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    SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM Francisco Solorio-Snchez1*, Baldomero Solorio-Snchez1, Saikat Kumar Basu2, Fernando Casanova-Lugo3, Lucero Sarabia-Salgado1, Juan Ku-Vera1, Carlos Aguilar-Prez1, Luis Ramrez-Avils1, Eliana Noguera-Savelli5, William Cetzal-Ix6, ngel Infante-Cruz7, Judith Petit-Aldana4 and Armin Ayala-Basulto1

    1Campus de Ciencias Biolgicas y Agropecuarias. Universidad Autnoma de Yucatn. Carretera Mrida-Xmatkuil Km. 15.5. C.P. 97100, Mrida, Yucatn, Mxico; 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Canada; 3Instituto Tecnolgico de la Zona Maya, Carretera Chetumal-Escarcega km 21.5 Ejido Juan Sarabia, C.P. 77965, Quintana Roo, Mxico; 4Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Escuela Tcnica Superior Forestal, Av. Chorros de Milla, Ncleo Forestal. Edf. A. Mrida 5101, Mrida, Venezuela. 5El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Divisin de Conservacin de la Biodiversidad, Departamento de Ecologa y Sistemtica Terrestre, San Cristbal de Las Casas 29290, Chiapas, Mxico; 6Herbario CICY, Centro de Investigacin Cientfica de Yucatn, A. C., Calle 43. No. 130. Col. Chuburn de Hidalgo, 97200 Mrida, Yucatn, Mxico; 7Fundacin para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnologa del estado Mrida (Fundacite-Mrida). Avenida Alberto Carnevali. La Hechicera. Mrida, 5101 Venezuela; *corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT The first part of this chapter provides an introduction to Mexican livestock systems. The second part describes silvopastoral systems which are recognized as a strategy for food production, including the integration of annual, forage, legumes such as fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). The third part highlights the importance of silvopastoral systems for livestock production and how fenugreek can be integrated in to the diet of the Mexican livestock. The current review discusses various agronomics aspects of intercropping with fenugreek mainly as a fodder bank for increased fodder yield and quality. Fenugreek cultivation can not only improve the local animal diet but it can also improve the soil nitrogen content. Based on this current review it can be concluded that integrating fenugreek into silvopastoral systems with livestock production could be a good sustainable solution to enhance the biodiversity of the system as well as increase the margin of profitability for the local producers and growers.

    KEY WORDS: Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Mexico, forage, legume, silvopastoral system

    ABBREVIATIONS: CP: Crude Protein; DM: dry matter; IVDMD: in vitro digestibility of dry matter

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    INTRODUCTION Mexico is characterized by a physiography of different altitudes that has profound impact on the widespread climatic variations observed with respect to temperature fluctuations. Most of the arid and semiarid regions are restricted to North Mexico (48 % of the territory), dry tropical mainly along the shores (16 % of the territory) and sub-humid temperate with a seven month long dry season prevalent in Central Mexico (23 % of the territory), humid tropical climate share of South Mexico (12 % of the territory) and in both mountain chains proportionately smaller regions with humid temperate climate are found. The Mexican climate is tropical with high diurnal temperature range fluctuations with respect to different altitudes. Seasonally dry tropical forests is very common in the Mexican neotropics, however this vegetation is under risk of disappearance. At the national level, only 27 % of the original cover has remained intact. At the local level ~60 % of the original vegetation has been lost and only 19 % remains forested. These residual forests are located only in areas with steep slopes. An annual deforestation rate of 1.4 % was calculated and remaining areas are heavily fragmented and somewhat e c o l o g i c a l l y disturbed. In the dry and semi dry parts of North Mexico pastoral use of available land resources is one of the most common agricultural activities. On the other hand, pasture degradation is a significant problem throughout Mexico livestock systems and the restoration of degraded pastures is expensive [1]. However, the inclusion of leguminous trees or shrubs integrated with grass pastures and other legume species such as Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) in livestock agro-forestry may contribute to sustainable production systems with low environmental impact on livestock farm producers. In this chapter, we summarized the potential of fenugreek integrated under silvopastoral systems and their potential for livestock production in Mexico.

