato presso il Consiglio nazionale dell’economia e del lavoro il 3 dicembre 2003, CNEL, Serie Documenti, n° 29, 2003;

- La fortezza asimmetrica. Il problema dei rapporti tra sicurezza interna ed esterna nell’Unione europea, in R. Balfour, E. Greco (eds.), “Il ruolo internazionale dell’Unione europea”, report drafted for the Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Rome, 2002;

- La Comunita’ Sbilanciata. Diritto della cittadinanza e politiche migratorie nell’Italia post-unitaria, Laboratorio CeSPI, Working Paper, July 2002,;

- With G. Sciortino, Tutori lontani. Il ruolo degli Stati d’origine nel processo di integrazione degli immigrati, report for the Commission for Integration Policies (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), October 2001;

- Reconciling the Prince’s Two “Good Arms”. Internal-External Security Policy Coordination in the European Union, Occasional Paper N° 30, Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union (WEU), Paris, September 2001;

- Refugee crisis management and the EU – an emerging test case, in A. Missiroli (ed.), “Coherence for European Security Policy”, Occasional Paper n° 27, Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union (ISS/WEU), Paris, May 2001;

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- With R. Balfour, L. Einaudi, L. Rizzotti, L’impatto dell’allargamento sui movimenti di popolazione, in Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for Economic Affairs (ed.), “Allargamento a Est dell’Unione europea: sfide e opportunità per l’Italia”, Roma, marzo 2001,;

- The New Security Agenda, with R. Menotti and M. Rosini, in “Strengthening International Order. The Role of Asia-Europe Co-operation. A CAEC Task Force Report”, Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation, London-Tokyo, 2000;

- Migrazioni e politiche locali: l’esperienza italiana nel quadro europeo (ed.), in Agenzia Romana per la Preparazione del Giubileo, “Migrazioni. Scenari per il XXI secolo”, vol. 2, Roma, 2000;

- Il governo dei processi migratori nel quadro europeo: obiettivi, strumenti, problemi (ed.), in Agenzia Romana per la Preparazione del Giubileo, “Migrazioni. Scenari per il XXI secolo”, vol. 1, Roma, 2000;

- With P. Romani and G. Sciortino, L’Italia nel sistema internazionale del traffico di persone. Risultanze investigative, ipotesi interpretative, strategie di risposta,, Working Paper n° 5, Commissione per le Politiche di Integrazione degli Immigrati, Dipartimento per gli Affari Sociali, Roma, 2000;

- Conflicts and Migrations. A Case Study on Albania, written briefing addressed to the Conflict Prevention Network of the European Commission, January 1998;

- Immigrazione e pluralismo normativo. Le famiglie straniere di fronte al diritto francese, in Working Papers "Materiali di Discussione e Ricerca", Department of Legal Sociology, University of Torino, n°3, October 1992.

Non-academic articles (op-eds, online articles, etc.):

- Lavoratori stranieri con tre svantaggi in più nella fase 2 (con P. Campa, T. Frattini, R. Quaranta e C. Villosio),, 5 maggio 2020,

- The third blow, and what will remain of Europe, Aspenia Online, April 2020,;

- Migrant integration in times of the lockdown. Some reflections from Italy, TRAFIG Blog, March 2020,;

- L’integrazione ai tempi del contagio, Neodemos, March 2020,;

- Braccia contro frane. Come il lavoro immigrato potrebbe contribuire (di più) all’interesse nazionale, Neodemos, December 2019,;

- Il lavoro sporco alla frontiera e il dilemma italiano, Aspenia online, October 2019;

- The politics of future migration: hoaxes, nightmares and few certainties, Aspenia online, April 2019,;

- La vecchia e la stampella: considerazioni sull’Italia e il lavoro immigrato, in “La crisi della città del lavoro”, e-book published by the online journal, (pp. 98-102), January 2019,;

- Not So Global, Not So Compact. Reflections on the Shitstorm Surrounding the Global Compact for Migration, IAI Commentaries, 19/02, Istituto Affari Internazionali, January 2019,;

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- Migrazioni e integrazione: vere e false emergenze, Politiche Piemonte, October 2018, P;

- Promising Openness, Implementing Closure: Reflections on Visa Policies and Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Jadaliyya, September 2018,,-Implementing-Closure-Reflections-on-Visa-Policies-and-Euro-Mediterranean-Relations;

