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Extended ProjectFelicity Bearfoot-Fallon

Bringing life into lifeless placesWhen I walk home from the park, or go past the school playground, I am

fascinated by how it can be extremely busy, to then being lifeless moments later. I want to explore how to bring this energy and life into

places that are temporarily disremembered.

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Starting Point; Gallery Visit: Saatchi Gallery

I went to the Saatchi Gallery in London and found photographers and artists who based their work on some sort of movement, time or both. I compared the photos to the other forms of art such as drawings and paintings, to see the different concepts and forms of the work and how they related back to their subject.

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Frederic DeLangle

Artist Research 1

Frédéric Delangle, 1965, is a conceptual photographer based in France working with a large scale camera. In his project Nyctalope, meaning "to see the night", he made night-scapes at rural

locations using the headlights of his car as a light source. In 2005 and 2006 he also photographed at night in the city of Ahmedabad, India. The shutter was open for periods of 5 to 10 minutes. In the

city crowded with people and vehicles, it was the only moment to actually photograph the city itself. The following images come from the series Pourri, Nyctalope and Ahmedabad No Life Last

Night. This artist travels to deserted, run down places and areas and captures them. His photographs provide us with a slight uneasiness as the places look very isolated and lonely. He

rarely has people in his photographs to add to the loneliness and desertion, and if they are included, they are very concealed.

I like his work as it is diverse and sinister, I have not seen an artist similar to him. He puts light into darkened, isolated places and brings life to the area through light.

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Frederic DeLangle

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Artist 1Alexy Titarenko

Alexey Titarenko received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Department of Cinematic and Photographic Art at Leningrad's Institute of Culture in 1983. He began taking photographs at the beginning of the 1970s, and in 1978 became a member of the well-known Leningrad photographic club Zerkalo, where he

had his first solo exhibition (1978).

Titarenko’s signature style is a washed out grayscale as everything in the Soviet Union seemed grey, reflecting the drabness in the water supply, from the country’s soul to its streets. And yet, Titarenko’s grey

photos do not relfect ‘drabness’, but movement and the busyness of the streets. There is ghostliness in Titarenko’s photographs, a kind of impressionism that aims to make the cities uniquely his own. This is

especially evident in his photos of Havana, in which he transforms a sundrenched city into an eerie one. The feeling of otherworldliness is sometimes compounded by the timescape quality of Titarenko’s photos, due to long exposures, and by a single dash of washed out color, usually the yellow of the light, achieved by partial


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Alexy Titarenko

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Test ShootSchool playground at break

Ghost like effect created by a slow shutter speed, similarly to Alex Titarenko.

Movement created within the trees by a slow shutter speed and moving my hand slightly.

For this test shoot, I wanted to experiment with long exposure and slow shutter speeds, to see how movement and time can bring life back into this specific lifeless place. I thought a good starting point was a children's playground.

I had a slow shutter speed and moved forward slowly to have a moving blurry effect on the image.

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Final Images

My final images are successful because they show a foggy, ghost-like effect, conforming to the emptiness of what once was a lively place. The disillusioned effect also creates isolation within the images and they portray the movement within an empty playground, thus bringing life back into lifeless places.

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Main Shoot 1

For my first main shoot, I wanted to bring more colour into the images. Children are fond and are attracted to bright colours, and the long exposure creates the possibility that it is the movement of the child playing.

I created this effect by walking along the lines and shapes on the floor to establish some direction. I still wanted to keep the ghost-like, foggy effect to include the idea of isolation, as no children can be seen.

ReflectionI believe this shoot was successful as it portrays everything I was aiming for; the life of child playing, of which physically cannot be seen in the images, apart from the movement the child may of made. Next time I want to go to a public playground.

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Final Images for shoot 1 *on mr guegan’s laptop*

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Main shoot 2

For this shoot, I went out of school and to a public playground, where there was no guarantee there wouldn’t be anyone there. Using the movement of the equipment in the playground, and long exposure, I created movement without using people.

I still liked the idea of incorporating colour and keeping the photographs bright.

On some shots I had different shutter speeds to create different images that have used faster and slower movements.

*contact sheets at school*

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Final Images for shoot 2 *on laptop at school*