    MEXICAN LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Cattle production is one of the most important livestock activities in major parts of rural Mexico in addition to forage and food crop production and agro-industrial by-products. In Mexico, cattle are divided into three groups: dairy, beef and dual purpose. Cattle are mainly grass fattened; most Mexicans consume grass-fed beef because it is generally leaner and less expensive [2]. Three ecological regions of Mexico define the cattle industry: the arid and semi-arid northern region that constitutes 27 % of the Mexican cattle inventory, the southern tropical region, which accounts for 42 % of the herd, and the temperate central region, which represents 31 % of Mexican cattle inventories in 1988 [3]. According to Garcia-Vega and William [3], the northern region is the most important livestock region in the country. Conditions in this region are mostly suitable for extensive but poor yielding livestock production systems characterized by low rainfall and poor soil conditions. Production of feeder cattle is more common than production of cattle for slaughter in the northern region. The central temperate region is more oriented to crop rather than to livestock production but competition for land usage between livestock and crop production has been quite intense. An interesting feature of this area has been preference over diary production compared to beef generation and the latter is primarily produced as a by-

  • product. Both dairy and beef production in this region are totally dependent on the local crop production. During winter cattle are grazed on fall-seeded grains and on crop residues. For the rest of the year different amounts of feed are usually supplemented [2]. On the contrary, the tropical zone in this region enjoyed the best livestock growth over the past two decades. The existing production systems are highly complex and heterogeneous in this region compared to that in the north [3]. Cattle production is more intensive and frequently involves dual purpose livestock operations (i.e., milk and meat production). Such systems can be described as those that produce milk (daily milking) and meat (calf after weaning) in individual production cycle. Such facilities are restricted to the poor developing areas with low technology environment with low production output. Milk produced is predominantly used for self-consumption or sold at the local markets. The calves, at the post weaning period are also sold at local feedlots or sent for export. In this region, the cattle are mainly fed on grass; however; additional supplementation in the form of feed concentrates and traditional forages are also used [4]. The dual purpose system, aiming to produce milk and weaned calves simultaneously is dominant in the humid and sub-humid tropics; the system is based on grazing native and sown pastures. Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum.) and Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst are the two most frequently used grass species. Low forage availability in the dry season is the main factor limiting milk production but very little is done about it. Only 30 % of farmers provide supplementary feeding (mainly molasses) in the dry season. Limited number farmers grow forages for cattle during the dry season.

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    Figure 1. A) Typical Dual purpose cattle in the Mexican regions; B) Dual purpose cattle based on in native or introduced grassland is the dominant systems in the Mexican tropics. MEXICAN AGROCLIMATIC CONDITIONS


    Due to its location, Mexicos climate is tropical with high temperatures (almost always above an annual average of 18 C) that also vary according to different altitudes. Therefore, Mexico has climates from warm with annual average temperatures equal or greater than 26 C to cold with temperatures less than 10 C. However, temperatures vary from 10-26 C in 93 % of the territory. Warm humid and sub-humid climates cover 21 %; while dry and very dry areas cover 49 % of the country. Mexican physiography is complex and constitutes two mountainous chains (The Western and The Eastern Sierra Madre) that comprises a great