- Migranti: Ue, Vertice, “L’Italia non è più sola”. Davvero?, Affarinternazionali, 30 June 2018,;

- Migrazioni: UE a rischio implosione, ISPI Commentary, Istituto di Politica Internazionale, June 2018,;

- Rebordering Europe: a dangerously contagious lose-lose game, Aspenia Online, June 2018,;

- Migrazioni nei Balcani: nuovi muri, nuove rotte, Neodemos, June 2018,;

- Italia/migranti: contratto di governo, velleitarismo e ripetitività, 22 May 2018, Affarinternazionali,;

- The election of fear. Italians are more afraid of a far-right backlash than immigrants, Politico, 7 February 2018,;

- Ius soli e valori: risposte pragmatiche a dubbi legittimi, Neodemos – Popolazione Società Politica, 29 September 2017, Now published also in : Associazione Neodemos (2017), Ius soli e ius culturae. Un dibattito sulla cittadinanza dei giovani migranti, pp. 23-25,

- Sciacsciuca / Shakshouka / شكشوكه Reflections on the Mutations of a Recipe, Contribution .שקשוקה /to the installation "Absence of Paths" ( by L. Lazaar, Tunisian Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia (57th International Art Exhibition),;

- The position of Italy in Europe's migration and asylum crisis, 11 November 2016, Clingendael. Netherlands Institute of International Affairs,;

- Migrant Deaths: Explaining Variations over Time and across Smuggling Routes, 4 April 2016, AllegraLab,;

- (with E. Salis) Morti in mare e rotte migratorie, Neodemos, 30 March 2016,;

- Lo stallo dell’Europa. Sarà l’Italia il prossimo stato-cuscinetto?, I diavoli, 21 marzo 2016,;

- ¿El próximo gran proyecto europeo? La crisis de la migración y el asilo: un desafío vital para la UE, Vanguardia Dossier, N° 58, October 2015,;

- The Migration and Asylum Crisis as a Transformative Shock for Europe. Brief Thoughts on the Eve of the Next Summit , IAI Working Papers 15/34, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma, September 2015,;

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- The next big European project? The migration and asylum crisis: a vital challenge for the EU, Policy Brief 25/2015, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, September 2015,;

- Robots versus immigrants? Reflections on the future of migrant labour in Europe, in Eutopia – Ideas for Europe, August 2015,;

- The Pitfalls of a European Migration Policy (with G. Dalla Zuanna and C. Hein), Population Europe, Policy Brief No. 09, July 2015, available at;

- Flussi migratori Italia-Africa: guardare oltre l’orizzonte immediato, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), June 2015,;

- Mediterranean shipwrecks: What changes with 19 April?, in Eutopia – Ideas for Europe, May 2015,;

- Death in the Mediterranean (with E. Roman), Berlin Policy Journal, May 2015,;

- Après les naufages…, in « Libération », 22 April 2015,;

- The Libyan rupture. What happens if a link in the European migration control system breaks?, in Eutopia – Ideas for Europe, February 2015,;

- Mediterranean, in Migration: The COMPAS Anthology, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, 2014,;

- Migration. A matter of unity and division (Italian version also available), in Eutopia – Ideas for Europe, April 2014,;

- What European solidarity can Italy and Spain, faced with an avalanche of illegal immigrants in Ceuta and Melilla and Lampedusa, ask for and expect?, “Elcano Blog”, Madrid: Elcano Royal Institute, April 2014,;

- Le stragi nel mare, una stagione da chiudere, in “Europa Quotidiano”, 8 October 2013,;

- Si può riaprire il mare, in S. Liberti (ed.), “Mare chiuso”, Minimum Fax, Roma, 2013;

- Mobilità intra-europea: la UE a un bivio, in, 5 June 2013,;

- The less democracy at home, the more propensity to naturalize?, Comments on “The Prior Socialization of Immigrants and Their Political Participation in the United States” by Michael Jones-Correa (Cornell University), presented during a seminar organised by FIERI and T-Wai and the Political Science Department of the University of Torino, 26 January 2012;

- Transatlantic Trends Immigration 2011: la deriva xenofoba non è un destino, “Affarinternazionali”, 16 December 2012,;

- Will the Crisis Kill Legal Migration Policies, in “Migrant Remittances”, December 2008, Vol. 5, No. 4,