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    part of the country and have relatively narrow plains throughout the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This typical physiography together with the geographical location leads to a variety of climatic conditions, in which altitude imposes a dominant effect on temperature and the Eastern Sierra Madre hampers humid air circulation from the Gulf of Mexico [5]. Therefore, dry to very dry conditions are abundant in most parts of the country. These conditions establish clear limits to land use: only 20.6 million hectares (10.55 % of the territory) are cultivated from which 25 % are under irrigation [1]. Pastoral land use is widely scattered particularly in the North arid and semi-arid parts of Mexico. Jimnez [6] estimates that 50 % of the territory (~98 million hectares) is occupied by vegetation types adapted to pasturing with animals, such as natural prairie, brushwood of different types, deciduous tropical forests, conifer and oak forests. According to Arroyo [7] some 74.5 million hectares (38 % of the territory) are being used as pasturing lands form which 76 % are in the Northern part of Mexico. Considering edaphic characteristics, it is very difficult to classify soils in Mexico because of their extreme variability. So, we have that soils with a broaden distribution (65 %) are superficial soils (leptosols, regosols and calcisols) with low development and agricultural potential. Soils more fertile and exploited (feozems, vertisols, cambisols, and luvisols) occupy 26 % of the country. These soils are subjected to intensive agricultural exploitation that affects their productive potential and long term sustainability. Regions with high diversity of soils are in the Central part and in the Gulf of Mexico region; both are subjected to great population densities, which generates strong pressures over the soil as a resource [5]. According to Darby [8], fenugreek production is optimal if the plant grows under the sun in areas with temperatures of 8-27 C, an annual rainfall of 16-60 mm, in rich and well drained soil with pH range of 5.3-8.2. On the contrary, the crop growth is low and weak under low temperatures and humid soil conditions. Therefore, based on the evaluation of the fenugreek plant, it is found to be more optimal as a potential forage crop for Mexico. Nevertheless, it is important to point out that given fenugreek being an annual plant its potential as a pasture plant is limited. However, there are reports of its cultivation combined with other crops, for instance with alfalfa for livestock [12-15]. It is also important to emphasize that compared to other crops (like maize) fenugreek can reduce soil loss approximately by 90 % and enhances top soil layers and prevent soil erosion, a consistent problem for Mexican agriculture. Fenugreek also has the capacity to fix its own nitrogen and hence reduces fertility requirement during production [11], another bonus for introduction of the crop for silvopastoral systems of Mexico. SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEMS AND FENUGREEK INTEGRATION Silvopastoral systems refer to land use practices where woody perennials are integrated with crop or animal species. Silvopastoral systems can be grouped into (i) Simultaneous systems where trees and crops are grown together and (ii) sequential systems where trees and crops are either grown in rotation or the growth of trees or crops occur at different times [9]. Integration of fenugreek into silvopastoral systems (Fodder bank or cut and carry systems) can potentially increase soil fertility by either (i) increasing the amount of nutrients within the rooting zone of grass through increased inputs and reduced outputs of nutrients or (ii) increasing the availability of nutrients within the soil-plan system to the rooting depth of grasses and through enhanced nutrient cycling and conversion of nutrients to more plant-available form. Nutrient inputs include biological nitrogen fixation [10],

  • increase availability of soil nitrogen as reflected by increased inorganic soil nitrogen, and the transfer of nutrient within the soil-plant system representing internal nutrient cycling.


    A B Figure 2. A) Silvopastoral systems associated with tree crops; B) Silvopastoral systems with leguminous for the animal production and improve soil N.

    FODDER BANK WITH FENUGREEK Mexican tropics are characterized by long dry periods and feed and fodder scarcity, most small and medium scale farming systems livestock graze in pastures or woodlands feeding on grass and other herbaceous plants. The wet season observe higher forage in these lands for maintaining stable and sustainable cattle production systems. In the dry season however, the quantity and quality of the forage is greatly reduced and are low in nutritional qualities. Rapid loss in weight and productivity are observed in case of cattle production system dependent on such diets. To avoid these problem farmers must provide their animals with agricultural sub-products (citrus peel, maize or sorghum straw and poultry manure); other option is to supply expensive concentrates or supplemental feeding. For most livestock producers this is not possible due to high costs and limited availability of supplements. A more practical option is to establish fodder banks and use cut or carry fodder systems. Fodder banks will be planted with high-quality fodder species like fenugreek in association with grasses. Their goal is to maintain healthy productive animals. They can be utilized all year, however, will be mainly designed to bridge the forage scarcity of annual dry seasons. In this way, these plants enable to retain fresh foliage into the dry season. The ability of fenugreek and leguminous shrubs to fix atmospheric nitrogen makes them protein rich feeds. In terms of nutritive value, fenugreek has been proven to be higher digestibility and higher nutrient intake [11]. To maximize yield in the drier seasons, fodder banks need to be dense and nearly pure stands. The total biomass yields per area should be greater at higher densities. The recommended agronomic arrangement planting will be in rows oriented east to west to provide them with sun exposure and to avoid light competition between grasses and fenugreeks plants or shrubs. Once the fenugreek crop is well established, grasses should be allowed to grow in the area between the rows. The grass grown in the inter row area should be an excellent fodder species. Competition between the different species should be monitored constantly so that fodder bank productivity does not decrease.

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    Important management factors to consider for a cut-and-carry system are cutting height, frequency of cutting and efficient management during the long dry season. All these parameters are regulated by the amount of precipitation, temperature fluctuations, soil type, species grown and the plant spacing between rows [12]. For better results, the most common cutting frequencies will be each 5-6 weeks. Generally, longer cutting frequencies, 8-10 weeks, generate greater total biomass but increase the proportion of indigestible tissue or low quality forage. On the other hand, shorter cutting frequencies favor fodder yield and quality. Generally, legumes have a high requirement for phosphorus which should be applied especially if the legume component loses vigor due to dominant grass growth. Intelligent manipulation of the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus applications is useful for maintaining a desirable balance between the grass and legume components. IMPORTANCE OF FENUGREEK FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION Fenugreek, is erect annual herb around 50 cm in height, which may be branched, the leaves are trifoliate and the leaflets oblong-lanceolate, to 5 cm. (Fig. 3). The flowers are usually pale yellow to white, 12-18 mm long and are borne at leaf axils. The pods are long, straight and flattened with a distinct beak; they are 50-110 mm long excluding the beak of 10-35 mm. The seeds are small golden brownish, oblong to rhomboidal in shape with a deep suture separating them into two unequal lobes. The seeds are arranged in batches of 10-20 within the pods. Fenugreek has a similar length of growing season to other pulses and legumes, in terms of disease; it is an advantage that it suffers less from foliar fungal pathogens than lentil, faba bean and chickpea [13]. Earlier researchers like Upadhyay et al. [14] and Dua et al. [15] have reported that fenugreek forage harvested at dough stage of maturity contained 14.4 and 13.9 % CP (Crude Protein) and IVDMD (in vitro digestibility of dry matter) of 58.3 and 51.2 % respectively. The high digestibility of dry matter (DM) from fenugreek hay compared with alfalfa cut at early-bloom may result in greater efficiency of feed utilization in ruminants, thus decreasing the need for excessive supplementation. High quality and dryland adapted forage crops such as fenugreek have potential to contribute to reduce feed concentrate dependence, by reducing feed requirements through increased feed efficiency and reducing water consumption for crop production [16]. It can produce high yield and high quality forage without fear of causing bloat in t h e cattle. Fenugreek is grown as a cool season crop both irrigated and rainfed and can grow on a wide range of well irrigated soils. In cooler locations the crop can be grown in the summer season. This crop contains animal growth promoting substances not present in other forage legumes and so has the potential to reduce use of artificial growth promoters. Green leaves are good source of protein, mineral and vitamin C, and seeds contain high level of iron and phosphorus rich in lysine and lipids and whole seed and dried plants are used as insect and pest repellent in grain storage [17]. Fenugreek will form symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and can easily help to replenish and maintain soil fertility on tropical agricultural lands by supplying nitrogen to the system. Additionally, fenugreek seed has been found beneficial in many diseases. Disrupted free radical metabolism in diabetic animals may be normalized by fenugreek seed supplementation in the diet [18]. Medicinal uses are diverse, from promotion of lactation in weaning mother, to its use as a removal of head lice from infected patients within a week. Fenugreek seeds in the human diet can reduce blood sugar, blood cholesterol, mitigate UV radiation damage and help reducing sickness due to air pollution [16].

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    A B C

    D E F Figure 3. A. & C. Fenugreek plants growing under field conditions, B. and E. Variations in fenugreek seed size and color representing different germplasms; D. Characteristic root nodules of fenugreek, F. Solitary terminal, self-pollinating flower of fenugreek.


    Silvopastoral system for cattle production will be suitable for similar agro-climatic regions in both Mexico and in the African continent. Fenugreek can yield high quality and quantity of fodder and can grow as a multi-purpose crop since it can also be used as medicinal plant and a spice crop. Fenugreek forage has the potential to reduce heavy dependency of the local cattle to graze in restricted forested lands in tropical and sub-tropical countries where shortage of fodder quality and quantity affects the livestock production. Fenugreek, like other legumes, is a good source of dietary protein for consumption by both humans and animals. Fenugreek is a good soil renovator and can be widely used as a quality green manure resource even in marginal lands in developed and under developed countries under low input agricultural systems. It is also recommended for production under rainfed agricultural systems due to its superb dryland adaptability.

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