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- The Migration Impact of North-African Revolutions and What it Reveals about Europe, EUROMESCO, Brief n. 6, 28 July 2011,;

- Immigrazione e opinione pubblica, il caso Italia, “Affarinternazionali”, 3 February 2011,;

- Immigrazione: cosa vogliono davvero le opinioni pubbliche, “AffarInternazionali”, 4 December 2009,;

- Europa e immigrazione: gli interrogative usciti dalle urne, “FIERI - Analisi e Commenti”, 1 July 2009,;

- with E. Collett, Beyond pillars: how to disentangle the JHA knot, in “Challenge Europe”, Issue 19, The next Commission: doing more and better, June 2009,, pp. 50-58;

- Popolazione temporaneamente superflua?, in “Neodemos. Popolazione, società, politiche”, 4 dicembre 2008,;

- Migration and Italo-Libyan relations. Finding a way out of the impasse, CeSPI policy brief, June 2008,;

- Migrazioni e relazioni italo-libiche. Come uscire da questa impasse, CeSPI policy brief, June 2008,;

- L’Europa e l’immigrazione: la pancia contro la testa, “Affarinternazionali” (online journal), 4 June 2008,;

- L’Europa fortezza e l’Africa serbatoio, in “Mwinda. Osservatorio geopolitico sull’Africa”, 5 December 2007,;

- Se un delitto fa tremare l’Italia. Come si affronta una security crisis, in “Italianieuropei”, 5/2007, pp. 19-32;

- La paranoia dell’invasione e il futuro dell’Italia, “Limes”, 4/2007, pp. 23-33;

- La politica migratoria italiana a una svolta, CeSPI policy brief, May 2007,;

- El continente móvil. Migraciones y relaciones internacionales, “Vanguardia Dossier”, n. 22, January-March 2007, pp. 110-114;

- Immigrazione: Europa avanti in ordine sparso, “AffarInternazionali”, No. 11, October 2006,;

- “North Africa and Europe: African forced migrations”,, Edition 26 Volume 4, July 13, 2006,;

- International Migration as a Factor in EU-Turkey Relations. Some introductory remarks, in “EU-Turkey Agenda”, No.7, March 2006, Center for European Studies at Istanbul Bilgi University,;

- “Remittances and Co-Development in the Mediterranean Region”, in IEMed and Fundació CIDOB, Med.2005. 2004 in the Euro-Mediterranean Space, Barcelona, 2005, pp. 222-226, ;

- Cooperation with Sending and Transit Countries: Beyond Sticks and Carrots? (with Migration Policy Institute staff), Policy brief for the Dutch Presidency Conference on Asylum, Migration and Frontiers • September 2004, available at ;

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- “The Challenge of Trans-Mediterranean Migration”, in , special issue on Demography and Migration, Ed. 11, Vol. 2, 19 March 2004;

- “Italy’s Migration Contradictions”, in, in the Section People Flow: Migration in Europe, March 2004;

- Border countries in an enlarging Union. Some reflections based on the Italian case, CEPS Policy Brief, No. 14/March 2002, available on;

- Migrazioni inarrestabili?, in “Global” (Italian edition of Foreign Policy), n° 4, August 2000;

- Dopo l’eliminazione delle frontiere, Schengen si concentra su giustizia e sicurezza, in "Guida al Diritto" - Il Sole-24 Ore, n.14, April 11th 1998;

- Dove finisce il Medio Oriente?, in "Linea d'ombra", n.86, ottobre 1993;

- Attenti ai fantasmi. Come impostare correttamente i problemi delle società multiculturali, with Francesco Ciafaloni, in "Micromega", n.2, 1992;

- With Florence Baptiste and Giuseppe Russo, Una città di fronte all'immigrazione, in "Biblioteca della Libertà", n.113, aprile-giugno 1991.

From 2001 till 2003, F. Pastore has been the Chief Editor of “MigraCtion Europa”, a periodical analysis bulletin on migration policies in Europe published by CeSPI. All issues available on

F. Pastore is co-author (with Andrea Segre, director, and Stefano Liberti) of two documentary films dealing with migration in Africa:

- Sahara, andata e ritorno (A. Segre, 2006, 14’), winner of the Claudio Accardi Award,;

- A sud di Lampedusa (A. Segre, 2006, 31’),